HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 05-20 Special Council Meeting PacketAGENDA MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5:00 P.M. Tuesday, May 20, 2014 City Hall, Council Chambers A. CALL TO ORDER B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. ROLL CALL D. APPROVAL OF AGENDA E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Options to Fill City Manager Position a) Approve Memorandum of Understanding Appointing Melinda Coleman as Interim City Manger b) Consider Options for Permanent City Manager Appointment F. ADJOURNMENT THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK E1 MEMORANDUM TO: City Council FROM: Charles Ahl, City Manager Charles Bethel, HR Attorney DATE: May 14, 2014 SUBJECT: Options to Fill City Manager Position a) Approve Memorandum of Understanding Appointing Melinda Coleman as Interim City Manager b) Consider Options for Permanent City Manager Appointment Introduction/Background The City Council should consider appointing a City Manager after Chuck Ahl’s retirement on May 30, 2014. This discussion and consideration should be done as part of a council meeting and transparent to our citizens. The Council will need to consider appointing an Interim City Manager as well as establish a process to consider filling the position on a permanent basis. Assistant City Manager Melinda Coleman is a very qualified candidate and has experience as a City Manager. Her current job description and contract provides that she fill the City Manager position in the absence of the City Manager on a temporary basis. Melinda has assumed City Manager duties during Chuck’s vacations and absences for conferences over the past 8 months. She is a part of the current Management Team and her appointment would be seamless and continue the Management Team policies that currently operate the City. Melinda is very involved in Economic Development activities, which she will continue, as well as be assisted by the members of the Management Team. A Memorandum of Understanding between the City and Melinda is attached to appoint her as Interim City Manager effective on May 31, 2014 and will remain in effect until the Council takes action to appoint a permanent City Manager. The terms are identical to the terms provided to previous Interim City Managers Ken Haider and Chuck Ahl in that she will receive a 10% increase over her current pay; she will receive assurances that if she is not promoted to permanent City Manager that she is allowed to return to her current position as Assistant City Manager; and she will receive any increases that were provided under her current contract. A motion to approve that Memorandum of Understanding is recommended. City Manager Options The position of City Manager serves at the discretion of the City Council. The role is set to lead the day-to-day operation of the City, although a vast majority of the day-to-day operations are under the direction of the Management Team. The City Manager serves as the leader of the Management Team. The City Manager also interfaces with the City Council and brings the Council’s direction and policies to the Management Team and ensures the implementation of the City Council’s policies. The City Council has a number of options in considering the next City Manager: 1. Consider Melinda Coleman as Permanent City Manager 2. Begin a recruitment process immediately 3. Schedule a recruitment process for late in the year. Special Meeting Packet Page Number 1 of 6 CITY MANAGER OPTIONS PAGE TWO Options Option #1: Consider Melinda Coleman as Permanent City Manager Melinda has a background as Assistant City Manager for many years in Maplewood and served as City Manager in North Oaks. The Council could use the next 60-90 days to conduct an on-the-job interview process with Melinda. The next 60-90 days will involve preparation of the 2015 Budget and that will provide an opportunity to review Melinda’s leadership and interaction with the Management Team and Council. At the conclusion of the 60-90 day period, the Council could decide on terms for a contract with Melinda, or decide to conduct an external search. Option #2: Begin a recruitment process immediately In 2009-2010, the City conducted a national search and used the firm of The Par Group to assist in that process. Recruitment of a City Manager is normally conducted with a search firm. In 2009, the City Council spent about 8 weeks in a process reviewing search firms and then the search process took another 32 weeks before Jim Antonen began his term as City Manager. The City Council was not happy with the delays in the process in 2009-2010 with The Par Group and that timeframe is not necessarily representative of a selection process at this time. A decision on a local search versus a national search impacts the time frame significantly. In 2009, the search process was led by the Interim City Manager Chuck Ahl, who was not a candidate for the permanent appointment. If the Council wishes to begin a new search, it would be appropriate to request HR Attorney Chuck Bethel to lead that process. A number of the search firms interviewed in 2009 could be brought in quickly for an interview with the Council to begin the process. It is likely that if the Council desires a quick-local process, that a search firm could be available in June, conduct recruitment in July, conduct interviews