HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015 07-13 City Council Meeting PacketAGENDA MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL 7:00 P.M. Monday, July 13, 2015 City Hall, Council Chambers Meeting No. 13-15 A. CALL TO ORDER B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. ROLL CALL Mayor’s Address on Protocol: “Welcome to the meeting of the Maplewood City Council. It is our desire to keep all discussions civil as we work through difficult issues tonight. If you are here for a Public Hearing or to address the City Council, please familiarize yourself with the Policies and Procedures and Rules of Civility, which are located near the entrance. Before addressing the council, sign in with the City Clerk. At the podium please state your name and address clearly for the record. All comments/questions shall be posed to the Mayor and Council. The Mayor will then direct staff, as appropriate, to answer questions or respond to comments.” D. APPROVAL OF AGENDA E. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of June 22, 2015 City Council Workshop Minutes 2. Approval of June 22, 2015 City Council Meeting Minutes 3. Approval of June 29, 2015 City Council Workshop Minutes F. APPOINTMENTS AND PRESENTATIONS 1. Approval of Resolution of Appreciation for District 623 Superintendent John Thein on His Retirement G. CONSENT AGENDA – Items on the Consent Agenda are considered routine and non- controversial and are approved by one motion of the council. If a councilmember requests additional information or wants to make a comment regarding an item, the vote should be held until the questions or comments are made then the single vote should be taken. If a councilmember objects to an item it should be removed and acted upon as a separate item. 1. Approval of Claims 2. Approval of a Conditional Use Permit Review, East Metro Public Safety Training Center, Located at Century Avenue, South of Holloway Avenue 3. Approval of a Conditional Use Permit Review, Tubman Center East Planned Unit Development, 1725 Monastery Way 4. Approval of a Conditional Use Permit Review, Cottagewood Town House Development, South of Highwood Avenue, East of Dennis Street, West of I-494 5. Approval of a Conditional Use Permit Review, First Evangelical Free Church, 2696 Hazelwood Street 6. Approval of a Conditional Use Permit Review, Holiday Station Store, 1285 Cope Avenue East 7. Approval of a Conditional Use Permit Review, Whitaker Sports and Classic Cars, 1081 Highway 36 Sign language interpreters for hearing impaired persons are available for public hearings upon request. The request for this must be made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the Cit y Clerk’s Office at 651.249.2000 to make arrangements. Assisted Listening Devices are also available. Please check with the City Clerk for availability. RULES OF CIVILITY FOR OUR COMMUNITY Following are some rules of civility the City of Maplewood expects of everyone appearing at Council Meetings – elected officials, staff and citizens. It is hoped that by following these simple rules, everyone’s opinions can be heard and understood in a reasonable manner. We appreciate the fact that when appearing at Council meetings, it is understood that everyone will follow these principles: Show respect for each other, actively listen to one another, keep emotions in check and use respectful language 8. Approval of Resolution Certifying Election Judges for the August 11, 2015 Municipal Primary Election 9. Approval to Amend Contract with Aqua Logic for Additional Work at the MCC Aquatic Center H. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Approval of an Amendment to Discharge of Firearms Ordinance – Second Reading I. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None J. NEW BUSINESS 1. Approval of Vacation of Public Easements, Villages at Frost-English, 1955 English Street 2. Approval of a Conditional Use Permit for Used Motor Vehicles, Maplewood Collision Center, 2020 Rice Street 3. Approval of Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of Assignment and Assumption of Rights and Obligations Agreement related to The Shores Senior Housing Development 4. Approval of Resolution Authorizing the Execution of Assignment of Development Agreement and TIF Note Related to the Sherman/Maplewood Bowl Site 5. Approve Resolution in Support of Application for the Temporary Classification of Body Worn Camera Data 6. Discussion of Status of Labor Contract Negotiations - Intent to Close Meeting per Minnesota State Statute §13D.03 a. Law Enforcement Labor Services, Local 153, Police Officers K. AWARD OF BIDS None L. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS – All presentations have a limit of 3 minutes. M. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS 1. Council Calendar Update N. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS O. ADJOURNMENT E1 June 22, 2015 City Council Workshop Minutes 1 MINUTES MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL MANAGER WORKSHOP 5:30 P.M. Monday, June 22, 2015 Council Chambers, City Hall A. CALL TO ORDER A meeting of the City Council was held in the City Hall Council Chambers and was called to order at 5:35 p.m. by Mayor Slawik. B. ROLL CALL Nora Slawik, Mayor Present Marylee Abrams, Councilmember Present Robert Cardinal, Councilmember Present Kathleen Juenemann, Councilmember Present Marvin Koppen, Councilmember Present C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Councilmember Abrams moved to approve the agenda as submitted. Seconded by Councilmember Cardinal Ayes – All The motion passed. D. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Council Discussion a. Promoting Civility in Public Meetings b. Parliamentary Procedures c. Review of Strategic Priorities and Key Outcomes Indicators City Manager Coleman introduced the report. Citizen Services Director Haag gave specifics on promoting civility in public meetings and parliamentary procedures and answered questions of the council. Assistant City Manager/Human Resource Director Funk gave the report on review of strategic priorities and answered questions of the council. 2. Status Update on Labor Negotiations a. Intent to Close Meeting (§ 13D.03) City Manager Coleman introduced the report and Assistant City Manager/Human Resource Director Funk gave the specifics of the report and answered questions of the council. Packet Page Number 1 of 199 E1 June 22, 2015 City Council Workshop Minutes 2 Parliamentarian Haag instructed the council on State Statute §13D.03 Intent to Close the Meeting. Councilmember Juenemann moved to close the meeting at 7:02 p.m. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. Mayor Slawik opened the closed meeting at 7:12 p.m. Assistant City Manager/Human Resource Director Funk recapped the closed session which is the strategy for labor negotiations for Fire Fighters and Police Officers. F. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Slawik adjourned the meeting at 7:14 p.m. Packet Page Number 2 of 199 E2 June 22, 2015 City Council Meeting Minutes 1 MINUTES MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL 7:00 p.m., Monday, June 22, 2015 Council Chambers, City Hall Meeting No. 12-15 A. CALL TO ORDER A meeting of the City Council was held in the City Hall Council Chambers and was called to order at 7:26 p.m. by Mayor Slawik. Mayor Slawik called on Citizen Services Director Haag to give an update on the July 4th Light It Up event and encouraged the community to attend. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. ROLL CALL Nora Slawik, Mayor Present Marylee Abrams, Councilmember Present Robert Cardinal, Councilmember Present Kathleen Juenemann, Councilmember Present Marvin Koppen, Councilmember Present D. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The following items were added to the agenda: N1 Trash Can Lids N2 National Night Out N3 Poverty in the Suburbs N4 Pathway to Success N5 Discussion with City Manager Coleman, Six Month Review of Goals N6 Formation of Senior Task Force Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. E. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of June 8, 2015 City Council Workshop Minutes Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the June 8, 2015 City Council Workshop Minutes as submitted. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. Packet Page Number 3 of 199 E2 June 22, 2015 City Council Meeting Minutes 2 2. Approval of June 8, 2015 City Council Meeting Minutes Councilmember Cardinal moved to approve the June 8, 2015 City Council Meeting Minutes as submitted. Seconded by Councilmember Juenemann Ayes – All The motion passed. F. APPOINTMENTS AND PRESENTATIONS 1. Recognition of Nick Carver for Receiving the “Raising the Profile” Award City Manager Coleman read the report and thanked Building Official Carver for his efforts in raising awareness around building safety and building code issues. G. CONSENT AGENDA Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve consent agenda items G1-G7. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 1. Approval of Claims Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Approval of Claims. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: $ 912,483.45 Checks # 95198 thru # 95234 dated 05/29/15 thru 06/09/15 $ 386,992.66 Disbursements via debits to checking account dated 06/01/15 thru 06/05/15 $ 66,261.85 Checks #95235 thru #95270 dated 06/16/2015 $ 519,787.57 Disbursements via debits to checking account dated 06/08/15 thru 06/12/15 $ 1,885,525.53 Total Accounts Payable PAYROLL $ 580,848.08 Payroll Checks and Direct Deposits dated 06/05/15 $ 1,151.53 Payroll Deduction check # 9994957 thru #9994959 dated 05/08/15 $ 581,999.61 Total Payroll $ 2,467,525.14 GRAND TOTAL Packet Page Number 4 of 199 E2 June 22, 2015 City Council Meeting Minutes 3 Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 2. Approval of Temporary Permit Fee Waivers for the Church of St. Jerome, 380 E Roselawn Ave Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the fees in the amount of $271.00 be waived for the Liquor Sales, Noise Control Waiver and Tent permits to be used on August 9, 2015 for the Church of St. Jerome’s 75th Anniversary Celebration located at 380 E. Roselawn Avenue. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 3. Approval of Temporary Permit Fee Waivers for the Ramsey County Fair, 2020 White Bear Avenue N Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the fees in the amount of $646.00 be waived for the Noise Control Waiver, Display of Fireworks and Amusement Rides permits to be used July 15 through July 19, 2015 for the Ramsey County Agricultural Society to be used for the Ramsey County Fair located at 2020 White Bear Avenue. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 4. Approval of Resolution for Reduction of Retainage on Existing Construction Contract, Arkwright-Sunrise Area Improvements, City Project 12-09 Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the resolution directing the City Engineer to reduce retainage on the existing construction contract from 5% to 1% for the Arkwright- Sunrise Area Improvements, City Project 12-09. Resolution 15-6-1223 Reduction of Retainage on Existing Construction Contract Project 12-09 WHEREAS, the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota has previously ordered Improvement Project 12-09, Arkwright-Sunrise Area Improvements, and has let a construction contract pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, and WHEREAS, the contractor, Palda and Sons, Inc. has requested, by written notice, a reduction in contract retainage, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA, that a retainage within the construction contract is hereby authorized to be reduced, at the discretion of the City Engineer, from 5% from 1%. Packet Page Number 5 of 199 E2 June 22, 2015 City Council Meeting Minutes 4 Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 5. Approval of Resolution for Final Payment and Acceptance of Project, Gladstone Area Phase I Bid Package 2 Improvements, City Project 04-21 Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the resolution for Final Payment and Acceptance of Project, Gladstone Area Phase I Bid Package 2 Improvements, City Project 04-21. Resolution 15-6-1224 Approving Final Payment and Acceptance of Project Project 04-21 WHEREAS, the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota has heretofore ordered made Improvements Project 04-21, Gladstone Area Phase I Bid Package 2 Improvements, and has let a construction contract pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, and WHEREAS, the City Engineer for the City of Maplewood has determined that the Gladstone Area Phase I Bid Package 2 Improvements, City Project 04-21 is complete and recommends acceptance of the project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA, that: 1. City Project 04-21 is complete and maintenance of these improvements is accepted by the city; the final construction cost is $1,037,152.99. Final payment to Arnt Construction Company and the release of any retainage or escrow is hereby authorized. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 6. Approval of Resolution Directing Modification of Existing Contract with Cool Air Mechanical to Replace HVAC/Dehumidifier Unit at the MCC, Change Order No. 1 Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the resolution Directing Modification of Existing Contract with Cool Air Mechanical to Replace HVAC/Dehumidifier Unit at the MCC, Change Order No. 1. Resolution 15-6-1225 Directing Modification of Existing Contract with Cool Air Mechanical Change Order No. 1 WHEREAS, the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota has entered into a contract with Cool Air Mechanical to Replace the HVAC Unit at the Maplewood Community Center, and WHEREAS, it is now necessary and expedient that said contract be modified as a Packet Page Number 6 of 199 E2 June 22, 2015 City Council Meeting Minutes 5 result of delay in start date, Change Order No. 1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA, that: 1. The Mayor and Park & Recreation Director are hereby authorized and directed to modify the existing contract by executing said Change Order No. 1 which is an increase of $1,418.00 The revised contract amount is $511,218.00 Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 7. Approval to Enter Into Lease Agreement with North St. Paul for Use of Fiber Optics Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve to enter into a Lease Agreement with North St. Paul for use of Fiber Optics. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. H. PUBLIC HEARING None I. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None J. NEW BUSINESS 1. Approval to Apply for St. Paul Foundation - Advancing Racial Equity Grant Councilmember Cardinal moved to authorize the City Manager and involved departments to make application for this special funding opportunity. Seconded by Councilmember Juenemann Ayes – All The motion passed. K. AWARD OF BIDS None Packet Page Number 7 of 199 E2 June 22, 2015 City Council Meeting Minutes 6 L. VISITOR PRESENTATION None M. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS 1. Council Calendar Update City Manager Coleman gave the update to the council calendar. 2. Update on the July 4th Event Citizen Services Director Haag provided information on the event at the beginning of the meeting. N. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS 1. Trash Can Lids Councilmember Juenemann reminded residents not to fill their trash cans so full that the lids cannot shut allowing trash to litter the streets. 2. National Night Out Councilmember Juenemann reported that August 4, 2015 is National Night Out and encouraged everyone to get involved and get-to-know their neighbors. 3. Poverty in the Suburbs Councilmember Juenemann requested a future workshop on poverty in the suburbs. 4. Pathway to Success Councilmember Abrams reported that Pathway to Success will be held at the Maplewood Community Center for local businesses and high school students so that they could connect for future employment. 5. Discussions with City Manager Coleman, Six Month Review Councilmember Abrams reported that she and Mayor Slawik met with City Manager Coleman to discuss her goals and the progress of the goals in connection with the strategic planning that the council is in the progress in setting. 6. Formation of Senior Task Force Mayor Slawik discussed the concept of having a Senior Task Force that would meet four times a year to discuss issues impacting seniors. O. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Slawik adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m. Packet Page Number 8 of 199 E3 June 29, 2015 City Council Workshop Minutes 1 MINUTES MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL MANAGER WORKSHOP 5:00 P.M. Monday, June 29, 2015 Council Chambers, City Hall A. CALL TO ORDER A meeting of the City Council was held in the City Hall Council Chambers and was called to order at 5:08 p.m. by Mayor Slawik. B. ROLL CALL Nora Slawik, Mayor Present Marylee Abrams, Councilmember Absent Robert Cardinal, Councilmember Present Kathleen Juenemann, Councilmember Present Marvin Koppen, Councilmember Present C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Councilmember Koppen moved to approve the agenda as submitted. Seconded by Councilmember Cardinal Ayes – All The motion passed. D. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None E. NEW BUSINESS 1. CPR Training City Manager Coleman introduced the report. Fire Chief Lukin and Assistant Fire Chief Mondor gave the presentation and then trained the council in hands-only CPR. 2. 2016 – 2020 CIP Discussion/Review City Manager Coleman introduced the report. Finance Director Bauman gave the presentation and answered questions of the council. City Manager Coleman and Public Works Director Thompson answered additional questions of the council. The 2016 – 2020 CIP Discussion/Review will be continued at the July 13, 2015 City Council Workshop. F. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Slawik adjourned the meeting at 6:23 p.m. Packet Page Number 9 of 199    MEMORANDUM TO: City Council FROM: Melinda Coleman, City Manager DATE: July 8, 2015 SUBJECT: Approval of Resolution of Appreciation for District 623 Superintendent John Thein on His Retirement Introduction Dr. John Thein will be retiring from his position as Superintendent of School District 623 on August 1, 2015. The City of Maplewood would like to acknowledge Dr. Thein’s twenty-seven years of service with Independent School District 623 with the adoption of the attached Resolution of Appreciation. Background Dr. John Thein has served Roseville Area Schools as Director of Business Services, Assistant Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent and Superintendent since 1988. During his years of service he has been an advocate for children and for education, as well as an active community leader. The City of Maplewood would like to express its gratitude and appreciation for Dr. Thein’s twenty-seven years of service and dedication to the students, staff and families of School District 623 and the area communities. Budget Impact None. Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council approve the attached Resolution of Appreciation for District 623 Superintendent John Thein on His Retirement. Attachments 1. Resolution of Appreciation F1 Packet Page Number 10 of 199      CITY OF MAPLEWOOD RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION Whereas, Dr. John Thein has served the Roseville Area Schools since 1988 in the roles of Director of Business Services, Assistant Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent and Superintendent; and Whereas, Dr John Thein implemented creative community projects benefitting the district including the Owasso Hills development and shared community gymnasiums; and Whereas, Dr. John Thein’s vision led to the incorporation of Harambee Elementary School into the Roseville Area Schools’ family; and WHEREAS, the City of Maplewood has appreciated his leadership, cooperation, experience, and insight within District 623 and the community; and Whereas, Dr. John Thein is retiring from Roseville Area Schools after twenty‐seven years of service including seventeen years as superintendent; THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City of Maplewood expresses its gratitude and appreciation for Dr. Thein’s twenty‐seven years of service and dedication to the students, staff and families of School District 623 and the communities of Roseville and Maplewood.   _________________________________ Nora Slawik, Mayor Attest: _________________________________ Karen Haag, City Clerk F1, Attachment Packet Page Number 11 of 199 THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Packet Page Number 12 of 199 TO:Melinda Coleman, City Manager FROM:Gayle Bauman, Finance Director DATE: SUBJECT:Approval of Claims 901,897.72$ Checks #95271 thru # 95328 dated 06/15/15 thru 06/23/15 331,099.25$ Disbursements via debits to checking account dated 06/15/15 thru 06/19/15 1,193,135.68$ Checks # 95329 thru # 95359 dated 06/24/15 thru 06/30/15 537,240.54$ Disbursements via debits to checking account dated 06/22/15 thru 06/26/15 312,599.67$ Checks #95360 thru #95391 dated 07/07/15 365,359.86$ Disbursements via debits to checking account dated 06/29/15 thru 07/03/15 3,641,332.72$ Total Accounts Payable 512,463.31$ Payroll Checks and Direct Deposits dated 06/19/15 1,511.28$ Payroll Deduction check # 9995005 thru # 9995007 dated 06/19/15 516,983.77$ Payroll Checks and Direct Deposits dated 07/03/15 1,151.53$ Payroll Deduction check #9995023 thru # 9995024 dated 07/03/15 1,032,109.89$ Total Payroll 4,673,442.61$ GRAND TOTAL Attachments Attached is a detailed listing of these claims. Please call me at 651-249-2902 if you have any questions on the attached listing. This will allow me to check the supporting documentation on file if necessary. PAYROLL MEMORANDUM July 7, 2015 Attached is a listing of paid bills for informational purposes. The City Manager has reviewed the bills and authorized payment in accordance with City Council approved policies. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: G1 Packet Page Number 13 of 199 Check Description Amount 95271 03276 MWCG EVENT JUNE 24~65.00 95272 00120 SUPPLY/INSTALL SAND FILTERS MCC 114,940.00 00120 VFD, INSTALLED-CHEM CONTROLLERS 20,125.00 95273 05324 RETAINER FEE/ADD'L WORK - MAY 1,500.00 95274 04572 REPAIR ROOF LEAKS MCC 1,049.00 95275 00393 MONTHLY SURTAX - MAY 22538123035 1,998.72 95276 05353 CONTRACT GASOLINE - JUNE 10,940.28 05353 CONTRACT DIESEL - JUNE 7,847.37 95277 00953 WELL INSPECTION @ HAZELWOOD PK 250.00 95278 02696 INSTALL LED POOL LIGHTING 57,700.00 02696 REBUILD POOL MOTOR STARTERS 7,485.97 95279 01819 LOCAL PHONE SERVICE 05/15 - 06/14 704.77 01819 LOCAL PHONE SERVICE 04/15 - 05/14 694.35 95280 01337 911 DISPATCH SERVICES - MAY 30,453.91 01337 CAD SERVICES - MAY 5,824.07 01337 FLEET SUPPORT FEE - MAY 458.64 01337 FLEET SUPPORT FEE - MAY 427.44 95281 01337 FILING OF TRAIL EASEMENT PROJ 14-01 46.00 95282 01546 PROGRAM & STAFF SHIRTS 1,296.00 95283 05488 PREMIUM - LIFE,LTD,STD - JUNE 7,404.04 95284 01574 BITUMINOUS MATERIALS 2,639.82 01574 BITUMINOUS MATERIALS 2,429.21 01574 BITUMINOUS MATERIALS 1,423.20 95285 04845 RECYCLING FEE - MAY 38,939.25 95286 05305 CONTRACT 500-0264717 789.91 05305 CONTRACT 500-0371999 643.40 05305 CONTRACT 500-0371083 626.11 05305 CONTRACT 500-0264726 484.59 05305 CONTRACT 500-0328559 403.38 05305 CONTRACT 500-0294743 361.09 05305 CONTRACT 500-0380041 294.61 05305 CONTRACT 500-0395052 226.14 05305 CONTRACT 500-0282620 212.56 05305 CONTRACT 500-0395065 132.32 05305 CONTRACT 500-0264705 130.44 05305 CONTRACT 500-0373496 74.60 05305 CONTRACT 500-0349366 73.05 95287 04192 EMS BILLING - MAY 4,305.00 95288 01190 ELECTRIC & GAS UTILITY 1,863.93 01190 ELECTRIC UTILITY 1,829.63 01190 ELECTRIC & GAS UTILITY 190.75 01190 FIRE SIRENS 51.82 95289 02464 FUNDS FOR CITY HALL ATM 10,000.00 95290 01830 AUDIX MICROPHONE BASE 1,295.25 01830 ON SITE LABOR 385.75 01830 WALL MOUNT BRACKET 195.00 95291 05537 CATERING KITCHEN HOOD CLEANED MCC 325.00 95292 03555 RECYCLING BINS 6,053.20 95293 03130 PROSECUTION SRVS & MISC EXPENSES 9,370.60 95294 05369 CLEANING SUPPLIES - CITY HALL 85.59 95295 05477 MCC POOL AIR HANDING UNIT 469,870.00 95296 05538 INITIAL PMT CONCEPT DESIGN JOY PARK 1,000.00 95297 05512 CONSULTING SRVS JOY PARK 624.75 95298 05539 JUNE 13 BOOKING MCC 157.88 95299 00671 TOTE OF ATHLETIC FIELD MARKING PAINT 1,416.00 06/23/2015 AQUA LOGIC INC 06/23/2015 AQUA LOGIC INC 06/23/2015 CHRISTIE BERNARDY Check Register City of Maplewood 06/18/2015 Date Vendor 06/15/2015 MN WOMEN IN CITY GOVERNMENT 06/23/2015 MANSFIELD OIL CO 06/23/2015 MCCARTHY WELL COMPANY 06/23/2015 MUSKA ELECTRIC CO 06/23/2015 ETTEL & FRANZ ROOFING CO. 06/23/2015 MN DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY 06/23/2015 MANSFIELD OIL CO 06/23/2015 RAMSEY COUNTY-PROP REC & REV 06/23/2015 RAMSEY COUNTY-PROP REC & REV 06/23/2015 RAMSEY COUNTY-PROP REC & REV 06/23/2015 MUSKA ELECTRIC CO 06/23/2015 PAETEC 06/23/2015 PAETEC 06/23/2015 SUN LIFE FINANCIAL 06/23/2015 T A SCHIFSKY & SONS, INC 06/23/2015 T A SCHIFSKY & SONS, INC 06/23/2015 RAMSEY COUNTY-PROP REC & REV 06/23/2015 RAMSEY COUNTY-PROP REC & REV 06/23/2015 SUBURBAN SPORTSWEAR 06/23/2015 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES (1) 06/23/2015 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES (1) 06/23/2015 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES (1) 06/23/2015 T A SCHIFSKY & SONS, INC 06/23/2015 TENNIS SANITATION LLC 06/23/2015 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES (1) 06/23/2015 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES (1) 06/23/2015 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES (1) 06/23/2015 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES (1) 06/23/2015 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES (1) 06/23/2015 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES (1) 06/23/2015 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES (1) 06/23/2015 TRANS-MEDIC 06/23/2015 XCEL ENERGY 06/23/2015 XCEL ENERGY 06/23/2015 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES (1) 06/23/2015 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES (1) 06/23/2015 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES (1) 06/23/2015 ALPHA VIDEO & AUDIO INC 06/23/2015 ALPHA VIDEO & AUDIO INC 06/23/2015 ALPHA VIDEO & AUDIO INC 06/23/2015 XCEL ENERGY 06/23/2015 XCEL ENERGY 06/19/2015 US BANK 06/23/2015 CINTAS CORPORATION #470 06/23/2015 COOL AIR MECHANICAL 06/23/2015 FIREFLIES PLAY ENVIRONMENTS 06/23/2015 ALPINE DIVERSIFIED SERVICES 06/23/2015 BUSCH SYSTEMS INTL INC 06/23/2015 CAMPBELL KNUTSON P.A. 06/23/2015 FORECAST PUBLIC ART 06/23/2015 GMC WOODBURY 06/23/2015 HIRSHFIELD'S G1, Attachments Packet Page Number 14 of 199 95300 05533 REPAIRS TO LADDER # 325 450.36 95301 00846 PD PHONE-BASED INTERPRETIVE SRVS 117.40 95302 00857 SAFETY & LOSS CONTROL WORKSHOP 60.00 95303 05540 CVR DENIED - THOMAS GRIES 4,256.37 05540 CVR DENIED - ROBERT BURKE 1,583.47 95304 05425 ARCHITECTURE STUDY MW BOWL TIF 3,108.05 95305 00896 MCMA MEMBERSHIP M COLEMAN 192.00 95306 00532 HR ATTORNEY FEE - MAY 74.78 95307 05173 1ST & 2ND QUARTER PLEDGES 384.96 95308 01173 REPAIR CHIEF'S CAR 19.99 95309 01175 MONTHLY UTILITIES - MAY 3,332.18 01175 FIBER OPTIC ACCESS CHG - JUNE 1,000.00 95310 02300 KEY CUTTING FOR MCC 11.95 95311 00001 REFUND J HEBARD MEMBERSHIP 292.12 95312 00001 REFUND B JACOBSON SOFTBALL 75.00 95313 00001 REFUND K WESTEMEIER SOFTBALL 75.00 95314 00001 REIMB J AHLBOM - MAILBOX 20.84 95315 01345 FILING OF EASEMENT PROJ 14-02 46.00 95316 01338 NOTARY REGISTRATION - A SINDT 20.00 95317 01359 VEHICLE WASHES - MAY 51.38 95318 02001 PHONE SERVICE - MAY 2,757.70 02001 PHONE SERVICE - JUNE 2,757.70 95319 04563 2015B/C BOND RATING 13,055.00 95320 05320 RESERVE UNIT - OFFICER BADGES 2,394.40 95321 05342 PROJ 09-09 EAST METRO BID5B PMT#9 9,385.05 95322 05449 CONTRACT 900744-002C CLOSE-OUT PMT 130.46 95323 05528 CONTRACT 7950665-002 204.77 05528 CONTRACT 7950665-003 190.95 05528 CONTRACT 7950665-001 156.20 95324 05470 ADD'L INSTALL NEW EQUIP ROOIN HOOD P 700.00 95325 01669 FORFEITED VEHICLE TOWING 70.00 01669 FORFEITED VEHICLE TOWING 70.00 01669 VEHICLE TOWING 70.00 95326 04357 BIOMEDICAL SERVICE 580.50 95327 02464 PAYING AGENT FEES 115.00 95328 05013 BOILERS AND HOT WATER HEATERS MCC 23,725.00 05013 SPRING HVAC MAINTENANCE-PW 1902 248.75 06/23/2015 US BANK 06/23/2015 YALE MECHANICAL LLC 06/23/2015 YALE MECHANICAL LLC 901,897.7258Checks in this report. 06/23/2015 TWIN CITIES RECREATION, INC. 06/23/2015 TWIN CITIES TRANSPORT & 06/23/2015 TWIN CITIES TRANSPORT & 06/23/2015 TWIN CITIES TRANSPORT & 06/23/2015 UNIVERSAL HOSPITAL SRVS, INC. 06/23/2015 TERRA GENERAL CONTRACTORS 06/23/2015 TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 06/23/2015 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES (2) 06/23/2015 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES (2) 06/23/2015 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES (2) 06/23/2015 REGAL AUTO WASH BILLING 06/23/2015 CITY OF ROSEVILLE 06/23/2015 CITY OF ROSEVILLE 06/23/2015 STANDARD AND POOR'S 06/23/2015 SUN BADGE CO 06/23/2015 ONE TIME VENDOR 06/23/2015 ONE TIME VENDOR 06/23/2015 ONE TIME VENDOR 06/23/2015 RAMSEY COUNTY 06/23/2015 RAMSEY COUNTY-VITAL RECORDS 06/23/2015 NORTH METRO AUTOMOTIVE 06/23/2015 CITY OF NORTH ST PAUL 06/23/2015 CITY OF NORTH ST PAUL 06/23/2015 OAKDALE LOCKSMITHS 06/23/2015 ONE TIME VENDOR 06/23/2015 LEXUS OF MAPLEWOOD 06/23/2015 LHB PERFORMANCE DRIVEN DESIGN 06/23/2015 M C M A 06/23/2015 MADDEN GALANTER HANSEN, LLP 06/23/2015 MN ENVIRONMENTAL FUND 06/23/2015 KIRVIDA FIRE 06/23/2015 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES 06/23/2015 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 06/23/2015 LEXUS OF MAPLEWOOD G1, Attachments Packet Page Number 15 of 199 Settlement Date Payee Description Amount 6/15/2015 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 18,709.81 6/15/2015 VANCO Billing fee 101.70 6/16/2015 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 69,099.26 6/17/2015 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 60,552.55 6/17/2015 Delta Dental Dental Premium 2,500.96 6/18/2015 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 38,739.99 6/19/2015 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 40,071.23 6/19/2015 MN Dept of Natural Resources DNR electronic licenses 1,078.50 6/19/2015 US Bank VISA One Card*Purchasing card items 56,390.38 6/19/2015 MN Dept of Revenue Sales Tax 8,169.00 6/19/2015 Optum Health DCRP & Flex plan payments 451.87 6/19/2015 ICMA (Vantagepointe)Deferred Compensation 4,057.00 6/19/2015 Voya - State Plan Deferred Compensation 31,177.00 331,099.25 *Detailed listing of VISA purchases is attached. CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Disbursements via Debits to Checking account G1, Attachments Packet Page Number 16 of 199 Transaction Date Posting Date Merchant Name Transaction Amount Name 06/03/2015 06/04/2015 HEJNY RENTAL INC $170.02 DAVE ADAMS 06/11/2015 06/12/2015 VIKING INDUSTRIAL CENTER $964.07 DAVE ADAMS 05/30/2015 06/01/2015 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC.$34.50 PAUL BARTZ 06/05/2015 06/08/2015 GOVERNMENT FINANCE $505.00 GAYLE BAUMAN 05/30/2015 06/01/2015 UPS*1Z609TG80391334929 $17.04 REGAN BEGGS 06/03/2015 06/04/2015 APPLIED TECHNICAL SYSTEMS $109.97 REGAN BEGGS 06/10/2015 06/12/2015 PAKOR, INC.$445.82 REGAN BEGGS 06/03/2015 06/05/2015 BROWNELLS INC $1,379.81 BRIAN BIERDEMAN 06/05/2015 06/08/2015 MENARDS MAPLEWOOD $85.56 BRIAN BIERDEMAN 06/01/2015 06/02/2015 TARGET 00011858 $5.22 NEIL BRENEMAN 06/01/2015 06/02/2015 MICHAELS STORES 2744 $22.70 NEIL BRENEMAN 06/10/2015 06/11/2015 CUB FOODS #1599 $9.38 NEIL BRENEMAN 06/09/2015 06/10/2015 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES530 $122.66 BRENT BUCKLEY 06/04/2015 06/05/2015 IN *HIGH TECH CRIME CONSO $25.00 DANIEL BUSACK 06/09/2015 06/10/2015 DROPBOX*8SJVJM2Y3GXL $9.99 DANIEL BUSACK 05/30/2015 06/01/2015 NAPA STORE 3279016 $11.98 JOHN CAPISTRANT 06/05/2015 06/05/2015 INT'L CODE COUNCIL INC $135.00 NICHOLAS CARVER 06/01/2015 06/02/2015 MINVALCO INC $1,717.48 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 06/04/2015 06/05/2015 G&K SERVICES AR $236.24 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 06/04/2015 06/05/2015 WALTERS CLIMATE INC $1,450.19 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 06/05/2015 06/08/2015 MENARDS OAKDALE $49.08 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 06/05/2015 06/08/2015 FOREST PRODUCTS SUPPLY $250.00 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 06/11/2015 06/12/2015 WALTERS CLIMATE INC ($93.29)SCOTT CHRISTENSON 06/11/2015 06/12/2015 MENARDS OAKDALE $3.18 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 06/01/2015 06/02/2015 PET FOOD EXPERTS $1,174.20 KERRY CROTTY 05/29/2015 06/01/2015 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC $73.83 CHARLES DEAVER 05/30/2015 06/01/2015 FRATTALLONES WOODBURY AC $4.92 CHARLES DEAVER 06/03/2015 06/04/2015 G&K SERVICES AR $27.16 CHARLES DEAVER 06/03/2015 06/04/2015 MENARDS OAKDALE $20.87 CHARLES DEAVER 06/03/2015 06/05/2015 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC ($129.04)CHARLES DEAVER 06/05/2015 06/08/2015 FRATTALLONES WOODBURY AC $13.38 CHARLES DEAVER 05/29/2015 06/01/2015 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $16.28 TOM DOUGLASS 06/02/2015 06/03/2015 BUDGETLIGHT $1,460.67 TOM DOUGLASS 06/02/2015 06/03/2015 ADAMS PEST CONTROL $159.49 TOM DOUGLASS 06/02/2015 06/04/2015 RECREONICS INC $2,123.68 TOM DOUGLASS 06/03/2015 06/04/2015 COMMERCIAL POOL & SPA SUP $16.00 TOM DOUGLASS 06/04/2015 06/05/2015 G&K SERVICES AR $397.92 TOM DOUGLASS 06/04/2015 06/05/2015 COMMERCIAL POOL & SPA SUP $482.30 TOM DOUGLASS 06/04/2015 06/08/2015 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $54.45 TOM DOUGLASS 06/05/2015 06/08/2015 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $8.56 TOM DOUGLASS 06/05/2015 06/08/2015 COMMERCIAL POOL & SPA SUP $291.98 TOM DOUGLASS 06/05/2015 06/08/2015 WW GRAINGER $11.60 TOM DOUGLASS 06/06/2015 06/08/2015 SQ *BOUNCE INC.$1,200.00 TOM DOUGLASS 06/09/2015 06/10/2015 AMERICAN LOCKSETS $359.04 TOM DOUGLASS 06/09/2015 06/10/2015 SCHELENGRAYAUTOELECTRI $1,148.75 TOM DOUGLASS 06/09/2015 06/11/2015 OPENTIP.COM, ATAFA.COM $637.99 TOM DOUGLASS 06/09/2015 06/10/2015 OAKDALE RENTAL CENTER $214.00 DOUG EDGE 05/30/2015 06/01/2015 ARC*SERVICES/TRAINING $54.00 CHRISTINE EVANS 06/01/2015 06/03/2015 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $68.07 CHRISTINE EVANS 06/03/2015 06/04/2015 THE LIFEGUARD STORE IN ($121.52)CHRISTINE EVANS 06/04/2015 06/04/2015 TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOLUTIO $30.00 CHRISTINE EVANS 06/08/2015 06/10/2015 FIRST SHRED $13.00 CHRISTINE EVANS 06/02/2015 06/04/2015 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 ($3.09)PAUL E EVERSON 06/02/2015 06/04/2015 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $7.37 PAUL E EVERSON 06/02/2015 06/04/2015 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $9.16 PAUL E EVERSON 05/30/2015 06/01/2015 SUPERAMERICA 4430 $8.16 SHANN FINWALL G1, Attachments Packet Page Number 17 of 199 06/03/2015 06/05/2015 METRO SALES INC.$453.00 MYCHAL FOWLDS 06/05/2015 06/08/2015 B&H PHOTO, 800-606-6969 $228.62 MYCHAL FOWLDS 06/07/2015 06/08/2015 SPRINT *WIRELESS $66.81 MYCHAL FOWLDS 06/10/2015 06/11/2015 AT&T*BILL PAYMENT $37.10 MYCHAL FOWLDS 05/29/2015 06/01/2015 BESTBUYCOM696908044464 $53.55 NICK FRANZEN 06/02/2015 06/03/2015 IDU*INSIGHT PUBLIC SEC $52.02 NICK FRANZEN 06/10/2015 06/11/2015 IDU*INSIGHT PUBLIC SEC $1,060.48 NICK FRANZEN 06/10/2015 06/11/2015 AMZ*DATAQ DIRECT $517.98 NICK FRANZEN 06/11/2015 06/12/2015 IDU*INSIGHT PUBLIC SEC $75.26 NICK FRANZEN 06/10/2015 06/11/2015 MILLS FLEET FARM 1400 $33.75 DEREK FRITZE 06/01/2015 06/03/2015 CENTURY COLLEGE-BO $550.00 CLARENCE GERVAIS 06/03/2015 06/04/2015 MENARDS MAPLEWOOD $9.62 CLARENCE GERVAIS 06/05/2015 06/08/2015 ASPEN MILLS INC.$132.55 CLARENCE GERVAIS 06/10/2015 06/11/2015 DELTA AIR 0062312024581 $358.20 CLARENCE GERVAIS 05/30/2015 06/01/2015 A-1 LAUNDRY $50.14 CHRISTINE GIBSON 06/09/2015 06/11/2015 A-1 LAUNDRY $28.17 CHRISTINE GIBSON 06/01/2015 06/03/2015 221B RESOURCES LLC ($69.99)TIMOTHY HAWKINSON JR. 06/10/2015 06/12/2015 RED WING SHOE #727 $38.99 TIMOTHY HAWKINSON JR. 06/11/2015 06/12/2015 ALTAI BRANDS $98.00 TIMOTHY HAWKINSON JR. 05/29/2015 06/01/2015 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $100.46 TAMARA HAYS 05/29/2015 06/01/2015 GRUBERS POWER EQUIPMENT $32.95 GARY HINNENKAMP 06/04/2015 06/05/2015 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $1.49 GARY HINNENKAMP 06/04/2015 06/05/2015 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $8.53 GARY HINNENKAMP 06/06/2015 06/08/2015 SEARS ROEBUCK 1122 $150.00 GARY HINNENKAMP 06/10/2015 06/11/2015 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $35.95 GARY HINNENKAMP 06/11/2015 06/12/2015 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES530 $89.98 GARY HINNENKAMP 05/28/2015 06/01/2015 KEEPRS INC 2 $15.38 MICHAEL HOEMKE 05/28/2015 06/01/2015 OFFICEMAX/OFFICE DEPOT616 $53.55 TIMOTHY HOFMEISTER 06/05/2015 06/08/2015 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $0.81 TIMOTHY HOFMEISTER 06/11/2015 06/12/2015 MENARDS MAPLEWOOD $34.27 TIMOTHY HOFMEISTER 06/01/2015 06/02/2015 WEDDINGPAGES INC $335.84 RON HORWATH 06/10/2015 06/11/2015 KNOWLAN'S MARKET #2 $13.67 ANN HUTCHINSON 06/10/2015 06/12/2015 KMART 3059 $46.43 ANN HUTCHINSON 06/11/2015 06/12/2015 DAIRY QUEEN #11239 $23.53 ANN HUTCHINSON 06/11/2015 06/12/2015 KNOWLAN'S MARKET #2 $10.98 ANN HUTCHINSON 06/08/2015 06/09/2015 TARGET 00011858 $70.56 DAVID JAHN 06/08/2015 06/09/2015 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC $297.33 DAVID JAHN 06/09/2015 06/10/2015 FRESHWATER EFILTER $186.29 DAVID JAHN 06/10/2015 06/11/2015 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC $437.32 DAVID JAHN 05/29/2015 06/01/2015 MOGREN LANDSCAPING $97.50 DON JONES 06/09/2015 06/11/2015 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 ($36.64)DON JONES 06/09/2015 06/11/2015 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $36.64 DON JONES 06/09/2015 06/11/2015 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $34.20 DON JONES 06/04/2015 06/08/2015 FIRST SHRED $80.30 LOIS KNUTSON 06/04/2015 06/08/2015 SUNCTRYAIR 3372108550964 $312.20 LOIS KNUTSON 06/08/2015 06/09/2015 CHIPOTLE 0224 $57.31 LOIS KNUTSON 06/08/2015 06/09/2015 CVS/PHARMACY #01751 $10.91 LOIS KNUTSON 05/29/2015 06/01/2015 GARMIN INTERNATIONAL $339.96 JASON KREGER 06/04/2015 06/05/2015 WWW.NEWEGG.COM $8.72 JASON KREGER 06/04/2015 06/05/2015 WWW.NEWEGG.COM $24.68 JASON KREGER 06/05/2015 06/08/2015 SHI CORP $332.00 JASON KREGER 06/06/2015 06/08/2015 WWW.NEWEGG.COM $107.94 JASON KREGER 06/08/2015 06/09/2015 CDW GOVERNMENT $386.96 JASON KREGER 06/01/2015 06/02/2015 NATIONAL NIGHT OUT $173.00 NICHOLAS KREKELER 06/08/2015 06/08/2015 PIZZA HUT #30221 $75.00 NICHOLAS KREKELER 06/10/2015 06/11/2015 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC.$40.48 BRETT KROLL 06/01/2015 06/02/2015 HE MEDICAL TRANSPORT $75.64 DAVID KVAM G1, Attachments Packet Page Number 18 of 199 06/11/2015 06/12/2015 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC.$738.00 DAVID KVAM 06/04/2015 06/08/2015 RED WING SHOE #727 $195.49 RANDY LINDBLOM 06/01/2015 06/03/2015 ASPEN MILLS INC.$100.75 STEVE LUKIN 06/01/2015 06/03/2015 ASPEN MILLS INC.$211.80 STEVE LUKIN 06/01/2015 06/03/2015 ASPEN MILLS INC.$43.95 STEVE LUKIN 06/02/2015 06/03/2015 COMCAST CABLE COMM $2.25 STEVE LUKIN 06/03/2015 06/03/2015 AIRGASS NORTH $19.56 STEVE LUKIN 06/05/2015 06/05/2015 AIRGASS NORTH $138.76 STEVE LUKIN 06/06/2015 06/08/2015 AIRGASS NORTH $182.94 STEVE LUKIN 05/28/2015 06/01/2015 KWIK TRIP 69700006973 $30.60 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD 06/09/2015 06/10/2015 SOCKS AND SCARVES $26.88 GLEN MCCARTY 06/10/2015 06/11/2015 BSHIFTER $295.00 MICHAEL MONDOR 06/10/2015 06/11/2015 DELTA AIR 0062312965090 $333.20 MICHAEL MONDOR 06/02/2015 06/03/2015 FASTENAL COMPANY01 $162.00 JOHN NAUGHTON 05/30/2015 06/01/2015 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC.$74.70 MICHAEL NYE 06/01/2015 06/02/2015 MENARDS MAPLEWOOD $61.04 MICHAEL NYE 06/09/2015 06/09/2015 GALLS $52.94 MICHAEL NYE 06/09/2015 06/10/2015 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC.$16.20 MICHAEL NYE 06/08/2015 06/10/2015 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $149.33 MARY KAY PALANK 05/28/2015 06/01/2015 METRO PRODUCTS INC $65.16 STEVEN PRIEM 05/29/2015 06/01/2015 AN FORD WHITE BEAR LAK $27.95 STEVEN PRIEM 05/29/2015 06/01/2015 TERMINAL SUPPLY - TROY 1 $29.51 STEVEN PRIEM 06/01/2015 06/02/2015 AN FORD WHITE BEAR LAK $19.65 STEVEN PRIEM 06/02/2015 06/03/2015 AUTO PLUS LITTLE CANADA $1.70 STEVEN PRIEM 06/03/2015 06/04/2015 AUTO PLUS LITTLE CANADA ($1.70)STEVEN PRIEM 06/03/2015 06/04/2015 BORGEN RADIATOR CO $416.30 STEVEN PRIEM 06/03/2015 06/04/2015 AUTO PLUS LITTLE CANADA $46.85 STEVEN PRIEM 06/03/2015 06/04/2015 AUTO PLUS LITTLE CANADA $99.60 STEVEN PRIEM 06/03/2015 06/04/2015 AUTO PLUS LITTLE CANADA $127.99 STEVEN PRIEM 06/03/2015 06/05/2015 TURFWERKS EAGAN $295.95 STEVEN PRIEM 06/03/2015 06/05/2015 WHEELCO BRAKE &SUPPLY $195.55 STEVEN PRIEM 06/05/2015 06/08/2015 MINNESOTA EQUIPMENT $217.91 STEVEN PRIEM 06/05/2015 06/08/2015 POMP'S TIRE #021 $379.50 STEVEN PRIEM 06/05/2015 06/08/2015 DELEGARD TOOL COMPANY $609.00 STEVEN PRIEM 06/05/2015 06/08/2015 AUTO PLUS LITTLE CANADA $31.91 STEVEN PRIEM 06/08/2015 06/09/2015 AUTO PLUS LITTLE CANADA $27.30 STEVEN PRIEM 06/08/2015 06/10/2015 TURFWERKS EAGAN $37.57 STEVEN PRIEM 06/09/2015 06/10/2015 AUTO PLUS LITTLE CANADA $28.20 STEVEN PRIEM 06/09/2015 06/10/2015 AUTO PLUS LITTLE CANADA $11.17 STEVEN PRIEM 06/09/2015 06/10/2015 POLAR CHEVROLET MAZDA $66.52 STEVEN PRIEM 06/11/2015 06/12/2015 FASTENAL COMPANY01 $71.75 STEVEN PRIEM 06/11/2015 06/12/2015 AN FORD WHITE BEAR LAK $424.85 STEVEN PRIEM 05/29/2015 06/01/2015 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $61.46 KELLY PRINS 06/05/2015 06/08/2015 SQUEEGEE SQUAD $1,694.72 KELLY PRINS 06/08/2015 06/10/2015 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $54.53 KELLY PRINS 06/10/2015 06/11/2015 VIKING ELECTRIC-CREDIT DE $356.50 KELLY PRINS 06/09/2015 06/10/2015 INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC MANA $107.00 TERRIE RAMEAUX 06/09/2015 06/11/2015 MINNESOTA OCCUPATIONAL HE $349.20 TERRIE RAMEAUX 06/10/2015 06/11/2015 WONDERLIC $745.12 TERRIE RAMEAUX 06/10/2015 06/12/2015 PIONEER PRESS ADVERTISING $2,314.25 TERRIE RAMEAUX 05/29/2015 06/01/2015 HILLYARD INC MINNEAPOLIS $619.88 MICHAEL REILLY 06/05/2015 06/08/2015 HILLYARD INC MINNEAPOLIS $137.78 MICHAEL REILLY 06/10/2015 06/11/2015 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC $560.01 MICHAEL REILLY 06/10/2015 06/11/2015 HILLYARD INC MINNEAPOLIS $929.80 MICHAEL REILLY 05/29/2015 06/01/2015 APPOINTMENT-PLUS/STORMSOU $39.00 LORI RESENDIZ 05/30/2015 06/01/2015 ELIVATE $197.94 LORI RESENDIZ 06/03/2015 06/04/2015 ELIVATE $86.81 LORI RESENDIZ G1, Attachments Packet Page Number 19 of 199 06/04/2015 06/05/2015 DAY SPA WAREHOUSE.COM ($1.65)LORI RESENDIZ 06/04/2015 06/05/2015 DAY SPA WAREHOUSE.COM $24.76 LORI RESENDIZ 06/05/2015 06/08/2015 LES MILLS WEST COAST INC $270.00 LORI RESENDIZ 06/10/2015 06/11/2015 G&K SERVICES AR $85.71 LORI RESENDIZ 06/11/2015 06/11/2015 AMAZON.COM $68.53 LORI RESENDIZ 06/11/2015 06/11/2015 AMAZON.COM $68.53 LORI RESENDIZ 06/03/2015 06/04/2015 PAYPAL *ASHLANDPROD $200.00 AUDRA ROBBINS 06/03/2015 06/04/2015 PAYPAL *ASHLANDPROD $200.00 AUDRA ROBBINS 06/03/2015 06/05/2015 PUMP IT UP OAKDALE $100.00 AUDRA ROBBINS 06/08/2015 06/09/2015 TARGET 00011858 $10.48 AUDRA ROBBINS 06/08/2015 06/09/2015 CUB FOODS #1599 $95.77 AUDRA ROBBINS 06/09/2015 06/10/2015 CUB FOODS #1599 $7.98 AUDRA ROBBINS 06/10/2015 06/11/2015 CUB FOODS #1599 $64.14 AUDRA ROBBINS 06/10/2015 06/12/2015 PUMP IT UP OAKDALE $219.00 AUDRA ROBBINS 06/10/2015 06/12/2015 LITTLE CAESARS 1456 0006 $74.99 AUDRA ROBBINS 06/10/2015 06/12/2015 THE CORNER STORE - INSIDE $7.99 AUDRA ROBBINS 06/11/2015 06/12/2015 TARGET 00011858 $62.05 AUDRA ROBBINS 05/29/2015 06/01/2015 RED WING SHOE #727 $212.49 RICK RUIZ 06/02/2015 06/03/2015 OAKDALE RENTAL CENTER $214.00 RICK RUIZ 06/03/2015 06/08/2015 ESCH CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY $349.00 ROBERT RUNNING 06/04/2015 06/08/2015 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $23.40 ROBERT RUNNING 06/11/2015 06/12/2015 FASTENAL COMPANY01 $19.65 ROBERT RUNNING 06/11/2015 06/12/2015 MILLS FLEET FARM 2700 $35.03 ROBERT RUNNING 06/05/2015 06/08/2015 IN *TWIN CITIES INFLATABL $1,426.15 DEB SCHMIDT 06/05/2015 06/08/2015 IN *TWIN CITIES INFLATABL $324.00 DEB SCHMIDT 06/09/2015 06/10/2015 LILLIE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPER $2,700.00 DEB SCHMIDT 06/10/2015 06/12/2015 PAKOR, INC.