HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 06-10 City Council Meeting PacketAGENDA MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL 7:00 P.M. Monday, June 10, 2013 City Hall, Council Chambers Meeting No. 10-13 A. CALL TO ORDER B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. Acknowledgement of Maplewood Residents Serving the Country. C. ROLL CALL Mayor’s Address on Protocol: “Welcome to the meeting of the Maplewood City Council. It is our desire to keep all discussions civil as we work through difficult issues tonight. If you are here for a Public Hearing or to address the City Council, please familiarize yourself with the Policies and Procedures and Rules of Civility, which are located near the entrance. Before addressing the council, sign in with the City Clerk. At the podium please state your name and address clearly for the record. All comments/questions shall be posed to the Mayor and Council. The Mayor will then direct staff, as appropriate, to answer questions or respond to comments.” D. APPROVAL OF AGENDA E. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of May 13, 2013 City Council Workshop Minutes 2. Approval of May 13, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes F. APPOINTMENTS AND PRESENTATIONS 1. Resolution in Remembrance of Gary Pearson 2. Resolution of Appreciation for Stephen Wensman – Planning Commission 3. Resolution Approving Commission Appointments a. Heritage Preservation Commission b. Human Rights Commission G. CONSENT AGENDA – Items on the Consent Agenda are considered routine and non- controversial and are approved by one motion of the council. If a councilmember requests additional information or wants to make a comment regarding an item, the vote should be held until the questions or comments are made then the single vote should be taken. If a councilmember objects to an item it should be removed and acted upon as a separate item. 1. Approval Of Claims 2. Approval to Maintain Statutory Tort Liability Limits 3. Approval of Resolution Authorizing Purchase of Insurance Agent Services 4. Approval of Resolution for a Temporary Gambling Permit for the White Bear Avenue Business Association 5. Approval of Resolution Directing Modification of Existing Construction Contract, Change Order No. 3, Bartelmy-Meyer Area Street Improvements, City Project 11-14 6. Approval of Resolution Directing Modification of Existing Construction Contract, Change Order No. 2, Gladstone Area Phase I Bid Package 2 Improvements, City Project 04-21 7. Approval of Cooperative Agreement (PW 2013-11) with Ramsey County, Ramsey County Concrete Rehabilitation, City Project 13-02, 8. Approval to Purchase Robotic Total Station with GPS Ability 9. Approval of Resolution Accepting Donation to Maplewood Nature Center 10. Approval of Resolution Accepting Donation for a Park Bench for Hillside Park 11. Authorize Waiver to Maplewood Purchasing Procedures to Allow for Contract Negotiation for Geranium Park Improvements 12. Approval of a Lawful Gambling Premise License for Oakdale Athletic Association at Gulden’s Restaurant 13. Approval of Resolution for a Temporary Gambling Permit and Fee Waiver for MMFL Media H. PUBLIC HEARINGS None I. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Approval of Resolution Terminating the Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) with the City of North St. Paul for Recreational Services 2. Approval of Joint Powers Agreement Between the City of Maplewood and the City of North St. Paul for the Operation of Silver Lake Beach 3. Resolution Accepting Legislation Authorizing Tax Increment Financing District Provision on 3M Campus 4. Resolution Calling Public Hearing to Modify Development Program and Establish TIF District No. 1-12 for Research and Development Facility on 3M Campus 5. Approve Resolution Awarding Bond Sale – General Obligation Bonds 2013A J. NEW BUSINESS 1. Approve Intoxicating Liquor License Manager Khushuinder Singh for A1 Liquor, 19 Century Avenue North 2. Approval for Design Review and a Parking Waiver Request – Concordia Arms, 2030 Lydia Avenue East 3. Approve Resolution for Conditional Use Permit Revision and Design Review for a Planned Unit Development for First Evangelical Free Church, 2696 Hazelwood Street 4. Approval to Forward a Letter of Support for the Granting of Minnesota Housing Funds for the Rehabilitation of the Maple Knoll Townhomes 5. Approval of Employment Contract with Chuck Ahl as City Manager K. AWARD OF BIDS None L. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS None M. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS None N. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS None O. ADJOURNMENT Sign language interpreters for hearing impaired persons are available for public hearings upon request. The request for this must be made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the City Clerk’s Office at 651.249.2001 to make arrangements. Assisted Listening Devices are also available. Please check with the City Clerk for availability. RULES OF CIVILITY FOR OUR COMMUNITY Following are some rules of civility the City of Maplewood expects of everyone appearing at Council Meetings – elected officials, staff and citizens. It is hoped that by following these simple rules, everyone’s opinions can be heard and understood in a reasonable manner. We appreciate the fact that when appearing at Council meetings, it is understood that everyone will follow these principles: Show respect for each other, actively listen to one another, keep emotions in check and use respectful language. Item E1 May 13, 2013 City Council Workshop Minutes 1 MINUTES MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL MANAGER WORKSHOP 5:00 P.M. Monday, May 13, 2013 Council Chambers, City Hall A. CALL TO ORDER A meeting of the City Council was held in the City Hall Council Chambers and was called to order at 5:03 p.m. by Mayor Rossbach. B. ROLL CALL Will Rossbach, Mayor Present Robert Cardinal, Councilmember Present Rebecca Cave, Councilmember Present Kathleen Juenemann, Councilmember Present Marvin Koppen, Councilmember Present C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Councilmember Cave moved to approve the agenda as submitted. Seconded by Mayor Rossbach Ayes – All The motion passed. D. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Commission Candidate Interviews a. Heritage Preservation Commission b. Human Rights Commission The following individual was interviewed for the Human Rights Commission. 1. Jeffrey Kringle The following individual was interviewed for the Heritage Preservation Commission. 1. Robert Creager E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Presentation of Comprehensive Annual Financial Report – 2012 Andy Graice, a representative from Kern, DeWenter, Viere, Ltd. gave the report and answered questions of the council. Packet Page Number 1 of 196 Item E1 May 13, 2013 City Council Workshop Minutes 2 2. Maplewood Recycling Program a. Tennis Sanitation, LLC i. 2012 Annual Report ii. Work Plans iii. Extension of Recycling Contract b. Purchase and Delivery of Recycling Carts c. Recycling Rates Environmental Planner Finwall gave the staff report and answered questions of the council. Willie Tennis from Tennis Sanitation was present to answer additional questions of the council. General consensus of the council was for staff to negotiate a two year extension now with Tennis Sanitation, LLC for recycling and bring back the issue of the carts within six months. F. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Rossbach adjourned the meeting at 6:52 p.m. Packet Page Number 2 of 196 May13, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes 1 Item E2 MINUTES MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL 7:00 p.m., Monday, May 13, 2013 Council Chambers, City Hall Meeting No. 09-13 A. CALL TO ORDER A meeting of the City Council was held in the City Hall Council Chambers and was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Mayor Rossbach. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. ROLL CALL Will Rossbach, Mayor Present Robert Cardinal, Councilmember Present Rebecca Cave, Councilmember Present Kathleen Juenemann, Councilmember Present Marvin Koppen, Councilmember Present Councilmember Juenemann acknowledged the passing of former Planning Commissioner Gary Pierson. D. APPROVAL OF AGENDA N1. Cable Commission N2. Maplewood Community Center N3. Maplewood Review N4. Art Exhibit N5. Maplewood Residence Financial Health N6. Maplewood Nature Center N7. Parks System Plan N8. Maplewood Students, Independent School District 623 N9. Filing for City Council Office N10. Visitor Presentations on the Agenda N11. Senior Expo at Maplewood Community Center Councilmember Cave moved to approve the agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. E. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of April 29, 2013 City Council Workshop Minutes. Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the April 29, 2013 City Council Workshop Minutes as submitted. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All Packet Page Number 3 of 196 May13, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes 2 The motion passed. 2. Approval of April 29, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the April 29, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes as submitted. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. F. APPOINTMENTS AND PRESENTATIONS 1. Resolution of Appreciation for Joe Boeser, Planning Commissioner Mayor Rossbach read the resolution of appreciation for Planning Commissioner Joe Boeser. Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Resolution of Appreciation for Joe Boeser, Planning Commissioner. RESOLUTION 13-5-906 JOINT RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION WHEREAS, Joe Boeser has been a member of the Planning Commission since July 9, 2007 and has served faithfully in that capacity; and WHEREAS, Joe has freely given of his time and energy, without compensation, for the betterment of the City of Maplewood; and WHEREAS, the planning commission has appreciated the experience, insights and good judgment Joe has provided; and WHEREAS, Joe has shown sincere dedication to his duties and has consistently contributed his leadership, time and effort for the benefit of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED for and on behalf of the City of Maplewood, Minnesota, and its citizens that Joe Boeser is hereby extended our gratitude and appreciation for his dedicated service. Passed by the Maplewood City Council on May 13, 2013 Passed by the Maplewood Planning Commission on March 19, 2013 Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 2. Commission Appointments a. Heritage Preservation Commission b. Human Rights Commission Assistant City Manager Ahl gave the staff report. Packet Page Number 4 of 196 May13, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes 3 Councilmember Cardinal moved to approve the Resolution to appoint Robert Creager to the Heritage Preservation Commission; and Marurice Fortin and Jeffrey Kringle to the Human Rights Commission. RESOLUTION 13-5-907 BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA: Hereby appoints the following individuals, who have interviewed with the Maplewood City Council, to serve on the following commissions: Heritage Preservation Commission - Robert Creager, term expires April 30, 2016 Human Rights Commission - Maurice Fortin, term expires May 1, 2016 - Jeffrey Kringle, term expires May 1, 2016 Seconded by Councilmember Cave Ayes – All The motion passed. 3. Approval of Proclamation Recognizing National Public Works Week: May 19-25, 2013 Public Works Director Thompson gave the staff report. Mayor Rossbach read the Proclamation in recognition of Public Works Week, May 19 through May 25, 2013. Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Proclamation Recognizing May 19-25, 2013 as National Public Works Week. CITY OF MAPLEWOOD PROCLAMATION PUBLIC WORKS WEEK May 19 through May 25, 2013 WHEREAS, public works services provided in our community are an integral part of our citizens’ everyday lives; and WHEREAS, the support of an understanding and informed citizenry is vital to the efficient operation of public works systems and programs such as water, sewers, streets and highways, traffic safety and water quality; and WHEREAS, the health, safety and comfort of this community greatly depends on these facilities and services; and WHEREAS, the quality and effectiveness of these facilities, as well as their planning, design, and construction, is vitally dependent upon the efforts and skills of all public works professionals; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Maplewood City Council hereby proclaim the week of May 19 through May 25, 2013 as Public Works Week and encourages all citizens and civic organizations to acquaint themselves with the various aspects of public works Packet Page Number 5 of 196 May13, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes 4 service delivery and to recognize the contributions made by public works professionals every day to our health, safety, comfort, and quality of life. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. G. CONSENT AGENDA Councilmember Juenemann requested agenda item G3 be highlighted. Councilmember Cardinal requested agenda item G6 be pulled for further discussion. Councilmember Cardinal moved to approve agenda items G1 through G5 and G7. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 1. Approval of Claims Councilmember Cardinal moved to approve the Approval of Claims. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: $ 489,235.88 Checks # 89791 thru # 89830 dated 04/30/13 $ 221,892.71 Disbursements via debits to checking account dated 04/22/13 thru 04/26/13 $ 304,460.91 Checks # 89834 thru # 89879 dated 04/26/13 thru 05/07/13 $ 430,941.59 Disbursements via debits to checking account dated 04/29/13 thru 05/03/13 $ 1,446,531.09 Total Accounts Payable PAYROLL $ 506,268.60 Payroll Checks and Direct Deposits dated 04/26/13 $ 1,349.32 Payroll Deduction check # 9989302 thru # 9989304 dated 04/26/13 $ 507,617.92 Total Payroll $ 1,954,149.01 GRAND TOTAL Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. Packet Page Number 6 of 196 May13, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes 5 2. Approval of Resolution to Adopt State Performance Measures Councilmember Cardinal moved to approve the Resolution to Adopt State Performance Measures. RESOLUTION 13-5-908 RESOLUTION ADOPTING STATE PERFORMANCE MEASURES WHEREAS, the Minnesota Legislature created a Council on Local Results and Innovation; and WHEREAS, participation in the program may assist the City of Maplewood in improving service delivery and enhancing communication with residents; BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City does hereby adopt and will implement the minimum 10 performance measures developed by the Council on Local Results and Innovation; the City has implemented a local performance measurement system; the City will survey its residents by the end of the calendar year on the services included in the performance benchmarks; the City will report the results of the 10 adopted measure to its residents before the end of the calendar year through publication, posting on the entity’s website, or through a public hearing at which the budget and levy will be discussed and public input allowed. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 3. Update on 2013 Spring Clean Up Event Councilmember Juenemann gave a brief report on the annual 2013 Spring Clean Up event. 4. Approval to Enter Into Contract With Parallel Technologies for Server Room Construction Councilmember Cardinal moved to approve to enter into Contract with Parallel Technologies not to exceed $80,000 for the Server Room Construction. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 5. Approval of Resolution for a Temporary Gambling Permit and Waive Permit Fee for St. Paul East Parks Lions – Ramsey County Fair Councilmember Cardinal moved to approve the Resolution for a Temporary Gambling Permit and Waive the 3.2 Beer Permit Fee of $275 for St. Paul East Park Lions for the Ramsey County Fair located at 2020 White Bear Avenue. Packet Page Number 7 of 196 May13, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes 6 RESOLUTION 13-5-909 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota, that the temporary gambling permit is approved for St. Paul East Park Lions to conduct excluded bingo at the Ramsey County Fair, 2020 White Bear Avenue. FURTHERMORE, that the Maplewood City Council waives any objection to the timeliness of application for said permit as governed by Minnesota Statute §349.213. FURTHERMORE, that the Maplewood City Council requests that the Gambling Control Division of the Minnesota Department of Gaming approve said permit application as being in compliance with Minnesota Statute §349.213. NOW, THEREFORE, be it further resolved that this Resolution by the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota, be forwarded to the Gambling Control Division for their approval. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 6. Approval of Exception of Purchasing Policy for City Manager Retirement Reception City Clerk Guilfoile gave the staff report. Mayor Rossbach moved to approve the Exception of the Purchasing Policy for City Manager Retirement Reception and waive the minimum of ten years with the City and increase the contribution not to exceed $500. Seconded by Councilmember Juenemann Ayes – Mayor Rossbach, Council Members Cave, Juenemann and Koppen Nays – Councilmember Cardinal The motion passed. 7. Approval of Resolution for 2013 Pay Rates for Temporary/Seasonal, and Casual Part-Time Employees Councilmember Cardinal moved to approve the Resolution for 2013 pay rates for temporary/seasonal, and casual part-time employees; increasing the Fire Department positions by a 1% COLA effective 1/1/13 and an additional 1% COLA effective 7/1/13. RESOLUTION 13-5-910 WHEREAS, according to the Minnesota Public Employees Labor Relations act, part-time employees who do not work more than 14 hour per week and temporary/seasonal employees who work in positions that do not exceed 67 days in a calendar year, or 100 days for full-time students, are not public employees and are therefore not eligible for membership in a public employee union. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following pay ranges and job classifications are hereby established for temporary/seasonal, casual part-time employees effective January 1, 2013 upon Council approval. Packet Page Number 8 of 196 May13, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes 7 Accountant $10.00-30.00 per hour Accounting Technician $9.00-22.00 per hour Administrative Assistant $9.00-23.00 per hour Background Investigator $25.00-35.00 per hour Building Inspector $14.00-35.00 per hour Building Attendant $7.25-15.00 per hour Customer Service Assistant $7.25-15.00 per hour CSO $8.00-16.00 per hour Data Entry Operator $8.00-12.00 per hour Election Judge $7.25-12.00 per hour Election Judge - Assistant Chair $9.00-15.00 per hour Election Precinct Chair $9.00-16.00 per hour Engineering Aide $7.00-16.00 per hour Engineering Technician $10.00-16.00 per hour Fire Maintenance/Engineer ** $14.28 (1/1/13) per hour $14.42 (7/1/13) per hour Firefighter-in-Training (new hire) ** $10.20 (1/1/13) per hour $10.30 (7/1/13) per hour Firefighter/EMT ** $12.24 (1/1/13) per hour $12.36 (7/1/13) per hour Firefighter/Paramedic ** $13.26 (1/1/13) per hour $13.39 (7/1/13) per hour Firefighter/EMT Captain ** $14.28 (1/1/13) per hour $14.42 (7/1/13) per hour Firefighter/Paramedic Captain ** $15.30 (1/1/13) per hour $15.45 (7/1/13) per hour Battalion Chief ** $16.32 (1/1/13) per hour $16.48 (7/1/13) per hour Intern $7.25-20.00 per hour IT Technician $15.00-20.00 per hour Laborer $7.25-14.00 per hour Lifeguard $7.25-14.00 per hour Manager-on-Duty Differential $1.00 per hour Office Specialist $8.50-18.00 per hour Receptionist $8.00-16.00 per hour Recreation Instructor/Leader $7.25-32.00 per hour Recreation Official $7.25-30.00 per hour Recreation Worker $7.25-18.00 per hour Theater Technician $20.00-30.00 per hour Vehicle Technician $9.00-15.00 per hour Video Coordinator* $11.00-19.00 per hour Video Technician* $10.00-18.00 per hour Water Safety Instructor (WSP) Differential $2.00 per hour Head Lifeguard (HG) Differential $1.00 per hour Water Safety Aide (WSA) Differential $.50 per hour *Video positions shall be paid a guaranteed minimum flat fee of $50 for 4 hours or less. ** Fire Department positions shall receive a $2 per hour differential for working the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Manager shall have the authority to set the pay rate within the above ranges. Packet Page Number 9 of 196 May13, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes 8 Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. H. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Arkwright-Sunrise Area Improvements, City Project 12-09 a. Public Hearing 7:00 pm b. Resolution Ordering Improvement After Public Hearing (4 votes) Public Works Director/City Engineer Thompson gave the staff report and answered questions of the council. Mayor Rossbach opened the public hearing. The following people spoke: 1. Warren Dickson, 481 County Road B East 2. Donald Anderson, 480 County Road B East 3. Robert M. Prettyman, 2196 Desoto Street 4. Doris Calhoun, 2205 Arkwright Street 5. Theresa Milsch, 410 County Road B East 6. Carol Koval, 2191 Arkwright Street 7. Judy McCauley, 506 County Road B East 8. Mary Phillippi, 407 Laurie Road 9. Bob Zick, North St. Paul Resident Mayor Rossbach closed the public hearing. Public Works Director/City Engineer Thompson and Civil Engineer Jarosch answered additional questions of the council. Resident Judy McCauley addressed the council to request all residents affected by the project be notified of additional meetings regarding the sidewalks. Assistant City Manager Ahl suggested item 3 of the resolution be changed to “The City Engineer, or his designee, to prepare plans and specifications excluding sidewalks from the area. A decision on sidewalks and trails is deferred to a future meeting to be determined by the City Engineer. Councilmember Cardinal moved to approve a Public Hearing and the amended Resolution Ordering the Improvement for the Arkwright-Sunrise Area Improvements, City Project 12-09. RESOLUTION 13-5-911 ORDERING IMPROVEMENT WHEREAS, a resolution of the City Council adopted the 8th day of April 2013, fixed a date for a council hearing on the proposed street improvements for the Arkwright-Sunrise Area Improvements, City Project 12-09. AND WHEREAS, ten days mailed notice and two weeks published notice of the hearing was given, and the hearing was duly held on May 13, 2013, and the council has heard all persons desiring to be heard on the matter and has fully considered the same; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA, as follows: Packet Page Number 10 of 196 May13, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes 9 1. That it is necessary, cost-effective and feasible, as detailed in the feasibility report, that the City of Maplewood make improvements to the Arkwright-Sunrise Area Improvements, City Project 12-09. 2. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the council resolution adopted the 13th day of May, 2013. 3. The City Engineer, or his designee, is the designated engineer for this improvement and is hereby directed to prepare final plans and specifications, excluding sidewalks from the project area, for the making of said improvement as previously directed by the City Council at the April 8, 2013 council meeting. The decision on sidewalks and trails is deferred to a future council meeting as a separate action at a date to be determined by the City Engineer. 4. The finance director was authorized to make the financial transfers necessary to implement the financing plan for the project by the city council at the April 8, 2013 council meeting. A project budget of $4,996,000 was established. The approved financing plan is as follows and shall be implemented: FUNDING SOURCE FEASIBILITY ESTIMATE G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS $2,529,000 RAMSEY COUNTY (SIDEWALKS)$176,000 SANITARY SEWER FUND $279,000 I & I GRANT $39,000 ENVIRONMENTAL UTILITY FUND $460,000 SPECIAL BENEFIT ASSESSMENT $697,000 ST. PAUL WATER $480,000 W.A.C. FUND $58,000 CITY OF LITTLE CANADA $243,000 DRIVEWAY REPLACEMENT PROGRAM $35,000 TOTAL FUNDING $4,996,000 Approved this 13th day of May 2013. Seconded by Councilmember Cave Ayes – All The motion passed. I. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None J. NEW BUSINESS 1. Acceptance of Comprehensive Annual Financial Report – 2012 Finance Director Bauman gave the staff report. Councilmember Cave moved to approve the 2012 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and the City’s responses to the audit findings. Seconded by Councilmember Juenemann Ayes – all Packet Page Number 11 of 196 May13, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes 10 The motion passed. 2. Preliminary Approval for Issuance of Bonds Finance Director Bauman gave the staff report. Terry Heaton from Sprinsted was present and addressed the council to give additional information to the council. Councilmember Cardinal moved to approve the Resolution providing preliminary approval for the sale of $6,380,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013A. RESOLUTION 13-5-912 RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE COMPETITIVE NEGOTIATED SALE OF $6,380,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 2013A A. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Maplewood, Minnesota (the "City"), has heretofore determined that it is necessary and expedient to issue $6,380,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013A (the "Bonds") to (i) refund the August 1, 2016 through August 1, 2024 maturities of the City’s General Obligation Capital Improvement Plan Bonds, Series 2004D, dated August 1, 2004; (ii) finance the expansion of and improvements to the City’s existing police department building; (iii) finance various improvement projects within the City; and B. WHEREAS, the City has retained Springsted Incorporated, in Saint Paul, Minnesota ("Springsted"), as its independent financial advisor and is therefore authorized to sell these obligations by a competitive negotiated sale in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.60, Subdivision 2(9); and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Maplewood, Minnesota, as follows: 1. Authorization. The City Council hereby authorizes Springsted to solicit proposals for the competitive negotiated sale of the Bonds. 2. Meeting; Proposal Opening. This City Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the Terms of Proposal attached hereto as Exhibit A for the purpose of considering sealed proposals for, and awarding the sale of, the Bonds. The proposals shall be received at the offices of Springsted and shall be opened at the time specified in such Terms of Proposal. 3. Terms of Proposal. The terms and conditions of the Bonds and the negotiation thereof are fully set forth in the "Terms of Proposal" attached hereto as Exhibit A and hereby approved and made a part hereof. 4. Official Statement. In connection with the sale, the City Clerk, Mayor and other officers or employees of the City are hereby authorized to cooperate with Springsted and participate in the preparation of an official statement for the Bonds, and to execute and deliver it on behalf of the City upon its completion. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 3. Conditional Use Permit Revision for the Tubman Center East Planned Unit Development, 1725 Monastery Way (Simple Majority Vote Required to Approve) Senior Planner Ekstrand gave the staff report. Packet Page Number 12 of 196 May13, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes 11 Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Resolution, with revisions to number six as requested by the applicant, amending the Conditional Use Permit the St. Paul’s Priory planned unit development which allowed the Tubman Family Shelter facility in the former monastery building located at 1725 Monastery Way. RESOLUTION 13-5-913 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT REVISION RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Harriet Tubman Center East has applied to revised the conditional use permit for a planned unit development that included the development of the former 31-acre St. Paul’s Priory site. This development included a 50-unit town house development; a 40-unit seniors housing apartment building; the conversion of the former monastery into a multi-use family-violence shelter for Tubman and a future monastery building on the north end of their property. WHEREAS, the Harriet Tubman Center East is requesting amendment of this permit to expand their services and shelter housing. The shelter housing will expand to occupy the upper two floors of the building. The expanded services and programming will include the following uses: temporary shelter housing, legal services, counseling services, youth and family services, community training and education, child care, creative art studios and administrative offices. In addition to those, Tubman would add therapeutic and community gardens, a bus shelter for the community and Tubman clients, a community health clinic which will work in collaboration with Tubman counseling services, and renew the existing commercial kitchen to provide meals to Tubman residents and other facility users as well as partner with a community college and others to provide training in basic food preparation. WHEREAS, Section 44-1092(3) of the city ordinances requires a conditional use permit for institutions of any educational, philanthropic and charitable nature. WHEREAS, this permit applies to the property located at 1725 Monastery Way. The legal description is: Lot 2, Block 1, St. Paul’s Monastery WHEREAS, the history of this conditional use permit revision is as follows: 1. On May 7, 2013, the planning commission held a public hearing. The city staff published a notice in the paper and sent notices to the surrounding property owners. The planning commission gave everyone at the hearing a chance to speak and present written statements. The planning commission also considered the reports and recommendation of city staff. The planning commission recommended that the city council approve this permit. 2. On May 13, 2013, the city council considered reports and recommendations of the city staff and planning commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the city council approve the above- described conditional use permit revision, because: 1. The use would be located, designed, maintained, constructed and operated to be in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan and Code of Ordinances. Packet Page Number 13 of 196 May13, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes 12 2. The use would not change the existing or planned character of the surrounding area. 3. The use would not depreciate property values. 4. The use would not involve any activity, process, materials, equipment or methods of operation that would be dangerous, hazardous, detrimental, disturbing or cause a nuisance to any person or property, because of excessive noise, glare, smoke, dust, odor, fumes, water or air pollution, drainage, water run-off, vibration, general unsightliness, electrical interference or other nuisances. 5. The use would generate only minimal vehicular traffic on local streets and would not create traffic congestion or unsafe access on existing or proposed streets. 6. The use would be served by adequate public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, water and sewer systems, schools and parks. 7. The use would not create excessive additional costs for public facilities or services. 8. The use would maximize the preservation of and incorporate the site's natural and scenic features into the development design. 9. The use would cause minimal adverse environmental effects. Approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. This planned unit development shall follow the concept plans date-stamped January 11, 2007 and the subsequent, specific design approvals for new town homes, apartments and monastery approved by the community design review board. Staff may approve minor changes. 2. This planned unit development does not give any approvals for Lot 1, Block 1 since this site has not been proposed for any future development and its future use is unknown. The development of this site would require a revision of this planned unit development and must comply with all city development requirements. 3. This permit revision allows the Tubman Center East to expand their shelter housing to the remaining two upper floors in the building. This permit also permits the applicant’s support activities such as: a legal center, offices, counseling services group rooms, child care, playground, classrooms, community gathering spaces, space for collaborative community partnerships, community gardens, bus shelters and expanded use of the commercial kitchen for residents and other facility users and collaborative community groups. 4. The applicant shall work with city staff to on the placement and possible screening of future community gardens. 5. The applicant shall work with city staff on the appearance and location of bus shelters. These bus shelters may require the review and approval of the community design review board. 6. The applicant shall work to inform, educate, and encourage their residents and staff to park in Tubman parking lots and abide by all Maplewood parking regulations. City staff will Packet Page Number 14 of 196 May13, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes 13 monitor this and if parking issues continue the City Council may consider requiring the property owner increase on-site parking to meet the needs of facility users. The Maplewood City Council approved this resolution on May 13, 2013. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 4. Consider Process for Appointment of City Manager HR/Labor Relations City Attorney Bethel gave the staff report. Councilmember Cardinal made a motion for issues not otherwise set forth in the current employment contract between the City and City Manager Antonen, be resolved by following normal procedures followed by Human Resources with regard to any employee that is terminating employment. Seconded by Councilmember Juenemann Ayes – All The motion passed. Councilmember Cardinal made a motion to appoint an internal candidate for the City Manager position stating that Assistant City Manager Ahl was qualified for the position. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. Mayor Rossbach made a motion to direct staff to begin the appropriate contact negotiations with Mr. Ahl to be the next City Manager. Seconded by Councilmember Juenemann Ayes – All The motion passed. K. AWARD OF BIDS 1. Lift Station 14 Rehabilitation, Project 12-13, Resolution Receiving Bids and Awarding Construction Contract Public Works Director/City Engineer Thompson gave the staff report and answered questions of the council. Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Resolution Receiving Bids and Awarding the Construction Contract for Lift Station 14 Rehabilitation in the amount of $178,317 to Veit & Company, City Project 12-13. RESOLUTION 13-5-914 AWARD OF BID BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA, that the bid of Veit & Company, Inc. in the amount of $178,317.00, is the lowest responsible bid for the Packet Page Number 15 of 196 May13, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes 14 upgrades to Lift Station No.14, City Project 12-13, and the mayor and city manager are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for and on behalf of the city. The finance director is hereby authorized to make the financial transfers necessary from the Sanitary Sewer Fund to implement the financing plan for the project. Adopted by the council on this 13th day of May, 2013. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. L. VISITOR PRESENTATION The following people spoke: 1. Bob Zick, North St. Paul Resident 2. Mark Bradley M. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS 1. Cancellation of the June 3, 2013 Council Manager Workshop City Manager Antonen gave the staff report. Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Cancellation of the June 3, 2013 Council Manager Workshop. Seconded by Councilmember Cave Ayes – All The motion passed. N. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS 1. Cable Commission Councilmember Cardinal informed residents that the Ramsey-Washington County Cable Commission Open House was not well attended. He suggested the city council give more emphasis to the Cable Commission. 2. Maplewood Community Center In response to a question posed by Councilmember Cardinal, Parks and Recreation Director Konewko gave a report informing Councilmembers and residents that the Community Center does not offer free memberships to special groups. 3. Maplewood Review Councilmember Cardinal received a comment form a resident about notices not being published in the Maplewood Review for Roseville School District 623. There is a section of Maplewood that is in Roseville School District 623 and because the notices are not published in the Maplewood review, they do not get the published notices. Councilmember Juenemann suggested the Roseville School District be contacted and request they publish noticed in the Maplewood Review as well as the Roseville Review. Packet Page Number 16 of 196 May13, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes 15 4. Art Exhibit Councilmember Cardinal received a call in response to a note he put in the Maplewood Monthly that an individual would like to donate his entire art exhibit to a nonprofit in Maplewood. He indicated that if there are any Maplewood nonprofit businesses in the community that are interested to please contact him. 5. Maplewood Residence Financial Health Councilmember Cardinal requested Finance Director Bauman obtain the number of foreclosures in the City so the financial health of the City can be recognized and determine how it is impacting the City. 6. Maplewood Nature Center Councilmember Cardinal wanted to know about a large oak tree that was cut down at the Maplewood Nature Center. Parks and Recreation Director Konewko informed the council and residents that a Pin Oak Tree was cut down last fall because it was struck by lightning. Pieces of the tree have been saved with the intention of making some furniture. 7. Parks System Plan Councilmember Cardinal informed residents that the Park System Task Force is proceeding well under the direction of the Parks and Recreation Director Mr. Konewko. Notice will be put out that there are public meetings scheduled for June, July and August. 8. Maplewood Students, Independent School District 623 Councilmember Cardinal made a correction to a statement that he had made in the May edition of the Maplewood Monthly clarifying that there are 940 Maplewood Residents attending Roseville School District 623. 9. Filing for Office Councilmember Cardinal informed residents that filing for city council offices opens on Tuesday, May 21. City Clerk Guilfoile informed the council and residents that the filing period for mayor and two councilmember seats will run from Tuesday, May 21st through Tuesday, June 4th. 10. Visitor Presentations This item was addressed earlier in the meeting. Councilmember Cardinal indicated that he had nothing further to add. 11. Senior Expo at Maplewood Community Center Councilmember Juenemann reminded residents that the Senior Expo is being held at the Maplewood Community Center next Thursday, May 23rd from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. O. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Rossbach adjourned the meeting at 9:41 p.m. Packet Page Number 17 of 196 MEMORANDUM TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Tom Ekstrand, Senior Planner Chuck Ahl, Assistant City Manger SUBJECT: In Remembrance of Gary Pearson DATE: June 1, 2013 INTRODUCTION Gary Pearson served the City of Maplewood in many ways—as a good neighbor, manager of the Beaver Lake Estates Manufactured Home Community, and notably, as members of the Maplewood Planning Commission and Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Gary served on the Maplewood Planning Commission and Housing and Redevelopment Authority for 23 years. We are very saddened by Gary’s passing on April 26, 2013 and wish to acknowledge his service to the City of Maplewood by the attached remembrance. P:Planning Commission\Remembrance Acknowledgement\Remembering Gary Pearson June 2013 Attachment: Agenda Item F1 Packet Page Number 18 of 196 IN REMEMBRANCE OF COLLEAGUE AND FRIEND GARY PEARSON Gary Pearson served the City of Maplewood as a member of the Maplewood Housing and Redevelopment Authority since November 13, 1989, and the Maplewood Planning Commission since December 10, 1990. In his 23 years of service, Gary regularly gave of his time, expertise and good judgment as a planning commissioner and HRA member to improve the quality of our community, the City of Maplewood. Gary will always have our complete appreciation for the many years he contributed to the improvement of the city. Gary will be missed by us all. This Is In Remembrance of Gary Pearson by the Maplewood City Council on ___________, 2013 ____________________________________ Will Rossbach, Mayor Attest: ________________________________ Karen Guilfoile, City Clerk Packet Page Number 19 of 196 MEMORANDUM TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Tom Ekstrand, Senior Planner Chuck Ahl, Assistant City Manger SUBJECT: Resolution of Appreciation for Stephen Wensman DATE: June 1, 2013 INTRODUCTION Stephen Wensman has submitted his resignation as a member of the Maplewood Planning Commission. Stephen has served the city on the planning commission since October 24, 2012. COMMISSION ACTION May 21, 2013: The planning commission recommended approval of this resolution of appreciation. RECOMMENDATION Adopt the resolution of appreciation for Stephen Wensman, planning commissioner. P:Planning Commission\Resolution of Appreciation for Stephen Wensman CC Report June 2013 te Attachment: Resolution of Appreciation for Stephen Wensman Agenda Item F2 Packet Page Number 20 of 196 JOINT RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION WHEREAS, Stephen Wensman has been a member of the Maplewood Planning Commission since October 24, 2012 and has served faithfully in that capacity; and WHEREAS, Stephen has freely given of his time and energy, without compensation, for the betterment of the City of Maplewood; and WHEREAS, the membership of the planning commission has appreciated the experience, insights and good judgment Stephen has provided; and WHEREAS, Stephen has shown sincere dedication to his duties and has consistently contributed his leadership, time and effort for the benefit of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED for and on behalf of the City of Maplewood, Minnesota, and its citizens that Stephen Wensman is hereby extended our gratitude and appreciation for his dedicated service. Passed by the Maplewood City Council on ___________, 2013 ____________________________________ Will Rossbach, Mayor Passed by the Maplewood Planning Commission On May 21, 2013 ____________________________________ Lorraine Fischer, Chairperson Attest: ________________________________ Karen Guilfoile, City Clerk Packet Page Number 21 of 196 Agenda Item F3 Agenda Report TO: James W. Antonen, City Manager FROM: Charles Ahl, Assistant City Manager Sarah Burlingame, Senior Administrative Assistant DATE: June 5, 2013 SUBJECT: Resolution Approving Commission Appointments a. Heritage Preservation Commission b. Human Rights Commission INTRODUCTION/SUMMARY There are currently three openings within the city’s commissions. The Heritage Preservation Commission has two openings and the Human Rights Commission has one opening. These openings are due to terms expiring and resignations. Staff recently became aware of this opening on the Human Rights Commission. During the recent round of interviews, there were three applicants for two openings. Since the interviews were so recent, conducted on April 29, 2013, staff is recommending appointment of Sarah Deeny to fill out the remainder of the open term on the Human Rights Commission. Ms. Deeny has been contacted and expressed continued interest to serve on the commission. As for the Heritage Preservation Commission, there is one applicant, Richard Currie, who is seeking reappointment to the Commission. Mr. Currie is scheduled to be interviewed during the Workshop prior to this meeting. Ballots for both of these applicants have been filled out during Workshops prior to this meeting and on April 29th and have been tallied by staff. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Council approve the attached resolution to appoint candidates to the commissions indicated. Heritage Preservation Commission - Richard Currie, term expires April 30, 2016 Human Rights Commission - Sarah Deeny, term expires May 1, 2014 Attachments: 1. Resolution for Appointment Packet Page Number 22 of 196 Attachment 1 RESOLUTION NO. ______ BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA: Hereby appoints the following individuals, who have interviewed with the Maplewood City Council, to serve on the following commissions: Heritage Preservation Commission - Richard Currie, term expires April 30, 2016 Human Rights Commission - Sarah Deeny, term expires May 1, 2014 Packet Page Number 23 of 196 THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Packet Page Number 24 of 196 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2013\AprClms - 5-10 and 5-17 and 5-24 and 5-31.xlsx AGENDA NO.G-1 TO:City Council FROM:Finance Manager RE:APPROVAL OF CLAIMS DATE: 1,454,508.88$ Checks # 89880 thru # 89932 dated 05/07/13 thru 05/14/13 261,510.44$ Disbursements via debits to checking account dated 05/06/13 thru 05/10/13 316,150.55$ Checks # 89933 thru # 89974 dated 05/21/13 412,342.86$ Disbursements via debits to checking account dated 05/13/31 thru 05/17/13 327,004.85$ Checks # 89975 thru # 90018 dated 05/17/13 thru 05/28/13 254,735.97$ Disbursements via debits to checking account dated 05/20/13 thru 05/24/13 172,388.46$ Checks # 90022 thru # 90053 dated 06/04/13 362,969.00$ Disbursements via debits to checking account dated 05/28/13 thru 05/31/13 3,561,611.01$ Total Accounts Payable 548,036.30$ Payroll Checks and Direct Deposits dated 05/10/13 868.78$ Payroll Deduction check # 9989330 thru # 9989332 dated 05/10/13 505,697.53$ Payroll Checks and Direct Deposits dated 05/24/13 1,092.09$ Payroll Deduction check # 9989350 thru # 9989352 dated 05/24/13 1,055,694.70$ Total Payroll 4,617,305.71$ GRAND TOTAL as attachments Attached is a detailed listing of these claims. Please call me at 651-249-2902 if you have any questions on the attached listing. This will allow me to check the supporting documentation on file if necessary. PAYROLL AGENDA REPORT June 10, 2013 Attached is a listing of paid bills for informational purposes. The City Manager has reviewed the bills and authorized payment in accordance with City Council approved policies. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Packet Page Number 25 of 196 Check Description Amount 89880 02464 FUNDS FOR ATMS 10,000.00 89881 02464 FUNDS FOR ATMS 10,000.00 89882 00111 PATROL HOURS 4/22 - 5/3 1,400.00 89883 05114 PROJ 13-01 CONSULTANT SRVS 2,900.00 89884 01973 CAR WASHES - APRIL 44.00 89885 00526 PROJ 09-08 HWY 36/ENGLISH PMT#2 1,225,368.74 89886 00585 NET BILLABLE TICKETS - APRIL 484.30 00585 NET BILLABLE TICKETS - MARCH 242.15 89887 03809 RED CROSS INSTRUCTION 117.00 89888 02728 PROF SRVS THRU 3/31 3M FIRE STAT 16,618.25 89889 00393 MONTHLY SURTAX - APRIL 16872123035 1,635.44 89890 02696 ELECTRICAL WORK GOODRICH PARK 820.99 89891 01202 MAPLEWOOD MONTHLY - MAY 7,374.48 89892 04265 ZUMBA INSTRUCTION TUE EVENINGS 316.50 89893 01337 RECORDING FEES 86.00 01337 PROJ 11-15 RECORDING FEES 46.00 01337 PROJ 09-08 RECORDING FEES 46.00 89894 01409 PROJ 09-09 CONSULTANT SERVICES 31,720.18 01409 PROJ 09-08 CONSULTANT SERVICES 6,350.38 01409 PROJ 04-21 CONSULTANT SERVICES 3,499.02 01409 PROJ 09-08 CONSULTANT SERVICES 2,955.24 01409 CONSULTANT SERVICES 1,002.15 89895 01546 UNIFORMS 298.50 89896 04528 ZUMBA INSTRUCTION MON/WED/FRI 275.00 89897 04192 EMS BILLING - APRIL 3,812.02 89898 01798 CONTRACT DIESEL - MAY 9,641.74 89899 02411 REPAIR SCBA COMP 254.19 89900 03738 ATTORNEY SRVS FEES/RENT - JUNE 6,625.00 89901 04260 REFUND BC FOR TRANS MEDIC PT 1,983.92 89902 03135 PROJ 09-09 TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIP 8,436.71 03135 PROJ 09-09 TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIP 4,114.69 89903 04549 ZUMBA INSTURCTION SAT MORNINGS 71.25 89904 03844 CASH FOR COMM DEV DRAWER 50.00 89905 05206 SRVS AT DADDY DAUGHTER DANCE 117.03 89906 05207 APPLICANT BACKGROUND CHECKS 50.33 89907 00472 CONSULTING FEES 4/22 - 5/3 1,250.00 89908 03725 PUBLICATION AD FOR BID PROJ 12-13 296.59 89909 04846 MEDICAL SUPPLIES 564.38 89910 04525 PROGRAM INSTRUCTION 52.00 89911 05030 EQUIP LEASE - MCC - PMT#10 4,344.07 89912 04900 CEILING DRAPING MCC APRIL 27 400.00 89913 00986 MONTHLY SAC - APRIL 2,631.95 89914 01111 RADIO BATTERIES 720.00 89915 05210 FRAME & LID FOR MANHOLE REPAIRS 3,576.04 89916 05208 EMS TRAINING 300.00 89917 00001 REFUND V GEISENHEYNER TRANS MEDIC 1,548.84 89918 00001 REIMB C NOVAK JAN MEDICA PREMIUM 608.11 89919 00001 REFUND R KOWARSCH TRANS MEDIC 155.19 89920 00001 REFUND D GHOSH BCBS BENEFIT 100.00 89921 00001 REFUND THOMPSON HP BENEFIT 40.00 89922 04112 RENEWAL OF TWO FCC LICENSE 769.50 89923 00396 TRAINING (KROLL)285.00 00396 TRAINING (ALDRIDGE)285.00 89924 01345 COPIES 13.00 89925 01338 RESTITUTION FOR CRIME VICTIM 460.00 89926 03446 DEER REMOVAL - APRIL 345.00 89927 01836 JOINT POWERS AGREE JAN/FEB/MARCH 2,700.00 Check Register City of Maplewood 05/10/2013 Date Vendor 05/07/2013 US BANK 05/14/2013 ERICKSON OIL PRODUCTS INC 05/14/2013 FOREST LAKE CONTRACTING INC 05/14/2013 GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL 05/09/2013 US BANK 05/14/2013 ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES 05/14/2013 BOLTON & MENK, INC. 05/14/2013 DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY 05/14/2013 MUSKA ELECTRIC CO 05/14/2013 NYSTROM PUBLISHING CO INC 05/14/2013 GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL 05/14/2013 CASIE JACKSON 05/14/2013 KIMLEY-HORN & ASSOCIATES INC 05/14/2013 RAMSEY COUNTY-PROP REC & REV 05/14/2013 S E H 05/14/2013 S E H 05/14/2013 MARIA PIRELA 05/14/2013 RAMSEY COUNTY-PROP REC & REV 05/14/2013 RAMSEY COUNTY-PROP REC & REV 05/14/2013 SUBURBAN SPORTSWEAR 05/14/2013 SARA M. R. THOMPSON 05/14/2013 TRANS-MEDIC 05/14/2013 S E H 05/14/2013 S E H 05/14/2013 S E H 05/14/2013 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF MN 05/14/2013 BROWN TRAFFIC PRODUCTS, INC. 05/14/2013 BROWN TRAFFIC PRODUCTS, INC. 05/14/2013 YOCUM OIL CO. 05/14/2013 ALEX AIR APPARATUS INC 05/14/2013 CHARLES E. BETHEL 05/14/2013 EQUIFAX INFORMATION SERVICES 05/14/2013 MICHAEL A ERICSON 05/14/2013 FINANCE AND COMMERCE, INC. 05/14/2013 JAN ALICE CAMPBELL 05/14/2013 CASH 05/14/2013 DAVID GRUPA PORTRAIT 05/14/2013 LASTING IMPRESSIONS BY AMY LLC 05/14/2013 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 05/14/2013 MOTOROLA, INC 05/14/2013 HEALTHEAST 05/14/2013 EVERYDAY ETIQUETTE JULIE R FRANTZ 05/14/2013 KANSAS STATE BANK OF MANHATTAN 05/14/2013 ONE TIME VENDOR 05/14/2013 ONE TIME VENDOR 05/14/2013 ONE TIME VENDOR 05/14/2013 NEENAH FOUNDRY CO 05/14/2013 ANN NELSON 05/14/2013 ONE TIME VENDOR 05/14/2013 MN DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 05/14/2013 RAMSEY COUNTY 05/14/2013 RAMSEY COUNTY-VITAL RECORDS 05/14/2013 ONE TIME VENDOR 05/14/2013 PROFESSIONAL WIRELESS COMM 05/14/2013 MN DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 05/14/2013 RICK JOHNSON DEER & BEAVER INC 05/14/2013 ST PAUL, CITY OF Packet Page Number 26 of 196 89928 05209 TOUGHBOOK LAPTOPS FOR SQAD CARS 70,000.00 89929 01649 5130 BOBCATE SKID LOADER 2,030.63 89930 04357 BIOMEDICAL SERVICES 454.50 89931 02464 PAYING AGENT FEES 431.25 02464 PAYING AGENT FEES 425.00 02464 PAYING AGENT FEES 425.00 02464 PAYING AGENT FEES 215.63 89932 04179 PROGRAM DISPLAY SIGN MCC - APRIL 325.00 05/14/2013 TRI-STATE BOBCAT, INC. 05/14/2013 UNIVERSAL HOSPITAL SRVS, INC. 05/14/2013 US BANK 05/14/2013 TKK ELECTRONICS, LLC 05/14/2013 VISUAL IMAGE PROMOTIONS 1,454,508.88 53 Checks in this report. 05/14/2013 US BANK 05/14/2013 US BANK 05/14/2013 US BANK Packet Page Number 27 of 196 Settlement Date Payee Description Amount 5/6/2013 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 39,372.24 5/7/2013 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 51,018.10 5/8/2013 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 28,401.41 5/9/2013 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 23,445.08 5/9/2013 ING - State Plan Deferred Compensation 29,975.52 5/10/2013 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 40,664.03 5/10/2013 MN Dept of Natural Resources DNR electronic licenses 2,415.00 5/10/2013 US Bank VISA One Card*Purchasing card items 38,043.44 5/10/2013 Optum Health DCRP & Flex plan payments 4,194.97 5/10/2013 ICMA (Vantagepointe)Deferred Compensation 3,980.65 261,510.44 *Detailed listing of VISA purchases is attached. CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Disbursements via Debits to Checking account Packet Page Number 28 of 196 Transaction Date Posting Date Merchant Name Transaction Amount Name 04/24/2013 04/26/2013 CARIBOU COFFEE#1197 $60.00 LONN BAKKE 05/01/2013 05/02/2013 CUB FOODS #1599 $12.48 LONN BAKKE 04/20/2013 04/22/2013 USAIRWAYS 0372310732963 $25.00 GAYLE BAUMAN 04/25/2013 04/29/2013 USAIRWAYS 0372311342700 $25.00 GAYLE BAUMAN 04/22/2013 04/24/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $63.86 REGAN BEGGS 04/23/2013 04/25/2013 PAPER PLUS-ROS00108803 $973.50 REGAN BEGGS 04/23/2013 04/25/2013 PAPER PLUS-ROS00108803 $580.80 REGAN BEGGS 04/23/2013 04/25/2013 PAPER PLUS-ROS00108803 $19.80 REGAN BEGGS 04/23/2013 04/25/2013 PAPER PLUS-ROS00108803 $14.90 REGAN BEGGS 04/24/2013 04/26/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $12.68 REGAN BEGGS 04/25/2013 04/29/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $76.73 REGAN BEGGS 04/30/2013 05/01/2013 ST PAUL STAMP WORKS INC $55.18 REGAN BEGGS 05/01/2013 05/02/2013 LA POLICE GEAR INC $175.98 STANLEY BELDE 04/27/2013 04/29/2013 DISPLAYS2GOCOM $54.36 CHRISTINE BERNARDY 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 WEDDINGPAGES INC $311.16 CHRISTINE BERNARDY 05/01/2013 05/02/2013 SUREFIRE LLC $203.54 BRIAN BIERDEMAN 04/19/2013 04/22/2013 USPS 26833895523402076 $13.80 OAKLEY BIESANZ 04/19/2013 04/22/2013 PAYPAL *DIALOGONELL $195.00 OAKLEY BIESANZ 04/26/2013 04/29/2013 THE MULCH STORE $246.39 OAKLEY BIESANZ 04/30/2013 05/02/2013 FOOT LOCKER 25032 $80.00 JOHN BOHL 04/30/2013 05/02/2013 SHERATON DALLAS $651.25 JASON BRASH 04/19/2013 04/22/2013 DOLRTREE 751 00007518 $6.46 NEIL BRENEMAN 04/23/2013 04/25/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $63.17 NEIL BRENEMAN 04/30/2013 05/01/2013 FLAGHOUSE INC $85.43 NEIL BRENEMAN 05/01/2013 05/02/2013 WWW.DICKSSPORTNGGOODS.COM $50.54 NEIL BRENEMAN 04/19/2013 04/22/2013 PANERA BREAD #1305 $103.80 SARAH BURLINGAME 04/23/2013 04/24/2013 PIONEER PRESS SUBSCRIPTI $166.40 SARAH BURLINGAME 04/24/2013 04/26/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $90.92 SARAH BURLINGAME 04/26/2013 04/29/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $65.75 SARAH BURLINGAME 04/29/2013 04/30/2013 CUB FOODS #1599 $5.00 SARAH BURLINGAME 04/29/2013 04/30/2013 CHIPOTLE 0224 $65.88 SARAH BURLINGAME 04/29/2013 04/30/2013 BACHMAN'S INC #0004 $81.40 SARAH BURLINGAME 04/26/2013 04/29/2013 LAW ENFORCEMENT TARGETS $23.51 DAN BUSACK 04/29/2013 05/01/2013 BROWNELLS INC $316.50 DAN BUSACK 05/02/2013 05/03/2013 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $268.95 DAN BUSACK 04/27/2013 04/29/2013 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $22.46 JOHN CAPISTRANT 04/30/2013 05/02/2013 SHERATON DALLAS $567.08 NICHOLAS CARVER 04/23/2013 04/25/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $37.33 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 04/25/2013 04/29/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $48.02 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 04/29/2013 04/30/2013 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES530 $35.99 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 04/29/2013 04/30/2013 MENARDS 3022 $10.24 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 04/29/2013 05/01/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $13.88 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 05/01/2013 05/02/2013 VIKING ELECTRIC-CREDIT DE $161.85 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 04/18/2013 04/22/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2810 $19.65 CHARLES DEAVER 04/19/2013 04/22/2013 FRATTALLONES WOODBURY AC $4.60 CHARLES DEAVER 04/19/2013 04/22/2013 SUPERAMERICA 4848 $3.36 CHARLES DEAVER 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 OFFICE MAX $19.60 CHARLES DEAVER 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2810 $74.94 CHARLES DEAVER 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 MILLS FLEET FARM #2,700 $29.41 CHARLES DEAVER 04/23/2013 04/25/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $51.88 TOM DOUGLASS 04/25/2013 04/26/2013 LIFE FITNESS $17.14 TOM DOUGLASS 04/27/2013 04/29/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $20.20 TOM DOUGLASS 04/30/2013 05/02/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $3.21 TOM DOUGLASS 05/01/2013 05/02/2013 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $2.99 TOM DOUGLASS 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 COMMERCIAL POOL & SPA SUP $29.73 TOM DOUGLASS 05/02/2013 05/03/2013 WW GRAINGER $106.83 TOM DOUGLASS 04/30/2013 05/01/2013 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES530 $93.66 DOUG EDGE 04/30/2013 05/02/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $10.11 DOUG EDGE Packet Page Number 29 of 196 04/30/2013 05/02/2013 RED WING SHOE STORE $199.74 DOUG EDGE 04/23/2013 04/25/2013 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $220.80 PAUL E EVERSON 05/02/2013 05/03/2013 PARKING RAMP $18.00 PAUL E EVERSON 04/18/2013 04/22/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2810 $141.13 LARRY FARR 04/19/2013 04/22/2013 GOODIN COMPANY $375.47 LARRY FARR 04/19/2013 04/22/2013 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES $1,990.84 LARRY FARR 04/24/2013 04/25/2013 CINTAS 470 $287.10 LARRY FARR 04/25/2013 04/26/2013 UNITED RENTALS #018320 $211.21 LARRY FARR 04/30/2013 05/02/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2810 $338.53 LARRY FARR 04/30/2013 05/02/2013 ADAM'S PEST CONTROL INC $159.49 LARRY FARR 05/01/2013 05/02/2013 WM EZPAY $500.50 LARRY FARR 05/01/2013 05/02/2013 CINTAS 470 $287.10 LARRY FARR 05/02/2013 05/03/2013 TARGET 00024067 $184.79 LARRY FARR 04/19/2013 04/22/2013 TARGET 00006940 $21.83 SHANN FINWALL 04/19/2013 04/22/2013 HOLIDAY STNSTORE 0310 $3.18 SHANN FINWALL 04/20/2013 04/22/2013 BYERLY'S ST PAUL $10.68 SHANN FINWALL 04/20/2013 04/22/2013 CARIBOU COFFEE CO # 135 $12.80 SHANN FINWALL 04/21/2013 04/23/2013 USAIRWAYS 0372310801098 $25.00 DAVID FISHER 04/23/2013 04/24/2013 SPARTAN PROMOTIONAL GRP $83.83 DAVID FISHER 04/25/2013 04/29/2013 USAIRWAYS 0372311362708 $25.00 DAVID FISHER 04/21/2013 04/22/2013 COMCAST CABLE COMM $54.00 MYCHAL FOWLDS 03/28/2013 04/24/2013 INFOGREFFE CB ($8.12)NICK FRANZEN 03/28/2013 04/24/2013 MERCOEUR NUMERIQ8397117 ($2,881.67)NICK FRANZEN 03/29/2013 04/24/2013 INFOGREFFE CB ($8.15)NICK FRANZEN 03/31/2013 04/24/2013 INFOGREFFE CB ($8.12)NICK FRANZEN 04/01/2013 04/24/2013 INFOGREFFE CB ($8.12)NICK FRANZEN 04/22/2013 04/23/2013 SHI CORP $620.93 NICK FRANZEN 04/23/2013 04/24/2013 IDU*INSIGHT PUBLIC SEC $175.30 NICK FRANZEN 04/24/2013 04/25/2013 IDU*INSIGHT PUBLIC SEC $314.24 NICK FRANZEN 04/26/2013 04/29/2013 IDU*INSIGHT PUBLIC SEC $1,063.47 NICK FRANZEN 04/22/2013 04/23/2013 RUNNING WAREHOUSE $110.46 DEREK FRITZE 04/18/2013 04/22/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 ($12.83)CAROLE GERNES 04/18/2013 04/22/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $321.09 CAROLE GERNES 04/18/2013 04/22/2013 MILLS FLEET FARM #2,700 $3.20 CAROLE GERNES 04/20/2013 04/22/2013 FEDEX 468839915113914 $10.78 CLARENCE GERVAIS 04/20/2013 04/22/2013 DELTA AIR 0068213588667 $25.00 CLARENCE GERVAIS 04/23/2013 04/25/2013 DAVE & JANE'S CRABHOUSE $20.00 CLARENCE GERVAIS 04/26/2013 04/29/2013 DELTA AIR 0068214666598 $25.00 CLARENCE GERVAIS 04/27/2013 04/29/2013 BEST BUY MHT 00000109 $53.55 CLARENCE GERVAIS 04/29/2013 05/01/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $54.87 JEAN GLASS 04/30/2013 05/02/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $54.31 JEAN GLASS 04/29/2013 04/30/2013 APL*APPLE ITUNES STORE $1.06 JAN GREW HAYMAN 04/24/2013 04/26/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $1.84 MILES HAMRE 04/24/2013 04/26/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $14.77 MILES HAMRE 04/26/2013 04/26/2013 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $55.92 TIMOTHY HAWKINSON JR. 04/27/2013 04/29/2013 AMAZON.COM $6.51 TIMOTHY HAWKINSON JR. 04/18/2013 04/22/2013 MICHAELS #2744 $8.96 TAMARA HAYS 04/22/2013 04/23/2013 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $54.93 GARY HINNENKAMP 04/24/2013 04/25/2013 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $54.23 GARY HINNENKAMP 04/24/2013 04/26/2013 GRUBERS POWER EQUIPMENT $26.76 GARY HINNENKAMP 04/25/2013 04/26/2013 MENARDS 3059 $28.41 GARY HINNENKAMP 04/29/2013 04/30/2013 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $23.33 GARY HINNENKAMP 05/02/2013 05/03/2013 MENARDS 3059 $76.74 GARY HINNENKAMP 04/23/2013 04/24/2013 TARGET 00011858 $9.08 RON HORWATH 04/23/2013 04/25/2013 DOLRTREE 3150 00031500 $32.14 RON HORWATH 04/27/2013 04/29/2013 ARC*SERVICES/TRAINING $19.00 RON HORWATH 04/19/2013 04/22/2013 WILD BIRD STORE $143.35 ANN HUTCHINSON 04/18/2013 04/22/2013 GTC UNITED WAY $160.00 MARY JACKSON 04/22/2013 04/23/2013 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC $739.38 DAVID JAHN Packet Page Number 30 of 196 04/29/2013 04/30/2013 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC $589.55 DAVID JAHN 04/30/2013 05/01/2013 HYDROCAD SOFTWARE $185.00 JON JAROSCH 04/19/2013 04/22/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #5910 $2.96 LOIS KNUTSON 04/19/2013 04/22/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $271.89 LOIS KNUTSON 04/20/2013 04/22/2013 COMCAST CABLE COMM $266.48 DUWAYNE KONEWKO 04/23/2013 04/24/2013 BEST BUY MHT 00000109 $16.06 NICHOLAS KREKELER 04/23/2013 04/24/2013 MENARDS 3059 $7.93 NICHOLAS KREKELER 04/29/2013 04/30/2013 MENARDS 3059 $2.74 NICHOLAS KREKELER 04/20/2013 04/22/2013 USAIRWAYS 0372310761974 $25.00 DAVID KVAM 04/25/2013 04/29/2013 USAIRWAYS 0372176893483 $30.00 DAVID KVAM 04/25/2013 04/29/2013 USAIRWAYS 0372311348377 $25.00 DAVID KVAM 05/03/2013 05/03/2013 COMCAST CABLE COMM $67.45 DAVID KVAM 04/19/2013 04/22/2013 U OF M CCE NONCREDIT $225.00 STEVE LOVE 04/26/2013 04/30/2013 GRAND VIEW LODGE & TENNIS $375.82 STEVE LOVE 04/18/2013 04/22/2013 THE UPS STORE 2171 $21.13 STEVE LUKIN 04/20/2013 04/22/2013 REPUBLIC SERVICES TRASH $138.36 STEVE LUKIN 04/23/2013 04/25/2013 ASPEN MILLS INC.$6.43 STEVE LUKIN 04/26/2013 04/26/2013 AIRGASS NORTH $197.29 STEVE LUKIN 04/26/2013 04/26/2013 AIRGASS NORTH $187.66 STEVE LUKIN 04/26/2013 04/29/2013 MSP AIRPORT PARKING $140.00 STEVE LUKIN 04/30/2013 05/01/2013 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINT $303.75 STEVE LUKIN 04/25/2013 04/29/2013 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC.$294.89 KATHERINE LYNCH 04/30/2013 05/02/2013 STREICHER'S MO $32.13 JASON MARINO 04/22/2013 04/23/2013 U OF M PARKING $3.00 MIKE MARTIN 05/01/2013 05/02/2013 GANDER MOUNTAIN $107.11 GLEN MCCARTY 04/21/2013 04/22/2013 DELTA AIR 0068213194170 $25.00 MICHAEL MONDOR 04/22/2013 04/24/2013 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $7.00 MICHAEL MONDOR 04/22/2013 04/24/2013 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $175.89 MICHAEL MONDOR 04/22/2013 04/24/2013 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $252.21 MICHAEL MONDOR 04/26/2013 04/29/2013 DELTA AIR 0068214266957 $25.00 MICHAEL MONDOR 04/30/2013 05/01/2013 CENTURY COLLEGE-BO $192.00 MICHAEL MONDOR 04/30/2013 05/02/2013 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $7.00 MICHAEL MONDOR 04/30/2013 05/02/2013 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $18.72 MICHAEL MONDOR 05/02/2013 05/03/2013 SCIENCE MUSEUM OF MN $138.00 MICHAEL MONDOR 05/02/2013 05/03/2013 SCIENCE MUSEUM OF MN $253.00 MICHAEL MONDOR 04/23/2013 04/24/2013 LTG POWER EQUIPMENT $522.43 JOHN NAUGHTON 04/26/2013 04/29/2013 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $23.51 JOHN NAUGHTON 04/29/2013 04/30/2013 SUPERAMERICA 4022 $34.75 MICHAEL NYE 04/18/2013 04/22/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $115.46 MARY KAY PALANK 04/22/2013 04/24/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1079 $13.68 MARY KAY PALANK 04/22/2013 04/24/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $253.23 MARY KAY PALANK 05/01/2013 05/02/2013 TARGET 00021352 $35.22 MARY KAY PALANK 04/20/2013 04/22/2013 FRATTALLONES WOODBURY AC $9.39 ROBERT PETERSON 04/22/2013 04/23/2013 AUTOZONE3948 $22.01 ROBERT PETERSON 04/23/2013 04/25/2013 SERVPRO OF NORTHEAST $485.80 PHILIP F POWELL 04/24/2013 04/25/2013 EVIDENT INC $262.50 PHILIP F POWELL 04/25/2013 04/26/2013 THE COLEMAN COMPANY $86.71 PHILIP F POWELL 04/18/2013 04/22/2013 FLEETPRIDE 570 $49.48 STEVEN PRIEM 04/19/2013 04/22/2013 BAUER BUILT TIRE 18 $358.68 STEVEN PRIEM 04/22/2013 04/23/2013 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL 392 $8.01 STEVEN PRIEM 04/22/2013 04/23/2013 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL 392 $80.00 STEVEN PRIEM 04/23/2013 04/24/2013 TOUSLEY FORD $416.59 STEVEN PRIEM 04/24/2013 04/25/2013 NATIONAL PARTS CORP $211.57 STEVEN PRIEM 04/24/2013 04/25/2013 TOUSLEY FORD $97.50 STEVEN PRIEM 04/24/2013 04/25/2013 BAUER BUILT TIRE 18 $1,494.81 STEVEN PRIEM 04/24/2013 04/29/2013 H AND L MESABI COMPANY $841.08 STEVEN PRIEM 04/25/2013 04/26/2013 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL 392 $72.25 STEVEN PRIEM 04/25/2013 04/26/2013 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL 392 $56.84 STEVEN PRIEM 04/26/2013 04/29/2013 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL 392 $82.54 STEVEN PRIEM Packet Page Number 31 of 196 04/26/2013 04/29/2013 POLAR CHEVROLET MAZDA $304.76 STEVEN PRIEM 04/29/2013 05/01/2013 FACTORY MTR PTS #1 ($129.48)STEVEN PRIEM 05/01/2013 05/02/2013 CONTINENTAL RESEARCH COR $326.73 STEVEN PRIEM 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 GRUBERS POWER EQUIPMENT $11.77 STEVEN PRIEM 05/02/2013 05/03/2013 POMPS TIRE SERVICE, INC $489.95 STEVEN PRIEM 05/02/2013 05/03/2013 FASTENAL COMPANY01 $62.18 STEVEN PRIEM 05/02/2013 05/03/2013 ASPEN EQUIPMENT-BLOOMIN $1,313.80 STEVEN PRIEM 04/23/2013 04/24/2013 WW GRAINGER $884.11 KELLY PRINS 04/29/2013 04/30/2013 MENARDS 3059 $38.97 KELLY PRINS 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 PARK SUPPLY OF AMERICA IN $896.64 KELLY PRINS 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 VINYL DISORDER $35.00 KELLY PRINS 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $35.29 KELLY PRINS 04/25/2013 04/26/2013 HILLYARD INC MINNEAPOLIS $1,052.58 MICHAEL REILLY 04/26/2013 04/29/2013 HILLYARD INC MINNEAPOLIS $1,052.58 MICHAEL REILLY 04/29/2013 04/30/2013 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC $353.95 MICHAEL REILLY 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 SCW FITNESS EDUCATION $270.00 LORI RESENDIZ 04/19/2013 04/22/2013 CUB FOODS #1599 $61.00 AUDRA ROBBINS 04/19/2013 04/22/2013 CUB FOODS #1599 $272.26 AUDRA ROBBINS 04/23/2013 04/24/2013 THE STAR TRIBUNE ADVERTIS $53.50 AUDRA ROBBINS 04/26/2013 04/29/2013 TARGET 00011858 $10.67 AUDRA ROBBINS 04/19/2013 04/22/2013 DELTA AIR 0068213571290 $25.00 ROBERT RUNNING 04/25/2013 04/26/2013 DELTA AIR 0068214056381 $25.00 ROBERT RUNNING 04/30/2013 05/02/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $130.04 ROBERT RUNNING 04/24/2013 04/25/2013 LILLIE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPE $400.50 DEB SCHMIDT 05/01/2013 05/02/2013 LILLIE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPE $84.00 DEB SCHMIDT 05/02/2013 05/03/2013 T-MOBILE.COM*PAYMENT $33.60 DEB SCHMIDT 04/30/2013 05/02/2013 USA MOBILITY WIRELE $16.07 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $5.95 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $55.58 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $5.95 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $55.58 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $55.58 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $5.95 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $55.58 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $55.58 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $5.95 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $5.95 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $5.95 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $55.58 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $55.58 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $5.95 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $55.58 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $5.95 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $55.58 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $55.58 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $5.95 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $11.90 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $111.16 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $5.95 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $55.58 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $5.95 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $5.95 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $55.58 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $5.95 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $55.58 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $5.95 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $55.58 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $55.58 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $5.95 SCOTT SCHULTZ Packet Page Number 32 of 196 04/26/2013 04/29/2013 A-1 LAUNDRY $71.24 CAITLIN SHERRILL 04/23/2013 04/24/2013 SPRINT CORPORATE SECURITY $30.00 MICHAEL SHORTREED 04/23/2013 04/24/2013 SPRINT CORPORATE SECURITY $100.00 MICHAEL SHORTREED 04/25/2013 04/26/2013 SAFELITE AUTOGLASS $50.00 MICHAEL SHORTREED 04/26/2013 04/29/2013 MAGNET FORENSICS INC $345.00 MICHAEL SHORTREED 04/30/2013 05/01/2013 HEJNY RENTAL INC $46.67 MICHAEL SHORTREED 04/24/2013 04/25/2013 PAYPAL *CENTERFORSO $75.00 JOANNE SVENDSEN 04/24/2013 04/25/2013 USI ED GOV $74.00 JOANNE SVENDSEN 04/23/2013 04/24/2013 WWW COMMED ISD622 ORG $3,999.00 JAMES TAYLOR 04/29/2013 05/01/2013 GATEWAY CYCLE $21.41 PAUL THIENES 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 GATEWAY CYCLE $237.80 PAUL THIENES 04/23/2013 04/24/2013 OAKLEY.COM $130.00 JOSEPH TRAN 04/24/2013 04/26/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1079 $5.65 KAREN WACHAL 04/24/2013 04/26/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $48.39 KAREN WACHAL 05/01/2013 05/02/2013 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $4.93 JEFF WILBER 05/01/2013 05/03/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $35.48 JEFF WILBER 04/30/2013 05/02/2013 MINN FIRE SVC CERT BOARD $200.00 SUSAN ZWIEG $38,043.44 Packet Page Number 33 of 196 CHECK #CHECK DATE EMPLOYEE NAME 05/10/13 CAVE, REBECCA 435.16 05/10/13 JUENEMANN, KATHLEEN 435.16 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD EMPLOYEE GROSS EARNINGS REPORT FOR THE CURRENT PAY PERIOD AMOUNT 05/10/13 CARDINAL, ROBERT 435.16 05/10/13 STRAUTMANIS, MARIS 104.00 05/10/13 AHL, R. CHARLES 5,495.72 05/10/13 KOPPEN, MARVIN 435.16 05/10/13 ROSSBACH, WILLIAM 494.44 05/10/13 KANTRUD, HUGH 184.62 05/10/13 CHRISTENSON, SCOTT 2,320.19 05/10/13 ANTONEN, JAMES 6,304.16 05/10/13 BURLINGAME, SARAH 2,178.90 05/10/13 RAMEAUX, THERESE 3,099.15 05/10/13 BAUMAN, GAYLE 4,438.53 05/10/13 FARR, LARRY 3,255.27 05/10/13 JAHN, DAVID 1,887.91 05/10/13 JACKSON, MARY 2,156.11 05/10/13 KELSEY, CONNIE 2,626.68 05/10/13 ANDERSON, CAROLE 1,809.72 05/10/13 DEBILZAN, JUDY 1,346.92 05/10/13 BEGGS, REGAN 1,520.99 05/10/13 GUILFOILE, KAREN 4,609.10 05/10/13 RUEB, JOSEPH 2,801.00 05/10/13 SINDT, ANDREA 2,294.20 05/10/13 LARSON, MICHELLE 1,892.19 05/10/13 MECHELKE, SHERRIE 1,016.46 05/10/13 SCHMIDT, DEBORAH 2,920.74 05/10/13 SPANGLER, EDNA 1,156.91 05/10/13 RICHTER, CHARLENE 1,164.43 05/10/13 SCHOENECKER, LEIGH 1,671.39 05/10/13 MOY, PAMELA 1,542.55 05/10/13 OSTER, ANDREA 1,935.11 05/10/13 CARLE, JEANETTE 465.00 05/10/13 CORCORAN, THERESA 1,928.19 05/10/13 VITT, SANDRA 956.27 05/10/13 WEAVER, KRISTINE 2,388.99 05/10/13 POWELL, PHILIP 2,970.49 05/10/13 SVENDSEN, JOANNE 2,160.89 05/10/13 KVAM, DAVID 4,687.84 05/10/13 PALANK, MARY 1,932.80 05/10/13 ALDRIDGE, MARK 3,507.68 05/10/13 BAKKE, LONN 2,991.93 05/10/13 THOMFORDE, FAITH 1,520.99 05/10/13 ABEL, CLINT 3,026.01 05/10/13 BENJAMIN, MARKESE 3,240.96 05/10/13 BIERDEMAN, BRIAN 3,667.43 05/10/13 BARTZ, PAUL 3,249.17 05/10/13 BELDE, STANLEY 3,144.30 05/10/13 BOHL, JOHN 3,222.23 05/10/13 BUSACK, DANIEL 3,499.98 Packet Page Number 34 of 196 05/10/13 CARNES, JOHN 2,217.56 05/10/13 CROTTY, KERRY 3,647.20 05/10/13 DUGAS, MICHAEL 3,852.40 05/10/13 ERICKSON, VIRGINIA 3,222.23 05/10/13 DEMULLING, JOSEPH 2,990.70 05/10/13 DOBLAR, RICHARD 4,054.83 05/10/13 FRITZE, DEREK 3,021.58 05/10/13 GABRIEL, ANTHONY 3,456.21 05/10/13 FORSYTHE, MARCUS 2,728.51 05/10/13 FRASER, JOHN 48,080.43 05/10/13 HIEBERT, STEVEN 3,284.06 05/10/13 JOHNSON, KEVIN 4,351.15 05/10/13 HAWKINSON JR, TIMOTHY 3,004.03 05/10/13 HER, PHENG 2,859.07 05/10/13 KREKELER, NICHOLAS 910.81 05/10/13 KROLL, BRETT 3,079.79 05/10/13 KALKA, THOMAS 954.09 05/10/13 KONG, TOMMY 3,321.24 05/10/13 LU, JOHNNIE 3,554.32 05/10/13 LYNCH, KATHERINE 2,762.64 05/10/13 LANGNER, SCOTT 3,135.14 05/10/13 LANGNER, TODD 3,021.58 05/10/13 MCCARTY, GLEN 3,250.82 05/10/13 METRY, ALESIA 3,080.97 05/10/13 MARINO, JASON 3,281.62 05/10/13 MARTIN, JERROLD 3,456.88 05/10/13 PARKER, JAMES 2,488.41 05/10/13 REZNY, BRADLEY 3,242.90 05/10/13 NYE, MICHAEL 3,378.79 05/10/13 OLSON, JULIE 3,010.23 05/10/13 STEINER, JOSEPH 3,148.65 05/10/13 SYPNIEWSKI, WILLIAM 2,945.35 05/10/13 RHUDE, MATTHEW 2,932.08 05/10/13 SHORTREED, MICHAEL 4,141.66 05/10/13 THEISEN, PAUL 3,080.97 05/10/13 THIENES, PAUL 3,763.74 05/10/13 SZCZEPANSKI, THOMAS 3,398.21 05/10/13 TAUZELL, BRIAN 3,030.36 05/10/13 XIONG, KAO 3,012.75 05/10/13 ANDERSON, BRIAN 193.92 05/10/13 TRAN, JOSEPH 3,080.97 05/10/13 WENZEL, JAY 3,184.03 05/10/13 BAUMAN, ANDREW 2,810.00 05/10/13 BOURQUIN, RON 711.04 05/10/13 BAHL, DAVID 724.71 05/10/13 BASSETT, BRENT 548.43 05/10/13 CRAWFORD - JR, RAYMON 902.94 05/10/13 CRUMMY, CHARLES 303.00 05/10/13 CAPISTRANT, JACOB 242.40 05/10/13 CAPISTRANT, JOHN 738.85 05/10/13 EATON, PAUL 436.32 05/10/13 EVERSON, PAUL 3,553.48 05/10/13 DABRUZZI, THOMAS 2,319.19 05/10/13 DAWSON, RICHARD 3,525.57 05/10/13 HALE, JOSEPH 339.38 05/10/13 HALWEG, JODI 2,932.56 05/10/13 FASULO, WALTER 498.95 05/10/13 HAGEN, MICHAEL 587.82 Packet Page Number 35 of 196 05/10/13 JANSEN, CHAD 387.84 05/10/13 JUREK, GREGORY 2,262.69 05/10/13 HAWTHORNE, ROCHELLE 2,177.95 05/10/13 HUTCHINSON, JAMES 707.03 05/10/13 KERSKA, JOSEPH 509.04 05/10/13 KONDER, RONALD 690.84 05/10/13 KANE, ROBERT 947.42 05/10/13 KARRAS, JAMIE 596.91 05/10/13 LOCHEN, MICHAEL 759.52 05/10/13 MILLER, LADD 480.78 05/10/13 KUBAT, ERIC 2,646.90 05/10/13 LINDER, TIMOTHY 2,819.55 05/10/13 MONSON, PETER 387.84 05/10/13 MORGAN, JEFFERY 29.54 05/10/13 MILLER, NICHOLAS 478.74 05/10/13 MONDOR, MICHAEL 3,300.70 05/10/13 NOWICKI, PAUL 378.75 05/10/13 OLSON, JAMES 2,721.20 05/10/13 NIELSEN, KENNETH 197.98 05/10/13 NOVAK, JEROME 3,058.35 05/10/13 PETERSON, MARK 512.59 05/10/13 PETERSON, ROBERT 3,021.45 05/10/13 OPHEIM, JOHN 569.17 05/10/13 PACHECO, ALPHONSE 751.44 05/10/13 RANK, NATHAN 315.12 05/10/13 RANK, PAUL 751.44 05/10/13 POWERS, KENNETH 351.48 05/10/13 RAINEY, JAMES 824.16 05/10/13 RODRIGUEZ, ROBERTO 145.44 05/10/13 SCHULTZ, JEROME 296.94 05/10/13 REYNOSO, ANGEL 339.36 05/10/13 RICE, CHRISTOPHER 311.11 05/10/13 SVENDSEN, RONALD 3,229.93 05/10/13 WHITE, JOEL 109.08 05/10/13 SEDLACEK, JEFFREY 2,932.56 05/10/13 STREFF, MICHAEL 2,827.76 05/10/13 ZWIEG, SUSAN 2,042.29 05/10/13 CORTESI, LUANNE 1,392.60 05/10/13 GERVAIS-JR, CLARENCE 4,035.01 05/10/13 LUKIN, STEVEN 4,674.56 05/10/13 BRINK, TROY 2,432.22 05/10/13 BUCKLEY, BRENT 2,333.41 05/10/13 KNUTSON, LOIS 2,084.19 05/10/13 NIVEN, AMY 6.99 05/10/13 JONES, DONALD 2,216.60 05/10/13 MEISSNER, BRENT 2,035.39 05/10/13 DEBILZAN, THOMAS 2,226.60 05/10/13 EDGE, DOUGLAS 2,593.89 05/10/13 RUIZ, RICARDO 1,668.14 05/10/13 RUNNING, ROBERT 2,388.99 05/10/13 NAGEL, BRYAN 3,595.60 05/10/13 OSWALD, ERICK 2,691.06 05/10/13 DUCHARME, JOHN 2,776.80 05/10/13 ENGSTROM, ANDREW 2,666.59 05/10/13 TEVLIN, TODD 2,493.86 05/10/13 BURLINGAME, NATHAN 2,124.99 05/10/13 JAROSCH, JONATHAN 2,966.61 05/10/13 KREGER, JASON 3,334.66 Packet Page Number 36 of 196 05/10/13 LINDBLOM, RANDAL 2,830.05 05/10/13 LOVE, STEVEN 3,629.51 05/10/13 JANASZAK, MEGHAN 1,593.79 05/10/13 KONEWKO, DUWAYNE 4,667.89 05/10/13 THOMPSON, MICHAEL 4,514.71 05/10/13 ZIEMAN, SCOTT 195.00 05/10/13 HINNENKAMP, GARY 2,373.49 05/10/13 NAUGHTON, JOHN 2,202.71 05/10/13 HAMRE, MILES 1,635.38 05/10/13 HAYS, TAMARA 1,655.95 05/10/13 DEAVER, CHARLES 718.36 05/10/13 GERNES, CAROLE 986.00 05/10/13 NORDQUIST, RICHARD 2,205.01 05/10/13 BIESANZ, OAKLEY 1,627.76 05/10/13 SOUTTER, CHRISTINE 344.25 05/10/13 WACHAL, KAREN 927.29 05/10/13 HAYMAN, JANET 1,183.98 05/10/13 HUTCHINSON, ANN 2,682.02 05/10/13 SWANSON, CHRIS 792.00 05/10/13 THOMPSON, DEBRA 772.20 05/10/13 GAYNOR, VIRGINIA 1,584.18 05/10/13 KROLL, LISA 1,928.19 05/10/13 FINWALL, SHANN 3,636.75 05/10/13 MARTIN, MICHAEL 2,799.39 05/10/13 YOUNG, TAMELA 2,044.99 05/10/13 EKSTRAND, THOMAS 3,867.33 05/10/13 FISHER, DAVID 3,845.86 05/10/13 SWAN, DAVID 2,802.59 05/10/13 BRASH, JASON 2,544.99 05/10/13 CARVER, NICHOLAS 3,284.18 05/10/13 BERGER, STEPHANIE 187.63 05/10/13 BJORK, BRANDON 341.00 05/10/13 WELLENS, MOLLY 1,731.57 05/10/13 ACEITUNO, FELIPE 24.50 05/10/13 ROBBINS, AUDRA 3,209.84 05/10/13 ROBBINS, CAMDEN 175.50 05/10/13 BRENEMAN, NEIL 2,296.28 05/10/13 LARSON, KATELYN 28.00 05/10/13 SHERWOOD, CHRISTIAN 528.00 05/10/13 TAYLOR, JAMES 2,912.48 05/10/13 SCHALLER, SCOTT 208.13 05/10/13 SCHALLER, TYLER 34.00 05/10/13 HAAG, MARK 2,778.77 05/10/13 ORE, JORDAN 1,646.07 05/10/13 VUKICH, CANDACE 168.00 05/10/13 ADAMS, DAVID 1,960.50 05/10/13 AKEY, SHELLEY 126.25 05/10/13 BERNARDY, CHRISTINE 2,479.65 05/10/13 SCHULTZ, SCOTT 3,384.95 05/10/13 WILBER, JEFFREY 1,575.62 05/10/13 GLASS, JEAN 2,151.73 05/10/13 HER, PETER 181.10 05/10/13 CRAWFORD - JR, RAYMON 267.88 05/10/13 EVANS, CHRISTINE 1,582.09 05/10/13 KELLEY, CAITLIN 965.94 05/10/13 KULHANEK-DIONNE, ANN 678.25 05/10/13 HOFMEISTER, MARY 1,100.10 05/10/13 HOFMEISTER, TIMOTHY 457.03 Packet Page Number 37 of 196 05/10/13 VANG, TIM 540.50 05/10/13 VUE, LOR PAO 393.26 05/10/13 MUSKAT, JULIE 125.00 05/10/13 PELOQUIN, PENNYE 661.93 05/10/13 ANDERSON, JOSHUA 470.50 05/10/13 BAETZOLD, CLAIRE 69.83 05/10/13 AICHELE, MEGAN 227.76 05/10/13 ANDERSON, ALYSSA 64.75 05/10/13 BRUSOE, CRISTINA 40.95 05/10/13 BUCKLEY, BRITTANY 243.60 05/10/13 BAETZOLD, SETH 36.25 05/10/13 BAUDE, SARAH 50.88 05/10/13 CRANDALL, KRISTA 291.00 05/10/13 DEMPSEY, BETH 44.20 05/10/13 BUTLER, ANGELA 108.00 05/10/13 CLARK, PAMELA 97.75 05/10/13 DUNN, RYAN 1,143.27 05/10/13 EHLE, DANIEL 128.63 05/10/13 DIONNE, DANIELLE 27.90 05/10/13 DRECHSEL, SARAH 58.75 05/10/13 FLORES, LUIS 96.00 05/10/13 FONTAINE, KIM 611.44 05/10/13 ERICKSON-CLARK, CAROL 55.68 05/10/13 ERICSON, RACHEL 55.80 05/10/13 GIEL, NICOLE 33.69 05/10/13 GRUENHAGEN, LINDA 311.15 05/10/13 FOX, KELLY 90.00 05/10/13 FRAMPTON, SAMANTHA 130.00 05/10/13 HASSAN, KIANA 67.53 05/10/13 HEINRICH, SHEILA 420.64 05/10/13 HAGSTROM, EMILY 80.40 05/10/13 HANSEN, HANNAH 89.70 05/10/13 JOHNSON, BARBARA 577.35 05/10/13 JOHNSON, KAITLYN 37.29 05/10/13 HOLMBERG, LADONNA 427.77 05/10/13 HORWATH, RONALD 2,772.88 05/10/13 KOZDROJ, GABRIELLA 137.50 05/10/13 LAMEYER, BRENT 108.75 05/10/13 JOYER, ANTHONY 66.60 05/10/13 KOHLER, ROCHELLE 74.00 05/10/13 MCCANN, NATALIE 28.88 05/10/13 MCCOMAS, LEAH 73.50 05/10/13 LAMSON, ELIANA 13.50 05/10/13 LEKO, LINDSAY 94.50 05/10/13 NADEAU, TAYLOR 77.70 05/10/13 NITZ, CARA 234.00 05/10/13 MCCORMACK, MELISSA 47.78 05/10/13 MEDD, KELLY 39.00 05/10/13 RANEY, COURTNEY 908.00 05/10/13 RESENDIZ, LORI 2,285.54 05/10/13 NORTHOUSE, KATHERINE 94.95 05/10/13 PROESCH, ANDY 664.96 05/10/13 SCHMIDT, EMILY 38.68 05/10/13 SCHREIER, ROSEMARIE 435.00 05/10/13 RICHTER, DANIEL 113.40 05/10/13 ROLLERSON, TERRANCE 60.00 05/10/13 SCHREINER, MICHELLE 61.81 05/10/13 SMITH, ANN 195.22 Packet Page Number 38 of 196 9989322 9989323 9989324 9989325 9989326 9989327 9989328 9989329 05/10/13 SMITH, CASEY 191.57 05/10/13 SMITLEY, SHARON 349.68 05/10/13 TRUE, ANDREW 66.83 05/10/13 TUPY, HEIDE 22.90 05/10/13 TAYLOR, MYLES 33.08 05/10/13 TREPANIER, TODD 201.25 05/10/13 WARNER, CAROLYN 79.20 05/10/13 WEINHAGEN, SHELBY 286.75 05/10/13 TUPY, MARCUS 95.00 05/10/13 VANG, XANG 141.00 05/10/13 BOSLEY, CAROL 126.00 05/10/13 HITE, ANDREA 170.00 05/10/13 WHITE, DANICA 32.73 05/10/13 YUNKER, JOSEPH 66.00 05/10/13 BORCHERT, JONATHAN 238.00 05/10/13 CRAWFORD, SHAWN 504.00 05/10/13 LANGER, CHELSEA 34.00 05/10/13 LANGER, KAYLYN 106.25 05/10/13 MAIDMENT, COLIN 229.50 05/10/13 MALONEY, SHAUNA 346.50 05/10/13 DOUGLASS, TOM 1,835.40 05/10/13 DYER, KATELYN 153.00 05/10/13 SINDT, DARIEN 68.00 05/10/13 THOMPSON, BENJAMIN 425.00 05/10/13 PRINS, KELLY 1,809.61 05/10/13 REILLY, MICHAEL 1,962.59 05/10/13 PRIEM, STEVEN 2,463.85 05/10/13 WOEHRLE, MATTHEW 2,256.33 05/10/13 COUNTRYMAN, BRENDA 1,280.00 05/10/13 AICHELE, CRAIG 2,231.39 05/10/13 FRANZEN, NICHOLAS 2,789.40 05/10/13 SCHREIER, ABIGAIL 60.78 05/10/13 BERGO, CHAD 2,741.49 05/10/13 FOWLDS, MYCHAL 4,072.29 05/10/13 WALES, ABIGAIL 188.89 05/10/13 RANGEL, SAMANTHA 84.00 05/10/13 SCOTT, HALEY 113.58 05/10/13 SMITH, JEROME 48.00 05/10/13 STEFFEN, MICHAEL 102.00 548,036.30 05/10/13 CUSICK, JESSICA 308.14 05/10/13 SPEARS, SHYTIANA 204.01 Packet Page Number 39 of 196 Check Description Amount 89933 03877 MEMBERSHIP FEES 40.00 89934 03576 RED RECYCLING BINS 3,724.59 89935 01941 FLOOR HOCKEY TROPHIES 245.70 89936 01337 911 DISPATCH SERVICES - APRIL 28,851.06 01337 FLEET SUPPORT FEE - APRIL 458.64 89937 01546 SOCCER SHIRTS 885.25 01546 MCC STAFF T-SHIRTS 150.00 01546 BBALL CLINIC SHIRTS 100.00 89938 01190 ELECTRIC & GAS UTILITY 1,274.74 89939 03860 REPLACE CARD READ FOR MCC ATM 124.46 89940 05211 BLUE PRINT RACKING FOR CD & PW 5,726.38 89941 04419 REFS 1ST HALF SPRING VOLLEYBALL 300.00 89942 04886 REFS 1ST HALF SPRING VOLLEYBALL 180.00 89943 05187 LUNCHEON MIKE ERICSON APRIL 24 25.00 89944 04818 B-DAY/SCOUT PROGRAM LEADER 120.00 89945 05181 POLICE DEPT EXPANSION PROJ 57,599.45 89946 00644 MONTHLY PREMIUM - JUNE 12,241.29 89947 00671 ATHLETIC FIELDMARK WHITE TOTE 1,469.53 89948 03538 REFS 1ST HALF SPRING VOLLEYBALL 375.00 89949 02795 4 MOTION COMPUTING TABLET COMPUTERS ~10,485.00 02795 4 THREE YEAR COMPLETE COVERAGE 1,550.67 89950 03908 2ND PHASE REGIONAL INDICATORS 500.00 89951 00827 CLAIM DEDUCTIBLE C0021830 1,912.67 89952 03818 MONTHLY PREMIUM - JUNE 155,454.31 89953 00983 LEASE PMT 04/15 - 05/15 484.14 00983 LEASE PMT 05/15 - 06/15 484.14 89954 01175 REIMB SOFTBALL FEES 16,807.24 89955 00001 REFUND S MILLER TRANS MEDIC 667.55 89956 00001 REFUND K WINDINGSTAD GYMNASTICS 47.00 89957 00001 REFUND C KREPEL BCBS 40.00 89958 00001 REFUND A THAMMAVONGSA BOOTCAMP 32.00 89959 00001 REFUND P DANKERT REGISTRATION 10.00 89960 01863 REFS 1ST HALF SPRING VOLLEYBALL 375.00 89961 04779 SPRING CLEAN UP RECYCLING 993.00 89962 03359 SPRING CLEAN UP RECYCLING 210.00 89963 05212 SPRING CLEAN UP COLLECTIONS 2,475.00 89964 01397 REPLACEMENT VALVE-IRRIGATION SYS 700.00 89965 00006 REFUND J BIDON MEMBERSHIP 121.11 89966 00006 REFUND C LOIDA MEMBERSHIP 20.34 89967 05038 CHARITABLE GAMBLING 74.12 89968 04292 ADULT BIRD ID CLASS INSTRUCTION 320.00 89969 01915 REFS 1ST HALF SPRING VOLLEYBALL 75.00 89970 05213 SPRING CLEAN UP 4,668.21 89971 01649 WACKER 4" TRASH PUMP 3,420.00 89972 03985 REIMB FOR MILEAGE 1/10 - 4/30 115.26 89973 03378 REIMB FOR SAFETY SHOES 4/29 200.00 89974 01807 REIMB FOR MEALS 4/21 17.7005/21/2013 SUSAN ZWIEG 316,150.55 42 Checks in this report. 