HomeMy WebLinkAboutNo 225 Relating to the Building Code and Amending the Maplewood Code by Adding a New Chapter 327, Entitled "Moving of Houses"ORDINANCE NO. 225 AN ORDINANCE RMAM'G TO `THE 3UILDIRG' CODS AND AMENDING TFE HAMWOOD CODE BY ADDING 4 NW Cii.A'TEa 3279 }fit TITLY0 "MOVING OF HOUSES", THE COUNCIL OF THE VILTA(A OF MAPLEYOOD DOTS HEREBY OTJAIN AS F0LLO1N 3 s Saotion 1. ::. new Section 327.010 under Chapter 327 shall be adJ.ez' to read as follows "327.010, HYGULATION- S. Anenever any existing building is to be is -sred_ from its+ present location to a location within ksavlewood, the persan or. cox .,):ration propoain,s to nova said structure Ghali first comply with the fol.lcreing avecific roquiremen is s (a) present a. petition signed by 60,'� of the owners of propert`� located within 5(Y) feet of the legally described site upon which the building is to be pla,oed. 'There sahll be attached to saie, petition photographs showing all _four sides of -the bailding as it appears before moving; onto the site and there shall also accompany said petition, ars abstractor's certificate liebn* the properties and the names of the owners thereof that areeslocatea within. 500 feet of the proposed new site for said building. (b) The person op corporation presenting the petition ahall, a.t the time of presenting same, pay over to the Village Clerk an e3orow deposit of 950-0'.' which Sum shall be zz3ed for the purpose of defr,,:,yim costs incurred by the Village in processing the application., inspecting the 'building and doing whatever else the Village needs to do in order to determine whether or not the Wilding conforms with, ur can be made to conform with the exi stin , tpl.ewood Code. (o) Upa_', receipt of such petitiong the Village Clerk shall inform the buildir:.;, electrical, heating and pluibing inspeotor of the information set forth irathe petition which shall include the looritiori on sririoh the bui.ldin,93 originall { built before moving and the looption in Maplewood to ,.,raioh it i-, Wo be moved.. These inspecto:rs and any other officials whose inspection i rerluired, �ih ill inspect the building; and.:hall "be reimbursed at the rate of por hoar, plus mileage at 100 per rri .e for time and travel involve) in making sucht in.� pection. (d) If am, porticn of the escrow �o._yment required in paragraph (b) above is not usedp the wnouret remaining shall be returned to the �)etitioner. (e) The Village Counvil wkvp if it deems neoessary, require an additional dWpoeit up to a total of $250.00 to guarantee any street repair that Maj be required following the process of movi,Yie the lbuildin£; , In tris oa.se, any urnzed portion of such deposit will be ret'arr ed tW the petitioner. (f) In addition to items hereinbefore .yet forth, the petitioner shall nuke application for moving upon nn a.pnlication form to be prepared by the Clerk and shall provide whatever information the petition reTaire 7 1-moludi.ng, 'vat not limited to, complete construction plans of the building or s-ruoture itself and a site plan for the location upon which it is to be platy d. To the extent that reconstruction or remodeling is necef+s-x-�, all Exch work shall be :she -.,m on the plan.,.. Other matters to be included in the plans and specifications shall be foundation, exterior repairs and improvements, including windows and doors:, roofing, electrioa.l mndifioations required to meet 'Tillage coda, heating system and arrj necessary interior reconstruction or decorating. ( ) The proper ':tillage offioia.l &fall determine whether or not, d.rainrxE a of the neer site is feasible and availab'lo and in, ooruiaotion therewith 4�.,ay require any apputirtenLnces or new itasta.11ations that are determined to be neoessar'y, all of which 3h -all be at the petitioners expense. (h) Landsoapin g and yard work neoessa� to pInce the :site in reasonable con- formwice with respect to surrou3tdiwg, propertly, inoluding aoddin °, �xading, plantings, or other landscape items requires.. (i j In the event a�kq- Village official, inspector 07- en4neer find any of the fol lowing tQ be true, no permit eha.11 be imried s 1. rVJY a=pplioation, o:any fee or deposit, hos not been oomplied *pith. 2. That the building is too large to rjav:z wi4;hout endangering persons or property in the Village. 3. That the building is in such. a state of deta ricrati:)n or disrepair, or is otherwise s > zoturally so cezr�a.fe, tha d it moul j" not be moved witherat endangering persons and%car property in the 1,111age, 4. ' 1-lat the building is stiucturally WIAafe or unfit; fog -the purpose for which moved, if the removal location is in the Tillage. 5. 'That the building to be moved is not worth at least 1,50 of the cost of a Amilar neer }wilding as determined. by the necesaai7 ftilding and Village Offioials. (J) The .petitioner shall furnish a corpora s oiv�ety bond. in the amotat of li times the estimated cosi; of remodeling, reafinishingg or other•.dse constructing or reconstructing such building in accordance with the plai= and specifications And such bonds shall be further coNvIi # inred thc-it the work will be completed wi.thin 90 days of the isasttai ce o L t.'