HomeMy WebLinkAboutNo 232 Relating to Motor Fuel StationsWtom W. at AN 01WIMWA REA TO WM "M BUTM-- 10UNCIL :*otos 1. 403.010 of the Mairleewood rode is 4=emled to read as follow! 1141'1,403-0'10- HOTM FUn TAT10K LICIWSE RSQUUXD, No pegrson, firm or cee'rlmratiax► stall, sagage in the �)uai;aesa of keeping, maintaining, or oparatiog any motor ,fuel station as defined in !ioct.i,-m 907.031 of time cedes without first obutni#ag a lira tse° therefor from the Council of iaplewoed and payieag a li -e use fee as hwree.i.0 provided." = tion 2 $03.020 of the maplo wod code is amonded to Broad as follow: "80.3. APPLICATIt.*1 i0t) .E:XPIRATT44. Al.t ,:pplicatioL for motor fuel eetstio" liens ieee sirll be tl"a to the Village Clark and stuall 1�e accompanied by six copies of a sot of pl=tats oo! ~ics containing g the following information, vhi.cyh shall to fcalded whore usceessary to a j:ise of x 11 iau pees. a) Location map showU% oattee in relatio-a to Village. b) A scaled plat plea of the site with Borth direction i�;Wtcsatod shoving all $its dimensions. c) Table listing all types of pr€eposeed use&. d) is.•ation map of all toild1*jS, structures, driveerays parking areAs and landscaping. a) El.evAtion dr -win" showing architeeturawl treafaeeat of all prOposed gtaructures. f) G*ne ra I flow plans of al 1 bui 141 .gi . S) Design, lay -e at and size of all Aignf;. h) Draeixe&$* plait of site. 0 DOSIS06tieee► dud cooplotee explanat^ior of type- and kind of motor fuel station as deefieeed in e;:ti,oe 907.13! . All licenses issued ::aider this cert i -Rance sh4l i expire one year from and Lifter d to of iss". unless reve lum for violation ,of a State law or village oraiisrance. "ceeaew-il 4011 be based upon a ifarsce witb all. ortgfua►l requirements to which appiicaut obull owtity on reaw"al app :lid&tion. " eatioa 3. 907-0100) of the Maplewood Codec is emmee&W to road as follow: ' T.X1+3 )) • Public garage or motor fuel. station, providing l.i.czeosee to opoae+rttt ,taih Wain*** is first ca;:xtal.nod from Village Coun.-Il pursuant to Apt*r p1l3 of this i* Ao. All p6bli.c gara$" aeaA motor fuel stacio"t a ;t be A#) 1 $ted an thesite and the site shall be of the *in* as provided in `>ac:t.i.on 907.01i of dile code Whiff defines kfrAs of operaatio ., site are,- required and other data relating to sus+ ossaine:say." Section 4. the �Ijaplewo d ;ode is amended by adding as now suction 907.030 to road as follovi 0907.030. AREA DE IGN R@QWR I% OF OT FUEL STATIONS. All automobile gara►gss, motor fuel stations a td other 6ustnesses providing fuel or service for Motor vehicles shalt be classified accordtag to cla►eses set forth in t4ation 907.031 aad shalt be placed upon a site having the area and treatment as provided in Soc.t.ions 907.031 to 907.03.5." Section S. The Maplewood ;;ode iA amended .by adding a aw section 407.031 to raw as f of lows : "907.031. 09FINITIONS. _) Motor Fuel Station - A retail place of isusle its MgsWd WWarily in the sale of motor fuels amd which in ea1;3o oage"d in seapplying gds and services generally required in the operation and weistenancee of Motor vehicles. 'lfhetse way include sale of petrolegrt products, sale and serviza ng of tire*, batteries, autmotivee accessories, replacement Parts, wasbiog and lui,iricAtLan services; And the performauce of minor automobile maintenance and repair. b) Internal motor Fuel Station - A motor fuel station located: at the intersection of tete major village thoreqMlaares; at the intersection of two or more village collector a trosto; or at the intersection of a major village street and a major collector street but not within 5<'ltl feet of a desiVwtod state trek highway or federally -aided inter- state highway. Major strosts a:ui major col lec tsar streets shall be deotiWtod by the Village itugineer on the Village VAsteer 5troot Plate. 4) Major Motor reel 3totion - A Motor fowl station located within 910 deet of they right -ref -way of at desipwftd state trusk hig'hwy or a to"rally sided Interstate higbway as of major vitlage street, village oell"Wr street, highway ioervice rend, or highway. d) Truck r'top - A motor fuel station devoted principally t:: the x►ee"a of over-tho-tuned tractor -trailer units and tratekse inciudirag restaorsot and/oar sleeping rosws and located within SW feet of Coe right -of -gray of a designated sate trunk highway and/or federally aided interstate highway and on a major village street, village collector street, highway service road or bigftmy. e) motor Feel station Cawalooce '!tare - A stere operated in co6junction with a major motor fuel