05/21/2013 TRI-STATE BOBCAT, INC. 05/21/2013 KAREN WACHAL 05/21/2013 MATT WOEHRLE 05/21/2013 ST PAUL AUDUBON SOCIETY 05/21/2013 NANCY STEFFEN 05/21/2013 TENNIS ROLL OFF LLC 05/21/2013 SILVER SNEAKERS 05/21/2013 SILVER SNEAKERS 05/21/2013 SIMON YOUTH FOUNDATION, INC. 05/21/2013 RECYCLING ASSN OF MN 05/21/2013 RETROFIT COMPANIES, INC. 05/21/2013 RYAN PLUMBING & HEATING CO. 05/21/2013 ONE TIME VENDOR 05/21/2013 ROGER PACKER 05/21/2013 PPL INDUSTRIES, INC. 05/21/2013 ONE TIME VENDOR 05/21/2013 ONE TIME VENDOR 05/21/2013 ONE TIME VENDOR 05/21/2013 METRO SALES INC 05/21/2013 CITY OF NORTH ST PAUL 05/21/2013 ONE TIME VENDOR 05/21/2013 L M C I T 05/21/2013 MEDICA 05/21/2013 METRO SALES INC 05/21/2013 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR 05/21/2013 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR 05/21/2013 L H B, INC. 05/21/2013 HEALTHPARTNERS 05/21/2013 HIRSHFIELD'S 05/21/2013 PATRICK JAMES HUBBARD 05/21/2013 WHITE BEAR AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 05/21/2013 BRENDA DANNER 05/21/2013 DERAU CONSTRUCTION 05/21/2013 AK MATERIAL HANDLING SYSTEMS 05/21/2013 LOUISE A. BEAMAN 05/21/2013 KAREN MARIE BOWMAN 05/21/2013 SUBURBAN SPORTSWEAR 05/21/2013 XCEL ENERGY 05/21/2013 ABSOLUTE ATM 05/21/2013 SUBURBAN SPORTSWEAR 05/21/2013 SUBURBAN SPORTSWEAR 05/21/2013 EUREKA RECYCLING 05/21/2013 PATRICK TROPHIES 05/21/2013 RAMSEY COUNTY-PROP REC & REV Check Register City of Maplewood 05/17/2013 Date Vendor 05/21/2013 ASSOC OF RECYCLING MANAGERS 05/21/2013 RAMSEY COUNTY-PROP REC & REV Packet Page Number 40 of 196 Settlement Date Payee Description Amount 5/13/2013 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 47,429.71 5/13/2013 U.S. Treasurer Federal Payroll Tax 99,995.58 5/13/2013 P.E.R.A.P.E.R.A.87,335.75 5/14/2013 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 33,466.10 5/14/2013 MidAmerica - ING HRA Flex plan 18,925.78 5/14/2013 Labor Unions Union Dues 1,972.80 5/15/2013 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 32,955.65 5/15/2013 VANCO Billing fee 122.00 5/15/2013 MN State Treasurer State Payroll Tax 20,709.48 5/16/2013 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 21,968.08 5/17/2013 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 43,716.51 5/17/2013 MN Dept of Natural Resources DNR electronic licenses 2,683.00 5/17/2013 Optum Health DCRP & Flex plan payments 1,062.42 412,342.86 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Disbursements via Debits to Checking account Packet Page Number 41 of 196 Check Description Amount 89975 02464 FUNDS FOR ATMS 10,000.00 89976 00111 PATROL HOURS 5/7 - 5/17 1,453.00 89977 05028 CITY HALL SOLAR SYSTEM LEASE-MAY 397.00 05028 MCC SOLAR SYSTEM LEASE - MAY 369.00 89978 04206 ATTORNEY SRVS FEES/RENT - JUNE 15,433.33 89979 02728 PROF SRVS THRU 4/30 3M FIRE STAT 27,090.39 89980 00985 WASTEWATER - JUNE 217,290.63 89981 04316 AUTO PAWN SYSTEM - APRIL 794.70 89982 01085 MONTHLY PREMIUM - JUNE 3,077.90 89983 01819 LOCAL PHONE SERVICE 04/15 - 05/14 788.17 01819 LOCAL PHONE SERVICE 02/15 - 03/14 776.68 01819 LOCAL PHONE SERVICE 03/15 - 04/14 776.50 89984 01463 MCC MASSAGES - APRIL 1-15 982.50 01463 MCC MASSAGES - APRIL 16-30 880.00 89985 01574 BITUMINOUS PURCHASES~3,218.50 89986 01190 ELECTRIC & GAS UTILITY 5,421.39 01190 ELECTRIC & GAS UTILITY 2,115.72 01190 ELECTRIC & GAS UTILITY 388.91 01190 FIRE SIRENS 56.51 89987 01190 RELOCATION OF OVERHEAD LINES 4,961.79 89988 01798 LEAK TEST - VENT CAP 600.00 89989 04199 PD JUVENILE REFERRAL SRVS - 2ND QTR 6,630.00 89990 01809 AGLIME GRAVEL FOR PARKS - FIELDS 151.32 89991 00230 RED BALL DIAMOND ROCK FOR PARKS 251.78 89992 05215 1ST HALF SOCCER INSTRUCTION 600.00 89993 03658 REIMB FOR MILEAGE 4/6 - 5/17 49.33 89994 04911 RENTAL FOR WEDDING MCC JUNE 1 213.75 04911 TABLE LINENS FOR SENIOR EXPO MCC 160.31 89995 00472 CONSULTING FEES 5/6 - 5/17 1,250.00 89996 00531 BLACK DIRT - RESTORATION WORK 69.47 89997 00550 REPLACEMENT PARTS-PLAYGROUNDS 1,122.39 89998 02263 BOARDING & DESTRUCTION FEE - APRIL 445.67 89999 04152 POOL RENTAL 40.00 90000 00809 SECURITY OFFICER FOR MCC MAY 18 245.00 90001 00857 REGISTRATION FEE - ANTONEN & AHL 700.00 00857 REGISTRATION FEE FOR R CARDINAL 350.00 90002 00891 LUNCHEON FOR J ANTONEN MAY 09 20.00 00891 LUNCHEON FOR J ANTONEN APRIL 11 20.00 90003 00942 JANITORIAL SERVICES - MAY 6,578.16 90004 04537 PERFORMANCE MCC SEPT 14 1,000.00 90005 01175 MONTHLY UTILITIES - APRIL 3,570.48 01175 FIBER OPTIC ACCESS CHG - MAY 1,068.75 90006 00001 REFUND C BLEISE TRANS MEDIC 618.00 90007 00001 REFUND R YANG SWIM LESSONS 116.00 90008 00001 REFUND J KURTH MEMBERSHIP CHG 77.16 90009 00001 REFUND MILL CITY ELECTRICAL PERMIT 33.00 90010 01225 REPAIR SWEEPER HOSE 24.75 90011 04054 DJ FOR DADDY DAUGHTER DANCE 200.00 90012 01387 ADMIN FEE FOR STRESS TEST - MAY 100.00 90013 05214 SPEAKER FOR NC EVENT MAY 14 55.00 90014 01455 SECURITY OFFICER FOR MCC MAY 11 210.00 90015 00006 REFUND Z IVORY MEMBERSHIP 540.64 90016 00006 REFUND R RASCHKE MEMBERSHIP 189.70 90017 01836 RADIO SHOP SERVICES - APRIL 794.11 01836 ASPHALT MATERIALS - APRIL 759.45 90018 03598 REIMB FOR TUITION & BOOKS 3/6-5/4 1,878.01 05/28/2013 ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES 05/28/2013 ENERGY ALTERNATIVES SOLAR, LLC 05/28/2013 ENERGY ALTERNATIVES SOLAR, LLC Check Register City of Maplewood 05/24/2013 Date Vendor 05/17/2013 US BANK 05/28/2013 CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS RECEIVABLES 05/28/2013 MN LIFE INSURANCE 05/28/2013 PAETEC 05/28/2013 H A KANTRUD 05/28/2013 KIMLEY-HORN & ASSOCIATES INC 05/28/2013 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 05/28/2013 SISTER ROSALIND GEFRE 05/28/2013 T A SCHIFSKY & SONS, INC 05/28/2013 XCEL ENERGY 05/28/2013 PAETEC 05/28/2013 PAETEC 05/28/2013 SISTER ROSALIND GEFRE 05/28/2013 XCEL ENERGY 05/28/2013 YOCUM OIL CO. 05/28/2013 YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU, INC. 05/28/2013 XCEL ENERGY 05/28/2013 XCEL ENERGY 05/28/2013 XCEL ENERGY 05/28/2013 CHARLES DEAVER 05/28/2013 DECKCI DECOR 05/28/2013 DECKCI DECOR 05/28/2013 AGGREGATE INDUSTRIES, INC. 05/28/2013 BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS, INC. 05/28/2013 CORESTRONG FITNESS LLC 05/28/2013 HILLCREST ANIMAL HOSPITAL PA 05/28/2013 ISD 622 COMMUNITY EDUCATION 05/28/2013 TOMMY KONG 05/28/2013 MICHAEL A ERICSON 05/28/2013 FRA-DOR INC. 05/28/2013 GAMETIME 05/28/2013 M A M A 05/28/2013 MARSDEN BLDG MAINTENANCE CO 05/28/2013 MU PERFORMING ARTS 05/28/2013 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 05/28/2013 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 05/28/2013 M A M A 05/28/2013 ONE TIME VENDOR 05/28/2013 ONE TIME VENDOR 05/28/2013 ONE TIME VENDOR 05/28/2013 CITY OF NORTH ST PAUL 05/28/2013 CITY OF NORTH ST PAUL 05/28/2013 ONE TIME VENDOR 05/28/2013 JOSEPH C. SCHMITZ 05/28/2013 MICHAEL SHORTREED 05/28/2013 SILVER SNEAKERS 05/28/2013 OSWALD HOSE & ADAPTERS 05/28/2013 STEVEN REED 05/28/2013 DR. JAMES ROSSINI 05/28/2013 PAUL THEISEN 327,004.85 44 Checks in this report. 05/28/2013 SILVER SNEAKERS 05/28/2013 ST PAUL, CITY OF 05/28/2013 ST PAUL, CITY OF Packet Page Number 42 of 196 Settlement Date Payee Description Amount 5/20/2013 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 22,846.65 5/21/2013 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 48,170.97 5/21/2013 MN Dept of Revenue Sales Tax 12,258.00 5/22/2013 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 19,709.37 5/22/2013 MN Dept of Revenue Fuel Tax 594.80 5/23/2013 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 26,224.85 5/23/2013 ING - State Plan Deferred Compensation 30,496.50 5/24/2013 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 47,882.36 5/24/2013 MN Dept of Natural Resources DNR electronic licenses 2,200.50 5/24/2013 US Bank VISA One Card*Purchasing card items 40,185.87 5/24/2013 Optum Health DCRP & Flex plan payments 185.45 5/24/2013 ICMA (Vantagepointe)Deferred Compensation 3,980.65 254,735.97 *Detailed listing of VISA purchases is attached. CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Disbursements via Debits to Checking account Packet Page Number 43 of 196 Transaction Date Posting Date Merchant Name Transaction Amount Name 05/09/2013 05/13/2013 MILLS FLEET FARM #2,700 $10.80 DAVE ADAMS 05/02/2013 05/06/2013 FINANCE AND COMMERCE INC $29.00 R CHARLES AHL 05/03/2013 05/06/2013 KEEPRS INC 2 $10.75 PAUL BARTZ 05/08/2013 05/10/2013 MINNESOTA GOVERNMENT F $15.00 GAYLE BAUMAN 05/03/2013 05/07/2013 PAKOR, INC.$473.33 REGAN BEGGS 05/08/2013 05/10/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $105.83 REGAN BEGGS 05/07/2013 05/08/2013 SPIGEN SGP $31.99 CHAD BERGO 05/08/2013 05/09/2013 BESTBUY.COM 00009944 $32.12 CHAD BERGO 05/14/2013 05/15/2013 BEST BUY MHT 00000109 $32.12 CHAD BERGO 05/02/2013 05/06/2013 BROADWAY RENTAL $845.90 CHRISTINE BERNARDY 05/07/2013 05/09/2013 BROADWAY RENTAL $539.11 CHRISTINE BERNARDY 05/02/2013 05/06/2013 STREICHER'S MPLS $17.00 BRIAN BIERDEMAN 05/12/2013 05/14/2013 SUBWAY 00387928 $16.25 BRIAN BIERDEMAN 05/08/2013 05/10/2013 ACORN NATURALISTS-INTE $52.75 OAKLEY BIESANZ 05/09/2013 05/10/2013 KOHL'S #0052 $26.00 JOHN BOHL 05/02/2013 05/06/2013 LAKESHORE PLAYERS INC $144.00 NEIL BRENEMAN 05/06/2013 05/07/2013 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $8.00 NEIL BRENEMAN 05/11/2013 05/13/2013 SUN RAY LANES $337.37 NEIL BRENEMAN 05/11/2013 05/13/2013 CUB FOODS #1599 $106.86 NEIL BRENEMAN 05/12/2013 05/14/2013 WAL-MART #5089 $9.28 NEIL BRENEMAN 05/15/2013 05/16/2013 FLAGHOUSE INC $170.33 NEIL BRENEMAN 05/08/2013 05/09/2013 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES530 $192.32 TROY BRINK 05/14/2013 05/15/2013 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES530 $93.66 TROY BRINK 05/16/2013 05/17/2013 HEJNY RENTAL INC $55.62 TROY BRINK 05/07/2013 05/08/2013 FIRST SHRED $99.00 SARAH BURLINGAME 05/07/2013 05/09/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 ($58.20)SARAH BURLINGAME 05/08/2013 05/10/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $45.42 SARAH BURLINGAME 05/08/2013 05/10/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $12.84 SARAH BURLINGAME 05/14/2013 05/15/2013 CUB FOODS #1599 $33.13 SARAH BURLINGAME 05/13/2013 05/14/2013 NORTHEAST TACTICAL INC $293.75 DAN BUSACK 05/13/2013 05/14/2013 LA POLICE GEAR INC $204.80 DANIEL BUSACK 05/04/2013 05/06/2013 NAPA STORE 3279016 $29.97 JOHN CAPISTRANT 05/09/2013 05/13/2013 SPRINT STORE #226 $37.49 NICHOLAS CARVER 05/03/2013 05/06/2013 ARMCOM DISTRBUTING CO $147.83 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 05/09/2013 05/13/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $64.97 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 05/14/2013 05/15/2013 WW GRAINGER $194.36 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 05/09/2013 05/13/2013 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC.$298.75 KERRY CROTTY 05/02/2013 05/06/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2810 ($37.47)CHARLES DEAVER 05/03/2013 05/06/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2810 $26.67 CHARLES DEAVER 05/08/2013 05/10/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2810 $77.59 CHARLES DEAVER 05/09/2013 05/13/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $20.30 CHARLES DEAVER 05/09/2013 05/13/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $2.22 CHARLES DEAVER 05/10/2013 05/13/2013 G&K SERVICES 182 $97.66 CHARLES DEAVER 05/11/2013 05/13/2013 FRATTALLONES WOODBURY AC $13.48 CHARLES DEAVER 05/13/2013 05/14/2013 WW GRAINGER $95.27 CHARLES DEAVER 05/08/2013 05/10/2013 OFFICE MAX $59.32 RICHARD DOBLAR 05/03/2013 05/06/2013 MED FIT SYSTEMS INC $21.54 TOM DOUGLASS 05/03/2013 05/06/2013 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $4.48 TOM DOUGLASS 05/06/2013 05/08/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 ($213.18)TOM DOUGLASS 05/08/2013 05/09/2013 JOHNSON HEALTH TECH $221.01 TOM DOUGLASS 05/09/2013 05/10/2013 NUCO2 01 OF 01 $151.96 TOM DOUGLASS 05/09/2013 05/10/2013 NUCO2 01 OF 01 $268.15 TOM DOUGLASS 05/09/2013 05/10/2013 NUCO2 01 OF 01 $285.40 TOM DOUGLASS 05/09/2013 05/10/2013 NUCO2 01 OF 01 $276.02 TOM DOUGLASS 05/09/2013 05/10/2013 NUCO2 01 OF 01 $287.51 TOM DOUGLASS 05/10/2013 05/13/2013 LIFE FITNESS $23.46 TOM DOUGLASS 05/11/2013 05/13/2013 LIFE FITNESS $8.97 TOM DOUGLASS 05/13/2013 05/14/2013 WW GRAINGER $132.11 TOM DOUGLASS 05/14/2013 05/15/2013 THERMO DYNE INC $850.00 TOM DOUGLASS 05/15/2013 05/16/2013 TRI DIM FILTER CORP $108.93 TOM DOUGLASS Packet Page Number 44 of 196 05/15/2013 05/16/2013 VIKING SPRINKLER COMPANY $500.00 TOM DOUGLASS 05/16/2013 05/17/2013 TRI DIM FILTER CORP $648.18 TOM DOUGLASS 05/16/2013 05/17/2013 MOGREN LANDSCAPING $281.30 DOUG EDGE 05/08/2013 05/09/2013 TARGET 00009316 $16.06 ANDREW ENGSTROM 05/13/2013 05/15/2013 RED WING SHOE STORE $144.49 ANDREW ENGSTROM 05/10/2013 05/13/2013 WALGREENS #01751 $354.95 PAUL E EVERSON 05/03/2013 05/06/2013 CINTAS 470 $89.20 LARRY FARR 05/03/2013 05/06/2013 UPBEAT $2,120.22 LARRY FARR 05/04/2013 05/06/2013 TARGET 00024067 $22.46 LARRY FARR 05/05/2013 05/06/2013 WM EZPAY $525.27 LARRY FARR 05/05/2013 05/06/2013 WM EZPAY $1,061.92 LARRY FARR 05/05/2013 05/06/2013 WM EZPAY $537.00 LARRY FARR 05/07/2013 05/08/2013 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORP $634.89 LARRY FARR 05/08/2013 05/09/2013 CINTAS 470 $287.10 LARRY FARR 05/10/2013 05/13/2013 G&K SERVICES 182 $352.32 LARRY FARR 05/10/2013 05/13/2013 G&K SERVICES 182 $647.20 LARRY FARR 05/10/2013 05/13/2013 CINTAS 470 $110.22 LARRY FARR 05/10/2013 05/13/2013 CINTAS 470 $26.78 LARRY FARR 05/10/2013 05/13/2013 CINTAS 470 $62.85 LARRY FARR 05/13/2013 05/15/2013 A & K EQUIPMENT CO ($5,000.00)LARRY FARR 05/13/2013 05/15/2013 A & K EQUIPMENT CO ($726.38)LARRY FARR 05/15/2013 05/16/2013 CINTAS 470 $287.10 LARRY FARR 05/15/2013 05/16/2013 MENARDS 3059 $477.52 LARRY FARR 05/16/2013 05/17/2013 OVERHEAD DOOR COMP $304.67 LARRY FARR 05/16/2013 05/17/2013 OVERHEAD DOOR COMP $360.90 LARRY FARR 05/16/2013 05/17/2013 HUNT ELECTRIC CORPORATION $380.36 LARRY FARR 05/10/2013 05/13/2013 FOTH PRODUCTION SOLUTION $110.00 SHANN FINWALL 05/03/2013 05/07/2013 KEEFE CO PARKING $6.75 DAVID FISHER 05/06/2013 05/07/2013 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISB $789.44 MYCHAL FOWLDS 05/09/2013 05/10/2013 TARGET 00011858 $11.13 MYCHAL FOWLDS 05/13/2013 05/15/2013 PAYFLOW/PAYPAL $89.15 MYCHAL FOWLDS 05/01/2013 05/06/2013 CDW GOVERNMENT $75.04 NICK FRANZEN 05/05/2013 05/06/2013 IDU*INSIGHT PUBLIC SEC $152.25 NICK FRANZEN 05/14/2013 05/14/2013 IDU*INSIGHT PUBLIC SEC $156.56 NICK FRANZEN 05/14/2013 05/15/2013 HP DIRECT-PUBLICSECTOR $171.40 NICK FRANZEN 05/15/2013 05/16/2013 IDU*INSIGHT PUBLIC SEC $210.36 NICK FRANZEN 05/15/2013 05/16/2013 IDU*INSIGHT PUBLIC SEC $152.24 NICK FRANZEN 05/03/2013 05/06/2013 BAT CONSERVATION INTL $35.00 CAROLE GERNES 05/07/2013 05/09/2013 GEAR WASH $126.13 CLARENCE GERVAIS 05/15/2013 05/17/2013 OFFICE MAX $26.49 CLARENCE GERVAIS 05/06/2013 05/07/2013 PRAIRIE MOON NURSERY $108.16 JAN GREW HAYMAN 05/09/2013 05/13/2013 DEGE GARDEN CENTER $18.20 JAN GREW HAYMAN 05/16/2013 05/17/2013 U OF M EXTENSION STORE $26.71 JAN GREW HAYMAN 05/07/2013 05/08/2013 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISN $107.37 KAREN GUILFOILE 05/13/2013 05/15/2013 TOKYO GRILL $77.66 KAREN GUILFOILE 05/07/2013 05/08/2013 STATE SUPPLY $96.51 MARK HAAG 05/07/2013 05/09/2013 GOODIN COMPANY $49.46 MARK HAAG 05/14/2013 05/16/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $23.48 MARK HAAG 05/14/2013 05/16/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $25.10 TAMARA HAYS 05/04/2013 05/06/2013 TARGET 00011858 $21.41 STEVEN HIEBERT 05/06/2013 05/07/2013 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $26.81 GARY HINNENKAMP 05/09/2013 05/10/2013 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $52.41 GARY HINNENKAMP 05/09/2013 05/10/2013 DISPLAYS2GOCOM $65.31 RON HORWATH 05/11/2013 05/13/2013 RUBBER STAMP CHAMP $136.98 RON HORWATH 05/07/2013 05/08/2013 ELECTRO WATCHMAN INC $267.19 ANN HUTCHINSON 05/07/2013 05/08/2013 ELECTRO WATCHMAN INC $192.38 ANN HUTCHINSON 05/13/2013 05/15/2013 WILL STEGER FOUNDATION $300.00 ANN HUTCHINSON 05/10/2013 05/13/2013 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC $372.01 DAVID JAHN 05/15/2013 05/17/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $39.45 DAVID JAHN 05/16/2013 05/17/2013 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $8.53 DAVID JAHN 05/03/2013 05/06/2013 PARTY CITY #768 $8.55 TOM KALKA Packet Page Number 45 of 196 05/10/2013 05/13/2013 THE UPS STORE 2171 $13.69 TOM KALKA 05/10/2013 05/13/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $55.56 LOIS KNUTSON 05/10/2013 05/13/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $140.10 LOIS KNUTSON 05/03/2013 05/06/2013 LA POLICE GEAR INC $155.95 TOMMY KONG 05/06/2013 05/08/2013 BOEHMS CYCLING & FITNE $279.96 NICHOLAS KREKELER 05/07/2013 05/08/2013 MENARDS 3059 $44.97 NICHOLAS KREKELER 05/07/2013 05/09/2013 STREICHER'S MPLS $289.57 NICHOLAS KREKELER 05/08/2013 05/09/2013 SAFELITE AUTOGLASS $176.15 NICHOLAS KREKELER 05/15/2013 05/16/2013 FEDEX 078085641499 $7.49 NICHOLAS KREKELER 05/15/2013 05/17/2013 THE COVER STORE $134.24 NICHOLAS KREKELER 05/08/2013 05/09/2013 THOMSON WEST*TCD $306.10 DAVID KVAM 05/14/2013 05/14/2013 COMCAST CABLE COMM $41.00 DAVID KVAM 05/03/2013 05/06/2013 TARGET 00021352 $114.51 MICHAEL LOCHEN 05/07/2013 05/08/2013 ASPEN MILLS INC.$630.80 STEVE LUKIN 05/13/2013 05/15/2013 ASPEN MILLS INC.$163.90 STEVE LUKIN 05/14/2013 05/15/2013 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINT $893.57 STEVE LUKIN 05/06/2013 05/08/2013 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC.$63.80 JASON MARINO 05/02/2013 05/06/2013 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $374.18 MICHAEL MONDOR 05/07/2013 05/09/2013 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $167.40 MICHAEL MONDOR 05/08/2013 05/10/2013 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $98.91 MICHAEL MONDOR 05/08/2013 05/10/2013 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $241.74 MICHAEL MONDOR 05/08/2013 05/10/2013 VIDACARE CORPORATION $1,623.47 MICHAEL MONDOR 05/14/2013 05/16/2013 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $288.05 MICHAEL MONDOR 05/02/2013 05/06/2013 OFFICE MAX $40.47 BRYAN NAGEL 05/05/2013 05/06/2013 CINTAS CORP # 060A $53.51 BRYAN NAGEL 05/05/2013 05/06/2013 CINTAS CORP # 060A $113.34 BRYAN NAGEL 05/07/2013 05/08/2013 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $25.83 JOHN NAUGHTON 05/03/2013 05/06/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $54.43 MARY KAY PALANK 05/10/2013 05/13/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1079 $7.26 MARY KAY PALANK 05/10/2013 05/13/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $188.94 MARY KAY PALANK 05/10/2013 05/13/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $10.88 MARY KAY PALANK 05/15/2013 05/17/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $73.76 MARY KAY PALANK 05/13/2013 05/15/2013 OFFICE MAX $170.30 ROBERT PETERSON 05/15/2013 05/17/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $4.25 ROBERT PETERSON 05/06/2013 05/09/2013 SIRCHIE FINGER PRINT LABO $138.69 PHILIP F POWELL 05/08/2013 05/08/2013 AMAZON.COM $44.60 PHILIP F POWELL 05/11/2013 05/13/2013 AMAZON.COM $36.93 PHILIP F POWELL 05/16/2013 05/17/2013 ONLINE LABELS $65.10 PHILIP F POWELL 05/02/2013 05/06/2013 TRI-STATE BOBCAT $609.19 STEVEN PRIEM 05/02/2013 05/06/2013 WHEELCO BRAKE &SUPPLY $228.60 STEVEN PRIEM 05/02/2013 05/06/2013 CRYSTEEL TRUCK EQUIP INC $296.65 STEVEN PRIEM 05/06/2013 05/07/2013 FACTORY MTR PTS #1 $281.45 STEVEN PRIEM 05/07/2013 05/08/2013 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL 392 $271.39 STEVEN PRIEM 05/07/2013 05/08/2013 AN FORD WHITE BEAR LAK $101.39 STEVEN PRIEM 05/08/2013 05/09/2013 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $9.51 STEVEN PRIEM 05/08/2013 05/09/2013 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL 392 $175.85 STEVEN PRIEM 05/08/2013 05/09/2013 WESTSIDE EQUIPMENT COMPAN $344.34 STEVEN PRIEM 05/09/2013 05/13/2013 TRI-STATE BOBCAT $80.90 STEVEN PRIEM 05/10/2013 05/13/2013 SOL*SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL ($350.86)STEVEN PRIEM 05/10/2013 05/13/2013 RMS-CORPORATE $42.19 STEVEN PRIEM 05/10/2013 05/13/2013 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT INC $64.53 STEVEN PRIEM 05/13/2013 05/14/2013 FIRST AYD CORPORATION $143.36 STEVEN PRIEM 05/14/2013 05/15/2013 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL 392 $38.97 STEVEN PRIEM 05/14/2013 05/15/2013 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL 392 $82.51 STEVEN PRIEM 05/15/2013 05/15/2013 MINNESOTA TRUCKING ASS $180.00 STEVEN PRIEM 05/15/2013 05/16/2013 TOWMASTER $68.82 STEVEN PRIEM 05/15/2013 05/16/2013 FACTORY MTR PTS #1 $238.97 STEVEN PRIEM 05/15/2013 05/16/2013 BOYER TRUCK PARTS $64.11 STEVEN PRIEM 05/15/2013 05/16/2013 BOYER TRUCK PARTS $351.38 STEVEN PRIEM 05/15/2013 05/16/2013 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL 392 $18.91 STEVEN PRIEM 05/16/2013 05/17/2013 POMPS TIRE SERVICE, INC $722.97 STEVEN PRIEM Packet Page Number 46 of 196 05/16/2013 05/17/2013 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL 392 $400.62 STEVEN PRIEM 05/16/2013 05/17/2013 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL 392 $29.71 STEVEN PRIEM 05/05/2013 05/10/2013 WALLY'S UPHOLS80110026 $185.00 KELLY PRINS 05/06/2013 05/08/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $38.38 KELLY PRINS 05/08/2013 05/10/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $81.42 KELLY PRINS 05/15/2013 05/17/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $19.08 KELLY PRINS 05/07/2013 05/09/2013 MINNESOTA OCCUPATIONAL HE $1,494.00 TERRIE RAMEAUX 05/09/2013 05/13/2013 PIONEER PRESS ADVERTISING $975.00 TERRIE RAMEAUX 05/16/2013 05/17/2013 PERSONNEL DECISIONS INT'L $3,174.00 TERRIE RAMEAUX 05/07/2013 05/08/2013 HILLYARD INC MINNEAPOLIS $833.43 MICHAEL REILLY 05/15/2013 05/16/2013 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC $867.59 MICHAEL REILLY 05/06/2013 05/07/2013 GRAFFIC TRAFFIC LLC $142.50 LORI RESENDIZ 05/14/2013 05/15/2013 TARGET 00000687 $29.47 LORI RESENDIZ 05/14/2013 05/16/2013 WATER GEAR INC.$68.48 LORI RESENDIZ 05/03/2013 05/06/2013 TARGET 00006197 $6.17 AUDRA ROBBINS 05/10/2013 05/13/2013 DOLRTREE 2396 00023960 $17.14 AUDRA ROBBINS 05/13/2013 05/14/2013 MINNESOTA PREMIER PUBLICA $200.00 AUDRA ROBBINS 05/02/2013 05/06/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $160.60 ROBERT RUNNING 05/07/2013 05/09/2013 REEDS SALES AND SERVIC $484.31 ROBERT RUNNING 05/09/2013 05/10/2013 LILLIE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPE $148.50 DEB SCHMIDT 05/14/2013 05/15/2013 LILLIE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPE $414.75 DEB SCHMIDT 05/14/2013 05/15/2013 RAINBOW FOO 00088617 $9.90 DEB SCHMIDT 05/10/2013 05/13/2013 G&K SERVICES 182 $1,307.11 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/15/2013 05/17/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $37.68 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/15/2013 05/17/2013 ON SITE SANITATION INC $37.72 SCOTT SCHULTZ 05/03/2013 05/06/2013 BROADWAY RENTAL $493.33 CAITLIN SHERRILL 05/08/2013 05/09/2013 BAKERS-SQUARE-REST #0670 $45.96 CAITLIN SHERRILL 05/08/2013 05/09/2013 BAKERS-SQUARE-REST #0670 $57.94 CAITLIN SHERRILL 05/09/2013 05/13/2013 CVS PHARMACY #1751 Q03 $16.97 CAITLIN SHERRILL 05/10/2013 05/13/2013 TARGET 00011858 $72.66 CAITLIN SHERRILL 05/13/2013 05/14/2013 CUB FOODS #1599 $53.24 CAITLIN SHERRILL 05/15/2013 05/16/2013 PARTY CITY #768 $16.02 CAITLIN SHERRILL 05/15/2013 05/16/2013 PARTY CITY #768 $19.22 CAITLIN SHERRILL 05/15/2013 05/17/2013 A-1 LAUNDRY $18.75 CAITLIN SHERRILL 05/15/2013 05/17/2013 OFFICE MAX $22.47 CAITLIN SHERRILL 05/15/2013 05/17/2013 MICHAELS #2744 $19.22 CAITLIN SHERRILL 05/03/2013 05/06/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $58.13 ANDREA SINDT 05/07/2013 05/09/2013 LIFELINE TRAINING - CA $139.00 JOANNE SVENDSEN 05/10/2013 05/13/2013 LIFELINE TRAINING - CA $129.00 JOANNE SVENDSEN 05/06/2013 05/08/2013 GRUBERS POWER EQUIPMENT $34.66 RONALD SVENDSEN 05/06/2013 05/08/2013 OFFICE MAX $22.48 BRIAN TAUZELL 05/06/2013 05/08/2013 MSP AIRPORT TAXI $38.40 MICHAEL THOMPSON 05/11/2013 05/13/2013 NIKE ALBERTVILLE FS 16 $105.00 JOSEPH TRAN 05/10/2013 05/13/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $79.23 TAMMY YOUNG $40,185.87 Packet Page Number 47 of 196 CHECK #CHECK DATE EMPLOYE E NAME 05/24/13 CAVE, REBECCA 435.16 05/24/13 JUENEMANN, KATHLEEN 435.16 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD EMPLOYEE GROSS EARNINGS REPORT FOR THE CURRENT PAY PERIOD AMOUNT 05/24/13 CARDINAL, ROBERT 435.16 05/24/13 STRAUTMANIS, MARIS 96.00 05/24/13 VALLE, EDWARD 275.00 05/24/13 KOPPEN, MARVIN 435.16 05/24/13 ROSSBACH, WILLIAM 494.44 05/24/13 BURLINGAME, SARAH 2,178.90 05/24/13 KANTRUD, HUGH 184.62 05/24/13 AHL, R. CHARLES 5,070.72 05/24/13 ANTONEN, JAMES 5,406.00 05/24/13 JAHN, DAVID 2,264.44 05/24/13 RAMEAUX, THERESE 3,099.15 05/24/13 CHRISTENSON, SCOTT 1,962.59 05/24/13 FARR, LARRY 3,255.27 05/24/13 DEBILZAN, JUDY 1,346.93 05/24/13 JACKSON, MARY 2,156.11 05/24/13 BAUMAN, GAYLE 4,433.60 05/24/13 ANDERSON, CAROLE 1,130.48 05/24/13 SINDT, ANDREA 2,218.60 05/24/13 BEGGS, REGAN 1,520.99 05/24/13 KELSEY, CONNIE 2,626.68 05/24/13 RUEB, JOSEPH 2,801.00 05/24/13 SPANGLER, EDNA 1,133.50 05/24/13 LARSON, MICHELLE 1,892.19 05/24/13 GUILFOILE, KAREN 4,409.10 05/24/13 SCHMIDT, DEBORAH 2,920.74 05/24/13 OSTER, ANDREA 1,935.10 05/24/13 RICHTER, CHARLENE 1,164.43 05/24/13 MECHELKE, SHERRIE 1,063.27 05/24/13 MOY, PAMELA 1,542.56 05/24/13 WEAVER, KRISTINE 2,389.00 05/24/13 CARLE, JEANETTE 600.00 05/24/13 SCHOENECKER, LEIGH 1,671.39 05/24/13 VITT, SANDRA 956.27 05/24/13 PALANK, MARY 1,932.80 05/24/13 POWELL, PHILIP 2,970.49 05/24/13 CORCORAN, THERESA 1,928.19 05/24/13 KVAM, DAVID 4,687.84 05/24/13 ABEL, CLINT 2,972.24 05/24/13 ALDRIDGE, MARK 3,214.37 05/24/13 SVENDSEN, JOANNE 2,131.82 05/24/13 THOMFORDE, FAITH 1,520.99 Packet Page Number 48 of 196 05/24/13 BELDE, STANLEY 3,032.49 05/24/13 BENJAMIN, MARKESE 2,859.07 05/24/13 BAKKE, LONN 3,156.59 05/24/13 BARTZ, PAUL 4,448.57 05/24/13 BUSACK, DANIEL 3,807.43 05/24/13 CARNES, JOHN 2,217.56 05/24/13 BIERDEMAN, BRIAN 3,496.12 05/24/13 BOHL, JOHN 3,222.23 05/24/13 DOBLAR, RICHARD 4,054.83 05/24/13 DUGAS, MICHAEL 4,718.56 05/24/13 CROTTY, KERRY 3,647.20 05/24/13 DEMULLING, JOSEPH 2,859.07 05/24/13 FRITZE, DEREK 3,662.25 05/24/13 GABRIEL, ANTHONY 3,294.89 05/24/13 ERICKSON, VIRGINIA 3,222.23 05/24/13 FORSYTHE, MARCUS 2,488.41 05/24/13 HIEBERT, STEVEN 3,647.45 05/24/13 JOHNSON, KEVIN 4,368.95 05/24/13 HAWKINSON JR, TIMOTHY 2,872.41 05/24/13 HER, PHENG 2,872.41 05/24/13 KREKELER, NICHOLAS 910.81 05/24/13 KROLL, BRETT 2,918.46 05/24/13 KALKA, THOMAS 954.09 05/24/13 KONG, TOMMY 3,019.38 05/24/13 LU, JOHNNIE 3,060.36 05/24/13 LYNCH, KATHERINE 2,488.41 05/24/13 LANGNER, SCOTT 3,135.14 05/24/13 LANGNER, TODD 3,021.58 05/24/13 MCCARTY, GLEN 3,337.58 05/24/13 METRY, ALESIA 3,592.35 05/24/13 MARINO, JASON 3,241.11 05/24/13 MARTIN, JERROLD 3,662.99 05/24/13 PARKER, JAMES 2,488.41 05/24/13 REZNY, BRADLEY 3,436.10 05/24/13 NYE, MICHAEL 3,508.32 05/24/13 OLSON, JULIE 2,991.93 05/24/13 STEINER, JOSEPH 3,543.52 05/24/13 SYPNIEWSKI, WILLIAM 2,918.46 05/24/13 RHUDE, MATTHEW 2,918.46 05/24/13 SHORTREED, MICHAEL 4,141.66 05/24/13 THEISEN, PAUL 3,080.97 05/24/13 THIENES, PAUL 3,683.68 05/24/13 SZCZEPANSKI, THOMAS 3,059.72 05/24/13 TAUZELL, BRIAN 3,030.36 05/24/13 XIONG, KAO 2,972.24 05/24/13 ANDERSON, BRIAN 487.95 05/24/13 TRAN, JOSEPH 3,080.97 05/24/13 WENZEL, JAY 3,142.69 05/24/13 BAUMAN, ANDREW 2,827.76 05/24/13 BOURQUIN, RON 999.66 05/24/13 BAHL, DAVID 463.97 05/24/13 BASSETT, BRENT 393.23 Packet Page Number 49 of 196 05/24/13 CRAWFORD - JR, RAYMON 809.18 05/24/13 CRUMMY, CHARLES 207.17 05/24/13 CAPISTRANT, JACOB 206.78 05/24/13 CAPISTRANT, JOHN 707.27 05/24/13 EATON, PAUL 757.07 05/24/13 EVERSON, PAUL 3,292.18 05/24/13 DABRUZZI, THOMAS 2,305.08 05/24/13 DAWSON, RICHARD 3,085.31 05/24/13 HALE, JOSEPH 249.20 05/24/13 HALWEG, JODI 2,896.62 05/24/13 FASULO, WALTER 427.31 05/24/13 HAGEN, MICHAEL 760.84 05/24/13 IMM, TRACY 358.42 05/24/13 JANSEN, CHAD 277.49 05/24/13 HAWTHORNE, ROCHELLE 2,799.46 05/24/13 HUTCHINSON, JAMES 748.33 05/24/13 KANE, ROBERT 872.89 05/24/13 KARRAS, JAMIE 834.14 05/24/13 JONES, JONATHAN 59.35 05/24/13 JUREK, GREGORY 2,312.14 05/24/13 KUBAT, ERIC 2,974.94 05/24/13 LINDER, TIMOTHY 2,750.49 05/24/13 KERSKA, JOSEPH 787.94 05/24/13 KONDER, RONALD 656.02 05/24/13 MILLER, NICHOLAS 328.21 05/24/13 MONDOR, MICHAEL 3,417.90 05/24/13 LOCHEN, MICHAEL 694.82 05/24/13 MILLER, LADD 704.09 05/24/13 NIELSEN, KENNETH 360.70 05/24/13 NOVAK, JEROME 2,950.53 05/24/13 MONSON, PETER 550.56 05/24/13 MORGAN, JEFFERY 342.24 05/24/13 OPHEIM, JOHN 640.13 05/24/13 PACHECO, ALPHONSE 667.00 05/24/13 NOWICKI, PAUL 359.42 05/24/13 OLSON, JAMES 3,893.36 05/24/13 POWERS, KENNETH 136.13 05/24/13 RAINEY, JAMES 518.10 05/24/13 PETERSON, MARK 723.09 05/24/13 PETERSON, ROBERT 3,021.46 05/24/13 REYNOSO, ANGEL 354.27 05/24/13 RICE, CHRISTOPHER 617.16 05/24/13 RANK, NATHAN 975.69 05/24/13 RANK, PAUL 686.17 05/24/13 SEDLACEK, JEFFREY 2,752.86 05/24/13 STREFF, MICHAEL 3,005.36 05/24/13 RODRIGUEZ, ROBERTO 255.74 05/24/13 SCHULTZ, JEROME 666.08 05/24/13 GERVAIS-JR, CLARENCE 4,035.01 05/24/13 LUKIN, STEVEN 4,674.56 05/24/13 SVENDSEN, RONALD 3,153.10 05/24/13 WHITE, JOEL 356.45 Packet Page Number 50 of 196 05/24/13 KNUTSON, LOIS 2,084.19 05/24/13 BRINK, TROY 2,425.47 05/24/13 ZWIEG, SUSAN 1,742.37 05/24/13 CORTESI, LUANNE 1,392.60 05/24/13 EDGE, DOUGLAS 2,198.96 05/24/13 JONES, DONALD 2,240.60 05/24/13 BUCKLEY, BRENT 2,564.78 05/24/13 DEBILZAN, THOMAS 2,191.21 05/24/13 OSWALD, ERICK 2,485.56 05/24/13 RUIZ, RICARDO 1,666.19 05/24/13 MEISSNER, BRENT 2,065.39 05/24/13 NAGEL, BRYAN 3,595.60 05/24/13 BURLINGAME, NATHAN 2,150.40 05/24/13 DUCHARME, JOHN 2,776.80 05/24/13 RUNNING, ROBERT 2,668.68 05/24/13 TEVLIN, TODD 2,201.20 05/24/13 KREGER, JASON 4,425.20 05/24/13 LINDBLOM, RANDAL 3,721.50 05/24/13 ENGSTROM, ANDREW 3,058.27 05/24/13 JAROSCH, JONATHAN 2,966.60 05/24/13 ZIEMAN, SCOTT 172.50 05/24/13 JANASZAK, MEGHAN 1,593.79 05/24/13 LOVE, STEVEN 3,629.46 05/24/13 THOMPSON, MICHAEL 4,314.71 05/24/13 HAYS, TAMARA 1,636.19 05/24/13 HINNENKAMP, GARY 2,495.01 05/24/13 KONEWKO, DUWAYNE 4,467.89 05/24/13 HAMRE, MILES 1,600.80 05/24/13 BIESANZ, OAKLEY 1,384.40 05/24/13 DEAVER, CHARLES 891.24 05/24/13 NAUGHTON, JOHN 2,176.19 05/24/13 NORDQUIST, RICHARD 2,178.49 05/24/13 HUTCHINSON, ANN 2,682.02 05/24/13 SOUTTER, CHRISTINE 136.00 05/24/13 GERNES, CAROLE 816.00 05/24/13 HAYMAN, JANET 1,570.49 05/24/13 KROLL, LISA 1,928.19 05/24/13 SWANSON, CHRIS 684.00 05/24/13 WACHAL, KAREN 927.29 05/24/13 GAYNOR, VIRGINIA 2,944.18 05/24/13 EKSTRAND, THOMAS 3,867.33 05/24/13 FINWALL, SHANN 3,274.59 05/24/13 THOMPSON, DEBRA 772.20 05/24/13 YOUNG, TAMELA 2,084.19 05/24/13 CARVER, NICHOLAS 3,284.18 05/24/13 FISHER, DAVID 3,845.86 05/24/13 MARTIN, MICHAEL 2,799.39 05/24/13 BRASH, JASON 2,544.99 05/24/13 ACEITUNO, FELIPE 119.00 05/24/13 BERGER, STEPHANIE 342.00 05/24/13 SWAN, DAVID 2,802.59 05/24/13 WELLENS, MOLLY 1,748.90 Packet Page Number 51 of 196 05/24/13 FRANK, PETER 117.00 05/24/13 LARSON, KATELYN 56.00 05/24/13 BJORK, BRANDON 209.00 05/24/13 BRENEMAN, NEIL 2,296.28 05/24/13 SCHALLER, TYLER 63.44 05/24/13 SHERWOOD, CHRISTIAN 484.00 05/24/13 ROBBINS, AUDRA 3,209.84 05/24/13 SCHALLER, SCOTT 162.75 05/24/13 HAAG, MARK 2,564.03 05/24/13 ORE, JORDAN 1,651.01 05/24/13 TAYLOR, JAMES 2,912.48 05/24/13 ADAMS, DAVID 1,965.45 05/24/13 AKEY, SHELLEY 197.76 05/24/13 BERNARDY, CHRISTINE 2,479.65 05/24/13 SCHULTZ, SCOTT 3,384.95 05/24/13 WILBER, JEFFREY 1,582.84 05/24/13 GLASS, JEAN 2,151.73 05/24/13 HER, PETER 127.95 05/24/13 CRAWFORD - JR, RAYMON 420.86 05/24/13 EVANS, CHRISTINE 1,435.90 05/24/13 KELLEY, CAITLIN 962.29 05/24/13 KULHANEK-DIONNE, ANN 463.00 05/24/13 HOFMEISTER, MARY 1,125.18 05/24/13 HOFMEISTER, TIMOTHY 388.85 05/24/13 VANG, TIM 438.00 05/24/13 VUE, LOR PAO 328.21 05/24/13 MUSKAT, JULIE 91.00 05/24/13 PELOQUIN, PENNYE 612.40 05/24/13 ANDERSON, JOSHUA 622.50 05/24/13 BAETZOLD, CLAIRE 73.50 05/24/13 AICHELE, MEGAN 55.88 05/24/13 ANDERSON, ALYSSA 32.38 05/24/13 BESTER, MICHAEL 86.25 05/24/13 BRUSOE, CRISTINA 40.95 05/24/13 BAETZOLD, SETH 18.13 05/24/13 BAUDE, SARAH 50.88 05/24/13 CLARK, PAMELA 58.65 05/24/13 CRANDALL, KRISTA 278.25 05/24/13 BUCKLEY, BRITTANY 169.50 05/24/13 BUTLER, ANGELA 90.00 05/24/13 DRECHSEL, SARAH 29.38 05/24/13 DUNN, RYAN 1,145.53 05/24/13 DEMPSEY, BETH 63.12 05/24/13 DIONNE, DANIELLE 13.95 05/24/13 ERICSON, RACHEL 27.90 05/24/13 FLORES, LUIS 202.00 05/24/13 EHLE, DANIEL 141.64 05/24/13 ERICKSON-CLARK, CAROL 74.24 05/24/13 FRAMPTON, SAMANTHA 209.00 05/24/13 GIEL, NICOLE 33.69 05/24/13 FONTAINE, KIM 634.01 05/24/13 FOX, KELLY 120.00 Packet Page Number 52 of 196 05/24/13 HASSAN, KIANA 113.15 05/24/13 HEINRICH, SHEILA 574.64 05/24/13 GRUENHAGEN, LINDA 361.95 05/24/13 HAGSTROM, EMILY 108.04 05/24/13 JOHNSON, BARBARA 407.25 05/24/13 JOHNSON, KAITLYN 32.73 05/24/13 HOLMBERG, LADONNA 384.77 05/24/13 HORWATH, RONALD 2,772.88 05/24/13 KOZDROJ, GABRIELLA 112.50 05/24/13 LAMEYER, BRENT 36.25 05/24/13 JOYER, ANTHONY 66.60 05/24/13 KOHLER, ROCHELLE 74.00 05/24/13 MCCOMAS, LEAH 150.50 05/24/13 MCCORMACK, MELISSA 110.25 05/24/13 LAMSON, ELIANA 27.00 05/24/13 LEKO, LINDSAY 47.25 05/24/13 NITZ, CARA 192.00 05/24/13 NORTHOUSE, KATHERINE 100.80 05/24/13 MEDD, KELLY 39.00 05/24/13 NADEAU, TAYLOR 55.80 05/24/13 RESENDIZ, LORI 2,285.54 05/24/13 RICHTER, DANIEL 113.40 05/24/13 PROESCH, ANDY 650.46 05/24/13 RANEY, COURTNEY 832.25 05/24/13 SCHREIER, ROSEMARIE 374.00 05/24/13 SMITH, ANN 195.22 05/24/13 ROLLERSON, TERRANCE 30.00 05/24/13 SCHMIDT, EMILY 38.68 05/24/13 TREPANIER, TODD 287.50 05/24/13 TRUE, ANDREW 13.35 05/24/13 SMITH, CASEY 189.54 05/24/13 SMITLEY, SHARON 356.15 05/24/13 VANG, XANG 93.00 05/24/13 WARNER, CAROLYN 138.60 05/24/13 TUPY, HEIDE 22.90 05/24/13 TUPY, MARCUS 47.50 05/24/13 BOSLEY, CAROL 108.00 05/24/13 HITE, ANDREA 168.50 05/24/13 WEINHAGEN, SHELBY 260.75 05/24/13 YUNKER, JOSEPH 182.00 05/24/13 PENN, CAYLA 75.00 05/24/13 BORCHERT, JONATHAN 210.38 05/24/13 LANGER, CHELSEA 199.75 05/24/13 LANGER, KAYLYN 112.63 05/24/13 DYER, KATELYN 216.75 05/24/13 MAIDMENT, COLIN 259.25 05/24/13 CRAWFORD, SHAWN 531.00 05/24/13 DOUGLASS, TOM 2,269.33 05/24/13 REILLY, MICHAEL 1,962.59 05/24/13 SINDT, DARIEN 161.50 05/24/13 MALONEY, SHAUNA 333.00 05/24/13 PRINS, KELLY 1,716.19 Packet Page Number 53 of 196 9989343 9989344 9989345 9989346 9989347 9989348 9989349 05/24/13 COUNTRYMAN, BRENDA 1,280.00 05/24/13 AICHELE, CRAIG 2,231.39 05/24/13 SPEARS, SHYTIANA 327.26 05/24/13 THOMPSON, BENJAMIN 382.50 05/24/13 BERGO, CHAD 2,741.50 05/24/13 FOWLDS, MYCHAL 3,872.29 05/24/13 PRIEM, STEVEN 2,463.84 05/24/13 WOEHRLE, MATTHEW 2,262.27 05/24/13 SCOTT, HALEY 72.15 05/24/13 SMITH, JEROME 96.00 05/24/13 FRANZEN, NICHOLAS 2,789.40 05/24/13 SCHREIER, ABIGAIL 30.39 505,697.53 05/24/13 CUSICK, JESSICA 297.50 05/24/13 STEFFEN, MICHAEL 102.00 05/24/13 WALES, ABIGAIL 294.86 05/24/13 RANGEL, SAMANTHA 28.00 Packet Page Number 54 of 196 Check Description Amount 90022 03877 REGISTRATION FEE - C SWANSON 20.00 90023 01936 REIMB FOR MILEAGE & INTERNET 405.69 90024 02149 MARKETING & ADVERTISING - MAY 4,000.00 90025 04137 KARATE INSTRUCTION 1,161.84 90026 02396 REIMB FOR MILEAGE 66.39 90027 01949 SCREENING PART-TIME FIREFIGHTERS 1,950.00 90028 02728 PROJ 09-08 PROF SRVS THRU 04/30 13,178.43 02728 PROJ 04-21 PROF SRVS THRU 04/30 5,248.32 02728 TIF ELIGIBLE IMPROVEMENT 1,990.15 02728 PROJ 10-12 PROF SRVS THRU 04/30 400.16 90029 01337 FLEET SUPPORT FEE - MAY 414.96 90030 01409 ENGINEERING CONSULTING FEES 7,787.72 90031 02274 SPRINT SRVS 03/15 - 04/14 8,075.99 02274 SPRINT SRVS 04/15 - 05/14 7,653.55 90032 01190 ELECTRIC & GAS UTILITY 20,746.36 01190 ELECTRIC & GAS UTILITY 6,733.55 01190 ELECTRIC & GAS UTILITY 2,665.83 90033 01798 CONTRACT GASOLINE - MAY 17,859.54 90034 03964 LOCATES FOR SOIL BORING ANALYSIS 165.69 90035 04848 MONTHLY PREMIUM - JUNE 259.27 90036 05160 GUITAR INSTRUCTION 354.00 90037 04345 APPRAISAL REPORT LONDIN LN FIRE ST 2,250.00 90038 02929 LTC MONTHLY PREMIUM - JUNE 366.84 90039 05216 REIMB FOR TUITION & BOOKS 1/14-5/6 1,638.79 90040 03597 REIMB FOR MILEAGE 4/18 - 5/16 13.84 90041 04992 2012 AUDIT - FINAL PMT 2,650.00 90042 04584 ANNUAL SUB DAILY TRAINING BULLETINS 5,400.00 90043 00982 STRUCTURAL LEATHER BOOTS 18,202.20 00982 FIRE GEAR 8,329.74 90044 00993 SCANNING OF HOUSE FILES - CYCLE 5 5,185.11 00993 SCANNING OF HOUSE FILES - CYCLE 6 4,893.34 00993 SCANNING OF HOUSE FILES - CYCLE 4 4,468.87 00993 SCANNING OF HOUSE FILES - CYCLE 2 4,300.75 90045 04007 HOSPITALITY FEE FOR 2013 35.00 90046 01126 MONTHLY PREMIUM - JUNE 480.00 90047 00001 REIMB M MULLIGAN TOPSOIL & SEED 100.00 90048 01302 REIMB FOR MILEAGE 05/14 9.04 90049 01327 KIDS FIRE PREVENTION ITEMS 398.58 90050 02001 PHONE SERVICE - MAY 1,436.20 90051 03879 EMS FEES - JUNE 738.67 90052 01669 FORFEITED VEHICLE TOWING FEE-APRIL 374.05 90053 04334 RIFLE AMMUNITION FOR RANGE 9,980.00 06/04/2013 TWIN CITIES TRANSPORT & 06/04/2013 ULTRAMAX 172,388.46 32 Checks in this report. 06/04/2013 RDJ SPECIALTIES INC 06/04/2013 CITY OF ROSEVILLE 06/04/2013 SANSIO 06/04/2013 NCPERS MINNESOTA 06/04/2013 ONE TIME VENDOR 06/04/2013 STEVEN PRIEM 06/04/2013 MID-AMERICA BUSINESS SYSTEMS 06/04/2013 MID-AMERICA BUSINESS SYSTEMS 06/04/2013 MN DEPT OF HEALTH 06/04/2013 METRO FIRE INC 06/04/2013 MID-AMERICA BUSINESS SYSTEMS 06/04/2013 MID-AMERICA BUSINESS SYSTEMS 06/04/2013 KERN, DEWENTER, VIERE, LTD 06/04/2013 LEXIPOL LLC 06/04/2013 METRO FIRE INC 06/04/2013 GLTC PREMIUM PAYMENTS 06/04/2013 ROCHELLE HAWTHORNE 06/04/2013 MARY JO HOFMEISTER 06/04/2013 AVESIS 06/04/2013 JOSE D CARBAJAL 06/04/2013 DAHLEN, DWYER & FOLEY INC. 06/04/2013 XCEL ENERGY 06/04/2013 YOCUM OIL CO. 06/04/2013 ACCESS COMMUNICATIONS INC 06/04/2013 SPRINT 06/04/2013 XCEL ENERGY 06/04/2013 XCEL ENERGY 06/04/2013 RAMSEY COUNTY-PROP REC & REV 06/04/2013 S E H 06/04/2013 SPRINT 06/04/2013 KIMLEY-HORN & ASSOCIATES INC 06/04/2013 KIMLEY-HORN & ASSOCIATES INC 06/04/2013 KIMLEY-HORN & ASSOCIATES INC 06/04/2013 SHANN FINWALL 06/04/2013 GARY L FISCHLER & ASSOC PA 06/04/2013 KIMLEY-HORN & ASSOCIATES INC 06/04/2013 CHAD BERGO 06/04/2013 HEIDI CAREY 06/04/2013 THE EDGE MARTIAL ARTS Check Register City of Maplewood 05/31/2013 Date Vendor 06/04/2013 ASSOC OF RECYCLING MANAGERS Packet Page Number 55 of 196 Settlement Date Payee Description Amount 5/28/2013 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 29,643.00 5/28/2013 U.S. Treasurer Federal Payroll Tax 97,696.35 5/28/2013 P.E.R.A.P.E.R.A.87,447.60 5/28/2013 MidAmerica - ING HRA Flex plan 14,571.94 5/28/2013 Labor Unions Union Dues 3,523.12 5/29/2013 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 29,637.35 5/29/2013 MN State Treasurer State Payroll Tax 20,093.10 5/30/2013 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 28,387.68 5/30/2013 US Bank Bank fees 111.08 5/31/2013 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 50,085.13 5/31/2013 Optum Health DCRP & Flex plan payments 1,772.65 362,969.00 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Disbursements via Debits to Checking account Packet Page Number 56 of 196 P:\council files\agendas\2012\061-annual-insurance tort waiver consent Agenda Item G2 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Gayle Bauman, Finance Director SUBJECT: Approval to Maintain Statutory Tort Liability Limits DATE: May 15, 2013 for June 10, 2013 council meeting BACKGROUND Cities obtaining liability coverage from the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust must decide each year whether or not to waive the statutory tort liability limits to the extent of the coverage purchased. The decision to waive or not to waive the statutory limits has the following effects:  If the city does not waive the statutory tort limits, an individual claimant would be able to recover no more than $500,000 on any claim to which the statutory tort limits apply. The total which all claimants would be able to recover for a single occurrence to which the statutory tort limits apply would be limited to $1,500,000. These statutory tort limits would apply regardless of whether or not the city purchases the optional excess liability coverage.  If the city waives the statutory tort limits and does not purchase excess liability coverage, a single claimant could potentially recover up to $1,500,000 on a single occurrence. The total which all claimants would be able to recover for a single occurrence to which the statutory tort limits apply would also be limited to $1,500,000, regardless of the number of claimants.  If the city waives the statutory tort limits and purchases excess liability coverage, a single claimant could potentially recover an amount up to the limit of the coverage purchased. The total which all claimants would be able to recover for a single occurrence to which the statutory tort limits apply would also be limited to the amount of coverage purchased, regardless of the number of claimants. Claims to which the statutory municipal tort limits do not apply are not affected by this decision. This decision must be made by the City Council. The City has elected to not waive the statutory tort limits in the past which would limit recovery to $500,000 per claimant and $1,500,000 per occurrence for the upcoming policy period. A resolution is not required unless the Council changes their decision from one year to the next. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the council keep the election in place to not waive the monetary limits on municipal tort liability established by Minnesota Statutes 466.04. Packet Page Number 57 of 196 P:\council files\agendas\2012\061 insurance agent 12‐13 consent    Agenda Item G3 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Gayle Bauman, Finance Director SUBJECT: Approval of Resolution Authorizing Purchase of Insurance Agent Services DATE: May 15, 2013 for June 10, 2013 council meeting INTRODUCTION Council authorization is requested to purchase insurance agent and broker of record services from Arthur J. Gallagher and Company at a cost of $12,000 for the period from 7/1/13 through 6/30/14. The current cost is $12,000. This company serves as the broker of record for the city’s property and liability insurance coverage that is with the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust. This is a recurring contract. Arthur J. Gallagher and Company was selected through a request for proposals (RFP) process in 2004. FINANCIAL IMPACT This cost is budgeted for in the 2013 budget. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends adoption of the attached resolution to retain Arthur J. Gallagher and Company as insurance agent for the city of Maplewood at a cost of $12,000. Attachment Packet Page Number 58 of 196 P:\council files\agendas\2012\061 insurance agent 12‐13 consent    Councilmember _______________________ introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED THAT Arthur J. Gallagher and Company be re-appointed as the broker of record and insurance agent at a cost of $12,000 for the insurance year starting July 1, 2013 and continuing through June 30, 2014. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilmember _____________________ and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor and the following voted against the same: Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the City of Maplewood, Minnesota, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the attached resolution is a true and correct copy of an extract of minutes of a meeting of the City Council of the City of Maplewood, Minnesota duly called and held, as such minutes relate to the re- appointment of Arthur J. Gallagher and Company as the broker of record and insurance agent for the City of Maplewood starting July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014. ______________________________ City Clerk Packet Page Number 59 of 196 Item G4 MEMORANDUM TO: Jim Antonen, City Manager FROM: Karen Guilfoile, Citizen Services Director DATE: June 6, 2013 SUBJECT: Approval of Resolution for a Temporary Gambling Permit for White Bear Avenue Business Association Introduction Leslie Nelson, on behalf of the White Bear Avenue Business Association, has applied for a temporary gambling permit for the Ramsey County Fair that will be held from July 10 through July 14, 2013. The Ramsey County Fair is an annual event and funds raised will be used for community events in the area. In order for the State of Minnesota to issue a temporary gambling permit, approval of the following resolution from the City is required. RESOLUTION BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota, that the temporary gambling permit is approved for White Bear Avenue Business Association to be used at the Ramsey County Fair, 2020 White Bear Avenue, Maplewood, MN from July 10 through July 14, 2013. FURTHERMORE, that the Maplewood City Council waives any objection to the timeliness of application for said permit as governed by Minnesota Statute §349.213. FURTHERMORE, that the Maplewood City Council requests that the Gambling Control Division of the Minnesota Department of Gaming approve said permit application as being in compliance with Minnesota Statute §349.213. NOW, THEREFORE, be it further resolved that this Resolution by the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota, be forwarded to the Gambling Control Division for their approval. Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council approve the Resolution for a temporary gambling permit for White Bear Avenue Business Association for the Ramsey County Fair, 2020 White Bear Avenue. Packet Page Number 60 of 196 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Michael Thompson, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Steve Love, Assistant City Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Resolution Directing Modification of Existing Construction Contract, Change Order No. 3, Bartelmy-Meyer Area Street Improvements, City Project 11-14 DATE: May 16, 2013 INTRODUCTION The City Council will consider approving the attached resolution directing the modification of the existing construction contract for the Bartelmy-Meyer Area Street Improvements, City Project 11-14. The modifications include the addition of bituminous sawing and sealing of all the roadways within the project limits. BACKGROUND On May 14, 2012, the council awarded T.A. Schifsky and Sons, Inc. a construction contract for grading, aggregate base, bituminous surfacing, concrete curb and gutter, concrete sidewalk, bituminous trail, storm sewer, and utility improvements in the amount of $2,879,389.33. There have been two previous change orders for a total amount of $151,334.02 to the contract to date. The current approved construction contract total is $3,030,723.35. DISCUSSION Change Order No. 3 The City of Maplewood policy on recent street reconstruction projects is to perform sawing and sealing of the bituminous roadways once final paving has been completed. The bituminous sawing will force the location of the transverse cracking that typically occurs on bituminous roadways. The sealing of the sawcuts will prevent moisture from penetrating the pavement section through these cracks, which will decrease roadway pavement life expectancy. The Engineer has estimated the total quantity to be 6,000 linear feet. The Contractor provided a price of $3.00 per linear foot to perform this work. The total estimated cost for this additional work is $18,000. BUDGET Approval of Change Order No. 3 will increase the project construction contract amount by $18,000.00 from $3,030,723.35 to $3,048,723.35. No adjustments to the approved budget are needed at this time as overall expenditures (including this change order) are expected to come in under the approved budget by roughly $200,000. Agenda Item G5 Packet Page Number 61 of 196 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve the attached Resolution Directing Modification of Existing Construction Contract, Change Order No. 3 for the Bartelmy-Meyer Area Street Improvements, City Project 11-14. Attachments: 1. Resolution 2. Change Order Form Agenda Item G5 Packet Page Number 62 of 196 RESOLUTION DIRECTING MODIFICATION OF EXISTING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT PROJECT 11-14, CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 WHEREAS, the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota has heretofore ordered made Improvements Project 11-14, Bartelmy-Meyer Area Street Improvements, and has let a construction contract pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, and WHEREAS, it is now necessary and expedient that said contract be modified and designated as Improvement Project 11-14, Change Order No. 3. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA, that: 1. The mayor and city clerk are hereby authorized and directed to modify the existing contract by executing said Change Order No. 3 which is an increase of $18,000.00. The revised contract amount is $3,048,723.35. Adopted by the Maplewood City Council on this 10th day of June 2013. Agenda Item G5 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 63 of 196 Page 1 of 1 CHANGE ORDER CITY OF MAPLEWOOD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT NAME: Bartelmy-Meyer Area Street Improvements PROJECT NO: City Project 11-14 CONTRACTOR: T.A. Schifsky and Sons, Inc. CHANGE ORDER NO.: Three (3) DATE: May 16, 2013 The following changes shall be made in the contract documents: ADD BID SCHEDULE CO #3 – CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 Item Unit No. Item Description Unit Quantity Price Amount 1 Bituminous Saw and Seal LF 6,000.00 $3.00 $18,000.00 TOTAL SCHEDULE CO #3 $18,000.00 TOTAL NET CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 $18,000.00 CONTRACT STATUS: Original Contract: $2,879,389.33 Net Change of Prior Change: $151,334.02 Change this Change Order: $18,000.00 Revised Contract: $3,048,723.35 Recommended By: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. By: Date: Agreed to By: T.A. Schifsky and Sons, Inc. By: Date: Approved By: City of Maplewood By: Date: Mayor By: Date: City Engineer Agenda Item G5 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 64 of 196 Project Name: Project #: Work Order #: Date: Unit Quantity Unit Price Amount LF 6000 $3.00 $18,000.00 $18,000.00 Prepared By:Date:5/15/2013 Chris Grimes - Project Manager/Estimator (Sign Above) Accepted By:Date: Engineer/Owner (Sign Above) Contractor's Guarantee EXTRA WORK ORDER Items Saw and Seal Existing Asphalt Surface The following changes were made to contract documents: The city would like to proceed with saw and sealing the asphalt on the Bartelmy-Meyer Project. This extra work order reflects the agreed upon price City of Maplewood (Bartelmy and Meyer Area) 12-028 (Kimley-Horn) T. A. Schifsky & Sons, Inc. 2370 Highway 36 East North St. Paul, MN 55109 Phone (651) 777-1313 www.taschifsky.com Fax (651) 777-7843 37 (TAS) 5/15/2013 We guarantee all material used and workmanship on this extra work order. Quantities to be as specified above and prices guaranteed for 30 days. Lump Sum Total = Notes: Description: Complete a saw and seal on the existing asphalt surface and the approx. length is 6000 LF Agenda Item G5 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 65 of 196 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Michael Thompson, Director of Public Works/City Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Resolution Directing Modification of Existing Construction Contract, Change Order No. 2, Gladstone Area Phase I Bid Package 2 Improvements, City Project 04-21 DATE: June 4, 2013 INTRODUCTION The City Council will consider approving the attached resolution directing the modification of the existing construction contract for the Gladstone Area Phase I Bid Package 2 Improvements, City Project 04-21. The modifications include additional landscaping at the southeast corner of the Frost Avenue and East Shore Drive intersection. BACKGROUND On May 14, 2012, the council awarded Arnt Construction Company a construction contract for grading, trail, retaining wall, and landscaping improvements in the amount of $990,186.60. There has been one previous change order in the amount of $26,986.40 to the contract to date. The current approved construction contract total is $1,017,173.00. DISCUSSION The Gladstone Phase I Improvements included the construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Frost Avenue and East Shore Drive. The roundabout required the construction of a retaining wall at the southeast corner of this intersection adjacent the Virginia Davis property. City staff coordinated extensively with Virginia Davis on the acquisition of an easement to construct the retaining wall and adjacent sidewalk. Once construction was complete, Ms. Davis expressed concern about her ability to maintain the slope above the new retaining wall. After reviewing the field conditions and meeting with Ms. Davis, City staff agreed that this slope should be covered with a low-maintenance landscaping plan in lieu of grass that would need to be mowed on a regular basis. A landscaping plan was developed and provided to the Contractor. BUDGET Approval of Change Order No. 2 will increase the project construction contract amount by $14,477.10 from $1,017,173.00 to $1,031,650.10. No adjustments to the approved budget are needed at this time. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve the attached Resolution Directing Modification of Existing Construction Contract, Change Order No. 2, for the Gladstone Phase 1 Bid Package 2 Improvements, City Project 04-21. Attachments: 1. Resolution 2. Change Order Form Agenda Item G6 Packet Page Number 66 of 196 RESOLUTION DIRECTING MODIFICATION OF EXISTING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT PROJECT 04-21, CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 WHEREAS, the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota has heretofore ordered made Improvements Project 04-21, Gladstone Area Phase I Bid Package 2 Improvements, and has let a construction contract pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, and WHEREAS, it is now necessary and expedient that said contract be modified and designated as Improvement Project 04-21, Change Order No. 2. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA, that: 1. The mayor and city clerk are hereby authorized and directed to modify the existing contract by executing said Change Order No. 2 which is an increase of $14,477.10. The revised contract amount is $1,031,650.10. Adopted by the Maplewood City Council on this 10th day of June 2013. Agenda Item G6 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 67 of 196 Page 1 of 1 CHANGE ORDER CITY OF MAPLEWOOD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT NAME: Gladstone Area Phase 1 Bid Package 2 Improvements PROJECT NO: City Project 04-21 CONTRACTOR: Arnt Construction Company CHANGE ORDER NO.: Two (2) DATE: May 17, 2013 The following changes shall be made in the contract documents: ADD BID SCHEDULE CO #2 – ADDITIONAL LANDSCAPING Item Unit No. Item Description Unit Quantity Price Amount 1 Additional Landscaping LS 1 $14,477.10 $14,477.10 TOTAL SCHEDULE CO #2 $14,477.10 TOTAL NET CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 $14,477.10 CONTRACT STATUS: Original Contract: $990,186.60 Net Change of Prior Change: $26,986.40 Change this Change Order: $14,477.10 Revised Contract: $1,031,650.10 Recommended By: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. By: Date: Agreed to By: Arnt Construction Company By: Date: Approved By: City of Maplewood By: Date: Mayor By: Date: City Engineer Agenda Item G6 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 68 of 196 Agenda Item G6 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 69 of 196 Agenda Item G6 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 70 of 196 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Michael Thompson, City Engineer/ Deputy Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Approval of Cooperative Agreement (PW 2013-11) with Ramsey County, Ramsey County Concrete Rehabilitation, City Project 13-02 DATE: May 29, 2013 INTRODUCTION/ DISCUSSION The City Council should consider approving a cooperative agreement with Ramsey County for the traffic signal improvement costs associated with the Ramsey County Concrete Rehabilitation project, City Project 13-02. The agreement outlines the financial obligations of the two entities for this project which is focused on signal improvements at the intersection of Larpenteur Avenue and Parkway Drive. BACKGROUND Ramsey County has initiated a maintenance project that includes concrete rehabilitation, concrete grinding, pedestrian ramps, and traffic signal systems. The project entails work on Larpenteur Avenue (CSAH 30), Old Highway 8 (CSAH 77, Parkway Drive (CSAH 27), White Bear Avenue (CSAH 65) and County Highway 96 (CSAH 96); and all are designated as Ramsey County State Aid Highway roads. This project includes work in the cities of White Bear Lake, St. Paul, Roseville, New Brighton, Maplewood, Arden Hills, Shoreview, Vadnais Heights, and North Oaks. Ramsey County applied for and received Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds in the amount up to $2,678,502.00. The STP funding will be applied evenly throughout the project based on the ratio of STP funds to total project cost. Ramsey County’s engineering estimate for the total project cost is approximately $5,828,000. Maplewood’s share of the project is estimated at approximately $32,400. STP funds are estimated to cover $16,200, one-half, of Maplewood’s share. The estimated final cost for Maplewood’s share of the project, including 24% for engineering and construction management, is approximately $22,000. The final obligation amount will be based on final construction costs associated with the City of Maplewood’s share for work on the signal improvements at the intersection of Larpenteur Avenue and Parkway Drive. BUDGET The city’s final obligation per the agreement is estimated at $22,000 after STP funds are applied. The final obligation amount for the City of Maplewood will be paid through State Aid Funds. Agenda Item G7 Packet Page Number 71 of 196 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the attached cooperative agreement with RRaammsseeyy CCoouunnttyy ffoorr tthhee RRaammsseeyy CCoouunnttyy CCoonnccrreettee RReehhaabbiilliittaattiioonn,, CCiittyy PPrroojjeecctt 1133--0022,, and the Mayor and City Manager are authorized to sign the agreement signifying council approval. Minor revisions as approved by the City Attorney are authorized as needed for the agreement. Attachments: 1. Cooperative Agreement (PW 2013-11) 2. Ramsey County Engineer Estimate 3. Location Map Agenda Item G7 Packet Page Number 72 of 196 PW 2013-11 1 of 4 Agreement PW2013-11 RAMSEY COUNTY COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Concrete Rehabilitation Attachments: S.A.P. 062-630-013, S.A.P. 164-232-023, S.A.P. 164-178-003, S.A.P. 160-221-008, Engineers Estimate-Exhibit A Location Map S.A.P. 138-596-001, North Oaks Local Funds THIS AGREEMENT is between the City of Maplewood, Minnesota ("City") or (“City of Maplewood”), and Ramsey County, Minnesota ("County") or (“Ramsey County”); WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Cities of White Bear Lake, St. Paul, Roseville, New Brighton, Maplewood, Arden Hills, Shoreview, Vadnais Heights, North Oaks and Ramsey County desire to perform concrete rehabilitation, concrete grinding, pedestrian ramps and traffic signal systems at various locations in Ramsey County; and WHEREAS, Larpenteur Avenue (CSAH 30), Old Highway 8 (CSAH 77, Parkway Drive (CSAH 27), White Bear Avenue (CSAH 65) and County Highway 96 (CSAH 96); and all are designated as Ramsey County State Aid Highway roads; and WHEREAS, the Project is designated as eligible to receive Surface Transportation Program (“STP”) funds in an amount up to $2,678,502.00, the STP funds will be applied as a ratio of STP funds to total project cost and applied to the federally eligible pay items; and WHEREAS, the City and County agree to distribute the STP funds as a percentage over the federally eligible items on the project; and WHEREAS, this project has been designated as eligible for County State Aid Highway funds (CSAH) and Municipal State Aid Funds (MSA), reimbursement as S.A.P. 062-630-013, S.A.P. 164-232-023, S.A.P. 164-178-003, S.A.P. 160-221-008, S.A.P. 138-596-001 and North Oaks Local Funds; and WHEREAS, Larpenteur Avenue at the intersection of Parkway Drive is in the City’s of Maplewood and St. Paul in Ramsey County; and WHEREAS, preliminary study reports indicate it is feasible, practical and technically proper to provide for the concrete rehabilitation concrete grinding, pedestrian ramps and updating of traffic signal systems; and the Plans have been presented to the City; and WHEREAS, a preliminary estimate of project costs has been prepared and attached to this agreement as Exhibit A "Cost Participation Summary"; Agenda Item G7 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 73 of 196 PW 2013-11 2 of 4 NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The County shall prepare the necessary plans, specifications, estimates and proposals in accordance with funding requirements to take bids for this project. Costs of project revisions after the completion of plans and specifications; will be paid for by the party requesting the revisions. Revisions must be consistent with State Aid requirements and are subject to County approval. 2. All City owned rights of way and easements within the limits of the project for roads, utilities and storm water are hereby granted to the County for the project use during construction. 3. The County shall take bids, prepare an abstract of bids and cost participation summary and award a contract for the project. Prior to County award of a contract, the County shall first receive concurrence from the City for award of the contract to the lowest responsible bidder. 4. Upon award of a construction contract the County shall perform or contract the performance of construction inspection. 5. The County and City shall participate, in principle, on the basis of construction costs and shares identified in accordance with Exhibit A, “Estimated Cost Participation Summary”, attached and incorporated herein except as modified below. It is understood actual costs will be adjusted to reflect final construction elements as submitted to the City for approval at the time of final project completion. 6. The estimated total construction cost of the bid items is $5,828,025.76. The costs will be paid by a combination of CSAH and City of Maplewood MSA, City of Roseville MSA funds, a City of Maplewood MSA funds and North Oaks Local funds. 7. Any utilities or facilities modified or added to those provisions presently made in the plans and specifications may be incorporated in the construction contract by supplemental agreement and shall be paid for as specified in the supplemental agreement. Design and construction engineering fees shall be negotiated at the time of supplemental agreement preparation. 8. The City of St. Paul shall pay to Ramsey County 37.50% of the cost of the traffic control signal system with APS and EVP on Larpenteur Ave at Parkway Drive; the City of Maplewood will pay 12.5% of the cost and the balance will be paid by Ramsey County after the application of STP funds. The traffic signals on Larpenteur Ave at the intersection at Parkway Drive shall be maintained in accordance with a separate Agreement for Maintenance of Traffic Control Signals and EVP System PW2013-14. 9. The County and City shall cost-share for the pay items: Mobilization; Field Office; Traffic Control; and Erosion Control Supervisor. Participation will be determined based on a ratio of construction costs which will be distributed to the City and County as shown in the Engineer’s Estimate Exhibit A attached Agenda Item G7 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 74 of 196 PW 2013-11 3 of 4 10. The City shall reimburse the County for engineering costs incurred on its share of project design and administration, as set forth in Exhibit A, as a design engineering fee. Said fee shall be 12% of item costs for which the City is responsible for, as determined at the time of contract award. 11. The City shall reimburse the County for engineering costs incurred on its share of project construction, as set forth in Exhibit A, as a construction engineering fee. Said fee shall be 12% of item costs for which the City is responsible for, as determined upon completion of the project. 12. Quantity distributions are identified as shown in Exhibit A. Actual Cost shall be based on the contractor’s unit prices and the quantities constructed. St. Paul’s, North Oak’s and Roseville’s concurrence to their respective responsibilities are provided for in separate agreements -- Ramsey County Agreement No. PW2013-10, PW2013-12 and PW2013-13; respectively. 13. All liquidated damages assessed to the contractor in connection with the work performed on the project shall result in a credit shared by the Cities of St. Paul, North Oaks and Maplewood and by Ramsey County in the same proportion as their responsibility for the cost of the element of the project for with the liquidated damages were assessed. 14. The City of Maplewood shall not specially assess or otherwise recover any portion of its cost for this project through levy or special assessments on County-owned property. 15. Throughout project design and construction, the County shall prepare partial cost and payment estimates for preliminary engineering fees, construction costs, and construction engineering fees and, at appropriate intervals, notify the City of its share of the costs for the City’s items of work. The City shall pay its share of engineering fees and construction costs within twenty-one calendar days of receipt of the County invoice. 16. The City shall pay to the County all additional remaining costs for its share of the work upon notification by the County of the final amounts due to the contractor. 17. All payments by the City shall be to the Treasurer of Ramsey County, Minnesota. 18. The City of Maplewood and Ramsey County shall indemnify, defend and hold each other harmless against any and all liability, losses, costs, damages, expenses, claims, or actions, including attorney’s fees, which the indemnified party, its officials, agents, or employees may hereafter sustain, incur, or be required to pay, arising out of or by reason of any act or omission of the indemnifying party, its officials, agents or employees, in the execution, performance, or failure to adequately perform the indemnifying party’s obligation pursuant to this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a waiver by the County or the City of any statutory or common law immunities, limits, or exceptions on liability. 19. This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until terminated by mutual agreement of the City and the County. Agenda Item G7 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 75 of 196 PW 2013-11 4 of 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed. WHEREFORE, this Agreement is duly executed on the last date written below. CITY OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA By: _______________________________ Its ___________________________ By: _______________________________ Its ___________________________ Date: _____________________________ RAMSEY COUNTY Julie Kleinschmidt, County Manager Date: _______________________________ Approval recommended: James E. Tolaas, Director Public Works Department Approved as to form and insurance: Assistant County Attorney Agenda Item G7 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 76 of 196 ITEM NUMBERITEM UNITTOTAL QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNTLARPENTEUR AVE. AMOUNTOLD HIGHWAY # 8 AMOUNTPARKWAY DRIVE AMOUNTWHITE BEAR AVE. AMOUNTCOUNTY HIGHWAY # 96 AMOUNT2021.501 MOBILIZATION L.S. 1 $280,000.00 $280,000.00 0.39 $109,200.00 0.01 $2,800.00 0.08 $22,400.00 0.28 $78,400.00 0.19 $53,200.002031.501 FIELD OFFICE TYPE D- MODIFIED EACH 1 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 0.39 $4,680.00 0.01 $120.00 0.08 $960.00 0.28 $3,360.00 0.19 $2,280.002102.501 PAVEMENT MARKING REMOVAL S.F. 120 $1.75 $210.00 120 $210.002102.502 PAVEMENT MARKING REMOVAL L.F. 24542 $0.75 $18,406.50 10430 $7,822.50 180 $135.00 1592 $1,194.00 11840 $8,880.00 500 $375.002104.501 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER L.F. 3204 $4.75 $15,219.00 1270 $6,032.50 110 $522.50 199 $945.25 358 $1,700.50 1267 $6,018.252104.503 REMOVE BITUMINOUS WALK S.F. 120 $1.65 $198.00 40 $66.00 80 $132.002104.503 REMOVE CONCRETE SIDEWALK S.F. 8883 $1.65 $14,656.95 3577 $5,902.05 634 $1,046.10 1830 $3,019.50 2842 $4,689.302104.505 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT S.Y. 27 $9.00 $243.00 27 $243.002104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT S.Y. 673 $9.00 $6,057.00 159 $1,431.00 100 $900.00 224 $2,016.00 190 $1,710.002104.509 REMOVE MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN EACH 2 $400.00 $800.00 1 $400.001 $400.002104.501 REMOVE SEWER PIPE (STORM) L.F. 26 $8.00 $208.0026 $208.002104.511 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) L.F. 4498 $5.00 $22,490.00 1720 $8,600.00 366 $1,830.00 235 $1,175.00 999 $4,995.00 1178 $5,890.002104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) L.F. 502 $2.25 $1,129.50 213 $479.25 80 $180.00 109 $245.25 100 $225.002104.602 SALVAGE AND INSTALL SIGN PANEL TYPE C EACH 36 $200.00 $7,200.00 18 $3,600.00 4 $800.00 14 $2,800.002104.618 SALVAGE BRICK PAVERS SF 921 $7.00 $6,447.00 221 $1,547.002105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION (EV) C.Y. 3351 $20.00 $67,020.00 295 $5,900.00 248 $4,960.00 29 $580.00 68 $1,360.00 2711 $54,220.002105.521 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (LV) C.Y. 1481 $10.00 $14,810.001481 $14,810.002105.525 TOPSOIL BORROW (LV) C.Y. 253 $50.00 $12,650.00 54 $2,700.00 36 $1,800.00 10 $500.00 41 $2,050.00 112 $5,600.002123.610 STREET SWEEPER (WITH VACUUM PICKUP) HOUR 175 $180.00 $31,500.00 75 $13,500.00 25 $4,500.00 25 $4,500.00 25 $4,500.00 25 $4,500.002123.610 TRACTOR MOUNTED BACKHOE HOUR 75 $150.00 $11,250.00 15 $2,250.00 15 $2,250.00 15 $2,250.00 15 $2,250.00 15 $2,250.002130.501 WATER MGAL 100 $50.00 $5,000.00 20 $1,000.00 20 $1,000.00 20 $1,000.00 20 $1,000.00 20 $1,000.002211.503 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 6 (CV) (P) C.Y. 448 $25.00 $11,200.00 128 $3,200.00 105 $2,625.00 16 $400.00 37 $925.00 162 $4,050.002301.529 REINFORCEMENT BARS (EPOXY COATED) LB 5409 $3.00 $16,227.00 500 $1,500.00 2932 $8,796.00 500 $1,500.00 500 $1,500.00 977 $2,931.002301.538 DOWEL BAR EACH 1670 $9.00 $15,030.00 650 $5,850.00 308 $2,772.00 122 $1,098.00 110 $990.00 480 $4,320.002301.602 DRILL & GROUT REINFORCEMENT BAR (EPOXY COATED) EACH 2211 $15.00 $33,165.00 1198 $17,970.00 85 $1,275.00 225 $3,375.00 100 $1,500.00 603 $9,045.002301.603 STRUCTURAL SEALING JOINT SYSTEM L.F. 148 $50.00 $7,400.00148 $7,400.002302.603 JOINT REPAIR (TYPE A1) L.F. 19083 $3.00 $57,249.00 8171 $24,513.00 1667 $5,001.00 9245 $27,735.002302.603 JOINT REPAIR (TYPE A2) L.F. 9371 $3.00 $28,113.00 8171 $24,513.00 150 $450.00 200 $600.00 300 $900.00 550 $1,650.002302.603 JOINT & CRACK REPAIR (TYPE B3) L.F. 944 $32.00 $30,208.00 350 $11,200.00 44 $1,408.00 220 $7,040.00 330 $10,560.002303.603 JOINT & CRACK REPAIR (TYPE B3) (SPECIAL RED) L.F. 100 $40.00 $4,000.00100 $4,000.002302.603 FULL DEPTH JOINT REPAIR (TYPE CD-LV) L.F. 32010 $70.00 $2,240,700.00 13147 $920,290.00 2178 $152,460.00 15418 $1,079,260.00 1267 $88,690.002302.603 FULL DEPTH JOINT REPAIR (TYPE CD-LV) (SPECIAL RED) L.F. 2075 $100.00 $207,500.002075 $207,500.002302.604 CONCRETE GRINDING S.Y. 77033 $5.00 $385,165.00 37995 $189,975.00 3684 $18,420.00 31504 $157,520.002302.604 PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT (TYPE CX) S.Y. 6079 $91.00 $553,189.00 2356 $214,396.00 531 $48,321.00 528 $48,048.00 864 $78,624.00 1800 $163,800.002302.604 PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT (TYPE CX) (SPECIAL RED) S.Y. 1479 $136.00 $201,144.001479 $201,144.002302.618 PARTIAL DEPTH REPAIR (TYPE BA) S.F. 1929 $35.00 $67,515.00 880 $30,800.00 220 $7,700.00 242 $8,470.00 587 $20,545.002303.618 PARTIAL DEPTH REPAIR (TYPE BA) (SPECIAL RED) S.F. 100 $50.00 $5,000.00100 $5,000.002302.618 PARTIAL DEPTH REPAIR SPECIAL (TYPE BE) S.F. 444 $55.00 $24,420.00 187 $10,285.00 55 $3,025.00 66 $3,630.00 136 $7,480.002303.618 PARTIAL DEPTH REPAIR SPECIAL (TYPE BE) (SPECIAL RED) S.F. 100 $75.00 $7,500.00100 $7,500.002357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON 38 $5.00 $190.00 8 $40.00 8 $40.00 14 $70.00 8 $40.002360.501 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (4,B) TON 235 $75.00 $17,625.00 46 $3,450.00 36 $2,700.00 100 $7,500.00 53 $3,975.002402.603 FURNISH AND INSTALL WATERPROOF GLAND L.F. 148 $25.00 $3,700.00148 $3,700.002433.606 SEAL BRIDGE DECK CRACKS GALLON 12 $853.33 $10,239.962503.511 15' RCP CLASS V PIPE L.F. 26 $34.00 $884.0026 $884.002503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER EACH 2 $600.00 $1,200.00 1 $600.001 $600.002504.602 ADJUST VALVE BOX EACH 7 $350.00 $2,450.00 5 $1,750.00 2 $700.002506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES G or H EACH 7.6 $300.00 $2,280.00 3.1 $930.004.5 $1,350.002506.503 RECONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE LF 7 $300.00 $2,100.00 7 $2,100.002506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 4 $600.00 $2,400.00 3 $1,800.001 $600.002506.522 ADJUST FRAME RING AND CASTING EACH 115 $350.00 $40,250.00 54 $18,900.00 6 $2,100.00 7 $2,450.00 33 $11,550.00 15 $5,250.002506.602 CONSTRUCT SURVEY CONTROL STRUCTURE EACH 3 $500.00 $1,500.00 2 $1,000.00 1 $500.002519.607 CELLULAR CONCRETE CLSM LOW DENSITY C.Y. 1185 $100.00 $118,500.001185 $118,500.002521.501 4" CONCRETE WALK S.F. 1542 $4.00 $6,168.001542 $6,168.002521.501 4" CONCRETE WALK (SPECIAL RED) S.F. 500 $8.00 $4,000.00500 $4,000.002521.501 6" CONCRETE WALK S.F. 5748 $6.00 $34,488.00 3592 $21,552.00 684 $4,104.00 1300 $7,800.00 172 $1,032.002521.501 6" CONCRETE WALK (SPECIAL RED) S.F. 187 $10.00 $1,870.00 112 $1,120.002531.501 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DESIGN B424 L.F. 1267 $25.00 $31,675.001267 $31,675.002531.501 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DESIGN B6 L.F. 281 $25.00 $7,025.00 281 $7,025.002531.501 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DESIGN B612 L.F. 28 $25.00 $700.00 28 $700.002531.501 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DESIGN B618 L.F. 659 $25.00 $16,475.00 168 $4,200.00 133 $3,325.00 358 $8,950.002531.501 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DESIGN B624 L.F. 697 $25.00 $17,425.00 587 $14,675.00 110 $2,750.002531.501 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DESIGN B636 MODIFIED L.F. 226 $37.50 $8,475.00 226 $8,475.002531.502 CONCRETE CURB DESIGN V (ADA) L.F. 270 $18.50 $4,995.00 170 $3,145.00 100 $1,850.002531.507 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT S.Y. 20 $50.00 $1,000.00 20 $1,000.002531.602 CONCRETE MEDIAN NOSE DESIGN 7113 EACH 48 $300.00 $14,400.00 16 $4,800.00 4 $1,200.00 14 $4,200.00 14 $4,200.002531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES S.F. 610 $36.00 $21,960.00 316 $11,376.00 110 $3,960.00 184 $6,624.002540.602 TEMPORARY MAILBOXES EACH 103 $75.00 $7,725.00 72 $5,400.00 3 $225.00 28 $2,100.002540.602 RELOCATE MAILBOXES EACH 2 $150.00 $300.00 2 $300.002540.618 INSTALL CONCRETE PAVERS S.F. 733 $8.00 $5,864.00 550 $4,400.002550.523 2" NON-METALLIC CONDUIT (INTERCONNECT) LF 5223 $5.00 $26,115.00 4723 $23,615.00500 $2,500.002550.534 FIBEROPTIC CABLE 12MM-12SM (INTERCONNECT) LF 6527 $2.00 $13,054.00 6027 $12,054.00500 $1,000.002563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL L.S. 1 $125,000.00 $125,000.00 0.39 $48,750.00 0.01 $1,250.00 0.08 $10,000.00 0.28 $35,000.00 0.19 $23,750.002564.531 SIGN PANELS TYPE D SF 193 $27.00 $5,211.00 119 $3,213.00 74 $1,998.002564.533 FURNISH & INSTALL SIGN PANEL TYPE C SF 25 $25.00 $625.00 12.5 $312.50 12.5 $312.50S.P. 062-630-058 S.P. 062-677-027 S.P. 062-627-006 S.P. 062-665-050 S.P. 062-696-029PARTICIPATINGENGINEER'S ESTIMATE - 2013 CONCRETE REHABILITATION PROJECTSAgenda Item G7 Attachment 2Packet Page Number 77 of 196 ITEM NUMBERITEM2021.501 MOBILIZATION2031.501 FIELD OFFICE TYPE D- MODIFIED2102.501 PAVEMENT MARKING REMOVAL2102.502 PAVEMENT MARKING REMOVAL2104.501 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER2104.503 REMOVE BITUMINOUS WALK2104.503 REMOVE CONCRETE SIDEWALK2104.505 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT2104.509 REMOVE MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN2104.501 REMOVE SEWER PIPE (STORM)2104.511 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)2104.602 SALVAGE AND INSTALL SIGN PANEL TYPE C2104.618 SALVAGE BRICK PAVERS2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION (EV)2105.521 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (LV)2105.525 TOPSOIL BORROW (LV)2123.610 STREET SWEEPER (WITH VACUUM PICKUP)2123.610 TRACTOR MOUNTED BACKHOE2130.501 WATER2211.503 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 6 (CV) (P)2301.529 REINFORCEMENT BARS (EPOXY COATED)2301.538 DOWEL BAR2301.602 DRILL & GROUT REINFORCEMENT BAR (EPOXY COATED)2301.603 STRUCTURAL SEALING JOINT SYSTEM2302.603 JOINT REPAIR (TYPE A1)2302.603 JOINT REPAIR (TYPE A2)2302.603 JOINT & CRACK REPAIR (TYPE B3)2303.603 JOINT & CRACK REPAIR (TYPE B3) (SPECIAL RED)2302.603 FULL DEPTH JOINT REPAIR (TYPE CD-LV)2302.603 FULL DEPTH JOINT REPAIR (TYPE CD-LV) (SPECIAL RED)2302.604 CONCRETE GRINDING2302.604 PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT (TYPE CX)2302.604 PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT (TYPE CX) (SPECIAL RED)2302.618 PARTIAL DEPTH REPAIR (TYPE BA)2303.618 PARTIAL DEPTH REPAIR (TYPE BA) (SPECIAL RED)2302.618 PARTIAL DEPTH REPAIR SPECIAL (TYPE BE)2303.618 PARTIAL DEPTH REPAIR SPECIAL (TYPE BE) (SPECIAL RED)2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT2360.501 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (4,B)2402.603 FURNISH AND INSTALL WATERPROOF GLAND2433.606 SEAL BRIDGE DECK CRACKS2503.511 15' RCP CLASS V PIPE2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER2504.602 ADJUST VALVE BOX2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES G or H2506.503 RECONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY2506.522 ADJUST FRAME RING AND CASTING2506.602 CONSTRUCT SURVEY CONTROL STRUCTURE2519.607 CELLULAR CONCRETE CLSM LOW DENSITY2521.501 4" CONCRETE WALK2521.501 4" CONCRETE WALK (SPECIAL RED) 2521.501 6" CONCRETE WALK2521.501 6" CONCRETE WALK (SPECIAL RED) 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DESIGN B4242531.501 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DESIGN B62531.501 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DESIGN B6122531.501 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DESIGN B6182531.501 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DESIGN B6242531.501 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DESIGN B636 MODIFIED2531.502 CONCRETE CURB DESIGN V (ADA)2531.507 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT2531.602 CONCRETE MEDIAN NOSE DESIGN 71132531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES2540.602 TEMPORARY MAILBOXES2540.602 RELOCATE MAILBOXES2540.618 INSTALL CONCRETE PAVERS2550.523 2" NON-METALLIC CONDUIT (INTERCONNECT)2550.534 FIBEROPTIC CABLE 12MM-12SM (INTERCONNECT)2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL2564.531 SIGN PANELS TYPE D2564.533 FURNISH & INSTALL SIGN PANEL TYPE CCITY OF ST PAUL AMOUNTCITY OF ST PAUL AMOUNTCITY OF ROSEVILLE AMOUNTCITY OF MAPLEWOOD AMOUNT AMOUNT0.01 $2,800.00 0.01 $2,800.00 0.01 $2,800.00 0.01 $2,800.00 0.01 $2,800.000.01 $120.00 0.01 $120.00 0.01 $120.00 0.01 $120.00 0.01 $120.00700 $4,900.003850 $19,250.0012 $10,239.9675 $750.00183 $1,464.000.01 $1,250.00 0.01 $1,250.00 0.01 $1,250.00 0.01 $1,250.00 0.01 $1,250.00EXHIBIT AS.P. 164-232-023 S.P. 164-178-003 S.P. 160-221-008 S.P. 138-596-001NON-PARTICIPATINGLOCAL FUNDSAgenda Item G7 Attachment 2Packet Page Number 78 of 196 ITEM NUMBERITEM UNITTOTAL QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNTLARPENTEUR AVE. AMOUNTOLD HIGHWAY # 8 AMOUNTPARKWAY DRIVE AMOUNTWHITE BEAR AVE. AMOUNTCOUNTY HIGHWAY # 96 AMOUNTS.P. 062-630-058 S.P. 062-677-027 S.P. 062-627-006 S.P. 062-665-050 S.P. 062-696-029PARTICIPATINGENGINEER'S ESTIMATE - 2013 CONCRETE REHABILITATION PROJECTS2565.511 TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL SYSTEM ASYS1$200,000.00 $200,000.00 0.67 $134,000.002565.511 TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL SYSTEM BSYS1$225,000.00 $225,000.001 $225,000.002565.511 TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL SYSTEM CSYS1$225,000.00 $225,000.000.50 $112,500.002565.602 PVC HANDHOLE (INTERCONNECT)EACH19$800.00 $15,200.0014 $11,200.005$4,000.002565.602 PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON STATIONEACH25$925.00 $23,125.0014 $12,950.007 $6,475.002565.602 NMC LOOP DETECTOR 6' x 6'EACH8$1,200.00 $9,600.008 $9,600.002565.602 SAW CUT LOOP DETECTOR 6' x 6'EACH5$950.00 $4,750.005 $4,750.002565.602 PEDESTRIAN HEADEACH8$750.00 $6,000.004$3,000.002565.616 APS SYSTEMSYS1$10,000.00 $10,000.00 0.5 $5,000.002573.530 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTIONEACH 134$95.00 $12,730.0055 $5,225.006$570.00 7 $665.00 33 $3,135.0033 $3,135.002573.550 EROSION CONTROL SUPERVISORL.S.1$10,000.00 $10,000.00 0.39 $3,900.00 0.01 $100.00 0.08 $800.00 0.28 $2,800.00 0.19 $1,900.002575.505 SODDING TYPE LAWNS.Y.1688$10.00 $16,880.00 404 $4,040.00 216 $2,160.00 50 $500.00 230 $2,300.00 788 $7,880.002575.532 FERTILIZER TYPE 3 ANALYSIS 22-5-10POUND 113$5.00 $565.0027$135.0013$65.00 5 $25.00 21 $105.0047$235.002582.501 PAVT MSSG (LT ARROW) POLY PREF-GR INEACH6$560.00 $3,360.003$1,680.003 $1,680.00 2582.501 PAVT MSSG (RT ARROW) POLY PREF-GR INEACH9$560.00 $5,040.002$1,120.002 $1,120.00 3 $1,680.002$1,120.002582.501 PAVT MSSG (ONLY) POLY PREF-GR INEACH1$560.00 $560.001 $560.002582.502 7" BROKEN LINE WHITE-POLY PREFORM (GR IN)LF3830$6.50 $24,895.00 1750 $11,375.00120 $780.00 1960 $12,740.002582.502 11" BROKEN LINE WHITE-POLY PREFORM (GR IN)LF159$13.00 $2,067.0060 $780.00 99 $1,287.002582.502 11" SOLID LINE WHITE-POLY PREFORM (GR IN)L.F.400$11.00 $4,400.00200 $2,200.00 200 $2,200.002585.502 4" BROKEN LINE WHITE- EPOXYL.F.580$0.30 $174.00580 $174.002582.502 4" BROKEN LINE YELLOW- EPOXYL.F.380$0.25 $95.0080$20.00300$75.002582.502 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW- EPOXYL.F.1734$0.50 $867.00921$460.50 175 $87.50 638 $319.002582.502 4" SOLID LINE WHITE- EPOXYL.F. 23222$0.25 $5,805.50 9180 $2,295.00 350 $87.50 1053 $263.25 10389 $2,597.25 2250 $562.502582.502 4" SOLID LINE YELLOW- EPOXYL.F. 19555$0.25 $4,888.75 7472 $1,868.00101 $25.25 9732 $2,433.00 2250 $562.502582.502 12" SOLID YELLOW EPOXYL.F.242$7.00 $1,694.00 242 $1,694.002582.503 CROSSWALK MARKING - POLY PREFORM (GR INS.F.2052$15.00 $30,780.00 1098 $16,470.00432 $6,480.00 522 $7,830.002582.503 CROSSWALK MARKING - EPOXYS.F.576$7.00 $4,032.00 144 $1,008.00432 $3,024.00SUBTOTAL$5,827,597.16$2,279,178.30$97,146.50$456,297.60$1,620,912.25$1,125,908.55DESIGNCONSTRUCTIONAgenda Item G7 Attachment 2Packet Page Number 79 of 196 ITEM NUMBERITEM2565.511 TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL SYSTEM A2565.511 TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL SYSTEM B2565.511 TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL SYSTEM C2565.602 PVC HANDHOLE (INTERCONNECT)2565.602 PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON STATION2565.602 NMC LOOP DETECTOR 6' x 6'2565.602 SAW CUT LOOP DETECTOR 6' x 6'2565.602 PEDESTRIAN HEAD2565.616 APS SYSTEM2573.530 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION2573.550 EROSION CONTROL SUPERVISOR2575.505 SODDING TYPE LAWN2575.532 FERTILIZER TYPE 3 ANALYSIS 22-5-102582.501 PAVT MSSG (LT ARROW) POLY PREF-GR IN2582.501 PAVT MSSG (RT ARROW) POLY PREF-GR IN2582.501 PAVT MSSG (ONLY) POLY PREF-GR IN2582.502 7" BROKEN LINE WHITE-POLY PREFORM (GR IN)2582.502 11" BROKEN LINE WHITE-POLY PREFORM (GR IN)2582.502 11" SOLID LINE WHITE-POLY PREFORM (GR IN)2585.502 4" BROKEN LINE WHITE- EPOXY2582.502 4" BROKEN LINE YELLOW- EPOXY2582.502 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW- EPOXY2582.502 4" SOLID LINE WHITE- EPOXY2582.502 4" SOLID LINE YELLOW- EPOXY2582.502 12" SOLID YELLOW EPOXY2582.503 CROSSWALK MARKING - POLY PREFORM (GR IN2582.503 CROSSWALK MARKING - EPOXYSUBTOTALCITY OF ST PAUL AMOUNTCITY OF ST PAUL AMOUNTCITY OF ROSEVILLE AMOUNTCITY OF MAPLEWOOD AMOUNT AMOUNTEXHIBIT AS.P. 164-232-023 S.P. 164-178-003 S.P. 160-221-008 S.P. 138-596-001NON-PARTICIPATINGLOCAL FUNDS0.33 $66,000.000.375 $84,375.00 0.125 $28,125.002 $1,850.00 2 $1,850.002 $1,500.00 2 $1,500.000.25 $2,500.00 0.25 $2,500.000.01 $100.00 0.01 $100.00 0.01 $100.00 0.01 $100.00 0.01 $100.00$76,120.00 $88,645.00 $17,234.00 $32,395.00 $33,759.96N ENGINEERING$9,134.40 $10,637.40 $2,068.08 $3,887.40 $3,000.00N ENGINEERING$9,134.40 $10,637.40 $2,068.08 $3,887.40TOTAL $94,388.80 $109,919.80 $21,370.16 $40,169.80 $36,759.96Agenda Item G7 Attachment 2Packet Page Number 80 of 196 This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. © Ramsey County Enterprise GIS Division 765.9 THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 1: NAD_1983_HARN_Adj_MN_Ramsey_Feet 765.9382.97 Legend Ramsey County Concrete Rehabilitation 4,596 Maplewood City Project 13-02 Intersection of Larpenteur and Parkway Notes 0 Feet City Halls Schools Hospitals Fire Stations Police Stations Recreational Centers Parcel Points Parcel Boundaries Agenda Item G7 Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 81 of 196 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Michael Thompson, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Steven Love, Assistant City Engineer SUBJECT: Approval to Purchase Robotic Total Station with GPS Ability DATE: May 30, 2013 INTRODUCTION The approved 2013 engineering budget includes funding for the purchase of one robotic total station. Council approval of this purchase is required. Since this purchase had the potential to exceed $10,000, written quotations were obtained from vendors. BACKGROUND The City of Maplewood’s engineering department currently utilizes two standard total stations for conducting survey work. With the ever growing complexity of project designs and tighter deadlines, and reduced staffing, the need to increase productivity and the ability to manage available resources remains at a forefront. Survey crews today typically utilize robotic total stations and GPS survey equipment. The robotic total station and the GPS survey equipment has the ability to continuously track the prism pole carried by the surveyor. This greatly increases the efficiency and accuracy of the work being done by providing the surveyor with real-time information. Accuracy of the survey work performed is increased by helping eliminate mistakes such as incorrectly turned angles. Additionally, flexibility in managing the department resources will be added by the purchase of the new survey equipment. For example, a traditional survey crew could continue staking a construction project while one person, with the robotic total station, could conduct a topographic survey for an upcoming project. This kind of flexibility will allow the public works department to continue to meet deadlines, manage our available resources, and aid other department by performing requested survey work. DISCUSSION Each request for proposal included the basic information on the requested equipment, required a live demonstration of the proposed product, and asked for recommendations on additional equipment required by the robotic total stations. Three quotes were received for the purchase of a robotic total station that meet the basic requested ability. Staff evaluated the proposals on the basis of responsiveness, the live demonstration, and cost. The following is a list of the companies that submitted proposals and their proposed total cost for a robotic total station without GPS technology: Company Proposal Total Leica Geosystems, Inc. (Leica Dealer) $32,253.80 RDO Integrated Controls (Topcon Dealer) $34,297.52 Frontier Precision Inc. (Trimble Dealer) $38,845.60 Agenda Item G8 Packet Page Number 82 of 196 As requested in the request for quote, Leica Geosystems, Inc. provided an optional quote for a package deal that included a robotic total station with GPS survey ability for a total price of $38,793.68. The Leica equipment was the top overall performer during the live demonstrations. The ability to add GPS technology to the new survey equipment will help increase the productivity of the survey crews and will allow them to further aid other departments by increasing the survey work that can be performed, such as quickly obtaining accurate locations of storm outlets for the public works department as part of their storm asset management tracking. BUDGET The 2013 approved budget for the engineering department identified $37,500 for the purchase of a new robotic total station. The following are the costs of the robotic total station including, GPS, trade in of old unit, sales tax and delivery: Robotic Total Station with GPS $36,228.00 Delivery $ 75.00 Sales tax $ 2,490.68 Total cost $38,793.68 The total cost is $38,793.68. This is $1,293.68 above the estimated expenditure identified in the Engineering budget. However the remaining balance will be covered by cuts from the Supplies – Equipment account of the approved engineering 2013 budget. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into a contract with Leica Geosystems, Inc. in the amount of $38,793.68 for the purchase of a robotic total station with GPS ability. Attachments: 1) Leica Geosystems, Inc. Quote (Leica Dealer) 2) RDO Integrated Controls (Topcon Dealer) 3) Frontier Precision Inc. (Trimble Dealer) Agenda Item G8 Packet Page Number 83 of 196 Leica Geosystems, Inc.Quote Number 5051 Peachtree Corners Circle, Suite 250 18882 Norcross, GA 30092 Tel: 800 367-9453 Customer Dates Company:City Of Maplewood Engineering Address: 1830 County Rd B East Contact:Andrew Engstrom City: Maplewood Quote Issued:May 20, 2013 Email:Andy.Engstrom@ci.maplewood.mn.us State: MN Phone:651-249-2415 Zip: 655109 Fax: Account: Part Number Product Description Quantity 733270 2 144.00$288.00$ 734752 2 88.00$176.00$ 667304 1 308.00$308.00$ 667718 1 44.00$44.00$ 722045 1 12.00$12.00$ 667301 1 280.00$280.00$ 754389 1 240.00$240.00$ 767879 1 48.00$48.00$ 767880 1 80.00$80.00$ 767909 1 560.00$560.00$ GHT62, Pole holder base plate for CS10 and CS15 field controller. GHT63, Clamp arrangement for attaching the GHT62 holder to all poles. CS SmartWorX Viva license key GHT196 Distance holder for height meter. Tripod GST120-9, telescopic, selfclosing, with accessories, without pouch. GLS12F, 2m Telescopic aluminium pole, US Feet GKL211, Charger BASIC, for Li-Ion batteries GEB221 and GEB211, car adapter cable and net adapter included. Tribrach GDF121 PRO, without optical plummet, pale GHM007 Instruments height meter. Robotic Total Station 5 second with GS14 State contract Price Price TOTAL GEB221, Lithium-Ion battery, 7.4V/4.4Ah, rechargeable. To be used with FlexLine (plus)/TS11/TS12/TS15 and 767909 1 560.00$560.00$ 767919 1 200.00$200.00$ 767915 1 200.00$200.00$ 767921 1 760.00$760.00$ 767929 1 232.00$232.00$ 767927 1 160.00$160.00$ 767875 1 120.00$120.00$ 772806 3 104.00$312.00$ 773753 1 48.00$48.00$ 767907 1 24.00$24.00$ 767876 1 8.00$8.00$ 791696 1 200.00$200.00$ 780858 1 17,384.00$17,384.00$ 788855 1 760.00$760.00$ 788853 1 1,320.00$1,320.00$ 767856 1 160.00$160.00$ CRT16 Communication Cap with integrated Bluetooth module and antenna for CS15 Field Controllers. Used to RH16, Radio Handle with integrated bluetooth module and radio antenna. Used as radio modem for Leica Nova MSD1000, industrial grade SD memory card 1GB for GS10/GS15 receiver and CS10/CS15 field controller GDZ68. Extra pen with screw-driver for CS10 and CS15 field controller GVP660, Small sized hard container for Robotic TPS Pole Setup. Fits CS10/15 with accessories TS15 P, 5' (1.5 mgon) R30 total station with PowerSearch, automatic target aiming, reflectorless R30 GEB212, Lithium Ion battery, 7.4V / 2.6Ah, chargeable GEV235-1, AC/DC-adapter US, for power supply CS15 SPF01. Anti - glare display foils for CS10 or CS15 field controller. CS Sets of Angles CS Traverse CBC02. DSUB Connector module with Power jack, DSUB 9-pin, USB A Host and USB Mini AB for CS10 and CS15 CS DTM Stakeout CS Reference Line CS RoadRunner CS SmartWorX Viva license key Agenda Item G8 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 84 of 196 667217 1 104.00$104.00$ 795980 1 7,600.00$7,600.00$ 795992 1 160.00$160.00$ 777645 1 0.00$0.00$ 781599 1 3,520.00$3,520.00$ 754384 1 1,360.00$1,360.00$ 1 1,000.00)($ 1,000.00)($ 781305 1 560.00$560.00$ Sub Total:36,228.00$ Shipping:75.00$ Taxes:2,490.68$ TOTAL:38,793.68$ Date: Order Information Terms & Conditions Leica Geosystems, Inc.Attn:Chris Rotegard Offer subject to Leica Geosystems terms & conditions, available at: 2942 Century Place Tel:800-938-0606 https://portal.leicaus.com/US_GT_Cs_of_Sales.txt Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Fax:800-294-1541 - Attn: Rhea Email:chris.rotegard@leicaus.com Full Software License Agreement: http://www.leica-geosystems.com/corporate/en/ndef/lgs_3295.htm Full Standard Warranty: http://www.leica-geosystems.com/corporate/en/support/lgs_3434.htm Accepted By: Signature: 2 Sokkia Total Stations TS SmartWorx Viva License Key Local Sales Tax & Delivery Costs will be added to final invoice CS RoadRunner Importer Application CS15 3.5G Field Controller. Ruggedized WinCE field controller with full VGA color touch screen, 1GB NAND, GRZ122 360° reflector with 5/8" thread adapter for mounting of GPS antenna. GAD31, Screw-to-stub adapter for fitting GPS antenna on carriers with stub and poles with stub. GS14 2G & UHF Profesional SmartAntenna GVP708, Compact GS14 container for GS14, CS10/15 and accessories for rover setup Agenda Item G8 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 85 of 196 Investment Proposal for:Fred Meyer CITY OF MAPLEWOOD 9201 East Bloomington Suite JJ 1902 COUNTY ROAD B EAST Bloomington (IC), MN 55420 ,Mobile: (612) 386-8490 MAPLEWOOD, MN 55109 Phone: (651) 249-2415 Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to quote you this equipment. We appreciate your business. Fred Equipment: NEW 2013 SOKKIA BIPOD Key Features 724897 ECONOMY BIPOD Serial Number A430355 (0 Approximated Hours)Equipment Price $119.00 Purchase Price of this Unit:$119.00 Equipment: NEW 2012 TOPCON FC-2600 Key Features 60742 POLE CLAMP 60743 POLE CRADLE 61064 MAGNET FIELD COMPLETE 61097 FC-2600 HARDWARE KIT Serial Number 556-06678 (0 Approximated Hours)Equipment Price $5,372.25 Purchase Price of this Unit:$5,372.25 Equipment: NEW 2012 TOPCON QS-03 Key Features 60963 QS 3" (QUICK STATION) Serial Number P10904 (0 Approximated Hours)Equipment Price $26,600.00 Attachments NEW 2012 TOPCON 60959KIT N81411 $0.00 This proposal was created on April 13, 2011 and is valid until May 13, 2011 and is subject to prior sale. After that date the quote and terms in the proposal may need to be revised. D537198 C2415048 Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item G8 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 86 of 196 Purchase Price of this Unit:$26,600.00PROPOSAL SUMMARY Equipment Total $32,091.25 Sub Total $32,091.25 Estimated sales tax to apply (MNST MN STATE TAX 6.875%)$2,206.27 Total Investment $34,297.52 Fred Meyer Account Manager RDO Integrated Controls - Bloomington fmeyer@rdoic.com This proposal was created on April 13, 2011 and is valid until May 13, 2011 and is subject to prior sale. After that date the quote and terms in the proposal may need to be revised. D537198 C2415048 Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item G8 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 87 of 196 QUOTE Quote Number: COMPANY CONTACT Andy Engstrom ADDRESS QUOTE ISSUED ON:3/20/2013 EMAIL andy.engstrom@ci.maplewood.mn.usCITY Maplewood ACCEPTED BY: PHONE (651) 249-2415 STATE SIGNATURE: FAX ZIP PN QTY PER UNIT PRICE TOTAL SLSU-S63TVGL-TBCA 1 $28,390.50 $28,390.50 MT1000 1 $2,583.00 $2,583.00 SLSU-S2004 1 $1,303.16 $1,303.16 51003007 1 $359.10 $359.10 TSC3111-001 1 $6,610.50 $6,610.50 SA-ROADS-01 $1,125.00 82769-00 1 $382.50 $382.50 60WDF20 1 $169.00 $169.00 5217-04-yel 1 $149.00 $149.00 Tradein-S6 1 -$3,600.00 -$3,600.00 Please Make out Order to:SUBTOTAL $36,346.76 SHIPPING / FREIGHT $0.00 1 TAX 0.000%Not Calculated 5 Tax Exempt QUOTE ISSUED BY:Dustin Harr Trimble S6 3" Robotic, DR Plus, Vision, TBC ADV (Promotion) ORDERING INFORMATION: Frontier Precision, Inc. 10900 73rd Ave, Suite 120 Maple Grove, MN 55369 877 698-3077 Please Reference State Contract 15679, (formerly 442051) *Includes: S6 Robotic Instrument plus Trimble Business Center Advanced Software ($3000 value) Shipping and Handling Included per Contract Terms SERVO/AUTOLOCK POWER KIT Trimble MultiTrack Target, including 7.4V Li-Ion battery CUSTOMER INFORMATION Frontier Precision, Inc. 10900 73rd Ave, Suite 120 Maple Grove, MN 55369 877 698-3077 763 898-3997 FAX Trimble S6 Total Station Trade-in CST Heavy Duty Wood/Fiberglass Tripod w/Quick Release BIPOD,TRB,1/2-13SS,UNIVERSAL NOTE: QUOTE VALID WITHIN 30 DAYS OF ISSUED DATE. TERMS MUST BE ESTABLISHED PRIOR TO SALE OF ITEMS. NOTE: this instrument is available and priced off the state contract TOTAL $36,346.76 Specialized Application Roads, perpetual license City of maplewood Rod - Trimble standard telescopic rod 2,6m PRODUCT / SERVICE DESC. CU - TSC3, w/Trimble Access, internal 2.4 GHz radio, Global, ABCD keypad Optional Equipment: Trimble TSC3 Accessory - Robotic Accessory Kit Agenda Item G8 Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 88 of 196 MEMORANDUM TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: DuWayne Konewko, Parks and Recreation Director Ginny Gaynor, Natural Resources Coordinator DATE: June 3, 2013 for June 10, 2013 Council Meeting RE: Approval of Resolution Accepting Donation to Maplewood Nature Center Introduction Maplewood Nature Center has received a donation from the estate of Roberta Beutel of nineteen pieces of wildlife art. Ms. Beutel lived near the Nature Center and enjoyed the trails and facility. This donation is valued at $2000. Minnesota State Statute 465.03 states that gifts to municipalities shall be accepted by the governing body in the form of a resolution by a two-thirds vote. Consideration Approve the following resolution accepting donation of nineteen pieces of art to the Maplewood Nature Center. RESOLUTION ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION WHEREAS the City of Maplewood and the Parks and Recreation Department has received a donation of nineteen pieces of art to the Maplewood Nature Center. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Maplewood City Council authorizes the City of Maplewood, Parks and Recreation Department to accept this donation. Agenda Item G9 Packet Page Number 89 of 196 Agenda Item G10 MEMORANDUM TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: DuWayne Konewko, Director of Parks and Recreation Jim Taylor, Parks Manager DATE: June 5, 2014 RE: Approval of Resolution Accepting Donation for a Park Bench for Hillside Park Introduction The City has been approached by the family of Anna Hurd to adopt Hillside Park and add a park bench for a memorial for her. The family has donated $1200.00 to the City for the purchase and the installation of the park bench. Minnesota State Statute 465.03 states that gifts to municipalities shall be accepted by the governing body in the form of a resolution by a two-thirds vote. Consideration Approve the following resolution accepting the donation of $1200.00 for a park bench at Hillside Park. RESOLUTION ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION WHEREAS the City of Maplewood and the Parks and Recreation Department has received a donation of $1200.00 for a park bench at Hillside Park; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Maplewood City Council authorizes the City of Maplewood, Parks and Recreation Department to accept this donation. Packet Page Number 90 of 196 MEMORANDUM TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: DuWayne Konewko, Parks and Recreation Director Jim Taylor, Parks Manager SUBJECT: Authorize Waiver to Maplewood Purchasing Procedures to Allow for Contract Negotiation for Geranium Park Improvements DATE: June 4, 2013 INTRODUCTION City Council will consider the authorization of a one-time waiver to the City of Maplewood purchasing procedure to allow the city to follow Minnesota Statues for Contracts exceeding $25,000 but not $100,000 for the Geranium Park improvements. This process worked very well in 2012 for the Gethsemane Park Improvements. City staff will then negotiate final park improvements pricing and contract specifics and present that information to the City Council for final approval. BACKGROUND The Geranium Park playground equipment, installed in 1985, is outdated and is in need of replacement. City staff has reviewed the best methods for obtaining the most competitive quotations and quality park designs for the proposed playground improvements to ensure the best value for the City of Maplewood and its residents. DISCUSSION State Uniform Municipal Contracting Law Minnesota Statutes, section 471.345, subd. 4 (Uniform Municipal Contracting Law, Contracts exceeding $25,000 but not $100,000) states that if the amount of the contract is estimated to exceed $25,000 but not to exceed $100,000, the contract may be made either upon sealed bids or by direct negotiation, by obtaining two or more quotations for the purchase of sale when possible, and without advertising for bids or otherwise complying with the requirements of competitive bidding. All quotations obtained shall be kept on file for a period of at least one year after receipt thereof. City Purchasing Procedure The city’s current purchasing procedures require that the city utilize the sealed bid process for purchases over $50,000, unless the purchase is through State Contract or approved by the City Manager. The city’s purchasing procedures currently allow for direct negotiation, by obtaining two or more quotations, for purchases over $20,000 up to $49,999. Staff reviewed how to bid these improvements to best achieve the goals of best quality product, best product within a set budget, allow resident input, and allow Parks Commission input. Based on past park projects and the above goals the process must allow for the solicitation of quotations from multiple qualified park contractors to be able to submit their best possible plan within a set budget. Staff will then be able to review the plans and negotiate the contract to ensure the above goals are met. This process will also allow staff to work with the residents and the Park Commission for input into the park design. Once a contractor and a park design have been chosen this item will be brought back before the City Council for approval. Agenda Item G11 Packet Page Number 91 of 196 In order for the City to proceed with the solicitation of quotations process the City Council must authorize a waiver to the city’s purchasing policy. The one-time waiver would allow the city to solicit quotations and negotiate a contract pricing for the proposed park improvements. The pricing and contract would then come before the City Council for consideration of final approval. Staff is currently preparing plans in preparation for bidding of this project. It is anticipated that the agenda item for the award of contract will be scheduled for a City Council meeting in late July or early August. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council consider the authorization of a one-time waiver to the City of Maplewood purchasing procedure to allow the city to follow Minnesota Statues for Contracts exceeding $25,000 but not $100,000 for the Geranium Park improvements. City staff will then negotiate final park improvements pricing and contract specifics and present that information to the City Council for final approval. Agenda Item G11 Packet Page Number 92 of 196 Agenda Item G12 AGENDA REPORT TO: Jim Antonen, City Manager FROM: Karen Guilfoile, City Clerk DATE: June 4, 2012 RE: Approval of a Lawful Gambling Premise License for Oakdale Athletic Association at Gulden’s Restaurant Introduction Gary M. Masterman on behalf of Oakdale Athletic Association has submitted an application and is requesting approval of a premise license for lawful gambling at Gulden’s Restaurant located at 2999 Highway 61 N in Maplewood. Oakdale Athletic Association has been in existance since 1971 and has been registered with the State of Minnesota since 2000. As required by City ordinances, a background investigation was completed by the Maplewood Police Department on Mr. Masterman for the purpose of obtaining a premise permit for lawful gambling in Maplewood. Nothing was identified at that time that would prohibit Oakdale Athletic Association from obtaining the gambling premise license. In order for the State of Minnesota to issue a gambling premise license, approval of the following resolution from the City is required: RESOLUTION BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota, that the premise license for lawful gambling is approved for Oakdale Athletic Association to operate at Gulden’s Restaurant, located at 2999 Highway 61 N, Maplewood, MN. FURTHERMORE, that the Maplewood City Council waives any objection to the timeliness of application for said permit as governed by Minnesota Statute §349.213. FURTHERMORE, that the Maplewood City Council requests that the Gambling Control Division of the Minnesota Department of Gaming approve said license application as being in compliance with Minnesota Statute §349.213. NOW, THEREFORE, be it further resolved that this Resolution by the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota, be forwarded to the Gambling Control Division for their approval. Recommendation It is recommended that council approve the lawful gambling premise license and Resolution for Oakdale Athletic Association to operate at Gulden’s Restaurant, 2999 Highway 61 N in Maplewood, MN. Packet Page Number 93 of 196 Item G13 MEMORANDUM TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Karen Guilfoile, City Clerk DATE: June 6, 2013 SUBJECT: Approval of Resolution for a Temporary Gambling Permit and Fee Waiver for MMFL Media Introduction Tom Bye, on behalf of MMFL Media, has applied for a temporary gambling permit to be used at the Dive Bar, 3035 White Bear Ave, on July 12, 2013 from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Background The temporary gambling permit will be used to conduct a raffle for a fundraiser being held for Mathew Phelps, owner of the Dive Bar. Mr. Phelps is suffering from a severe medical condition and is facing mounting medical bills. Money raised from the event will go towards paying his medical bills, rent and other living expenses. Several surrounding business are donating goods and services for the event. On behalf of the organizers, staff is requesting that the permit fee be waived. Staff is also requesting to waive the permit’s requirement, put forth by City ordinances, that the organization to be in existence for three consecutive year prior to application. RESOLUTION BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota, that the temporary gambling permit is approved for MMFL Media, to be used at the Dive Bar, 3035 White Bear Ave, Maplewood, MN, on July 12, 2013 from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. FURTHERMORE, that the Maplewood City Council waives any objection to the timeliness of application for said permit as governed by Minnesota Statute §349.213. FURTHERMORE, that the Maplewood City Council requests that the Gambling Control Division of the Minnesota Department of Gaming approve said permit application as being in compliance with Minnesota Statute §349.213. NOW, THEREFORE, be it further resolved that this Resolution by the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota, be forwarded to the Gambling Control Division for their approval. Packet Page Number 94 of 196 Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council approve the Resolution for a temporary gambling permit for MMFL Media for their event at the Dive Bar, 3035 White Bear Avenue on July 12, 2013. It is also recommended that City Council waive the permit fee and the requirement that the organization to be in existence for three consecutive years prior to application. Packet Page Number 95 of 196 THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Packet Page Number 96 of 196 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: DuWayne Konewko, Parks and Recreation Director SUBJECT: Consider Approval of Resolution Terminating the Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) with the City of North St. Paul for Recreational Services DATE: May 28, 2013 for the June 10, 2013 Council Meeting BACKGROUND The City of Maplewood and the City of North St. Paul entered into a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) in November of 2010 for recreational services. The effective start date of the agreement was December 13, 2010. The duration of the JPA was four years. The agreement covered recreation programs and services in City Parks, the North St. Paul Community Center as well as representation at Park and Recreation Commission meetings. The City of North St. Paul entered into a lease agreement with ISD #622 for use of Community Center on April 1, 2013. As a result of this lease agreement, staff from both cities agreed that the existing JPA should be terminated and any future Joint Powers Agreement and/or partnership should be memorialized independently and require council approval. Staff will be presenting a separate JPA for council discussion and consideration regarding the operation of Silver lake Beach. I strongly believe that staff from both cities worked very hard to ensure that this JPA was successful. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Council approve the attached resolution terminating the Joint Powers Agreement with the City of North St. Paul for recreation services. Attachment: 1. Resolution Terminating Joint Powers Agreement with the City of North St. Paul for Recreational Services Agenda Item I1 Packet Page Number 97 of 196 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD RESOLUTION NO. 2013-XXX RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TERMINATION OF THE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT (JPA) WITH THE CITY OF NORTH ST. PAUL FOR RECREATION SERVICES WHEREAS, on November 16, 2010 the City Council approved a Joint Powers Agreement with the City of North St. Paul for recreational services that went into effect on December 13, 2010; and WHEREAS, this agreement covered recreation programs and services in City Parks, the North St. Paul Community Center and also included representation at Park and Recreation Commission meetings, warming house attendants and beach staff; and WHEREAS, effective April 1, 2013 the City of North St. Paul entered into a lease with the School District for the Community Center. Consequently, the Community Center was no longer available to the City of Maplewood to program; and WHEREAS, subsequent discussion between the cities led to a decision to terminate the JPA; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council, it hereby supports terminating the joint powers agreement between the North St. Paul and Maplewood for recreation programming effective upon North St. Paul Council taking similar action. ADOPTED this 10th day of June, 2013. Attest: __________________________________ __________________________________ Jim Antonen, City Manager Will Rossbach, Mayor Agenda Item I1 Packet Page Number 98 of 196 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: DuWayne Konewko, Parks and Recreation Director SUBJECT: Consider Approval of Joint Powers Agreement Between the City Of Maplewood and the City of North St. Paul for the Operation of Silver Lake Beach DATE: May 28, 2013 for the June 10, 2013 Council Meeting BACKGROUND With the pending termination of the Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) between Maplewood and North St. Paul for recreational services including aquatic operations at Silver Lake Beach, staff is recommending approval of a “new” JPA between both cities for services provided at Silver Lake Beach in North St. Paul. The proposed JPA is for a period of three years beginning in June of 2013 and expiring in August of 2015. Attached is a copy of the proposed JPA for your review. City Attorney, Mr. Kantrud has reviewed and approved the language and form of the agreement. The City of North St. Paul agrees to provide Maplewood with an annual administrative and employee-expense fee of $24k for services rendered pursuant to the JPA in 2013. The agreement also has a two-percent inflation adjustment for each and every year thereafter. As an example, the payment for services in 2014 will be $24,480 and the payment for services in 2015 will be $24,970. Payment due dates are reflected in the JPA. Either party may extend the JPA an additional year up to two years, provided both parties mutually agree. As part of the agreement, Maplewood will hire, train, supervise and manage personnel at Silver Lake Beach. Maplewood staff will also be responsible for closing the beach and/or rescheduling programs due to poor weather conditions. All lifeguards who are selected to work at Silver lake Beach will be American Red Cross Waterfront Certified, have at least six months experience working as a lifeguard at the MCC or school district, and have demonstrated dependability and responsibility. Staff will also be working very closely with staff from North St. Paul to ensure that the provisions contained within the agreement are followed and adhered too. The JPA does include a termination clause provided both parties mutually agree to do so. If the JPA is terminated, Maplewood shall be paid on a pro-rated basis the total numbers of days the agreement was in effect, less any payments made prior to termination. Agenda Item I2 Packet Page Number 99 of 196 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Council approve the attached Joint Powers Agreement between the City of Maplewood and the City of North St. Paul regarding the operation of Silver lake Beach for a three year period beginning in June of 2013 and expiring in August of 2015. Attachment: 1. Proposed Joint Powers Agreement between the City of Maplewood and North St. Paul for Silver Lake Beach operations. Agenda Item I2 Packet Page Number 100 of 196 Agenda Item I2 Packet Page Number 101 of 196 Agenda Item I2 Packet Page Number 102 of 196 Agenda Item I2 Packet Page Number 103 of 196 Agenda Item I2 Packet Page Number 104 of 196 Agenda Item I2 Packet Page Number 105 of 196 Agenda Item I2 Packet Page Number 106 of 196 Agenda Item I3 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Charles Ahl, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Resolution Accepting Legislation Authorizing Tax Increment Financing District Provision on the 3M Campus DATE: June 4, 2013 INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND The 3M Company is proposing to construct a 400,000-square foot Research and Development Laboratory on their campus in Maplewood. The estimated cost for the R&D Facility provided by 3M is estimated at $156 million and is proposed to be constructed over the next 2 years. The proposed facility is expected to house over 700 employees. It has been testified by 3M Officials that those 700 employees, plus support personnel, will remain on the Maplewood campus, rather than be re-located to other states or elsewhere in the 3M international properties. This job retention, plus the potential for continued upgrades and expansion on the Maplewood campus are the basis for considering tax increment financing support for this project. 3M has requested Tax Increment Financing for the purpose of reinvestment in their campus and retention of these research positions in Maplewood/Minnesota. In addition, with this investment, 3M is considering future upgrades to other facilities on their campus. Management staff and 3M officials proposed legislation to provide appropriate tax increment support for 3M to consider moving forward with the facility, as well as allowing the use of TIF Funds for the cost of the City’s proposed fire station. The legislation, a copy of which is attached for information, was adopted by the 2013 State Legislature and signed by Governor Dayton. The City Council must adopt a resolution of approval and a copy of the resolution must be supplied to the Secretary of State before the legislation becomes effective. Approval of the legislation is recommended. Recommended Action It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution approving accepting the legislation, Minnesota Laws, 2013, Chapter 143, Article 9, Section 21, which authorizes a Tax Increment Financing District and Provisions for a Research and Development Facility on the 3M Campus. Attachments: 1. Resolution 2. Legislation Packet Page Number 107 of 196 5498569v1 Agenda Item I3 Attachment 1 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF MAPLEWOOD APPROVING MINNESOTA LAWS, 2013 CHAPTER 143, ARTICLE 9, SECTION 21 WHEREAS, the 2013 session of the Minnesota Legislature passed and the Governor signed Minnesota Laws, 2013, Chapter 143, Article 9, Section 21 which authorizes the City of Maplewood to establish one or more tax increment financing districts within parcel 362922240002 in the City. WHEREAS, such legislation requires local approval in accordance with Minnesota Statute §645.021; and WHEREAS, the City of Maplewood desires the law to become effective; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Maplewood that Minnesota Laws, 2013, Chapter 143, Article 9, Section 21 is hereby approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby instructed to submit the appropriate certificate and a copy of this Resolution to the Secretary of State of the State of Minnesota. Dated: June 10, 2013 Mayor Attest: City Clerk Packet Page Number 108 of 196 Agenda Item I3 Attachment 2 Minnesota Laws, 2013, Chapter 143, Article 9, Section 21 Sec. 21. CITY OF MAPLEWOOD; TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT; SPECIAL RULES. (a) If the city of Maplewood elects, upon the adoption of a tax increment financing plan for a district, the rules under this section apply to one or more redevelopment tax increment financing districts established by the city or the economic development authority of the city. The area within which the redevelopment tax increment districts may be created is parcel 362922240002 (the "parcel") or any replatted parcels constituting a part of the parcel and the adjacent rights-of-way. For purposes of this section, the parcel is the "3M Renovation and Retention Project Area" or "project area." (b) The requirements for qualifying redevelopment tax increment districts under Minnesota Statutes, section 469.174, subdivision 10, do not apply to the parcel, which is deemed eligible for inclusion in a redevelopment tax increment district. (c) The 90 percent rule under Minnesota Statutes, section 469.176, subdivision 4j, does not apply to the parcel. (d) The expenditures outside district rule under Minnesota Statutes, section 469.1763, subdivision 2, does not apply; the five-year rule under Minnesota Statutes, section 469.1763, subdivision 3, is extended to ten years; and expenditures must only be made within the project area. (e) If, after one year from the date of certification of the original net tax capacity of the tax increment district, no demolition, rehabilitation, or renovation of property has been commenced on a parcel located within the tax increment district, no additional tax increment may be taken from that parcel, and the original net tax capacity of the parcel shall be excluded from the original net tax capacity of the tax increment district. If 3M Company subsequently commences demolition, rehabilitation, or renovation, the authority shall certify to the county auditor that the activity has commenced, and the county auditor shall certify the net tax capacity thereof as most recently certified by the commissioner of revenue and add it to the original net tax capacity of the tax increment district. The authority must submit to the county auditor evidence that the required activity has taken place for each parcel in the district. (f) The authority to approve a tax increment financing plan and to establish a tax increment financing district under this section expires December 31, 2018. EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective upon approval by the governing body of the city of Maplewood and upon compliance with Minnesota Statutes, section 645.021, subdivision 3. Packet Page Number 109 of 196 Agenda Item I4 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Charles Ahl, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Resolution Calling Public Hearing to Modify Development Program and Establish TIF District No. 1-12 for Research and Development Facility on 3M Campus DATE: June 5, 2013 INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND The 3M Company is proposing to construct a 400,000-square foot Research and Development Laboratory on their campus in Maplewood. The estimated cost for the R&D Facility provided by 3M is estimated at $156 million and is proposed to be constructed over the next 2 years. The proposed facility is expected to house over 700 employees. It has been testified by 3M Officials that those 700 employees, plus support personnel, will remain on the Maplewood campus, rather than be re-located to others states or elsewhere in the 3M international properties. This job retention, plus the potential for continued upgrades and expansion on the Maplewood campus are the basis for considering tax increment financing support for this project. 3M has requested Tax Increment Financing for the purpose of reinvestment in their campus and retention of these research positions in Maplewood/Minnesota. In addition, with this investment, 3M is agreeing to additional upgrades to other facilities on their campus of at least $50 million prior to December 2021. The City Council earlier in this meeting considered approving legislation to provide appropriate tax increment support for 3M to consider moving forward with the facility. The original plan was for the tax increment plan to use a portion of the increased taxes from the new R&D Facility to support the bond payments for a new Maplewood Fire Station to be constructed on the property immediately to the north of this new R&D Laboratory. That part of the legislation was not approved by the legislature, however, provisions in the current plan allow the City to use approximately $1,000,000 of the TIF toward development of the property to be donated by 3M that eventually will be used to construct the Fire Station. 3M on TIF Plan – Tentative Agreement Earlier this spring, the Council met to review the various issues with the TIF plan negotiations. The staff and 3M staff have reached a tentative agreement that is favorable to the City. The 3M position is that they need to upgrade their facilities to retain and attract the scientists and technical employees that will serve the company for the next 15-20 years. They have indicated that many of their current staff are nearing retirement and as they compete for the “brightest and best”, they want their Maplewood campus to reflect an attractive and state of the art facility and campus. The TIF will help make that a possibility. Attached is a report from Tom Denaway, at Springsted, our Financal Advisor, that summarizes the values to be considered for capture in the district. Following are a list of the items to be considered as well as impacts of the issues: 1. Number of years for the District varies from current law at 9 years to up to 26 years if new legislation is adopted. a. Agreement: a 26-year term is necessary to capture the full impacts of the parcel and provide the needed funding. Packet Page Number 110 of 196 EDA – 3M LEGISLATION PAGE TWO 2. Impact of fiscal disparities to be collected from within the district or outside the district. a. From a City standpoint, a resolution of funding for the fire station was critical to identifying an answer to this critical question, and because the legislature has denied our request, it was a difficult discussion for the City. Finance Manager Bauman estimates that adding the fiscal disparities calculation from outside the district, as agreed with 3M, could add about $85,000 per year in future years, probably beginning in 2016 or 2017. Given that 3M has agreed to donate land valued at $1,250,000, as well as pay all fees, these appears to be a reasonable expense to incur. 3. Private costs for 3M versus City costs a. 3M has agreed to 80% of the increment generated on a pay-as-you-go [no bonding] basis, after originally requesting a 90% level. b. This provides Maplewood with 20% of the increment to be used for site development costs of approximately $1.250 million for the property to be used for the fire station. 4. Collection of full City fees. a. 3M originally requested waiver of fees on this project, but has tentatively agreed to pay all reasonable City fees for the project, including $285,000 for Park Availability charge. b. The total fees could approach $1.0 million for building review and utility permit fees. Collection of these fees could be used to partially finance the fire station. 