HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 03-25 City Council Meeting PacketAGENDA MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL 7:00 P.M. Monday, March 25, 2013 City Hall, Council Chambers Meeting No. 06-13 A. CALL TO ORDER B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. Acknowledgement of Maplewood Residents Serving the Country. C. ROLL CALL Mayor’s Address on Protocol: “Welcome to the meeting of the Maplewood City Council. It is our desire to keep all discussions civil as we work through difficult issues tonight. If you are here for a Public Hearing or to address the City Council, please familiarize yourself with the Policies and Procedures and Rules of Civility, which are located near the entrance. Before addressing the council, sign in with the City Clerk. At the podium please state your name and address clearly for the record. All comments/questions shall be posed to the Mayor and Council. The Mayor will then direct staff, as appropriate, to answer questions or respond to comments.” D. APPROVAL OF AGENDA E. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of March 11, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes F. APPOINTMENTS AND PRESENTATIONS 1. Life Saving Awards - Sergeant Michael Nye and Officer Brian Tauzell (No Report) G. CONSENT AGENDA – Items on the Consent Agenda are considered routine and non- controversial and are approved by one motion of the council. If a councilmember requests additional information or wants to make a comment regarding an item, the vote should be held until the questions or comments are made then the single vote should be taken. If a councilmember objects to an item it should be removed and acted upon as a separate item. 1. Approval of Claims 2. Approval of Contest to Create a New City Logo 3. Approval to Purchase Police Department Tasers 4. Approval to Purchase Police Vehicles 5. Approval of Resolution of Support for Community Development Block Grant Funding for the Maplewood Townhouse Association 6. Approval of the Spring Clean Up Event on April 20, 2013 7. Authorization to Purchase Bituminous Materials for 2013 8. Authorization for Ramsey County to Perform 2013 Street Striping 9. Approval of Agreement for Street Maintenance on Border Streets with City of Vadnais Heights 10. Municipal State Aid Streets Designation a. Approve of a Resolution Revoking Municipal State Aid Streets b. Approval of a Resolution Establishing Municipal State Aid Streets 11. Approval of a Resolution Directing Modification of Existing Construction Contract, Change Order No. 2 and Reducing Retainage, Bartelmy-Meyer Area Street Improvements, City Project 11-14 12. Approval of Budget Adjustment, July 2011 Storm Response, City Project 11-19 13. Consider Approval of Arbor Day Proclamation H. PUBLIC HEARINGS None I. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Approval of 2013-2014 Collective Bargaining Agreements: a. Law Enforcement Labor Services, Inc. (Local 153) – Police Officers J. NEW BUSINESS 1. Approval of an On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License for McCarron’s Pub and Grill 2. Approval of Temporary Moratorium on New Off-Sale Intoxicating Liquor Licenses 3. East Metro Public Safety Training Facility, City Project 09-09 a. Approve Plans and Authorize Ad for Bid (Bid Package 3) b. Approve Plans and Authorize Ad for Bid (Bid Package 5) c. Authorize Ad for Bid for Burn Equipment Supplier d. Accept Private Donation of Translucent Panels e. Receive Quotes and Award Contract for Signal Mast Arms and Poles K. AWARD OF BIDS None L. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS None M. