HomeMy WebLinkAboutNo 166 Amending Ordinance No. 97 Prohibiting Persons Under the Age of Twenty One (21) Years from Possessing and/or Consuming Intoxicating Liquor and Non-Intoxicating Malt LiquorORDINAMF WO. 166 AN ORDINAN(IF Ar1MI)Mr ORDINANCE 'O. 97 PROFI3ITING r'M130-9S UNDER THE A3E OF T'MTY-M (21) YFAR'd FROM .POSSESSING AND/OR CONSUMOG I-11TOXICA` TNG LIQMOR AND *4ON- IN TOXICA^.ING MALT LIQUOR. IME COUNCIL OF MY VILLAGE OF 'HAPLF"W'WD DOVS H-FilEBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWSt rection 1. Sec. 2 of "'rdinance Pio. 97 is hereby sa#ended to read: „Sec. �'. Crom ,tn! :after the pessa.,,re of this orcii.npnoe, it shall. be unlawful for any person mdor the age of twer ty-one i21) years to liniave it his po€ sesacion ally non-intoxi Gestin; malt liquor or intoxicating liquor as the same are herein defined. " Section 2. Sec. 3 of (;rdiiiance "o. ?7 is hereby amkmi el to read# 3- 'P orr, and after the:-assage of thin ordirurnee, it &hall be unlawful for anjune uiide.• tue idea of 'JonVI -one t j years to ocanowiae r�orr-intdxi- eating mat 1.1'4uox 0C irltoxioati>>; li.paol, _ct� tt.e ;!air~ are Ater.sin defi.ared-" ;.:cction j. ",,is ordinance shall taxa effec L and be in force from and after its ansa =;;e and pualicati.or. ,i.,&88"d ur Lipo C•:urrcil -)f arra , iix+a>se of iaplevood this L0 day ©x�r ii;3. Attests GG. erk stay's — C .lyor *tate n£ �fflinnesota ORDINANCE NO. 166 'ii �SS. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDI- Collet O y NANCE NO. 97 PROHIBITING PER- y f Ramsey SONS UNDER THE AGE OF TWENTY- T• R. Lillie ONE (21) YEARS FROM POSSESSING AND/OR CONSUMING INTOXICATING' -___________________________________________________________________ being duly sworn, on oath says; LIQUOR AND NON -INTOXICATING THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF that he is, and during all the times herein stated has been_____________________________________________ MALT LIQUOR. MAPLEWOOD DOES HEREBY OR- DAIN AS FOLLOWS: the --------------------------------------- publisher of the newspaper known as Ramsey County Review, Section 1. Sec. 2 of Ordinance No. I and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated; that for more than one year prior to the publica- 97 Is Shereby amended to read: Ordinance No 166 "Sec. 2. From and after the unlsageawful tion therein of the_________________________________'_ of this ordinance, it shall be wnlawful---------------------'------------"'--""-----' ,for any person under the age of twenty - ,one (21) years to have in his possession ________________________ ___ ___ _ _____ __ _______ __ _ __ __ _--__ hereinafter described, j any non -intoxicating malt liquor or in- said newspaper was printed and published in the Village of North St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, toxicating liquor as the same are herein I State of Minnesota, on Wednesday of each week; that during all said time said newspaper has been print - defined." ed in the English language from its known office of publication within the Village from which it Pur - Section 2. Sec. 8 of Ordinance No. 97 ports to be issued as above stated and in newspaper format and in column and sheet form equivalent Is hereby amended to rea&: in space to at least 460 running inches of single column, two inches wide; has been issued once "Sec. S. From and after the passage of each week from a known office established in said place of publication and employing skilled workmen this ordinance, it shall be unlawful for I and equipped with the necessary material for preparing and printing the same, and the presswork on that anyone under the age of twenty-one (21) part of the newspaper devoted to local news of interest to the community which it purports to serve has years to consume non -intoxicating malt ; been done in its known office of publication; that during all said time in its makeup not less than twenty - liquor or intoxicating liquor as the �five per cent of its news columns have been devoted to local news of interest to the community it pur- same are herein defined." porta to serve; that during all said time it has not wholly duplicated any other publication, and has not Section $. This ordinance shall take been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its ;effect and be in force from and after said place of publication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty (240) copies regularly delivered its passage and publication. to paying subscribers and has entry as second class matter in its local post office; and that a copy of each Passed by the Council of the Village issue has been filed with the State Historical Society, St. Paul; and that there has been on file in the OL Maplewood this 20 day of June, 1963. office of the County Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, the affidavit of a person having knowledge Forrest R. Schmid Mayor of the facts, showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of the conditions Ayes - 6 constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper. Nays - a ordinance Attest: That the ------------------------------------------------------hereto attached was cut from the James M. Hafner columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, once each Clerk week, for______________ one -------------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on Wednesday the______26th ------- day of --- s!_une- --------------------- 19_3 and thereafter on Wednesday of each week to and including the ------------------- day of ------------------------------ 19____; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -Wit: abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxya ----- -- --L----------+/// ----f-- �r----------- -------------------- Subscribed and sworn to before m x+1.1 h__ a of_ ________ ________________194.3 X ---------------------- Notary Publip--------------------------------------County, Minn. My commission expires --------- 1�- -NON-------------------------19---- ERON J. PTACE Notary Public Ramsey County, Minn, Y Commission Expires Sept. 10, 196Q