station or truck stops your the purpose of otbriuB for etale goods not essential to the operation of an automobile or to the motoring; pub l i.c . " Section b.. The Maplewood Gee is amended by adding a now section 907.032 to wood as follows wa- "907.032. PARKING ARU FOR MOUA FM "TATIORS AM SMR FUAL 5'lATION ii43TblRANTS AMD CMV9419NCE STORES. h minimum of four outside parkl,ag spaces plus threat aaldit 1 outside parking ipaces for e4ch enclosed service stall shall be pro- vided at all motor fuel stats on%. If at restaurant ip operated in conjunction with a motor fuel xtAtion there shall be provided no less than one additional parklas spaces for each three seatiug 4ceaaaetadatjons wt`hin such restaurant. A parkin, ap+tate at a motor furl statin other than a truck stop shall l* A apasce of at least V x 20 test and a parkiag space Aat a �trucf�y��stop shalt i at IoAsyt. ¢l'0 x �r3 feet, ttsx.apt that one-half of the ree�reisvad Rpaacees at a .ruck *top .ay be of vNe F x 20 size. iRa oddit:amatl outside Ipso_ -e shall ixe provided .for each 150 square feet of floor spa; a devoted to retail sales .a A motor fuel station convenience %tare.` action 7. `Vee >-iIapl. ood node ix aaisaecad*d by .adding a nes. section 907.933 t* ruses as follows "917.033. MXDaDs Ov sx.oNsTRUCTION AND t5PMTICW l►r . WMW f 111 ,, °TIATIONS . a) the wetback of any overhead c.a epy or weather protection, ire* st&nding or pre jac t Vig fracas the s to t, i on s t ruc: turee slat l l be -qxr t less than 10 feet from the street right, of way line nor lass th4 a 20 feat from as adjacent property lime. la) Tho total h*LSht of &ray overhead canopy or weather prmtection shall. not onmed 20 feet. c) Opem dead storage of motor vableles, other th* a motor vehicles for rout, WWII not be pori t ted for a period of too" than 49 hours. d) ria sale# of motor vehicles or trailers or compers shall. '�e permitted. ej Se SOW$ for sale by motor fuel station convenience stares other t1han these gaaaetrs I ly required for the opera t ion axed eaa int uco ot: sQ v or vehicles $bell he displayed outsides of t -e principal motor fuel station, s true t urc . fj FAch wstotr fuel station shall be architecturally ciestgutted to as to b* As e340"tible as possible with that $morael architectural intetat of the area within which it i&� l aatad; meati all stales shall be consideved as .front face for architectural appropriateness. g) A minimum V) foot l andscoped yard shall be planted a mataataitaed behind the property line -along all adlucent public *treats. A landscape yard no less than 5 feet shall be maint,ais d #Along exterior property lints a ast►t at driveway entrenats . h) The e s t iro ono --aer fuel s taa t i. on site, other tbAkft that part devoted to laanz.Ix;aaping and structures shall be surfaiceed with coacrerte or bituats out _3w surface to control dust and provided drainage. And such asurfacos shall be 4*si$MW to eeteeet requirements of miaimm f»ur-ron axle load. Wbisrevor ca seater fuel statlou abuts a residential district to fence, or compact eweepoon badge not Lass tbau 50 percent opaepee nor loss then S feet to hetl$bt shall be erected sad maintained ale" the side aard rear lot line thaa�t abuts such reside.: tiet property; provided that sorb scrtsaas ia>;g sha i i step at hast 15 feet abort of the far at lent Iia o. Wbearever such scroeniog is installed the 5 -foot landsodiped yard to p .ragraph 6 above my he omitted. k} x11.1 trash, waste mate:ri.ala etW obsolete parts %hait be stored wi hiv as eeperete, Architecturally compatible structure, Inehind the principal structure of than motor fuel b to tion . t} lr�teerior curbs shall be constructed within the property to sepeer#te driving as d parking from landscaped areas. -Such aurbistg sbeall be coax= traxcted of comrat:e &sad of a 6 -inch aao>u-sureaee w.ita ale doolip. aa) All rental amg rs, trailers or motor vehicles; shall be scored witMs the rear lour side yard not adjacent to the street. 1h#ss Mels shah. not be :stored mithin the front yard setback nor the solei* yard adjacent to the street. 40 All outside paearkles spate shell be le "ted ems, the side audlor rear of the principal structure. o) All outdoor illumination shall be provided teiee'ba laaws$, reflectors, or shades which will coxas:ontra:te the ltdht the pataeeJ-=,esu so as to prevent ussdeeese *here therefrom being directly visible era any adjacent street, readioey or private propertiaa &--a;iapiosd for rosideeeatiaal purposes." iieuttaeen I. tae Mploweed Code is btrehy amended by adding as now section 907.034 to head ors follows- "907-034. fellows, "907.034. SIGNS. NoW thatauditag anything to the contrary in other sections of thir, code thea following roquirs"axts shall he observed for s .,.gaq for motor fuel setativna . aa) No more thane 040 pede-atal sign not in excess of 26 feet In height except that the t 0mail a" authorises a higher sign on any motor fuel statiork property Wbos circumstances ,justify such treater height. Pedestal shall he not less than 5 foot from a drivowaay at i ta' nearest. point. 