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS None N. ADJOURNMENT Sign language interpreters for hearing impaired persons are available for public hearings upon request. The request for this must be made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the City Clerk’s Office at 651.249.2000 to make arrangements. Assisted Listening Devices are also available. Please check with the City Clerk for availability. RULES OF CIVILITY FOR OUR COMMUNITY Following are some rules of civility the City of Maplewood expects of everyone appearing at Council Meetings – elected officials, staff and citizens. It is hoped that by following these simple rules, everyone’s opinions can be heard and understood in a reasonable manner. We appreciate the fact that when appearing at Council meetings, it is understood that everyone will follow these principles: Show respect for each other, actively listen to one another, keep emotions in check and use respectful language. March 11, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes 1 Item E1 MINUTES MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL 7:00 p.m., Monday, March 11, 2013 Council Chambers, City Hall Meeting No. 05-13 A. CALL TO ORDER A meeting of the City Council was held in the City Hall Council Chambers and was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Mayor Rossbach. Mayor Rossbach requested Boy Scouts Westin Ericson and Alexander Museus, representing Troup 46, address the council. The Scouts indicated that they were attending the council meeting as part of the requirement to earn a Community Service Badge. Scouts Ericson and Museus then opened the meeting by leading the council and attending public in the pledge of allegiance. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. ROLL CALL Will Rossbach, Mayor Present Robert Cardinal, Councilmember Present Rebecca Cave, Councilmember Present Kathleen Juenemann, Councilmember Present Marvin Koppen, Councilmember Present D. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The following items were added to the agenda: M1 Employee Recognition M2 Maplewood Senior Citizen Center M3 Historical Society Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. E. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of February 25, 2013 City Council Workshop Minutes Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the February 25, 2013 City Council Workshop Minutes as submitted. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. Packet Page Number 1 of 123 March 11, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes 2 2. Approval of February 25, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes Councilmember Cardinal moved to approve the February 25, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes as submitted. Seconded by Councilmember Juenemann Ayes – All The motion passed. F. APPOINTMENTS AND PRESENTATIONS None G. CONSENT AGENDA Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve agenda items G1-G14. Seconded by Mayor Rossbach Ayes – All The motion passed. 1. Approval of Claims Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Approval of Claims. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: $ 318,210.99 Checks # 89337 thru # 89379 dated 02/20/13 thru 02/26/13 $ 366,033.45 Disbursements via debits to checking account dated 02/19/13 thru 02/22/13 $ 842,922.62 Checks # 89380 thru # 89479 dated 02/28/13 thru 03/05/13 $ 304,909.78 Disbursements via debits to checking account dated 02/25/13 thru 03/01/13 $ 1,832,076.84 Total Accounts Payable PAYROLL $ 527,068.74 Payroll Checks and Direct Deposits dated 03/01/13 $ 763.00 Payroll Deduction check # 9989203 thru # 9989204 dated 03/01/13 $ 527,831.74 Total Payroll $ 2,359,908.58 GRAND TOTAL Packet Page Number 2 of 123 March 11, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes 3 Seconded by Mayor Rossbach Ayes – All The motion passed. 