$711.89 DEB SCHMIDT 05/29/2015 06/01/2015 MINNESOTA RURAL WATER ASS $600.00 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/30/2015 06/03/2015 CINTAS 60A SAP $126.12 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/30/2015 06/03/2015 CINTAS 60A SAP $74.69 SCOTT SCHULTZ 06/03/2015 06/04/2015 G&K SERVICES AR $692.64 SCOTT SCHULTZ 06/03/2015 06/04/2015 TRUGREEN LP *5741 $2,887.00 SCOTT SCHULTZ 06/05/2015 06/08/2015 ON SITE SANITATION INC $44.79 SCOTT SCHULTZ 06/09/2015 06/10/2015 TRUGREEN LP *5613 $1,215.00 SCOTT SCHULTZ 06/01/2015 06/02/2015 WELCOME WAGON $138.00 CAITLIN SHERRILL 06/02/2015 06/03/2015 COMCAST CABLE COMM $73.82 MICHAEL SHORTREED 06/03/2015 06/04/2015 DELTA AIR 0062311255488 $583.60 MICHAEL SHORTREED 06/03/2015 06/04/2015 DELTA AIR 0062311255489 $583.60 MICHAEL SHORTREED 06/09/2015 06/10/2015 THOMSON WEST*TCD $337.49 MICHAEL SHORTREED 06/10/2015 06/11/2015 CUB FOODS #1599 $55.65 MICHAEL SHORTREED 06/11/2015 06/12/2015 CUB FOODS #1599 $48.98 MICHAEL SHORTREED 06/08/2015 06/10/2015 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $247.57 ANDREA SINDT 06/08/2015 06/09/2015 LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPPLY $36.12 JOSEPH STEINER 06/02/2015 06/03/2015 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC.$24.99 BRIAN TAUZELL 06/09/2015 06/10/2015 STREICHER'S MO $40.69 BRIAN TAUZELL 06/10/2015 06/11/2015 TARGET 00011858 $35.87 JAMES TAYLOR 06/10/2015 06/12/2015 OFFICEMAX/OFFICE DEPOT616 $92.34 JAMES TAYLOR 06/04/2015 06/08/2015 AMPCO PARKING UNION DEPOT $6.00 MICHAEL THOMPSON 05/29/2015 06/01/2015 LA QUINTA INN & SUITES $108.91 TAMMY WYLIE 06/10/2015 06/12/2015 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $112.45 TAMMY WYLIE 06/01/2015 06/02/2015 MENARDS MAPLEWOOD $34.24 SUSAN ZWIEG 06/01/2015 06/03/2015 GREEN STUFF OUTDOOR SE $96.14 SUSAN ZWIEG 06/03/2015 06/04/2015 MEDICBATTERIES COM $52.26 SUSAN ZWIEG 06/08/2015 06/09/2015 PAYPAL *AMEMASSOCIA $130.00 SUSAN ZWIEG 06/08/2015 06/09/2015 PAYPAL *AMEMASSOCIA $130.00 SUSAN ZWIEG 06/08/2015 06/09/2015 PAYPAL *AMEMASSOCIA $130.00 SUSAN ZWIEG 06/10/2015 06/11/2015 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC $263.10 SUSAN ZWIEG G1, Attachments Packet Page Number 20 of 199 06/11/2015 06/12/2015 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC $118.70 SUSAN ZWIEG $56,390.38 G1, Attachments Packet Page Number 21 of 199 Check Description Amount 95329 00001 REFUND H REEVES MEMBERSHIP/CK FEE 90.85 95330 05542 10.5" CARBINE 5.56 NATO 1:7 MI M-LOK 9 11,851.35 95331 05543 LEGAL SETTLEMENT TH36/ENGLISH ST 679,600.00 95332 04206 ATTORNEY SERVICES - JULY 8,000.00 95333 05182 2015 JOHN DEERE 1580 MAINTANCE MACH 29,977.06 95334 00985 WASTEWATER - JULY 245,317.42 95335 01546 T-SHIRTS 341.50 95336 03437 INSURANCE AGENT FEE 15-16 12,000.00 95337 05434 REPAIRS TO AMB #010/M331 2,531.91 95338 01811 MDSE FOR RESALE 51.00 01811 MDSE FOR RESALE 51.00 95339 00230 ROCK FOR STORM DYKE REPAIR 215.90 95340 00258 ESCROW RELEASE 969 FARRELL ST S 1,508.33 95341 03645 RENTAL BACKUP GENERATOR 5/13-6/10 1,037.50 95342 00477 MATERIALS-STORM REPAIR 2200 ARCADE 786.50 95343 04834 MATERIALS FOR CATCH-BASIN REPAIRS 671.74 95344 02263 BOARDING & DESTRUCTION FEES-MAY 261.00 95345 02506 REPAIR LIGHTS GOODRICH BALL FIELD 387.00 95346 00789 BULK OILS,KEG GREASE,TUBE GREASE 7,009.98 95347 05533 REPAIR TO LADDER #325 60.74 95348 00942 JANITORIAL SERVICES - JUNE 2,776.00 95349 03818 MONTHLY PREMIUM - JULY 168,926.71 95350 01184 CONVERT 4 DOOR TO FIRE DOOR SET UP 1,077.95 01184 REPAIR ON DOOR #3 351.00 95351 00001 REFUND J NOLL HP & BCBS BENEFITS 525.80 95352 04201 SIREN MAINTENANCE 4,876.00 95353 04074 TAI CHI INSTRUCTION 5/27 - 7/29 186.00 95354 01836 LABOR/EQUIP USED STREET LIGHTS MAY 133.57 01836 MATERIALS FOR STREET LIGHTS - MAY 33.43 95355 05382 MARKETING FOR CITY 6/01 - 6/12 2,000.00 95356 02464 PETTY CASH FOR JULY 4TH EVENT 500.00 95357 04179 PROGRAM DISPLAY SIGN MCC - MAY 325.00 95358 05541 HWY 61 & CO RD B STATION MPCA WORK 3,829.52 95359 05013 POOL AREA LEAK IN CEILING 2,190.87 05013 HVAC MAINTENANCE - CITY HALL 1,591.75 05013 HVAC MAINTENANCE - PW 1902 1,204.75 05013 HVAC MAINTENANCE - PW 1902 603.80 05013 HVAC MAINTENANCE - FIRE STATION 3 252.7506/30/2015 YALE MECHANICAL LLC 1,193,135.6831Checks in this report. 06/30/2015 YALE MECHANICAL LLC 06/30/2015 YALE MECHANICAL LLC 06/30/2015 YALE MECHANICAL LLC 06/30/2015 VISUAL IMAGE PROMOTIONS 06/30/2015 WENCK ASSOCIATES, INC. 06/30/2015 YALE MECHANICAL LLC 06/30/2015 ST PAUL, CITY OF 06/30/2015 TURNING POINT CONSULTING GROUP 06/30/2015 US BANK 06/30/2015 READY WATT 06/30/2015 ELAINE SCHRADE 06/30/2015 ST PAUL, CITY OF 06/30/2015 NORTHERN DOOR COMPANY, INC. 06/30/2015 NORTHERN DOOR COMPANY, INC. 06/30/2015 ONE TIME VENDOR 06/30/2015 KIRVIDA FIRE 06/30/2015 MARSDEN BLDG MAINTENANCE CO 06/30/2015 MEDICA 06/30/2015 HILLCREST ANIMAL HOSPITAL PA 06/30/2015 HUNT ELECTRIC CORP 06/30/2015 KATH FUEL OIL SERVICE CO 06/30/2015 CUMMINS NPOWER LLC 06/30/2015 ESS BROTHERS & SONS INC 06/30/2015 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516 06/30/2015 BERNATELLO'S PIZZA 06/30/2015 BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS, INC. 06/30/2015 CARDINAL HOMEBUILDERS INC 06/30/2015 ARTHUR J GALLAGHER RISK 06/30/2015 AUTO NATION FORD 06/30/2015 BERNATELLO'S PIZZA 06/30/2015 JOHN DEERE COMPANY 06/30/2015 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 06/30/2015 SUBURBAN SPORTSWEAR 06/24/2015 PALMETTO STATE ARMORY 06/24/2015 CAMADA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 06/30/2015 H A KANTRUD Check Register City of Maplewood 06/25/2015 Date Vendor 06/24/2015 ONE TIME VENDOR G1, Attachments Packet Page Number 22 of 199 Settlement Date Payee Description Amount 6/22/2015 U.S. Treasurer Federal Payroll Tax 98,384.09 6/22/2015 P.E.R.A.P.E.R.A.98,000.85 6/22/2015 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 75,179.60 6/22/2015 MN Dept of Revenue Fuel Tax 297.83 6/23/2015 MidAmerica HRA Flex plan 13,975.09 6/23/2015 Labor Unions Union Dues 3,650.06 6/23/2015 MN State Treasurer State Payroll Tax 19,874.66 6/23/2015 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 82,132.88 6/24/2015 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 34,541.15 6/24/2015 Delta Dental Dental Premium 1,031.50 6/25/2015 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 32,788.51 6/26/2015 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 76,258.99 6/26/2015 MN Dept of Natural Resources DNR electronic licenses 805.00 6/26/2015 Optum Health DCRP & Flex plan payments 320.33 537,240.54 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Disbursements via Debits to Checking account G1, Attachments Packet Page Number 23 of 199 Check Description Amount 95360 02149 MARKETING & ADVERTISING - JUNE 4,000.00 95361 02728 PROJ 09-08 PROF SRVS THRU 05/31 9,188.87 02728 PROJ 12-14 PROF SRVS THRU 05/31 5,135.69 02728 PROJ 14-01 PROF SRVS THRU 05/31 2,917.65 02728 PROJ 09-08 PROF SRVS THRU 05/31 2,409.00 95362 04316 AUTO PAWN SYSTEM - MAY 741.60 95363 01546 STAFF T-SHIRTS JULY 4TH EVENT 527.50 95364 01190 ELECTRIC & GAS UTILITY 18,283.88 01190 ELECTRIC UTILITY 14,657.45 01190 ELECTRIC & GAS UTILITY 7,790.04 01190 ELECTRIC UTILITY 714.16 01190 GAS UTILITY 88.06 01190 ELECTRIC UTILITY 60.53 01190 ELECTRIC UTILITY 47.90 01190 ELECTRIC UTILITY 15.57 95365 00043 QUARTERLY SERVICE - CITY HALL & PW 51.00 95366 01830 4 SONY BRC-H900 CAMERAS & CONTROLL 40,150.00 95367 04848 MONTHLY PREMIUM - JULY 212.75 95368 01811 MDSE FOR RESALE 102.00 95369 05369 CLEANING SUPPLIES - CITY HALL 64.87 95370 05206 PHOTOS DADDY DAUGHTER DANCE MCC 130.00 95371 02929 LTC MONTHLY PREMIUM - JULY 201.38 95372 02795 PANASONIC TOUGHPAD FZ-G1 18,389.70 95373 03978 EVENT AT MCC JUNE 9TH 1,739.34 95374 04148 REFUND FOR TRANS MEDIC PATIENT 635.00 04148 REFUND FOR TRANS MEDIC PATIENT 553.00 95375 05544 GAS & EXHAUST PIPE WORK-GENERATOR 3,200.00 95376 01126 MONTHLY PREMIUM - JULY 480.00 95377 05503 AUDIO TRANSCRIPTION 254.99 95378 05356 VIDEOGRAPHER SRVS - MAY 961.40 95379 00001 REFUND M WRIGHT TRANS MEDIC 44.58 95380 00001 REFUND S O'KEEFE HP BENEFIT 20.00 95381 00001 REFUND R MOORE HP BENEFITS 20.00 95382 02270 PROJ 12-09 RETAINAGE REDUCTION 156,730.06 95383 05290 PARTS TO REPAIR L1 110.46 95384 02001 LICENSES OF AIRWATCH MOBILE DEVICE 5,865.00 95385 01418 MDSE FOR RESALE 283.31 01418 ITEMS FOR RESALE & BANQUET FOOD 225.30 01418 MDSE FOR RESALE 92.71 01418 MDSE FOR RESALE 48.00 95386 05545 REIMB BEE BLOCKS & TABLETOP DISPLAY 134.18 95387 00198 WATER UTILITY 3,101.38 00198 WATER UTILITY 9.13 95388 01550 ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS - JUNE 2,763.80 95389 05320 POLICE DEPT BADGES 795.80 95390 00063 MONTHLY PMT 05/17 - 06/16 8,283.38 95391 05013 HVAC MAINTENANCE - FIRE STATION 2 369.2507/07/2015 YALE MECHANICAL LLC 312,599.6732Checks in this report. 07/07/2015 SUMMIT INSPECTIONS 07/07/2015 SUN BADGE CO 07/07/2015 VERIZON WIRELESS 07/07/2015 THOMAS A. SINN 07/07/2015 ST PAUL REGIONAL WATER SRVS 07/07/2015 ST PAUL REGIONAL WATER SRVS 07/07/2015 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT 07/07/2015 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT 07/07/2015 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT 07/07/2015 RED POWER DIESEL SERVICE, INC. 07/07/2015 CITY OF ROSEVILLE 07/07/2015 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT 07/07/2015 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/07/2015 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/07/2015 PALDA & SONS INC 07/07/2015 NET TRANSCRIPTS, INC. 07/07/2015 NORTH SUBURBAN ACCESS CORP 07/07/2015 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/07/2015 MINNESOTA REVENUE 07/07/2015 MUSKA PLUMBING 07/07/2015 NCPERS MINNESOTA 07/07/2015 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR, INC. 07/07/2015 KANE'S CATERING SERVICE, INC 07/07/2015 MINNESOTA REVENUE 07/07/2015 CINTAS CORPORATION #470 07/07/2015 DAVID GRUPA PORTRAIT 07/07/2015 GLTC PREMIUM PAYMENTS 07/07/2015 ALPHA VIDEO & AUDIO INC 07/07/2015 AVESIS 07/07/2015 BERNATELLO'S PIZZA 07/07/2015 XCEL ENERGY 07/07/2015 XCEL ENERGY 07/07/2015 ADAM'S PEST CONTROL INC 07/07/2015 XCEL ENERGY 07/07/2015 XCEL ENERGY 07/07/2015 XCEL ENERGY 07/07/2015 XCEL ENERGY 07/07/2015 XCEL ENERGY 07/07/2015 XCEL ENERGY 07/07/2015 KIMLEY-HORN & ASSOCIATES INC 07/07/2015 CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS RECEIVABLES 07/07/2015 SUBURBAN SPORTSWEAR 07/07/2015 KIMLEY-HORN & ASSOCIATES INC 07/07/2015 KIMLEY-HORN & ASSOCIATES INC 07/07/2015 KIMLEY-HORN & ASSOCIATES INC Check Register City of Maplewood 07/02/2015 Date Vendor 07/07/2015 HEIDI CAREY G1, Attachments Packet Page Number 24 of 199 Settlement Date Payee Description Amount 6/29/2015 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 49,566.37 6/30/2015 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 71,200.29 7/1/2015 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 37,639.70 7/1/2015 US Bank Merchant Services Credit Card Billing fee 79.94 7/2/2015 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 62,159.95 7/3/2015 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 83,857.46 7/3/2015 MN Dept of Natural Resources DNR electronic licenses 1,318.00 7/3/2015 US Bank VISA One Card*Purchasing card items 47,054.65 7/3/2015 Pitney Bowes Postage 2,985.00 7/3/2015 Optum Health DCRP & Flex plan payments 5,640.50 7/3/2015 ICMA (Vantagepointe)Deferred Compensation 3,857.00 365,358.86 *Detailed listing of VISA purchases is attached. CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Disbursements via Debits to Checking account G1, Attachments Packet Page Number 25 of 199 Transaction Date Posting Date Merchant Name Transaction Amount Name 06/17/2015 06/19/2015 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $72.44 REGAN BEGGS 06/17/2015 06/19/2015 ST PAUL STAMP WORKS INC $110.61 REGAN BEGGS 06/23/2015 06/25/2015 ADOBE *IL CREATIVECLD $21.41 CHAD BERGO 06/15/2015 06/16/2015 APPLEBEES CLOQ19219708 $25.81 BRIAN BIERDEMAN 06/15/2015 06/17/2015 GORDYSHIHAT $13.82 BRIAN BIERDEMAN 06/16/2015 06/18/2015 BLACK BEAR HOTEL ($138.94)BRIAN BIERDEMAN 06/16/2015 06/18/2015 BLACK BEAR HOTEL ($98.94)BRIAN BIERDEMAN 06/16/2015 06/18/2015 BLACK BEAR HOTEL $138.94 BRIAN BIERDEMAN 06/19/2015 06/22/2015 STILLWATER VETERINARY $55.00 BRIAN BIERDEMAN 06/24/2015 06/25/2015 WALMART.COM 8009666546 $131.24 BRIAN BIERDEMAN 06/24/2015 06/25/2015 MIDWEST SUPPLY GROUP I $149.40 BRIAN BIERDEMAN 06/17/2015 06/18/2015 PAWFECTION $45.97 OAKLEY BIESANZ 06/16/2015 06/18/2015 EPIC SPORTS $128.94 NEIL BRENEMAN 06/15/2015 06/17/2015 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $25.65 BRENT BUCKLEY 06/12/2015 06/15/2015 STRAUSS SKATES AND BIC $5.35 SARAH BURLINGAME 06/15/2015 06/16/2015 U OF M PARKING $4.00 SARAH BURLINGAME 06/15/2015 06/16/2015 ARAMARK U OF MN BISTRO $11.66 SARAH BURLINGAME 06/16/2015 06/17/2015 U OF M PARKING $4.00 SARAH BURLINGAME 06/16/2015 06/17/2015 ARAMARK U OF MN BISTRO $10.96 SARAH BURLINGAME 06/17/2015 06/18/2015 MAPPS COFFEE $12.71 SARAH BURLINGAME 06/17/2015 06/18/2015 AMAZON SERVICES-KINDLE $8.02 SARAH BURLINGAME 06/18/2015 06/19/2015 U OF M PARKING $4.00 SARAH BURLINGAME 06/18/2015 06/19/2015 ARAMARK U OF MN BISTRO $12.05 SARAH BURLINGAME 06/22/2015 06/23/2015 WALMART.COM 8009666546 $179.10 SARAH BURLINGAME 06/22/2015 06/23/2015 WALMART.COM 8009666546 $179.10 SARAH BURLINGAME 06/23/2015 06/25/2015 OFFICE DEPOT #1079 $4.39 SARAH BURLINGAME 06/23/2015 06/25/2015 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $56.07 SARAH BURLINGAME 06/23/2015 06/25/2015 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $4.39 SARAH BURLINGAME 06/21/2015 06/22/2015 KOHL'S #0179 $117.61 DANIEL BUSACK 06/19/2015 06/22/2015 EVEREST EMERGENCY VEHICLE $39.84 JOHN CAPISTRANT 06/15/2015 06/16/2015 KWE*KIPLINGER EDITORS $58.00 NICHOLAS CARVER 06/11/2015 06/15/2015 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $183.94 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 06/17/2015 06/18/2015 VIKING ELECTRIC-CREDIT DE $134.55 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 06/22/2015 06/23/2015 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $14.25 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 06/24/2015 06/26/2015 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $6.21 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 06/12/2015 06/15/2015 FRATTALLONES WOODBURY AC $12.62 CHARLES DEAVER 06/17/2015 06/18/2015 MENARDS OAKDALE $13.90 CHARLES DEAVER 06/18/2015 06/19/2015 FRATTALLONES WOODBURY AC ($7.79)CHARLES DEAVER 06/24/2015 06/26/2015 SUPERAMERICA 4848 $2.19 CHARLES DEAVER 06/19/2015 06/22/2015 OAKDALE RENTAL CENTER $423.00 THOMAS DEBILZAN 06/11/2015 06/15/2015 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $22.26 TOM DOUGLASS 06/11/2015 06/15/2015 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $11.81 TOM DOUGLASS 06/15/2015 06/16/2015 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $7.96 TOM DOUGLASS 06/15/2015 06/16/2015 STATE SUPPLY $194.45 TOM DOUGLASS 06/16/2015 06/17/2015 RECREONICS INC $277.08 TOM DOUGLASS 06/16/2015 06/17/2015 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $22.27 TOM DOUGLASS 06/17/2015 06/18/2015 COMMERCIAL POOL & SPA SUP ($214.80)TOM DOUGLASS 06/17/2015 06/18/2015 POOL SUPPLY WORLD $167.99 TOM DOUGLASS 06/17/2015 06/25/2015 SQ *THE LOCKER GUY $950.00 TOM DOUGLASS 06/18/2015 06/22/2015 REPLACEMENT LIGHTBULBS $71.60 TOM DOUGLASS 06/22/2015 06/23/2015 AMZ*MNYGROUP6125672813 $164.00 TOM DOUGLASS 06/22/2015 06/25/2015 LINCOLN AQUATICS $104.67 TOM DOUGLASS 06/23/2015 06/24/2015 BUDGETLIGHT ($89.67)TOM DOUGLASS 06/23/2015 06/24/2015 COMMERCIAL POOL & SPA SUP $423.50 TOM DOUGLASS 06/23/2015 06/25/2015 NUCO2 LLC $1,784.05 TOM DOUGLASS G1, Attachments Packet Page Number 26 of 199 06/24/2015 06/25/2015 BATTERIES PLUS #31 $15.95 TOM DOUGLASS 06/25/2015 06/26/2015 THE TRANE COMPANY $974.97 TOM DOUGLASS 06/25/2015 06/26/2015 TRI DIM FILTER CORP $714.87 TOM DOUGLASS 06/15/2015 06/16/2015 ADVANCE SHORING COMPANY $68.00 DOUG EDGE 06/15/2015 06/17/2015 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $28.50 DOUG EDGE 06/16/2015 06/17/2015 OAKDALE RENTAL CENTER $214.00 DOUG EDGE 06/16/2015 06/17/2015 OAKDALE RENTAL CENTER $209.00 DOUG EDGE 06/20/2015 06/22/2015 COMCAST CABLE COMM $83.88 CHRISTINE EVANS 06/23/2015 06/23/2015 COMCAST CABLE COMM $325.89 CHRISTINE EVANS 06/11/2015 06/15/2015 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $4.57 PAUL E EVERSON 06/15/2015 06/17/2015 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $21.39 PAUL E EVERSON 06/15/2015 06/17/2015 MINNOCO *$15.68 PAUL E EVERSON 06/23/2015 06/25/2015 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $23.54 PAUL E EVERSON 06/15/2015 06/16/2015 ELECTRO WATCHMAN INC $1,993.48 MYCHAL FOWLDS 06/15/2015 06/17/2015 METRO SALES INC.$453.00 MYCHAL FOWLDS 06/19/2015 06/22/2015 AT SCENE LLC $675.00 MYCHAL FOWLDS 06/21/2015 06/22/2015 COMCAST CABLE COMM $68.95 MYCHAL FOWLDS 06/23/2015 06/24/2015 IDENTISYS INC.$95.00 MYCHAL FOWLDS 06/25/2015 06/26/2015 CDW GOVERNMENT $128.44 MYCHAL FOWLDS 06/16/2015 06/16/2015 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $46.99 NICK FRANZEN 06/18/2015 06/22/2015 MCM ELECTRONICS INC $15.63 NICK FRANZEN 06/23/2015 06/24/2015 IDU*INSIGHT PUBLIC SEC $222.60 NICK FRANZEN 06/25/2015 06/26/2015 IDU*INSIGHT PUBLIC SEC $678.00 NICK FRANZEN 06/12/2015 06/15/2015 FEDEXOFFICE 00006171 $4.29 CLARENCE GERVAIS 06/13/2015 06/15/2015 FEDEX 780809112723 $20.26 CLARENCE GERVAIS 06/14/2015 06/15/2015 LINENTABLECLOTH.COM $399.55 CHRISTINE GIBSON 06/15/2015 06/17/2015 HOMEGOODS #364 $49.20 CHRISTINE GIBSON 06/18/2015 06/19/2015 TARGET 00012351 $12.65 CHRISTINE GIBSON 06/23/2015 06/25/2015 WHITE BEAR AVE BUS ASSN $150.00 CHRISTINE GIBSON 06/24/2015 06/26/2015 A-1 LAUNDRY $27.00 CHRISTINE GIBSON 06/25/2015 06/26/2015 BEST BUY MHT 00000109 $828.04 KAREN HAAG 06/22/2015 06/23/2015 CONTINENTAL SAFETY EQUI $140.00 MARK HAAG 06/24/2015 06/25/2015 HEJNY RENTAL INC $180.75 MARK HAAG 06/16/2015 06/17/2015 WALGREENS #01751 $35.98 TAMARA HAYS 06/22/2015 06/23/2015 MILLS FLEET FARM 2700 $33.69 TAMARA HAYS 06/11/2015 06/15/2015 NORTHERN TOOL EQUIP-MN $59.98 GARY HINNENKAMP 06/17/2015 06/18/2015 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES530 $65.11 GARY HINNENKAMP 06/18/2015 06/19/2015 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES530 $477.80 GARY HINNENKAMP 06/22/2015 06/23/2015 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $4.49 GARY HINNENKAMP 06/22/2015 06/23/2015 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $4.72 GARY HINNENKAMP 06/24/2015 06/25/2015 MENARDS MAPLEWOOD $58.35 GARY HINNENKAMP 06/25/2015 06/26/2015 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $20.78 GARY HINNENKAMP 06/25/2015 06/26/2015 MENARDS MAPLEWOOD $19.27 GARY HINNENKAMP 06/18/2015 06/22/2015 A-1 LAUNDRY $10.71 TIMOTHY HOFMEISTER 06/19/2015 06/22/2015 WALGREENS #01751 $17.12 TIMOTHY HOFMEISTER 06/19/2015 06/22/2015 WALGREENS #3122 $22.29 ANN HUTCHINSON 06/12/2015 06/15/2015 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC $373.40 DAVID JAHN 06/22/2015 06/23/2015 MENARDS MAPLEWOOD $12.99 DAVID JAHN 06/24/2015 06/26/2015 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $25.14 DAVID JAHN 06/18/2015 06/19/2015 SAFELITE AUTOGLASS $312.64 KEVIN JOHNSON 06/18/2015 06/22/2015 FIRST SHRED $94.60 LOIS KNUTSON 06/22/2015 06/23/2015 URBAN LAND INSTITUTE $45.00 LOIS KNUTSON 06/22/2015 06/23/2015 CUB FOODS #1599 $24.05 LOIS KNUTSON 06/22/2015 06/24/2015 BAMBU ASIAN CUISINE $94.19 LOIS KNUTSON 06/24/2015 06/25/2015 INN LAKE SUPERIOR $330.24 LOIS KNUTSON 06/24/2015 06/25/2015 INN LAKE SUPERIOR $330.24 LOIS KNUTSON G1, Attachments Packet Page Number 27 of 199 06/24/2015 06/25/2015 INN LAKE SUPERIOR $330.24 LOIS KNUTSON 06/18/2015 06/19/2015 L A POLICE GEAR INC $231.96 TOMMY KONG 06/15/2015 06/16/2015 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC.$45.00 NICHOLAS KREKELER 06/23/2015 06/24/2015 MENARDS MAPLEWOOD $58.40 NICHOLAS KREKELER 06/14/2015 06/16/2015 TC RUNNING COMPANY $105.00 BRETT KROLL 06/14/2015 06/16/2015 TC RUNNING COMPANY $200.99 BRETT KROLL 06/13/2015 06/15/2015 COMCAST CABLE COMM $62.82 DAVID KVAM 06/16/2015 06/17/2015 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC.$714.80 DAVID KVAM 06/20/2015 06/22/2015 JCPENNEY 0496 $56.99 DAVID KVAM 06/11/2015 06/15/2015 KEEPRS INC 2 $385.30 TODD LANGNER 06/13/2015 06/15/2015 COMCAST CABLE COMM $143.77 STEVE LUKIN 06/16/2015 06/17/2015 MENARDS OAKDALE $309.59 STEVE LUKIN 06/18/2015 06/19/2015 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINT $1,329.99 STEVE LUKIN 06/19/2015 06/22/2015 NORTHERN TOOL EQUIP-MN $1,517.95 STEVE LUKIN 06/20/2015 06/22/2015 REPUBLIC SERVICES TRASH $160.28 STEVE LUKIN 06/22/2015 06/24/2015 ASPEN MILLS INC.$56.95 STEVE LUKIN 06/19/2015 06/22/2015 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC.$202.98 ALESIA METRY 06/12/2015 06/15/2015 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $131.48 MICHAEL MONDOR 06/12/2015 06/15/2015 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $953.81 MICHAEL MONDOR 06/22/2015 06/23/2015 PAYPAL *MNEMSMEDICA $350.00 MICHAEL MONDOR 06/24/2015 06/26/2015 ALLIED PARKING - TN SQ $9.00 MICHAEL MONDOR 06/25/2015 06/26/2015 TARGET 00011858 $140.37 MICHAEL MONDOR 06/16/2015 06/17/2015 USPS 26833895523402076 $9.00 MICHAEL NYE 06/19/2015 06/22/2015 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC.$39.00 MICHAEL NYE 06/20/2015 06/22/2015 MENARDS MAPLEWOOD $60.98 MICHAEL NYE 06/17/2015 06/18/2015 MOGREN LANDSCAPING $97.50 ERICK OSWALD 06/23/2015 06/24/2015 OAKDALE RENTAL CENTER $224.00 ERICK OSWALD 06/12/2015 06/15/2015 AN FORD WHITE BEAR LAK ($100.00)STEVEN PRIEM 06/12/2015 06/15/2015 EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE $63.92 STEVEN PRIEM 06/12/2015 06/15/2015 BAUER BUILT TIRE 18 $481.50 STEVEN PRIEM 06/16/2015 06/17/2015 NATIONAL PARTS CORP $345.60 STEVEN PRIEM 06/16/2015 06/17/2015 AUTO PLUS LITTLE CANADA $122.06 STEVEN PRIEM 06/16/2015 06/17/2015 PRECISE MRM LLC $167.47 STEVEN PRIEM 06/18/2015 06/19/2015 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $7.66 STEVEN PRIEM 06/18/2015 06/19/2015 ZAHL PMC $841.69 STEVEN PRIEM 06/18/2015 06/22/2015 METRO PRODUCTS INC $116.88 STEVEN PRIEM 06/22/2015 06/23/2015 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $9.00 STEVEN PRIEM 06/22/2015 06/23/2015 EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE $176.32 STEVEN PRIEM 06/22/2015 06/23/2015 BAUER BUILT TIRE 18 $635.78 STEVEN PRIEM 06/22/2015 06/24/2015 TURFWERKS EAGAN $689.20 STEVEN PRIEM 06/22/2015 06/24/2015 PIONEER RIM AND WHEEL-MN $52.60 STEVEN PRIEM 06/23/2015 06/24/2015 POMP'S TIRE #021 $699.20 STEVEN PRIEM 06/23/2015 06/24/2015 AUTO PLUS LITTLE CANADA $225.03 STEVEN PRIEM 06/23/2015 06/24/2015 AUTO PLUS LITTLE CANADA $57.76 STEVEN PRIEM 06/23/2015 06/24/2015 AUTO PLUS LITTLE CANADA $21.28 STEVEN PRIEM 06/23/2015 06/24/2015 AN FORD WHITE BEAR LAK $336.21 STEVEN PRIEM 06/23/2015 06/24/2015 AN FORD WHITE BEAR LAK $629.43 STEVEN PRIEM 06/24/2015 06/25/2015 AUTO PLUS LITTLE CANADA $52.91 STEVEN PRIEM 06/25/2015 06/26/2015 AN FORD WHITE BEAR LAK ($109.02)STEVEN PRIEM 06/25/2015 06/26/2015 AN FORD WHITE BEAR LAK $223.60 STEVEN PRIEM 06/17/2015 06/19/2015 WALLY S UPHOLS80110026 $340.00 KELLY PRINS 06/25/2015 06/26/2015 CONTINENTAL RESEARCH COR $661.94 KELLY PRINS 06/22/2015 06/23/2015 HILLYARD INC MINNEAPOLIS $842.01 MICHAEL REILLY 06/23/2015 06/24/2015 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC $197.74 MICHAEL REILLY 06/25/2015 06/26/2015 HILLYARD INC MINNEAPOLIS $539.09 MICHAEL REILLY 06/12/2015 06/15/2015 POWDER BLUE PRODUCTIONS $26.70 LORI RESENDIZ G1, Attachments Packet Page Number 28 of 199 06/14/2015 06/15/2015 CTC*CONSTANTCONTACT.COM $60.00 AUDRA ROBBINS 06/18/2015 06/19/2015 TARGET 00011858 $50.66 AUDRA ROBBINS 06/24/2015 06/25/2015 TARGET 00011858 $206.72 AUDRA ROBBINS 06/25/2015 06/26/2015 HOLIDAY INN ELK RIVER $540.00 AUDRA ROBBINS 06/11/2015 06/15/2015 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $54.88 ROBERT RUNNING 06/23/2015 06/25/2015 LILLIE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPER $901.10 DEB SCHMIDT 06/24/2015 06/26/2015 BANNERS.COM $135.16 DEB SCHMIDT 06/18/2015 06/19/2015 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC.$60.98 PAUL SCHNELL 06/20/2015 06/22/2015 MCDONALD'S F12574 $4.91 PAUL SCHNELL 06/20/2015 06/22/2015 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $77.44 PAUL SCHNELL 06/23/2015 06/24/2015 IN *ENCOMPASS TELEMATICS,$598.00 PAUL SCHNELL 06/11/2015 06/15/2015 KEEPRS INC 2 $300.00 ZACHARY SCHOEN 06/12/2015 06/15/2015 TRUGREEN LP *5746 $2,800.00 SCOTT SCHULTZ 06/14/2015 06/15/2015 REPUBLIC SERVICES TRASH $596.55 SCOTT SCHULTZ 06/22/2015 06/24/2015 ON SITE SANITATION INC $1,633.00 SCOTT SCHULTZ 06/23/2015 06/25/2015 ON SITE SANITATION INC $171.00 SCOTT SCHULTZ 06/12/2015 06/15/2015 CUB FOODS #1599 $32.96 MICHAEL SHORTREED 06/12/2015 06/15/2015 CARIBOU COFFEE CO # 154 $135.92 MICHAEL SHORTREED 06/15/2015 06/16/2015 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC.$178.50 MICHAEL SHORTREED 06/16/2015 06/18/2015 PERFORMANCE TRANSMISSI $90.16 MICHAEL SHORTREED 06/17/2015 06/19/2015 PERFORMANCE TRANSMISSI $87.15 MICHAEL SHORTREED 06/17/2015 06/19/2015 LARSONS AUTOMOTIVE OF MAP $73.68 MICHAEL SHORTREED 06/24/2015 06/25/2015 SPARTAN PROMOTIONAL GRP $376.16 MICHAEL SHORTREED 06/24/2015 06/25/2015 PAYPAL *USPCA 12 $110.00 MICHAEL SHORTREED 06/11/2015 06/15/2015 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $61.84 ANDREA SINDT 06/17/2015 06/18/2015 IN *BIOBAG USA $568.12 CHRIS SWANSON 06/19/2015 06/22/2015 WAYFAIR*WAYFAIR $299.99 JAMES TAYLOR 06/23/2015 06/24/2015 BCS*ISD 622 COMMUNITY ED $2,788.00 JAMES TAYLOR 06/25/2015 06/25/2015 PANERA BREAD #601305 $62.69 JAMES TAYLOR 06/12/2015 06/15/2015 DICK'S CLOTHING&SPORTING $119.99 JAY WENZEL 06/11/2015 06/15/2015 OFFICE DEPOT #1080 $37.48 TAMMY WYLIE 06/16/2015 06/18/2015 BLACK BEAR HOTEL $50.44 TAMMY WYLIE 06/17/2015 06/19/2015 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $74.97 TAMMY WYLIE $47,054.65 G1, Attachments Packet Page Number 29 of 199 CHECK #CHECK DATE EMPLOYEE NAME 174.80 35.20 06/19/15 DUGAS, MICHAEL 4,574.46 06/19/15 CROTTY, KERRY 3,986.41 06/19/15 DEMULLING, JOSEPH 3,356.74 06/19/15 BUSACK, DANIEL 4,099.76 06/19/15 CARNES, JOHN 2,839.02 06/19/15 BENJAMIN, MARKESE 3,023.22 06/19/15 BIERDEMAN, BRIAN 4,123.05 06/19/15 BARTZ, PAUL 3,500.50 06/19/15 BELDE, STANLEY 3,148.56 06/19/15 ALDRIDGE, MARK 3,148.56 06/19/15 BAKKE, LONN 3,287.93 06/19/15 WYLIE, TAMMY 1,699.57 06/19/15 ABEL, CLINT 3,078.74 06/19/15 SHORTREED, MICHAEL 4,379.47 06/19/15 THOMFORDE, FAITH 1,836.38 06/19/15 PALANK, MARY 2,027.02 06/19/15 SCHNELL, PAUL 5,161.92 06/19/15 CORCORAN, THERESA 2,022.59 06/19/15 KVAM, DAVID 4,506.18 06/19/15 VITT, SANDRA 1,101.82 06/19/15 WEAVER, KRISTINE 2,507.39 06/19/15 OSTER, ANDREA 2,027.02 06/19/15 RICHTER, CHARLENE 1,133.02 06/19/15 MECHELKE, SHERRIE 1,212.22 06/19/15 MOY, PAMELA 1,763.84 06/19/15 CRAWFORD, LEIGH 1,888.37 06/19/15 LARSON, MICHELLE 2,020.38 06/19/15 SCHMIDT, DEBORAH 3,248.90 06/19/15 SPANGLER, EDNA 1,372.07 06/19/15 HAAG, KAREN 4,660.99 06/19/15 LO, CHING 834.99 06/19/15 ARNOLD, AJLA 398.94 06/19/15 BEGGS, REGAN 1,893.21 06/19/15 DEBILZAN, JUDY 2,257.97 06/19/15 RUEB, JOSEPH 3,180.20 06/19/15 OSWALD, BRENDA 1,942.65 06/19/15 ANDERSON, CAROLE 1,063.09 06/19/15 RAMEAUX, THERESE 3,283.59 06/19/15 BAUMAN, GAYLE 4,977.28 06/19/15 JAHN, DAVID 2,242.00 06/19/15 BURLINGAME, SARAH 2,380.50 06/19/15 KNUTSON, LOIS 2,503.61 06/19/15 CHRISTENSON, SCOTT 2,261.17 06/19/15 COLEMAN, MELINDA 5,425.56 06/19/15 FUNK, MICHAEL 4,679.30 06/19/15 KOPPEN, MARVIN 430.99 06/19/15 SLAWIK, NORA 489.68 06/19/15 CARDINAL, ROBERT 430.99 06/19/15 JUENEMANN, KATHLEEN 430.99 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD EMPLOYEE GROSS EARNINGS REPORT FOR THE CURRENT PAY PERIOD Exp Reimb, Severance, Conversion incl in AmountAMOUNT 06/19/15 ABRAMS, MARYLEE 430.99 G1, Attachments Packet Page Number 30 of 199 628.15 -1,440.00 -1,964.11 06/19/15 JANSEN, CHAD 417.95 06/19/15 JUREK, GREGORY 488.68 06/19/15 HUTCHINSON, JAMES 780.00 06/19/15 IMM, TRACY 160.75 06/19/15 HALWEG, JODI 4,429.14 06/19/15 HAWTHORNE, ROCHELLE 3,614.72 06/19/15 HAGEN, MICHAEL 180.06 06/19/15 HALE, JOSEPH 502.50 06/19/15 DAWSON, RICHARD 3,180.17 06/19/15 EVERSON, PAUL 3,282.64 06/19/15 CRUMMY, CHARLES 25.73 06/19/15 DABRUZZI, THOMAS 2,559.50 06/19/15 COREY, ROBERT 372.98 06/19/15 CRAWFORD - JR, RAYMOND 3,148.85 06/19/15 CAPISTRANT, JACOB 263.64 06/19/15 CAPISTRANT, JOHN 318.75 06/19/15 BEITLER, NATHAN 495.12 06/19/15 BOURQUIN, RON 617.40 06/19/15 BASSETT, BRENT 488.68 06/19/15 BAUMAN, ANDREW 2,774.09 06/19/15 ANDERSON, BRIAN 154.33 06/19/15 BAHL, DAVID 300.00 06/19/15 XIONG, KAO 3,121.34 06/19/15 ZAPPA, ANDREW 2,001.94 06/19/15 VANG, PAM 2,075.20 06/19/15 WENZEL, JAY 3,135.29 06/19/15 THEISEN, PAUL 1,267.71 06/19/15 THIENES, PAUL 3,945.04 06/19/15 SYPNIEWSKI, WILLIAM 3,224.61 06/19/15 TAUZELL, BRIAN 3,199.68 06/19/15 SLATER, BENJAMIN 2,343.75 06/19/15 STEINER, JOSEPH 4,055.54 06/19/15 REZNY, BRADLEY 3,941.43 06/19/15 SCHOEN, ZACHARY 2,364.95 06/19/15 PARKER, JAMES 2,941.86 06/19/15 PETERSON, JARED 2,001.94 06/19/15 OLDING, PARKER 2,312.50 06/19/15 OLSON, JULIE 3,064.41 06/19/15 MULVIHILL, MARIA 840.97 06/19/15 NYE, MICHAEL 3,945.04 06/19/15 METRY, ALESIA 3,231.82 06/19/15 MICHELETTI, BRIAN 2,542.67 06/19/15 MARINO, JASON 3,135.29 06/19/15 MCCARTY, GLEN 3,455.84 06/19/15 LANGNER, TODD 3,363.10 06/19/15 LYNCH, KATHERINE 4,081.76 06/19/15 KROLL, BRETT 3,389.76 06/19/15 LANGNER, SCOTT 3,003.03 06/19/15 KONG, TOMMY 3,064.41 06/19/15 KREKELER, NICHOLAS 1,158.40 06/19/15 HOFMEISTER, TIMOTHY 496.00 06/19/15 JOHNSON, KEVIN 3,919.72 06/19/15 HIEBERT, STEVEN 3,148.56 06/19/15 HOEMKE, MICHAEL 2,479.90 06/19/15 HAWKINSON JR, TIMOTHY 3,307.70 06/19/15 HER, PHENG 2,941.86 06/19/15 FRITZE, DEREK 3,123.20 06/19/15 GABRIEL, ANTHONY 3,833.47 06/19/15 FISHER, CASSANDRA 1,576.10 06/19/15 FORSYTHE, MARCUS 3,172.56 06/19/15 ERICKSON, VIRGINIA 3,315.98 G1, Attachments Packet Page Number 31 of 199 50.00 150.00 50.00 06/19/15 HINNENKAMP, GARY 2,647.54 06/19/15 HAMRE, MILES 1,852.00 06/19/15 HAYS, TAMARA 1,952.67 06/19/15 KONEWKO, DUWAYNE 4,872.81 06/19/15 DELISLE JR, JACQUES 880.00 06/19/15 ZIEMAN, SCOTT 1,280.00 06/19/15 JANASZAK, MEGHAN 1,985.97 06/19/15 LOVE, STEVEN 3,929.31 06/19/15 THOMPSON, MICHAEL 4,952.44 06/19/15 JAROSCH, JONATHAN 3,287.58 06/19/15 LINDBLOM, RANDAL 2,915.03 06/19/15 DUCHARME, JOHN 2,915.02 06/19/15 ENGSTROM, ANDREW 2,962.68 06/19/15 TEVLIN, TODD 2,310.27 06/19/15 BURLINGAME, NATHAN 2,463.21 06/19/15 RUIZ, RICARDO 1,902.67 06/19/15 RUNNING, ROBERT 2,532.67 06/19/15 NAGEL, BRYAN 3,803.10 06/19/15 OSWALD, ERICK 2,388.03 06/19/15 JONES, DONALD 2,362.49 06/19/15 MEISSNER, BRENT 2,272.77 06/19/15 DEBILZAN, THOMAS 2,322.49 06/19/15 EDGE, DOUGLAS 2,272.11 06/19/15 BRINK, TROY 2,699.89 06/19/15 BUCKLEY, BRENT 2,847.33 06/19/15 CORTESI, LUANNE 1,088.07 06/19/15 SINDT, ANDREA 2,654.60 06/19/15 LUKIN, STEVEN 4,939.44 06/19/15 ZWIEG, SUSAN 1,238.03 06/19/15 TROXEL, REID 385.81 06/19/15 GERVAIS-JR, CLARENCE 4,239.86 06/19/15 STREFF, MICHAEL 2,914.87 06/19/15 SVENDSEN, RONALD 3,118.82 06/19/15 RODRIGUEZ, ROBERTO 180.04 06/19/15 SEDLACEK, JEFFREY 2,840.55 06/19/15 RANK, PAUL 771.63 06/19/15 RICE, CHRISTOPHER 874.50 06/19/15 RAINEY, JAMES 913.10 06/19/15 RANGEL, DERRICK 745.90 06/19/15 PETERSON, ROBERT 3,116.86 06/19/15 POWERS, KENNETH 803.76 06/19/15 PARROW, JOSHUA 360.09 06/19/15 PETERSON, MARK 180.00 06/19/15 OPHEIM, JOHN 465.00 06/19/15 PACHECO, ALPHONSE 655.90 06/19/15 NOWICKI, PAUL 180.06 06/19/15 OLSON, JAMES 2,840.55 06/19/15 NIELSEN, KENNETH 270.00 06/19/15 NOVAK, JEROME 3,437.03 06/19/15 MONSON, PETER 334.39 06/19/15 MORGAN, JEFFERY 334.32 06/19/15 MILLER, LADD 900.00 06/19/15 MONDOR, MICHAEL 3,806.21 06/19/15 LOCHEN, MICHAEL 471.62 06/19/15 MERKATORIS, BRETT 154.33 06/19/15 KUBAT, ERIC 2,807.93 06/19/15 LINDER, TIMOTHY 2,807.93 06/19/15 KERSKA, JOSEPH 797.38 06/19/15 KONDER, RONALD 308.66 06/19/15 KANE, ROBERT 900.00 06/19/15 KARRAS, JAMIE 462.99 G1, Attachments Packet Page Number 32 of 199 88.35 16.33 2,170.74 06/19/15 BESTER, MICHAEL 83.89 06/19/15 BLANKENFELD, RUSSELL 40.00 06/19/15 BAUDE, JANE 16.40 06/19/15 BEAR, AMANDA 199.50 06/19/15 ST SAUVER, CRAIG 480.40 06/19/15 WISTL, MOLLY 539.28 06/19/15 SKRYPEK, JOSHUA 393.75 06/19/15 SMITH, CORTNEY 307.50 06/19/15 MILLER, KAREN 120.00 06/19/15 RUZICHKA, JANICE 270.00 06/19/15 HOFMEISTER, MARY 1,318.21 06/19/15 KELLEY, CAITLIN 3,530.84 06/19/15 GIBSON, CHRISTINE 2,327.15 06/19/15 HECKENDORN, TAYLOR 67.50 06/19/15 DIONNE, ANN 700.90 06/19/15 EVANS, CHRISTINE 2,049.31 06/19/15 WILBER, JEFFREY 1,797.98 06/19/15 BARAHONA, FREYA 234.00 06/19/15 JENSEN, JOSEPH 1,815.47 06/19/15 SCHULTZ, SCOTT 3,727.15 06/19/15 ADAMS, DAVID 2,299.24 06/19/15 HAAG, MARK 2,532.68 06/19/15 TAYLOR, JAMES 3,400.88 06/19/15 VUKICH, CANDACE 519.00 06/19/15 RYCHLICKI, NICHOLE 380.00 06/19/15 SLAWIK, VICTORIA 358.75 06/19/15 LARSON, TRISTA 169.50 06/19/15 ROBBINS, AUDRA 3,658.56 06/19/15 LARSON, KATELYN 253.56 06/19/15 LARSON, MARIAH 301.75 06/19/15 JACOBS, ROCHELLE 132.50 06/19/15 KONG, KATELYNE 24.75 06/19/15 FISHER, CHANCE 40.00 06/19/15 FORTIER, JESSICA 116.75 06/19/15 CLINE, ABBY 84.00 06/19/15 ETTER, LAURA 42.00 06/19/15 BJORK, BRANDON 804.50 06/19/15 BRENEMAN, NEIL 2,533.34 06/19/15 WEIDNER, JAMES 1,584.00 06/19/15 WELLENS, MOLLY 2,098.92 06/19/15 SWAN, DAVID 2,939.57 06/19/15 SWANSON, CHRIS 1,951.57 06/19/15 BRASH, JASON 2,855.88 06/19/15 CARVER, NICHOLAS 4,473.03 06/19/15 LORENZ, DANIELA 600.00 06/19/15 MARTIN, MICHAEL 3,022.27 06/19/15 KROLL, LISA 2,100.37 06/19/15 FINWALL, SHANN 3,780.17 06/19/15 WACHAL, KAREN 1,010.20 06/19/15 GAYNOR, VIRGINIA 3,478.53 06/19/15 HUTCHINSON, ANN 2,845.81 06/19/15 SOUTTER, CHRISTINE 166.25 06/19/15 GERNES, CAROLE 306.26 06/19/15 HAYMAN, JANET 1,000.11 06/19/15 BIESANZ, OAKLEY 1,586.88 06/19/15 DEAVER, CHARLES 817.84 06/19/15 RANWEILER, GABRIEL 792.00 06/19/15 SALCHOW, CONNOR 880.00 06/19/15 NORDQUIST, RICHARD 2,412.63 06/19/15 ORE, JORDAN 2,005.72 06/19/15 NAUGHTON, JOHN 2,476.16 G1, Attachments Packet Page Number 33 of 199 43.89 289.21 06/19/15 WOEHRLE, MATTHEW 2,374.35 06/19/15 COUNTRYMAN, BRENDA 1,360.00 06/19/15 PRIEM, STEVEN 2,585.69 06/19/15 REILLY, MICHAEL 2,059.40 06/19/15 STEFFEN, MICHAEL 102.00 06/19/15 NESVACIL, BRENNAN 88.00 06/19/15 PRINS, KELLY 1,970.33 06/19/15 MAIDMENT, COLIN 788.84 06/19/15 MALONEY, SHAUNA 124.00 06/19/15 KRECH, ELAINE 689.92 06/19/15 LOONEY, RAYJEANIA 192.00 06/19/15 DOUGLASS, TOM 2,698.53 06/19/15 HEINTZ, JOSHUA 176.00 06/19/15 BOWMAN, CHRIS 200.00 06/19/15 CRAWFORD, SHAWN 550.00 06/19/15 FRANZMEIER, EILEEN 261.75 06/19/15 AUSTIN, CATHERINE 96.00 06/19/15 CHRISTAL, JENNIFER 270.00 06/19/15 ELLISON, LELIA 45.00 06/19/15 BOSLEY, CAROL 146.25 06/19/15 BUTLER-MILLER, JADE 121.13 06/19/15 YANG, JUDY 110.00 06/19/15 BILJAN, MERANDA 110.50 06/19/15 WAGNER, JODY 298.00 06/19/15 WALLNER, KRISTIN 67.00 06/19/15 TRUONG, CHAU 42.00 06/19/15 TUPY, MARCUS 96.00 06/19/15 SYME, LAUREN 25.35 06/19/15 TREPANIER, TODD 244.14 06/19/15 SMITLEY, SHARON 248.42 06/19/15 SYME, ABBEY 16.71 06/19/15 SMITH, CASEY 29.26 06/19/15 SMITH, JEROME 147.25 06/19/15 SCHREIER, ROSEMARIE 165.83 06/19/15 SMITH, ANN 124.80 06/19/15 ROMERO, JENNIFER 47.00 06/19/15 SCHERER, KATHLENE 88.38 06/19/15 RICHTER, DANIEL 114.90 06/19/15 ROLLERSON, TERRANCE 60.76 06/19/15 REHLING-ANDERSON, LORIE 112.50 06/19/15 RESENDIZ, LORI 2,966.52 06/19/15 OHS, CYNTHIA 186.00 06/19/15 RANEY, COURTNEY 872.04 06/19/15 MUSKAT, JULIE 98.64 06/19/15 NITZ, CARA 510.30 06/19/15 LAMSON, ELIANA 27.38 06/19/15 MCKILLOP, AMANDA 136.52 06/19/15 JEBENS-SINGH, TARA 240.00 06/19/15 JOHNSON, BARBARA 382.72 06/19/15 HOLMBERG, LADONNA 169.14 06/19/15 IACARELLA-FUDALI, BARBARA 82.50 06/19/15 GUSTAFSON, BRENDA 170.00 06/19/15 HAASCH, ANGELA 85.50 06/19/15 FREDRICKS, MARTHA 18.00 06/19/15 GRUENHAGEN, LINDA 409.08 06/19/15 ERICKSON-CLARK, CAROL 18.75 06/19/15 FONTAINE, KIM 108.00 06/19/15 CURLEY, ELAINE 40.00 06/19/15 DEMPSEY, BETH 293.26 06/19/15 BUCKLEY, BRITTANY 93.16 06/19/15 BUTLER, ANGELA 73.00 G1, Attachments Packet Page Number 34 of 199 247.65 9995003 9995004 512,463.31 06/19/15 CHRISTOPHER, KYLE 280.00 06/19/15 KRECH, TRAVIS 416.50 06/19/15 FRANZEN, NICHOLAS 3,212.56 06/19/15 KREGER, JASON 2,734.55 06/19/15 BERGO, CHAD 2,907.76 06/19/15 FOWLDS, MYCHAL 4,096.38 06/19/15 XIONG, BOON 1,667.78 G1, Attachments Packet Page Number 35 of 199 CHECK #CHECK DATE EMPLOYEE NAME 20.00 07/03/15 DUGAS, MICHAEL 3,743.22 07/03/15 CROTTY, KERRY 3,986.42 07/03/15 DEMULLING, JOSEPH 3,321.54 07/03/15 BUSACK, DANIEL 3,953.33 07/03/15 CARNES, JOHN 2,891.34 07/03/15 BENJAMIN, MARKESE 3,267.30 07/03/15 BIERDEMAN, BRIAN 4,834.78 07/03/15 BARTZ, PAUL 3,546.26 07/03/15 BELDE, STANLEY 3,148.56 07/03/15 ALDRIDGE, MARK 3,526.76 07/03/15 BAKKE, LONN 3,287.93 07/03/15 WYLIE, TAMMY 1,732.53 07/03/15 ABEL, CLINT 3,064.41 07/03/15 SHORTREED, MICHAEL 4,379.47 07/03/15 THOMFORDE, FAITH 1,836.37 07/03/15 PALANK, MARY 2,027.02 07/03/15 SCHNELL, PAUL 5,161.92 07/03/15 CORCORAN, THERESA 2,022.59 07/03/15 KVAM, DAVID 4,506.18 07/03/15 VITT, SANDRA 1,101.82 07/03/15 WEAVER, KRISTINE 2,507.39 07/03/15 OSTER, ANDREA 2,027.02 07/03/15 RICHTER, CHARLENE 1,133.02 07/03/15 MECHELKE, SHERRIE 1,212.22 07/03/15 MOY, PAMELA 1,616.31 07/03/15 CRAWFORD, LEIGH 1,888.37 07/03/15 LARSON, MICHELLE 2,020.38 07/03/15 SCHMIDT, DEBORAH 3,248.90 07/03/15 SPANGLER, EDNA 1,212.22 07/03/15 HAAG, KAREN 4,860.99 07/03/15 LO, CHING 834.99 07/03/15 ARNOLD, AJLA 1,867.10 07/03/15 BEGGS, REGAN 1,739.60 07/03/15 DEBILZAN, JUDY 2,257.97 07/03/15 RUEB, JOSEPH 3,180.20 07/03/15 OSWALD, BRENDA 1,942.62 07/03/15 ANDERSON, CAROLE 189.58 07/03/15 RAMEAUX, THERESE 3,283.59 07/03/15 BAUMAN, GAYLE 5,197.28 07/03/15 JAHN, DAVID 2,014.19 07/03/15 BURLINGAME, SARAH 2,380.50 07/03/15 KNUTSON, LOIS 2,503.62 07/03/15 CHRISTENSON, SCOTT 2,641.93 07/03/15 COLEMAN, MELINDA 5,925.56 07/03/15 FUNK, MICHAEL 5,079.30 07/03/15 KOPPEN, MARVIN 430.99 07/03/15 SLAWIK, NORA 489.68 07/03/15 CARDINAL, ROBERT 430.99 07/03/15 JUENEMANN, KATHLEEN 430.99 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD EMPLOYEE GROSS EARNINGS REPORT FOR THE CURRENT PAY PERIOD Exp Reimb, Severance, Conversion incl in AmountAMOUNT 07/03/15 ABRAMS, MARYLEE 430.99 G1, Attachments Packet Page Number 36 of 199 86.68 -175.00 07/03/15 JANSEN, CHAD 270.07 07/03/15 JUREK, GREGORY 25.73 07/03/15 HUTCHINSON, JAMES 555.00 07/03/15 IMM, TRACY 51.44 07/03/15 HALWEG, JODI 2,952.02 07/03/15 HAWTHORNE, ROCHELLE 2,731.39 07/03/15 HAGEN, MICHAEL 308.64 07/03/15 HALE, JOSEPH 300.00 07/03/15 DAWSON, RICHARD 3,850.52 07/03/15 EVERSON, PAUL 3,293.03 07/03/15 CRUMMY, CHARLES 462.96 07/03/15 DABRUZZI, THOMAS 2,976.88 07/03/15 COREY, ROBERT 385.82 07/03/15 CRAWFORD - JR, RAYMOND 2,555.09 07/03/15 CAPISTRANT, JACOB 405.10 07/03/15 CAPISTRANT, JOHN 300.00 07/03/15 BEITLER, NATHAN 180.05 07/03/15 BOURQUIN, RON 1,234.80 07/03/15 BASSETT, BRENT 180.06 07/03/15 BAUMAN, ANDREW 3,294.33 07/03/15 ANDERSON, BRIAN 347.25 07/03/15 BAHL, DAVID 502.50 07/03/15 XIONG, KAO 3,064.41 07/03/15 ZAPPA, ANDREW 2,121.84 07/03/15 VANG, PAM 2,121.35 07/03/15 WENZEL, JAY 3,120.96 07/03/15 THEISEN, PAUL 3,231.82 07/03/15 THIENES, PAUL 3,673.18 07/03/15 SYPNIEWSKI, WILLIAM 3,682.17 07/03/15 TAUZELL, BRIAN 3,050.34 07/03/15 SLATER, BENJAMIN 2,992.42 07/03/15 STEINER, JOSEPH 3,820.29 07/03/15 REZNY, BRADLEY 3,109.27 07/03/15 SCHOEN, ZACHARY 2,479.90 07/03/15 PARKER, JAMES 3,358.06 07/03/15 PETERSON, JARED 2,001.94 07/03/15 OLDING, PARKER 2,626.37 07/03/15 OLSON, JULIE 3,064.41 07/03/15 MULVIHILL, MARIA 2,105.97 07/03/15 NYE, MICHAEL 4,166.15 07/03/15 METRY, ALESIA 3,231.82 07/03/15 MICHELETTI, BRIAN 2,476.55 07/03/15 MARINO, JASON 3,248.39 07/03/15 MCCARTY, GLEN 3,351.59 07/03/15 LANGNER, TODD 3,353.87 07/03/15 LYNCH, KATHERINE 3,185.94 07/03/15 KROLL, BRETT 3,234.06 07/03/15 LANGNER, SCOTT 3,003.03 07/03/15 KONG, TOMMY 3,064.41 07/03/15 KREKELER, NICHOLAS 1,000.19 07/03/15 HOFMEISTER, TIMOTHY 496.00 07/03/15 JOHNSON, KEVIN 4,134.92 07/03/15 HIEBERT, STEVEN 3,148.56 07/03/15 HOEMKE, MICHAEL 2,322.82 07/03/15 HAWKINSON JR, TIMOTHY 3,155.55 07/03/15 HER, PHENG 3,158.82 07/03/15 FRITZE, DEREK 3,375.31 07/03/15 GABRIEL, ANTHONY 3,684.83 07/03/15 FISHER, CASSANDRA 1,540.00 07/03/15 FORSYTHE, MARCUS 3,213.06 07/03/15 ERICKSON, VIRGINIA 3,315.98 G1, Attachments Packet Page Number 37 of 199 07/03/15 SALCHOW, CONNOR 792.00 07/03/15 ORE, JORDAN 2,040.07 07/03/15 RANWEILER, GABRIEL 880.00 07/03/15 NAUGHTON, JOHN 2,300.27 07/03/15 NORDQUIST, RICHARD 2,287.20 07/03/15 HAYS, TAMARA 1,911.31 07/03/15 HINNENKAMP, GARY 2,509.60 07/03/15 DELISLE JR, JACQUES 880.00 07/03/15 HAMRE, MILES 1,852.00 07/03/15 JANASZAK, MEGHAN 1,985.97 07/03/15 KONEWKO, DUWAYNE 4,922.81 07/03/15 THOMPSON, MICHAEL 5,152.44 07/03/15 ZIEMAN, SCOTT 1,240.00 07/03/15 LINDBLOM, RANDAL 2,915.03 07/03/15 LOVE, STEVEN 3,929.30 07/03/15 ENGSTROM, ANDREW 2,935.90 07/03/15 JAROSCH, JONATHAN 3,287.58 07/03/15 BURLINGAME, NATHAN 2,463.20 07/03/15 DUCHARME, JOHN 2,915.02 07/03/15 RUNNING, ROBERT 2,624.63 07/03/15 TEVLIN, TODD 2,300.27 07/03/15 OSWALD, ERICK 2,450.30 07/03/15 RUIZ, RICARDO 2,004.37 07/03/15 MEISSNER, BRENT 2,306.27 07/03/15 NAGEL, BRYAN 3,803.10 07/03/15 EDGE, DOUGLAS 2,479.80 07/03/15 JONES, DONALD 2,302.49 07/03/15 BUCKLEY, BRENT 2,420.89 07/03/15 DEBILZAN, THOMAS 2,386.12 07/03/15 SINDT, ANDREA 2,654.60 07/03/15 BRINK, TROY 2,624.63 07/03/15 ZWIEG, SUSAN 1,238.02 07/03/15 CORTESI, LUANNE 1,137.21 07/03/15 GERVAIS-JR, CLARENCE 4,239.86 07/03/15 LUKIN, STEVEN 4,939.44 07/03/15 SVENDSEN, RONALD 3,279.50 07/03/15 TROXEL, REID 925.96 07/03/15 SEDLACEK, JEFFREY 2,859.13 07/03/15 STREFF, MICHAEL 3,750.97 07/03/15 RODDY, BRETT 231.49 07/03/15 RODRIGUEZ, ROBERTO 173.62 07/03/15 RANK, PAUL 925.94 07/03/15 RICE, CHRISTOPHER 154.33 07/03/15 POWERS, KENNETH 379.37 07/03/15 RAINEY, JAMES 938.82 07/03/15 PETERSON, MARK 555.00 07/03/15 PETERSON, ROBERT 3,036.52 07/03/15 OPHEIM, JOHN 435.00 07/03/15 PARROW, JOSHUA 360.09 07/03/15 NOWICKI, PAUL 192.92 07/03/15 OLSON, JAMES 2,840.55 07/03/15 NIELSEN, KENNETH 360.00 07/03/15 NOVAK, JEROME 3,061.13 07/03/15 MONDOR, MICHAEL 4,326.84 07/03/15 NEILY, STEVEN 360.10 07/03/15 LOCHEN, MICHAEL 557.39 07/03/15 MILLER, LADD 780.00 07/03/15 KUBAT, ERIC 3,979.91 07/03/15 LINDER, TIMOTHY 2,881.37 07/03/15 KANE, ROBERT 1,005.00 07/03/15 KARRAS, JAMIE 733.08 G1, Attachments Packet Page Number 38 of 199 83.72 499.55 07/03/15 BUTLER, ANGELA 173.38 07/03/15 CRANDALL, KRISTA 75.60 07/03/15 BESTER, MICHAEL 101.33 07/03/15 BLANKENFELD, RUSSELL 40.00 07/03/15 BAUDE, SARAH 14.06 07/03/15 BEAR, AMANDA 231.00 07/03/15 THOMASSON, NANCY 85.50 07/03/15 WISTL, MOLLY 828.14 07/03/15 SMITH, CORTNEY 402.50 07/03/15 ST SAUVER, CRAIG 420.01 07/03/15 RUZICHKA, JANICE 192.50 07/03/15 SKRYPEK, JOSHUA 336.01 07/03/15 KUHN, MATTHEW 373.50 07/03/15 MILLER, KAREN 77.50 07/03/15 GIBSON, CHRISTINE 2,666.76 07/03/15 HOFMEISTER, MARY 1,233.91 07/03/15 DIONNE, ANN 645.78 07/03/15 EVANS, CHRISTINE 2,049.31 07/03/15 WILBER, JEFFREY 1,797.98 07/03/15 BARAHONA, FREYA 378.00 07/03/15 JENSEN, JOSEPH 1,815.47 07/03/15 SCHULTZ, SCOTT 3,727.16 07/03/15 ADAMS, DAVID 2,352.82 07/03/15 HAAG, MARK 2,601.64 07/03/15 TAYLOR, JAMES 3,400.88 07/03/15 VUKICH, CANDACE 773.50 07/03/15 SIEVERT, ALEXIS 476.00 07/03/15 SLAWIK, VICTORIA 630.00 07/03/15 ROBBINS, CAMDEN 145.00 07/03/15 RYCHLICKI, NICHOLE 760.00 07/03/15 MOUA, CHEE 45.00 07/03/15 ROBBINS, AUDRA 3,570.21 07/03/15 LARSON, MARIAH 301.75 07/03/15 LARSON, TRISTA 63.00 07/03/15 KONEWKO, QUINN 297.50 07/03/15 LARSON, KATELYN 1,424.50 07/03/15 FORTIER, JESSICA 70.00 07/03/15 JACOBS, ROCHELLE 132.50 07/03/15 ETTER, LAURA 42.00 07/03/15 FISHER, CHANCE 22.50 07/03/15 BJORK, BRANDON 880.00 07/03/15 BRENEMAN, NEIL 2,533.34 07/03/15 WELLENS, MOLLY 1,825.77 07/03/15 BALLESTRAZZE, THAD 330.00 07/03/15 SWANSON, CHRIS 1,951.57 07/03/15 WEIDNER, JAMES 1,760.00 07/03/15 CARVER, NICHOLAS 4,473.03 07/03/15 SWAN, DAVID 2,939.57 07/03/15 MARTIN, MICHAEL 3,022.27 07/03/15 BRASH, JASON 2,855.87 07/03/15 FINWALL, SHANN 3,625.83 07/03/15 LORENZ, DANIELA 1,200.00 07/03/15 GAYNOR, VIRGINIA 3,478.53 07/03/15 KROLL, LISA 2,100.37 07/03/15 SOUTTER, CHRISTINE 511.89 07/03/15 WACHAL, KAREN 1,106.21 07/03/15 HAYMAN, JANET 1,000.10 07/03/15 HUTCHINSON, ANN 2,845.81 07/03/15 DEAVER, CHARLES 921.48 07/03/15 GERNES, CAROLE 835.64 07/03/15 BIESANZ, OAKLEY 1,466.51 G1, Attachments Packet Page Number 39 of 199 29.90 07/03/15 FRANZEN, NICHOLAS 3,212.56 07/03/15 BERGO, CHAD 2,907.76 07/03/15 FOWLDS, MYCHAL 4,296.38 07/03/15 WOEHRLE, MATTHEW 2,653.05 07/03/15 XIONG, BOON 1,665.07 07/03/15 COUNTRYMAN, BRENDA 1,088.00 07/03/15 PRIEM, STEVEN 2,585.69 07/03/15 REILLY, MICHAEL 2,089.29 07/03/15 STEFFEN, MICHAEL 102.00 07/03/15 NESVACIL, BRENNAN 104.00 07/03/15 PRINS, KELLY 2,133.99 07/03/15 MAIDMENT, COLIN 808.16 07/03/15 MALONEY, SHAUNA 97.75 07/03/15 KRECH, ELAINE 689.92 07/03/15 LOONEY, RAYJEANIA 192.00 07/03/15 DOUGLASS, TOM 2,121.52 07/03/15 HEINTZ, JOSHUA 96.00 07/03/15 AUSTIN, CATHERINE 152.00 07/03/15 CRAWFORD, SHAWN 500.00 07/03/15 LANGER, CHELSEA 80.75 07/03/15 MOSLOSKI, JESSICA 65.88 07/03/15 ELLISON, LELIA 112.50 07/03/15 FRANZMEIER, EILEEN 198.25 07/03/15 BUTLER-MILLER, JADE 110.50 07/03/15 CHRISTAL, JENNIFER 292.50 07/03/15 BILJAN, MERANDA 123.25 07/03/15 BOSLEY, CAROL 94.50 07/03/15 WALLNER, KRISTIN 94.00 07/03/15 YANG, JUDY 110.00 07/03/15 TUPY, MARCUS 48.00 07/03/15 WAGNER, JODY 192.00 07/03/15 TREPANIER, TODD 279.02 07/03/15 TRUONG, CHAU 70.00 07/03/15 SMITLEY, SHARON 248.42 07/03/15 SYME, LAUREN 25.35 07/03/15 SMITH, ANN 124.80 07/03/15 SMITH, JEROME 66.75 07/03/15 SCHERER, KATHLENE 88.38 07/03/15 SCHREIER, ROSEMARIE 277.03 07/03/15 ROLLERSON, TERRANCE 15.19 07/03/15 ROMERO, JENNIFER 47.00 07/03/15 RESENDIZ, LORI 2,796.67 07/03/15 RICHTER, DANIEL 57.45 07/03/15 RANEY, COURTNEY 943.15 07/03/15 REHLING-ANDERSON, LORIE 158.00 07/03/15 NITZ, CARA 507.36 07/03/15 OHS, CYNTHIA 186.00 07/03/15 MCKILLOP, AMANDA 170.64 07/03/15 MUSKAT, JULIE 106.14 07/03/15 JOHNSON, BARBARA 349.15 07/03/15 LAMSON, ELIANA 45.63 07/03/15 IACARELLA-FUDALI, BARBARA 30.00 07/03/15 JEBENS-SINGH, TARA 240.00 07/03/15 HAASCH, ANGELA 33.25 07/03/15 HOLMBERG, LADONNA 153.76 07/03/15 GRUENHAGEN, LINDA 313.89 07/03/15 GUSTAFSON, BRENDA 245.00 07/03/15 ERICKSON-CLARK, CAROL 37.50 07/03/15 GARTNER, DARYL 17.00 07/03/15 CURLEY, ELAINE 40.00 07/03/15 DEMPSEY, BETH 261.38 G1, Attachments Packet Page Number 40 of 199 9995021 9995022 516,983.77 07/03/15 CHRISTOPHER, KYLE 481.25 07/03/15 KRECH, TRAVIS 463.25 07/03/15 KREGER, JASON 2,486.90 G1, Attachments Packet Page Number 41 of 199 MEMORANDUM TO: Melinda Coleman, City Manager FROM: Michael Martin, AICP, Economic Development Coordinator DATE: July 6 , 2015 SUBJECT: Approval of a Conditional Use Permit Review, East Metro Public Safety Training Center, Located at Century Avenue, South of Holloway Avenue Introduction The conditional use permit (CUP) for a planned unit development (PUD) for the East Metro Public Safety Training Center located at Century Avenue, south of Holloway Avenue is due for review. Background On June 25, 2012, the council approved the following for this site: 1. A comprehensive land use plan amendment from unguided right-of-way to G (government facility). 