...e perp i,t. W All rubbish, materials, ext fi.11, dirt, debri, leftover mate --Jai or other thin6n, shall be removed from the property within l; days after L. MUlding is removed. from 3rky. site. such removal sh=ill. also require the same procedures o.s set forth herein for roving a building onto a si z:e i' . 1Iapl.ewood and the bond to be provided shall be :set forth as an additiox-.z1 condition the fact that the site will be cleaned up as bereL7; . reg.p.;i.red. "' Section 2. A neer section 327.020 under Chapter 327 shall be added to read aa follows e "327.020. COMPL 7t'1. ';, I Of 1fR CHAPURS. All provisions of Chapters 305, 306 307, 308 and 323' pertaining to permit fessi lioensing and liability insur"ce, stall apply to this Ghapter. ' section 3. This ordinance shall tyke effec.- and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed this 18th dky of Mait 1967, by the Council of the `Tillage of Maplewood. ATTE Ayes - "lays - mayor ORDINANCE NO. 226 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE BUILDING CODE AND AMENDING THE MAPLEWOOD CODE BY ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 327. ENTITLED "MOVING OF HOUSES." THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF MAPLEWOOD DOES HEREBY OR- DAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A new section 327.010 un- der Chapter $27 shall be added to read as follows: "327.010. REGULATIONS. Whenever any existing building is to be moved from Its present location to a location within Maplewood, the person or corporation Proposing to move said structure ahall first comply with the following specific requirements: (a) Present a petition signed by 60% of the owners of property located with- in 500 feet of the legally described site upon which the building is to belaced. There shall be attached to said petition photographs showing all four sides of the building as it appears before moving onto the site and there shall also accompany sald petition, an abstractor's certificate listing the properties and the names of the owners thereof that are lo- cated within 500 feet of the pro- posed new site for said building. (b) The person or corporation present- ing the petition shall, at the time of presenting same, pay over to the Village Clerk an escrow deposit of $50.00 which sum shall be used for the purpose of defraying costs in- curred by the Village in processing the application, inspecting the build- ing and doing whatever else the Vil- lave needs to do in order to deter- mine whether or not the building conforms with or can be made to onform with the existing Maplewood (e) Upon receipt of such petition, the Village Clerk shall inform the build- ing, electrical, heating and plumb- ing inspectors of the information set forth in the petition which shall in- clude the location on which the building was originally built before moving and the location in Maple- wood to which it is to be moved. These inspectors and any other officials whose inspection is requir- ed, shall inspect the building and shall be reimbursed at the rate of $7.50 per hour, plus mileage at 10c per mile for time and travel in. volved in making such inspection. (d) If any portion of the escrow pay- ment required in paragraph (b) above is not used, the amount re- maining shall be returned to the petitioner. (e) The Village Council may, if it deems necessary, require an additional de• posit up to a total of $250.00 to guarantee any street repair that may be required following the pro- cess of moving the building. In this case, any unused portion of such deposit will be returned to the peti- tioner;,.-- ---- _Itk2ttr of �Ninnrsuta County of Ramsey T R Lillie ------------- R, Lillie being duly sworn, on oath says: that he is, and during all the times herein stated has been_____________________________________________ I�.a.plewood Review the______—_______________________________publisher of the newspaper known as and hus full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated; that for more than one year, prior to IMM. tion therein of the_-------ordina_ne�P------------------�_____�------------------- -------------------------------- --------- — -------------------- — ---------- hereinafter described, said newspaper was printed and published in the Village of North St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, on Wednesday of each week; that during all said time said newspaper has been print- ed in the English language from its known office of publication within the Village from which it pur- ports to be issued as above stated and in newspaper format and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least 450 running inches of single column, two inches wide; has been issued once each week from a known office established in said place of publication and employing skilled workmen and equipped with the necessary material for preparing and printing the same, and the presswork on