HomeMy WebLinkAboutNo 387 Concerning Tie Down of Mobile HomesORDINANCE NO. 387 ORDINANCE CONCERNING TIE DOWN OF MOBILE HOMES THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MAPLEWOOD DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOtiS: Section 1. Section 904 is hereby amended by adding the following subsection: 904.070. That effective S,ptember 1, 1975, all new installations of mobile homes shall be tied to ground anchoring systems. Such installation shall be in compliance with the Rules and Regulations of the State of Minne- sota, concerning such installations, in effect at that time. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after passage and publication. Passed by the City Council of the City of Maplewood, Minnesota this 10th day of July, 1975. Attests city Clerk AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 66ttite of CfRinnesotn 1 County of Ramsey 1 Ne Theo.Lillie ............................... I.......................... ........... t...... uln d111Y ewom,MNM MYS est. isub�maher he is and during all thetlmas harelnatafld has been Me.......................................... I.............. ........ _.................................................... Publisher and printer q the newspaper known as Maplewood Review, ORDIMANCENOA77 and has full knowledge of the lath hareln stated is 10110m: (1) Said newspaper is printed in Me ORDINANCE CONCERNING TIE DOWN English language In newspaper format and In Is column an and Sheet lsfoClsfrlqutedlaf leasin t Space ach week OF MOBILE HOMES - least Sold agWre Inches. (t Said newspaper Y (0) Ssld newspaper has ( percent ef pa news columns devoted to news q local Interest to the tom. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MAPLEWOOD munity which it purports to serve and does not wholly doppllcate any Omer publication and Is hot made DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: up entirely q patents, plate matter and advertisements. F14) Said newspaper Is circulated In and near Section 1. Section 9111 is hereby amended by Odin Me municipality Which It purports to serve, has at least .Soo Copies regularly delivered to Paying Me following subsection: subscribers, has an average M at least 75 percent of IN total circulation currently paid or no more Man 901.070. That effacllve September 1, 197S, all new three months In arrears and has entry as second-class matter In Its local odata It (5) said newspaper installation" mobile homes shall betiedtugroundind purports to serve the Village of Maplewood in M, County of Ramsey and it has IN known gift anchorin, systems. Sued installation shall be in cam of Issue in the Village q North St. Paul In said county, established and open during its regular pliance with ins RWH and Regulafion5 q the State q business hours for the gathering of news, sale Of advertisements and sale of subXrlptIons and maim Minnesota, the Put" such installations, in efface at tained by Me publisher of said newspaper or persons In his employ and subject to his direction and Mat Minnesota, control during all such regular business hours at which mid newspaper Is printed, (61 Said news- Section 7. This Ordinance shall take effect and be In paper files a copy of each Issue immediately with the State Historical Soclaty. (7) Said newspaper has force from 2 and Ord nancege and Publication. ect a. compiled with all the brepoing conditions for at least iw0 years preceding the day or Oates of publb cation mentioned below. 1al Said newspaper has filed with the Secretary of state Of Minnesota prior Passed by the City Council of the City of MaOlevabi to January 1, 1966, and each January 1 thereafter an affidavit in the form prescribed by Me Secretary Minnesota this 10th day of July, 1975 of State and signed by the publisher and sworn to before a notary public stating Mat the newspaper is _s, Mayor Brufon a legal newspaper. Attest -s- Lucille E. Aurelius Prdinanoe NO . City Clerk He further slate on oath that Ma printed ........... .... I.............}... ............................... (Rev'rew: Aug. 6, 1975) ....n......................... In In ethechedasa part hereof was cut from Mea,, for nns q eafo newspaper, and was printed and published Meneln In the English language, once each s��vaak, for ...... ...........one.......5..........f.... succ lvewesks:that It was first published on Wednesday the .............. day of .....................p is.Y...... ........................ ..... of 19.7.5and was thereafter printed and pub I lshed on every Wednesday to and including Wednesday Me .................. dayof .............. I ........1 19.... and that the following Is a printed copy of the lower use alphabet from A si Z, both inclusive, and IShereby acknowledged as being the sin sed kind of type used In Me composition and publication Of mid notice, tawlt: abcdefghiiklmnop0rsfirymy7 n 8 .........................19 ... �ja7� .............................,•,.�,Qa Subscribed and sworn to before me this.. 6th... day, .. 4.9401 .......................... 75 Notary Public, ........... I.......•BEASRICE•5: �yMbewwo Mr Commiealen EkPMee'I.?n. 1, �uhlic,.BarngQY..C.9lIntY,..MJnn.19.... My Commission Expires Sept. 67 1978