2. A conditional use permit for a planned unit development. 3. Design review for the building, site and landscape plans 4. A wetland map amendment to remove incidental wetlands. On June 24, 2013 and July 14, 2014 the city council reviewed this permit and approved for one year. Discussion Construction of the Phase 1 buildings is complete. Fire Chief Steve Lukin informed planning staff that the fire department is still waiting on construction costs for the classroom building in Phase 2. Staff recommends reviewing this project again once phase two begins or a problem arises. Budget Impact None. G2 Packet Page Number 42 of 199 Recommendation Review the conditional use permit for the East Metro Public Safety Training Center located at Century Avenue, south of Holloway Avenue again once phase two begins or a problem arises. Attachments 1. Location map and aerial photo 2. Burn buildings renderings 3. June 25, 2012 city council minutes P:\SEC13-29\East Metro Regional Fire Training\East Metro Regional Public Safety CUP Review_071315 G2 Packet Page Number 43 of 199 Hazelwood Hillside Beaver Lake Parkside Highwood Gladstone Battle Creek Sherwood Glen Vista Hills Kohlman Lake Western Hills Maplewood Heights Carver Ridge Maplewood, City of Maplewood Maplewood, Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, i-cubed, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA,USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP,swisstopo, and the GIS User Community, Esri, HERE,DeLorme, TomTom, MapmyIndia, © OpenStreetMapcontributors, and the GIS user community East Metro Public Safety Training Center CUP Review - Overview Map TrainingCenterSite G2, Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 44 of 199 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 45 of 199 Thecityclerk andcity engineer are herebyauthorized and instructed to receive open and read aloud bidsreceived at thetime and place hereinnoted and to tabulatethebidsreceived The council will consider the bids andthe awardof acontract at theregular city councilmeeting ofJuly232012 Seconded byCouncilmemberCardinalAyes All Themotion passed Councilmember Juenemannmoved toapprove theResolutionOrdering Preparationof Assessment RollfortheEastMetroPublicSafety TrainingFacility City Project09 09 RESOLUTION12 6756 ORDERING PREPARATIONOF ASSESSMENT ROLL WHEREAS thecityclerk andcity engineerwill receivebids for theEastMetroPublic Safety TrainingCenter Improvements CityProject 0909 NOW THEREFORE BE ITRESOLVED BY THECITY COUNCIL OFMAPLEWOOD MINNESOTA that thecity clerkandcity engineershallforthwith calculate theproperamountto bespeciallyassessedforsuchimprovementagainsteveryassessablelotpieceorparcelofland abutting on thestreets affected without regardto cashvaluation asprovided bylaw and they shall file acopy ofsuch proposed assessment in thecityofficefor inspection FURTHER the clerkshall upon completion ofsuch proposed assessment notify the council thereof Seconded byCouncilmemberCardinalAyes All Themotion passed I UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1 East MetroPublicSafety Training Center Located at CenturyAvenue South ofHollowayAvenue Approvals Requested for aComprehensive PlanAmendment to G Government bConditional UsePermit for aPlanned Unit DevelopmentcDesignReview dWetland Map Amendment CityPlanner Ekstrand presentedthestaffreport andanswered questions of thecouncil RonLeaf withSEH Inc addressed and answered questions ofthe council DaleTripplerrepresenting the Environmental NaturalResource Commission addressedthecouncil and presented the commission report and answeredquestions Councilmember Llanasmoved to approve theResolutionApproving aComprehensive Land UsePlanAmendmentfromUnguidedRightOfWaytoGGovernmentforthePropertyLocatedWest of theMN Highway 120andMN Highway 5Intersection RESOLUTION12 6757 LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENTRESOLUTION June25 2012 13CityCouncilMeetingMinutes Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 46 of 199 WHEREAS Fire Chief SteveLukin ofCity of Maplewood has requesteda change to the Cityof Maplewoodslanduse plan from unclassified right of way to G government for consistency betweenthe plan and actual use ofthe land WHEREAS thischangeappliesto theproperty locatedwestof Highway 120and Highway 5 Thelegaldescription is All that partof thefollowing described tract The SoutheastQuarteroftheSoutheast Quarter SE 14SE 14 of Section 13 Township 29 North Range 22 West which lies northeasterly ofa linerun parallelwith anddistant 100feet southwesterly of the following described line Beginning at a point ontheeast line of saidSection 13 distant 1324 13feet North of thesoutheast cornerthereof thence runwesterly at an angle of 90 degrees withsaideast section line for 186 63 feet thencedeflect to righton a10 degree00 minute curve deltaangle 29degrees 20 minutesfor29333feetthenceontangenttosaidcurvefor100feetandthereterminating WHEREAS thehistory ofthischange isasfollows 1On June 5 2012 the planning commission held apublic hearing Thecitystaffpublished ahearingnoticeintheMaplewoodReviewandsentnoticestothesurroundingpropertyowners The planning commission gave everyoneat thehearing achance to speak andpresent written statements The planning commission recommended that thecity council approvethe land use plan change 2On June 25 2012 thecitycouncil discussed the land useplan change They consideredreportsandrecommendationsfromtheplanningcommissionandcitystaff NOW THEREFORE BE ITRESOLVED thatthe citycouncil approvedthe abovedescribedchangeforthefollowingreasons 1Theproperty ispresently utilizedby MnDOT whichwouldbe compatiblewith alanduseclassificationofG 2The futureuse ofthissite isapublicsafetytrainingcenterwhich will be utilizedbymultiplepublicjurisdictions 3The classification to G wouldguide a pieceof landthat currently does nothave any futureland use classification This action issubject to the approvalof this land use planamendment bytheMetropolitan Council TheMaplewood CityCouncilapproved thisresolutionon June 25 2012 Seconded byCouncilmemberKoppenAyes All Themotion passed Councilmember Juenemannmoved to approvetheResolutionApproving aConditionalUse Permit for aPlanned Unit Developmentfor theProposedEastMetroPublicSafety TrainingFacility which the SiteAlso Includes MnDOT sContinued Operations andtheMarshlandsRehabilitation ProjectapprovetheDesignPlansDateStampedMay142012fortheEastMetroPublicSafetyTraining Center andapprove theResolutionApproving theWetland MapAmendment fortheRemovalof June25 2012 14CityCouncilMeetingMinutes Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 47 of 199 Wetlands 3through 6from theCitys WetlandMapBased on theOpinion bythe Watershed District that theWetlands are NonHistoricaland assuch Incidental RESOLUTION12 6758 CONDITIONALUSE PERMIT PLANNED UNITDEVELOPMENT WHEREAS Fire ChiefSteve Lukinof CityofMaplewood has applied for aconditional use permit foraplanned unit developmenttobuild apublicsafetytraining center WHEREAS Section 44 6of thecityordinance provides that aPUD can be adevelopment characterized byaunified sitedesign with twoor moreprincipaluses orstructures WHEREAS thesitewill alsoinclude MnDOTscontinued operations and themarshlands rehabilitation project WHEREAS Section 44 1093 b of thecity ordinanceprovides thatthe city council may considerflexibility fromstrictcode compliance in theinternal and externaldesign requirements oftheprojectdependentuponthefollowingfindings 1The proposeddevelopment and thesurrounding neighborhood can bebetter served by relaxing the code requirements that regulate the physicaldevelopment orlayout ofthe project because ofits uniquenature 2ThePUDwould be consistentwith the spirit intent and purposes ofthischapter 3Theplanned unit development wouldproduce adevelopment of equal orsuperiorqualitytothatwhichwouldresultfromstrictadherencetothischapter 4The deviations would notconstitute a significantthreat to theproperty values safety healthor general welfareoftheowners oroccupants ofnearby land orto theenvironment 5The deviations are required for the reasonable and practicalphysicaldevelopment of the project WHEREAS theapplicant isrequesting that thecity allow abuilding to be constructed with architectural siding WHEREAS thispermit applies tothe property locatedwestofHighway 120andHighway 5 Thelegal description is All that partof thefollowing described tract The SoutheastQuarterof theSoutheast Quarter SE 14SE 14 ofSection 13Township29NorthRange22West which lies northeasterly ofa linerun parallelwith anddistant 100feet southwesterly of the following described line Beginning at a point on theeast line ofsaid Section 13 distant 1324 13feet North of thesoutheast cornerthereof thence run westerly at anangleof 90degrees with saideast section line for 186 63feet thencedeflect to right on a10degree 00minutecurve deltaangle 29 degrees 20 minutes for 293 33feet thenceon tangent tosaid curve for 100feetand there terminating June25 2012 15CityCouncilMeetingMinutes Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 48 of 199 WHEREAS thehistory of this conditional usepermit isasfollows 1 On June 5 2012 theplanning commission held a public hearing Thecitystaff published a hearingnotice intheMaplewood Reviewand sent notices tothesurrounding property owners The planning commission gave everyone at thehearing a chanceto speak andpresentwrittenstatementsTheplanningcommissionrecommendedthatthecitycouncil approvetheconditional use permit request 2 On June 25 2012 the city council discussedconditional use permit They consideredreports and recommendations from theplanning commission andcitystaff NOW THEREFORE BE ITRESOLVED that the city council the above describedconditionaluse permit and architectural metalsidingbuilding because 1 Theuse would belocated designed maintained constructed and operated to be in conformity with theCitys Comprehensive Plan and thisCode 2 Theuse would notchange the existingorplannedcharacter of thesurrounding area 3 Theuse would notdepreciate propertyvalues 4 Theuse would notinvolveany activity process materials equipment ormethods ofoperationthatwouldbedangeroushazardous detrimental disturbing orcause anuisance to any personorproperty because of excessivenoise glare smoke dust odor fumes water orair pollution drainage water run off vibration general unsightliness electrical interference orother nuisances 5 Theuse would notexceed thedesign standardsof any affectedstreet 6 Theuse would beserved byadequate publicfacilitiesand services includingstreets police and fire protection drainagestructures water and sewer systems schools and parks 7 Theuse would notcreate excessiveadditional costs forpublicfacilities orservices 8 Theuse would maximizethepreservation ofand incorporate the sites naturaland scenic features into thedevelopment design 9 Theuse wouldcause no morethan minimal adverse environmental effects 10 The proposed developmentand thesurrounding neighborhood can bebetter served by relaxing thecode requirements that regulate thephysicaldevelopmentorlayout of the projectbecause of its unique nature 11 ThePUDwould be consistentwith thespirit intent and purposes ofthischapter 12 ThePUDwouldproduce adevelopment of equalorsuperior quality tothat whichwould result fromstrictadherenceto thischapter 13 The deviations would notconstitute asignificant threatto theproperty values safety health orgeneral welfareof the ownersoroccupantsofnearby land orto theenvironment 14 The deviations are required for thereasonable and practicalphysicaldevelopmentof the project June25 2012 16CityCouncilMeetingMinutes Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 49 of 199 Approvalissubject to thefollowingconditions 1 All construction shallfollowthe site plandate stamped May 14 2012 Staffmayapprove minor changes 2 Thecity council shall review thispermit in one year 3 The proposed construction must be substantially startedwithin one yearof council approvalorthepermitshallbecomenullandvoidThecouncilmayextendthisdeadlineforoneyear 4 Comply with therequirements of thecity sengineeringdepartment 5 The applicant shallwork with thebuildingofficial andfiremarshal to ensurecompliance with applicable codes 6 This approval does notinclude landscaping plans orbuilding elevationsfortheclassroom trainingbuildingwhich shallbesubmitted forcommunity designreviewboard approval 7 Hours ofoperation shallbe limited to 9am to 10p m and thesitemust be incompliancewiththecitysnoiseordinanceatalltimes 8 City councilmustapprove ajoint powersagreementwith partnering jurisdictions that willlimittheuseoftheburnbuildingswhenweatherconditionsmaycausesmokeandotherirritants to affect nearby residential neighborhoods The Maplewood CityCouncilapprovedthisresolution on June 25 2012 RESOLUTION 12 6759ChangestotheMaplewoodWetlandMap WHEREAS on December 14 2009 theMaplewood City Council adopted awetland ordinanceOrdinanceNo895dealingwithwetlandregulations WHEREAS as partof theordinance theCityCouncil adopted awetland classification mapThemapisbasedonwetlandclassificationsfromMinnesotaRoutineAssessmentMethod MnRAM wetlandstudies and assigned bythe applicablewatershed districts WHEREAS theordinance states thattheCity Council willadopt changes to thewetland map which are basedon MnRAMand other studiesconducted and approved bywatersheddistricts WHEREAS in 2005and 2011the CityofMaplewood hadwetlands delineatedon a20 5 acre vacant lotlocated westoftheintersection of CenturyAvenueand Highway 5 refer to wetlanddelineationmapattached WHEREAS thewetland delineation found thatWetlands 3through 6weredeveloped incidentally asa resultof theactivities associated with thegrading and fillmaterial completed by the MinnesotaDepartmentof Transportation MnDOT in the1970s WHERES in November 2011 the Local Governmental Unit MnDOT andTechnical Evaluation Panel RamseyWashington Metro Watershed District reviewed thedelineation reportandagreedwiththeassessmentthatWetlands3through6arenonhistoricalwetlandsandthus June25 2012 17CityCouncilMeetingMinutes Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 50 of 199 incidental As such Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed Districtwill beremoving thewetlands fromtheir wetland classification map WHEREAS On May 21 2012 the MaplewoodEnvironmental and NaturalResources Commission reviewed theLocalGovernmental Unit and Technical Evaluation Paneldecision that Wetlands 3 through 6arenon historical and incidental and recommendedthat the CityCouncilremovethewetlandsfromtheCityswetlandclassificationmap NOW THEREFORE BE ITRESOLVED that thecity council approves theabovedescribedwetlandmapchangebecauseWetlands3through6havebeenfoundtobenon historical and incidentaland theRamseyWashington MetroWatershed Districtwillberemoving them fromtheir wetland classification map The Maplewood CityCouncilapprovedthisresolution on June 25 2012 Seconded byCouncilmemberKoppenAyes All Themotion passed 2 Solid Waste Management Summary PublicationOrdinance Environmental PlannerFinwall presented the staff report Councilmember Juenemann moved toapprove the Solid WasteManagement Summary PublicationOrdinance forPublication in theCitys OfficialNewspaper Ordinance No 921MaplewoodSolidWasteManagement Ordinance On June 11 2012 the Maplewood CityCouncil adopted anordinancewhich regulates the management ofsolidwaste within theCity A summaryof theordinance follows 1Solid waste isdefinedas set forth in MinnesotaStatutes section 116 06 subdivision 22 1 9 butisfurther defined for purposes of this ordinanceto includegarbage recyclables appliances bulkywaste yard waste andhousehold hazardous waste2Thegoalofthesolidwastemanagementordinanceistoimprovesolidwaste management and to serve thefollowingpurposesaAchieveareductioninwastegenerated b Encourage the separation and recovery of materials and energyfromwaste c Ensure the protectionof public healthand safety and promotecity cleanliness andlivability d Promote best management practices in solidwaste management toprotectair quality water quality and natural resources e Beconsistentwith the requirements of theState statutes Staterules and RamseyCountyordinancesandwithStateandRamseyCountysolidwasteplans f Providehigh qualitysolid waste andrecyclingservices in themostcost effective mannerpossible g Coordinate solidwaste management among political subdivisions 3Anypersoncollectinggarbage designatedrecyclables orother solidwaste inthe city mustsecurealicensefromthecitytodoso 4All residents and commercialproperties shallseparateall designated recyclables fromsolid waste Thesesourceseparated itemsshallbe collected forseparaterecycling processingortreatment June25 2012 18CityCouncilMeetingMinutes Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 51 of 199 MEMORANDUM TO: Melinda Coleman, City Manager FROM: Michael Martin, AICP, Economic Development Coordinator DATE: July 6, 2015 SUBJECT: Approval of a Conditional Use Permit Review, Tubman Center East Planned Unit Development, 1725 Monastery Way Introduction The conditional use permit (CUP) for the St. Paul’s Monastery planned unit development (PUD) at 2675 Larpenteur Avenue East is due for its annual review. The PUD allowed the development of the monastery property with the following uses: • A 40-unit senior-housing apartment building to be operated by CommonBond Communities. • A 50-unit town house development also to be built and operated by CommonBond. • A conversion of the monastery to a family-violence shelter by the Tubman Family Alliance. • A new monastery on the north end of the property. Background May 14, 2007: The city council approved this PUD and the preliminary plat for Century Trails Commons, the town house complex. Refer to the attached city council minutes. February 12, 2008: The community design review board (CDRB) approved the design plans for the new monastery. April 14, 2008: The city council approved the final plat for Century Trails Commons. April 22, 2008: The CDRB approved the design plans for the Century Trails Commons town homes. July 27, 2009: The city council approved the design plans and a revision to the PUD allowing unit sizes that are less than the required 580-square-foot minimum as stated in the zoning ordinance for the CommonBond Communities senior housing apartment building. July 12, 2010: The city council approved revised landscape plans. On July 26, 2010, July 25 2011 and July 23, 2012, the city council reviewed the CUP and agreed to review it again in one year. G3 Packet Page Number 52 of 199 On May 13, 2013, the city council approved a CUP revision to allow the Tubman Family Alliance to utilize the two upper floors in order to expand the shelter housing and services. On June 23, 2014, the city council approved the previously revised CUP and agreed to review it again in one year to check the progress of the project. Code Requirement Section 44-1100(a) of the zoning code states that CUPs shall be reviewed by the city council within one year of approval. At the one-year review, the council may specify an indefinite term for a subsequent review or a specific term not to exceed five years. Discussion The monastery, 50-unit Trails Edge Town Homes and 40-unit Century Trails Senior Housing Apartments are complete. The Tubman Family Alliance received council approval in 2013 to expand its shelter and services into the upper two floors of its buildings. Staff is not aware of any neighborhood complaints or concerns. The 4th and 5th floor expansion have not been completed yet. Tubman is currently in the process of receiving additional building permits in order to complete the construction project. Budget Impact None. Recommendation Review the conditional use permit for the St. Paul’s Monastery PUD in one year. Attachments 1. Location Map 2. May 14, 2007 City Council Minutes 3. July 27, 2009 City Council Minutes 4. May 13, 2013 City Council Minutes 5. Site Plan p:sec13-29\Priory\priory pud annual rev_071315 G3 Packet Page Number 53 of 199 Location / Zoning Map2675 Larpenteur Ave ESt Paul's Monastery ´Attachment 1 page #2SITEHill-MurrayHigh School St Paul's Monastery Packet Page Number 54 of 199 MINUTES MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL 7:00 p.m., Monday, May 14, 2007 Council Chambers, City Hall Meeting No. 07-09 2. St. Paul’s Monastery Redevelopment (Century and Larpenteur Avenues) Public Comment on this matter was taken at a Special City Council Meeting on May 7, 2007. Public Comment is now closed. Discussion is limited to City Council questions for City Staff. a. Application for Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development b. Preliminary Plat for Century Trails Commons Senior Planner Ekstrand presented the report and responded to questions from the council. Ellen Higgins, in charge of development for Common Bond Communities, addressed the council regarding the proposed affordable housing. Mayor Longrie thanked Ms. Higgins for her suggestion that a transportation task force be created to work toward increasing public transportation to this site. Mayor Longrie stated her support for increasing transportation on the site and creating a task force to look at these issues. Councilmember Hjelle That part of the South ½ of the Southeast Quarter of Section 13, Township 29, Range 22, Ramsey County, Minnesota lying east and north of a line described as beginning at a point on the south line of said Southeast Quarter of Section 13 985 feet west of the southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter of Section 13; thence 78 degrees 40 minutes to the right proceeding in a north-northwesterly direction for 620 feet to a point of curve; thence to the left on a curve having a radius of 100 feet a distance of 157.08 feet to a point of tangent; thence 90 degrees to the right, at right angles to the tangent to said curve at said point of moved to adopt the following resolution approving a conditional use permit for a planned unit development for the Sisters of St. Benedict of St. Paul’s Monastery. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION 07-05-071 WHEREAS, the Sisters of St. Benedict of St. Paul’s Monastery applied for a conditional use permit for a planned unit development to develop their 31.04-acre site with a 50 -unit town house development; a 40-unit seniors housing apartment building; to convert the existing monastery building as a multi-use family-violence shelter with 37 housing units, offices and support facilities and to build a future monastery building on the north end of their property. WHEREAS, Section 44-1092(3) of the city ordinances requires a conditional use permit for institutions of any educational, philanthropic and charitable nature. WHEREAS, this permit applies to the property located at 2675 Larpenteur Avenue. The legal description is: G3, Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 55 of 199 tangent, a distance of 450 feet; thence 90 degrees to the left a distance of 200 feet; thence 90 degrees to the right a distance of 225 feet, more or less, to the north line of said South ½ of the Southeast Quarter of Section 13. Except that part of the Southeast Quarter of said Southeast Quarter of Section 13 which lies northeasterly of a line parallel with and distant 100 feet southwesterly of a line described as beginning at a point on the east line of said Section 13, distant 1324.13 feet north of the southeast corner thereof; thence run westerly at an angle of 90 degrees with said east section line for 186.63 feet; thence deflect to the right on a 10 degree curve, delta angle 29 degrees 20 minutes, for 293.33 feet; thence on tangent to said curve for 100 feet and there terminating; together with all that part of the above described tract, adjoining and southerly of the above described strip, which lies easterly of a line run parallel with and distant 60 feet westerly of the following described line: Beginning at the point of intersection of the above described line with the east line of said Section 13; thence run southerly along the east line of said Section 13 for 540 feet and there terminating; also together with a triangular piece adjoining and southerly of the first above described strip and westerly of the last described strip, which lies northeasterly of the following described line: From a point on the last described line, distant 150 feet southerly of its point of beginning, run westerly at right angles to said line for 60 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence run northwesterly to a point on the southerly boundary of the first above described strip, distant 100 feet westerly of its intersection with a line run parallel with and distant 33 westerly of the east line of said Section 13. Which lies easterly, northerly and easterly of a line described as commencing at said southeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of Section 13; thence westerly, along said south line of the Southeast Quarter of Section 13, a distance of 832.02 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence deflecting to the right 78 degrees 40 minutes 00 seconds a distance of 750.06 feet; thence deflecting to the left 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds a distance of 204.00 feet; thence deflecting to the right 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds a distance of 638.98 feet to said north line of the south half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 13 and said line there terminating. WHEREAS, the history of this conditional use permit is as follows: 1. On March 20, 2007, the planning commission held a public hearing. The city staff published a notice in the paper and sent notices to the surrounding property owners. The planning commission gave everyone at the hearing a chance to speak and present written statements. The planning commission also considered the reports and recommendation of city staff. The planning commission recommended that the city council approve this permit. 2. On May 7, 2007, the city council considered reports and recommendations of the city staff and planning commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the city council approve the above-described conditional use permit, because: G3, Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 56 of 199 1. The use would be located, designed, maintained, constructed and operated to be in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan and Code of Ordinances. 2. The use would not change the existing or planned character of the surrounding area. 3. The use would not depreciate property values. 4. The use would not involve any activity, process, materials, equipment or methods of operation that would be dangerous, hazardous, detrimental, disturbing or cause a nuisance to any person or property, because of excessive noise, glare, smoke, dust, odor, fumes, water or air pollution, drainage, water run-off, vibration, general unsightliness, electrical interference or other nuisances. 5. The use would generate only minimal vehicular traffic on local streets and would not create traffic congestion or unsafe access on existing or proposed streets. 6. The use would be served by adequate public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, water and sewer systems, schools and parks. 7. The use would not create excessive additional costs for public facilities or services. 8. The use would maximize the preservation of and incorporate the site's natural and scenic features into the development design. 9. The use would cause minimal adverse environmental effects. G3, Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 57 of 199 Approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. This planned unit development shall follow the concept plans date-stamped January 11, 2007. These plans are considered concept plans because the applicant must submit design plans to the city for approval for the proposed apartments, town houses, future monastery; shelter and any other future use. Staff may approve minor changes. 2. This planned unit development does not give any approvals for Lot 1, Block 1 since this site has not been proposed for any future development and its future use is unknown. The development of this site would require a revision of this planned unit development and must comply with all city development requirements. 3. The proposed construction must be substantially started within one year of council approval or the permit shall become null and void. 4. The city council shall review this permit in one year. 5. The property owner shall be required to dedicate right of way for a roadway to be studied by the City Engineer during the next three to five year period. The final location of the roadway shall be studied by the City Engineer and reported with a recommendation to the city council. The final need for the roadway has not been determined but will likely be necessary if additional development occurs on this property in excess of that currently being proposed or at higher density levels than approved; and also if property sold includes a major expansion of uses that generate significant additional traffic to be generated at Hill-Murray. 6. The applicant must obtain all necessary and required permits from the Minnesota Department of Transportation, Ramsey County and the Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District. 7. The applicant must provide a right-turn lane on Century Avenue into the site, subject to MnDOT’s approval. 8. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the engineering reports by Erin Laberee and Michael Thompson dated February 22, 2007 and by R. Charles Ahl dated April 19, 2007. 9. The applicant shall install sidewalks wherever possible along Larpenteur Avenue. 10. Staff may approve minor changes to the plans. Seconded by Councilmember Rossbach A friendly amendment was added to the motion requiring the following conditions be included in the resolution: 11. Establish a neighborhood committee of no less than nine members whose membership composite shall be one representative from Hill-Murray administration or trustees, one day care parent from Maple Tree Day Care, one parent whose child G3, Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 58 of 199 attends Hill-Murray, three neighborhood citizens who signed the petition included in the council packet and three neighborhood citizens who are from the yellow cards received by the city. The committee’s purpose shall be to facilitate communication, develop neighborhood solutions to neighborhood concerns, and provide feedback to all parties subject to the planned unit development. The committee shall report periodically to the council and disband when no longer needed. 12. Establish a transportation task force of neighbors and parties to the planned unit development to work on public transportation service and options for the site, to work in coordination with the neighborhood committee. 13. The proposed project shall be reviewed by the Community Design Review Board and all requirements of that board shall be followed. 14. Include two playground areas within the planned unit development as discussed at the hearing that were to be added to the plans. 15. Develop a security plan in partnership with all of the parties subject to the planned unit development and the neighborhood committee. 16. Monastery Way and Bennett Road shall be public roads and the cost of city sewer, storm water, public street infrastructure and city water shall be borne by the developer. 17. The applicant shall install sidewalks along applicant’s property on Larpenteur Avenue and internal streets. The council voted as follows: Ayes-all The Maplewood City Council approved this resolution on May 14, 2007. Councilmember Hjelle 5. The property owner shall be required to dedicate right-of -way for a roadway to be studied by the City Engineer during the next three to five year period. The final location of the roadway shall be studied by the City Engineer and reported with a moved approval of a preliminary plat for Century Trails Commons located at 2675 Larpenteur Avenue. Approval is subject to: 1. Redesigning the public street right-of-way within the site to be 60 feet wide. 2. Complying with the applicable requirements of the engineering reports by Erin Laberee and Michael Thompson dated February 22, 2007 and by R. Charles Ahl dated April 19, 2007. 3. Street lights shall be installed if required by the city engineer, subject to his approval. 4. The applicant shall dedicate any additional right-of-way if required by Ramsey County and the Minnesota Department of Transportation. G3, Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 59 of 199 recommendation to the city council. The final need for the roadway has not been determined but will likely be necessary if additional development occurs on this property in excess of that currently being proposed or at higher density levels than approved; and also if property sold includes a major expansion of uses that generate significant additional traffic to be generated at Hill-Murray. Seconded by Councilmember Rossbach Ayes-all G3, Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 60 of 199 MINUTES MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL 6:30 p.m., Monday, July 27, 2009 Council Chambers, City Hall Meeting No. 15-09 (THIS ITEM WAS HEARD OUT OF ORDER PER THE COUNCIL MOTION) L6. Planned Unit Development Revision For Century Trails Apartments By CommonBond Communities a. Senior Planner, Tom Ekstrand gave the report and answered questions of the council. Mayor Longrie asked if anyone wanted to address the council to come forward. 1. JudyWordock, Housing Development Manager, CommonBond Communities. 2. Paul Holmes, Architect with Pope Architects. 3. Gary Pearson, Planning Commission member gave the planning commission report. 4. Carolyn Peterson, 1801 Gervais Avenue, Maplewood. Councilmember Nephew moved to approve the Planned Unit Development Revision For Century Trails Apartments By CommonBond Communities. To also include recommendations from the Planning Commission and Community Design Review Board. RESOLUTION 09-07-225 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REVISION RESOLUTION WHEREAS, CommonBond Communities applied for a revision of the conditional use permit for a planned unit development (PUD) for the St. Paul’s Monastery development plan. This PUD included a 40-unit senior housing apartment building as part of the development project. WHEREAS, CommonBond Communities has requested approval to build apartment units that have unit size reductions ranging from 550 square feet to 575 square feet of gross floor area with a maximum of 540 square feet or net habitable area which is less than the required 580 square foot minimum area stipulated by city ordinance. WHEREAS, Section 44-1093(b) of the city ordinances states that the city council may grant deviations from the city ordinance as part of a PUD. WHEREAS, this permit applies to the property located at the southwest corner of Benet Road and Century Avenue. The legal description is: Lot 1, Block 2, CENTURY TRAILS COMMONS WHEREAS, the history of this conditional use permit revision is as follows: 1. On July 7, 2009, the planning commission held a public hearing. The city staff published a notice in the paper and sent notices to the surrounding property owners. The planning commission gave everyone at the hearing a chance to speak and present written statements. The planning commission also considered the reports and recommendation of city staff. The planning commission recommended that the city council approve this permit. 2. On July 27, 2009, the city council considered reports and recommendations of the city staff and planning commission. G3, Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 61 of 199 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the city council passed the above-described conditional use permit, because: 1. The use would be located, designed, maintained, constructed and operated to be in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan and Code of Ordinances. 1. The use would not change the existing or planned character of the surrounding area. 3. The use would not depreciate property values. 4. The use would not involve any activity, process, materials, equipment or methods of operation that would be dangerous, hazardous, detrimental, disturbing or cause a nuisance to any person or property, because of excessive noise, glare, smoke, dust, odor, fumes, water or air pollution, drainage, water run-off, vibration, general unsightliness, electrical interference or other nuisances. 5. The use would generate only minimal vehicular traffic on local streets and would not create traffic congestion or unsafe access on existing or proposed streets. Seconded by Councilmember Rossbach. Ayes – All The motion passed. G3, Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 62 of 199 MINUTES MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL 7:00 p.m., Monday, May 13, 2013 Council Chambers, City Hall Meeting No. 09-13 J. NEW BUSINESS 3. Conditional Use Permit Revision for the Tubman Center East Planned Unit Development, 1725 Monastery Way (Simple Majority Vote Required to Approve) Senior Planner Ekstrand gave the staff report. Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Resolution, with revisions to number six as requested by the applicant, amending the Conditional Use Permit the St. Paul’s Priory planned unit development which allowed the Tubman Family Shelter facility in the former monastery building located at 1725 Monastery Way. RESOLUTION 13-5-913 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT REVISION RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Harriet Tubman Center East has applied to revised the conditional use permit for a planned unit development that included the development of the former 31-acre St. Paul’s Priory site. This development included a 50-unit town house development; a 40-unit seniors housing apartment building; the conversion of the former monastery into a multi-use family-violence shelter for Tubman and a future monastery building on the north end of their property. WHEREAS, the Harriet Tubman Center East is requesting amendment of this permit to expand their services and shelter housing. The shelter housing will expand to occupy the upper two floors of the building. The expanded services and programming will include the following uses: temporary shelter housing, legal services, counseling services, youth and family services, community training and education, child care, creative art studios and administrative offices. In addition to those, Tubman would add therapeutic and community gardens, a bus shelter for the community and Tubman clients, a community health clinic which will work in collaboration with Tubman counseling services, and renew the existing commercial kitchen to provide meals to Tubman residents and other facility users as well as partner with a community college and others to provide training in basic food preparation. WHEREAS, Section 44-1092(3) of the city ordinances requires a conditional use permit for institutions of any educational, philanthropic and charitable nature. WHEREAS, this permit applies to the property located at 1725 Monastery Way. The legal description is: Lot 2, Block 1, St. Paul’s Monastery G3, Attachment 4 Packet Page Number 63 of 199 WHEREAS, the history of this conditional use permit revision is as follows: 1. On May 7, 2013, the planning commission held a public hearing. The city staff published a notice in the paper and sent notices to the surrounding property owners. The planning commission gave everyone at the hearing a chance to speak and present written statements. The planning commission also considered the reports and recommendation of city staff. The planning commission recommended that the city council approve this permit. 