2. Approval of a Resolution Accepting a Donation to the Fire Department from Rochelle Hawthorne Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Resolution accepting the $100.00 donation from Rochelle Hawthorne and the necessary budget adjustments be made so the funds can be expended by the fire department. RESOLUTION 13-3-870 AUTHORIZING GIFT TO CITY WHEREAS, Maplewood is AUTHORIZED to receive and accept grants, gifts and devices of real and personal property and maintain the same for the benefit of the citizens and pursuant to the donor’s terms if so-prescribed, and; WHEREAS, Rochelle Hawthorne wishes to grant the city of Maplewood the following: $100.00, and; WHEREAS, Rochelle Hawthorne has instructed that the City will be required to use the aforementioned for: use by the fire department to directly improve the community, and; WHEREAS, the city of Maplewood has agreed to use the subject of this resolution for the purposes and under the terms prescribed, and; WHEREAS, the City agrees that it will accept the gift by a four-fifths majority of its governing body’s membership pursuant to Minnesota Statute §465.03; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, pursuant to Minnesota Statute §465.03, that the Maplewood City Council approves, receives and accepts the gift aforementioned and under such terms and conditions as may be requested or required. The Maplewood City Council passed this resolution by four-fifths or more majority vote of its membership on March 11, 2013. Seconded by Mayor Rossbach Ayes – All The motion passed. 3. Approval of A Resolution of Appreciation for Tammy Wilde – Community Development Department Senior Planner Ekstrand read the resolution of appreciation for Tammy Wilde. Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Resolution of appreciation for Tammy Wilde, member of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Packet Page Number 3 of 123 March 11, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes 4 RESOLUTION 13-3-871 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION WHEREAS, Tammy Wilde has been a member of the Maplewood Housing and Redevelopment Authority for two years since her appointment to the HRA by the city council on April 11, 2011 and has served faithfully in that capacity; and WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority has appreciated Tammy’s experience, insights and good judgment; and WHEREAS, Tammy has freely given of her time and energy, without compensation, for the betterment of the City of Maplewood; and WHEREAS, Tammy has shown dedication to her duties and has consistently contributed her leadership for the benefit of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED for and on behalf of the City of Maplewood, Minnesota, and its citizens that Tammy Wilde is hereby extended our gratitude and appreciation for her dedicated service. Passed by the Maplewood City Council on March 11, 2013. Seconded by Mayor Rossbach Ayes – All The motion passed. 4. Acceptance of Business and Economic Development Commission 2012 Annual Report Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the 2012 Annual Report for the Business and Economic Development Commission. Seconded by Mayor Rossbach Ayes – All The motion passed. 5. Acceptance of Community Design Review Board 2012 Annual Report Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the 2012 Annual Report for the Community Design Review Board. Seconded by Mayor Rossbach Ayes – All The motion passed. 6. Housing and Economic Development Commissions Rules of Procedure Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Rules of Procedures for the Housing and Economic Development Commissions. Seconded by Mayor Rossbach Ayes – All The motion passed. Packet Page Number 4 of 123 March 11, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes 5 7. Approval of a Metropolitan Livable Communities Act Grant Agreement for Concordia Arms Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act Grant Agreement for Concordia Arms between the City of Maplewood and Metropolitan Council; and authorize the Mayor and City Manager to sign and execute the agreement. Seconded by Mayor Rossbach Ayes – All The motion passed. 