HomeMy WebLinkAboutNo 254 Amending the Maplewood Code, Sections 101.090, 401.010 and 401.020op ,- mnmm Nc. 254 AM ORDINAMM AMMMING THE MPT—MOD CODE, SECTIONS 101.090, 401.010 and 401,020. TR& COUMIL OF TW VILLAGE, OF H&PLXW)OD DOES $=BY ORDAIN AS FOLLM: Section 1. Maplaw" Code, Section 101."O is knoMM► OWOMW to read as follows; "101.090. MALTY. F'very person convicted of a violation of mw provision of this Cod* mhal I be pwished by a fine not to excaed MY) or by imprisommM for not to exceed 90 Myso unless a specific pr*v1stow to this Cckfe provides for a lesser Powlty. " ,%mtion 2. �*plevoed Co"j, .*'"tton 401.010 Is hereby smMad to read 60 follows -, '401.010. ADOPTIM OF WW6,. The highway traffic roWlatory provisImS of Minncmwta .-I'tatutes Chapter 169 as amended by Jmws of 1969 szW prior meWments, are haraby adopted as the traffic oiftumme of the VillAp sit WoUmwood regulating the use of hilbrayov ftv"ts., roaft s" alloys and re#aIMUm the spn*tion of vehicles within the v111sg** The mettims of Minnesota Statt*eS herein refarrod to Md all prwloimms aWlementary thereto sad ammmdatM thereof are hereby fiessimp,mi" into sad aftle ft part of this roda as complet*17 as if said provisions om set out in full." Section 3. Maplewood r;ode, section 401.020 to bereby amiandod to read as fellows= "1401.020., PMLTIF.S FOR VIOUTION. Any violations of the traffic ordiamwes of =*plewood shall constitute a misdomeanor *nd any person convicted of a violation of the provisions of the traffic ordinancos sW1 be piaaishe4 by fine not to exceed $300.00 or by imprisomiwmt in the ommty jail not to oamed " ARYS, or both. " Section 4, This ordinanc:* shd11 %mk* effect and be in force from and after its psomW "d poblication as powt" by Lm. by tho comwil Of the vtlu" Of mrd tar '/, day of..,moi s�.:� :.:a► 1969* Attar s