5. Schedule of Consideration. a. Attached is a proposed schedule for consideration of the TIF District. The first step is for the Council to adopt a resolution calling for a Public Hearing on the TIF District creation for Monday, July 22nd at 7:00 pm. The Housing and Economic Development Commission [HEDC] will review a draft TIF Agreement at their meeting on June 12th. As well, the Planning Commission will review the Agreement prior to final consideration by the Council on July 22nd. Recommended Action It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution that calls for a Public Hearing on July 22, 2013 to consider Modifying the Development Program and Establishing TIF District No. 1-12 for a Research and Development Facility on the 3M Campus. Attachments: 1. Resolution 2. Springsted Funding Capacity Report 3. Schedule Packet Page Number 111 of 196 5500111v2 Agenda Item I4 Attachment 1 EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA HELD: June 10, 2013 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Maplewood, Ramsey County, Minnesota, was duly held at the City Hall on Monday, the 10th day of June, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose, in part, of calling a public hearing on the proposed adoption of a Modification to the Development Program for Development District No. 1, the proposed establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-12 therein, and the proposed adoption of a Tax Increment Financing Plan therefor. The following Council Members were present: and the following were absent: Council Member __________ introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION CALLING PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED ADOPTION OF A MODIFICATION TO THE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 1, THE PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-12 THEREIN, AND THE PROPOSED ADOPTION OF A TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council (the "Council") of the City of Maplewood, Minnesota (the "City"), as follows: 1. Public Hearing. This Council shall meet on Monday, July 22, 2013, at approximately 7:00 p.m., to hold a public hearing on the following matters: (a) the proposed adoption of a Modification to the Development Program for Development District No. 1, (b) the proposed establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-12 therein, and (c) the proposed adoption of a Tax Increment Financing Plan therefor, all pursuant to and in accordance with Minnesota Laws, 2013, Chapter 143, Article 9, Section 21, and Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.124 through 469.134, both inclusive, as amended and Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 through 469.1794, both inclusive, as amended (collectively, the "Act"). 2. Notice of Hearing; Program Modification and Plan. The City Manager is hereby authorized to cause a notice of the hearing, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, to be published as required by the Act and to place a copy of the proposed Modification to the Development Program and Tax Increment Financing Plan on file in the Manager's Office at City Hall and to make such copies available for inspection by the public. Packet Page Number 112 of 196 5500111v2 3. Consultation with Other Taxing Jurisdictions. The City Manager is hereby directed to mail a notice of the public hearing and a copy of the Tax Increment Financing Plan to Ramsey County and Independent School District No. 622 informing those taxing jurisdictions of the estimated fiscal and economic impact of the establishment of the proposed tax increment financing district. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Council Member _______ and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor: and the following voted against the same: Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Packet Page Number 113 of 196 5500111v2 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Manager of the City of Maplewood, Minnesota, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the attached resolution is a true and correct copy of an extract of minutes of a meeting of the City Council of the City of Maplewood, Minnesota duly called and held, as such minutes relate to the calling of a public hearing on the City's development district and tax increment financing district. WITNESS my hand this ___ day of June, 2013. ______________________________ Manager Packet Page Number 114 of 196 5500111v2 EXHIBIT A CITY OF MAPLEWOOD COUNTY OF RAMSEY STATE OF MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON ESTABLISHMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-12 WITHIN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council (the "Council") of the City of Maplewood, Ramsey County, Minnesota, will hold a public hearing on Monday, July 22, 2013, at 7:00 p.m., at the Maplewood City Hall, 1830 East County Road B, in the City of Maplewood, Minnesota, relating to the proposed adoption of a Modification to the Development Program for Development District No. 1, and the proposed establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-12 and the proposed adoption of a Tax Increment Financing Plan therefor, within Development District No. 1, pursuant to Minnesota Laws, 2013, Chapter 143, Article 9, Section 21, and Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.124 to 469.134, inclusive, as amended and Section 469.174 through 469.1794, inclusive, as amended. The City will consider granting a business subsidy to 3M Company in connection with the development of the 3M Research and Development project. Copies of the Modification to the Development Program, the Tax Increment Financing Plan, and a summary of the terms of the business subsidy as proposed to be adopted will be on file and available for public inspection at the office of the City Manager at City Hall. With regard to the business subsidy, any person with residence in or the owner of taxable property in the City may file a written complaint with the City if the City fails to comply with Minnesota Statutes, Sections 116J.993 to 116J.995, and no action may be filed against the City for the failure to comply unless a written complaint is filed. The property proposed to be included in Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-12 is described in the Tax Increment Financing Plan on file in the office of the City Manager. A map of Development District No. 1 and Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-12 is set forth below: [INSERT MAP of Development District No. 1 and Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-12] All interested persons may appear at the hearing and present their view orally or in writing. Dated: June 10, 2013. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL /s/ James Antonen Manager Packet Page Number 115 of 196 Agenda Item I4 Attachment 2Packet Page Number 116 of 196 Agenda Item I4 Attachment 2Packet Page Number 117 of 196 Agenda Item I4 Attachment 2Packet Page Number 118 of 196 Agenda Item I4 Attachment 2Packet Page Number 119 of 196 5070796v1 Agenda Item I4 Attachment 3 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS RELATING TO MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 AND ESTABLISHMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-12 (3M RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROJECT) ------------------------------------------------------------- The pertinent dates in connection with the above referenced matter are listed below: June 10th At 7:00 p.m. City passes Resolution Approving Special Legislation June 10th At 7:00 p.m. City passes Resolution Calling Public Hearing to Modify Development Program and Establish TIF District No. 1-12 June 10th Notification to County Commissioner. (Minimum of 30 days prior to publication of notice of City hearing) June 12th Presentation to Housing and Economic Development Commission June 21st Notification to County and School District and submission of tax increment financing plan. (Minimum of 30 days prior to City public hearing) To paper July 3 rd Notice of City Public Hearing published. (Minimum of 10 days notice) Publish by July 10th July 16th At 7:00 p.m. Planning Commission passes Resolution concerning Development Program Modification and Tax Increment Financing Plan. July 22nd At 7:00 p.m. City holds public hearing. City passes Resolution Modifying Development Program and establishing the Tax Increment District and Amending the Interfund Loan Resolution. After July 22nd Filing of Modification to the Program and Tax Increment Plan with Office of State Auditor and Commissioner of Revenue. Request for Certification of Tax Increment District from County. Packet Page Number 120 of 196 Agenda Item I5 AGENDA REPORT TO: James W. Antonen, City Manager FROM: Gayle Bauman, Finance Director SUBJECT: Bid Award on Bonds – General Obligation Bonds 2013A DATE: May 29, 2013 for June 10, 2013 council meeting BACKGROUND On May 13, 2013, the Council gave preliminary approval for the sale of $6,380,000 of General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013A. The bids on these bonds are scheduled to be opened on Monday, June 10, 2013. The 2013A bonds were proposed to finance the following:  CIP bonds totaling $3,505,000 are planned to cover construction costs associated with the Police Department expansion plan. This project is already underway with work being done at Building 1902.  One public works project – Improvement bonds totaling $2,470,000 will be used to finance the TH 36 and English Interchange which has special assessments that total at least 20% of the project costs.  Refunding bonds totaling $405,000 will be used to refund maturities of the City’s G.O. Capital Improvement Plan Bonds, Series 2004D. With regard to the refunding bonds, crossover refunding bonds are proposed to be issued to refund G.O. Capital Improvement Plan Bonds 2004D with an outstanding amount of $485,000 and maturities through 2024. The estimated net present value (NPV) of savings to the City for this issue is $46,195 or over 11% of the principal amount of the refunding bonds. The bid award is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. at the regular Council meeting on Monday, June 10, 2013. A recommendation regarding the bid award will be made by a representative of Springsted Incorporated. At that time, resolutions for the bonds issued will need to be adopted to award the bids. Draft copies of the resolutions are attached. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the resolutions pending a favorable recommendation from Springsted, Incorporated. P:\Council Files\Agendas\2013\061-bond sale 2013A unfinished Attachments: 1. Series 2013A Resolution Packet Page Number 121 of 196 5501885v1 EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA HELD: June 10, 2013 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular or special meeting of the City Council of the City of Maplewood, Ramsey County, Minnesota, was duly called and held at the City Hall on June 10, 2013, at 7:00 P.M., for the purpose, in part, of considering proposals and awarding the competitive negotiated sale of $6,380,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013A. The following members were present: and the following were absent: In accordance with the resolution adopted by the City Council on May 13, 2013, the City Clerk presented proposals on $6,380,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013A, which were received and tabulated at the offices of Springsted Incorporated on this same day: Bidder Interest Rate Trust Interest Cost SEE ATTACHED The Council then proceeded to consider and discuss the proposals, after which member ____________ introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PROPOSAL ON THE COMPETITIVE NEGOTIATED SALE OF $6,380,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 2013A, PLEDGING FOR THE SECURITY THEREOF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AND LEVYING A TAX FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF AND PROVIDING FOR THEIR ISSUANCE A. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Maplewood, Minnesota (the "City") has heretofore determined and declared that it is necessary and expedient to issue $6,380,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013A (the "Bonds" or individually a "Bond"), pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475 to (i) provide funds sufficient for a crossover refunding of the City's $700,000 original principal amount of General Obligation Capital Improvement Plan Bonds, Series 2004D, dated August 1, 2004 (the "Prior Bonds"), which mature on and after August 1, 2016, and (ii) pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429 to finance the construction of various improvement projects within the City (the "Improvements"), and (iii) pursuant to Minnesota Statues, Chapter 472.521 to finance improvements outlined in the City’s Capital Improvement Plan (the “CIP Improvements”); and B. WHEREAS, $_____________ aggregate principal amount of the Prior Bonds which mature or is subject to mandatory redemption on and after August 1, 2016, is callable on August 1, 2015 (the "Refunded Bonds"), at a price of par plus accrued interest, as provided in the resolution adopted on August 5, 2004, authorizing the issuance of the Prior Bonds (the "Prior Resolution"); and the crossover refunding of the Refunded Bonds on August 1, 2015 (the Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 122 of 196 5501885v1 2 "Crossover Date") is consistent with covenants made with the holders thereof, and is necessary and desirable for the reduction of debt service cost to the City; and C. WHEREAS, the Improvements and all their components have been ordered prior to the date hereof, after a hearing thereon for which notice was given describing the Improvements or all their components by general nature, estimated cost, and area to be assessed; and D. WHEREAS, on November 26, 2012, the City held a public hearing on the proposed issuance of general obligation capital improvement plan bonds and, pursuant to resolution approved and adopted the 2013 through 2017 Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan (the "Plan"), and approved the issuance of general obligation capital improvement plan bonds to finance capital improvements described in the Plan (the “CIP Project"); and E. WHEREAS, no petition signed by voters equal to five percent of the votes cast in the City in the last general election requesting a vote on the issuance of the general obligation capital improvement plan bonds has been filed with the Clerk within thirty days after the public hearing on the Plan and on the issuance of the general obligation capital improvement plan bonds; and the City has heretofore determined, in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.521, Subd. 4, that the principal and interest to become due in any year on the Bonds, will be less than 0.16 percent of the taxable market value of property in the City; and other than the Bonds and the Prior Bonds, there are no other bonds issued by the City under Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.521; and F. WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the City that the Bonds be issued in book- entry form as hereinafter provided; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Maplewood, Minnesota, as follows: 1. Acceptance of Proposal. The proposal of ______________________________ (the "Purchaser"), to purchase the Bonds, in accordance with the Terms of Proposal established for the Bonds, at the rates of interest hereinafter set forth, and to pay therefor the sum of $__________, plus interest accrued to settlement, is hereby found, determined and declared to be the most favorable proposal received, is hereby accepted and the Bonds are hereby awarded to the Purchaser. The City Clerk is directed to retain the deposit of the Purchaser and to forthwith return to the unsuccessful bidders any good faith checks or drafts. 2. Bond Terms. (a) Original Issue Date; Denominations; Maturities; Term Bond Option. The Bonds shall be dated as of the date of delivery, as the date of original issue and shall be issued forthwith on or after such date in fully registered form, shall be numbered from R-1 upward in the denomination of $5,000 each or in any integral multiple thereof of a single maturity (the "Authorized Denominations") and shall mature on February 1 in the years and amounts as follows: Packet Page Number 123 of 196 5501885v1 3 Year Amount Year Amount 2015 2024 2016 2025 2017 2026 2018 2027 2019 2028 2020 2029 2021 2030 2022 2031 2023 As may be requested by the Purchaser, one or more term Bonds may be issued having mandatory sinking fund redemption and final maturity amounts conforming to the foregoing principal repayment schedule, and corresponding additions may be made to the provisions of the applicable Bond(s). (b) Allocation. The Improvement Portion of the Bonds, being the aggregate principal amount of $_____________, maturing in each of the years and amounts hereinafter set forth, is issued to finance the Improvements. The Refunding Portion of the Bonds, being the aggregate principal amount of $___________, maturing in each of the years and amounts hereinafter set forth, is issued to finance the refunding of the Refunded Bonds. The CIP Portion of the Bonds, being the aggregate principal amount of $___________, maturing in each of the years and amounts herein set forth, is issued to finance the CIP Project. Year Improvement Portion (Amount) Refunding Portion (Amount) CIP Portion (Amount) Total Amount 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 Packet Page Number 124 of 196 5501885v1 4 If Bonds are prepaid, the prepayments shall be allocated to the portions of debt service (and hence allocated to the payment of Bonds treated as relating to a particular portion of debt service) as provided in this paragraph. If the source of prepayment moneys is the general fund of the City, or other generally available source, the prepayment may be allocated to any of the portions of debt service in such amounts as the City shall determine. If the source of a prepayment is special assessments pledged to the Improvements, the prepayment shall be allocated to the Improvement Portion of debt service. If the source of prepayments is taxes pledged to the CIP Project, the prepayment shall be allocated to the CIP Portion. (c) Book Entry Only System. The Depository Trust Company, a limited purpose trust company organized under the laws of the State of New York or any of its successors or its successors to its functions hereunder (the "Depository") will act as securities depository for the Bonds, and to this end: (i) The Bonds shall be initially issued and, so long as they remain in book entry form only (the "Book Entry Only Period"), shall at all times be in the form of a separate single fully registered Bond for each maturity of the Bonds; and for purposes of complying with this requirement under paragraphs 5 and 10 Authorized Denominations for any Bond shall be deemed to be limited during the Book Entry Only Period to the outstanding principal amount of that Bond. (ii) Upon initial issuance, ownership of the Bonds shall be registered in a bond register maintained by the Bond Registrar (as hereinafter defined) in the name of CEDE & CO., as the nominee (it or any nominee of the existing or a successor Depository, the "Nominee"). (iii) With respect to the Bonds neither the City nor the Bond Registrar shall have any responsibility or obligation to any broker, dealer, bank, or any other financial institution for which the Depository holds Bonds as securities depository (the "Participant") or the person for which a Participant holds an interest in the Bonds shown on the books and records of the Participant (the "Beneficial Owner"). Without limiting the immediately preceding sentence, neither the City, nor the Bond Registrar, shall have any such responsibility or obligation with respect to (A) the accuracy of the records of the Depository, the Nominee or any Participant with respect to any ownership interest in the Bonds, or (B) the delivery to any Participant, any Owner or any other person, other than the Depository, of any notice with respect to the Bonds, including any notice of redemption, or (C) the payment to any Participant, any Beneficial Owner or any other person, other than the Depository, of any amount with respect to the principal of or premium, if any, or interest on the Bonds, or (D) the consent given or other action taken by the Depository as the Registered Holder of any Bonds (the "Holder"). For purposes of securing the vote or consent of any Holder under this Resolution, the City may, however, rely upon an omnibus proxy under which the Depository assigns its consenting or voting rights to certain Participants to whose accounts the Bonds are credited on the record date identified in a listing attached to the omnibus proxy. Packet Page Number 125 of 196 5501885v1 5 (iv) The City and the Bond Registrar may treat as and deem the Depository to be the absolute owner of the Bonds for the purpose of payment of the principal of and premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds, for the purpose of giving notices of redemption and other matters with respect to the Bonds, for the purpose of obtaining any consent or other action to be taken by Holders for the purpose of registering transfers with respect to such Bonds, and for all purpose whatsoever. The Bond Registrar, as paying agent hereunder, shall pay all principal of and premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds only to the Holder or the Holders of the Bonds as shown on the bond register, and all such payments shall be valid and effective to fully satisfy and discharge the City's obligations with respect to the principal of and premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds to the extent of the sum or sums so paid. (v) Upon delivery by the Depository to the Bond Registrar of written notice to the effect that the Depository has determined to substitute a new Nominee in place of the existing Nominee, and subject to the transfer provisions in paragraph 10, references to the Nominee hereunder shall refer to such new Nominee. (vi) So long as any Bond is registered in the name of a Nominee, all payments with respect to the principal of and premium, if any, and interest on such Bond and all notices with respect to such Bond shall be made and given, respectively, by the Bond Registrar or City, as the case may be, to the Depository as provided in the Letter of Representations to the Depository required by the Depository as a condition to its acting as book-entry Depository for the Bonds (said Letter of Representations, together with any replacement thereof or amendment or substitute thereto, including any standard procedures or policies referenced therein or applicable thereto respecting the procedures and other matters relating to the Depository's role as book-entry Depository for the Bonds, collectively hereinafter referred to as the "Letter of Representations"). (vii) All transfers of beneficial ownership interests in each Bond issued in book-entry form shall be limited in principal amount to Authorized Denominations and shall be effected by procedures by the Depository with the Participants for recording and transferring the ownership of beneficial interests in such Bonds. (viii) In connection with any notice or other communication to be provided to the Holders pursuant to this Resolution by the City or Bond Registrar with respect to any consent or other action to be taken by Holders, the Depository shall consider the date of receipt of notice requesting such consent or other action as the record date for such consent or other action; provided, that the City or the Bond Registrar may establish a special record date for such consent or other action. The City or the Bond Registrar shall, to the extent possible, give the Depository notice of such special record date not less than fifteen calendar days in advance of such special record date to the extent possible. (ix) Any successor Bond Registrar in its written acceptance of its duties under this Resolution and any paying agency/bond registrar agreement, shall agree to take Packet Page Number 126 of 196 5501885v1 6 any actions necessary from time to time to comply with the requirements of the Letter of Representations. (x) In the case of a partial prepayment of a Bond, the Holder may, in lieu of surrendering the Bonds for a Bond of a lesser denomination as provided in paragraph 5, make a notation of the reduction in principal amount on the panel provided on the Bond stating the amount so redeemed. (d) Termination of Book-Entry Only System. Discontinuance of a particular Depository's services and termination of the book-entry only system may be effected as follows: (i) The Depository may determine to discontinue providing its services with respect to the Bonds at any time by giving written notice to the City and discharging its responsibilities with respect thereto under applicable law. The City may terminate the services of the Depository with respect to the Bond if it determines that the Depository is no longer able to carry out its functions as securities depository or the continuation of the system of book-entry transfers through the Depository is not in the best interests of the City or the Beneficial Owners. (ii) Upon termination of the services of the Depository as provided in the preceding paragraph, and if no substitute securities depository is willing to undertake the functions of the Depository hereunder can be found which, in the opinion of the City, is willing and able to assume such functions upon reasonable or customary terms, or if the City determines that it is in the best interests of the City or the Beneficial Owners of the Bond that the Beneficial Owners be able to obtain certificates for the Bonds, the Bonds shall no longer be registered as being registered in the bond register in the name of the Nominee, but may be registered in whatever name or names the Holder of the Bonds shall designate at that time, in accordance with paragraph 10. To the extent that the Beneficial Owners are designated as the transferee by the Holders, in accordance with paragraph 10, the Bonds will be delivered to the Beneficial Owners. (iii) Nothing in this subparagraph (d) shall limit or restrict the provisions of paragraph 10. (e) Letter of Representations. The provisions in the Letter of Representations are incorporated herein by reference and made a part of the resolution, and if and to the extent any such provisions are inconsistent with the other provisions of this resolution, the provisions in the Letter of Representations shall control. 3. Purpose. The Improvement Portion of the Bonds shall provide funds to finance the Improvements. The Refunding Portion of the Bonds shall provide funds to finance the crossover refunding of the Refunded Bonds (the "Refunding"). The CIP Portion of the Bonds shall provide funds to finance the CIP Project. The Improvements and the CIP Project are herein referred to together as the Project. The total cost of the Project, which shall include all costs enumerated in Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.65, is estimated to be at least equal to the amount of the Bonds. The City covenants that it shall do all things and perform all acts required of it to Packet Page Number 127 of 196 5501885v1 7 assure that work on the Project proceeds with due diligence to completion and that any and all permits and studies required under law for the Project are obtained. It is hereby found, determined and declared that the Refunding is pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.67, Subdivision 13, and as of the crossover date of the Bonds, shall result in a reduction of the present value of the dollar amount of the debt service to the City from a total dollar amount of $_________________ for the Prior Bonds to a total dollar amount of $_______________ for the Refunding Portion of the Bonds, computed in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.67, Subdivision 12, and accordingly the dollar amount of such present value of the debt service for the Refunding Portion of the Bonds is lower by at least three percent than the dollar amount of such present value of the debt service for the Prior Bonds as required in Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.67, Subdivision 12. 4. Interest. The Bonds shall bear interest payable semiannually on February 1 and August 1 of each year (each, an "Interest Payment Date"), commencing February 1, 2014, calculated on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months, at the respective rates per annum set forth opposite the maturity years as follows: Maturity Year Interest Rate Maturity Year Interest Rate 2015 2024 2016 2025 2017 2026 2018 2027 2019 2028 2020 2029 2021 2030 2022 2031 2023 5. Redemption. All Bonds maturing on February 1, 2023 and thereafter, shall be subject to redemption and prepayment at the option of the City on February 1, 2022, and on any date thereafter at a price of par plus accrued interest. Redemption may be in whole or in part of the Bonds subject to prepayment. If redemption is in part, the maturities and the principal amounts within each maturity to be redeemed shall be determined by the City; and if only part of the Bonds having a common maturity date are called for prepayment, the specific Bonds to be prepaid shall be chosen by lot by the Bond Registrar. Bonds or portions thereof called for redemption shall be due and payable on the redemption date, and interest thereon shall cease to accrue from and after the redemption date. Mailed notice of redemption shall be given to the paying agent and to each affected registered holder of the Bonds at least thirty days prior to the date fixed for redemption. To effect a partial redemption of Bonds having a common maturity date, the Bond Registrar prior to giving notice of redemption shall assign to each Bond having a common maturity date a distinctive number for each $5,000 of the principal amount of such Bond. The Bond Registrar shall then select by lot, using such method of selection as it shall deem proper in its discretion, from the numbers so assigned to such Bonds, as many numbers as, at $5,000 for each number, shall equal the principal amount of such Bonds to be redeemed. The Bonds to be redeemed shall be the Bonds to which were assigned numbers so selected; provided, however, Packet Page Number 128 of 196 5501885v1 8 that only so much of the principal amount of each such Bond of a denomination of more than $5,000 shall be redeemed as shall equal $5,000 for each number assigned to it and so selected. If a Bond is to be redeemed only in part, it shall be surrendered to the Bond Registrar (with, if the City or Bond Registrar so requires, a written instrument of transfer in form satisfactory to the City and Bond Registrar duly executed by the Holder thereof or the Holder's attorney duly authorized in writing) and the City shall execute (if necessary) and the Bond Registrar shall authenticate and deliver to the Holder of the Bond, without service charge, a new Bond or Bonds having the same stated maturity and interest rate and of any Authorized Denomination or Denominations, as requested by the Holder, in aggregate principal amount equal to and in exchange for the unredeemed portion of the principal of the Bond so surrendered. 6. Bond Registrar. U.S. Bank National Association, in St. Paul, Minnesota, is appointed to act as bond registrar and transfer agent with respect to the Bonds (the "Bond Registrar"), and shall do so unless and until a successor Bond Registrar is duly appointed, all pursuant to any contract the City and Bond Registrar shall execute which is consistent herewith. The Bond Registrar shall also serve as paying agent unless and until a successor paying agent is duly appointed. Principal and interest on the Bonds shall be paid to the registered holders (or record holders) of the Bonds in the manner set forth in the form of Bond and paragraph 12. 7. Form of Bond. The Bonds, together with the Bond Registrar's Certificate of Authentication, the form of Assignment and the registration information thereon, shall be in substantially the following form: Packet Page Number 129 of 196 5501885v1 9 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF MINNESOTA RAMSEY COUNTY CITY OF MAPLEWOOD R-_______ $_________ GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND, SERIES 2013A Interest Rate Maturity Date Date of Original Issue CUSIP February 1, _____ 1, 2013 REGISTERED OWNER: CEDE & CO. PRINCIPAL AMOUNT: The City of Maplewood, Ramsey County, Minnesota (the "Issuer"), certifies that it is indebted and for value received promises to pay to the registered owner specified above, or registered assigns, unless called for earlier redemption, in the manner hereinafter set forth, the principal amount specified above, on the maturity date specified above, and to pay interest thereon semiannually on February 1 and August 1 of each year (each, an "Interest Payment Date"), commencing February 1, 2014, at the rate per annum specified above (calculated on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months) until the principal sum is paid or has been provided for. This Bond will bear interest from the most recent Interest Payment Date to which interest has been paid or, if no interest has been paid, from the date of original issue hereof. The principal of and premium, if any, on this Bond are payable upon presentation and surrender hereof at the principal office of U.S. Bank National Association, in St. Paul, Minnesota (the "Bond Registrar"), acting as paying agent, or any successor paying agent duly appointed by the Issuer, acting as paying agent, or any successor paying agent duly appointed by the Issuer. Interest on this Bond will be paid on each Interest Payment Date by check or draft mailed to the person in whose name this Bond is registered (the "Holder" or "Bondholder") on the registration books of the Issuer maintained by the Bond Registrar and at the address appearing thereon at the close of business on the fifteenth day of the calendar month next preceding such Interest Payment Date (the "Regular Record Date"). Any interest not so timely paid shall cease to be payable to the person who is the Holder hereof as of the Regular Record Date, and shall be payable to the person who is the Holder hereof at the close of business on a date (the "Special Record Date") fixed by the Bond Registrar whenever money becomes available for payment of the defaulted interest. Notice of the Special Record Date shall be given to Bondholders not less than ten days prior to the Special Record Date. The principal of and premium, if any, and interest on this Bond are payable in lawful money of the United States of America. So long as this Bond is registered in the name of the Depository or its Nominee as provided in the Resolution hereinafter described, and as those terms are defined therein, payment of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on this Bond and notice with respect thereto shall be made as provided in the Letter of Representations, as defined in the Resolution, and surrender of this Bond shall not be required for payment of the redemption price upon a partial redemption of this Packet Page Number 130 of 196 5501885v1 10 Bond. Until termination of the book-entry only system pursuant to the Resolution, Bonds may only be registered in the name of the Depository or its Nominee. Optional Redemption. All Bonds of this issue (the "Bonds") maturing on February 1, 2023, and thereafter, are subject to redemption and prepayment at the option of the Issuer on February 1, 2022, and on any date thereafter at a price of par plus accrued interest. Redemption may be in whole or in part of the Bonds subject to prepayment. If redemption is in part, the maturities and the principal amounts within each maturity to be redeemed shall be determined by the Issuer; and if only part of the Bonds having a common maturity date are called for prepayment, the specific Bonds to be prepaid shall be chosen by lot by the Bond Registrar. Bonds or portions thereof called for redemption shall be due and payable on the redemption date, and interest thereon shall cease to accrue from and after the redemption date. Mailed notice of redemption shall be given to the paying agent and to each affected Holder of the Bonds at least thirty days prior to the date fixed for redemption. Selection of Bonds for Redemption; Partial Redemption. To effect a partial redemption of Bonds having a common maturity date, the Bond Registrar shall assign to each Bond having a common maturity date a distinctive number for each $5,000 of the principal amount of such Bond. The Bond Registrar shall then select by lot, using such method of selection as it shall deem proper in its discretion, from the numbers assigned to the Bonds, as many numbers as, at $5,000 for each number, shall equal the principal amount of such Bonds to be redeemed. The Bonds to be redeemed shall be the Bonds to which were assigned numbers so selected; provided, however, that only so much of the principal amount of such Bond of a denomination of more than $5,000 shall be redeemed as shall equal $5,000 for each number assigned to it and so selected. If a Bond is to be redeemed only in part, it shall be surrendered to the Bond Registrar (with, if the Issuer or Bond Registrar so requires, a written instrument of transfer in form satisfactory to the Issuer and Bond Registrar duly executed by the Holder thereof or the Holder's attorney duly authorized in writing) and the Issuer shall execute (if necessary) and the Bond Registrar shall authenticate and deliver to the Holder of the Bond, without service charge, a new Bond or Bonds having the same stated maturity and interest rate and of any Authorized Denomination or Denominations, as requested by the Holder, in aggregate principal amount equal to and in exchange for the unredeemed portion of the principal of the Bond so surrendered. Issuance; Purpose; General Obligation. This Bond is one of an issue in the total principal amount of $6,380,000, all of like date of original issue and tenor, except as to number, maturity, interest rate, denomination and redemption privilege, issued pursuant to and in full conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota and pursuant to a resolution adopted by the City Council on June 10, 2013 (the "Resolution"), for the purpose of providing money to finance various projects within the jurisdiction of the Issuer and to finance a crossover refunding on February 1, 2015, of the Issuer's General Obligation Capital Improvement Plan Bonds, Series 2004D, dated August 1, 2004, which mature on and after February 1, 2016. This Bond is payable out of the Escrow Account and the Debt Service Account established by the Issuer pursuant to the Resolution. This Bond constitutes a general obligation of the Issuer, and to provide moneys for the prompt and full payment of its principal, premium, if any, and interest when the same become due, the full faith and credit and taxing powers of the Issuer have been and are hereby irrevocably pledged. Packet Page Number 131 of 196 5501885v1 11 Denominations; Exchange; Resolution. The Bonds are issuable solely in fully registered form in Authorized Denominations (as defined in the Resolution) and are exchangeable for fully registered Bonds of other Authorized Denominations in equal aggregate principal amounts at the principal office of the Bond Registrar, but only in the manner and subject to the limitations provided in the Resolution. Reference is hereby made to the Resolution for a description of the rights and duties of the Bond Registrar. Copies of the Resolution are on file in the principal office of the Bond Registrar. Transfer. This Bond is transferable by the Holder in person or the Holder's attorney duly authorized in writing at the principal office of the Bond Registrar upon presentation and surrender hereof to the Bond Registrar, all subject to the terms and conditions provided in the Resolution and to reasonable regulations of the Issuer contained in any agreement with the Bond Registrar. Thereupon the Issuer shall execute and the Bond Registrar shall authenticate and deliver, in exchange for this Bond, one or more new fully registered Bonds in the name of the transferee (but not registered in blank or to "bearer" or similar designation), of an Authorized Denomination or Denominations, in aggregate principal amount equal to the principal amount of this Bond, of the same maturity and bearing interest at the same rate. Fees upon Transfer or Loss. The Bond Registrar may require payment of a sum sufficient to cover any tax or other governmental charge payable in connection with the transfer or exchange of this Bond and any legal or unusual costs regarding transfers and lost Bonds. Treatment of Registered Owners. The Issuer and Bond Registrar may treat the person in whose name this Bond is registered as the owner hereof for the purpose of receiving payment as herein provided (except as otherwise provided herein with respect to the Record Date) and for all other purposes, whether or not this Bond shall be overdue, and neither the Issuer nor the Bond Registrar shall be affected by notice to the contrary. Authentication. This Bond shall not be valid or become obligatory for any purpose or be entitled to any security unless the Certificate of Authentication hereon shall have been executed by the Bond Registrar. Qualified Tax-Exempt Obligation. This Bond has been designated by the Issuer as a "qualified tax-exempt obligation" for purposes of Section 265(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED that all acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota to be done, to happen and to be performed, precedent to and in the issuance of this Bond, have been done, have happened and have been performed, in regular and due form, time and manner as required by law; and that this Bond, together with all other debts of the Issuer outstanding on the date of original issue hereof and the date of its issuance and delivery to the original purchaser, does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation of indebtedness. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Maplewood, Ramsey County, Minnesota, by its City Council has caused this Bond to be executed on its behalf by the facsimile signatures of its Packet Page Number 132 of 196 5501885v1 12 Mayor and its City Clerk, the corporate seal of the Issuer having been intentionally omitted as permitted by law. Date of Registration: BOND REGISTRAR'S CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICATION This Bond is one of the Bonds described in the Resolution mentioned within. U.S. Bank National Association St. Paul, Minnesota, Bond Registrar By: Authorized Signature Registrable by: U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Payable at: U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION CITY OF MAPLEWOOD, RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA /s/ Facsimile Mayor /s/ Facsimile City Clerk Packet Page Number 133 of 196 5501885v1 13 ABBREVIATIONS The following abbreviations, when used in the inscription on the face of this Bond, shall be construed as though they were written out in full according to applicable laws or regulations: TEN COM - as tenants in common TEN ENT - as tenants by the entireties JT TEN - as joint tenants with right of survivorship and not as tenants in common UTMA - ___________ as custodian for ______________ (Cust) (Minor) under the _____________________ Uniform (State) Transfers to Minors Act Additional abbreviations may also be used though not in the above list. ___________________________________________________________ ASSIGNMENT For value received, the undersigned hereby sells, assigns and transfers unto ________________________________________________________________ the within Bond and does hereby irrevocably constitute and appoint _________________ attorney to transfer the Bond on the books kept for the registration thereof, with full power of substitution in the premises. Dated:_____________________ ___________________________ Notice: The assignor's signature to this assignment must correspond with the name as it appears upon the face of the within Bond in every particular, without alteration or any change whatever. Signature Guaranteed: ___________________________ Signature(s) must be guaranteed by a national bank or trust company or by a brokerage firm having a membership in one of the major stock exchanges or any other "Eligible Guarantor Institution" as defined in 17 CFR 240.17 Ad-15(a)(2). The Bond Registrar will not effect transfer of this Bond unless the information concerning the transferee requested below is provided. Name and Address: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ (Include information for all joint owners if the Bond is held by joint account.) Packet Page Number 134 of 196 5501885v1 14 PREPAYMENT SCHEDULE This Bond has been prepaid in part on the date(s) and in the amount(s) as follows: Date Amount Authorized signature of Holder Packet Page Number 135 of 196 5501885v1 15 8. Execution; Temporary Bonds. The Bonds shall be printed (or, at the request of the Purchaser, typewritten) and shall be executed on behalf of the City by the signatures of its Mayor and City Clerk and be sealed with the seal of the City; provided, however, that the seal of the City may be a printed (or, at the request of the Purchaser, photocopied) facsimile; and provided further that both of such signatures may be printed (or, at the request of the Purchaser, photocopied) facsimiles and the corporate seal may be omitted on the Bonds as permitted by law. In the event of disability or resignation or other absence of either officer, the Bonds may be signed by the manual or facsimile signature of that officer who may act on behalf of the absent or disabled officer. In case either officer whose signature or facsimile of whose signature shall appear on the Bonds shall cease to be such officer before the delivery of the Bonds, the signature or facsimile shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes, the same as if the officer had remained in office until delivery. The City may elect to deliver, in lieu of printed definitive bonds, one or more typewritten temporary bonds in substantially the form set forth above, with such changes as may be necessary to reflect more than one maturity in a single temporary bond. Such temporary bonds may be executed with photocopied facsimile signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk. Such temporary bonds shall, upon the printing of the definitive bonds and the execution thereof, be exchanged therefor and canceled. 9. Authentication. No Bond shall be valid or obligatory for any purpose or be entitled to any security or benefit under this resolution unless a Certificate of Authentication on the Bond, substantially in the form hereinabove set forth, shall have been duly executed by an authorized representative of the Bond Registrar. Certificates of Authentication on different Bonds need not be signed by the same person. The Bond Registrar shall authenticate the signatures of officers of the City on each Bond by execution of the Certificate of Authentication on the Bond and by inserting as the date of registration in the space provided the date on which the Bond is authenticated, except that for purposes of delivering the original Bonds to the Purchaser, the Bond Registrar shall insert as a date of registration the date of original issue, which date is the date of delivery. The Certificate of Authentication so executed on each Bond shall be conclusive evidence that it has been authenticated and delivered under this resolution. 10. Registration; Transfer; Exchange. The City will cause to be kept at the principal office of the Bond Registrar a bond register in which, subject to such reasonable regulations as the Bond Registrar may prescribe, the Bond Registrar shall provide for the registration of Bonds and the registration of transfers of Bonds entitled to be registered or transferred as herein provided. Upon surrender for transfer of any Bond at the principal office of the Bond Registrar, the City shall execute (if necessary), and the Bond Registrar shall authenticate, insert the date of registration (as provided in paragraph 9) of, and deliver, in the name of the designated transferee or transferees, one or more new Bonds of any Authorized Denomination or Denominations of a like aggregate principal amount, having the same stated maturity and interest rate, as requested by the transferor; provided, however, that no Bond may be registered in blank or in the name of "bearer" or similar designation. At the option of the Holder, Bonds may be exchanged for Bonds of any Authorized Denomination or Denominations of a like aggregate principal amount and stated maturity, upon surrender of the Bonds to be exchanged at the principal office of the Bond Registrar. Whenever Packet Page Number 136 of 196 5501885v1 16 any Bonds are so surrendered for exchange, the City shall execute (if necessary), and the Bond Registrar shall authenticate, insert the date of registration of, and deliver the Bonds which the Holder making the exchange is entitled to receive. All Bonds surrendered upon any exchange or transfer provided for in this resolution shall be promptly canceled by the Bond Registrar and thereafter disposed of as directed by the City. All Bonds delivered in exchange for or upon transfer of Bonds shall be valid general obligations of the City evidencing the same debt, and entitled to the same benefits under this resolution, as the Bonds surrendered for such exchange or transfer. Every Bond presented or surrendered for transfer or exchange shall be duly endorsed or be accompanied by a written instrument of transfer, in form satisfactory to the Bond Registrar, duly executed by the Holder thereof or the Holder's attorney duly authorized in writing. The Bond Registrar may require payment of a sum sufficient to cover any tax or other governmental charge payable in connection with the transfer or exchange of any Bond and any legal or unusual costs regarding transfers and lost Bonds. Transfers shall also be subject to reasonable regulations of the City contained in any agreement with the Bond Registrar, including regulations which permit the Bond Registrar to close its transfer books between record dates and payment dates. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to negotiate and execute the terms of said agreement. 11. Rights Upon Transfer or Exchange. Each Bond delivered upon transfer of or in exchange for or in lieu of any other Bond shall carry all the rights to interest accrued and unpaid, and to accrue, which were carried by such other Bond. 12. Interest Payment; Record Date. Interest on any Bond shall be paid on each Interest Payment Date by check or draft mailed to the person in whose name the Bond is registered (the "Holder") on the registration books of the City maintained by the Bond Registrar and at the address appearing thereon at the close of business on the fifteenth day of the calendar month next preceding such Interest Payment Date (the "Regular Record Date"). Any such interest not so timely paid shall cease to be payable to the person who is the Holder thereof as of the Regular Record Date, and shall be payable to the person who is the Holder thereof at the close of business on a date (the "Special Record Date") fixed by the Bond Registrar whenever money becomes available for payment of the defaulted interest. Notice of the Special Record Date shall be given by the Bond Registrar to the Holders not less than ten days prior to the Special Record Date. 13. Treatment of Registered Owner. The City and Bond Registrar may treat the person in whose name any Bond is registered as the owner of such Bond for the purpose of receiving payment of principal of and premium, if any, and interest (subject to the payment provisions in paragraph 12) on, such Bond and for all other purposes whatsoever whether or not such Bond shall be overdue, and neither the City nor the Bond Registrar shall be affected by notice to the contrary. Packet Page Number 137 of 196 5501885v1 17 14. Delivery; Application of Proceeds. The Bonds when so prepared and executed shall be delivered by the Finance Manager to the Purchaser upon receipt of the purchase price, and the Purchaser shall not be obliged to see to the proper application thereof. 15. Fund and Accounts. There is hereby established a special fund to be designated "General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013A Fund" (the "Fund") to be administered and maintained by the Finance Manager as a bookkeeping account separate and apart from all other funds maintained in the official financial records of the City. The Fund shall be maintained in the manner herein specified until all of the Bonds and the interest thereon have been fully paid. In such records there shall be established accounts or accounts shall continue to be maintained as the case may be, of the Fund for the purposes and in the amounts as follows: (a) Escrow Account. The Escrow Account shall be maintained as an escrow account with U.S. Bank National Association (the "Escrow Agent"), in Minneapolis, Minnesota, which is a suitable financial institution within or without the State. $__________ in proceeds of the Refunding Portion of the Bonds shall be received by the Escrow Agent and applied to fund the Escrow Account. Proceeds of the Bonds and any proceeds returned to the City are hereby irrevocably pledged and appropriated to the Escrow Account, together with all investment earnings thereon. The Escrow Account shall be invested in securities maturing or callable at the option of the holder on such dates and bearing interest at such rates as shall be required to provide sufficient funds, together with any cash or other funds retained in the Escrow Account, (i) to pay when due the interest to accrue on the Refunding Portion of the Bonds to and including the Crossover Date; and (ii) to pay when called for redemption on the Crossover Date, the principal amount of the Refunded Bonds. The Escrow Account shall be irrevocably appropriated to the payment of (i) all interest on the Refunding Portion of the Bonds to and including the Crossover Date, and (ii) the principal of the Refunded Bonds due by reason of their call for redemption on the Crossover Date. The moneys in the Escrow Account shall be used solely for the purposes herein set forth and for no other purpose, except that any surplus in the Escrow Account may be remitted to the City, all in accordance with an agreement (the "Escrow Agreement") by and between the City and Escrow Agent, a form of which agreement is on file in the office of the Finance Manager. Any moneys remitted to the City pursuant to the Escrow Agreement shall be deposited in the Debt Service Account. (b) ConstructionAccount. To the Construction Account there shall be credited $_________ of the Refunding Portion of the Bonds and the proceeds of the sale of the Improvement Portion and CIP Portion of the Bonds, less any accrued interest and less capitalized interest. From the Construction Account there shall be paid all costs and expenses of the issuance of the Bonds and the Project, including the cost of any construction contracts heretofore let and all other costs incurred and to be incurred of the kind authorized in Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.65. Moneys in the Construction Account shall be used for no other purpose except as otherwise provided by law; provided that the proceeds of the Improvement Portion and CIP Portion of the Bonds may also be used to the extent necessary to pay interest on the Improvement Portion and CIP Portion of the Bonds due prior to the anticipated date of commencement of the collection of taxes or special assessments herein levied or covenanted to be levied; and provided further that if upon completion of the Improvement Project there shall remain any unexpended balance (other than any special assessments) in the Construction Account, the balance shall be transferred to the Debt Service Account or the fund of any other Packet Page Number 138 of 196 5501885v1 18 improvement instituted pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429, and provided further that any special assessments credited to the Construction Account shall only be applied toward payment of the costs of the Improvements upon adoption of a resolution by the City Council determining that the application of the special assessments for such purpose will not cause the City to no longer be in compliance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.1, Subdivision 1. (c) Debt Service Account. There shall be maintained two separate subaccounts in the Debt Service Account to be designated the "Improvements Debt Service Subaccount", and the "CIP Debt Service Subaccount". There are hereby irrevocably appropriated and pledged to, and there shall be credited to the separate subaccounts of the Debt Service Account: (i) Improvements Debt Service Subaccount. To the Improvements Debt Service Subaccount there shall be credited: (A) all collections of special assessments herein covenanted to be levied with respect to the Improvements and either initially credited to the Construction Account and not already spent as permitted above and required to pay any principal and interest due on the Improvement Portion of the Bonds or collected subsequent to the completion of the Improvements and payment of the costs thereof; (B) a pro rata share of all accrued interest received upon delivery of the Bonds; (C) capitalized interest in the amount of $________; (D) any collections of all taxes herein or hereafter be levied for the payment of the Improvement Portion of the Bonds and interest thereon; (E) a pro rata share of all funds remaining in the Construction Account after completion of the Improvement Project and payment of the costs thereof; (F) all investment earnings on funds held in the Improvements Debt Service Subaccount; and (G) any and all other moneys which are properly available and are appropriated by the governing body of the City to the Improvements Debt Service Subaccount. The Improvements Debt Service Subaccount shall be used solely to pay the principal and interest and any premium for redemption of the Improvement Portion of the Bonds and any other general obligation bonds of the City hereafter issued by the City and made payable from said subaccount as provided by law (ii) CIP Debt Service Subaccount. To the CIP Debt Service Subaccount there shall be credited: (A) all taxes herein and hereafter levied for the payment of the CIP Portion of the Bonds; (B) any collections of all taxes heretofore levied for the payment of the Prior Bonds and interest therein which are not used to pay the Prior Bonds as a result of the Refunding; (C) a pro rata share of all accrued interest received upon delivery of the Bonds; (D) a pro rata share of all funds remaining in the Construction Account after completion of the CIP Project and payment of the costs thereof; (E) any sums remitted to the City upon the termination of the Escrow Agreement; (F) all investment earnings on funds held in the CIP Debt Service Subaccount; and (G) any and all other moneys which are properly available and are appropriated by the governing body of the City to the CIP Debt Service Subaccount. The CIP Debt Service Subaccount shall be used solely to pay the principal and interest and any premiums for redemption of the CIP Portion and the Refunding Portion of the Bonds. Packet Page Number 139 of 196 5501885v1 19 No portion of the proceeds of the Bonds shall be used directly or indirectly to acquire higher yielding investments or to replace funds which were used directly or indirectly to acquire higher yielding investments, except (1) for a reasonable temporary period until such proceeds are needed for the purpose for which the Bonds were issued and (2) in addition to the above in an amount not greater than the lesser of five percent of the proceeds of the Bonds or $100,000. To this effect, any proceeds of the Bonds and any sums from time to time held in the Construction Account or Debt Service Account (or any other City account which will be used to pay principal or interest to become due on the bonds payable therefrom) in excess of amounts which under then applicable federal arbitrage regulations may be invested without regard to yield shall not be invested at a yield in excess of the applicable yield restrictions imposed by said arbitrage regulations on such investments after taking into account any applicable "temporary periods" or "minor portion" made available under the federal arbitrage regulations. Money in the Fund shall not be invested in obligations or deposits issued by, guaranteed by or insured by the United States or any agency or instrumentality thereof if and to the extent that such investment would cause the Bonds to be "federally guaranteed" within the meaning of Section 149(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"). 16. Covenants Relating to the Improvement Portion of the Bonds. (a) Special Assessments. It is hereby determined that no less than twenty percent of the cost to the City of each Improvement financed by the Improvement Portion of the Bonds within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.58, Subdivision 1(3), shall be paid by special assessments to be levied against every assessable lot, piece and parcel of land benefited by any of the Improvements. The City hereby covenants and agrees that it will let all construction contracts not heretofore let within one year after ordering each Improvement by the Improvement Portion of the Bonds unless the resolution ordering the Improvement specifies a different time limit for the letting of construction contracts. The City hereby further covenants and agrees that it will do and perform as soon as they may be done all acts and things necessary for the final and valid levy of the special assessments, and in the event that any special assessment be at any time held invalid with respect to any lot, piece or parcel of land due to any error, defect, or irregularity in any action or proceedings taken or to be taken by the City, either in the making of the special assessments or in the performance of any condition precedent thereto, the City will forthwith do all further acts and take all further proceedings as may be required by law to make the special assessments valid and binding liens upon the properties. The special assessments have heretofore been authorized. Subject to such adjustments as are required by the conditions in existence at the time the special assessments are levied, it is hereby determined that the special assessments shall be payable in equal, consecutive, annual installments, with general taxes for the years shown below and with interest on the declining balance of all special assessments at a rate of _____% per annum, as set forth opposite the years specified below: Improvement Designation Levy Years Collection Years Amount $_________ At the time the special assessments are in fact levied the City Council shall, based on the then current estimated collections of the special assessments, make any adjustments in any ad Packet Page Number 140 of 196 5501885v1 20 valorem taxes required to be levied in order to assure that the City continues to be in compliance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.61, Subdivision 1. (b) Tax Levy; Coverage Test. To provide moneys for payment of the principal and interest on the Improvement Portion of the Bonds there is hereby levied upon all of the taxable property in the City a direct annual ad valorem tax which shall be spread upon the tax rolls and collected with and as part of other general property taxes in the City for the years and in the amounts as follows: Levy Years Collection Years Amount See attached schedule The tax levies are such that if collected in full they, together with estimated collections of special assessments and other revenues herein pledged for the payment of the Improvement Portion of the Bonds, will produce at least five percent in excess of the amount needed to meet when due the principal and interest payments on the Bonds. The tax levies shall be irrepealable so long as any of the Improvement Portion of the Bonds are outstanding and unpaid, provided that the City reserves the right and power to reduce the tax levies in the manner and to the extent permitted by Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.61, Subdivision 3. (c) Covenants Relating to the CIP Portion of the Bonds. To provide moneys for payment of the principal and interest on the CIP Portion of the Bonds there is hereby levied upon all of the taxable property in the City a direct annual ad valorem tax which shall be spread upon the tax rolls and collected with and as part of other general property taxes in the City for the years and in the amounts as follows: Years of Tax Levy Years of Tax Collection Amount See attached levy schedule (CIP Portion) The tax levies are such that if collected in full they, together with other revenues herein pledged for the payment of the CIP Portion of the Bonds, will produce at least five percent in excess of the amount needed to meet when due the principal and interest payments on the CIP Portion of the Bonds. The tax levies shall be irrepealable so long as any of the CIP Portion of the Bonds are outstanding and unpaid, provided that the City reserves the right and power to reduce the levies in the manner and to the extent permitted by Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.61, Subdivision 3. 17. Covenants Relating to the Refunding Portion of the Bonds. (a) Tax Levy; Coverage Test; Cancellation of Certain Tax Levies. To provide moneys for payment of the principal and interest on the Refunding Portion of the Bonds there is hereby levied upon all of the taxable property in the City a direct annual ad valorem tax which shall be spread upon the tax rolls and collected with and as part of other general property taxes in the City for the years and in the amounts as follows: Packet Page Number 141 of 196 5501885v1 21 Levy Years Collection Years Amount See attached schedule The tax levies are such that if collected in full they, together with estimated collections of any other revenues herein pledged for the payment of the Refunding Portion of the Bonds and sums held in the Escrow Account, will produce at least five percent in excess of the amount needed to meet when due the principal and interest payments on the Refunding Portion of the Bonds. The tax levies shall be irrepealable so long as any of the Bonds are outstanding and unpaid, provided that the City reserves the right and power to reduce the levies in the manner and to the extent permitted by Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.61, Subdivision 3. Upon payment of the Prior Bonds, the uncollected taxes levied in the Prior Resolution authorizing the issuance of the Prior Bonds which are not needed to pay the Prior Bonds as a result of the Refunding shall be canceled. 18. General Obligation Pledge. For the prompt and full payment of the principal and interest on the Bonds, as the same respectively become due, the full faith, credit and taxing powers of the City shall be and are hereby irrevocably pledged. If the balance in the Debt Service Account is ever insufficient to pay all principal and interest then due on the Bonds and any other bonds payable therefrom, the deficiency shall be promptly paid out of any other funds of the City which are available for such purpose, and such other funds may be reimbursed with or without interest from the Debt Service Account when a sufficient balance is available therein. 19. Securities; Escrow Agent. Securities purchased from moneys in the Escrow Account shall be limited to securities set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.67, Subdivision 8, and any amendments or supplements thereto. Securities purchased from the Escrow Account shall be purchased simultaneously with the delivery of the Refunding Portion of the Bonds. The City Council has investigated the facts and hereby finds and determines that the Escrow Agent is a suitable financial institution to act as escrow agent. 20. Escrow Agreement. On or prior to the delivery of the Bonds the Mayor and Finance Manager shall, and are hereby authorized and directed to, execute on behalf of the City an Escrow Agreement. The Escrow Agreement is hereby approved and adopted and made a part of this resolution, and the City covenants that it will promptly enforce all provisions thereof in the event of default thereunder by the Escrow Agent. 21. Purchase of SLGS or Open Market Securities. The Purchaser, as agent for the City, is hereby authorized and directed to purchase on behalf of the Council and in its name the appropriate United States Treasury Securities, State and Local Government Series and/or open market securities as provided in paragraph 19, from the proceeds of the Bonds and, to the extent necessary, other available funds, all in accordance with the provisions of this resolution and the Escrow Agreement and to execute all such documents (including the appropriate subscription form) required to effect such purchase in accordance with the applicable U.S. Treasury Regulations. Packet Page Number 142 of 196 5501885v1 22 22. Redemption of Prior Bonds. The Prior Bonds shall be redeemed and prepaid in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Notice of Call for Redemption, in the form attached to the Escrow Agreement, which terms and conditions are hereby approved and incorporated herein by reference. The Notice of Call for Redemption shall be given pursuant to the Escrow Agreement. 23. Prior Bonds; Security. Until retirement of the Prior Bonds, all provisions theretofore made for the security thereof shall be observed by the City and all of its officers and agents. 24. Supplemental Resolution. The Prior Resolution is hereby supplemented to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this resolution. 25. Defeasance. When all Bonds have been discharged as provided in this paragraph, all pledges, covenants and other rights granted by this resolution to the registered holders of the Bonds shall, to the extent permitted by law, cease. The City may discharge its obligations with respect to any Bonds which are due on any date by irrevocably depositing with the Bond Registrar on or before that date a sum sufficient for the payment thereof in full; or if any Bond should not be paid when due, it may nevertheless be discharged by depositing with the Bond Registrar a sum sufficient for the payment thereof in full with interest accrued to the date of such deposit. The City may also discharge its obligations with respect to any prepayable Bonds called for redemption on any date when they are prepayable according to their terms, by depositing with the Bond Registrar on or before that date a sum sufficient for the payment thereof in full, provided that notice of redemption thereof has been duly given. The City may also at any time discharge its obligations with respect to any Bonds, subject to the provisions of law now or hereafter authorizing and regulating such action, by depositing irrevocably in escrow, with a suitable banking institution qualified by law as an escrow agent for this purpose, cash or securities described in Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.67, Subdivision 8, bearing interest payable at such times and at such rates and maturing on such dates as shall be required, without regard to sale and/or reinvestment, to pay all amounts to become due thereon to maturity or, if notice of redemption as herein required has been duly provided for, to such earlier redemption date. 26. Compliance With Reimbursement Bond Regulations. The provisions of this paragraph are intended to establish and provide for the City's compliance with United States Treasury Regulations Section 1.150-2 (the "Reimbursement Regulations") applicable to the "reimbursement proceeds" of the Bonds, being those portions thereof which will be used by the City to reimburse itself for any expenditure which the City paid or will have paid prior to the Closing Date (a "Reimbursement Expenditure"). The City hereby certifies and/or covenants as follows: (a) Not later than 60 days after the date of payment of a Reimbursement Expenditure, the City (or person designated to do so on behalf of the City) has made or will have made a written declaration of the City's official intent (a "Declaration") which effectively (i) states the City's reasonable expectation to reimburse itself for the payment of the Reimbursement Expenditure out of the proceeds of a subsequent borrowing; (ii) gives a general and functional Packet Page Number 143 of 196 5501885v1 23 description of the property, project or program to which the Declaration relates and for which the Reimbursement Expenditure is paid, or identifies a specific fund or account of the City and the general functional purpose thereof from which the Reimbursement Expenditure was to be paid (collectively the "Project"); and (iii) states the maximum principal amount of debt expected to be issued by the City for the purpose of financing the Project; provided, however, that no such Declaration shall necessarily have been made with respect to: (i) "preliminary expenditures" for the Project, defined in the Reimbursement Regulations to include engineering or architectural, surveying and soil testing expenses and similar prefatory costs, which in the aggregate do not exceed 20% of the "issue price" of the Bonds, and (ii) a de minimis amount of Reimbursement Expenditures not in excess of the lesser of $100,000 or 5% of the proceeds of the Bonds. (b) Each Reimbursement Expenditure is a capital expenditure or a cost of issuance of the Bonds or any of the other types of expenditures described in Section 1.150-2(d)(3) of the Reimbursement Regulations. (c) The "reimbursement allocation" described in the Reimbursement Regulations for each Reimbursement Expenditure shall and will be made forthwith following (but not prior to) the issuance of the Bonds and in all events within the period ending on the date which is the later of three years after payment of the Reimbursement Expenditure or one year after the date on which the Project to which the Reimbursement Expenditure relates is first placed in service. (d) Each such reimbursement allocation will be made in a writing that evidences the City's use of Bond proceeds to reimburse the Reimbursement Expenditure and, if made within 30 days after the Bonds are issued, shall be treated as made on the day the Bonds are issued. Provided, however, that the City may take action contrary to any of the foregoing covenants in this paragraph upon receipt of an opinion of its Bond Counsel for the Bonds stating in effect that such action will not impair the tax-exempt status of the Bonds. 27. Continuing Disclosure. The City is the sole obligated person with respect to the Bonds. The City hereby agrees, in accordance with the provisions of Rule 15c2-12 (the "Rule"), promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Commission") pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and a Continuing Disclosure Undertaking (the "Undertaking") hereinafter described to: (a) Provide or cause to be provided to the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (the "MSRB") by filing at www.emma.msrb.org in accordance with the Rule, certain annual financial information and operating data in accordance with the Undertaking. The City reserves the right to modify from time to time the terms of the Undertaking as provided therein. (b) Provide or cause to be provided to the MSRB notice of the occurrence of certain events with respect to the Bonds in not more than ten (10) business days after the occurrence of the event, in accordance with the Undertaking. (c) Provide or cause to be provided to the MSRB notice of a failure by the City to provide the annual financial information with respect to the City described in the Undertaking, in not more than ten (10) business days following such amendment. Packet Page Number 144 of 196 5501885v1 24 (d) The City agrees that its covenants pursuant to the Rule set forth in this paragraph and in the Undertaking is intended to be for the benefit of the Holders of the Bonds and shall be enforceable on behalf of such Holders; provided that the right to enforce the provisions of these covenants shall be limited to a right to obtain specific enforcement of the City's obligations under the covenants. The Mayor and Clerk of the City, or any other officer of the City authorized to act in their place (the "Officers") are hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City the Undertaking in substantially the form presented to the City Council subject to such modifications thereof or additions thereto as are (i) consistent with the requirements under the Rule, (ii) required by the Purchaser of the Bonds, and (iii) acceptable to the Officers. 28. Certificate of Registration. A certified copy of this resolution is hereby directed to be filed in the office of the County Auditor of Ramsey County, together with such other information as the County Auditor shall require, and to obtain the County Auditor's Certificate that the Bonds have been entered in the Bond Register and the tax levies required by law have been made. 29. Records and Certificates. The officers of the City are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and furnish to the Purchaser, and to the attorneys approving the legality of the issuance of the Bonds, certified copies of all proceedings and records of the City relating to the Bonds and to the financial condition and affairs of the City, and such other affidavits, certificates and information as are required to show the facts relating to the legality and marketability of the Bonds as the same appear from the books and records under their custody and control or as otherwise known to them, and all such certified copies, certificates and affidavits, including any heretofore furnished, shall be deemed representations of the City as to the facts recited therein. 30. Negative Covenant as to Use of Bond Proceeds and Project. The City hereby covenants not to use the proceeds of the Bonds or to use the Project, or to cause or permit them to be used, or to enter into any deferred payment arrangements for the cost of the Project, in such a manner as to cause the Bonds to be "private activity bonds" within the meaning of Sections 103 and 141 through 150 of the Code. 31. Tax-Exempt Status of the Bonds; Rebate; Elections. The City shall comply with requirements necessary under the Code to establish and maintain the exclusion from gross income under Section 103 of the Code of the interest on the Bonds, including without limitation (i) requirements relating to temporary periods for investments, (ii) limitations on amounts invested at a yield greater than the yield on the Bonds, and (iii) the rebate of excess investment earnings to the United States. The City expects to satisfy the 24-month expenditure exemption for gross proceeds of the Improvement Portion of the Bonds and CIP Portion of the Bonds as provided in Section 1.148-7(d)(1) of the Regulations. The Mayor, the Clerk or either one of them, are hereby authorized and directed to make such elections as to arbitrage and rebate matters relating to the Bonds as they deem necessary, appropriate or desirable in connection with the Bonds, and all such elections shall be, and shall be deemed and treated as, elections of the City. Packet Page Number 145 of 196 5501885v1 25 32. Designation of Qualified Tax-Exempt Obligations. In order to qualify the Bonds as "qualified tax-exempt obligations" within the meaning of Section 265(b)(3) of the Code, the City hereby makes the following factual statements and representations: 1. the Bonds are issued after August 7, 1986; 2. the Bonds are not "private activity bonds" as defined in Section 141 of the Code; 3. the City hereby designates the Bonds as "qualified tax exempt obligations" for purposes of Section 265(b)(3) of the Code; 4. the reasonably anticipated amount of tax exempt obligations (other than private activity bonds, treating qualified 501(c)(3) bonds as not being private activity bonds) which will be issued by the City (and all entities treated as one issuer with the City, and all subordinate entities whose obligations are treated as issued by the City) during this calendar year 2013 will not exceed $10,000,000; 5. not more than $10,000,000 of obligations issued by the City during this calendar year 2013 have been designated for purposes of Section 265(b)(3) of the Code; and 6. the aggregate face amount of the Bonds does not exceed $10,000,000. The City shall use its best efforts to comply with any federal procedural requirements which may apply in order to effectuate the designation made by this paragraph. 33. Severability. If any section, paragraph or provision of this resolution shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph or provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this resolution. 34. Headings. Headings in this resolution are included for convenience of reference only and are not a part hereof, and shall not limit or define the meaning of any provision hereof. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by member Beaton and, after a full discussion thereof and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: _____________________; and the following voted against the same: ______________. Whereupon the resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Packet Page Number 146 of 196 5501885v1 26 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY CITY OF MAPLEWOOD I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the City of Maplewood, Minnesota, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes with the original thereof on file in my office, and that the same is a full, true and complete transcript of the minutes of a meeting of the City Council, duly called and held on the date therein indicated, insofar as such minutes relate to authorizing the issuance and awarding the sale of $6,380,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013A. WITNESS my hand on June 10, 2013. ________________________________ Clerk Packet Page Number 147 of 196 5501885v1 EXHIBIT A PROPOSALS Packet Page Number 148 of 196 Item J1 MEMORANDUM TO: Jim Antonen, City Manager FROM: Karen Guilfoile, Citizen Services Manager DATE: June 5, 2013 SUBJECT: Approve Intoxicating Liquor License Manager Khushuinder Singh for A1 Liquor, 19 Century Avenue North Introduction Khushuinder Singh has submitted an off-sale intoxicating liquor license manager application for A1 Liquor, 19 Century Avenue N. Mr. Singh assumes the day-to-day operations for A1 Liquor when the owner Guneet Arneja is out of the Country. Background A background check was conducted on Mr. Singh and nothing has been identified in the background check that would prohibit him from assuming the manager responsibilities for A1 Liquor. Acting Chief Kvam met with Mr. Singh to discuss measures to eliminate the sale of alcoholic beverages to underage persons, general security and retail crime issues, and the Maplewood Liquor Ordinances. Consideration It is recommended that the City Council approve Mr. Singh as the on-sale intoxicating liquor license manager for A1 Liquor. Packet Page Number 149 of 196 MEMORANDUM TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Michael Martin, AICP, Planner Charles Ahl, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Approval for Design Review and Parking Waiver Request – Concordia Arms LOCATION: 2030 Lydia Avenue East DATE: June 4, 2013 INTRODUCTION Project Description CommonBond Communities is proposing to rehabilitate the exterior and interior of the Concordia Arms senior housing complex. CommonBond has managed this facility for three years and is in the process of purchasing the property. Requests CommonBond Communities is requesting the city approve the following requests to move forward with its remodel plans: 1. Design review. 