8. Approval of a Resolution Directing Modification of Existing Construction Contract, Change Orders with Derau Construction, Police Department Expansion Project – Phase 1 Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Resolution Directing Modification of Existing Construction Contract, Change Order No. 1, for the Police Department Expansion Project – Phase 1. RESOLUTION 13-3-872 DIRECTING MODIFICATION OF EXISTING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT POLICE DEPARTMENT EXPANSION PROJECT - PHASE 1, CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 WHEREAS, the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota has heretofore ordered made Police Department Expansion Project – Phase 1, and has let a construction contract pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, and WHEREAS, it is now necessary and expedient that said contract be modified and designated as Police Department Expansion Project – Phase 1, Change Order No. 1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA, that: 1. The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to modify the existing contract by executing said Change Order No. 1 which is an increase of $28,561.00. The revised contract amount is $241,861.00. Adopted by the Maplewood City Council on this 11th day of March 2013. Seconded by Mayor Rossbach Ayes – All The motion passed. 9. Approval of Agreement for Use of Harvest Park for the 2013 Susan G. Komen Twin Cities 3-Day Event Benefiting Komen. Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Agreement for use of Harvest Park for the 2013 Susan G. Komen Twin Cities 3-Day Event. Seconded by Mayor Rossbach Ayes – All Packet Page Number 5 of 123 March 11, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes 6 The motion passed. 10. Approval of a Fee Waiver for a Temporary Food Sales Permit Fee for B-52 Slider Squad – For the Anna Hurd Memorial Fundraiser Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve to retro-actively waive the $55.00 fee associated with the Temporary Food Sales Permit for the B-52 Slider Squad on Friday, March 1, 2013 for a Memorial Fundraiser for Anna Hurd. Seconded by Mayor Rossbach Ayes – All The motion passed. 11. Approval of a Temporary Gambling Permit Resolution for the Minnesota Waterfowl As sociation Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Lawful Gambling Resolution for the Minnesota Waterfowl Association’s East Metro Banquet to be held on Thursday, April 11, 2013 at the Moose Lodge located at 1946 English Street, Maplewood. RESOLUTION 13-3-873 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota, that the premises permit for lawful gambling is approved for the Minnesota Waterfowl Association. FURTHERMORE, that the Maplewood City Council waives any objection to the timeliness of application for said permit as governed by Minnesota Statute §349.213. FURTHERMORE, that the Maplewood City Council requests that the Gambling Control Division of the Minnesota Department of Gaming approve said permit application as being in compliance with Minnesota Statute §349.213. NOW, THEREFORE, be it further resolved that this Resolution by the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota, be forwarded to the Gambling Control Division for their approval. Seconded by Mayor Rossbach Ayes – All The motion passed. 12. Approval of Implementation to Replace and Upgrade the Trane Summit System at City Hall Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the replacement and upgrade of the Trane Summit System at City Hall in the amount of $46,939.50. Seconded by Mayor Rossbach Ayes – All The motion passed. 13. Approval of Office Furniture for Parks & Recreation Department, Police Department Expansion Project Phase 1A Packet Page Number 6 of 123 March 11, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes 7 Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the purchase of office furniture for the Parks & Recreation Department in the amount of $21,161.14, as part of the Police Department Expansion Project, Phase 1A. Seconded by Mayor Rossbach Ayes – All The motion passed. 