HomeMy WebLinkAboutNo 183 Amending Ordinance No. 104 Regulating and Controlling the Setting, Igniting or Starting of Fires Within the Village of Maplewood and Establishing Penalties for the Violation ThereofoRDItTANrE No. 183 AN ORMINANCF AMFN ?ING ORDINANCE NO. 1049 TMULATI2tG AND CaKIROLLING MFS SF"PTING9 IGNITING OR STAWING OF FIRMS `VzTHIN r -MY VILLAGE: OF MAPLY400D AND YVABLISHING PFVALTIKi F")R THF, 'NOTATION VIF'FFOP. THF COUNCIL OF THY, VILLAGE' OF MAPLWOOD UOYS HFREBY ORDAIN As FOLLO'„V63 `.vection 1. vection 7 of Ordinance No. 104 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 7 (a) `o person shall start any fire except in an approved incinerator or burner at }:ny time without first obtaining from the Fire %%epartment a permit to start such fire. application for such permit must oe made to the � hief of the `Fire T?epartment responsible for protecting the area where the property is located upon which the applicant desires to start a fire. 'this section shall be construed to mean that no bonfire, campfire or any other kind of open fire can be started at any location in the illage without obtaining a permit as herein provided. b; henever the owner of any obsolete or condemned house, building or other structure undertakes to demolish or destroy game by burning, such owner shall contact the Chief of the Fire I;epartment responsible for protecting the area of the �illage within which the structure is located and male arrangements for the burnin_~. '}estruction of any structure in this manner shall be done only under supervision and control of the designated fire department and pursuant to a per-uit issued by the fire chief. ,, charge may be made for this service -and the money so received by the fire department shall be retained to defray expenses of the department." ection 2. ''his ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and :-j.fter its pL.ssage and publication as provided by law. Passed by the Council of the `Allage of <L.-alewood this 12th day of "Clarch, 1964. f;... i ttest: , yes - S :lark :y. - ORDINANCE NO. 183 Mate of �Kinnssuta AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDTN- �88. ANCE NO. 10-4, REGULATING AND 1( CONTROLLING THE SETTING. IGNIT- County of Ramsey ING OR STARTING OF FIRES WITH- IN THE VILLAGE OF MAPLEWOOD AND ESTABLISHING PENALTIES FOR T. R. Lillie THE VIOLA'[ ION THEREOF. __ being duly sworn, on oath says: ------- THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF MAPLEWOr)D DOES HEREBY OR- that he is, and during all the times herein stated has been_____________________________________________ VAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 7 of Ordinance No. : 104': is hereby amended to read as fol- the--------------------------------------- publisher of the newspaper known as Ramsey County Review, lows: and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated; that for more than one year prior to the publics - "Section 7 (a) No person shall start ordinance any fire except in an approved incinera- ------ tion therein of the------------==---------------'---------------------------------------------- tor or burner at any time without first obtaining from the Fire Department a permit to start such fire. Application for---'--------------"""-------------------------------------------------------_ ---hereinafter described, such permit must be made to the_ Chief said newspaper was printed and published in the Village of North St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, of the Fire Department responsible for State of Minnesota, on Wednesday of each week; that during all said time said newspaper has been print - protecting the area where the property ed in the English language from its known office of publication within the Village from which it Aur- is located upon which the applicant de- ports to be issued as above stated and in newspaper format and in column and sheet form equivalent sires to start a fire, This section shall in space to at least 450 running inches of single column, two inches wide; has been issued once be construed to inean that no bonfire, each week from a known office established in said place of publication and employing skilled workmen campfire or any other kind of open fire and equipped with the necessary material for preparing and printing the same, and the presswork on that can be started at any location in the part of the newspaper devoted to local news of interest to the community which it purports to serve has village without obtaining a permit as been done in its known office of publication; that during all said time in its makeup not less than twenty - herein provided. five per cent of its news columns have been devoted to local news of interest to the community it pur- (h) WheDever the owner of any ob- l ports to serve; that during all said time it has not wholly duplicated any other publication, and has not solete or condemned house, building or been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its other structure undertakes to demolish said place of publication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty (240) copies regularly delivered or destroy same by burning, such own- to paying subscribers and has entry as second class matter in its local post office; and that a copy of each —1[_{hall contact the Chief of the Fire De- issue has been filed with the State Historical Society, St. Paul; and that there has been on file in the Partment resaonsiWe for protecting the office of the County Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, the affidavit of a person having knowledge area of the Vinare w;thin Nv.,ich tl:eof the facts. showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of the conditions structure is located and 1110V,arrange- � ments for tha-burning. Destruction of -onatituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper. any structure in this manner shall beardinarle------------------------hereto attached was cut from the done only under supervision and control That the____________ of the designated fire department and columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, once each pursuant to a permit issued by the fire l one __________successive weeks; that it was first so published on Wednesday chief. A charge" may be made for this week, for_____________________ cc L service and the money ll so received hY the fire department shabe retained to the_________1_8t_h--____ day of__�rCl'.k_------------------- 19_0_j; and thereafter on Wednesday defray expenses cf the department' ___________19____: and Section- 2. This ordinance shall take of each week to and including the___________________day o!___________ -------- effect and be in force from and after its Passage and Publication as provided by that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby law. acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, Passed by the Council of the Village to -wit: of Maplewood this 12th day. of March, - 1964. abcdefghijklmnoparstuvw: yz 4j� Byron H. Holm - \ MaYar Attest: ._ James M. Hafner, Clerk Ayes --5------ ?`- �--------- �--------------- --`t Nay" Subscribed and sworn to before me this'_ _h day�bf__ ___ _ aach 19__ v 1/v�L ------------------ Notary Public,------------- (. ----------------------County, Minn. --- My commission expires ------- ,,p N_1L_FTACEKr_19____ Notary Public, Ramsey County. My Commission Expires Sept. 101 1966