2. On May 13, 2013, the city council considered reports and recommendations of the city staff and planning commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the city council approve the above- described conditional use permit revision, because: 1. The use would be located, designed, maintained, constructed and operated to be in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan and Code of Ordinances. 2. The use would not change the existing or planned character of the surrounding area. 3. The use would not depreciate property values. 4. The use would not involve any activity, process, materials, equipment or methods of operation that would be dangerous, hazardous, detrimental, disturbing or cause a nuisance to any person or property, because of excessive noise, glare, smoke, dust, odor, fumes, water or air pollution, drainage, water run-off, vibration, general unsightliness, electrical interference or other nuisances. 5. The use would generate only minimal vehicular traffic on local streets and would not create traffic congestion or unsafe access on existing or proposed streets. 6. The use would be served by adequate public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, water and sewer systems, schools and parks. 7. The use would not create excessive additional costs for public facilities or services. 8. The use would maximize the preservation of and incorporate the site's natural and scenic features into the development design. 9. The use would cause minimal adverse environmental effects. Approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. This planned unit development shall follow the concept plans date-stamped January 11, 2007 and the subsequent, specific design approvals for new town homes, apartments and monastery approved by the community design review board. Staff may approve minor changes. G3, Attachment 4 Packet Page Number 64 of 199 2. This planned unit development does not give any approvals for Lot 1, Block 1 since this site has not been proposed for any future development and its future use is unknown. The development of this site would require a revision of this planned unit development and must comply with all city development requirements. 3. This permit revision allows the Tubman Center East to expand their shelter housing to the remaining two upper floors in the building. This permit also permits the applicant’s support activities such as: a legal center, offices, counseling services group rooms, child care, playground, classrooms, community gathering spaces, space for collaborative community partnerships, community gardens, bus shelters and expanded use of the commercial kitchen for residents and other facility users and collaborative community groups. 4. The applicant shall work with city staff to on the placement and possible screening of future community gardens. 5. The applicant shall work with city staff on the appearance and location of bus shelters. These bus shelters may require the review and approval of the community design review board. 6. The applicant shall work to inform, educate, and encourage their residents and staff to park in Tubman parking lots and abide by all Maplewood parking regulations. City staff will monitor this and if parking issues continue the City Council may consider requiring the property owner increase on-site parking to meet the needs of facility users. The Maplewood City Council approved this resolution on May 13, 2013. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. G3, Attachment 4 Packet Page Number 65 of 199 Packet Page Number 66 of 199 MEMORANDUM TO: Melinda Coleman, City Manager FROM: Daniela Lorenz, Planning Intern Michael Martin, AICP, Economic Development Coordinator DATE: July 6, 2015 SUBJECT: Approval of a Conditional Use Permit Review, Cottagewood Town House Development, Located South of Highwood Avenue, east of Dennis Street, west of I-494 Introduction The conditional use permit (CUP) for the Cottagewood planned unit development (PUD) is due for review. This CUP is for a 15-unit town house PUD (planned unit development). Refer to the maps, plans and the city council minutes attached to this report. Background On August 28, 2006, the city council made several approvals for this development. They included a revision to the planned unit development, a preliminary plat and a resolution ordering the public improvements. These approvals were subject to several conditions. (Please see the attached city council minutes) On September 19, 2006, the community design review board approved the design plans for Cottagewood (subject to several conditions of approval). On March 12, 2007, the city council approved the final plat for Cottagewood. On September 24, 2007, the city council approved the PUD review. On April 26, 2011, the community design review board approved the revised design plans for Cottagewood (subject to several conditions of approval). On April 23, 2012 and April 29, 2013 and June 23, 2014 the city council reviewed this PUD and agreed to review it again in one year. G4 Packet Page Number 67 of 199 Discussion In 2006 and 2007 the city council gave several approvals for the Cottagewood Town House development. Since those approvals the original developer walked away from the project which had sat dormant for several years. In 2011, Tom Wiener of Cardinal Homebuilders took over the project and received community design review board approval for building plans to move forward with this development. This project is now complete and all conditions of approval are been met and maintained. All of the landscaping and lighting elements are meeting the requirements of the site design plans which were approved in 2011. Budget Impact None. Recommendation Review the conditional use permit (CUP) for the Cottagewood PUD again only if a problem arises or a major change is proposed. Attachments 1. Location Map 2. Final Plat 3. August 28, 2006 City Council minutes p:sec13-28\Cottagewood PUD Review_071315 G4 Packet Page Number 68 of 199 UV74 HIG HW O OD AV E §¨¦494 CENTURY AVEUV72CENTURY AVEUV25 VAL LEY VI EW AV ESTERLING STS C HAL LE R DR FERNDALE ST S O U T H C R E S T A V E NEMITZ AVEMARINE STD E N NIS STODAY STMCCLELLAND STSTERLING STNEW CENTURY BLVDNEW CENTURY TERPINKSPIRE LNNEW CENTURY L N W HITE OAK CIR NEW CENT URY PL NE MITZ AVE SNOWDRIFT CIR ODAY ST TI MB ER CT N EW C EN TU R Y PL N EW C EN TU R Y PL MARY PLMARINE CTMAMI E AVE RED PINE CIR SCHADT DRMARINE CTPIN KSPIR E LN NE W C EN TU R Y BLVDNEW C EN TU R Y BLVDNEW C EN TU RY BLVDNEW C EN TU RY BLVDNEW C EN TU RY BLVDNEW C EN TU RY BLVDNEW C EN TU RY BLVDNEW C EN TU RY BLVDNEW C ENT U RY BLVDNEW C ENT U RY BLVDNEW CE NT U RY BLVDNEW CE NT U RY BLVDNEW C EN TU R Y BLVDNEW C EN TU R Y BLVDNEW C EN TU R Y BLVDNEW C EN TU R Y BLVDNEW C EN TU RY B LVDNEW C EN TU RY B LVDNEW C EN TU R Y BLVDNEW C EN TU R Y BLVDNEW C EN TU R Y BLVDNEW C EN TU R Y BLVDNEW C 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Preserves PleasantviewPark ApplewoodPark Location MapCottagewood ´Attachment 1 page #2 SITE Packet Page Number 69 of 199 G4, Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 70 of 199 City Council Meeting 08-28-06 1 MINUTES MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL 7:00 P.M. Monday, August 28, 2006 Council Chambers, City Hall Meeting No. 06-22 A. CALL TO ORDER A meeting of the City Council was held in the Council Chambers, at City Hall, and was called to order at 7:10 P.M. by Mayor Longrie. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. ROLL CALL Diana Longrie, Mayor Present Rebecca Cave Councilmember Present Erik Hjelle, Councilmember Present Kathleen Juenemann, Councilmember Present Will Rossbach, Councilmember Present H. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. Cottagewood Subdivision Public Improvements, City Project 06-10 Public Hearing 7:10 pm Cottagewood Town Houses (2666 Highwood Avenue) Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development Revision Preliminary Plat Resolution Ordering Improvement (4 votes) a. Environmental Manager Konewko presented the public improvement report. b. Civil Engineer Kummer provided further specifics from the report. c. Commissioner Pearson presented the Planning Commission report. d. Planner Roberts presented the project approval report. e. Phil Soby, the applicant, 200 East Chestnut Street, Stillwater, was present for council questions. f. Mayor Longrie opened the public hearing (9:03 p.m.), calling for proponents or opponents. The following persons were heard: Kip Johnson, Project Engineer for the Developer Chris Gerke, 2660 Highwood Avenue East, Maplewood Sharon Soby, Realtor and applicants wife g. Mayor Longrie closed the public hearing. Councilmember Cave moved to approve the following resolution. This resolution approves a conditional use permit revision for a planned unit development for the property at 2666 Highwood Avenue to be known as Cottagewood. This site is on the south side of Highwood Avenue, east of Dennis Street. The city bases this approval on the findings required by code: G4, Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 71 of 199 City Council Meeting 08-28-06 2 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REVISION RESOLUTION 06-08-105 WHEREAS, Mr. Phil Soby, representing the project developers, applied for a conditional use permit (CUP) revision for the Cottagewood residential planned unit development (PUD). WHEREAS, this permit applies to the Cottagewood town house development plan the city received on July 7, 2006 for the property at 2666 Highwood Avenue. The legal description is: Subject to State TH 100/117 and HWY 393, the north 1100 feet of the West 173 feet of the East 198 feet of the West ½ of the NE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 13, Township 28, Range 22, Ramsey County, Minnesota. (This is the property to be known as Lots 1-15 of the proposed Cottagewood) WHEREAS, the history of this conditional use permit is as follows: 1. On August 7, 2006, the planning commission held a public hearing. The city staff published a notice in the paper and sent notices to the surrounding property owners. The planning commission gave persons at the hearing a chance to speak and present written statements. The commission also considered reports and recommendations of the city staff. The planning commission recommended that the city council approve the conditional use permit. 2. On August 28, 2006, the city council discussed the proposed conditional use permit. They considered reports and recommendations from the planning commission and city staff. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the city council approve the above-described conditional use permit because: 1. The use would be located, designed, maintained, constructed and operated to be in conformity with the city's comprehensive plan and code of ordinances. 2. The use would not change the existing or planned character of the surrounding area. 3. The use would not depreciate property values. 4. The use would not involve any activity, process, materials, equipment or methods of operation that would be dangerous, hazardous, detrimental, disturbing or cause a nuisance to any person or property, because of excessive noise, glare, smoke, dust, odor, fumes, water or air pollution, drainage, water run-off, vibration, general unsightliness, electrical interference or other nuisances. 5. The use would generate only minimal vehicular traffic on local streets and would not create traffic congestion or unsafe access on existing or proposed streets. 6. The use would be served by adequate public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, water and sewer systems, schools and parks. 7. The use would not create excessive additional costs for public facilities or services. 8. The use would maximize the preservation of and incorporate the site's natural and scenic features into the development design. 9. The use would cause minimal adverse environmental effects. G4, Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 72 of 199 City Council Meeting 08-28-06 3 Approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. All construction shall follow the plans for 18 15 detached town houses as approved by the city. The city council may approve major changes to the plans. The Director of Community Development may approve minor changes to the plans. Such changes shall include: a. Revising the grading and site plans to show: (1) The developer minimizing the loss or removal of natural vegetation. (2) All driveways at least 20 feet wide. If the developer wants to have parking on one side of the main driveway, then it must be at least 28 feet wide. However, widening of the driveway must not lessen the side setback of the driveway from the east property line. (3) All parking stalls with a width of at least 9.5 feet and a length of at least 18 feet. Also, review and possibly revise the parking spaces and the turn-around area at the south end of the site to maximize the number of trees to be saved and to minimize the amount of hard surface area. (4) Revised storm water pond locations and designs as suggested or required by the watershed district or city engineer. The ponds shall meet the city’s design standards. (5) The developer minimizing the loss or removal of natural vegetation including keeping and protecting as many of the large trees in the undisturbed area south of the town houses and parking areas. 2. The proposed construction must be substantially started within one year of council approval or the permit shall end. The council may extend this deadline for one year. 3. Have the city engineer approve final construction and engineering plans. These plans shall meet all the conditions and changes noted in the engineer’s memo dated July 28, 2006. These shall include: a. Include grading, utility, drainage, erosion control, streets, trails, tree, retaining walls, driveway and parking lot plans. a. The grading, utility, drainage, erosion control, streets, trails, tree, retaining walls, driveway and parking plans. This approval includes the design of the proposed private cul-de-sac. b. Showing no grading or ground disturbance in the conservation easement. This land is to be preserved for open space purposes. The developer and contractors shall protect this area, including the large trees that are in and near the south side of the site, from encroachment from equipment, grading or filling. c. Include a storm water management plan for the proposal. 4. The design of all ponds shall meet Maplewood’s design standards and shall be subject to the approval of the city engineer. If needed, the developer shall be responsible for getting any off- site pond and drainage easements. 5. The developer or contractor shall: a. Complete all grading for the site drainage and the ponds, complete all public improvements and meet all city requirements. G4, Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 73 of 199 City Council Meeting 08-28-06 4 b.* Place temporary orange safety fencing and signs at the grading limits. c. Remove any debris or junk from the site, including the conservation area. d Provide the city with verification that the town houses on the proposed site plan will meet the state’s noise standards. This shall be with a study, testing or other documentation. If the noise on this site is a factor, then the contractor will have to build the town houses so that they can meet the noise standards. This may be done with thicker walls, heavier windows, requiring air conditioning or other sound-deadening construction methods. The developer shall provide the city with this documentation before the city will issue a building permit for the town houses. 6. The approved setbacks for the principal structures in the Cottagewood PUD shall be: a. Front-yard setback (from a public street or a private driveway): minimum - 20 feet, maximum – 35 feet b. Rear-yard setback: 12 feet from any adjacent residential property line c. Side-yard setback (town houses): minimum of six feet from a side property line and at least 12 feet between units. 7. The developer or builder will pay the city Park Access Charges (PAC fees) for each housing unit at the time of the building permit for each housing unit. 8. Submit the homeowner’s association documents to city staff for review and approval. 9. The developer shall provide a permanent means to preserve and maintain the common open space. This may be done by conservation easement, deed restrictions, covenants or public dedication. The developer shall record this document with the final plat and before the city issues a permit for grading or utility construction. 10. The city council shall review this permit in one year. 11. This approval does not include the design approval for the townhomes or any signs. The project design plans, including architectural, signs, site, lighting, tree and landscaping plans, shall be subject to review and approval of the community design review board (CDRB). The projects shall be subject to the following conditions: a. Meeting all conditions and changes as required by the city council. b. For the driveways: (1) Minimum width - 20 feet. (2) Maximum width - 28 feet. (3) All driveways less than 28 feet in width shall be posted for “No Parking” on both sides. Driveways at least 28 feet wide may have parking on one side and shall be posted for No Parking on one side. c. Showing all changes required by the city as part of the conditional use permit for the planned unit development (PUD). G4, Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 74 of 199 City Council Meeting 08-28-06 5 12. The city shall not issue any building permits for construction on an outlot (per city code requirements). The developer must record a final plat to create buildable lots in the preliminary plat before the city will issue a building permit. Seconded by Mayor Longrie Ayes-Mayor Longrie, Councilmembers Cave, Hjelle, and Juenemann Nay-Councilmember Rossbach Mayor Longrie moved to approve the Cottagewood preliminary plat (received by the city on July 7, 2006). The developer shall complete the following before the city council approves the final plat: 1. Sign an agreement with the city that guarantees that the developer or contractor will: a. Complete all grading for overall site drainage, complete all public improvements and meet all city requirements. b.* Place temporary orange safety fencing and signs at the grading limits. c. Have Xcel Energy install Group V rate street lights in two locations - primarily at the street intersection and near the south end of the driveway. The exact style and location shall be subject to the city engineer’s approval. d. Pay the city for the cost of traffic-control, street identification and no parking signs. e. Provide all required and necessary easements, including any off-site easements. f. Demolish or remove the existing house and garage from the site, and remove all other buildings, fencing, trailers, scrap metal, debris and junk from the site. g. Cap and seal all wells on site that the owners are not using; remove septic systems or drainfields, subject to Minnesota rules and guidelines. h. Complete all the curb and gutter on Highwood Avenue on the north side of the site. This is to replace the existing driveways on Highwood Avenue and shall include the restoration and sodding of the boulevards. i. Install a sign where the new driveway intersects Highwood Avenue indicating that it is a private driveway. j. Install survey monuments and signs along the edges of the conservation easement area. These signs shall explain that the area beyond the signs is a conservation easement area and that there shall be no building, fences, mowing, cutting, filling, dumping or other ground disturbance in that area. The developer or contractor shall install these signs before the city issues building permits in this plat. 2. Have the city engineer approve final construction and engineering plans. These plans shall include grading, utility, drainage, erosion control, driveway, trail, tree, and street plans. The plans shall meet all the conditions and changes listed in the memo from Michael Thompson dated July 28, 2006, and shall meet the following conditions: a. The erosion control plans shall be consistent with the city code. G4, Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 75 of 199 City Council Meeting 08-28-06 6 b. The grading plan shall show: (1) The proposed building pad elevation and contour information for each building site. The lot lines on this plan shall follow the approved preliminary plat. (2) Contour information for all the land that the construction will disturb. (3) Building pads that reduce the grading on sites where the developer can save large trees. (4) The proposed street and driveway grades as allowed by the city engineer. (5) All proposed slopes on the construction plans. The city engineer shall approve the plans, specifications and management practices for any slopes steeper than 3:1. On slopes steeper than 3:1, the developer shall prepare and implement a stabilization and planting plan. At a minimum, the slopes shall be protected with wood-fiber blanket, be seeded with a no-maintenance vegetation and be stabilized before the city approves the final plat. (6) All retaining walls on the plans. Any retaining walls taller than four feet require a building permit from the city. The developer shall install a protective rail or fence on top of any retaining wall that is taller than four feet. (7) Sedimentation basins or ponds as required by the watershed board or by the city engineer. (8) No grading beyond the plat boundary without temporary grading easements from the affected property owner(s). (9) As little grading as possible west and south of the town houses. This is to keep as many of the existing trees on the site as is reasonably possible. c. The street, driveway and utility plans shall show: (1) The driveway shall be a nine-ton design with a maximum grade of eight percent and the maximum grade within 75 feet of the intersection at two percent. (2) The street (driveway) with continuous concrete curb and gutter, except where the city engineer determines that curbing is not necessary for drainage purposes. (3) The removal of the unused driveways and the completion of the curb and gutter on the south side of Highwood Avenue and the restoration and sodding of the boulevards. (4) The coordination of the water main alignments and sizing with the standards and requirements of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS). Fire flow requirements and hydrant locations shall be verified with the Maplewood Fire Department. (5) All utility excavations located within the proposed right-of-ways or within easements. The developer shall acquire easements for all utilities that would be outside the project area. (6) The plan and profiles of the proposed utilities. (7) A detail of any ponds, the pond outlets and the rainwater gardens. The contractor shall protect the outlets to prevent erosion. G4, Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 76 of 199 City Council Meeting 08-28-06 7 (8) The minimum cul-de-sac size to meet the public safety needs while preserving as many trees as possible. d. The drainage plan shall ensure that there is no increase in the rate of storm water run-off leaving the site above the current (predevelopment) levels. The developer’s engineer shall: (1) Verify inlet and pipe capacities. (2) Submit drainage design calculations. e.* The tree plan shall: (1) Be approved, along with the landscaping, by the Community Design Review Board (CDRB) before site grading or final plat approval. (2) Show where the developer will remove, save or replace large trees. This plan shall include an inventory of all existing large trees on the site. (3) Show the size, species and location of the replacement and screening trees. The deciduous trees shall be at least two and one half (2 ½) inches in diameter and shall be a mix of red and white oaks, ash, lindens, sugar maples or other native species. The coniferous trees shall be at least eight (8) feet tall and shall be a mix of Black Hills Spruce, Austrian pine and other species. (4) Show no tree removal in the buffer zones, conservation easement, or beyond the approved grading and tree limits. (5) Include for city staff a detailed tree planting plan and material list. (6) Group the new trees together. These planting areas shall be: (a) near the ponding areas (b) on the slopes (c) along the west side of the site to screen the proposed buildings from the homes to the west (7) Show the planting of at least 37 trees after the site grading is done. 3. Change the plat as follows: a. Add drainage and utility easements as required by the city engineer. This shall include showing a 20-foot-wide drainage and utility easement along the north side of Lot 15. b. Show drainage and utility easements along all property lines on the final plat. These easements shall be ten feet wide along the front and rear property lines and five feet wide along the side property lines. c. Label the common areas as an outlot or as outlots. d. If allowed, show the conservation easement on the final plat. 4. Pay for costs related to the engineering department’s review of the construction plans. 5. Secure and provide all required easements for the development including any off-site drainage and utility easements. These shall include, but not be limited to, an easement for the culvert draining the pond at the northwest corner of the plat. G4, Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 77 of 199 City Council Meeting 08-28-06 8 6. The developer shall complete all grading for public improvements and overall site drainage. The city engineer shall include in the developer’s agreement any grading that the developer or contractor has not completed before final plat approval. 7. Sign a developer’s agreement with the city that guarantees that the developer or contractor will: a. Complete all grading for overall site drainage, complete all public improvements and meet all city requirements. b.* Place temporary orange safety fencing and signs at the grading limits. c. Provide for the repair of Highwood Avenue (street, curb and gutter and boulevard) after the developer connects to the public utilities and builds the private driveway. 8. Record the following with the final plat: a. All homeowner’s association documents. b. A covenant or deed restriction that prohibits any further subdivision or splitting of the lots or parcels in the plat that would create additional building sites. c. A covenant or deed restriction that prohibits any additional driveways (besides the one new driveway shown on the project plans) from going onto Highwood Avenue. d. The conservation easement for the undisturbed area of the site. The applicant shall submit the language for these dedications and restrictions to the city for approval before recording. The city will not issue a building permit until after the developer has recorded the final plat and these documents and covenants. 9* Submit the homeowners association bylaws and rules to the director of community development. These are to assure that there will be one responsible party for the maintenance of the common areas, outlots, private utilities, driveways, retaining walls and structures. 10. Obtain a permit from the Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District for grading. 11. If the developer decides to final plat part of the preliminary plat, the interim director of community development may waive any conditions that do not apply to the final plat. 12. The developer shall complete all grading for public improvements and overall site drainage. The city engineer shall include in the developer’s agreement any grading that the developer or contractor has not completed before final plat approval. ____________________ *The developer must complete these conditions before the city issues a grading permit or approves the final plat. Seconded by Mayor Longrie Ayes-Mayor Longrie, Councilmembers Cave, Hjelle, and Juenemann Nay-Councilmember Rossbach G4, Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 78 of 199 MEMORANDUM TO: Melinda Coleman, City Manager FROM: Michael Martin, AICP, Economic Development Coordinator DATE: July 7, 2015 SUBJECT: Approval of a Conditional Use Permit Review, First Evangelical Free Church, 2696 Hazelwood Street Introduction The conditional use permit (CUP) for a planned unit development (PUD) for the properties at 2696 – 2730 Hazelwood is due for review. This PUD is for a church, a seniors housing building and a school to operate in the building at 2696 Hazelwood Street. In 2013, the city council approved an amendment to the PUD to allow for a gym addition. Background On July 10, 2006, the city council approved a revision to the existing PUD for the properties at 2696 – 2730 Hazelwood Street to allow the addition of a school to the PUD. This approval was subject to six conditions of approval. (See the attached city council minutes) On June 10, 2013, the city council approved a revision to the existing PUD to allow an addition to the church’s gym. On June 23, 2014, the city council approved the previously revised PUD and agreed to review it again in one year. Discussion The construction on the gym addition at the First Evangelical Free Church has been completed and is meeting the conditions of approval. Budget Impact None. Recommendation Review the conditional use permit for the planned unit development at 2696 Hazelwood Street again only if a problem arises or a major change is proposed. G5 Packet Page Number 79 of 199 Attachments 1. Location Map 2. Site Plan 3. June 10, 2013 city council minutes P:sec 3\ First Evan Free CUP Review_071315 G5 Packet Page Number 80 of 199 G5, Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 81 of 199 Packet Page Number 82 of 199 MINUTES MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL 7:00 p.m., Monday, June 10, 2013 Council Chambers, City Hall Meeting No. 10-13 1. Approve Resolution for Conditional Use Permit Revision and Design Review for a Planned Unit Development for First Evangelical Free Church, 2696 Hazelwood Street Senior Planner Ekstrand gave the staff report and answered questions of the council. Bill Kempe from the Planning Commission and Community Design Review Board addressed and answered questions of the council. John Wickerson, Facility Improvement Team Leader from First Evangelical Free Church addressed and answered questions of the council. Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve: A. the Resolution amending the conditional use permit for the First Evangelical Free Church, located at 2696 Hazelwood Street, to allow the expansion of the gymnasium (Deletions are crossed out and additions are underlined.) 1. All construction shall follow the plans that the city stamped July 24, 1995 with the building addition shown on plans date-stamped subject to the following conditions: April 18, 2013. City staff may approve minor changes. a. All construction shall follow the site plan approved by the city and the school shall follow the building and floor plans submitted to the city. The interim director of community development may approve minor changes. The city council may approve major changes. b. Dropping the two parking spaces along the south property line at the east end of the parking lot. 2. The proposed gymnasium expansion shall begin in one year or this approval shall end. school use on the property parking lot expansion construction must be started within one year after the council approves this permit or the permit shall end. The council may extend this deadline for one year. 3. The council shall review this permit revision in one year. 4. The school shall have no more than 500 students. 5. The property owner or manager shall sweep and restripe the parking lot before the school occupies their space. This includes having the required handicapped parking spaces in the parking area near the building entrance. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the engineer’s report dated May 9, 2013. 6. The applicant shall comply with all conditions of the assistant fire chief and building official. The school, the church, the fire marshal and the city building official shall agree on a plan for the school and church to make any necessary or required life G5, Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 83 of 199 safety and building improvements to the building. This plan shall include the installation and maintenance of: a. The required fire protection (sprinkler) systems. b. An early warning fire protection system (smoke detection and monitoring). c. Additional emergency lights and exit signs (if necessary). d. Updated doors and hardware (if necessary). e. A proper address on the building. f. Any other changes the fire marshal or the building official deem necessary. B. The design plans date-stamped April 18, 2013 for the gymnasium addition to First Evangelical Free Church, located at 2696 Hazelwood Street, subject to the following conditions: 1. The materials and color of the proposed gymnasium addition shall match the existing building. 2. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the assistant fire chief and building official. 3. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the engineer’s report dated May 9, 2013. 4. The applicant shall provide maintained lawn around the proposed addition as shown on the plans. RESOLUTION 13-6-930 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT REVISION RESOLUTION WHEREAS, First Evangelical Free Church has applied for a conditional use permit revision to their planned unit development to construct a gymnasium addition at their church campus. WHEREAS, Section 44-1092(3) of the city ordinances requires a conditional use permit for churches and schools. WHEREAS, this permit applies to the property located at 2696 and 2730 Hazelwood Street. The property identification numbers for these properties are: 032922430008 and 032922430007 WHEREAS, the history of this conditional use permit is as follows: 1. On May 21, 2013, the planning commission held a public hearing. The city staff published a notice in the paper and sent notices to the surrounding property owners. The planning commission gave everyone at the hearing a chance to speak and present written statements. The planning commission also considered the reports and recommendation of city staff. The planning commission recommended that the city council approve this permit. G5, Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 84 of 199 2. On June 10, 2013, the city council considered reports and recommendations of the city staff and planning commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the city council approve the above- described conditional use permit, because: 1. The use would be located, designed, maintained, constructed and operated to be in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan and Code of Ordinances. 2. The use would not change the existing or planned character of the surrounding area. 3. The use would not depreciate property values. 4. The use would not involve any activity, process, materials, equipment or methods of operation that would be dangerous, hazardous, detrimental, disturbing or cause a nuisance to any person or property, because of excessive noise, glare, smoke, dust, odor, fumes, water or air pollution, drainage, water run-off, vibration, general unsightliness, electrical interference or other nuisances. 5. The use would generate only minimal vehicular traffic on local streets and would not create traffic congestion or unsafe access on existing or proposed streets. 6. The use would be served by adequate public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, water and sewer systems, schools and parks. 7. The use would not create excessive additional costs for public facilities or services. 8. The use would maximize the preservation of and incorporate the site's natural and scenic features into the development design. 9. The use would cause minimal adverse environmental effects. Approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. All construction shall follow the plans that the city stamped July 24, 1995 with the building addition shown on plans date-stamped April 18, 2013. City staff may approve minor changes. 2. The proposed gymnasium expansion shall begin in one year or this approval shall end. The council may extend this deadline for one year. 3. The council shall review this permit revision in one year. 4. The school shall have no more than 500 students. 5. The applicant shall meet all requirements of the engineer’s report dated May 9, 2013. G5, Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 85 of 199 6. The applicant shall comply with all conditions of the assistant fire chief and building official. The Maplewood City Council approved this resolution on June 10, 2013. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. G5, Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 86 of 199 MEMORANDUM TO: Melinda Coleman, City Manager FROM: Michael Martin, AICP, Economic Development Coordinator DATE: July 7, 2015 SUBJECT: Approval of a Conditional Use Permit Review, Holiday Station Store, 1285 Cope Avenue East Introduction The conditional use permit (CUP) for the Holiday Station Store, located at 1285 Cope Avenue East, is due for its annual review. Last year, the city council approved a conditional use permit for the site which allowed reduced proximity to a residential district and modified operating hours. The council also approved a resolution to allow three setback variances, and the design plans for the site. Background On June 9, 2014, the council approved a CUP for modified business hours, and reduced proximity to a residential area, as well as an approval of site variances, and design plans. Discussion Construction of the Holiday Station Store is complete. The landscaping has also been completed according to the approved landscaping plan. All other required conditions of approval for this site have been met and staff is not aware of any neighborhood concerns. Staff recommends reviewing again in one year to ensure required landscaping has survived. Budget Impact None. Recommendation Review the conditional use permit for the Holiday Station Store again in one year. Attachments 1. Overview Map 2. Site Plan 3. Building Elevations 4. City Council Minutes, June 9, 2014 G6 Packet Page Number 87 of 199 1285 Cope Avenue East – Conditional Use Permit and Setback Variances Request Location Map Location of Proposed Holiday Station Store G6, Attachment 1Packet Page Number 88 of 199 SCALE IN FEET04020ClientProjectLocationCertificationSheet TitleSummaryRevision HistorySheet No.RevisionProject No.DateSubmittal / RevisionNo.ByDesigned:Drawn:Approved: Book / Page:Phase: Initial Issued:THE LINNCOMPANIES1789 WOODLANE DRIVE, SUITE AWOODBURY, MN 55125-3910HOLIDAYSTATIONSTORE1285 COPE AVEMAPLEWOOD,MNJFJJFJMCA740/31PRELIMINARY04/11/2014LIN19976 Apr 11, 2014 - 2:42pm - User:260 L:\PROJECTS\LIN19976\dwg\Civil\Design Development\19976-C3.0-SITE.dwgC3.0SITE PLANA. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST TENTH FOOT.B. ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO THE FACE OF CURB TO FACE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.C. ALL AREAS ARE ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST SQUARE FOOT.D. ALL PARKING STALLS TO BE 9' IN WIDTH AND 18' IN LENGTH UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED.E. CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATIONS AND DIMENSIONS OF EXITPORCHES, RAMPS, PRECISE BUILDING DIMENSIONS AND EXACT BUILDING UTILITY ENTRANCE LOCATIONS.F. SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR PYLON SIGN DETAILSG. SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR LIGHT POLE FOUNDATION DETAILS AND FOR EXACT LOCATIONS OFLIGHT POLES.H. REFER TO FINAL PLAT FOR LOT BOUNDARIES, LOT NUMBERS, LOT AREAS, AND LOT DIMENSIONS.I. ALL GRADIENTS ON SIDEWALKS ALONG THE ADA ROUTE ARE SHALL HAVE A MAXIMUM LONGITUDINALSLOPE OF 5% (1:20), EXCEPT AT CURB RAMPS (1:12), AND A MAXIMUM CROSS SLOPE OF 2.08% (1:48).THE MAXIMUM SLOPE IN ANY DIRECTION ON AN ADA PARKING STALL OR ACCESS ISLE SHALL BE 2.08%(1:48). THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW AND VERIFY THE GRADIENT IN THE FIELD ALONG THE ADAROUTES PRIOR TO PLACING CONCRETE OR BITUMINOUS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THEENGINEER IMMEDIATELY IF THERE IS A DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THE GRADIENT IN THE FIELD VERSUS THEDESIGN GRADIENT.J. "NO PARKING FIRE LANE" SIGNS SHALL BE PLACED ALONG ALL DRIVEWAYS PER THE DIRECTION OF THEGOLDEN VALLEY FIRE DEPARTMENT.K. DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS SHALL BE PROVIDED AS REQUIRED. DRAINAGE AND UTILITYEASEMENTS WILL BE PROVIDED OVER ALL PUBLIC UTILITIES.LEGENDEASEMENTCURB & GUTTERBUILDINGRETAINING WALLNUMBER OF PARKINGSTALLS PER ROWSIGNPIPE BOLLARDBITUMINOUSPAVINGCONCRETEPAVINGPROPERTY LIMITEXISTINGPROPOSEDKEY NOTEDEVELOPMENT NOTESWETLAND LIMITSTREELINETOTAL SITE AREA /SURFACE COVERAGEPROPOSED BUILDING AREAIMPERVIOUS SURFACE / PERCENTAGE /PERVIOUS SURFACE / PERCENTAGE /TOTAL DISTURBED AREA OF THE SITE /ZONINGEXISTING ZONINGPROPOSED ZONINGPARKINGPROPOSED PARKINGDEVELOPMENT SUMMARY49,772 SF / 1.14 AC6,104 SF / 0.14 AC0.88 AC / 77.1%0.26 AC / 22.9%49,772 SF / 1.14 ACCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIAL16 STALLSG6, Attachment 2Packet Page Number 89 of 199 G6, Attachment 3Packet Page Number 90 of 199 MINUTES MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL 7:00 p.m., Monday, June 9, 2014 Council Chambers, City Hall Meeting No. 10-14 1. Approval of the Following Requests for a Holiday Station Store, 1285 Cope Avenue East a. Approval of a Resolution for a Conditional Use Permit Revision to Allow a Motor Fuel Station to be Open 24 hours a Day and to Have a Reduced Proximity to a Residential District b. Approval of a Resolution for Building and Parking Lot Setback Variances c. Approval of Design Plans City Planner Martin gave the staff report and answered questions of the council. Planning Commissioner Trippler gave the Planning Commission report. Applicant Stephen Lins of Linn Companies addressed the council to give additional information and answer questions of the council. Public W orks Director Thompson answered additional questions of the council. The following people spoke: 1. Ann Cleland, Maplewood Resident 2. Roger Franz, Maplewood Resident 3. Bob Zick, North St. Paul Resident Councilmember Cardinal moved to approve: 1. Adopt the resolution approving a conditional use permit revision for a major motor fuel station to be located at 1285 Cope Avenue. This CUP allows the Holiday Station Store to be open 24 hours a day and to be constructed closer than 350 feet to a residential district. Approval is based on the findings required by ordinance and subject to the following conditions (additions are underlined and deletions are crossed out): a. Adherence to the site plan, dated May 27, 1988 date-stamped April 25, 2014, unless a change is approved by the City's Community Design Review Board City Council. Staff may approve minor changes. b. The right-turn lane proposed along English Street shall be subject to the City Engineer's and MnDOT’s approval. c. The applicant shall restripe repair any damage to the sidewalk and curbs along English Street and Cope Avenue, and widen it if necessary, to provide a left-turn lane for west-bound Highway 36, subject to the MnDOT’s and the City Engineer's approval. G6, Attachment 4 Packet Page Number 91 of 199 d. The landscape plan shall be revised for Community Design Review Board staff’s approval showing: 1) On-site berming along Cope Avenue arid English Street. These berms shall be four feet tall. 2) A thick screen of evergreen plantings shall be provided, maintained and replaced when necessary on top of the berms to block headlight glare, to meet the requirements of Section 36-27 of the City code. 3) Trees shall also be planted on top of the berms. • The addition of landscaping along the English Street and Highway 36 sides of the site. Also, the applicant shall move the three Colorado Blue Spruce that were proposed on the south side of Cope Avenue onto the site. The landscaping plan shall also meet or exceed tree- replacement requirements. The site shall have in-ground irrigation provided. The revised landscaping plan shall be further developed to provide landscaping screening on the south and southeast sides of the site. e. Gas sales shall be limited to two dispensers on one island. There shall be no vehicle repair or maintenance. f. The upper floor uses, facing Cope Avenue, shall not be open between the hours of 10:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M. The fuel station, convenience store and car wash are allowed to be open 24 hours a day. Intercom use may be limited by the city if there are complaints about volume and late night use. g. There shall be no temporary or permanent outside storage or sales, except fuel Outdoor storage and sales are allowed along the south and west building elevations and under the gas canopy. Outdoor storage and sales are not allowed anywhere else on site. h. The proposed use must be substantially started within one year of council approval or the permit shall become null and void. The council may extend this deadline for one year. i. The city council shall review this permit in one year. 2. Adopt the resolution approving the following setback variances for the proposed Holiday Station Store building and parking lot: a ten-foot building setback variance from the north property line (code requires 30 feet and 20 feet is proposed) and ten- foot parking lot setback variances for the parking lot from the north and east property lines (code requires 15 feet and five feet is proposed). These variance approvals are based on the following findings: a. The proposed use would be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance since the wide boulevards on the north and east would provide substantial building and parking lot setbacks on those sides. G6, Attachment 4 Packet Page Number 92 of 199 b. The proposed commercial use is consistent with the commercial classification of the Maplewood Comprehensive Plan. c. The applicant is proposing to use the property in a reasonable manner that would otherwise not be permitted by the city’s major motor fuel station setback requirements. The plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner and the variance will not alter the essential character of the locality. 