HomeMy WebLinkAboutNo 222 Amending Chapter 911 Relating to Special Use Permit Under the Zoning Code,IRMAVMF so, 2n -ANIMrt I "M 41, 'r gil Pme r "T)W TIM =31HO rODY, T.RJr COMIL 'OT VILIACV. Oir UA?I_kM(X10 DM XWOM ORDAIX 47 POLUX­4 I 3ectiiw� I. eOUOU 911.,010 of `*�e ��plowood "Oda is herabo, *sonded WlAe io nrrr auDwirattrn.ph 9 to read as fc1lawos 3;>ecinl use permit W he iaaueidl ir, a�r uae 41atriolt, fox- e planned Mit Uvalopwt. 1plarzwl urvit dopw.r,., :o a d*VOII*Y2W,,t uayir4- or more principal user, or atructures on e !3_JA,�,eLe �y�.-osj of land a.1 two V IL d inelVAS t*wAmse*# aWta*nt tnvolvLn,,,. -=,re. star, oi-�e lding, mai: ti­uaa alr"Wrw andh as an apace tndlding with retail at ground -floor level$ wW, aimilar projeots. :ice devolopmente =ay 40 excluded from corani n requirements of IM13 ordirtuicepqmvidir)gt t tri Prelisinary ?Ien in sufficient 4*t&U to POMO flppropt-IiKta OftivAtti-ori of the dosiiaonoeptra of the propmW pro jest, abali ue S%%dtW U tho pl a lr aommi4zior, whiah amll reviow U* propoge, Wejoct and, ehall pase a rv3okati,n In4estug its *#Vroyal ax dii- ApprovRIA 4f t,,,'4 Project. r,ny apvx�,�Val *hall be P9011MInary aM subject to. further appm-ml of a compluote, 4*taU*d idan# (b) a. OOayil&toIotail.*4 plan dmIl be oWnIftA to ** p1majar, 11 61 an showing the Iaoatiou of all pregoped oftvatevesq 4AvwW#q 180dWOOPine, pafting, noreeningt s14swalksq aeoNs Land umwt aM wt other information r"eated i>y *-e ocanimaoa. It to the intentiori of -thin -,;*ction t� prtnitide a mevao to allow flexi5ilitj b,-/ aubmtAntial varj,=ces rxom the provisions of this Ordim,MOO# iAOIUdiU6 USess Set-CmCkay he t, "-d )ther regulations. kr1aaOsS W be xPnMted for ,14med !,nit ',evelomentaq provided certain rogulations Oontained in this "frdinazoo do malisti*1.11y to the ?,n3sed develi.,)JIMent bacauue oll, the ArLi:tu* aatur6 Of t=o P-m,posed dorrelopment. V I uriano*zq If meted, -should be Mly *O"jSWt the senaral in and pkurpoae of thi.i ,�rdlnanaej the Aamed "fait I 'Nwego pamt vrotzl d produce urban Uvslopsw, 4%. an4 an urban SWVIXQat of oqual !�,r auperior qun.11tV to viot whioll. wrncLtjrOtjU*j.t from a-triat O'l-U 'A / 4 W as Wi Adh*ronoe to the provinlann of 1, a t�io , ri ac 11 not ,cortntituto as thr,"t to tbo property valuo,,i, h-ealths or C;ar_em�j -**I.faYv of the ownera or ooeulmntil o.f, avijasent or 1IO&Sby JwAj nor be to Lhe nafoiVq xorala# or S*sezej Wolsare Of the ,P00,9101 aie pmposod 40velopment lz� �f Sueh a 944" =tare W; tv reqjuire amajdarati--m updor oondjtjs e4f 8 pla"gd Vai,41 `�rr*jopwjt; it Shall !* det-eivndnod that the vwdano" an reqs for feasmable 4ad pmetioeble i Oica.). ilevolo.W*Wt a*08MAng to A plan aM 4M atat Mquired inioly on the ba oin of fir.janolal e=*jAW*tja4,w. upcm reoview and rec of the PlAnning eomisoionv dall find that the jyzvpoz�qd #AW*jpyMV is fully Oanalxtt with tine porpowei of tbia 'r4inano*. (4".% 1,%* AWWI if W *411 cor-rorm ** th* pU* as wed vj* tbe, VillaRte air 111SIPle!"" a" 4W Taftatia" twes VW PUN dkou vspj�ft VAor approval *f No p%wwd*,b"ri. ecti . 'whia corm a *hall Uke oftect ir. C roo frm anti after its paboan, tend publication ram proyMod by lar, ?aSsed by the 'caxtn of U)o 'Allage *` *sPlowood this ., day at �.�` �.. ,e 1966* say 0 aNl�wr•mYM.. � �,` ...w.r.+Nra..�....�J�/�W�Y' +«ar.i.rarww.-a++a..nw..«..'. ORDINANCE NO. 222 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAP- TER 911 RELATING TO SPECIAL USE PERMITS CODE, UN;ER THE ZONING THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF MAPLEWOOD DOES HEREBY OR- DAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 911.010 of the Maplewood Code is hereby amended by adding a new subparagraph No, g read as follows : to `kate of fflinnesota "9.'A special use permit may beissued In any use district for a planned unit �• development. A 'planned unit develop- County of Ramsey Ment' shall be a development having two (2) or more principal uses or struc- includtures on a single parcel of land and may . Re Lillie e townhouses, apartment projects ---------------------------------------------------- being duly sworn, on oath says; involving more than one building, multi- use structures such as an apartment that he is, and during all the times herein stated has been_____________ building with retail at __-_____ _r__ ________________ el, and similar ground -floor lep. 11 leWOOd R@Vieil ments may excluded i Such develop- �% y be excluded from certain re- the ---------------------------------------publisher of the newspaper known as1�2i qua) e4y is of this ordinance, providing:, aiid had full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated; that for more titan one year prior to the public&- ($) A preliminary plan in sufficient detail to permit appropriate evaluation tion therein of the_____ Ordinarwe of the design concepts of the-----------------------------------------------------�__� Project shall be submitted to theplan-I ning commission which shall review they ------------- ______hereinafter described, Propose project and shall ease a resoe said newspaper was printed and published in the