2. Parking waiver to reduce the number of required parking stalls. Background January 3, 1980, the city council approved the original plans (including architectural styles and colors) for this development. The approvals included a parking waiver of 147 spaces. DISCUSSION Building Design CommonBond is proposing to replace the existing metal lap siding on the Concordia Arms building. The applicant’s letter indicated the new siding with either be vinyl or fiber cement lap siding. Colors for the siding have yet to be determined. The current ratio of brick to siding will remain. Currently 40 percent of the building is brick and 60 percent is siding. In addition to the siding replacement, all the complex’s windows will also be replaced. Landscaping The Concordia Arms complex has a courtyard which is approximately a half acre in size and faces out towards Maplewood Heights Park. The applicant is proposing to add new Agenda Item J2 Packet Page Number 150 of 196 sidewalk connections and additional landscaping. The applicant will be required to follow the city’s tree replacement ordinance for any trees removed. Parking The city’s parking ordinance would require this housing complex to have 250 spaces, with half of them required to be covered spaces. In 1980 the city council granted a waiver allowing 103 parking spaces. When CommonBond started managing this site they found the lot to have been restriped to include 98 parking spaces but with more handicap parking spaces that what would be required. The applicant would prefer to keep the additional handicap spaces and have requested a further waiver to provide 98 spaces. Staff does not have any issues with this request and has visited the site multiple times and can confirm the parking lot has not been at capacity. OTHER COMMENTS Building Department: Dave Fisher, building official, stated the applicant will need a building permit and signed plans from Minnesota licensed design professionals. Fire Department: Butch Gervais, fire marshal, stated the applicant will need to comply with all fire codes for any work that is done inside the building and they will be required to obtain the proper permits for such work prior to starting any work. Public Works Department: Jon Jarosch, staff engineer, reviewed the plans and his report is attached to this memo. COMMISSION ACTIONS May 28, 2013: The community design review board recommended approval of the design plans. The design board added two conditions of approval, directing the applicant to submit any exterior colors for siding to staff for approval and to consider the use of a rain garden within the courtyard area. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Approve the design and landscape plans date-stamped May 15, 2013 for Concordia Arms to revise its exterior facades and courtyard area for its location at 2030 Lydia Avenue East. Approval is subject to the following conditions: a. Repeat this review in two years if the city has not issued a building permit for the approved work. b. If any existing trees are removed the applicant must comply with the city’s tree replacement ordinance. c. Any rooftop equipment must be screened from residential properties, as required by city ordinance. d. Submit color samples of any new exterior siding for staff approval. Packet Page Number 151 of 196 e. Consider the use of a rain garden within the courtyard area for the purposes of stormwater management. f. Comply with Jon Jarosch’s engineering report, dated May 17, 2013 g. Submit a cash escrow or an irrevocable letter of credit prior to receiving a building permit for all required landscape improvements. The amount shall be 125 percent of the cost of the work. h. All work shall follow the approved plans. The city council may approve major changes to the plans. The Director of Community Development may approve minor changes to the plans. 2. Approve a parking waiver to allow for 98 surface parking spaces. The parking spaces shall be at least 9.5 feet in width. This is a parking reduction of 152 parking spaces (250 parking spaces are required per city code). Packet Page Number 152 of 196 REFERENCE SITE DESCRIPTION Site size: 4.13 Acres Existing Use: Senior housing complex SURROUNDING LAND USES North: Shopping center South: Maplewood Heights park East: Single-family homes West: Shopping center PLANNING Land Use Plan: High Density Residential (HDR) Zoning: Planned Unit Development (PUD) Criteria for Approval Design Review: Section 2-290 of the city code requires that the community design review board make the following findings to approve plans: 1. That the design and location of the proposed development and its relationship to neighboring, existing or proposed developments, and traffic is such that it will not impair the desirability of investment or occupation in the neighborhood; that it will not unreasonably interfere with the use and enjoyment of neighboring, existing or proposed developments; and that it will not create traffic hazards or congestion. 2. That the design and location of the proposed development is in keeping with the character of the surrounding neighborhood and is not detrimental to the harmonious, orderly and attractive development contemplated by this article and the city's comprehensive municipal plan. 3. That the design and location of the proposed development would provide a desirable environment for its occupants, as well as for its neighbors, and that it is aesthetically of good composition, materials, textures and colors. Design Review: Section 44-17 of the city code allows the city council to reduce the number of required parking spaces. Packet Page Number 153 of 196 Application Date Staff received the complete application and plans for this proposal on May 15, 2013. State law requires that the city take action within 60 days of receiving complete applications for a proposal. City council action is required on this proposal by July 14, 2013, unless the city needs an extension. P:\SEC2N\Concordia Arms\2030 Lydia_Parking_DESIGN_CC_061013 Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Applicant’s Narrative 3. Site/Landscaping Plan 4. Parking Waiver City Council Minutes, January 1, 1980 5. Engineering Report, dated May 17, 2013 6. Draft CDRB Minutes, May 28, 2013 7. Proposed Building Elevations 8. Large Plans (Separate Attachment) Packet Page Number 154 of 196 Chad Bergo 2030 Lydia Avenue EastLocation Map and Aerial Photo Attachment 1 Concordia Arms Packet Page Number 155 of 196 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 156 of 196 158888999888EXIST. CATCH BASINNEW CATCH BASIN -CONNECT TO EXISTINGREGRADE CENTER OFCOURTYARD TO DRAINTO BOTH CATCH BASINS -PERIMETER GRADE ATBUILDING TO REMAIN ASISEXIST. LIGHTSTO REMAINEXIST. LIGHTSTO REMAINEXIST. LIGHTSTO REMAINRESTRIPE PARKING LOTAS SHOWN & INSTALL NEWACCESSIBLE PARKINGSIGNS AT ALL ACCESSIBLESTALLSFILE:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:PROJ. NO:DRAWING NO:DRAWING TITLE:PROJECT NAME:THIS SQUARE APPEARS 1/2"x1/2" ONFULL SIZE SHEETSCLIENT:328 Kellogg Boulevard WestSt. Paul, MN 55102CB Concordia, LPConcordia ArmsModernization120221 Concordia Arms A132030 Lydia Avenue EastMaplewood, MinnesotaNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPRELIMINARYCOPYRIGHT 2013 BY LHB, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.NO DATE ISSUED FORNO DATE REVISION250 3rd Ave. N, Ste 450 | Minneapolis, MN 55401 | 612.338.2029MAY 8, 2013 FOR BIDSC:\Users\wbtrous\Documents\120221 Concordia Arms A13_wbtrous.rvt5/7/2013 2:32:53 PMA0.00AuthorChecker120221Architectural Site Plan05/07/13N 1" = 30'-0"1Architectural Site Plan 1" = 30'-0"2Concept Landscape PlanNAttachment 3Packet Page Number 157 of 196 Attachment 4 Packet Page Number 158 of 196 Attachment 5 Engineering Plan Review PROJECT: Concordia Arms PROJECT NO: 13-04 COMMENTS BY: Jon Jarosch, P.E. – Staff Engineer DATE: 5-17-2013 PLAN SET: Preliminary Plans dated 5-8-2013 REPORTS: Project Narrative The Applicant is proposing a significant renovation to the existing Concordia Arms housing development. The majority of the improvements are limited to the interior of the building, however a significant modification to the existing courtyard area is proposed. The proposed courtyard modifications include the removal of the existing patio, the installation of a new patio, the installation of sidewalks throughout the courtyard, the installation of additional storm sewer, and the grading of the courtyard area. According to the plans submitted, the project will disturb 0.69 acres of the property. This amount of disturbance will require the project to meet the City’s water quality and rate control requirements detailed in the Stormwater Management Standards. The following are engineering review comments on the design review, and act as conditions prior to issuing permits: Drainage and Stormwater Management 1) As this project disturbs more than ½ acre of land it shall adhere to the requirements set forth in Maplewood’s stormwater management standards. This includes rate control and water quality requirements. Additionally, stormwater computations shall be provided for the proposed storm sewer and any water quality or rate control facilities. 2) The applicant shall provided calculations showing the existing and proposed impervious surfaces on the site (specifically as it pertains to the courtyard area). 3) The existing storm sewer is shown to terminate near the southwest corner of the existing building. According to the City’s records, this system ties into the 72-inch trunk line which discharges into the pond in Maplewood Height’s Park. These storm sewer lines shall be shown on the plans. 4) Any roof drains discharging into the courtyard area shall be identified on the plans. 5) Emergency overland overflows shall be identified for the low areas shown on the plans. These areas shall be adequately stabilized to prevent erosion. Packet Page Number 159 of 196 Attachment 5 6) Details shall be provided for the construction of new catch-basins as well as the connection to the existing catch-basin. Grading and Erosion Control 7) Slopes shall be 3H:1V or flatter. 8) All pedestrian facilities (sidewalks and patio area) shall be ADA compliant. 9) It appears from the preliminary grading plan that runoff will not be able to reach the proposed catch-basin #1. It appears that this may be due to a simple typographical error. The grading in this area shall be reviewed by the applicant to ensure proper drainage. Other 10) The developer shall submit a copy of the MPCA’s construction stormwater permit (SWPPP) to the city before the city will issue a grading permit for this project. 11) The Owner shall satisfy all requirements of all other permitting and reviewing agencies. 12) The Owner shall sign a maintenance agreement, prepared by the City, for all storm- water treatment devices (sumps, basins, infiltration basins, etc.). Packet Page Number 160 of 196 Attachment 6 DRAFT MINUTES OF THE MAPLEWOOD COMMUNITY DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 1830 COUNTY ROAD B EAST, MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2013 6. DESIGN REVIEW a. Design Review and Parking Waiver Request - Concordia Arms, 2030 Lydia Avenue East i. Planner, Michael Martin, gave the presentation for Concordia Arms and answered questions of the board. ii. Associate Vice President of Housing Development with CommonBond Communities, Cynthia Lee addressed the board. iii. Housing Focus Leader, Kim Breithheim, LHB Architects, the architect for the project, addressed and answered questions of the board. Boardmember Shankar moved to approve the design and landscape plans for Concordia Arms to revise its exterior facades and courtyard area for its location at 2030 Lydia Avenue East. Approval is subject to the following conditions: (changes or additions are bolded and underlined.) 1. Repeat this review in two years if the city has not issued a building permit for the approved work. 2. If any existing trees are removed the applicant must comply with the city’s tree replacement ordinance. 3. Submit a cash escrow or an irrevocable letter of credit prior to receiving a building permit for all required landscape improvements. The amount shall be 125 percent of the cost of the work. 4. All work shall follow the approved plans. The city council may approve major changes to the plans. The Director of Community Development may approve minor changes to the plans. 5. The applicant shall submit exterior color choices to staff for final approval. 6. The applicant shall explore the potential installation of a rain garden. Seconded by Boardmember Kempe. Ayes – All The motion passed. Boardmember Shankar moved to approve a parking waiver to allow for 98 surface parking spaces. The parking spaces shall be at least 9.5 feet in width. This is a parking reduction of 152 parking spaces (250 parking spaces are required per city code). Seconded by Boardmember Kempe. Ayes – All The motion passed. This item will be heard by the city council in June. Packet Page Number 161 of 196 1st Flr El955' - 6"2nd Flr El965' - 3 7/8"Rf Truss Brg983' - 2 7/8"3rd Flr El975' - 1 3/4"7777MT4MT8BFMT4MT8VL1VL1BBMT4BFMT4MT8VL1VL1BSEE BELOW FOR COURTYARD ELEVATIONEXTERIOR ELEVATION KEYAN ADDRESS NUMBER (EXISTING)BEXISTING BRICKCCANOPYCJCONTROL JOINTCUAIR CONDITION CONDENSING UNITDVDRYER VENT (SEE 1/A5.10)EDEXISTING DOOREVELEVATOR VENTEXEXISTINGESFEXISTING STOREFRONTBBFPFIBER CEMENT BOARD PANELGDGUTTER & DOWNSPOUTMTMANUFACTURED TRIMMT4MANUFACTURED TRIM 1X4MT6MANUFACTURED TRIM 1X6MT8MANUFACTURED TRIM 1X8MT12 MANUFACTURED TRIM 1X12MLMECHANICAL LOUVERSFALUMINUM STOREFRONT SYSTEMSSEXISTING SUN SHADETVTRASH CHUTE VENTVVENTVL1VINYL 4" LAP SIDING COLOR 1VL2VINYL 4" LAP SIDING COLOR 2KEY PLAN1st Flr El955' - 6"2nd Flr El965' - 3 7/8"Rf Truss Brg983' - 2 7/8"3rd Flr El975' - 1 3/4"222222221111111122222222111111112222222211111111MT12MTMT8MT4BBBBFFMTMT8MT4MT8VS1VS2MT8MT6MT4VS1VS2MT8MT6VS1VS2MTMT4MT4MT8VS1VS2MTMT8MT4MT8MT4MTMLMT6MT61st Flr El955' - 6"2nd Flr El965' - 3 7/8"Rf Truss Brg983' - 2 7/8"3rd Flr El975' - 1 3/4"12122211333333221133333333MT8MT6MT4VS1VS2MTMTMT8MT4MT12FSSMT4MT8MTEXEX8MT4SSMTMTMT12VS1VS11st Flr El955' - 6"2nd Flr El965' - 3 7/8"Rf Truss Brg983' - 2 7/8"3rd Flr El975' - 1 3/4"222222221111112222222211111111222222221111111111111MTMT8MT4MT12MTMT8MT4MT12MTMT8MT4BBBBFFMTMT8MT4MT8MT6VS1VS2MT8MT6MT4VS1VS2MT8MT6VS1VS2MT8VS1VS2MT4MTMT4MT6FVS1MT4MT8MT6VS1VS2FILE:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:PROJ. NO:DRAWING NO:DRAWING TITLE:PROJECT NAME:THIS SQUARE APPEARS 1/2"x1/2" ONFULL SIZE SHEETSCLIENT:328 Kellogg Boulevard WestSt. Paul, MN 55102CB Concordia, LPConcordia ArmsModernization120221 Concordia Arms A132030 Lydia Avenue EastMaplewood, MinnesotaNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPRELIMINARYCOPYRIGHT 2013 BY LHB, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.NO DATE ISSUED FORNO DATE REVISION250 3rd Ave. N, Ste 450 | Minneapolis, MN 55401 | 612.338.2029MAY 8, 2013 FOR BIDSC:\Users\wbtrous\Documents\120221 Concordia Arms A13_wbtrous.rvt5/7/2013 2:56:12 PMA2.00AuthorChecker120221Exterior Building Elevations05/07/13 3/32" = 1'-0"1South Building Elevation 3/32" = 1'-0"4Courtyard East 3/32" = 1'-0"3Courtyard South 3/32" = 1'-0"2Courtyard WestAttachment 7Packet Page Number 162 of 196 2222222211111112222222211111111122222222111111111221412CMT8BMT8MT6MTMT8MT4FMT4MT4MT8BMTFMT6BBMT12MT4MT8MT6MT4MT8MT6MT4MT8MT6MT4MT8MT6MT4MTFFVS1VS2VS1VS2VS1VS2VS1VS2VS1VS2VS1MTMTMTMTMTMT8MT4MT12BMT6B1st Flr El955' - 6"2nd Flr El965' - 3 7/8"Rf Truss Brg983' - 2 7/8"3rd Flr El975' - 1 3/4"BMT4MT8MT6MTMT8BMT12FMT4MT4MT8AN11111122212211122211122211222211122211245566MT4MT8MT8FCEDMTEXMT4MT8BMT8MT6MTMT4MT8MT4MT12FMT4MT4MT8VS1VS2VS1VS2VS1VS2VS1VS1VS1MT6MT620302030ANEVEXTERIOR ELEVATION KEYAN ADDRESS NUMBER (EXISTING)BEXISTING BRICKCCANOPYCJCONTROL JOINTCUAIR CONDITION CONDENSING UNITDVDRYER VENT (SEE 1/A5.10)EDEXISTING DOOREVELEVATOR VENTEXEXISTINGESFEXISTING STOREFRONTBBFPFIBER CEMENT BOARD PANELGDGUTTER & DOWNSPOUTMTMANUFACTURED TRIMMT4MANUFACTURED TRIM 1X4MT6MANUFACTURED TRIM 1X6MT8MANUFACTURED TRIM 1X8MT12 MANUFACTURED TRIM 1X12MLMECHANICAL LOUVERSFALUMINUM STOREFRONT SYSTEMSSEXISTING SUN SHADETVTRASH CHUTE VENTVVENTVL1VINYL 4" LAP SIDING COLOR 1VL2VINYL 4" LAP SIDING COLOR 21st Flr El955' - 6"2nd Flr El965' - 3 7/8"Rf Truss Brg983' - 2 7/8"3rd Flr El975' - 1 3/4"222222222111111111222222222111111111222222222111111111CBFMT4MT8BMTFBMT6FMT6MTFMT8MT8MT8FMT6MTMT6MT6MT6MT4MT4BBBBMTMT8MT4MT12MTMT8MT12MTMT4MT12MTMT8MT4MT8MT4MT8MT6MT4MT4MT8MT4MT4MT8MT4VS1VS2VS1VS2VS1VS2VS1VS2VS1VS2VS1MT8KEY PLANFILE:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:PROJ. NO:DRAWING NO:DRAWING TITLE:PROJECT NAME:THIS SQUARE APPEARS 1/2"x1/2" ONFULL SIZE SHEETSCLIENT:328 Kellogg Boulevard WestSt. Paul, MN 55102CB Concordia, LPConcordia ArmsModernization120221 Concordia Arms A132030 Lydia Avenue EastMaplewood, MinnesotaNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPRELIMINARYCOPYRIGHT 2013 BY LHB, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.NO DATE ISSUED FORNO DATE REVISION250 3rd Ave. N, Ste 450 | Minneapolis, MN 55401 | 612.338.2029MAY 8, 2013 FOR BIDSC:\Users\wbtrous\Documents\120221 Concordia Arms A13_wbtrous.rvt5/7/2013 2:56:13 PMA2.01AuthorChecker120221Exterior Building Elevations05/07/13 3/32" = 1'-0"2West Building Elevation 3/32" = 1'-0"3North Building Elevation 3/32" = 1'-0"1East Building ElevationAttachment 7Packet Page Number 163 of 196 MEMORANDUM TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Tom Ekstrand, Senior Planner Chuck Ahl, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit Revision and Design Review for the First Evangelical Free Church Planned Unit Development LOCATION: 2696 Hazelwood Street VOTE REQUIRED: Simple Majority Vote Required to Approve DATE: June 3, 2013 INTRODUCTION First Evangelical Free Church, located at 2696 Hazelwood Street, is requesting an amendment of the conditional use permit (CUP) for their planned unit development (PUD). The reason for the proposed revision is to add onto their gymnasium. As stated in the applicant’s letter, the proposed addition is needed to “enhance ministry opportunities to the youth of the church and further develop ministry to youth in the community. The addition will consist of added equipment storage, gender specific and handicap accessible restrooms, classrooms and a large gathering space.” Refer to the attached letter from the applicant. The applicant is also requesting approval of the building and site design plans for the proposed addition. Requests City ordinance requires a conditional use permit for churches and schools. Expansions of facilities with an existing CUP must also obtain a CUP revision from the city council.  Approval of a CUP revision to construct the proposed building addition.  Approval of site and building design plans. BACKGROUND The church building previously was an elementary school (Hazelwood School) (for grades K – 8) until about 1978. This school had about 20 classrooms with an average of 20 students per room. On August 13, 1990, the city council approved a revision to the existing conditional use permit. This revision was to allow the church to remodel the building for a church and day-care center. At that time, Health East had been using the building for office and wellness functions related to St. Johns Hospital and a day care center. This site is part of a larger PUD which includes the Hazel Ridge Seniors’ Residence. The church uses this building for church programs such as Sunday school, youth activities, church dinners, administration and day care. Since 1990, the church expanded the existing parking lot to the south and east and added a looped drive and parking for day care drop-off. They also added a new sanctuary and expanded the gymnasium on the west side of the building. Agenda Item J3 Packet Page Number 164 of 196 On July 24, 1995, the city council approved a CUP revision and approved a revised site plan for the church for a parking lot expansion. On July 10, 2006, the city council approved a CUP revision for the PUD to allow Liberty Classical Academy to use the classrooms at First Evangelical for school. DISCUSSION Proposed Expansion/Parking Staff does not see any problem with the proposal. Even though there would be 24 parking spaces lost because of the gymnasium addition, there will still be enough parking spaces to comply with code requirements. Code requires one parking space for each four seats in the church. The applicant stated that the church has a seating capacity of 620 persons. Therefore, code would require 155 parking spaces. Presently, the parking lot has 337 parking spaces. After the removal of 24 for the expansion, there would be 313 remaining. Design Review The existing gymnasium is built of rock-face concrete block with a center band of vertical-scored block. The proposed building addition would match the existing structure in materials and color. Engineer’s Report Refer to the engineer’s report from Jon Jarosch. Assistant Fire Chief and Building Official Comments The assistant fire chief and building official commented that all code requirements shall be met. CUP Findings for Approval The zoning ordinance requires that the city council find that all nine “standards” for CUP approval be met to allow a CUP. In short, these state that the use would (refer to the resolution for the complete wording):  Comply with the city’s comprehensive plan and zoning code.  Maintain the existing or planned character of the neighborhood.  Not depreciate property values.  Not cause any disturbance or nuisance.  Not cause excessive traffic.  Be served by adequate public facilities and police/fire protection.  Not create excessive additional costs for public services.  Maximize and preserve the site’s natural and scenic features.  Not cause adverse environmental effects. Packet Page Number 165 of 196 The proposed gymnasium addition would meet the above criteria and would not create any negative issues. Revision to Previous Conditions Many of the existing PUD conditions have been met and are no longer needed. Staff has deleted those that are no longer relevant. COMMISSION ACTIONS May 21, 2013: The planning commission recommended approval of this CUP revision. May 28, 2013: The community design review board recommended approval of the design plans. RECOMMENDATION A. Adopt the resolution amending the conditional use permit for the First Evangelical Free Church, located at 2696 Hazelwood Street, to allow the expansion of the gymnasium. (Deletions are crossed out and additions are underlined.) 1. All construction shall follow the plans that the city stamped July 24, 1995 with the building addition shown on plans date-stamped subject to the following conditions: April 18, 2013. City staff may approve minor changes. a. All construction shall follow the site plan approved by the city and the school shall follow the building and floor plans submitted to the city. The interim director of community development may approve minor changes. The city council may approve major changes. b. Dropping the two parking spaces along the south property line at the east end of the parking lot. 2. The proposed gymnasium expansion shall begin in one year or this approval shall end. school use on the property parking lot expansion construction must be started within one year after the council approves this permit or the permit shall end. The council may extend this deadline for one year. 3. The council shall review this permit revision in one year. 4. The school shall have no more than 500 students. 5. The property owner or manager shall sweep and restripe the parking lot before the school occupies their space. This includes having the required handicapped parking spaces in the parking area near the building entrance. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the engineer’s report dated May 9, 2013. Packet Page Number 166 of 196 6. The applicant shall comply with all conditions of the assistant fire chief and building official. The school, the church, the fire marshal and the city building official shall agree on a plan for the school and church to make any necessary or required life safety and building improvements to the building. This plan shall include the installation and maintenance of: a. The required fire protection (sprinkler) systems. b. An early warning fire protection system (smoke detection and monitoring). c. Additional emergency lights and exit signs (if necessary). d. Updated doors and hardware (if necessary). e. A proper address on the building. f. Any other changes the fire marshal or the building official deem necessary. B. Approve the design plans date-stamped April 18, 2013 for the gymnasium addition to First Evangelical Free Church, located at 2696 Hazelwood Street, subject to the following conditions: 1. The materials and color of the proposed gymnasium addition shall match the existing building. 2. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the assistant fire chief and building official. 3. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the engineer’s report dated May 9, 2013. 4. The applicant shall provide maintained lawn around the proposed addition as shown on the plans. Packet Page Number 167 of 196 REFERENCE INFORMATION SITE DESCRIPTION Site size: 6.68 acres Existing land use: First Evangelical Free Church SURROUNDING LAND USES North: Hazel Ridge Senior’s Housing South: Single dwellings East: Hazelwood Park West: Hazelwood Street and single dwellings PLANNING Land Use Plan designation: I (institution) Zoning: PUD CODE REQUIREMENTS Section 44-1092(3) of the city ordinances requires a CUP for churches and schools. Findings for CUP Approval Section 44-1097(a) requires that the city council base approval of a CUP on nine findings. Refer to the findings for approval in the resolution. APPLICATION DATE The application for this request was considered complete on April 18, 2013. State law requires that the city decide on these applications within 60 days. The deadline for city council action on this proposal is June 17, 2013. Packet Page Number 168 of 196 p:sec3\First Evangelical Free Church\First Evangelical CUP for Gym Addition CC Report 6 13 te Attachments: 1. PUD Revision Resolution 2. Location/Zoning Map 3. Land Use Plan Map 4. Site Plan 5. Aerial Photo/Proposed Addition Location 6. Building Elevations 7. Building Schematic 8. Applicant’s Narrative dated April 8, 2013 9. Engineer’s Report Dated May 9, 2013 10. Plans date-stamped April 18, 2013 (separate attachment) Packet Page Number 169 of 196 Attachment 1 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT REVISION RESOLUTION WHEREAS, First Evangelical Free Church has applied for a conditional use permit revision to their planned unit development to construct a gymnasium addition at their church campus. WHEREAS, Section 44-1092(3) of the city ordinances requires a conditional use permit for churches and schools. WHEREAS, this permit applies to the property located at 2696 and 2730 Hazelwood Street. The property identification numbers for these properties are: 032922430008 and 032922430007 WHEREAS, the history of this conditional use permit is as follows: 1. On May 21, 2013, the planning commission held a public hearing. The city staff published a notice in the paper and sent notices to the surrounding property owners. The planning commission gave everyone at the hearing a chance to speak and present written statements. The planning commission also considered the reports and recommendation of city staff. The planning commission recommended that the city council approve this permit. 2. On ____________, 2013, the city council considered reports and recommendations of the city staff and planning commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the city council _________ the above-described conditional use permit, because: 1. The use would be located, designed, maintained, constructed and operated to be in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan and Code of Ordinances. 2. The use would not change the existing or planned character of the surrounding area. 3. The use would not depreciate property values. 4. The use would not involve any activity, process, materials, equipment or methods of operation that would be dangerous, hazardous, detrimental, disturbing or cause a nuisance to any person or property, because of excessive noise, glare, smoke, dust, odor, fumes, water or air pollution, drainage, water run-off, vibration, general unsightliness, electrical interference or other nuisances. 5. The use would generate only minimal vehicular traffic on local streets and would not create traffic congestion or unsafe access on existing or proposed streets. Packet Page Number 170 of 196 6. The use would be served by adequate public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, water and sewer systems, schools and parks. 7. The use would not create excessive additional costs for public facilities or services. 8. The use would maximize the preservation of and incorporate the site's natural and scenic features into the development design. 9. The use would cause minimal adverse environmental effects. Approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. All construction shall follow the plans that the city stamped July 24, 1995 with the building addition shown on plans date-stamped April 18, 2013. City staff may approve minor changes. 2. The proposed gymnasium expansion shall begin in one year or this approval shall end. The council may extend this deadline for one year. 3. The council shall review this permit revision in one year. 4. The school shall have no more than 500 students. 5. The applicant shall meet all requirements of the engineer’s report dated May 9, 2013. 6. The applicant shall comply with all conditions of the assistant fire chief and building official. The Maplewood City Council _________ this resolution on _______, 2013. Packet Page Number 171 of 196 Packet Page Number 172 of 196 Packet Page Number 173 of 196 Packet Page Number 174 of 196 Packet Page Number 175 of 196 Packet Page Number 176 of 196 Packet Page Number 177 of 196 Packet Page Number 178 of 196 Packet Page Number 179 of 196 Packet Page Number 180 of 196 Packet Page Number 181 of 196 Packet Page Number 182 of 196 Packet Page Number 183 of 196 Agenda Item J4 Packet Page Number 184 of 196 Packet Page Number 185 of 196 Packet Page Number 186 of 196 Packet Page Number 187 of 196 Packet Page Number 188 of 196 Packet Page Number 189 of 196 Packet Page Number 190 of 196 Packet Page Number 191 of 196 Agenda Item J5 AGENDA REPORT TO: City Council FROM: Chuck Bethel, City Attorney for HR/Labor Relations SUBJECT: Approval of Employment Contract with Chuck Ahl as City Manager DATE: June 10, 2013 INTRODUCTION/SUMMARY Pursuant to your direction, I have met with Mr. Ahl regarding his new contract as our next city manager. Attached please find a copy of the proposed new contract. It is essentially the same contract as the City had with Mr. Antonen, with a few minor changes as follows: The proposed hire/start date is June 29, 2013, as I believe Mr. Antonen’s last day is June 28, 2013. The proposed salary is $133,931.00. This incorporates the current salary of Mr. Antonen together with the current COLA. Note that Mr. Ahl’s current salary as Assistant City Manager is $127,733 and he is due COLA increases in the next months that will increase that amount to $130,287. Thus, the proposed salary increase for his promotion to City Manager is only 2.8% over what his salary level would have been with his COLA increase. The only other changes arise from the fact that this is a promotion from within, rather than an outside hire such as Mr. Antonen. Therefore, rather than vesting Mr. Ahl with some days of annual leave as was done with Mr. Antonen, Mr. Ahl will merely retain the days of annual leave he currently has already vested. Likewise, I deleted the language requiring the background check, as Mr. Ahl has been employed by the City for the last 12 years and is currently the Assistant City Manager. To the extent that the Council is interested, the City HR Department could perform an expedited update on Mr. Ahl’s background, but I would not recommend going to an outside agency, as I believe that would unnecessarily delay the process, as well as adding a cost that could be avoided. Finally, as was also done for Mr. Antonen, the contract reflects that Mr. Ahl will also accrue annual leave at the 20 year rate, acknowledging his 16 years of service with Maplewood and his 12 years of public service for other cities such as Shoreview and Burnsville. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Council review and approve the proposed contract with Mr. Ahl for the City Manager position. Attachment: 1. Employment Contract for Chuck Ahl as City Manager Packet Page Number 192 of 196 Agenda Item J5 Attachment 1 1 EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT is hereby entered into by and between the City of Maplewood, Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as “City”) and R. Charles Ahl (hereinafter referred to as “Ahl”). WHEREAS, the City desires to employ the services of Ahl as City Manager of the City of Maplewood; and WHEREAS, Ahl desires to accept employment in said position. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties agree as follows: Section 1. Duties The City hereby agrees to employ Ahl as City Manager of the City of Maplewood to perform the functions and duties of City Manager specified in State Statutes, City Ordinances, and City Personnel Policies and to perform such other legally permissible and proper functions and duties as the City Council from time to time shall assign. Section 2. Hire Date It is agreed the start date is anticipated to be June 29, 2013. . Section 3. Salary The City agrees to pay Ahl for his services rendered pursuant hereto an annual base salary of One Hundred Thirty Three Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty One Dollars ($133,931.00), payable in installments at the same time as other employees of the City, and annual deferred compensation of an amount equal to Six Percent (6%) of base salary payable in the same manner. The City also agrees to increase Ahl’ s salary and/or other financial benefits in such amounts and to such extent as the City Council may determine is desirable on the basis of an annual salary review. Adjustments are to be made on his anniversary date of June 29th of each calendar year to a maximum of 110% of the governor’s salary as allowed by State Statute. Section 4. Professional Development The City agrees to budget and to pay eligible travel and subsistence expenses incurred by Ahl for his professional and official travel in connection with attendance at conferences, meetings, continuing education courses, seminars, and other such occasions undertaken to continue his professional growth and development and/or to pursue official City business. Conferences will include, but are not limited to: the State Manager’s Conference, ICMA Conference and the League of MN Cities Conference. Ahl agrees to use good judgment in outside activities so he will not neglect his primary duty to the City. Professional development courses, other than the conferences listed herein, will be submitted to the City Council for approval. The City agrees, pursuant to, and in accordance with, the rules established under Section 13 of its Personnel Packet Page Number 193 of 196 Agenda Item J5 Attachment 1 2 Policy, to budget and to pay for the professional dues and subscriptions of Ahl necessary and desirable for his continued professional growth and development. Specifically covered herein shall be Ahl’s dues to the International City Management Association, the Minnesota City Management Association, American Society for Public Administration and the Metropolitan Area Management Association. All other dues and subscriptions hereunder must be approved in advance by the City Council. Section 5. Automobile Expenses The City recognizes that Ahl will make extensive use of his personal automobile to adequately fulfill the duties and functions of his position. In recognition thereof, the City agrees to pay Ahl an automobile expense allowance of Five Hundred Dollars $500.00 per month in lieu of mileage and parking reimbursement. Section 6. Annual Leave The City hereby acknowledges Ah will retain the days of annual leave he has currently accrued with the City. In addition, Ahl will accrue at the accrual rate for employees with 20 years of service (of 29 days of annual leave per year) on a pay period basis. The City agrees to provide annual leave in lieu of vacation and sick leave. Annual leave will be treated like vacation in that it can be used for any reason and its usage, hold-over and conversion shall be determined as set forth in the City’s Personnel Policy Section 7. Other Terms and Conditions of Employment A. The City Council shall fix such other terms and conditions of employment for Ahl as from time to time it may determine are desirable, provided such terms and conditions are not inconsistent with or do not conflict with the provisions of this Agreement or Law. B. All regulations, rules and benefits of the City relative to terms and conditions of employment not enumerated in this agreement, as they now exist or hereafter may be amended, shall also apply to Ahl as they would to Department Heads of the City. Such terms and conditions of employment shall include, but not be limited to, retirement and pension system contributions, holiday leave, community center membership, Section 125 plans, EAP services, and coverage for health, dental, disability, and life insurance. In those situations in which the City grants different benefit packages to different groups of employees, Ahl shall be entitled to receive the same benefits provided to City key employees, except as otherwise modified by specific language in this Agreement. Section 8. General Provisions A. The text herein shall constitute the entire Agreement between the parties hereto. B. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs at law and executors of Ahl. C. This Agreement shall become effective upon Ahl’s initial day of employment with the City. D. If any provision or portion thereof contained in this Agreement shall be held unconstitutional, Packet Page Number 194 of 196 Agenda Item J5 Attachment 1 3 invalid or unenforceable, it shall be deemed severable and the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected and shall remain in fill force and effect. Section 9. Termination Benefits The City may terminate Ahl at any time with or without cause. Ahl can voluntarily terminate employment with four weeks written notice to the City. In the event that Ahl is terminated without cause attributable to him, the City agrees to pay Ahl six months pay and benefits, consistent with pay and benefits in existence at the time. Here, solely for purposes of determining whether Ahl shall be paid the six months of severance pay as set forth above, cause shall mean malfeasance in office 1, gross misconduct 2, the charging of and, to a reasonable person the appearance of sustainable grounds for a conviction of, a felony, or the charging of and, to a reasonable person the appearance of sustainable grounds for a conviction for, an illegal act involving personal gain to Ahl. Ahl’s rights under M.S.A. 412.641 are preserved. 1 Here, malfeasance shall be defined as: The performance of an act in official capacity which is illegal, wrongful or willful or wanton neglect of duty. In re Olson, 211 Minn. 114, 117, 300 N.W. 398, 400 (1941). To constitute malfeasance or nonfeasance, conduct must “affect[ ] the performance of official duties * * * [and] ‘must relate to something of a substantial nature directly affecting the rights and interests of the public.’ ” Jacobsen v. Nagel, 255 Minn. 300, 304, 96 N.W.2d 569, 573 (1959) (citation omitted). In defining malfeasance, we have said that malfeasance “in an official capacity is not susceptible of an exact definition [but, it] ‘has reference to evil conduct or an illegal deed, the doing of that which one ought not to do, the performance of an act by an officer in his official capacity that is wholly illegal and wrongful.’ ” Id. at 304, 96 N.W.2d at 573 2Here, the standard for gross misconduct shall be: whether an employee's gross misconduct interferes with and adversely affects his employment “whether, by reason of his action, he can no longer effectively perform the services for which he was employed.” Schmidt v. City of Duluth, 346 N.W.2d 671 (Minn.App.1984) The intended meaning of the term ‘misconduct’ * * * is limited to conduct evincing such willful or wanton disregard of an employer's interests as is found in deliberate violations or disregard of standards of behavior which the employer has the right to expect of his employee, or in carelessness or negligence of such degree or recurrence as to manifest equal culpability, wrongful intent or evil design, or to show an intentional and substantial disregard of the employer's interests or of the employee's duties and obligations to his employer. On the other hand mere inefficiency, unsatisfactory conduct, failure in good performance as the result of inability or incapacity, inadvertencies or ordinary negligence in isolated instances, or good-faith errors in judgment or discretion are not to be deemed ‘misconduct’ Packet Page Number 195 of 196 Agenda Item J5 Attachment 1 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties here to have signed and executed this Agreement. ACKNOWLE GED BY: CITY OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA DATED: __________________________________ _____________________________ __________________________________ _____________________________ ___________________________________ _____________________________ R. CHARLES AHL DATED: ___________________________________ ___________________________ Packet Page Number 196 of 196