3. Approve the plans date-stamped April 25, 2014, for the Holiday Station Store to be located at 1285 Cope Avenue East. Approval is subject to the applicant doing the following: a. Repeat this review in two years if the city has not issued a building permit for this project. b. Prior to issuance of a grading or building permit, the applicant must submit to staff for approval the following items: • A revised landscaping plan showing landscaping along the English Street and Highway 36 sides of the site. Also, the applicant shall move the three Colorado Blue Spruce that were proposed on the south side of Cope Avenue onto the site. The landscaping plan shall also meet or exceed tree- replacement requirements. The site shall have in-ground irrigation provided. The earth berms along the Cope Avenue frontage shall be at least three feet tall. • A revised site plan providing for all customer parking spaces to be 10 feet wide. There must be a total of 35 parking spaces. Parking spaces designated for employees may be nine feet wide and shall be signed as such. Handicap-accessible parking spaces shall comply with ADA, American’s With Disabilities Act requirements. • A revised building elevation plan indicating that only the north and east sides of the building and the northerly, highway-frontage freestanding sign, shall have the blue LED accent light bands applied. All lighting fixtures on the under-side of the fuel island canopy shall be recessed so their lenses do not drop beneath the bottom of the canopy. The blue awnings proposed on the building shall also be applied to the windows on the north elevation. • A revised photometric plan which meets all city lighting requirements. • An irrevocable letter of credit or cash escrow for all required landscaping. The amount shall be 150 percent of the cost of the work. The city shall hold this escrow until it has been shown that the landscaping has survived one full growing season. • A plan to either paint roof-top mechanical equipment or to possibly screen it, as code requires, from nearby homes. G6, Attachment 4 Packet Page Number 93 of 199 c. Signage on the property is not part of the design review approval. The applicant shall apply for sign permits to be reviewed by staff. d. Comply with all requirements of the engineering report dated May 5, 2014. e. All work shall follow the approved plans and these conditions. Staff may approve minor changes. Resolution 14-6-1077 Conditional Use Permit Revision Resolution WHEREAS, Stephen Linn, representing Linn Companies, applied for a conditional use permit revision to build a new motor fuel station, convenience store and car wash building. WHEREAS, this conditional use permit would allow the following: a. To be open 24 hours-a-day. Code requires motor fuel stations to be closed between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. if the station is closer than 350 feet to a residential district. b. To have any structure in a M1 district that is closer than 350 feet to a residential district. c. To have any part of a major motor fuel station closer than 350 feet to a residential district. WHEREAS, this permit applies to the property at 1285 Cope Avenue East. The property identification numbers for this property are: 09-29-22-41-0029 and 09-29-22-41-0007 WHEREAS, the history of this conditional use permit revision is as follows: 1. The planning commission held a public hearing on May 20, 2014. City staff published a notice in the Maplewood Review and sent notices to the surrounding property owners as required by law. The planning commission gave everyone at the hearing an opportunity to speak and present written statements. The planning commission considered the reports and recommendations from the city staff. The planning commission recommended that the city council approve this conditional use permit revision. 2. On June 9, 2014, the city council considered the recommendations of city staff and the planning commission and the testimony of persons present at the meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the city council approved this permit because: 1. The use would be located, designed, maintained, constructed and operated to be G6, Attachment 4 Packet Page Number 94 of 199 in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan and this Code. 2. The use would not change the existing or planned character of the surrounding area. 3. The use would not depreciate property values. 4. The use would not involve any activity, process, materials, equipment or methods of operation that would be dangerous, hazardous, detrimental, disturbing or cause a nuisance to any person or property, because of excessive noise, glare, smoke, dust, odor, fumes, water or air pollution, drainage, water run-off, vibration, general unsightliness, electrical interference or other nuisances. 5. The use would not exceed the design standards of any affected street. 6. The use would be served by adequate public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, water and sewer systems, schools and parks. 7. The use would not create excessive additional costs for public facilities or services. 8. The use would maximize the preservation of and incorporate the site's natural and scenic features into the development design. 9. The use would cause no more than minimal adverse environmental effects. Approval is subject to the following conditions (additions underlined, deletions crossed out): 1. Adherence to the site plan, date-stamped April 25, 2014, unless a change is approved by the City Council. Staff may approve minor changes. 2. The right-turn lane proposed along English Street shall be subject to the City Engineer's and MnDOT’s approval. 3. The applicant shall repair any damage to the sidewalk and curbs along English Street and Cope Avenue, subject to the MnDOT’s and the City Engineer's approval. 4. The landscape plan shall be revised for staff’s approval showing: • The addition of landscaping along the English Street and Highway 36 sides of the site. Also, the applicant shall move the three Colorado Blue Spruce that were proposed on the south side of Cope Avenue onto the site. The landscaping plan shall also meet or exceed tree-replacement requirements. The site shall have in-ground irrigation provided. The revised landscaping plan shall be further developed to provide landscaping screening on the south and southeast sides of the site. 5. There shall be no vehicle repair or maintenance. G6, Attachment 4 Packet Page Number 95 of 199 6. The fuel station, convenience store and car wash are allowed to be open 24 hours a day. Intercom use may be limited by the city if there are complaints about volume and late night use. 7. Outdoor storage and sales are allowed along the south and west building elevations and under the gas canopy. Outdoor storage and sales are not allowed anywhere else on site. 8. The proposed use must be substantially started within one year of council approval or the permit shall become null and void. The council may extend this deadline for one year. 9. The city council shall review this permit in one year. The Maplewood City Council approved this resolution on June 9, 2014. Resolution 14-6-1078 Variance Resolution WHEREAS, Stephen Linn, representing Linn Companies, applied for the following variances as part of his request to build a new Holiday Station Store: • A 10-foot building setback variance for the proposed car wash to be placed 20 feet from the north lot line, and • two 10-foot parking lot setback variances on the north and east sides of the site in order to have a five-foot setback from the Highway 36 and English Street rights-of-way. WHEREAS, these variances apply to the property at 1285 Cope Avenue East. The property identification numbers for this property are: 09-29-22-41-0029 and 09-29-22-41-0007 WHEREAS, Section 44-20(6)(a) requires that buildings be setback 30 feet from street right-of-way, and Section 44-20(5)(a) requires that parking lots be set back 15 feet from street right-of-way. WHEREAS, the applicant is proposing that their building have a 20 foot setback from the Highway 36 right-of way and the parking lot have a five-foot setback from the Highway 36 and English Street rights-of-way. WHEREAS, this requires variances of 10 feet for the building and 10 feet for the parking lot on two sides. WHEREAS, the history of this variance is as follows: 1. The planning commission held a public hearing on May 20, 2014. City staff published a notice in the Maplewood Review and sent notices to the surrounding property owners as required by law. The planning commission gave everyone at G6, Attachment 4 Packet Page Number 96 of 199 the hearing an opportunity to speak and present written statements. The council also considered reports and recommendations from the city staff. The planning commission recommended that the city council approve these variances. 2. On June 9, 2014 the city council considered the recommendations of city staff and the planning commission and the testimony of persons present at the meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the city council approved the above-described variances since: 1. The proposed use would be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance since the wide boulevards on the north and east would provide substantial building and parking lot setbacks on those sides. 2. The proposed commercial use is consistent with the commercial classification of the Maplewood Comprehensive Plan. 3. The applicant is proposing to use the property in a reasonable manner that would otherwise not be permitted by the city’s major motor fuel station setback requirements. The plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner and the variance will not alter the essential character of the locality. The Maplewood City Council approved this resolution on June 9, 2014. Seconded by Mayor Slawik Ayes – Mayor Slawik, Council Member Abrams, Cardinal and Juenemann Nays – Councilmember Koppen The motion passed. Interim City Manager gave additional information and answered questions of the council. City Planner Martin and Public Works Director/City Engineer Thompson gave additional information and answered questions of the council. City Attorney Kantrud answered additional questions of the council. Councilmember Juenemann moved to bring back the review of the conditional use permit and all of the conditions of that permit to make sure they have been incorporated into the business at this location and that it’s functioning as they promised. Seconded by Councilmember Cardinal Ayes – All The motion passed. G6, Attachment 4 Packet Page Number 97 of 199 MEMORANDUM TO: Melinda Coleman, City Manager FROM: Michael Martin, AICP, Economic Development Coordinator Daniela Lorenz, Community Development Intern DATE: July 7, 2015 SUBJECT: Approval of a Conditional Use Permit Review, W hitaker Sports and Classic Cars, 1081 Highway 36 Introduction The conditional use permit (CUP) for Whitaker Sports and Classic Cars located at 1081 Highway 36 is due for review. The conditional use permit was issued allowing for used car sales to take place at this site. This review also includes a variance to allow used car sales closer than 350 feet to a residential area. Background On July 14, 2014, the city council approved a conditional use permit for Chuck Whitaker to sell used cars from the property located at 1081 Highway 36. The city council also approved a variance to allow for the car sales to take place closer than 350 feet to a residential area. Discussion The exterior site improvements that were proposed last year have been completed and are meeting the conditions of approval. The city council approved a slight modification to the CUP to allow up to seven cars to be displayed outside. Upon staff’s inspection of this site there were nine cars displayed. This is a minor issue but wants to make sure the applicant understands the requirements. Also during the inspection, staff noticed significant piles of debris and pallets outside the building along Gervais Avenue. This is an issue with the site as a whole, not Whitaker Auto, and will be addressed with the property owner. This issue is being followed up on by the city’s code enforcement specialist. Budget Impact None. G7 Packet Page Number 98 of 199 Recommendation Review the conditional use permit for 1081 Highway 36 again in one year to ensure all conditions of approval are being met. Attachments 1. Location Map 2. Floor Plan 3. July 14, 2014 city council minutes G7 Packet Page Number 99 of 199 G7, Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 100 of 199 G7, Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 101 of 199 MINUTES MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL 7:00 p.m., Monday, July 14, 2014 Council Chambers, City Hall Meeting No. 11-14 1. Approval of the Following at 1081 Highway 36 for Chuck Whitaker: a. A Conditional Use Permit for Used-Car Sales b. A Variance for Used-Car Sales Closer than 350 Feet to a Residential District Councilmember Cardinal recused himself from participating and voting on this agenda item. Senior Planner Ekstrand gave the staff report. John Donofrio, Planning Commissioner addressed the council and gave the Planning Commission report. Charles Whitaker, Owner of Whitaker Buick GMC Company addressed the council and gave additional information. Councilmember Abrams moved to approve the staff recommendation with minor amendment of only permitting 7 cars out in front of the property at one time. A. Approve the conditional use permit resolution to allow used-car sales at 1081 Highway 36. Approval is based on the findings required by ordinance and subject to the following conditions: 1. All construction shall follow the plans date-stamped June 11, 2014, approved by the city. Staff may approve minor changes. 2. The proposed use must be substantially started within one year of council approval or the permit shall become null and void. The council may extend this deadline for one year after review and good-cause is shown. 3. The city council shall review this permit in one year. 4. This permit requires that cars for sale be kept indoors as proposed. 5. Any signs shall be installed in accordance with the Maplewood Sign Ordinance. 6. The applicant shall pave the area behind the building to eliminate the graveled parking and driveway surfaces. The property owner shall also do the same in the area behind Hirschfield’s at the same time to clean up the site. 7. The permitted hours of retail operation shall be Monday through Thursday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Friday and Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 8. Test drives shall be limited to the frontage road with drives through the residential neighborhood strongly discouraged. 9. Vehicle deliveries and transport unloading shall be done on site and not along G7, Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 102 of 199 public streets. B. Approve of the variance resolution for the proposed Whitaker used car sales business to be less than 350 feet from a residential district. The proposed use would be 190 feet away. This variance approval is based on the following findings: 1. The proposed variance would be in harmony with the intent of the ordinance. With a 350 foot separation from a residential property, the code attempts to buffer auto sales activities from residents. In this case, there would be no outdoor car sales or displays, to eliminate any neighborhood impact. 2. The use would be consistent with the comprehensive plan since it is classified commercial and auto sales are a commercial activity. 3. There are practical difficulties in complying with the ordinance. The existing building is closer than 350 feet to the nearest residentially zoned property. This proximity is nothing the applicant can control. This “practical difficulty” is being addressed by the applicant by operating his used car sales business inside the building. Other than test drives, there would be no impact on the neighborhood. The residential district to the north, furthermore, is almost fully screened by mature trees from this commercial property. Resolution 14-7-1098 Conditional Use Permit WHEREAS, Chuck Whitaker, of Whitaker Buick GMC Co., has applied for a conditional use permit be allowed to sell used automobiles at 1081 Highway 36. WHEREAS, Sections 44-512 (5) of the city ordinances requires a conditional use permit for used car sales in a M1 (light manufacturing) zoning district. WHEREAS, this permit applies to the property located at 1081 Highway 36. The property identification number of this property is: 092922310001 WHEREAS, the history of this conditional use permit is as follows: 1. On July 1, 2014, the planning commission held a public hearing. The city staff published a notice in the paper and sent notices to the surrounding property owners. The planning commission gave everyone at the hearing a chance to speak and present written statements. The planning commission also considered the reports and recommendation of city staff. The planning commission recommended that the city council approve this permit. 2. On July 14, 2014, the city council considered reports and recommendations of the city staff and planning commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the city council approve the above- described conditional use permit, because: G7, Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 103 of 199 1. The use would be located, designed, maintained, constructed and operated to be in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan and Code of Ordinances. 2. The use would not change the existing or planned character of the surrounding area. 3. The use would not depreciate property values. 4. The use would not involve any activity, process, materials, equipment or methods of operation that would be dangerous, hazardous, detrimental, disturbing or cause a nuisance to any person or property, because of excessive noise, glare, smoke, dust, odor, fumes, water or air pollution, drainage, water run-off, vibration, general unsightliness, electrical interference or other nuisances. 5. The use would generate only minimal vehicular traffic on local streets and would not create traffic congestion or unsafe access on existing or proposed streets. 6. The use would be served by adequate public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, water and sewer systems, schools and parks. 7. The use would not create excessive additional costs for public facilities or services. 8. The use would maximize the preservation of and incorporate the site's natural and scenic features into the development design. 9. The use would cause minimal adverse environmental effects. Approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. All construction shall follow the plans date-stamped June 11, 2014, approved by the city. Staff may approve minor changes. 2. The proposed use must be substantially started within one year of council approval or the permit shall become null and void. The council may extend this deadline for one year after review and good-cause is shown. 3. The city council shall review this permit in one year. 4. This permit requires that cars for sale be kept indoors as proposed. 5. Any signs shall be installed in accordance with the Maplewood Sign Ordinance. 6. The applicant shall pave the area behind the building to eliminate the graveled parking and driveway surfaces. The property owner shall also do the same in the area behind Hirschfield’s at the same time to clean up the site. 7. The permitted hours of retail operation shall be Monday through Thursday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Friday and Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 8. Test drives shall be limited to the frontage road with drives through the residential neighborhood strongly discouraged. G7, Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 104 of 199 9. Vehicle deliveries and transport unloading shall be done on site and not along public streets. The Maplewood City Council approved this resolution on July 14, 2014. Resolution 14-7-1099 Variance Resolution WHEREAS, Chuck Whitaker, of Whitaker Buick GMC Co., has applied for a variance to be allowed to operate a used car sales business closer than 350 feet to a residential zoning district. WHEREAS, this variance applies to the property at 1081 Highway 36. The property identification numbers for this property is: 092922310001 WHEREAS, Sections 44-512 (5) of the city ordinances requires that used car sales businesses be at least 350 feet from a residential district. WHEREAS, the applicant’s proposed use would be 190 feet from the nearest residential district. WHEREAS, the history of this variance is as follows: 1. The planning commission held a public hearing on July 1, 2014. City staff published a notice in the Maplewood Review and sent notices to the surrounding property owners as required by law. The planning commission gave everyone at the hearing an opportunity to speak and present written statements. The council also considered reports and recommendations from the city staff. The planning commission recommended that the city council approve this variance. 2. On July 14, 2014, the city council considered the recommendations of city staff and the planning commission and the testimony of persons present at the meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the city council approve the above- described variances since: 1. The proposed variance would be in harmony with the intent of the ordinance. With a 350 foot separation from a residential property, the code attempts to buffer auto sales activities from residents. In this case, there would be no outdoor car sales or displays, to eliminate any neighborhood impact. 2. The use would be consistent with the comprehensive plan since it is classified commercial and auto sales are a commercial activity. 3. There are practical difficulties in complying with the ordinance. The existing building is closer than 350 feet to the nearest residentially zoned property. This proximity is nothing the applicant can control. This “practical difficulty” is being addressed by the applicant by operating his used car sales business inside the building. Other than test drives, there would be no impact on the neighborhood. The residential district to G7, Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 105 of 199 the north, furthermore, is almost fully screened by mature trees from this commercial property. The Maplewood City Council approved this resolution on July 14, 2014. Seconded by Councilmember Juenemann Ayes – Mayor Slawik, Council Members Abrams, Juenemann and Koppen Abstain – Councilmember Cardinal The motion passed. G7, Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 106 of 199 G8 Page 1 of 2 MEMORANDUM TO: Melinda Coleman, City Manager FROM: Karen Haag , City Clerk DATE: July 7, 2015 SUBJECT: Approval of Resolution Certifying Election Judges for the August 11, 2015 Municipal Primary Election RESOLUTION CERTIFYING ELECTION JUDGES RESOLVED, that the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota, accepts the following list of Election Judges for the 2015 Municipal Primary Election to be held on Tuesday, August 11, 2015. Kevin Achmeier Meridith Aikens Jim Allen Nancy Anderson Carole Anderson Beverly Anderson Theodore Anderson Sam Anderson Suzanne Anderson Ahsan Ansari Ajla Arnold Patti Ascherman Paul Babin David Bedor Regan Beggs Jeanette Behr Jaime Belland Mary Betts Al Bierbaum Sharon Bierwerth Diane Bjorklund Donita Bolden Michele Booher Jeanne Bortz Richard Brandon Ginny Brandon Denise Bricher Diane Brown Bernice Bunkowske Eugene Bunkowske Ruth Burch Jeanette Carle Fannie Carson Justin Carson Kiley Cermak Ann Cleland Barb Clothier Edward Combe Thomas Connelly Colleen Connolly Ann Crist Bonnie Dahl Jay Delveaux Kalpana Desai Phil DeZelar Charlene Dickerson Glenndell Dickerson Helen Jean Dickson Steve Diebel Albin Dittli Tom Dougherty Audrey Duellman Bob Dunham Marilyn Duscher Carolyn Eickhoff John Ek Susan Ek Michael Elliott Herbert Engelmayer Jeanne Ewald Cynthia Fowler Gretchen Francis Robert Francis Nick Franzen Mary Jo Freer Mary Katherine Fuller Barbara Funk Shirley Gaboury Gary Gardner Richard Garner Terrence Garvey Nora Germain John Gerten Mary Glaeser Diane Golaski Tacita Gonzalez Ane Gravelle Barb Gravink Jamie Gudknecht Dianne Gustafson Joyce Haddad Michael Hafner Sandra Hahn Vonna Hahn Linda Hale Kathryn Hallestad Mary Harder Robert Hart Barbara Hart Jean Heininger Darlene Herber Cindy Hervig Gary Hinnenkamp Robert Hulet Jeanette Hulet John Hunt Raymond Huth Patricia Huth Mary Claire Inhofer Carol Jagoe David Jahn Gwendolyn Jefferson Robert Jensen Judith Johannessen Cheryle Johnson Warren Johnson Shirley Jones Myrna Kane Deb Kapfer Judy Kiges Judy Kipka Packet Page Number 107 of 199 G8 Page 2 of 2 Lois Knutson Dennis Kramer John Krebsbach Elaine Kruse Jackie Kwapick Thomas Labarre Annette LaCasse Cameo Laibson-Brown Charlotte Lampe Michelle Larson Tom Layer Stephanie Layer Joanne Leach Claudette Leonard James Leonard Sandra Letourneau Sandy Lewis Rosella Limon Steve Lincowski Vi Lincowski Marianne Liptak Darlene Loipersbeck Jules Loipersbeck Claudia Lonetti Shari Lowe-Adams Paul Lowery, Jr. Valerie Mahowald Jeri Mahre Edward Malecki Donald Mammenga II Clarence Manke Luke Mantalica John Manthey Thomas Maskrey Arianne Maxwell Shance McCain John McCann Peggy McCarthy Larry McCarthy Ryan McCarthy Judy McCauley Joan McDonough Carol McDonough James Millette Michael Mireau Dorothy Molstad Doris Moritz Betty Motz Mike Muenchow Frederick Nazarian Percy Nelson Frankie Nesbitt Mary Newcomb Miranda Nichols Helen Nissen Ann Norberg D. William O'Brien Anita Olson Mary Overson Shantal Pai Dian Parent John Parnell Susan Parnell Laura Paulsen Bernard Pedersen Marilyn Peper Devrie Perzichilli Linda Petrie Rae Plaster Orlin Plath Joseph Plumbo Roger Posch Steve Putz Shelly Putz Claudia Reeve Andrew Reichow Roy Reichow Rita Renslow Rita Roadfeldt Vincent Rodriguez Kathleen Rose Teresa Rossbach Shirley Rubbert Elaine Rudeen Crystal Rygg Chris Sagert Warren Sands Laurie Saniti Kathleen Sauer Sharon Sawyer Thomas Scharnott Rojean Scheoble Cynthia Schluender William Schmidt Mary Ann Schneider Betty Schramel Jim Schramel Raymond Schuman Sarah Seelen Gloria Seidel James Seitz Deborah Seyfer Maryjean Sheppard Steven Skaar Delaney Skaar Susan Skaar Chris Sloan Annette Sova-Peterson Bob Spangler Tim Stafki Karen Stenson Joan Strack Chris Swanson Kim Swift Joseph Tarnowski Lori Taylor Carol Thomalla Lynn Tietel Michael Tourville Dale Trippler Jo Trippler Kathy Trost Micki Tschida Carolyn Urbanski Holly Urbanski William Urbanski Mary Vanek Joanne Wagner Gayle Wasmundt Stephanie Webe Deborah Weinberg Steven W einberg Warren Wessel Greg White Robert Wiesner Mary Jo Wolfe-Haider Dorothy Wolfgram Cindy Yorkovich Kim Zaiman Helen Zian Leroy Zipko Recommendation Approval of the list of election judges is requested. Approval of this Resolution does not qualify individuals to serve as election judges. Appointments will be made from this list to fill the needed positions but not everyone on this list may be appointed. Additionally, individuals that have not completed the required election judge training and completed the paperwork required by the city will not be permitted to work unless they have met these requirements. Packet Page Number 108 of 199 AGENDA REPORT TO: Melinda Coleman, City Manager FROM: DuWayne Konewko, Parks & Recreation Director SUBJECT: Approval to Amend Contract with Aqua Logic for Additional Work at the MCC Aquatic Center DATE: July 13, 2015 Introduction The City Council will consider amending the contract with Aqua Logic to include the addition of a Water Chemistry Control Module and repairs necessary to ensure compliance with the Virginia Graeme Baker 2008 Federal Law and Minnesota Code which total $20,573.14. Background At the February 23, 2015 City Council meeting, Council authorized approval to enter into a contract with Aqua Logic in the amount of $141,030 for the removal and replacement of the original sand media filters for the lap and leisure pools, adding an Ultra Violet Light (UV) treatment system to the spa, and adding a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) mechanical system to the spa. These improvements were listed as “Currently Critical” in the MCC Asset Management Plan. The additions of these items would reduce the amount of chemicals that are required to treat the spa and will save energy and time. However, staff neglected to include the addition of a Water Chemistry Control Module that was part of the project and was also included in the Asset Management Plan for the MCC. The cost for the Water Chemistry Controller is $10,785. The repair costs associated with the conformance to the Virginia Graeme Baker 2008 Federal Law and Minnesota Code is $9,788. The cost for the addition of the Water Chemistry Control Module and the compliance work is $20,573.14 bringing the total cost of the contract with Aqua Logic to $161,603.14. The installation of the Water Chemistry Control Module reduces chemical usage, improves the overall water quality and ensures compliance with air quality standards regarding indoor pools. The module also allows staff to adjust levels remotely (offsite) which reduces staff overtime and monitors chemical inventory levels. The installation of this module will improve the overall maintenance efficiencies at the MCC. The Virginia Graeme Baker act is a federal law that was enacted in 2008 requiring every public pool in the United States to use Consumer Product Safety Commission approved main drain covers on all pools with requirements for how these drain covers are plumbed. The Abigail Taylor Law in Minnesota was designed to do essentially the same thing without the requirements of the drain covers to be tested and approved by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. The MCC slide suction piping (routes water to the slide surface) was supplied from the surge tank which is against Minnesota Code. As a result, the City is required to “plumb” the lines back into the existing slide suction boxes that were non-complaint with the Virginia Graeme Baker requirements. In order to achieve compliance with both state and federal requirements, Aqua Logic had to work with a certified engineer (required by state and federal law) and a licensed custom fabricator to build components to achieve compliance. G9 Packet Page Number 109 of 199 Custom made nine-inch grate covers were installed on the exterior side of these suction boxes to provide for a nine-inch separation between the end of the suction pipe and the grate itself (reduces the amount of direct suction). Budget All of these improvements, with the exception of the compliance work, were identified in the MCC Asset Management Study as “Potentially or Currently Critical”. The monies to pay for these additional expenses ($20,573.14) will come directly from MCC operating funds. The YMCA will contribute $5,000 towards the repair work necessary to achieve compliance with state and federal laws regarding the surge tank and drain cover improvements in the pool. The costs for these improvements all came in below the costs estimates in the MCC Asset Management Study. Recommendation Staff recommends that the council approve an amended contract with Aqua Logic to include the addition of the Water Chemistry Control Module and repair costs associated with compliance with the Federal Virginia Baker Law in the amount of $20,573.14 bringing the total cost of the contract to $161,603.14. Staff also recommends that the monies for these additional improvements come directly from MCC operating funds. Attachments None G9 Packet Page Number 110 of 199 MEMORANDUM TO: Melinda Coleman, City Manager FROM: Michael Martin, AICP, Economic Development Coordinator DATE: July 7, 2015 SUBJECT: Approval of an Amendment to Discharge of Firearms Ordinance – Second Reading Introduction City staff received a request from the Minneapolis Rifle Club to amend the city’s ordinance regarding the discharge of firearms within city limits to allow their club to train indoors during the winter months. The Minneapolis Rifle Club is a shooting club dedicated to developing high marksmanship skills, for adults and juniors for both NRA and International match shooting. Currently, city ordinance prohibits any person to shoot or discharge any gun, pistol or firearm of any kind – including air guns which are what the Minneapolis Rifle Club uses – within the city. Background On June 8, 2015, the city council gave first reading to this ordinance amendment to approve this change. The city council did not have any suggested changes to the proposed amendment. Procedurally, the council must hold a second reading and a public hearing to finalize this ordinance amendment. Discussion To complete this process, the city council must approve the second reading of this proposed amendment to the city ordinance to allow the discharge of firearms for the purposes of organized athletic activities. As discussed on June 8, 2015, staff is recommending the police chief be required to review and approve any requests made. Sec. 24-173. - Discharge of firearms; possession or detonation of explosives or fireworks. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to shoot or discharge any gun, revolver, pistol or firearm of any kind or description, including BB guns, pellet guns and airguns, spring guns, or air- or gas-propelled guns, including CO 2 guns, within the city, whether they are loaded with powder and ball, live ammunition or blank cartridges, or any kind of explosive or propellant capable of throwing or projecting any missile, including bullets, pellets, BBs, artillery shells, rockets or other missiles. Requests for exemptions from this restriction for the purpose of organized athletic events shall be made to the city’s H1 Packet Page Number 111 of 199 police chief who shall make the final decision. In order for requests to be considered, the zoning of the proposed site must permit organized athletic activities. Recommendation Approve the second reading of the proposed amendment to Chapter 24, Article IV, Division 2 (Weapons and Explosives) Attachments 1. Amendment of Ordinance Regulating the Discharge of Firearms 2. Request from Minneapolis Rifle Club H1 Packet Page Number 112 of 199 AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE REGULATING DISCHARGE OF FIREARMS DIVISION 2. - WEAPONS AND EXPLOSIVES Sec. 24-171. - Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this division, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Pistol and revolver mean any firearm with a barrel less than 12 inches in length. (Code 1982, § 20-71) Cross reference— Definitions generally, § 1-2. Sec. 24-172. - Exemptions from division. This division shall not apply to police officers; members of the United States armed forces, the national guard and the reserve; or other authorized personnel when using firearms or other weapons in the regular course of performing their duties. (Code 1982, § 20-72) Sec. 24-173. - Discharge of firearms; possession or detonation of explosives or fireworks. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to shoot or discharge any gun, revolver, pistol or firearm of any kind or description, including BB guns, pellet guns and airguns, spring guns, or air- or gas-propelled guns, including CO guns, within the city, whether they are loaded with powder and ball, live ammunition or blank cartridges, or any kind of explosive or propellant capable of throwing or projecting any missile, including bullets, pellets, BBs, artillery shells, rockets or other missiles. Requests for exemptions from this restriction for the purpose of organized athletic events shall be made to the city’s police chief who shall make the final decision. In order for requests to be considered, the zoning of the proposed site must permit organized athletic activities. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person in the city to have in his possession or to shoot, discharge or explode any preparation of potash, mixture of sulphur and saltpeter, nitroglycerin, dynamite, plastic explosive, fireworks or any other kind of explosive material. All such acts are hereby prohibited, unless specifically authorized by permit issued by the department of public safety or by permit issued by the state department of conservation. (Code 1982, § 20-73) Sec. 24-174. - Prohibited weapons, prohibited acts. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person within the city to possess any device or weapon known as a slungshot, slingshot, sand club, metal knuckles, switchblade knife, dagger, stiletto, dirk, blackjack, chain club, pipe club, bowie knife, Molotov cocktail, grenade, throwing star, or similar device. H1, Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 113 of 199 (b) It shall be unlawful for any person within the city to carry or wear concealed about his person any pistol, BB gun, airgun or CO gun. (Code 1982, § 20-75) Sec. 24-175. - Confiscation and disposition. (a) Any weapons or explosive materials duly adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to have been discharged, worn or carried in the city in violation of any ordinance, law, rule or regulation shall be confiscated by the city. Such weapons or explosive materials shall be turned over to the police chief to be kept, sold or disposed of in the manner provided in this section. (b) Any weapons or materials confiscated pursuant to this section may be kept and used by the department of public safety if the weapons or materials are adaptable to police purposes. Such weapons and materials which would be dangerous to reintroduce into channels of private sale or use may, in the discretion of the police chief, be destroyed. Such weapons or materials which may be safely placed into the hands of private owners may be sold by the police chief at public auction in a sealed bid sale pursuant to at least two weeks' published notice of such sale. (Code 1982, § 20-76) Sec. 24-176. - Bows and arrows. (a) A bow and arrow, for purposes of this section, is hereby defined as a bowed shaft of material such as metal, wood or plastic, the ends of which are pulled into bow formation by a string, cord, wire or any other type of material and used for the purpose of propelling an arrow by means of the power developed in pulling the string against the tension of the bow, provided that such bow is rated at more than ten pounds pull, and further provided that the arrow used is pointed or is equipped with a pointed head of metal, plastic or other material capable of penetrating an object when propelled by the bow. (b) Every person in the city who shall aim any bow and arrow, as defined in this section, at or toward any human being, or who shall willfully discharge an arrow from a bow in any public place or in any place where there is any person to be endangered, although no injury actually results, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished in accordance with section 1-15. The city's deer (wildlife) management plan shall be exempt from this subsection. (c) No minor in the city under the age of 14 years shall handle or have in his possession or under his control, except while accompanied by or under the immediate charge of his parent or guardian, any bow and arrow as defined in this section for hunting or target practice or any other purpose. Every person violating any this subsection or aiding or knowingly permitting any such minor to violate this subsection shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished in accordance with section 1-15. (Code 1982, § 20-77; Ord. No. 806A, § 20-77, 1-10-2000) Secs. 24-177—24-205. - Reserved. H1, Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 114 of 199 1 Michael Martin From:m marzitelli [mmarzitelli@hotmail.com] Sent:Monday, December 15, 2014 12:11 PM To:Michael Martin Cc:mmarzitelli@hotmail.com; Steve Studt; Erhard Bruderer; Tom O'Donnell; Joel Peabody Subject:Request to the City of Maplewood for permission to shoot Airguns indoors from the Minneapolis Rifle Club Dear Mr. Martin  Below is our request to have the City of Maplewood consider our shooting Airguns at the Local #10 Union Hall on  Cope Avenue.  