in August, have a candidate selected in late August and possibly have a new City Manager in place in mid-to-late September. A process to have our existing team conduct the search locally without a search firm would reduce this schedule by 4-6 weeks. Option #3: Schedule a recruitment process for later in the year As noted in Option #2, the recruitment of a City Manager can take many weeks. Because of the important nature of the City Manager position, the Council may wish to take a more detailed time-frame to review the options. Under this option a search firm could be retained to conduct a national search. This process would include a detailed review with the Council on the desirable qualities and attributes for the new City Manager. The process would be relatively identical to Option #2 but would add time for more detailed interviews and recruitment. A goal of having a new City Manager available to begin work on January 1, 2015 would be appropriate. The Council would begin the review of recruitment firms in June. Budget Impact The cost of recruitment can vary dramatically depending upon the extent of involvement and whether a national search is conducted. Option #1 has minimal cost, while a detailed process on a national basis with Council interviews on desirable qualities can exceed $30,000. The estimated cost for Option #2 is likely under $20,000. The retirement of Chuck Ahl will make salary funds available to cover these costs without needing reserve funds. E1 Special Meeting Packet Page Number 2 of 6 Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council approve the appointment of an Interim City Manager with a motion appointing Melinda Coleman as Interim City Manager and approving the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and Melinda Coleman. It is also recommended that the City Council review and discuss the various options for the positions of City Manager. Direction to begin the recruitment process should be given if Option #2 or Option #3 is selected. Attachments 1. Memorandum of Understanding between Melinda Coleman and the City of Maplewood E1 Special Meeting Packet Page Number 3 of 6 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN MELINDA COLEMAN AND THE CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Whereas, the parties recognize that it is in the best interests of the citizens of the City of Maplewood to provide continuity in administrative affairs of the City pending appointment of a City Manager; and Whereas, the City has identified Melinda Coleman, the existing Assistant City Manager as the individual best able to provide that continuity as Interim City Manager based on her familiarity and experience with City affairs as well as her experience at an upper management level of supervisory authority; and Whereas, the parties recognize that appointing an Interim City Manager for an extended period of time, who also is the current Assistant City Manager/Director of Community Development, will require an extensive time commitment beyond that contemplated in the job description (of temporarily substituting for the City Manager while he is on vacation or at conferences) the parties agree that, in order to make this appointment equitable, Melinda Coleman’s current contract shall be amended by means of this Memorandum of Understanding. NOW THEREFORE, based on the recitals above, which are incorporated herein, and based on the valuable consideration as set forth herein, the sufficiency of which is mutually acknowledged by all parties, the parties hereby agree that: 1. Upon a vote by the City of Maplewood City Council to appoint Melinda Coleman as Interim City Manager, Ms. Coleman will be considered to be working “out of classification” during this assignment and will receive a 10% increase in her base pay, during the entire time that she is working “out of classification.” 2. As Interim City Manager, Ms. Coleman shall continue to receive the anticipated salary increases pursuant to her current contract and the aforementioned 10% increase shall be calculated and added after the inclusion of such increases. 3. The parties agree that Ms. Coleman shall have the right to resume her position as Assistant City Manager/Director of Community Development upon the termination of her position as Interim City Manager, unless such termination is for malfeasance, gross misconduct, the charging of, and to a reasonable person the appearance of sustainable grounds for a conviction for a felony, or the charging of, and to a reasonable person the appearance E1, Attachment 1 Special Meeting Packet Page Number 4 of 6 of sustainable grounds for a conviction for an illegal act involving personal gain to Employee. 4. Except for the changes set forth in this Memorandum of Understanding the remaining terms and conditions of the current Assistant Manager contract between the parties shall remain in full force. City of Maplewood: Melinda Coleman: By: ___________________________ By: __________________________ Its: ___________________________ Its: __________________________ Date: __________________________ Date: _________________________ By: ___________________________ Its: __________________________ Date: _________________________ E1, Attachment 1 Special Meeting Packet Page Number 5 of 6 THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Special Meeting Packet Page Number 6 of 6