14. Resolution Accepting Donation from Friends of the Mississippi River to the City of Maplewood Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Resolution accepting the donation from the Friends of the Mississippi River of $7249.12 towards the acquisition of the Fish Creek parcel. RESOLUTION 13-3-874 ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION WHEREAS the City of Maplewood has received a donation of $7249.12 for acquisition of the Fish Creek parcel, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Maplewood City Council authorizes the City of Maplewood to accept this donation. Seconded by Mayor Rossbach Ayes – All The motion passed. H. PUBLIC HEARING None I. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None J. NEW BUSINESS 1. Havencrest Preliminary Plat, 2292 County Road D East Senior Planner Ekstrand gave the staff report and answered questions of the council. Brent Hislop representing Powerline, Inc. addressed and answered questions of the council. Councilmember Cave moved to approve the Havencrest preliminary plat located at 2292 County Road D East, subject to the following conditions: 1. Comply with the conditions of approval in the engineering report by Jon Jarosch, Maplewood Staff Engineer, dated February 25, 2013. 2. Comply with the conditions of approval in the Environmental Review by Shann Finwall dated February 25, 2013. 3. Before a building permit is issued for proposed Lot 1, the builder of that lot shall remove the shed which appears to belong to the owner of 2280 County Road D. This shed may be Packet Page Number 7 of 123 March 11, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes 8 relocated to 2280 County Road D, provided it meets all city setback and building size requirements and all building code requirements Seconded by Councilmember Juenemann Ayes – All The motion passed. 2. Approval of 2013-2014 Collective Bargaining Agreements: a. Minnesota AFSCME Council No. 5 – Local 2725 – Clerical/Technical & Maintenance Units b. International Association of Firefighters – Firefighters Local 4470 – Fire Officers c. International Association of Firefighters – Firefighters Local 4470 – Firefighters d. Law Enforcement Labor Services, Inc. (Local 173) – Police Sergeants e. Maplewood Confidential & Supervisory Association f. Maplewood Supervisory Association Assistant City Manager Ahl gave the staff report. Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the 2013-2014 contracts with six bargaining groups, Minnesota AFSCME Council No. 5 – Local 2725 – Clerical/Technical & Maintenance Units; International Association of Firefighters – Firefighters Local 4470 – Fire Officers; International Association of Firefighters – Firefighters Local 4470 – Firefighters; Law Enforcement Labor Services, Inc (Local 173) – Police Sergeants; Maplewood Confidential & Supervisory Association; and Maplewood Supervisory Association, and authorize the Mayor and City Manager to execute said contracts on behalf of the City. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 3. Approval of Contract Extension Through 2014 for HR Attorney Services with Charles Bethel Assistant City Manager Ahl gave the staff report. Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the contract extension with Charles Bethel for the remainder of 2013 to December 31, 2014 as Human Resources Attorney and authorize the Mayor and City Manager to execute said contract. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 4. Consider Authorization for Improvements at 1830 County Road B East – Police Department Expansion Project Phase 2 – Investigations & Server Room Relocation IT Director Fowlds gave the staff report. Assistant City Manager answered questions of the council. Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve a project as “Improvements at 1830 County Road B East – Police Department Expansion Project Phase 2 – Investigations & Server Room Packet Page Number 8 of 123 March 11, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes 9 Relocation” not to exceed $650,000 and which will be located at 1830 County Road B East; approve the plans for the construction work as prepared by the project architect from SHE, Inc and authorize the receipt of project bids for said construction work on April 11, 2013 at 9:00am according to standard City practice for bid openings. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 5. Approval of Penalties for Tobacco Compliance Failures Citizen Service Director/City Clerk Guilfoile gave the staff report. The representative from Holiday Station was requested to address the council. Robert Johnson, Manager for Holiday Station addressed and answered questions of the council. Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the following Penalties for Tobacco Compliance Failures: Flemings Auto Service $250 Holiday Station $750 Maddie’s Market $250 Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. K. AWARD OF BIDS None L. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS 1. Consideration to Reschedule April 22, 2013 City Council Meeting Citizen Services Director Guilfoile gave the staff report. Councilmember Koppen moved to reschedule the April 22, 2013 City Council Meeting to the fifth Monday of the month and be held on April 29, 2013. Seconded by Councilmember Juenemann Ayes – All The motion passed. 2. Consideration to Cancel April 1, 2013 Council – Manager Workshop Citizen Services Director/City Clerk Guilfoile gave the staff report. Councilmember Juenemann moved to cancel the Council Manager Workshop on April 1, 2013. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed Packet Page Number 9 of 123 March 11, 2013 City Council Meeting Minutes 10 M. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS 1. Employee Recognition Councilmember Juenemann recognized Joann Svendsen from the Police Department for serving 40 years at the City of Maplewood. 2. Maplewood Senior Citizen Center Councilmember Cardinal requested that Parkside Fire Station serve as a Maplewood Senior Citizen Center for the City of Maplewood. Mayor Rossbach indicated there needs to be further discussion about a Senior Citizen Center in Maplewood indicating that there are numerous opportunities in place currently for seniors including the Maplewood Community Center. 3. Historical Society Councilmember Cardinal informed residents that the Maplewood Area Historical Society will be hosting a Pancake Breakfast on March 24, 2013 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Bruentrup Historical Farm located at 2170 County Road D East. N. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Rossbach adjourned the meeting at 8:11 p.m. Packet Page Number 10 of 123 S:\Citizen Services\CITY CLERK\AGENDA REPORTS 2013\03-25-2013\G1 AprClms 2AP 2ED 1PR11.xlsx AGENDA NO.G-1 TO:City Council FROM:Finance Manager RE:APPROVAL OF CLAIMS DATE: 165,191.42$ Checks # 89483 thru # 89519 dated 03/05/13 thru 03/12/13 431,193.26$ Disbursements via debits to checking account dated 03/04/13 thru 03/08/13 245,749.62$ Checks # 89525 thru # 89566 dated 03/19/13 287,583.84$ Disbursements via debits to checking account dated 03/11/13 thru 03/15/13 1,129,718.14$ Total Accounts Payable 520,768.65$ Payroll Checks and Direct Deposits dated 03/15/13 763.00$ Payroll Deduction check # 9989238 thru # 9989239 dated 03/15/13 521,531.65$ Total Payroll 1,651,249.79$ GRAND TOTAL as attachments Attached is a detailed listing of these claims. Please call me at 651-249-2902 if you have any questions on the attached listing. This will allow me to check the supporting documentation on file if necessary. PAYROLL AGENDA REPORT March 25, 2013 Attached is a listing of paid bills for informational purposes. The City Manager has reviewed the bills and authorized payment in accordance with City Council approved policies. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Packet Page Number 11 of 123 S:\Citizen Services\CITY CLERK\AGENDA REPORTS 2013\03-25-2013\G1 AprClms 2AP 2ED 1PR11.xlsx Check Description Amount 89483 02464 FUNDS FOR ATMS 10,000.00 89484 02033 DARE TWINS GAME TICKETS 1,420.00 89485 00932 CAKE FOR EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 34.20 89486 00240 APPLICANT BACKGROUND CHECKS 50.00 89487 00353 STATIONERY ORDER 8,841.10 89488 03365 REIMB FOR MILEAGE & INTERNET 229.15 89489 00393 MONTHLY SURTAX - FEB 16245123035 1,193.92 89490 01409 PROJ 09-09 CONSULTING SERVICES 31,959.35 01409 ARCHITECT SRVS - PD EXPANSION PROJ 31,197.67 01409 PROJ 11-19 CONSULTING SERVICES 4,062.96 01409 PROJ 09-08 CONSULTING SERVICES 1,491.93 01409 PROJ 04-21 CONSULTING SERVICES 920.28 01409 CONSULTING SERVICES 712.74 89491 01190 ELECTRIC UTILITY 16,129.72 01190 ELECTRIC UTILITY 115.81 01190 ELECTRIC UTILITY 14.80 89492 04937 SHOW MCC MARCH 9 2,500.00 89493 02347 SEMINAR 210.00 89494 03005 CHARITABLE GAMBLING 440.00 89495 00089 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP 1,065.00 89496 00111 PATROL HOURS 2-11 THRU 2-23 1,400.00 89497 05114 PROJ 12-13 PROF SRVS THRU 02/01 15,933.35 05114 PROJ 11-11 CONSULTING SERVICES 280.00 89498 05195 PROJ 09-08 POWER SWIICH OVER REPAIR 300.66 89499 02567 PROJ 09-08 RELOCATION CONSULTANT 150.00 89500 04064 REIMB FOR TUITION & BOOKS 2,084.86 89501 03978 CATERING EVENT AT MCC FEB 28 333.99 89502 05030 EQUIP LEASE - MCC - PMT#8 4,344.07 89503 00942 JANITORIAL SERVICES - FEB 6,578.16 89504 02617 REIMB - DARE SKATE PARTY PRIZES 83.69 89505 01085 MONTHLY PREMIUM - MARCH 3,115.35 89506 03587 FIRE EXPLORING DUES 120.00 89507 00001 HMONG AMERICAN CHARITABLE GAMBLING 799.60 89508 00001 REFUND M MCMAHON CLASS CANCELLED 320.00 89509 00001 CHARITABLE GAMBLING 300.00 89510 00001 REFUND T DAM MEDICA BENEFIT 20.00 89511 02008 BRIDGE INSPECTIONS 570.00 89512 01387 ADMIN FEE FOR STRESS TEST - FEB 100.00 89513 00198 WATER UTILITY 1,038.71 89514 01550 ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS - FEB 11,338.00 89515 01578 ICE MELT FOR PARKS DEPT 1,042.35 89516 02464 PAYING AGENT FEES 431.25 02464 PAYING AGENT FEES 431.25 02464 PAYING AGENT FEES 425.00 02464 PAYING AGENT FEES 402.50 89517 03419 TRAINING MARCH 12 150.00 89518 01725 INSURANCE FEE 273.00 89519 03948 BALLROOM DANCE INSTRUCTION 237.00 03/12/2013 VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER'S 03/12/2013 AARON WULFF 165,191.42 37 Checks in this report. 03/12/2013 US BANK 03/12/2013 US BANK 03/12/2013 VERSA-LOK RETAINING WALL SYS 03/12/2013 T R F SUPPLY CO. 03/12/2013 US BANK 03/12/2013 US BANK 03/12/2013 DR. JAMES ROSSINI 03/12/2013 ST. PAUL REGIONAL WATER SRVS 03/12/2013 SUMMIT INSPECTIONS 03/12/2013 ONE TIME VENDOR 03/12/2013 ONE TIME VENDOR 03/12/2013 RAMSEY COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS 03/12/2013 NORTHERN STAR COUNCIL 03/12/2013 ONE TIME VENDOR 03/12/2013 ONE TIME VENDOR 03/12/2013 MARSDEN BLDG MAINTENANCE CO 03/12/2013 ALESIA METRY 03/12/2013 MN LIFE INSURANCE 03/12/2013 DEREK FRITZE 03/12/2013 KANE'S CATERING SERVICE, INC 03/12/2013 KANSAS STATE BANK OF MANHATTAN 03/12/2013 BOLTON & MENK, INC. 03/12/2013 THE COMPUTER SHOPPE 03/12/2013 EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES 03/12/2013 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSN 03/12/2013 ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES 03/12/2013 BOLTON & MENK, INC. 03/09/2013 SHADOWS TRIBUTE SHOWS 03/12/2013 10,000 LAKES CHAPTER 03/12/2013 AARP FOUNDATION 03/12/2013 XCEL ENERGY 03/12/2013 XCEL ENERGY 03/12/2013 XCEL ENERGY 03/12/2013 S.E.H. 03/12/2013 S.E.H. 03/12/2013 S.E.H. 03/12/2013 S.E.H. 03/12/2013 S.E.H. 03/12/2013 S.E.H. 03/12/2013 CURTIS 1000, INC. - MINNESOTA 03/12/2013 NICK FRANZEN 03/12/2013 DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY 03/05/2013 MINNESOTA TWINS 03/06/2013 MAPLEWOOD BAKERY 03/12/2013 C S C CREDIT SERVICES Check Register City of Maplewood 03/08/2013 Date Vendor 03/05/2013 US BANK Packet Page Number 12 of 123 S:\Citizen Services\CITY