The range finding committee  of the Minneapolis Rifle Club who will be more than happy to work  with you and respond to any questions or concerns you may have are myself, Michael Marzitelli, Steven Studt,  Erhard Bruderer, Tom O'Donnell, and Joel Peabody.  Their addresses will be found in the CC section of this email.   You may also contact me by phone at 651 489 9164.       Thank You      Who we are:  The Minneapolis Rifle Club was founded in 1915.  The Minneapolis Rifle Club is a shooting club dedicated to developing high marksmanship skills, for adults and  juniors for both NRA and International match shooting.  Minneapolis Rifle Club activities include:  10 meter air rifle  10 meter air pistol  50 yard, 50 meter and 100 yard smallbore rifle  50 meter free pistol  200 and 300 yard hi‐power  300 meter hi‐power with electronic targets.  Several Minneapolis Rifle Club members have earned college scholarships, participated in the Olympics, Shot and  Coached on US shooting teams and other world class shooting championships.    What we desire:  We are looking for an indoor training site for our air gun activities during the winter. We normally shoot outdoors  at our range in St. Francis but currently have a need for an indoor facility to continue our air gun training.  We have  a roster of approximately 20 competitive International airgun athletes  who train during the winter season.  These  include Junior's as well, both male and female,  who compete at the Colorado Springs Junior Olympics  held at the  Olympic Training Center .      The Local #10 Sheet Metal Workers have offered us their hall at Cope Avenue on a twice a week basis on  weekday afternoon and evenings during the October through March season.  We need assurance  however that such activity is permissible under the Maplewood City ordinances.     What we would do:  H1, Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 115 of 199 2 Our training consists of practise training matches.  All shooting activity is highly regulated with range officers  present, insured,  safe, and non toxic.  The equipment used are not firearms but air guns which propel .177 pellets,  a sort of a lead flat nosed pellet.   The noise is moderate and not perceptible from outside the hall.  All shooting is  done at 34 feet into pellet traps which contain the used pellets.  The traps are portable and easily stored. This  training will not be open to the public but to proven international competition shooters only.      H1, Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 116 of 199 MEMORANDUM TO: Melinda Coleman, City Manager FROM: Michael Martin, AICP, Economic Development Coordinator DATE: July 8, 2015 SUBJECT: Approval of Vacation of Public Easements, Villages at Frost- English, 1955 English Street Introduction Sherman Associates is requesting a vacation of three public easements that cover portions of the property that makes up the Villages at Frost-English. It is important to note that the underlying properties that make up the development consist of previously platted property, vacated alleys and a vacated street. The alleys and street, or portions thereof, have been vacated multiple times in the past. Some of these vacations were subject to the city of Maplewood reserving easements for various reasons. Request Vacate drainage, sanitary sewer and electrical utility easements on this property which is located on the northwest corner of English Street and Frost Avenue. Background April 13, 2015: The city council made the land use approvals required for this project to move forward. The first phase will be a four-story, multi-family building with 50 units. Phase two will be a 79-unit multi-family building rented exclusively to seniors and phase three will be a 6,000 square foot commercial retail building near Frost Avenue and English Street. Findings for Approval To vacate an easement, the city council must find that it is in the public interest. Vacations require a four-fifths vote from the city council to approve. Discussion The existing sanitary sewer and electrical utility easements no longer serve a public purpose. If left as is, it could hinder the redevelopment of the property and vacation of the public easements work to clean up the property from a legal point of view. As explained in the attached engineering report, the drainage easement located in the J1 Packet Page Number 117 of 199 southwest corner of the site was recorded at Ramsey County under the Abstract system, where in fact this portion of the property is under the Torrens system. Therefore the city does not have to vacate the easement as it was never legally recorded correctly. If the council vacates this easement, it should be conditioned upon any and all requirements of Steve Love, assistant city engineer, whose report is attached to this memo. Commission Actions July 7, 2015: The planning commission recommend approval of the proposed easement vacations. Budget Impact None. Recommendations A. Adopt the resolution vacating the sanitary sewer easement, established by Document No. 1791895 and 1800344, located near the middle of the property at 1955 English Street, since: 1. The easement would serve no public purpose after the applicant redevelops the property into the Villages at Frost-English. This vacation is conditioned upon the following: 1. The applicant meets all and any conditions within Steve Love’s June 25, 2015 report. B. Adopt the resolution vacating the electrical easement, established by Document No. 1791896, and utility easement, established by Document No. 1820782 (Abstract) and 567589 (Torrens), located near the northwest corner of the property at 1955 English Street, since: 1. The easements would serve no public purpose after the applicant redevelops the property into the Villages at Frost-English. This vacation is conditioned upon the following: 1. The applicant meets all and any conditions within Steve Love’s June 25, 2015 report. J1 Packet Page Number 118 of 199 Reference Information Site Description Site Size: 5.5 Acres Existing Land Use: Vacant – former bowling alley Surrounding Land Uses North: Gateway Trail South: Liquor store, Frost Avenue and Gladstone Savannah East: English Street and Moose Lodge West: Atlantic Street, a vacant lot, a single-family home and a commercial building Planning Existing Land Use: Mixed Use Existing Zoning: Mixed Use (mu) Attachments 1. Sanitary Sewer Easement Vacation Resolution 2. Electrical and Utility Easement Vacation Resolution 3. Location Map 4. Certificate of Survey 5. Applicant Letter and Petition 6. Assistant City Engineer Steve Love’s June 25, 2015 Report J1 Packet Page Number 119 of 199 EASEMENT VACATION RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Shane LaFave of Sherman Associates, applied for the vacation of a sanitary sewer easement established and defined by Document No. 1791895 and 1800344. WHEREAS, on July 7, 2015, the planning commission held a public hearing. The city staff published a notice in the Maplewood Review and sent a notice to the abutting property owners. The planning commission gave everyone at the hearing a chance to speak and present written statements. The planning commission also considered reports and recommendations from the city staff. The planning commission recommended that the city council approve this request. WHEREAS, on ______________, 2015, the city council reviewed this request after considering the recommendations of staff and the planning commission. WHEREAS, after the city __________ this vacation, the public interest in the property will go to the adjoining property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the city council ___________ the above- described vacation because: 1. The easement would serve no public purpose after the applicant redevelops the property into the Villages at Frost-English. This vacation is conditioned upon the following: 1. The applicant meets all and any conditions within Steve Love’s June 25, 2015 report. The Maplewood City Council _______ this resolution on _____________, 2015. J1, Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 120 of 199 EASEMENT VACATION RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Shane LaFave of Sherman Associates, applied for the vacation of an electrical easement established and defined by Document No. 1791896. WHEREAS, the City of Maplewood additionally recommends the vacation of a utility easement established and defined by Document No. 1820782 (Abstract Document) and 567589 (Torrens Document). WHEREAS, on July 7, 2015, the planning commission held a public hearing. The city staff published a notice in the Maplewood Review and sent a notice to the abutting property owners. The planning commission gave everyone at the hearing a chance to speak and present written statements. The planning commission also considered reports and recommendations from the city staff. The planning commission recommended that the city council approve this request. WHEREAS, on ______________, 2015, the city council reviewed this request after considering the recommendations of staff and the planning commission. WHEREAS, after the city __________ this vacation, the public interest in the property will go to the adjoining property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the city council ___________ the above- described vacation because: 1. The easement would serve no public purpose after the applicant redevelops the property into the Villages at Frost-English. This vacation is conditioned upon the following: 1. The applicant meets all and any conditions within Steve Love’s June 25, 2015 report. The Maplewood City Council _______ this resolution on _____________, 2015. J1, Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 121 of 199 Hazelwood Hillside Beaver Lake Parkside Highwood Gladstone Battle Creek Sherwood Glen Vista Hills Kohlman Lake Western Hills Maplewood Heights Carver Ridge Maplewood, City of Maplewood Maplewood, Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, i- cubed, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community, City of Maplewood, Esri, HERE, DeLorme, TomTom, MapmyIndia, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS user community 1955 English Street - Villages at Frost and English Former Maplewood Bowl site - Overview Map J1, Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 122 of 199 123N80°15'04"E 471.35N89°32'53"E 135.01S00°20'12"E 369.61N42°02'53"E 94.95S00°20'12"E 120.00S00°20'12"E 120.00S89°32'53"W 240.00S00°20'12"E 160.00S89°32'53"W 135.00N00°20'12"W 271.42N89°32'53"E 90.00N89°32'53"E 71.00S00°20'12"E 67.9664.0070.00N00°00'00"E 162.75N90°00'00"W 153.61N90°00'00"W 92.40S00°20'12"E 64.01N90°00'00"W 80.70N90°00'00"E41.97N00°00'00"E26.47N00°00'00"E33.00R=150.00L=161.68∆=61°45'28"C.Brg=S59°07'16"WC.=153.97L=101.42∆=38°44'22"L=60.26∆=23°01'06"--184.01--140.47330.88178.36191.25Orientation of this bearing system is based upon Ramsey CountyCoordinates, North American Datum of 1983.KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Maplewood Acquisition LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, fee owner of the following described property situated in the City of Maplewood, County ofRamsey, State of Minnesota:Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22, Block 1, together with the vacated alley adjacent thereto and the East half of vacated Chambers Street adjacent thereto, and Lots 23, 24 and25, Block 1, except the East 80 feet thereof, together with the vacated East half of vacated Chambers Street adjacent thereto. And Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 , 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, Block 2, together withthe vacated alley adjacent thereto and the West half of vacated Chamber Street adjacent thereto, all in Lincoln Park, according to the recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota.ANDLots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, together with the East half of the vacated alley adjacent thereto, all in Lincoln Park, according to the recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota; excepting therefrom that partof said Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, Lincoln Park, conveyed to the City of Maplewood by Quit Claim Deed dated August 19, 2002, filed December 15, 2004, as Document No. 3815861, and described as follows:Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 1, said Lincoln Park, according to the recorded plat thereof; thence Westerly along the South line of said Lot 1, a distance of 64.00 feet; thenceNortheasterly to a point on the East line of said Lot 2, distant 70.00 feet North of the Southeast corner of said Lot 1, as measured along the East line of said Lots 1 and 2; thence Southerly along said Eastline of Lots 1 and 2, a distance of 70.00 feet to the point of beginning.ANDLots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 1, Kuhl's Rearrangement of Lots 1, 2, 3, 20, 21 and 22, Block 2, Lincoln Park, together with the vacated alley adjacent thereto and together with the West half of vacatedChambers Street adjacent thereto, according to the recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota.ANDLots 17 and 18, Block 2, together with the West half of the vacated alley adjacent thereto, all in Lincoln Park, according to the recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota.Ramsey County, MinnesotaAbstract PropertyHas caused the same to be surveyed and platted as THE VILLAGES AT FROST-ENGLISH and does hereby dedicate or donate to the public for public use forever the drainage and utility easements as shown onthis plat.In witness whereof said Maplewood Acquisition LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this _______ day of _________________, 201___.Signed: Maplewood Acquisition LLC________________________________________, Chief ManagerSTATE OF MINNESOTACOUNTY OF __________________________The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _______ day of _________________, 201___, by _____________________________________, Chief Manager of Maplewood Acquisition LLC, aMinnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the company.________________________________________________________________________________Notary Public, ____________ County, MinnesotaMy Commission Expires __________________I, Dennis B. Olmstead, Professional Land Surveyor, do hereby certify that I have surveyed or directly supervised the survey of the property described on this plat; prepared this plat or directly supervised thepreparation of this plat; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on this plat havebeen correctly set; that all water boundaries and wet lands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of the surveyor's certification are shown and labeled on this plat; and allpublic ways are shown and labeled on this plat.Dated this _______ day of _________________, 201___.________________________________________________________Dennis B. Olmstead, Professional Land SurveyorMinnesota License No. 18425STATE OF MINNESOTACOUNTY OF __________________________The foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was acknowledged before me this _______ day of _________________, 201___, by Dennis B. Olmstead, a Professional Land Surveyor.________________________________________________________________________________Notary Public, ____________ County, MinnesotaMy Commission Expires __________________CITY OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTAWe do hereby certify that on the _______ day of _________________, 201___, the City Council of the City of Maplewood, Minnesota, approved this plat. Also, the conditions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03,Subd. 2, have been fulfilled._______________________________________, Mayor________________________________________, ClerkDEPARTMENT OF PROPERTY RECORDS AND REVENUEPursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable in the year ________ on the land hereinbefore described have been paid. Also, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12, thereare no delinquent taxes and transfer entered this _______ day of _________________, 201___.__________ _____________________________, Director By: ________________________________________, DeputyProperty Records and RevenueCOUNTY SURVEYORI hereby certify that this plat complies with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, and is approved pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 383A.42, this _______ day of _________________,201___.___________________________________________Craig W. Hinzman, L.S.Ramsey County SurveyorCOUNTY RECORDER, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, STATE OF MINNESOTAI hereby certify that this plat of THE VILLAGES AT FROST-ENGLISH was filed in the office of the County Recorder for public record on this _______ day of _________________, 201___, at ______ o’clock ___. M.and was duly filed in Book ____________ of Plats, Page ___________, as Document Number ____________________________._________________________________________Deputy County RecorderJ1, Attachment 4Packet Page Number 123 of 199 FILING REQUIREMENTS 1. A written statement explaining your reasons for requesting this vacation and why there is no public need for the street, alley or easement. This site is currently the home of what was once the Maplewood Bowl bowling alley , which has been vacated for some time. Maplewood Acquisition LLC is redeveloping the site into a three- phase mixed use community known as "The Villages at Frost-English" and the easements requested for vacation are no longer required. The easements were in place for past uses of the property that are no longer necessary. New easements will be dedicated to support the public utilities on the plat as part of this redevelopment project. Keeping defunct easements would complicate title work and gives concern to potential lenders and investors for each phase of the project. 2. A list of property owners and their addresses that abut the street, alley or easement. An abstract company or Ramsey County must prepare and certify this list. Abstract companies are listed in the yellow pages. All easements requesting to be vacated are either contained within parcels owned by Maplewood Acquisition LLC (an entity created by and affiliated with Sherman Associates , LLC) or are abutting a public street. See attached plat map. 3. An application fee of $1,200 for vacations. In addition, you must include $46 to pay the County for recording a City resolution. Make check to the City of Maplewood. The application fee is not refundable. The recording fee is refundable if the City Council denies your application. Fee enclosed. 4. A map that shows the exact area you want vacated. This map shall include all utilities in the area proposed for vacation. Map is enclosed. 5. A signed copy of the attached petition form. If a majority of the abutting property owners sign the petition, the City Council may approve the vacation by a majority vote. (The City considers a husband and wife to be individual owners if they both are listed as property owners.) Without this petition, the Council may only approve the vacation with at least four of the five members voting to approve the vacation. Petition form enclosed. J1, Attachment 5 Packet Page Number 124 of 199 PUBLIC VACATION PETITION We , the undersigned , are a majority of the land owners abutting on the (street, alley or easement) described as : We petition the City Council to vacate the above-described area : Signature Name (print or type) Abstractor's List Geo r ge She rman Number on the J1, Attachment 5 Packet Page Number 125 of 199 Engineering Vacation Review PROJECT: The Villages at Frost-English PROJECT NO: 14-21 COMMENTS BY: Steven W. Love Assistant City Engineer DATE: 6-25-2015 The applicant is requesting a vacation of three easements that cover portions of the proposed plat The Villages at Frost-English (see Attachment 4). It is important to note that the underlying properties that make up the proposed plat consist of previously platted property, vacated alleys and vacated street. The alleys and street, or portions thereof, have been vacated multiple times in the past. Some of these vacations are subject to the City of Maplewood reserving easements for various reasons. This review takes a look at the requested easements and the various vacations to ensure the city is releasing all of the underlying rights that way be covered by public easements in the areas of the vacation request. The following are engineering review comments on each of the easements that have been requested to be vacated: Public Easement Vacation Request #1 The first public easement vacation request is for a drainage easement located near the southwest corner of the proposed plat, The Villages at Frost-English, shown in red on Attachment 4. There is an existing public storm sewer line located within this drainage easement. However, the existing public storm sewer is proposed to be removed and replaced with a private storm sewer system according to the approved plans for the Villages at Frost & English project. Therefore, the City no longer has a need to retain a public drainage easement over the existing public storm sewer. During the review of the requested vacation it was discovered that two documents have been recorded at Ramsey County under the Abstract System that would normally establish the drainage easement. Documents No. 2421636 and 2431846 describe the drainage easement. These easements lie over Torrens property. Due to the fact that both documents are recorded at Ramsey County under the Abstract System and not the Torrens System neither of the easements are reflected on the property’s Certificate of Title. Torrens property is only subject to those matters that appear on the Certificate of Title for that property. Therefore, the two documents that described the drainage easement do not retain any rights in favor of the City/public and the City of Maplewood does not have any rights to release. Public Easement Vacation Request #2 The second public easement vacation request is for a sanitary sewer easement located near the middle of the proposed plat, The Villages at Frost-English, shown in yellow on Attachment 4. J1, Attachment 6 Packet Page Number 126 of 199 Over a period of time, from 1970 to 1993, the Chambers Street right-of-way l ying north of Frost Avenue and south of the former rail road right-of-way has been vacated. During the review of the requested vacation it was discovered that two documents have been recorded at Ramsey County under the Abstract System that established the sanitary sewer easement. Documents No. 1791895 and 1800344 describe the sanitary sewer easement. There are no public sanitary sewer facilities located within sanitary sewer easement or the vacated right-of-way for Chambers Street. Therefore, it is recommended that the city proceeds with vacating the sanitary sewer easement as established by Document No. 1791895 and 1800344. Public Easement Vacation Request #3 The third public easement vacation request is for an electrical easement, in favor of the City of Maplewood, located near the northwest corner of the proposed plat, The Villages at Frost- English, shown in green on Attachment 4. Over a period of time, from 1958 to 1993, the alley lying west of vacated Chambers Street right of way has been vacated. According to Document No 1791896 an electrical easement, in favor of the City of Maplewood, was retained over a portion of the vacated alley. There are no existing city electrical facilities located within the electrical easement. Staff has verified that Xcel Energy does not have any existing facilities within the electrical easement and has no concerns about the proposed vacation of the electrical easement. Document No. 1820782/567589 was recorded in both the Abstract and Torrens system. This document vacates portions of the alley. The vacation is subject to several conditions that no longer apply and retains a utility easement in favor of the City of Maplewood. There are no public utilities located within the vacated alley. Therefore, it is recommended that the city proceeds with vacating the existing electrical easement as established by Document No. 1791896 and the utility easement as established by Document No. 1820782/567589. - END COMMENTS - J1, Attachment 6 Packet Page Number 127 of 199 J1, Attachment 6 Packet Page Number 128 of 199 J1, Attachment 6 Packet Page Number 129 of 199 J1, Attachment 6 Packet Page Number 130 of 199 J1, Attachment 6 Packet Page Number 131 of 199 J1, Attachment 6 Packet Page Number 132 of 199 J1, Attachment 6 Packet Page Number 133 of 199 J1, Attachment 6 Packet Page Number 134 of 199 J1, Attachment 6 Packet Page Number 135 of 199 J1, Attachment 6 Packet Page Number 136 of 199 J1, Attachment 6 Packet Page Number 137 of 199 J1, Attachment 6 Packet Page Number 138 of 199 J1, Attachment 6 Packet Page Number 139 of 199 J1, Attachment 6 Packet Page Number 140 of 199 J1, Attachment 6 Packet Page Number 141 of 199 J1, Attachment 6 Packet Page Number 142 of 199 J1, Attachment 6 Packet Page Number 143 of 199 J1, Attachment 6 Packet Page Number 144 of 199 J1, Attachment 6 Packet Page Number 145 of 199 MEMORANDUM TO: Melinda Coleman, City Manager FROM: Michael Martin, AICP, Economic Development Coordinator DATE: July 8, 2015 SUBJECT: Approval of Conditional Use Permit for Used Motor Vehicles, Maplewood Collision Center, 2020 Rice Street Introduction Hue Vang, of Maplewood Collision Center, is requesting approval of a conditional use permit (CUP) to sell used motor vehicles at 2020 Rice Street North. Mr. Vang currently operates a motor vehicle repair business from this site. Background On August 23, 1996, the city council approved the following for this site: 1. A lot split to create the site. 2. A conditional use permit (CUP) for automotive repair. 3. Site, building and landscape plans. 4. Authorize the applicant to request the use of the City of Roseville’s water system. Discussion Staff must evaluate this proposal according to the guidelines in the CUP ordinance. CUP Findings for Approval The zoning ordinance requires that the city council find that all nine “standards” for CUP approval be met to allow a CUP. These standards for approval are: 1. The use would be located, designed, maintained, constructed and operated to be inconformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan and Code of Ordinances. 2. The use would not change the existing or planned character of the surrounding area. 3. The use would not depreciate property values. 4. The use would not involve any activity, process, materials, equipment or methods of operation that would be dangerous, hazardous, detrimental, disturbing or J2 Packet Page Number 146 of 199 cause a nuisance to any person or property, because of excessive noise, glare, smoke, dust, odor, fumes, water or air pollution, drainage, water run-off, vibration, general unsightliness, electrical interference or other nuisances. 5. The use would generate only minimal vehicular traffic on local streets and would not create traffic congestion or unsafe access on existing or proposed streets. 6. The use would be served by adequate public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, water and sewer systems, schools and parks. 7. The use would not create excessive additional costs for public facilities or services. 8. The use would maximize the preservation of and incorporate the site's natural and scenic features into the development design. 9. The use would cause minimal adverse environmental effects. The proposed used-car sales business would comply with the comprehensive plan since this area is guided for commercial activities. Staff feels that the proposal would also meet the other findings for approval if this proposed business is operated in a neat and orderly fashion. If the city council approves this CUP, it should be conditioned upon keeping the site neat, which means prohibiting excessive use of advertising banners, streamers and signs. Mr. Vang’s submitted site plan shows all cars for sale would be kept in the fenced in back lot. When staff inspected the site it was found that the parking lot striping has worn off and should be required to be restriped, including the back lot, meeting all parking lot dimension requirements. Mr. Vang would be required to meet all signage requirements. In addition, it appears U-Hauls are being rented from this site, which require a CUP but which has never been approved. Mr. Vang stated the U-Haul rentals will be removed from the site and the city should not issue a license to sell used motor vehicles until the rentals are removed. Existing Street View J2 Packet Page Number 147 of 199 Department Comments Building Official Nick Carver, the building official, has no comments other than if any construction is proposed the applicant must apply for permits (including accessible site approach and parking lot striping). Engineering No comment unless any site changing work is done such as grading or paving. Fire Marshal Any automobile maintenance must be in accordance with proper auto-repair licensing requirements. Police No issues noted. Commission Review July 7, 2015: The planning commission recommended approval of the proposed CUP. Budget Impact None. Recommendations Approve the conditional use permit resolution to allow a used motor vehicles business located at 2020 Rice Street North. Approval is based on the findings required by ordinance and subject to the following conditions: 1. All use of the property shall follow the submitted site plan and approved by the city. Staff may approve minor changes. 2. The proposed use must be substantially started within one year of council approval or the permit shall become null and void. The council may extend this deadline for one year after review and good-cause is shown. 3. The city council shall review this permit in one year. 4. Prior to the city issuing a business license, the property owner shall prepare the site in the following manner: J2 Packet Page Number 148 of 199 a. Restripe the all areas of the parking lot to meeting parking space dimension and drive aisle requirements. b. Remove all unapproved rental vehicles from the site. 5. New signs must comply with the current sign ordinance requirements. 6. No use of attention-getting advertising devices including, but not limited to: banners, flags, stingers, streamers or similar (unless they are allowed by the city’s sign ordinance). 7. All cars for sale must be kept in the fenced-in-area of the parking lot as indicated by the applicant’s site plan. 8. All vehicles and the site shall always be kept in neat, clean and orderly condition. Citizen Comments Staff surveyed the 16 property owners within 500 feet of this site for their comments. There were 2 written replies. One was in favor and one was against the project. For I approve of this proposal. (Hockemeyer, 161 Elmer Street, Roseville) Against See attached letter. (Rice Street Business Center, 2027-2085 Rice Street, Roseville) Reference Information Site Description Site Size: 1.49 acres Existing Use: Motor Vehicle Repair Surrounding Land Uses North: Schroeder Milk South: Single dwelling and Dean’s Tavern West: Rice Street and commercial buildings East: Holding pond Planning Land Use Plan designation: BC (business commercial) Zoning: C (commercial) J2 Packet Page Number 149 of 199 Conditional Use Permit Ordinance Requirements Section 44-512(5) of the city code requires a CUP for the sale or leasing of used motor vehicles. Application Date The city received the complete application for a conditional use permit on June 17, 2015. The 60-day review deadline for a decision is August 16, 2015. As stated in Minnesota State Statute 15.99, the city is allowed to take an additional 60 days if necessary in order to complete the review of the application. Attachments 1. Conditional Use Permit Resolution 2. Location Map 3. Land Use Plan Map 4. Zoning Map 5. Applicant’s Letter of Request, dated June 15, 2015 6. Applicant’s Site Plan 7. Letter from Rice Street Business Center J2 Packet Page Number 150 of 199 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Hue Vang of Maplewood Collision Center applied for a conditional use permit to be allowed to sell used motor vehicles at 2020 Rice Street North. WHEREAS, Section 44-512(5) of the city ordinance requires a conditional use permit for used motor vehicles sales in a BC (business commercial) zoning district. WHEREAS, this permit applies to the property at 2020 Rice Street. The legal description is: SECTION 18 TOWN 29 RANGE 22 N 142 FT OF W 455.6 FT OF PART OF W 1/2 OF NW 1/4 LYING S OF A LINE RUN FROM A PT ON WL OF SD W 1/2 DIST 525 FT N FROM NW COR OF S 675 FT OF SD W 1/2 TO A PT ON EL OF SD W 1/2 DIST 1214 FT N OF SE COR OF SD W 1/2 OF NW 1/4. (PIN 18-29-22-23-0016) WHEREAS, on July 7, 2015, the planning commission held a public hearing. The city staff published a notice in the Maplewood Review and sent a notice to the abutting property owners. The planning commission gave everyone at the hearing a chance to speak and present written statements. The planning commission also considered reports and recommendations from the city staff. The planning commission recommended that the city council approve this request. WHEREAS, on ______________, 2015, the city council reviewed this request after considering the recommendations of staff and the planning commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the city council ___________ the above-described conditional use permit because: 1. The use would be located, designed, maintained, constructed and operated to be inconformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan and Code of Ordinances. 2. The use would not change the existing or planned character of the surrounding area. 3. The use would not depreciate property values. 4. The use would not involve any activity, process, materials, equipment or methods of operation that would be dangerous, hazardous, detrimental, disturbing or cause a nuisance to any person or property, because of excessive noise, glare, smoke, dust, odor, fumes, water or air pollution, drainage, water run-off, vibration, general unsightliness, electrical interference or other nuisances. 5. The use would generate only minimal vehicular traffic on local streets and would not create traffic congestion or unsafe access on existing or proposed streets. 6. The use would be served by adequate public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, water and sewer systems, schools and parks. J2, Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 151 of 199 7. The use would not create excessive additional costs for public facilities or services. 8. The use would maximize the preservation of and incorporate the site's natural and scenic features into the development design. 9. The use would cause minimal adverse environmental effects. Approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. All use of the property shall follow the submitted site plan and approved by the city. Staff may approve minor changes. 2. The proposed use must be substantially started within one year of council approval or the permit shall become null and void. The council may extend this deadline for one year after review and good-cause is shown. 3. The city council shall review this permit in one year. 4. Prior to the city issuing a business license, the property owner shall prepare the site in the following manner: a. Restripe the all areas of the parking lot to meeting parking space dimension and drive aisle requirements. b. Remove all unapproved rental vehicles from the site. 5. New signs must comply with the current sign ordinance requirements. 6. No use of attention-getting advertising devices including, but not limited to: banners, flags, stingers, streamers or similar (unless they are allowed by the city’s sign ordinance). 7. All cars for sale must be kept in the fenced-in-area of the parking lot as indicated by the applicant’s site plan. 8. All vehicles and the site shall always be kept in neat, clean and orderly condition. The Maplewood City Council _______ this resolution on _____________, 2015. J2, Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 152 of 199 Hazelwood Hillside Beaver Lake Parkside Highwood Gladstone Battle Creek Sherwood Glen Vista Hills Kohlman Lake Western Hills Maplewood Heights Carver Ridge Maplewood, City of Maplewood Maplewood, Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, i-cubed, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA,USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP,swisstopo, and the GIS User Community, Esri, HERE,DeLorme, TomTom, MapmyIndia, © OpenStreetMapcontributors, and the GIS user community 2020 Rice Street North Conditional Use Permit Revision - Used Auto Sales - Overview Map J2, Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 153 of 199 Maplewood, Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, i-cubed, EarthstarGeographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping,Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community, Esri, HERE,DeLorme, TomTom, MapmyIndia, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and theGIS user community 2020 Rice Street North - Used Auto Sales Conditional Use Permit Revision - Land Use Map Legend Government Commercial J2, Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 154 of 199 Maplewood, Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, i-cubed, EarthstarGeographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping,Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community, Esri, HERE,DeLorme, TomTom, MapmyIndia, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and theGIS user community 2020 Rice Street North - Used Auto Sales Conditional Use Permit Revision - Zoning Map Legend Business Commercial (bc) J2, Attachment 4 Packet Page Number 155 of 199 Maplewood Collision Center 2020 Rice Street Maplewood, Mn 55113 June 15,2015 Re: Use Car Dealer License To whom it may concern: The city should approve my request because we are already doing auto repair on site with a conditional use permit. There are two other used car dealers 2 blocks from my location with smaller lots. My building is a little over 13,000 square feet and on t 1./2 acre of land. I have parking space for about 26 carsinthefrontandsideofthebuildingalongwithanother 30parkingspacesinthegatedbackparking lot. This additional license will help make Maplewood Collision Center a more stable business with this additional revenue source. Yours Truly, President J2, Attachment 5 Packet Page Number 156 of 199 J2, Attachment 6 Packet Page Number 157 of 199 1 Michael Martin From:Mary McNellis [mmcnellis@stcroixre.com] Sent:Wednesday, June 24, 2015 11:33 AM To:Michael Martin Subject:2020 Rice Street-Conditional Use Permit Revision I am one of the owners of the Rice Street Business Center at 2027‐2085 Rice Street, Roseville.  During the thirteen years of our  ownership, I have observed this stretch of Rice Street and believe it has shown significant improvement in appearance,  condition and economic vitality.   For example, Ramsey County invested significantly in the new Highway 36 bridge and removed several blighted properties to  obtain needed right of way.  Traffic flow at this interchanged has dramatically improved creating needed infrastructure for  redevelopment of this commercial strip. A new retail building was completed and a new medical building is now under  construction as a replacements for the blighted properties removed by the project.  In the past year, the former Hirschfield’s  building was sold to a doggy day care operator which has taken care of many years of deferred maintenance and improved  the exterior appearance of the building.  The dairy was sold to a new owner which has improved the appearance of the  exterior of this property.  The Rice Street Business Center had its exterior updated and repaired about ten years ago and more  improvements are in the planning stage.     An additional used car lot in this area would be a step backwards in the general positive trend for this commercial area on Rice  Street.  Look to the other two in operation nearby.  Old cars and lack of screening do not present a positive image for the area;  in fact, they portray an image of decline.     I would encourage you to deny this modification to the existing Conditional Use permit.  If you feel you must approve this  request, then please attach additional conditions requiring appearance up grades to the property such as adequate screening  of the cars through the use of landscaping and high quality fencing, striping of the parking area to encourage an orderly  parking of the cars on the lot and designation of a specific area for the used cars on the property.  Any enhancements to the  existing signage and appearance of the building would also be greatly appreciated.     Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this proposal.     Mary S. McNellis   St. Croix Real Estate, Inc.   101 Main Street N. E., Suite 2   Minneapolis, MN 55413    651 426‐5560  www.stcroixre.com  mmcnellis@stcroixre.com        J2, Attachment 7 Packet Page Number 158 of 199 J3 MEMORANDUM TO: Melinda Coleman, City Manager FROM: Gayle Bauman, Finance Director DATE: July 6, 2015 SUBJECT: Approval of Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of Assignment and Assumption of Rights and Obligations Agreement related to The Shores Senior Housing Development Introduction The owners of The Shores have executed a Purchase Agreement for the property. All of the agreements currently in place between the City of Maplewood and Maplewood Senior Living LLC need to be assigned to the new owner. Background The owners of The Shores of Lake Phalen were approached earlier this year by several groups looking to purchase the property. They hired a consultant and entertained several offers. In May of this year, they executed a Purchase Agreement with an investment REIT based out of Florida. This group has a contingency period to review all documentation, building facilities, etc. They are now approaching the end of this contingency period and have set a target close date for the end of July. When this transfer of ownership takes place, the management group will change, but the operations of the facility will not. The Buyer will have the option of first refusal for the property to the south, it is something they may have an interest in. Regardless, the current owners are actively marketing this south lot for sale. In light of this sale, it is being requested that the City assign the TIF development agreement over to the Buyer along with the covenants that run with it. The current lender, Bell State Bank, will be paid in full at the time of the sale. Budget Impact None. Recommendation It is recommended that the Council approve the attached Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of Assignment and Assumption of Rights and Obligations Agreement. Attachments 1. Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of Assignment and Assumption of Rights and Obligations Agreement 2. Assignment and Assumption of Rights and Obligations Agreement Packet Page Number 159 of 199 J3, Attachment 1 Extract of Minutes of a Meeting of the City Council of the City of Maplewood, Minnesota Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Maplewood, Minnesota, was duly held at the City Hall in said City on Monday, the 13th day of July, 2015, at 7:00 P.M. The following members were present: and the following were absent: Member _______________ introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the City entered into a Development Agreement for the Shores Senior Housing Development, dated May 11, 2011, and a First Amendment to Development Agreement for the Shores Senior Housing Development dated ___________, 2013 (collectively, the "City Development Agreement") with Maplewood Senior Living, LLC (the "Developer"). WHEREAS, the City entered into a Development Agreement, dated May 11, 2011 (the "TIF Development Agreement"), with the Developer. WHEREAS, the City issued a Tax Increment Revenue Note dated October 30, 2014 (the "TIF Note"), and the Developer is the registered holder. WHEREAS, the City entered into a Maintenance Agreement, dated November 29, 2012 (the "Maintenance Agreement"), with the Developer. WHEREAS, the Developer desires to assign its rights, and be released from all of its duties, obligations and responsibilities under the City Development Agreement, TIF Development Agreement, TIF Note and Maintenance Agreement to CHP Maplewood MN Owner, LLC (the "Assignee") and the Assignee is willing to accept and assume such rights and assume all duties, obligations and responsibilities under the City Development Agreement, TIF Development Agreement, TIF Note and Maintenance Agreement. WHEREAS, an Assignment and Assumption of Rights and Obligation Agreement by and among the City, the Developer and CHP Maplewood MN Owner, LLC, A Minnesota limited liability company, the Assignee, has been submitted to the City Council for approval. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Maplewood, Minnesota, that the City Council hereby approves the Assignment in substantially the form submitted, and the Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Assignment on behalf of the City. In the absence of the Mayor or the City Clerk, any document authorized by this resolution to be executed may be executed by an acting or duly designated official. Packet Page Number 160 of 199 J3, Attachment 1 The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by member __________________, and after full discussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. __________________________________ Mayor Attest: _____________________________ City Clerk Packet Page Number 161 of 199 J3, Attachment 1 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY CITY OF MAPLEWOOD I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Maplewood, Minnesota, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes with the original thereof on file in my office, and that the same is a full, true and complete transcript of the minutes of a meeting of the City Council of said City duly held on the date therein indicated, insofar as such minutes relate to a resolution giving approval to Assignment and Assumption of Rights and Obligations Agreement. WITNESS my hand this ____ day of July, 2015. _______________________________________ City Clerk Packet Page Number 162 of 199 J3, Attachment 2 ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS AGREEMENT This instrument drafted by: Felhaber Larson (JCH) 220 South 6th Street, Suite 2200 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Packet Page Number 163 of 199 J3, Attachment 2 ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS AGREEMENT THIS ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS AGREEMENT (“Assignment” or “Agreement”), made as of the ____ day of _______________, 2015, by and among the City of Maplewood, Minnesota (the “City”), a municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, Maplewood Senior Living, LLC, as assignor (“Assignor”), and CHP Maplewood MN Owner, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, as assignee (“Assignee”). RECITALS: WHEREAS, the City entered into a Development Agreement for the Shores Senior Housing Development, dated May 11, 2011, and a First Amendment to Development Agreement for the Shores Senior Housing Development dated ___________, 2013 (collectively, the “City Development Agreement”) with Assignor and the Assignor desires to assign its interest in the City Development Agreement to Assignee pursuant to this Agreement (the “Assignment”). WHEREAS, the City entered into a Tax Increment Financing Development Agreement, dated May 11, 2011 (the “TIF Development Agreement”), with the Assignor, and the Assignor desires to assign its interest in the TIF Development Agreement to the Assignee pursuant to this Agreement. WHEREAS, the City issued a Tax Increment Revenue Note dated October 30, 2014 (the “TIF Note”), in favor of the Assignor, and the Assignor desires to assign its interest in the TIF Note to the Assignee pursuant to this Agreement. WHEREAS, the City entered into a Maintenance Agreement, dated November 29, 2012 (the “Maintenance Agreement”), with the Assignor, and the Assignor desires to assign its interest in the Maintenance Agreement to the Assignee pursuant to this Agreement. WHEREAS, the Assignor desires to assign its rights, and be released from all of its duties, obligations and responsibilities under the City Development Agreement, TIF Development Agreement, TIF Note and Maintenance Agreement to the Assignee and the Assignee is willing to accept and assume such rights and assume all duties, obligations and responsibilities under the City Development Agreement, TIF Development Agreement, TIF Note and Maintenance Agreement. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Assignment of Agreements: The Assignor hereby assigns, transfers and quitclaims all rights, duties, obligations and responsibilities under the City Development Agreement, TIF Development Agreement, TIF Note and Maintenance Agreement to the Assignee, subject to the terms of this Agreement. The Assignee hereby accepts such rights and assumes such duties, obligations and responsibilities under the City Development Agreement, subject to the terms of this Agreement. Subsequent to this Agreement, Assignor shall have no further rights, liabilities or Packet Page Number 164 of 199 J3, Attachment 2 obligations under the City Development Agreement, TIF Development Agreement, TIF Note or Maintenance Agreement. The Assignor warrants it is not in default under the City Development Agreement, TIF Development Agreement and Maintenance Agreement. 2. Covenants of Assignee: (a) As a condition of the assignment herein, the Assignee hereby expressly assumes the duties, obligations and responsibilities of the Assignor as the “Developer” under the City Development Agreement and the TIF Development Agreement and as the “Owner” under the Maintenance Agreement. (b) The Assignee hereby expressly subordinates its rights under this Assignment to the rights of the City under the City Development Agreement, the TIF Development Agreement and the Maintenance Agreement, and further expressly agrees to take no action in derogation of any other rights of the City under the City Development Agreement, the TIF Development Agreement and the Maintenance Agreement. (c) The Assignee acknowledges that it may not re-assign its rights as the “Developer” under the City Development Agreement and the TIF Development Agreement or as the “Owner” under the Maintenance Agreement without the express prior written consent of the City or as provided in the City Development Agreement, the TIF Development Agreement and the Maintenance Agreement. (d) The Assignee certifies that it has the qualifications and financial responsibility necessary and adequate to fulfill the obligations undertaken by the Developer in the City Development Agreement, the TIF Development Agreement and the Maintenance Agreement. (e) The Assignee hereby agrees to indemnify and hold the Assignor and the City harmless from all claims by third parties arising from and after the date of this Assignment, as provided in the City Development Agreement, the TIF Development Agreement and the Maintenance Agreement. 3. Assignee Default: In the event the Assignee defaults under the terms and obligations of the City Development Agreement, TIF Development Agreement or Maintenance Agreement assigned hereunder and does not cure the default in accordance with the terms of those agreements, the Assignee acknowledges the City has the right to pursue any remedies against the Assignee as provided in the City Development Agreement, TIF Development Agreement or Maintenance Agreement without any notice to and without seeking any remedy from the Assignor. 4. Indemnification. Assignee hereby indemnifies and agrees to hold harmless Assignor and all Seller’s Indemnities (as defined by the Asset Purchase Agreement between Assignor and Assignee dated May 28, 2015) from any claims for any offsets, payments, costs, claims, lawsuits, causes of action, or any other expenses including, without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees arising under the City Development Agreement, TIF Development Agreement, TIF Note and Maintenance Agreement associated with facts and circumstances occurring after the date of this Assignment. Packet Page Number 165 of 199 J3, Attachment 2 5. Governing Law: It is agreed that this Assignment shall be governed by, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. 6. Partial Invalidity: The invalidity of any portion of this Assignment will not and shall not be deemed to affect the validity of any other provision. In the event that any provision of this Assignment is held to be invalid, the parties agree that the remaining provisions shall be deemed to be in full force and effect as if they had been executed by both parties subsequent to the expungement of the invalid provision. 7. Entirety of Agreement: This Assignment shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties and any prior understanding or representation of any kind preceding the date of this Assignment shall not be binding upon either party except to the extent incorporated in this Agreement. 8. Modification: Any modification of this Agreement or additional obligation assumed by either party in connection with this Assignment shall be binding only if placed in writing and signed by each party or an authorized representative of each party. 9. Paragraph Headings: The titles to the paragraphs of this Agreement are solely for the convenience of the parties and shall not be used to explain, modify, simplify, or aid in the interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement. 10. Execution in Counterparts: This Agreement may be executed, acknowledged and delivered in any number of counterparts and each of such counterparts shall constitute an original but all of which together shall constitute one agreement. Packet Page Number 166 of 199 J3, Attachment 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each party to this Agreement has caused it to be executed on this ___ day of __________, 2015. ASSIGNOR: MAPLEWOOD SENIOR LIVING, LLC By: Its: Packet Page Number 167 of 199 J3, Attachment 2 ASSIGNEE: CHP MAPLEWOOD MN OWNER, LLC By: Its: Packet Page Number 168 of 199 J3, Attachment 2 CONSENT AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF THE CITY OF MAPLEWOOD The City of Maplewood, Minnesota, by its undersigned designated representatives, hereby expressly consents to the assignment of the City Development Agreement, TIF Development Agreement, TIF Note and Maintenance Agreement by Maplewood Senior Living, LLC, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the foregoing Assignment and Assumption of Rights and Obligations Agreement. CITY OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA By: _______________________________________ Mayor and By: _______________________________________ City Clerk Packet Page Number 169 of 199 J4 MEMORANDUM TO: Melinda Coleman, City Manager FROM: Gayle Bauman, Finance Director DATE: July 6, 2015 SUBJECT: Approval of Resolution Authorizing the Execution of Assignment of Development Agreement and TIF Note related to the Sherman/Maplewood Bowl site Introduction Maplewood Apartments Limited Partnership has entered into a Construction Loan Agreement to finance the acquisition and construction of the Maplewood Bowl site. The Lender, Central Bank, has required that the Borrower, Maplewood Apartments Limited Partnership, assign all of its rights under the Development Agreement and the TIF Note to Central Bank to secure the obligations of the Borrower to the Lender under the loan documents. The Borrower must obtain the consent of the City of Maplewood prior to making any assignment of its interest under the Development Agreement or TIF Note. Budget Impact None. Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the attached Resolution Authorizing the Execution of Assignment of Development Agreement and TIF Note in order for Maplewood Apartments Limited Partnership to complete their loan transaction. Attachments 1. Resolution Authorizing the Execution of Assignment of Development Agreement and TIF Note 2. Assignment of Development Agreement and TIF Note Packet Page Number 170 of 199 J4, Attachment 1 Extract of Minutes of a Meeting of the City Council of the City of Maplewood, Minnesota Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Maplewood, Minnesota, was duly held at the City Hall in said City on Monday, the 13th day of July, 2015, at 7:00 P.M. The following members were present: and the following were absent: Member _______________ introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF ASSIGNMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AND TIF NOTE WHEREAS, the City entered into a Development Agreement, dated ___________, 2015 (the "Development Agreement") with the Maplewood Apartments Limited Partnership, a Minnesota limited partnership (the "Developer"). WHEREAS, the Developer desires to assign its interest in the Development Agreement and Tax Increment Financing Note (the "Note") pursuant to an Assignment of Development Agreement and TIF Note (the "Assignment") by and among the Developer, Central Bank, a Minnesota state banking corporation, and the City. Pursuant to the terms of the Development Agreement and the Note the Developer must obtain the consent of the City prior to making any assignment of its interests under the Development Agreement and the Note. WHEREAS, a draft of the Assignment has been submitted to the City Council for approval. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Maplewood, Minnesota, that the City Council hereby approves the Assignment in substantially the form submitted, and the Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Assignment on behalf of the City. In the absence of the Mayor or the City Clerk, any document authorized by this resolution to be executed may be executed by an acting or duly designated official. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by member __________________, and after full discussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: Packet Page Number 171 of 199 J4, Attachment 1 whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. __________________________________ Mayor Attest: _____________________________ City Clerk Packet Page Number 172 of 199 J4, Attachment 1 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY CITY OF MAPLEWOOD I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Maplewood, Minnesota, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes with the original thereof on file in my office, and that the same is a full, true and complete transcript of the minutes of a meeting of the City Council of said City duly held on the date therein indicated, insofar as such minutes relate to a resolution giving approval to the execution of an Assignment of Development Agreement and Tax Increment Financing Note. WITNESS my hand this ____ day of July, 2015. _______________________________________ City Clerk Packet Page Number 173 of 199 J4, Attachment 2 ASSIGNMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AND TIF NOTE THIS ASSIGNMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AND TIF NOTE (this "Agreement") is made and entered into as of the day of 2015, by and among the CITY OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota (the "City"), MAPLEWOOD APARTMENTS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Minnesota limited partnership (the "Borrower"), and CENTRAL BANK, a Minnesota state banking corporation (the "Lender"). WI TN E S S E T H: WHEREAS, the City and the Borrower entered into that certain Development Agreement dated as of , 2015 (the "Development Agreement"), concerning the acquisition by the Borrower of property located in Maplewood, Minnesota, legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof (the "Land"), and the construction thereon of multi-family apartment with 40 affordable units and 10 market rate units (the "Improvements") (the Land and the Improvements are hereinafter at times collectively referred to as the "Project"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Development Agreement, the City is to execute that certain Tax Increment Limited Revenue Note (Maplewood Apartments Limited Partnership Housing Project) in the principal amount of up to $620,600 (the "TIF Note"); and WHEREAS, the Borrower and the Lender have entered into that certain Construction Loan Agreement of even date herewith (the "Loan Agreement"), concerning the extension by the Lender to the Borrower of a loan in the amount of up to $9,500,000 (the "Loan"), to finance in part the acquisition and construction of the Project; and WHEREAS, the obligation of the Borrower to repay the Loan is evidenced by (i) that certain Construction Note of even date herewith executed by Borrower in the original principal amount of $5,000,000 (the "Construction Note") and (ii) that certain Term Note of even date herewith in the original principal amount of $4,500,000 (the "Term Note," and together with the Construction Note, the "Lender Notes"); and WHEREAS, the Lender Notes are secured, among other things, by that certain Mortgage, Security Agreement, Fixture Financing Statement and Assignment of Leases and Rents of even date herewith (the "Mortgage"), executed by the Borrower in favor of the Lender and Packet Page Number 174 of 199 2 J4, Attachment 2 encumbering the Project (the Loan Agreement, the Lender Notes and the Mortgage are hereinafter at times collectively referred to as the "Loan Documents"); and WHEREAS, the Mortgage was filed of record in the office of the Ramsey County Recorder on _ , 2015, as Document No. ; and WHEREAS, the Lender has required, as an express condition to the making of the Loan, that (a) the Borrower assign all of its rights under the Development Agreement and the TIF Note to the Lender to secure the obligations of the Borrower to the Lender under the Loan Documents, and (b) the City agrees to certain other matters all as more fully contained herein. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of foregoing recitals and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows: 1. Assignment. The Borrower hereby assigns to the Lender all of its right, title and interest under the Development Agreement and TIF Note, including but not limited to the right to receive payments under the TIF Note , to secure the Borrower's obligations under the Loan Documents. 2. Representations and Warranties of Borrower. The Borrower hereby represents and warrants that there have been no prior assignments of the Development Agreement or the TIF Note, that the Development Agreement and the TIF Note is a valid and enforceable agreement and that neither the City nor the Borrower is in default thereunder and that all covenants, conditions and agreements have been performed as required therein, except those not to be performed until after the date hereof. The Borrower agrees not to sell, assign, pledge, mortgage or otherwise transfer or encumber its interest in the Development Agreement or the TIF Note as long as this Agreement is in effect. The Borrower hereby irrevocably constitutes and appoints the Lender as its attorney-in- fact to demand, receive and enforce the Borrower's rights with respect to the Development Agreement and/or the TIF Note for and on behalf of and in the name of the Borrower, or, at the option of the Lender, in the name of the Lender, with the same force and effect as the Borrower could do if this Agreement had not been made. 3. Present Assignment. This Agreement shall constitute a perfected, absolute and present Assignment, provided that the Lender shall have no right under this Agreement to enforce the provisions of the Development Agreement or the TIF Note or exercise any of its rights or remedies under this Agreement until an Event of Default (as that term is defined in the Loan Agreement) shall occur and be continuing. Until the City has received written notice from the Lender that an Event of Default has occurred, all payments due under the TIF Note shall be paid to the Borrower. Upon receipt of such notice, subsequent payments due under the TIF Note shall be paid to the Lender. 4. Event of Default. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, the Lender may , without affecting any of its other rights or remedies against the Borrower under any other instrument, document or agreement, exercise its rights under this Agreement as the Borrower 's attorney-in- fact in any manner permitted by law, and, in addition, the Lender shall have the right to exercise and enforce any and all rights and remedies available after a default to a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code as adopted in the State of Minnesota . If notice to the Borrower of Packet Page Number 175 of 199 3 J4, Attachment 2 any intended disposition of collateral or of any intended action is required by law in any particular instance, such notice shall be deemed commercially reasonable if given at least ten (10) days prior to the intended disposition or other action. 5. Representations and Warranties of City. The City hereby consents and agrees to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The City has not declared an event of default under the Development Agreement. 6. Notice from City. So long as the Development Agreement and the Loan Agreement remain in effect, the City agrees to give to the Lender at the address provided in Section 12 hereof copies of notices of any default given to the Borrower under the Development Agreement pursuant to Section 6.4 of the Development Agreement. 7. Lender Right to Cure. So long as the Development Agreement and Loan Agreement remain in effect, the City agrees to give the Lender the right to cure any default by Borrower under the Development Agreement in accordance with the terms of the Development Agreement. 8. No Assumption. The City acknowledges that the Lender is not a party to the Development Agreement and, by executing this Agreement, does not become a party to the Development Agreement, and specifically does not assume and shall not be bound by any of the obligations of the Borrower to the City under the Development Agreement and that the Lender shall incur no obligations whatsoever to the City except as expressly provided herein,. 9. Amendments. The City and the Borrower agree that no material change or amendment shall be made to the terms of the Development Agreement without the prior written consent of the Lender, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. 10. Waiver. This Agreement can be waived, modified, amended, terminated or discharged only explicitly in a writing signed by the parties hereto. A waiver by the Lender shall be effective only in a specific instance and for the specific purpose given. Mere delay or failure to act shall not preclude the exercise or enforcement of any of the Lender's rights or remedies hereunder. All rights and remedies of the Lender shall be cumulative and may be exercised singularly or concurrently at the Lender's option, and any exercise or enforcement of any one such right or remedy shall neither be a condition to nor bar the exercise or enforcement of any other. 11. Headings. The descriptive headings for the several sections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and not to confine or limit any of the terms or provisions hereof. 12. Addresses for Notice. Any notice, request, demand or communication hereunder shall be deemed fully given if delivered or served by depositing the same with the United States Postal Service, postage prepaid, certified or registered, addressed to the parties as set forth below: If to the City: City of Maplewood, Minnesota 1830 East County Road B Maplewood, Minnesota 55109 Packet Page Number 176 of 199 4 J4, Attachment 2 If to the Borrower: Maplewood Apartments Limited Partnership 233 Park Avenue South, Suite 200 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415 If to the Lender: Central Bank 835 Southview Boulevard South St. Paul, Minnesota 55072 Attn: Todd Hovland With a copy to: Winthrop & Weinstine, P .A. 225 South 6th Street, Suite 3500 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Attn.: Jon J. Hoganson or at such other address with respect to such party as that party may, from time to time, designate in writing and forward to the others, as provided in this Section. 13. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. 14. Transfer of Title to the Lender. The City agrees that in the event the Lender, a transferee of the Lender, or a purchaser at foreclosure sale, acquires title to the Project pursuant to foreclosure, or deed in lieu thereof, the Lender, transferee or purchaser shall not be bound by the terms and conditions of the Development Agreement except as expressly provided herein. Further, the City agrees that in the event the Lender, a transferee of the Lender, or a purchaser at foreclosure sale acquires title to the Project pursuant to a foreclosure sale or deed in lieu thereof, then the Lender, transferee or purchaser shall be entitled to all rights conferred upon the Borrower under the Development Agreement, provided that no condition of default exists and remains uncured beyond any applicable cure periods in the obligations of the Borrower under the Development Agreement, and provided that the Lender, transferee or purchaser continues to perform the obligations of the Borrower under the Development Agreement as and when due. 15. Successors. This Agreement and each and every covenant, agreement and other provision hereof shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns, including any person who acquires title to the Project through the Lender by a foreclosure of the Mortgage or deed in lieu thereof. 16. Severability. The unenforceability or invalidity of any provision hereof shall not render any other provision or provisions herein contained unenforceable or invalid. 17. Governing Law. This Agreement is made and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. 14182.39 10551023v2 Packet Page Number 177 of 199 J4, Attachment 2 IN WITNESS WHERE, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA By: Its Mayor By: Its City Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2015, by , the Mayor of the City of Maplewood, Minnesota, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the municipal corporation. Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2015, by , the City Manager of the City of Maplewood, Minnesota, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the municipal corporation. Notary Public [SIGNATURE PAGE TO ASSIGNMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT] Packet Page Number 178 of 199 [SIGNATURE PAGE TO ASSIGNMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT] J4, Attachment 2 BORROWER: MAPLEWOOD APARTMENTS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Minnesota limited partnership By: Maplewood Apartments GP LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company Its General Partner By:_ _ _ George E. Sherman Its President and Chief Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2015, by George E. Sherman, the President and Chief Manager of Maplewood Apartments GP LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, the General Partner of Maplewood Apartments Limited Partnership, a Minnesota limited partnership, for and on behalf of the limited partnership. Notary Public Packet Page Number 179 of 199 [SIGNATURE PAGE TO ASSIGNMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT] J4, Attachment 2 LENDER: CENTRAL BANK, a Minnesota state banking corporation STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF .RAMSEY ) By: _ Todd Hovland Its Branch President The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2015, by Todd Hovland, the Branch President of Central Bank, a Minnesota state banking corporation, for and on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY: Winthrop & Weinstine, P.A. (HAS) 225 South Sixth Street, Suite 3500 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Packet Page Number 180 of 199 J4, Attachment 2 EXHIBIT A (Legal Description) Packet Page Number 181 of 199 J5 MEMORANDUM TO: Melinda Coleman, City Manager FROM: Paul Schnell, Police Chief DATE: July 7, 2015 SUBJECT: Consideration of Resolution in Support of an Application to the Commissioner of Administration for a Temporary Classification of Body Worn Camera Data Introduction The police department seeks a resolution in support of participation in a multi-jurisdictional application for a special temporary classification of police body worn camera (BWC) data. The application would protect the essential privacy interests of Maplewood residents while still providing access to stored BWC data by data subjects (those whose images were captured by the camera) except as prohibited by current law. The temporary classification is being sought to allow for privacy protection until such time as the Minnesota Legislature can establish law governing such data. Background At an April 2015 Council Manager workshop, police staff provided the City Council with a briefing to highlight the advances in the technology that have been implemented in the police department over the past several years and offered an overview of then pending legislation pertaining to these law enforcement technologies. During the last session, the Minnesota legislature passed a comprehensive bill governing the use and data collected by Automatic License Plate Reader (ALPR) technology. During the session, in debate regarding the ALPR bill, legislators wrestled with complex and often competing interests of personal liberty and public safety. At the time, ALPR data was the subject of a temporary data classification made by the Commissioner of Administration upon application by the City of Minneapolis. The Commissioner determined that there was a reasonable privacy interest based on the fact that ALPR technology takes a photographic image of license plates and runs the data from the plate against a Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension developed “hot list.” The “hot list” includes stolen vehicles, wanted persons, and suspended, revoked, and cancelled driver’s licenses. The temporary classification governed public accessibility to stored ALPR data for a predetermined time frame thereby allowing the Minnesota legislature to debate policy and create new law. As mentioned, the outcome of the session included a new law that establishes a series of standards, expectations, and requirements for Minnesota law enforcement agencies using ALPR technology. Maplewood Police Department currently owns and operates 3 ALPR units. During the session, several legislators also advanced bills addressing the use of body worn camera technology. These bills did not get the necessary hearing to become law. As a result, BWC data is currently governed by Chapter 13 of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. It is important to note, the presumption of Minnesota’s data practices laws is that data created and held by the government is essentially public with a number of specific exceptions. This means most police data is public with the exception of juvenile data, sexual assault victim Packet Page Number 182 of 199 J5 identifying data, or data that is part of an active and ongoing criminal investigation, which are not public or confidential. The following are circumstances in which BWC da ta would, in most instances, be available to any member of the public who requested it: mental health crisis response, neighbor disputes, death notifications, and video footage captured inside a person’s home on a non-emergency call for service, etc. The majority of residents we’ve spoken with have been largely supportive of BWC usage. Despite support for use of this technology, most residents also said they would not want video from their encounter with the officer inside their home publically available. In February of 2015, the police department posted an online survey on the department’s Facebook page and Twitter account. Over the course of a week just over 400 people responded to the survey. A summary of the survey results are as follows: • 97% of respondents said they are aware of the fact that law enforcement agencies are using or exploring the use of BWC technology. • 65% of respondents agreed that BWC technology could help improve police community relations. • 62% of respondents said video taken in their home during a police call for service should be private except to them (as a data subject). While this survey is far from scientific and represents a small sample, we believe it provides some sense of public sentiment regarding the use of BWC technology The Maplewood Police Department has utilized in-squad video technology for many years, which today has become a standard in most metropolitan and a large number of small outstate law enforcement agencies. The department’s current in-squad video system is “end of life.” We are no longer able to obtain system components and several units are irreparable. Squad video systems put cameras inside the squad car and a body microphone on the officer. The advances in technology have now made the traditional body microphone a body camera with audio recording capability. The BWC device worn by the officer can be integrated with the squad video system. Since we need replace to the in-squad video system it makes sense that advance our limited deployment of BWC use department-wide. Furthermore, policing is at a critical juncture in our nation’s history. We know public trust is the cornerstone of police legitimacy. While the Maplewood Police Department, along with Minnesota law enforcement agencies generally, enjoys considerable community support, we believe we must double down on efforts to progressively and proactively maintain community trust and standing. BWC technology is not a panacea, but we believe it offers considerable advantages for the community, for officers, and for the profession. Maplewood Police personnel actively participated in a League of Minnesota Cities workgroup to develop a comprehensive BWC policy that reflects the best in national research and individual privacy rights, including mechanisms for public accountability in instances of wrongdoing by police. It must be stated that the data resulting from the use of BWC technology is the focus of considerable interest. Open government advocates have obvious and understandable concerns about any effort to limit public access to government data. We are sensitive to these concerns. Yet, even with the limitations to public access to BWC video taken inside a person’s home or in a place where expectations of privacy are clear (inside hospitals or like facilities, times personal crisis, etc.), a data subject (the person filmed by the BWC) would have access to it, unless it is an active criminal investigation. We want these protections for those who use our services. We want to honor the trust placed us as police officers serving this community. We believe BWC is a means of digitally capturing what was previously stored in the respective memories of the police officer and community member being responded to. Access to the digital data should be Packet Page Number 183 of 199 J5 limited to only those who may require it to advance an investigation, recount previously missed details, or for police accountability purposes. Offering unfettered public access to BWC data is akin to knowingly allowing window peeping into events that may be highly personal, emotionally traumatizing, and not intended for the eyes and ears of others. Budget Impact Any costs associated with preparation of the temporary classification application will come from the department budget and shared with partner law enforcement agencies. Recommendation Approve resolution in support of Application of Temporary Classification of Body Worn Camera Data. Attachments 1. Resolution 2. Body Worn Camera online survey results (02/2015) Packet Page Number 184 of 199 J5, Attachment 1 Resolution In Support of Application for a Temporary Classification of Body Worn Camera Data Whereas, critical incidents between law enforcement officers and community members across the United States have resulted in demands for increased accountability and transparency in police operations, and Whereas, a June 2015 survey sponsored by the Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association showed that Minnesota law enforcement is well-respected and highly regarded by members of their respective communities, and Whereas, the Maplewood Police Department has had a successful limited deployment of body worn cameras since mid-2014 and seeks to expand use of body worn camera technology to strongly affirm its commitment to high quality community oriented policing, and Whereas, the Maplewood Police Department solicited public input through an online survey pertaining to body worn camera use and found that: • 97% of those surveyed said they are aware of the fact that law enforcement agencies are using or exploring the use of body cameras, and • 65% agreed that using body cameras could help improve police community relations, and • 62% said video taken in their home during a police call for service should be private except to them as a subject of the data, Whereas, the City of Maplewood has an interest in protecting the privacy of individuals who have contact with our police officers while ensuring that involved persons can access video for purposes of ensuring police accountability, and Whereas, the Maplewood Police Department intends to partner with other law enforcement agencies and allied community organizations to prepare and submit an application to Minnesota’s Commissioner of Administration seeking a temporary classification of body worn camera data until such time as the Minnesota legislature establishes law governing such data. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Maplewood City Council supports the police department’s plan to actively participate in the development and submission of a multi- jurisdictional application for the temporary classification of body worn camera data. Adopted this 13th day of July, 2015, Nora Slawik, Mayor Attest: ____________________________ Karen Haag, City Clerk Packet Page Number 185 of 199 97.53%395 2.47%10 Q1 Are you aware of the fact that more and more law enforcement agencies are using or exploring the use of body attached video cameras to document interactions with members of the public? Answered: 405 Skipped: 3 Total 405 Q2 Do you generally agree that police body cameras could help increase community trust in law enforcement? Answered: 406 Skipped: 2 Yes No 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Answer Choices Responses Yes No Yes, body cameras coul... No, I don't think the bo... Other (please specify) 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Answer Choices Responses 1 / 12 Body Camera Survey J5, Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 186 of 199 65.76%267 24.38%99 9.85%40 Total 406 #Other (please specify)Date 1 Only if there the offices cannot turn cameras off at their discretion and all video is catalogued and made available to the public with out restriction 2/25/2015 9:15 AM 2 They will improve accountability if they are not shut off during altercations, as they often are. Trust will come when the police consistently earn trust. 2/24/2015 11:51 PM 3 Yes, I think it will make a difference, but much more needs to be done in terms of community trust with law enforcement. 2/24/2015 11:15 PM 4 It will reduce false claims against officers. Offenders have zero trust. Law obiding citizens do 2/24/2015 4:59 PM 5 If used as intended, they could help.2/24/2015 1:08 PM 6 Yes, but it's not enough, as we saw with Eric Garner and countless cases where the officer turns the camera off. It is one out of 100 policy changes that should be made to increase trust. Who would have access to the footage? What happens to officers that turn off the cameras? What is going to be done to hold officers accountable for their actions even when it is well documented on camera that a crime has been committed? 2/24/2015 9:25 AM 7 yes, but the individual officer should not be allowed to turn off the camera at his or her discretion 2/24/2015 9:10 AM 8 It depends. We will have to wait and see what actually happens with use of the cameras.2/24/2015 9:01 AM 9 It is just one step in the right direction. What about a law enforcment practice with such integrity that the body cameras weren't needed? 2/24/2015 8:57 AM 10 yes but it will end up the same as the dash cam issue 2/24/2015 8:02 AM 11 How does the policeman feel about it 2/24/2015 7:25 AM 12 I don't know if increasing community trust is actually a goal, but I think there are sound arguments for having them. 2/24/2015 6:40 AM 13 If the cameras cannot be shut off by law enforcement and the videos are subject to unbiased, independent citizen's review boards AND police are held to the highest standards of lawful and moral behavior, perhaps they can begin to rebuild trust. 2/24/2015 6:35 AM 14 seems to boarder big brother. I feel it would be appropriate for stings and responding to calls. I believe that it's an evasion of privacy if" just because" 2/24/2015 5:44 AM 15 Idk 2/24/2015 5:36 AM 16 I feel they will help protect the officer but i dont think the community will even think twice about if before accusing LEO's of misconduct 2/24/2015 3:56 AM 17 yes, but only if video is available as public record, a useless gesture otherwise.2/24/2015 2:26 AM 18 possibly would help, but in some ways it may hurt. video should only be reviewed if needed because of a crime committed. 2/23/2015 11:15 PM 19 maybe if th officers don't have a way to turn them off.2/23/2015 11:03 PM 20 I would like to see them used to back up the police 2/23/2015 11:00 PM 21 I do believe body cameras could help, however I also know that even when we have recorded evidence of police brutality and murder, police officers are not held accountable. For example, Eric Garner. 2/23/2015 10:54 PM 22 Unsure at this time.2/23/2015 10:50 PM 23 Yes as long as the don't deactivate once it's turned and arrest is made.2/23/2015 10:29 PM Yes, body cameras could help improve police community relations No, I don't think the body cameras will make a difference Other (please specify) 2 / 12 Body Camera Survey J5, Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 187 of 199 24 Hiring police officers who reside and have a dedicated interest in well-being of the community is a much more sustainable and viable solution. 