4uch sign shall have no aerate then 3 faces wW *ball set exceed seam dears 1€ 0 square feet per farce. h) An internal tsunor feel statics 2W lteeaue eteeeee adds tiseeaael elders. Dalai slips Shall lka ao more than 2 faces and **It coot nxeeeod it o l the* 30 Square feet per lace . 1he top of any such *IS* elmdl net be WN than twonty (20) fete in height. e) Major motor fuel station and truck, ate" daaall have ere weaxe than ooe ped"taal, types, buoineaxs identificaetiou *lew wet to eemraseed 3S feet in height erected within any yard except Watt me part of said *Up sbgll be less than 6 feet from a property lime wsasurexd horiuostally. +a$id sign shall have aa* wore than 3 fao"I cermet in axe #* of M squaro feet per fact. So part of said sign eaurfaeare atbaall be lessee than 16 feet -4-- vwrtical di,astaee m frm oro" of nearest: driveway or parking area:. The pedestal stall be not less than 3 feet from any driveway at its aearreest Point. d) MA jar motet'r fuel stations asd track steeps way have 2 *Mittimal sigma, each having no mor* than 2 faces of not ever 30 se;"rtee feet per fee*. 'Me Lop of any such sign sshatl not ee:xeteaod 20 fast is beiSht. a) Notwith4tandiar, any contrary provvision- in thio ordinance, the following u1nizasm requirements ents shael l be observed for yaarrd% and setbacks for motor feed statioaa:. 71 Yid th Yard Intete of motor 1+ tl Staetion 150' 'C roo Major M.1,' -station 2001 600 TRUCk stop 3009 6,3' Re ata l a or toros IS.0' (in addi. t; uw. to Station Htsiteeeae) (gid; . ta► Ad j. to) Rear ?UW Aitothes`r lot `1tr*at Yard setback 30' wo 30' 251 30' 60' 30* 30' 60' ` 30' FXj ; eec t l ogk Vie . TI -w Mapleode L9 hereby a owed t by adding a new se-zt .on W7.().3-51 to rem as follows: ""7.035. ACC.93S DR1VZWA,Y +. ima t 4cteess dritrwsys mall 'be d ateneel sand con- str%s et d "cording to the following standards for "to Salrroos ared oWess for users tee> Utirt to wee of tbo reeast oriftg a) The 41staa.co from a dri.vemmy to the tinter"ctiena of 2 streets still be at meat 25 feet ms"mme(i alo S Ow propwty line from the lot coraetr to the poiist whon to sidre liter of elver 4vivermy jetewseeects with sat3,4 property l inee . to any case reset dw V 1leqp Saglasm drettrend sits *s t present: are fut we trraffic coodtti.a w rrse t a �r disteereesaee, s distance as ba, spdoifies cull be waWived. b) The niatwim distance between 4riveewsyse Obat1 be 30 feet measured at the prepsrty Itne; except that graiatorr dieter*** say be required if the Village Uginoorr determine* th4t present or future traffic coaditi.a ns waarraut such greater d i s t"an cer, c) 'Thee minimum drivevay angles to the stv*ot $ball he toy desl rre:en, ualase otherwise de ternined by the Vi,ll&" ibeginoer. d) minium distance t tom driveway to ad aacen+t propenrvy t:s3ee--iot li pie shall be 10 foot emessured aalmg, front property line. es) all access drives oball be at 1+M of 30 feet, wide* smasureed along property line betltr*M +curb f ace:<ss ." Seation 10. lkta a rdiatueems A all take Ofoet ami W in forrcer from aai4 after ter -5- i t -s pGmm* t "d publicotift. Passe this l 9 day of Octobery 1%7 by the Comci. l of the V# lla$* of Wplewood . Attest C ORDINANCE NO. 232 for rent, shall not be permitted AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO for a period of more than 48 hours. MOTOR FUEL STATIONS. d) No sales of motor venicles or trail - THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF ers or campers shall be permitted. MAPLEWOOD DOES HEREBY OR- e) No goods for sale by motor fuel DAIN AS FOLLOWS: station convenience stores other Section 1. 802.010 of the Maplewood than those generally required for Code is amended to read as follows: the operation and maintenance of "803.010. MOTOR FUEL STATION motor. vehicles shall be displayed LICENSE REQUIRED. No person, firm outside of the principal motor fuel or corporation shall engage in the Intel- station structure. seas of keeping, maintaining, or open- f) Each motor fuel station shall be sting any motor fuel station as defined architecturally designed so as to be in Section 907.031 of this code without as compatible as possible with the first obtaining a license therefor from general architectural intent of the the Council of Maplewood and paying a area within which it is located: and license fee as herein provided." all sides shall be considered as Section 2. 