that part of the newspaper devoted to local news of interest to the community which it purports to serve has been done in its known office of publication; that during all said time in its makeup not less than twenty- five per cent of its news columns have been devoted to local news of interest to the community it pur- ports to serve; that during all said time it has not wholly duplicated any other publication, and has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty (240) copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers and has entry as second class matter in its local post office; and that a copy of each issue has been filed with the State Historical Society, St. Paul; and that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, the affidavit of a person having knowledge of the facts, showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of the conditions constituting its qualifications as pp, legal newspaper. OA811O P That the---------------- ------ to --------------------------hereattached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, once each week, for__________ one ----------------successive weeks; that it was first so published on Wednesday the____ 2�-tn__________ day of ---- ML-----------------------19-6;: and thereafter on Wednesday of each week to and including the -------------------day of ------------------------------ 19---- ; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, +--it : a bcdef ghi j klmnopgrstuvwxys Subscribed and sworn to before My commission szD vER!`i51.1y-._Y_LAUEK---------------19---- otary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission Expires Sept. 10, 1973 N.q-•--nnaiiion to items hereinbefore set forth, the petitioner shall make ap- plication for moving upon an ap- plicat;on form to he prepared by the Clerk and shall provide what- ever information the petition requir- es including, but not limited to, complete construction plans of the building or structure itself and a site plan for the location upon which it is to be placed. To the extent that reconstruction or remodeling is necessary, all such work shall be shown on the plan. Other matters to be included in the plans and specifications shall be foundation, exterior repairs and improvements, including windows and doors, roof- ing, electrical modifications required to meet Village code, heating system and any necessary interior recon- struction or decorating. (g) The proper Village official shall de- termine whether or not drainage of the new site is feasible and available and in connection therewith may require any appurtenances or new installations that are determined to be necessary, all of which shall be at the petitioners expense. (h) Landscaping and yard work neces- sary to place the site in reasonable conformance with respect to sur- rounding Property, including sod- ding, grading. Plantings, or other landscape items reouired. (1) In the event any Village official, in- spector or engineer shall find any of the following to be true, no per- mit shallbe issued: 1. Any application, or any fee or deposit, has not been complied with. !. That the building Is too large to move without endangering per- sons or property in the Village. 11. That the building Is in such a state of deterioration or disre- pair, or Is otherwise structurally so unsafe, that It could not be moved without endangering per- sons and/or property In the Vil- lage. 1. That the building is structurally unsafe or unfit for the purpose for which moved, if the removal location is in the Village. 6. That the building to be moved is not worth at least 60% of the coat of a similar new building as determined by the necessary Build- ing and Village Officials. (j) The petitioner shall furnish a cor- porate surety bond in the amount of 1% times the estimated cost of re- modeling, refinishing, or otherwise constructing or reconstructing such building in accordance with the plans and specifications and such bonds shall be further conditioned that the work will be completed within 90 days of the issuance of the permit. (k) All rubbish, materials, extra fill, dirt, debris, leftover material or other things, shall be removed from the property within 16 days after a building is removed from any site. such removal shall also require the same procedures as set forth herein for moving a building onto a site in Maplewood and the bond to be pro- vided shall be set forth as an ad- ditional condition the fact that the site will be cleaned up as herein re- quired." Section 2. A new section 327.020 under Chapter 327 shall be added to read as fol- lows$ "327.020. COMPLIANCE WITH OTH- ER CHAPTERS. All provisions of Chap- ters 306, 306, 307, 808 and 326, pertain- ing to permit fees, licensing and lia- bility insurance, shall apply to this Chapter." Section S. This ordinance shall take j effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication, 1967. Passed this 18th day of May, by the council of the Village of Maple- wood. Louis P. Gilbert Mayor Ayes 6 Nays O Attest: James M. Hafner Clerk