2/23/2015 10:13 PM 25 No, I believe they will be yet another tool for surveillance of innocent citizens and will not result in more transparency or accountability for the police who use them. 2/23/2015 9:56 PM 26 No, video footage on cameras have recorded misconduct of officers and nothing was done. Not sure how the cameras help if no action will be taken even if the video identifies some concerns. 2/23/2015 9:52 PM 27 No, and these cameras will be used to surveil citizens and invade privacy.2/23/2015 9:49 PM 28 Depends if there are real consequences for violations.2/23/2015 9:48 PM 29 Generally yes, but only if the use of the cameras is subject to civilian review, and the policies surrounding their use are public 2/23/2015 9:44 PM 30 not sure. Depends on use of cameras and how video is used to hold police accountable 2/23/2015 9:39 PM 31 I think they should be used for frivolous claims against law enforcement. more to protect the officer than the criminal 2/23/2015 9:27 PM 32 Yes, however some people will never be satisfied and will always hate law enforcement. Ironically, they're the ones usually most vocal for improvements but when they get what they demand it still isn't ever good enough. 2/23/2015 9:20 PM 33 It's a camera not a miracle.2/23/2015 9:08 PM 34 somebody's always gonna find something wrong with how cops do things.2/23/2015 9:03 PM 35 I believe cameras are being shoved down the throats of our police depts by the news for their benefit and not for the benefit of community trust 2/23/2015 9:02 PM 36 I think that it will make an impact I in law enforcement for good, but I also think that it will bring a lot of negative to the many civilians that have interactions with officers. 2/23/2015 9:02 PM 37 acountability 2/23/2015 8:58 PM 38 Body cameras may not change attitudes toward law enforcement, but they could go a long way toward accountability and proof of what really happened in a given situation. Body cameras might decrease lawsuits because they will prove what did or did not happen. 2/23/2015 8:46 PM 39 I think they could help protect our policemen and women from false allegations, and would be a positive addition 2/23/2015 8:46 PM 40 I can see both aspects..my concern is the video footage of people's identity and unfortunatel situation becoming public. ex: Living conditions or of its a rape victim their condition and what if they have no cloths on. 2/23/2015 8:29 PM Q3 If you were to a victim of a theft from your vehicle and had an officer to your home to take a report would you feel comfortable having the video recording of your interaction with the officer available to any member of the public who requests it? Answered: 379 Skipped: 29 3 / 12 Body Camera Survey J5, Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 188 of 199 30.34%115 62.01%235 7.65%29 Total 379 #Other (please specify)Date 1 Would prefer to have audio only released in these circumstances.2/25/2015 9:01 AM 2 Videos should be available only to the parties involved, and made public only at their request. If not all parties in a video agree to it being made public, the disagreeing parties should have their faces blurred in the video. 2/24/2015 11:51 PM 3 I think it should be available to whoever as long he or she is involved in that case 2/24/2015 6:37 PM 4 as needed - for examble court not nosey neighbors 2/24/2015 5:52 PM 5 No need for a camera for an officer to take a report. But it doesn't hurt for their sake.2/24/2015 4:59 PM 6 I don't what members of the public having information on me. Or the layout of my house.2/24/2015 1:48 PM 7 It really depends on the case. In the interest of protecting victims of crimes, I would think that most of this should be considered private data, unless it pertains to an incident that warrants the public's attention. 2/24/2015 1:22 PM 8 Not sure 2/24/2015 1:08 PM 9 Requesting party should have to demonstrate legitimate need for obtaining video/audio 2/24/2015 10:28 AM 10 The officer taking my report, other officers working on the case, their supervisor and myself are the only people who should have access to the video. 2/24/2015 9:35 AM 11 In this scenario, yes, but I could see other instances where any member of the public should not have access to the video due to safety of those involved. 2/24/2015 8:05 AM 12 the only concern I would have is when witnesses make statements and the video is public, it could create problems. 2/24/2015 7:34 AM 13 As long as my personally-identifiable information like my address wasn't released, I'd be okay with it. I want transparency but also to feel like I wouldn't become a victim or be targeted. 2/24/2015 7:34 AM 14 sometimes we are given to much info when it shouldn't 2/24/2015 7:25 AM 15 I'm not sure why other citizens would request random police interactions 2/24/2015 7:03 AM 16 Available to court and possibly media if there is a complaint.2/24/2015 6:43 AM Yes, based on the need... No, I think that video... It doesn't matter eithe... 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Answer Choices Responses Yes, based on the need transparency, I think the video should be available to anyone who asks. No, I think that video should be private except to me. It doesn't matter either way. 4 / 12 Body Camera Survey J5, Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 189 of 199 17 Again, independent civil review boards could look over requests. I do not think that I should have to trade my privacy, however, because police cannot be trusted to conduct themselves lawfully, honestly, and morally. there would have to be certain and rare reasons when someone could request that video. 2/24/2015 6:35 AM 18 yes.. but I guess I don't understand why it would be necessary.2/24/2015 6:34 AM 19 I will not allow police into my home unless they have a search warrant. If I suffer a theft I would prefer to deal with the insurance company and not involve the police. If I need to make a report I will fill it out electronically and send it to the police, but I will not allow police in my house. 2/24/2015 6:31 AM 20 private except to recordee, court, legal matters 2/24/2015 5:44 AM 21 i think there ahould be a 7-12 day waiting period and approval by an uninterested party. for anyone not directly involved in the incident. 2/24/2015 3:50 AM 22 I believe it should not be avaiable to the general public, none of their business.2/24/2015 2:25 AM 23 Why would an officer record me taking a simple report for me like this?2/24/2015 1:10 AM 24 If I was the victim I would want to view and decide who sees the video 2/23/2015 11:18 PM 25 Obviously this isn't a binary question. We can craft rules that provide transparency of officer actions without compromising citizen privacy. 2/23/2015 11:14 PM 26 Victims should have the right to be blurred in the video as they are not government actors 2/23/2015 10:49 PM 27 Depends 2/23/2015 10:44 PM 28 My home is my castle, because I am a victim does not mean that the public should get to come into my home. 2/23/2015 10:19 PM 29 I would have no problem having our meeting recorded, but I don't think any random person should be able to request it. 2/23/2015 10:18 PM 30 It would depend on the circumstances of course, this is ridiculous question.2/23/2015 10:17 PM 31 only if needed for court.2/23/2015 10:10 PM 32 only for legal reasons.2/23/2015 10:03 PM 33 No, because I don't believe the police have the right to videotape at all in private homes.2/23/2015 9:56 PM 34 Yes, I think it should be available but not to ANYONE who asks. There should be some sort of process beyond simply asking. 2/23/2015 9:52 PM 35 Citizens should be able to approve who, aside from the criminal justice community, sees the video.2/23/2015 9:50 PM 36 I'd be more interested in the video going public after the officer shot or otherwise injured me, which is more likely. 2/23/2015 9:49 PM 37 As long as doing so would not put me at risk of any harm.2/23/2015 9:43 PM 38 There needs to be an option for person interacting with policy to sign off on viewing by third party. Some interactions with police my involve sensitive matters, such as domestic abuse, family issues or others that a person may not want to be in the public realm on video. If all interactions are public, it may have affect a victims willingness to call the police. 2/23/2015 9:39 PM 39 Why would the public need to see that? Would they also be privy to interviews after say, a rape? Just wondering 2/23/2015 9:37 PM 40 Access to this video should be restricted (very restricted)2/23/2015 9:18 PM 41 This is the problem. It will need to be limited and the data privacy will need to be changed. I would not mind an officer using the video, the shady neighborhood thugs to use it to case much house... No thanks. 2/23/2015 9:02 PM 42 I think cameras should be used to protect the police, not the public 2/23/2015 8:55 PM 43 No it should not be available to the G.P. If it needs to be introduced as evidence, I am in favor of that 2/23/2015 8:49 PM 44 i would not be opposed to the use of thecamera, but I would be concerned about someone obtaining it to try to harm me further. 2/23/2015 8:46 PM 45 What is the availability of the written reports today? My preference is to limit the availability of the video out of concern for abuse. 2/23/2015 8:34 PM 5 / 12 Body Camera Survey J5, Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 190 of 199 46 I feel that if there is a concern about something that may have happened during an interaction, that is what the camera is for, not just for general public consumption. 2/23/2015 8:30 PM Q4 Any feedback, thoughts, or comments Answered: 142 Skipped: 266 #Responses Date 1 I think its a good idea, in part to prevent our officers from being accused of acts they did not commit... it could help with accountability on all parts. 2/25/2015 11:27 AM 2 I support the body camera and think it will enhance safety and trust.2/25/2015 10:57 AM 3 There is a great need for these cameras for the safety and accountability of law enforcement offices and civilians alike. But the only way this system can work is if the recording system is tamper proof and always r cording and recordings are made available to the public and officers don't have an option to turn them off. 2/25/2015 9:15 AM 4 These won't make much of a difference if the only purpose is to increase trust. These will mostly just document all of the scum police have to deal with and all of the courageous efforts of our police force. Thank you for all you do! 2/25/2015 7:48 AM 5 body cameras will only work if they can not be turned off by the officers, additionally i believe that law enforcement must be mandated by law to carry liability insurance just as other professionals are required to carry. 2/25/2015 1:52 AM 6 $$$$$$$$$$$$2/25/2015 1:49 AM 7 Much more needs to be done in terms of increasing community trust included, but not excluding exploring hiring practices, policies, hidden racial and other biases, white supremacy in the police force and police union, increasing community and police discussion forums, increasing other forms of needed transparency in shootings and police brutality, and an increased ability for the police force to progressively work and build in avenues for increased dialogue and discussion designed to promote relationships between leaders and community members. Furthermore, focusing on both individual members of the police in terms of building cultural understanding for people within the police force and working on creating better policies is incredibly important. Beyond this, it is critical to understand the historical significance of US inequalities within this system and the broader society of the United States in creating equitable power-sharing and dialogue. 2/24/2015 11:15 PM 8 Recordings of public servants operating in public or in their official duties need to remain public.2/24/2015 9:39 PM 9 We need accountability on both sides. The camera cannot be turned off by the officer for a reason.2/24/2015 9:37 PM 10 Keep up the good work, officer's are very underappreciated.2/24/2015 6:37 PM 11 Making body camera film public will certainly lead to misuse - these films could be used to imply wrongdoing by anyone questions by the police, or present at incidents police are investigating, regardless of the outcome of the investigation or incident. Someone looking to besmirch the reputation of anyone captioned on the video will be able to do so through crafting the perception they were involved in a police investigation or incident. 2/24/2015 6:01 PM 12 I think its a good idea for these cameras. It can be a valuable tool to assist the police in many areas of their interactions, with both the good guys and bad guys. Takes the questions out of a lot of "trying to remember exactly who did what first". If its on tape, the answers are on tape. 2/24/2015 1:24 PM 13 I'm more concerned with Police Officers having the right to select when to turn body cameras on and off than I am about the privacy of victims. I believe the courts would be a better venue to decide what should be private and public in regards to an officer's recordings from his/her body camera. However, if officers have the discretion to decide when to record and when no to, then will body cameras really make any difference in building bridges between the public and law enforcement? The short answer is, obviously, no. Ultimately, I would think the smartest public policy in regards to body cameras would be this: Body camera video is retained for up to 90/180 days, depending on costs. Officers have no discretion to turn the camera on or off. When they clock in, it automatically starts recording. When they clock out, all the video is uploaded to a storage server and the recording stops. If a particular incident or interaction is recorded that is flagged of interest, whether by a citizen or law enforcement, that video is held until the matter is resolved. If an incident is recorded that results in either criminal charges or civil action, that video is made public. 2/24/2015 1:22 PM 6 / 12 Body Camera Survey J5, Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 191 of 199 14 My understanding of body cams is that they are often taken off, and in the case of some instances, they don't make a difference. They will not solve all issues. 2/24/2015 1:08 PM 15 Body cams are not changing the fact that officers are not held accountable for their actions.2/24/2015 12:52 PM 16 The types of video the public will be requesting will not be theft reports. They will be video of violent encounters between police and the public, which must be open to public scrutiny. 2/24/2015 11:32 AM 17 So Sick Of Criminals Complaining About their rights!! Stop committing crimes and you whining about racial profiling. Let the cops do their jobs 2/24/2015 10:59 AM 18 Having all police-citizen interactions recorded protects both parties involved: police from false accusations of misconduct and citizens from mistreatment. It's an accountability measure, which is exactly what our nation needs at a time when tensions between communities and law enforcement are at an all-time high. 2/24/2015 10:42 AM 19 Good luck, stay safe!2/24/2015 10:28 AM 20 Recent incidents call for transparency when there are interactions with enforcement and the community. Mass Incarceration - New Jim Crow laws must stop! 2/24/2015 10:09 AM 21 They will only create a.larger divide if you can just shut them.off.2/24/2015 9:58 AM 22 The general public is not educated in law, police rules, right and wrong (the "General" public knows "good for me" and "no immediate gratification" NOT right and wrong). The general public does not have the training necessary to use common sense when it come to police matters, no matter how many times they say they do. TRAINED, unbiased parties should be hired to review the videos - not police, and certainly not the general public. 2/24/2015 9:54 AM 23 I think officers that wear body cameras is the officers discretion when it's on...If by having an officer wear a body camera it will take away from officer discretion each officer has. A camera should be turned on if the officer is going to encounter a bad situation. if an officer is going into a home to take a theft report he/she does not need a camera to be on unless he/she is using it for evidence purpose. If that officer feels that they and others might encounter danger that's when aa camera might be of use. 2/24/2015 9:47 AM 24 Body cameras should be used to review and identify work well done, and areas for improvement, or errors made. While footage can also serve as documentation of officer/citizen behavior, it should be used as a tool for improvement. 2/24/2015 9:35 AM 25 I think the body cameras are a great idea to keep both the citizens abs police officers safe. But there is no reason that it should be public for everyone. It could end up on the wrong hands. The suspect could end up with the victim's video and sensitive information could end up on social media. 2/24/2015 9:31 AM 26 It would appear that the ones screaming the loudest for cameras are also the ones either committing the crime or closely related to the perpetrator. They also appear to consistently be looking for an easy way to blame others for their misfortune so are looking for a mistake to be made. Officers should NOT have to defend themselves with cameras or be tasked with yet another thing to manage. I'd rather see the money spent on a huge push for "Don't want police interaction? Then don't commit crime!" 2/24/2015 9:25 AM 27 What is the Maplewood PD going to do about raising it's force to the standard that body cameras wouldn't even be necessary? Body cameras are so fickle (can "break" or be turned off, might not capture the scene anyway) and are besides the point: integrity and trustworthiness will do more than body cameras ever will. Why not consider something like a "Live Here, Work Here" policy instead? 2/24/2015 8:57 AM 28 Body cameras protect police from false accusations of misconduct, protect the public in rare cases of police brutality, and incentivize professionalism on all sides. There are many ways to handle privacy concerns but it is past time for body cameras to become standard issue. Thank you for seeking input on this important topic. 2/24/2015 8:52 AM 29 It could help people trust the police but it would also expose me and my home or what ever 2/24/2015 8:26 AM 30 Get them& use them.2/24/2015 8:08 AM 31 I believe that body cameras not only protect the public, but also protect law enforcement from frivolous lawsuits. It should be considered a means of protection for both parties. 2/24/2015 8:05 AM 32 If the police have the power to enforce citizens behaving responsibly, we citizens have the right to verify that officers are doing the same. Holding everyone accountable for their actions is why the police exist. Cameras will allow transparency in the entire process, and that will benefit everyone. I know that interactions with the public can sometimes get officers into serious situations. Having a camera or two can be the officers best defense against claims of inappropriate actions. Dash cameras have been helping law enforcement for years, and now the technology exists to extend that capability to interactions done on foot as well. 2/24/2015 7:57 AM 7 / 12 Body Camera Survey J5, Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 192 of 199 33 I guess if you call 9/11 and/or allow police into your home, you should expect that there will automatically be video made. 2/24/2015 7:34 AM 34 when is technology to much. Are we all going to be watched one day.2/24/2015 7:25 AM 35 Body cams only work if it's recording. I saw a video where the cops are heard saying the camera's on, implying they have to act different. 2/24/2015 7:03 AM 36 protects officer from false accusations and citizens from unprofessional peace officers,2/24/2015 6:47 AM 37 It could be released if there was permission from the people in the video (other than the police officer, of course). 2/24/2015 6:43 AM 38 I think the practice does have some potential advantage, but also some serious risks in terms of privacy. It would be interesting to obtain some feedback and experiences from other police departments that have enacted this practice. I see it as a risk/benefit situation with some complexity. 2/24/2015 6:40 AM 39 Police already get away with murdering citizens under color of law with dash-cams recording their criminal misconduct, what difference will body cameras make? 2/24/2015 6:31 AM 40 I think that the videos need to be deleted after a set amount of time - whether the case is solved or not.2/24/2015 6:20 AM 41 I think there should be some guidelines on what types of scenarios the videos would be available to the public. 2/24/2015 6:04 AM 42 with anything like this you have to expect you are giving up some freedoms. But it would be nice if there was a third party approving requests for the privacy of people involved. In domestic abuse cases, or police deaths. There should be more hoops to jump through for that information. 2/24/2015 3:50 AM 43 Body cameras, like current microphones, should be able to be activated and deactivated during shift. I don't want to see an officer on his bathroom break. 2/24/2015 2:49 AM 44 Body cameras have the potential to increase trust, safety and public relations if used properly and 100% transparently. However, they should not be able to be turned off or rendered inoperable by the wearer and should be absolutely mandatory for any officer in the field or at the precinct while dealing with the public (suspect or complainant). Without these stipulations, body cameras would be a completely meaningless gesture that would only serve to deepen mistrust and hurt public relations. The point of the cameras is not just to have one, but to force transparency and accountability for all parties involved in a situation. This includes protecting officers from false complaints and lawsuits while simultaneously providing evidence to punish those that chose violate laws and hurt others, Badge or not. Keep in mind, we the people will be watching and recording always. We will not back down. We will not be intimidated. We will not be ignored. BADGES DONT GRANT EXTRA RIGHTS. 2/24/2015 2:26 AM 45 I believe in the need to protect officer safety, I also believe in the ability of a camera to immediately put false claims against officers to rest. 2/24/2015 2:25 AM 46 Interactions between victims and or witnesses must remain private to ensure the safety of the witness or victim 2/24/2015 1:45 AM 47 Need to ensure officers are using the cameras and have penalties for shutting them off or obscuring them 2/24/2015 1:34 AM 48 Maybe only questionable situations should be made public if requested, not everything?2/24/2015 1:10 AM 49 I think the body camera is going violate the privacy of both the officer and the citizens they are trying to assist. 2/24/2015 1:07 AM 50 Police that go by the book or have understanding should be open to transparency.2/24/2015 1:04 AM 51 The only reason to justify spending the money to have body cameras is liability in use of force encounters. The reality is that force is never pretty, even when justified. And people will always monday morning quarterback, no mate how good the video is. Look at the new Camera technology on NFL football fields...that's all ESPN does is replay video and dissect it and second guess the players who were actually on the field or the refs making the split second calls. The police should be able to use their best judgement and discretion without a camera on their uniform and the public should accept their best judgement for the professional testimony it is. Cameras will not make the community trust any more than they do. There will always be the sue happy cop haters put there. Nothing you do will change that. 2/24/2015 12:46 AM 52 Cameras could be helpful in some cases. What concerns me with more and more technology, is that an officer's word is no longer valued. If it's not recorded, it means nothing. 2/24/2015 12:15 AM 53 If recorded in my home, I'm not sure that the video should be available to the public. Too many opportunities for the wrong people to get their hands on things. It should be available for legal actions and proceedings. 2/24/2015 12:08 AM 8 / 12 Body Camera Survey J5, Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 193 of 199 54 I think data & personal privacy is a real concern. I don't think the info/should be available to "just anyone." There should be a legitimate need for the video, such as for court, insurance, or medical purposes. I see issues with privacy and situations involving juveniles or sensitive subjects such as sexual assaults and incidents involving juveniles. 2/23/2015 11:43 PM 55 I don't think body camera are important/proper in the field of law enforcement. Victims and witnesses of crimes will be less to give up information because of being filmed. I don't think body cameras are proper for Maplewood Police department. 2/23/2015 11:36 PM 56 I would like to know if there is an independent company or source viewing video so it could not be altered at any point. 2/23/2015 11:18 PM 57 I trust the officers 100%. But I think the body cameras will be helpful to support the officers in bad situations. 2/23/2015 11:17 PM 58 As with anything there's positives and negatives. Just hopefully the positive are greater.2/23/2015 11:15 PM 59 I think it could help the officer when being falsely accused.2/23/2015 11:15 PM 60 While I am generally in favor of implementing this kind of technology we shouldn't believe that tech can substitute for reforms that are necessary. TRUE citizen accountability, elected review boards, etc. 2/23/2015 11:14 PM 61 This is an important experiment that needs to happen. It could have its drawbacks, but we need to do it to figure out what they will be and how to address them and to create a protocol that protects both the public and the professionally of policing. 2/23/2015 11:06 PM 62 Coming from a position in the legal field, I think it's a need for police to be able to prove with video/audio that they acted appropriately for the situation. Too many times you see videos circulating social media and its bystanders video where you can't hear the interaction between the cop and suspect, you can only see what is going on. Most of those videos start with the suspect on the ground so no one can see what happened that led to the officer responding in such a manner. I think it's important to stop accusations that police are the bad guys. 2/23/2015 11:02 PM 63 We can't just give video out to anyone who asks. Larger departments will have to hire additional personnel to keep up with these requests. Not where extra tax dollars should be spent 2/23/2015 11:00 PM 64 I think are police are doing a difficult job and need support, if these cameras help then yes. I don't think victims should have their information available to all. 2/23/2015 11:00 PM 65 If done properly, body cams could help in court cases and to lessen false accusations against officers. Done improperly and body cams can open up officers and citizens to embarrassment, ridicule and liability. 2/23/2015 10:49 PM 66 I think the body recordings might make some people nervous or might want to get a lawyer right away if they see the body cam. 2/23/2015 10:47 PM 67 If there are videos of officers walking around my place and they are going to make them public I would be very upset. What if someone was seen not clothed or a abuse victim I would not want the world to see me at my worst. I also would not want a tape out there highlighting what I have in my home. I do not want people to be watching them then breaking into my place based on what they saw in the video. 2/23/2015 10:44 PM 68 Victims of crimes should be entitled to privacy. If you show everything, people could become reluctant to call to police. 2/23/2015 10:41 PM 69 Not all cops are bad. In fact all the ones I've ever met - with the exception of the deputy at St Paul annex 'he was a jerk' - the cops have been cool. And as long as the 'trouble' cops - the chief knows who they are - aren't allowed to turn off the cameras when they're acting like jerks - I think body cams will be a good thing. 2/23/2015 10:37 PM 70 If they turn off the camera w/o justification they should be fired for hiding evidence...2/23/2015 10:29 PM 71 I think the cameras are a good thing, as long as there is some feature that forces them to be on, can't be turned off, and can't be edited or deleted. I don't believe the video should be accessible by anyone unless their is a legal reason. It shouldn't be openly available to the general public. 2/23/2015 10:28 PM 72 In a private residence, I think that unless a crime is commited while on camera, the interaction should be private. 2/23/2015 10:27 PM 73 People are always going to find a way to blame the police no need to spend this money on an item that isn't necessary, spend the money by hiring more police. 2/23/2015 10:19 PM 74 I support the use of body cams on police officers 100%. I think it will work in THEIR favor when some people claim they were mistreated by police. 2/23/2015 10:18 PM 9 / 12 Body Camera Survey J5, Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 194 of 199 75 The videos can't be 100% available to the public, or 100% private to the individual or to the police department. But that leaves a lot of room for a reasonable balance. And if I were alone in my house when an officer came by, I certainly would feel more comfortable with the cam than without it. You should want it too, to clear your officers of specious claims. 2/23/2015 10:17 PM 76 The cost of the cameras themselves is low. Data storage, cataloging, retention and paying staff to retrieve/sort through thousands of hours of video will be expensive. Then there is data privacy issues, can any person request video, is a reason for the request required? Will the public be charged for video? What about cases involving juveniles, sex crimes, undercover officers? 2/23/2015 10:14 PM 77 i believe diversity training, counseling and hiring from within the community are much better solutions. A body camera is like putting a band aid trying on a very large and deep laceration. 2/23/2015 10:13 PM 78 I'm hungry. And I'm thirsty. I'm also salty.2/23/2015 10:10 PM 79 How long will these be on"file" for? Will these ever be deleted? For the safety of the citizens and officers I agree whole heartedly. It will keep everyone in check once the police gets to the scene. 2/23/2015 10:10 PM 80 I believe the cameras would protect officers from being wrongly accused, which is just as important.2/23/2015 10:04 PM 81 Concerns about informed consent regarding filming questioning.2/23/2015 10:02 PM 82 Nope!!!2/23/2015 10:00 PM 83 Body cameras, just like squad cameras or cell phone video, only show one perspective of an incident. The community and law enforcement need to understand the concept of "totality of circumstances" when looking at a situation. The one benefit to body cameras would be to make the public more aware of the tough situations law enforcement face on a daily bases and the split second decisions that need to be made. 2/23/2015 9:56 PM 84 No body cams.2/23/2015 9:56 PM 85 I think body cameras will be vet beneficial, there are many complaints about officers that are not true. The body cameras will help limit false reports and have the man hours spent on useless complaints. We need our police for the real crimes. 2/23/2015 9:56 PM 86 Community policing! Go to the low income areas or were there a POC say hi talk with the children.2/23/2015 9:52 PM 87 I really don't like the idea of question 3 2/23/2015 9:51 PM 88 How about we go back to community service instead of the punitive manner in which we communicate and relate to community members (rhetorical). 2/23/2015 9:50 PM 89 I do not trust the police. They will turn these cameras off when it benefits them and leave them on to illegally invade the privacy of citizens. 2/23/2015 9:49 PM 90 I feel body cameras will make the police less approachable to citizens.2/23/2015 9:47 PM 91 Police officers also need implicit bias training.2/23/2015 9:47 PM 92 Body cams provide higher accountability for all, but there needs to be strict protocol for the use of the cameras at all times. 2/23/2015 9:46 PM 93 I think the use of body cameras by police officers is a good idea. Like most tools, they need to be employed in a way that is transparent and accountable. A particular concern of mine is the officer's ability to turn the camera on and off - in other words, to decide when to record and when not to record. 2/23/2015 9:44 PM 94 In general, I strongly support the use of body cameras, but in the case of a medical issue or a citizen giving a report, the citizen should be asked if the recording is to be kept private, unless needed for use by a court. 2/23/2015 9:43 PM 95 Thanks for keeping us safe.2/23/2015 9:37 PM 96 Would be helpful in some situations but cumbersome for officer and expensive to store tons of videos for years. Not sure that's the answer. Cops do an awesome job but their every move would be scrutinized by lawyers and "armchair quarterbacks" 2/23/2015 9:37 PM 97 Any interaction that is recorded should rain private. The involved PD should only release it to clear allegations of misconduct which involve police or parties involved. Should not be released to general public or media just to view. It's private data! 2/23/2015 9:34 PM 10 / 12 Body Camera Survey J5, Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 195 of 199 98 I think body cameras are a great tool to cover an officer in a controversial situation. I feel that the camera should be more to protect the officer from the public vs the public from the officer which seems to be what most people want them for. 2/23/2015 9:33 PM 99 Against the idea of body cameras entirely.2/23/2015 9:33 PM 100 Transparency is good with respect to privacy 2/23/2015 9:31 PM 101 It is important to have clear policies about when cameras may be turned on or off to ensure that officer discretion is not being abused. 2/23/2015 9:31 PM 102 I think that cameras can be looked at as a "safeguard" for all parties involved in police interactions.2/23/2015 9:30 PM 103 Body cameras are a hassle. There are yet another piece of equipment that takes focus away from the focus needed from LEOs. I feel that they are being used because there is a gap of trust between the public and law enforcement. There are more effective ways to build trust between the community LEOs without having to record every move by both parties. However, they have also protected LEOs from slanderous claims. And that's why we have a debate. 2/23/2015 9:24 PM 104 This will keep police safer too, which I believe is extremely portent. Thank you to all Law Enforcement. God Bless you and keep you all safe. 2/23/2015 9:21 PM 105 It should be treated like a hippa request faces blurred and name I'ds removed 2/23/2015 9:21 PM 106 Obviously there's a privacy issue. The videos should only be available to those involved, whatever the case may be. It shouldn't be as accessible as, say, a police report. 2/23/2015 9:20 PM 107 Video is a great technology and can help reinforce reality. It shouldn't be archived for a long time and access should be limited. 2/23/2015 9:18 PM 108 I think this has the potential to be a positive thing. I know many officers and never once believed that they are improperly performing their job. However, with recent events in the nation, this may ease any potential issues before they arise. I know for sure that I would never want any video to be public information (unless subeniaed by a judge). I do not think this should be considered a public right. I like it to my medical records. Those shouldn't be considered a public right. 2/23/2015 9:14 PM 109 Totally in favor of police body cameras!2/23/2015 9:12 PM 110 A police officer's word should mean something. It certainly used to. There was no need for cameras because citizens and courts believed what the police had to say. The police shouldn't need technology to do their speaking for them. 2/23/2015 9:10 PM 111 Officers who turned off their camera when there are accusations of misconduct should be immediately fired. 2/23/2015 9:08 PM 112 There have been many instances where an officer will turn off a body can or Gide the evidence after and incident. Minnesota officers should not be able to turn off their body cameras at will. If they are able to then I fully believe all footage from the cameras should be public so they can hold the officers accountable seeing as we pay their salary. 2/23/2015 9:07 PM 113 No video will be enough, because human perception(officers) will always differ versus the video, based on circumstances such as prior knowledge, tunnel vision, human constraints of focus, etc. Also. While I have no qualms about allowing any officer into my home, I don't want every whack-a-doodle able to see inside by simple request. 2/23/2015 9:04 PM 114 They should wear cameras it protects themselves and the community from he said she said trials let it be shown videos don't lie 2/23/2015 9:03 PM 115 Any means of keeping officers safe would be of benefit but I believe cameras could delay an officer or possibly distract him or her just enough to place them in danger 2/23/2015 9:02 PM 116 There should still be guidelines on how to appropriately handle recorded videos being share. For example, you would not want to give nudity content to a child I'm assuming. Also the victims(next of kin) should have a say in rather or not she/he allows permission for video or audio to be share. 2/23/2015 8:59 PM 117 police officers have a job to do and criminals shouldn't have a say in how it is done.2/23/2015 8:59 PM 118 Need to pass a law like one other state did stating that the video is not part of freedom of information act so the general public can't just get copies. Court yes. 2/23/2015 8:58 PM 11 / 12 Body Camera Survey J5, Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 196 of 199 119 I'm for the idea of cameras in certain situations, but I don't think the video should be available to anyone who asks. Transparency is one thing, having thousands of wannabe public safety professionals is something different. 2/23/2015 8:55 PM 120 I am a huge supporter of law enforcement and believe officers should have access to whatever equipment keeps them safe and less criticized. 2/23/2015 8:52 PM 121 I trust the police 100% and i don't think that we need to record everything they do because of a couple of bad apples 2/23/2015 8:52 PM 122 Who is going to pay for this? The costs to purchase, the cost to maintain, what guarantees are there to protect my privacy, who will have access, and will this be considered evidence in court proceedings? 2/23/2015 8:51 PM 123 Implement the body-cam and treat the videos as the current Dash cam videos are treated. I believe that dash- cams are activated anytime that a squad goes code.....Most are nothing, some can be damning. 2/23/2015 8:49 PM 124 I think body cams are more for the guilty and irresponsible than the innocent and respectful citizen 2/23/2015 8:49 PM 125 I think body cams for our officers serve many purposes for us citizens but also for the safety of our officers. 2/23/2015 8:48 PM 126 Body cameras are a good tool that protects both officers and civilians during an encounter.2/23/2015 8:47 PM 127 The cost will cripple budgets. People are screaming for more training, but we all know the first thing to go will be the training budgets. 2/23/2015 8:47 PM 128 Also a great idea to see how the officers are interacting with the community..2/23/2015 8:47 PM 129 The video should be used for officer safety and accountability, not for interviews and what not for the news and media. 2/23/2015 8:47 PM 130 I like the idea...accountability on both ends. It protects officers from false accusations and it may curb a rogue officer who might be tempted to cross a line. 2/23/2015 8:46 PM 131 Keep the video's private unless needed for evidence 2/23/2015 8:46 PM 132 I like them in theory, but the reality is usually a lot less exciting. I think there is a time a place for them, however at present they would not be a good fit for MPD. 2/23/2015 8:43 PM 133 Only someone with something to hide would apposed body camera evidence.2/23/2015 8:41 PM 134 Video should only be available directly to victims of a crime they are involved in, available to the public after the case has gone to trial and concluded. The rest is purged just like squad video of the rest of traffic stops and interactions caught on in squad cameras. 2/23/2015 8:39 PM 135 Better legislation to protect officers and their families from radical groups and people 2/23/2015 8:38 PM 136 While I can see how the body cam could be beneficial in some cases I personally feel they are an invasion of privacy. I think there would need to be strict guidelines that the public agrees to regarding when they would and wouldn't be used before I would feel comfortable about it. 2/23/2015 8:37 PM 137 I believe in officer safety first....its a small price for me an innocent victim to pay so my friends in blue (brown or maroon) can be safe and stay alive. 2/23/2015 8:35 PM 138 Body camera evidence should only be public in the case of misconduct or to prove an officers innocence. It should have the same rules for privacy as 911 tape recordings. 2/23/2015 8:34 PM 139 Thank you for asking! I hope the use of body cameras does not add risk to our officers (remembering to engage/disengage, clips out of context, etc.). Also that the benefits are worth the time, effort and expense. Just preventing or quickly shutting down confused or confrontational citizens arguing about what really happened may be worth it! 2/23/2015 8:34 PM 140 Camera footage should be kept private and not accessible by anyone!!!2/23/2015 8:30 PM 141 The police cannot be the sole people involved in this. If departments have this capability they must seek a board or commission regarding rules and regulations and when they are used and not used. 2/23/2015 8:29 PM 142 Cameras should be utilized when in public locations. When used in homes it could be seen as a privacy violation. Unless officer safety is in or could be immediate danger than they should be able to turn them on. 2/23/2015 8:29 PM 12 / 12 Body Camera Survey J5, Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 197 of 199 MEMORANDUM TO: Melinda Coleman, City Manager FROM: Mike Funk, Assistant City Manager/Human Resource Director Terrie Rameaux, Human Resource Coordinator DATE: July 8, 2015 SUBJECT: Discussion of Status of Labor Contract Negotiations - Intent to Close Meeting per Minnesota State Statute §13D.03 a) Law Enforcement Labor Services, Local 153, Police Officers  Due to the confidential nature of this item, the report will be provided to the City Council during the closed session. J6 Packet Page Number 198 of 199 MEMORANDUM TO: City Council FROM: Melinda Coleman, City Manager DATE: July 13, 2015 SUBJECT: Council Calendar Update Introduction/Background This item is informational and intended to provide the Council an indication on the current planning for upcoming agenda items and the Work Session schedule. These are not official announcements of the meetings, but a snapshot look at the upcoming meetings for the City Council to plan their calendars. No action is required. Upcoming Agenda Items & Work Session Schedule 1. July 27th a. Workshop – Commissioner Interviews; Strategic Objectives, Continued b. Council Meeting – Adoption of 2016 - 2020 CIP 2. August 4th a. National Night Out 3. August 10th a. Workshop – MCC Theatre Lease Agreement Discussion: Strategic Objectives, Continued, if needed 4. August 24th a. Workshop – Preliminary Budget Discussion Budget Impact None. Recommendation No action required. Attachments None. M1 Packet Page Number 199 of 199