803.020 of the Maplewood front face for architectural ap- Code is amended to read as follows: propriateness. 803.020. APPLICATION AND ER- g) A minimum 10 foot landscaped PIRATION. All applications for motor yard shall be planted and main - fuel station licenses shall be made to tained behind the property line the Village Clerk and shall be accom- - along all adjacent public streets. A panted by six copies of a set of plans landscape yard no less than 5 feet and graphics containing the following shall be maintained along exterior information, which shall be folded where property lines except at driveway necessary to a size of 8�'2 x 11 inches: entrances. a) Location map showing site is re- b) The entire motor fuel station site, lation to Village, other than that part devoted to b) A scaled plat plan of the site with landscaping and structures shall be North direction indicated and show- surfaced with concrete or bitumi- ing all site dimensions. nous surface to control dust and e) Table listing all types of proposed provided drainage, and such sur. uses. faces shall be designed to meet re- d) location map of all building, struc- quirements of minimum four -ton tures, driveways, parking areas and axle load. landscaping. J) Wherever a motor fuel station abuts s) Elevatioa drawings showing archi- a residential district a fence or tectural treatment of all proposed compact evergreen hedge not less structures. than 50 percent opaque nor less f) General floor plans of all buildings. than 6 feet in height shall be g) Design, lay -out and size of all erected and maintained along the signs. aide and rear lot line that abuts h) Drainage plan of site. such residential property: provided i) Designation and complete explann- that such screening shall stop at tion of type and kind of motor least 15 feet short of the front fuel station as defined in Section lot line. Wherever such screening 907.031. is installed the 5 -foot landscaped All licenses issued under this ordinance yard in paragraph g above may shall expire one year from and after be omitted. date of issue, unless revoked for viola- k) All trash, waste materials and ob- tion of a state law or village ordinance. solete parts shall be stored within Renewal shall be based Upon compliance a separate, architecturally com- all original requirements to which patible structure, behind the prin- with applicant shall certify on renewal ap- cipal structure of the motor fuel plication." Section S. 907.010(j) of the Maplewood station. I) Interior curbs shall be constructed Code is amended to read as follows: within the property to separate "907.010(1). Public garage or motor driving and parking from land - fuel station, providing license to operate - scaped areas. Such curbing shall be such business is first obtained from constructed of concrete and of a Village Ceuncil pursuant to Chapter 803 6 -inch non -surmountable design. r of this Code. All public garages and m) All rental campers, trailers or motor fuel stations must be so located motor vehicles shall be stored with - the site and the site shall be of the in the rear and/or side yard not on as provided in Section 907.030 of adjacent to the street. These rentals size this code which defines kinds of opera- shall not be stored within the front tion, site area required and other data yard setback nor the side yard ad - relating to such business." jacent to the street. Section 4. The Maplewood Code is n) All outside parking spaces shall be amended by adding a new section 907.030 located to the side and/or rear of to read as follows: the principal structure. "907.030. AREA AND DESIGN RE- o) All outdoor illumination shall be QUIREMENTS OF MOTOR FUEL STA- provided with lenses, reflectors, or TIONS. All automobile garages. motor shades which will concentrate the fuel stations and other businesses pro- light upon the premises so as to viding fuel or service for motor vehicles prevent undue glare therefrom be - shall be classified according to classes ing directly visible on any adja- set forth in Section 907.031 and shall cent street, roadway or private be placed upon a site having the area properties occupied for residential and treatment as provided in Sections purposes." being duly sworn, on oath says; mss herein stated has been---------------- --- l ---w------ ----� Map�e�ood--F�evi ew ---------- publisher of the newspaper known ae�sritlic�vi�Cai Lots hereinafter stated; that for more than one year prior to the publica- Rinance --------------------------------------------------hereinafter described. published in the Village of North St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, r of each week; that during all said time said newspaper has been print - its known office of publication within the Village from which it pur- .d and in newspaper format and in column and sheet form equivalent ag inches of single column, two inches wide; has been issued once established in said place of publication and employing skilled workmen material for preparing and printing the same, and the presswork on that local news of interest to the community which it purports to serve has publication; that during all said time in its makeup not less than twenty - a have been devoted to local news of interest to the community it pur- aid time it has not wholly duplicated any other publication, and has not 1, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its xtent of at least two hundred and forty (240) copies regularly delivered ry as second class matter in its local post office; and that a copy of each Lte Historical Society, St. Paul; and that there has been on file in the Ramsey County, Minnesota, the affidavit of a person having knowledge and location of said newspaper and the existence of the conditions i a legal newspaper. . n a n C e -------------hereto attached was cut from the was printed and published therein in the English language, once each _ ------successive weeks; that it was first so published on Wednesday November ______19_67 and thereafter on Wednesday the -------------------day of ------------------------------19--- and spy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice. .y commission expires--------------------------------------------it---- VERNON I PTACEK Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission Expires Sept. 10, 1973 Section a. -lne Maplewood Code to amended by adding a new section 907.031 to read as follows.: "907.031. DEFINITIONS. a) Motor Fuel Station—.A retail place of business engaged primarily in the sale of motor fuels and which is also engaged in supplying goods ' and services generally required in tile operation and maintenance of motor vehicles. These may include sale of petroleum products, sale and servicing of tires, batteries, automotive accessories, replacement parts, washing and lubrication serv- ices'. and the performance of minor automobile maintenance and repair. 1) Internal Motor Fuel Station — A motor fuel station located: at the intersection of two major village thoroughfares; at the intersection of two or more village collector streets: or at the intersection of a major village street and a major collector street but not within 600 feet of a designated state trunk highway or federally -sided inter- state highway. Major streets and major collector ®treets shall be des- ignated by the Village Engineer on the Village Master Street Plan. a) Major Motor Fuel Station—A motor fuel station located within 500 feet of the right-of-way of a designated state trunk highway or a feder- ally aided interstate highway on a major village street, village collee- tor street, highway service road, or highway. d) Truck Stop—A motor fuel station devoted principally to the needs of over -the -road tractor -trailer units and trucks including restaurant and/or sleeping rooms and located within 500 feet of the right-of-way of a designated state trunk high- way and/or federally aided )nter- state highway and on a major vil- lage street, village collector street, highway service road or highway. e) Motor Fuel Station Convenience Store—A store operated in conjunc- tion with a major motor fuel sta- tion or truck stop for the purpose of offerinZ for sale goods not es- sential to the operation of an auto. mobile or to the motoring public." Section 6. The Maplewood Code is amended by adding a new section 907.032 b read as follows: 907:032. PARKING AREA FOR MO- TOR FUEL STATIONS AND MOTOR FUEL STATION RESTAURANTS AND CONVENIENCE STORES. A minimum of four outside parking spaces plus three additional outside parking spaces for each enclosed service stall shall be pro- ,sIded at all motor fuel stations. If a restaurant is operated in conjunction with a motor fuel station there shall be Provided no less than one additional parking space for each three seating accommodations within such restaurant. A parking space at a motor fuel station other than a truck