Village of North St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, lution indicating its approval or dis- State of Minnesota, on Wednesday of each week; that during all said time said newspaper has been print - approval of the project. Any approval ed in the English language from its known office of publication within the Village from which it Pur - shall be preliminary and subject to fur_ ports to be issued as above stated and in newspaper format and in column and sheet form equivalent ther approval of • complete detailed in space to at least 450 running inches of single column, two inches wide; has been issued once plan. each week from a known office established in said place of publication and employing skilled workmen (b) A complete detailed plan shall be and equipped with the necessary material for preparing and printing the same, and the presswork on that submitted to the planning commission structures, driveways, landspart of the newspaper devoted to local news of interest to the community which it purports to serve has showing the location of all proposed been done in its known office of Publication; that during all said time in its makeup not less than twenty - caping, park- j five per cent of its news columns have been devoted to local news of interest to the community it pur- £ng, screening, aidewatks, access drives and any , porta to serve; that during all said time it has not wholly duplicated any other publication, and has not ]and use other information re- been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its quested by the commission, said place of publication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty (240) copies regularly delivered It is the intention of this Section to to paying subscribers and has entry as second class matter in its local post office; and that a copy of each Provide a means to allow flexibility by issue has been filed with the State Historical. Society, St. Paul; and that there has been on file in the substantial variances from the provi- office of the County Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, the affidavit of a person having knowledge siona of this ordinance, including uses, of the facts, showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of the conditions setbacks, height, and other regulations. constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper. Variances may be granted for Planne Unit Developments, dprovided curial nordinanceregulations contained in this OrdinancThat the_ ----- —--- ____--------- hereto attached was cut from the do not realistically apply to the proposed e columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, once each development because of the unique sed a. ture of the proposed development. Var_ week, for________ Me ------------------ _____________successive weeks; that it was first so published on Wednesday iances, if granted, should be fully con- EE2hn 2S sistent with the general intent and the__-_-_____8ri ______ day of________________ ______________19 �_(; and thereafter on Wednesday Pose of this Ordinance; the Planned Unit Development would produce urban of each week to and including the ------------------- day of ------------------------------ 19-___; and development and an urban environment that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby Of equal or superior quality to that acknowledged .� being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice which would result from strict adher- ence to the provisions of this Ordinance; to -wit: the variances will not constitute a threat to the property values, safetly, health, abcdefghUklmnopgrstuvwxyz or general welfare of the owners or d•"'*"�p� . �.' occupants of adjacent or nearby land nor be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, or general welfare of the people; _"_______________________ the proposed development is Of such a — -� 19[� unique nature as to require consideration _ +y, V Z Under conditions of a Planned Unit De- 1 Subscribed and sworn to before e./�YJJL-----d - -- --- ed the thevelopment, it vari variances are llrequi edbe efornreasont ---x= --- - -- _- ------------------------ able and practicable physical develop- Notary Publicnot. ment according to a plan an a ------------------------- ---------County, Minn. required solely on the basis of financial � vE7"- ! ON - PTP,C�K considerations,My commission pp�z�ppyiry _ 19____ (e) The governingbody,u _.��i7I1T1%J;-iV4tTT1'lc---------- and recommendations of the upon 1 commission„ shall find that the t• Y ` } My Comrs�ss,:-jn E,ir„es Sept. 10, 197 development is fully consistent withothe purposes of this Ordinance. (d) The development ahall conform to the plan as filed with the Village of i Maplewood and any variations from the Plan shall require prior approval of the planning board. ofecttion and2be insforcenanceshall take after its Pau sage and publicatifrom andon as provided by law. Passed by the Council of the Village of Maplewood this 2 day of February, 1967, LOUIS P. Gilbert Mayor Ayes - 6 Attest Nays - 0 James M. Hafner Clerk Maplewood Review Feb. 8, 1967