stop shall he a space Of at least 8x20 feet and a parking space at a truck stop shall be at least 10 x 50 feet, except that one-half of the required spaces at a truck stop may be of the 8 x 20 size. One additional out- side space shall be provided for each 150 square feet of floor space devoted to retail sales in a motor fuel station convenience store." Section 7. The Maplewood Code is amended by adding a new section 907.033 to read as follows: "907.033. STANDARDS OF CON- STRUCTION AND OPERATION FOR MOTOR FUEL STATIONS. a) The setback of any overhead can- opy or weather protection, free standing or projecting from the station structure shall be not less than 10 feet from` the street right of way line -nor less than 20 feet from an adjacent property line. b) The total height of any overhead canopy or weather protection shall not exceed 20 feet. a) Open dead storage of motor ve- hicles, other than motor vehicles Section 8. The Maplewood Code is hereby amended by adding a new section 807.084 to read as follows: "907.084. SIGNS, Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in other see - tions of this code the following re- quirements shall be observed for signs for motor fuel stations. a) No more than, one pedestal sign not in excess of 26 feet in height except that the Council may author- ise a higher sign on any motor fuel station property when circum- stances justify such greater height. Pedestal shall be not less than 5 feet from a driveway at its nearest point. Such sign shall have no more than 3 faces and exceed shall not more than 100 square feet per face. b) An internal motor fuel station may have two additional signs. Said signs shall have no more than 2 faces and shall not exceed more than 30 square feet per face. The top of any such sign shall not be more than twenty (20) feet in height. c) Major motor fuel stations and truck stops shall have no more than one pedestal type, business identification signs not to exceed 35 feet in height erected within any yard ex. cent that no part of said sign shall be less than 6 feet from a property line measured horizontally. Said sign shall have no more than 3 faces, not in excess of 150 suare feet per face. No part of said sign surface shall be less than 16 feet vertical distance from grade of nearest driveway or parking area. The pedestal shall be not less than 5 feet from any driveway at its nearest point. 4 Major motor fuel stations and truck stops may have 2 additional signs, each having no mora than 2 faces of not over 80 square feet per face. The top of any such sign shall not exceed 20 feet in height. e) Notwithstanding any contrary pro- visions in this ordinance, the fol- lowing minimum requirements" shall be observed for yards and setbacks for motor fuel stations: Side Yard Side Yard Lot Front *Adj. to •Adj• to Rear Pump Width Yard Another lot Street Yard Setback Internal Motor Fuel Station 150' 60' Major M.F. Station 200' 60' RIcStop 300' 60' s or Stores 160' •(In addition to Station Minimum)" Section Q. The Maplewood Code is hereby amended by adding a new section 907.035 to read as follows: "907.035. ACCESS DRIVEWAYS. All access driveways shall be designed and constructed according to the following standards for safe ingress and egress for uses relating to service of the motoring: a) The distance from a driveway to the intersection of 2 streets shall be at least 25 feet measured along the property line from the lot cor- ner to the point where the side line of the driveway intersects with said property line. In any case where the 'Village Engineer deter- mines that present or future trai- fie conditions require a greater distance, such distance as he speci- fies shall be required. b) The minimum distance between driveways shall he 80 feet measured at the property line; except that greater distance may be required if the Village Engineer determines that present or future traffic con- ditions warrant such greater dis. tance. c) The minimum driveway angle to the street shall be 45 degrees, un- less otherwise determined by the Village, Engineer. d) Minimum distance from driveway to adjacent property side -lot line shall be 10 feet measured along front property line. a) All access driveways shall be at 30' RO' 30' 26' 30' 6o' 30' 30° 60' 60' 710' 30' — 10, — least 80 feet wide, measured along property line between curb faces." Section 10. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed this 19tb day of October, 1967 by the Council of the Village of Ma- plewood. Louis P. Gilbert Mayor Attest: James M. Hafner, Clerk Ayes Nays (Review: Nov. 8, 1967)