CLERK\AGENDA REPORTS 2013\03-25-2013\G1 AprClms 2AP 2ED 1PR11.xlsx Settlement Date Payee Description Amount 3/4/2013 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 47,258.04 3/4/2013 U.S. Treasurer Federal Payroll Tax 103,091.04 3/4/2013 P.E.R.A.P.E.R.A.91,490.63 3/5/2013 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 36,821.54 3/5/2013 MidAmerica - ING HRA Flex plan 16,454.25 3/5/2013 Labor Unions Union Dues 2,066.35 3/6/2013 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 54,110.78 3/6/2013 MN State Treasurer State Payroll Tax 21,282.00 3/7/2013 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 19,900.04 3/8/2013 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 35,485.21 3/8/2013 MN Dept of Natural Resources DNR electronic licenses 1,103.50 3/8/2013 Optum Health DCRP & Flex plan payments 2,129.88 TOTAL 431,193.26 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Disbursements via Debits to Checking account Packet Page Number 13 of 123 S:\Citizen Services\CITY CLERK\AGENDA REPORTS 2013\03-25-2013\G1 AprClms 2AP 2ED 1PR11.xlsx Check Description Amount 89525 00111 PATROL HOURS 2/25 - 3/10 1,400.00 89526 00241 MEMBER TAGS 860.00 89527 01973 CAR WASHES - FEB 96.00 89528 01819 LOCAL PHONE SERVICE 01/15 - 02/14 765.18 89529 04265 ZUMBA INSTRUCTION - FEB 95.75 89530 01337 911 DISPATCH SERVICE - FEB 28,851.06 01337 RADIO FLEET SUPPORT - FEB 455.52 89531 01337 PROJ 09-08 CONST LICENSE AGREE FEE 1.00 89532 01463 MCC MASSAGES - FEB 1-15 1,083.50 01463 MCC MASSAGES - FEB 16-28 771.50 89533 02274 SPRINT SRVS 01/15 - 02/14 6,978.26 89534 04845 RECYCLING FEE - FEB 27,151.25 89535 04192 EMS BILLING - FEB 3,888.14 89536 03334 WINTER PATCHING MATERIALS 555.75 03334 WINTER PATCHING MATERIALS 252.87 03334 WINTER PATCHING MATERIALS 220.91 03334 WINTER PATCHING MATERIALS 216.74 03334 WINTER PATCHING MATERIALS 208.41 03334 WINTER PATCHING MATERIALS 195.90 89537 01190 ELECTRIC UTILITY 664.53 89538 01798 REMOVE WATER FROM DIESEL TANK 350.00 89539 03738 ATTORNEY SRVS FEES/RENT - APRIL 6,625.00 89540 05114 GENERAL GIS ASSISTANCE 532.00 89541 04862 PROJ 09-13 PRE-TRIAL CONSULTATIONS 1,700.00 89542 04549 ZUMBA INSTRUCTION - FEB 96.00 89543 05181 POLICE DEPT EXPANSION PROJ 20,971.25 89544 00420 VEHICLE CLEANING & DETAILING 181.68 89545 00451 HEATING SYS REPAIR STATION #2 618.64 89546 05028 CITY HALL SOLAR SYSTEM LEASE - MAR 397.00 05028 MCC SOLAR SYSTEM LEASE - MARCH 369.00 89547 00472 CONSULTING FEES 2/25 - 3/8 1,250.00 89548 02567 PROJ 09-08 RELOCATION CONSULTANT 75.00 89549 03725 POSTING FOR PDEP BID PHASE 1a 109.86 89550 05189 BUCKET TRUCK RENTAL-TREE TRIMMING 3,997.13 05189 BUCKET TRUCK RENTAL-TREE TRIMMING -2,712.34 89551 04846 MEDICAL SUPPLIES 146.21 89552 02263 BOARDING & DESTRUCTION FEE - FEB 1,089.26 89553 03597 REIMB FOR MILEAGE 2/7 - 3/11 13.84 89554 00827 WORK COMP QTR APR - JUN 2013 126,011.25 89555 00993 SCANNING OF HOUSE FILES CYCLE 1 3,327.15 89556 05027 PROJ 02-07 ABSTRACTING/TITLE WORK 225.00 89557 00001 REFUND SHAVER - MOVED 320.00 89558 00001 REFUND C DUFOUR ENTYR FEE V-BALL 160.00 89559 04225 CHARITALBE GAMBLING RAMSEY CO FAIR 2,300.00 89560 05197 REIMB FOR TRAINING & TEACHING 145.00 89561 01387 ADMIN FEE FOR STRESS TEST - MARCH 100.00 89562 01545 ANNUAL DUES 1ST HALF 1,600.00 89563 04528 ZUMBA INSTRUCTION - FEB 184.50 89564 01674 TRAINING (GABRIEL & BIERDEMAN)200.00 89565 04179 PROGRAM DISPLAY SIGN MCC - FEB 325.00 89566 01807 REIMB FOR CHAIRS 329.92 03/19/2013 VISUAL IMAGE PROMOTIONS 03/19/2013 SUSAN ZWIEG 245,749.62 42 Checks in this report. 03/19/2013 SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY 03/19/2013 SARA M. R. THOMPSON 03/19/2013 USPCA 03/19/2013 RAMSEY COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOC 03/19/2013 COURTNEY RANEY 03/19/2013 DR. JAMES ROSSINI 03/19/2013 MIDLAND TITLE 03/19/2013 ONE TIME VENDOR 03/19/2013 ONE TIME VENDOR 03/19/2013 MARY JO HOFMEISTER 03/19/2013 L M C I T 03/19/2013 MID-AMERICA BUSINESS SYSTEMS 03/19/2013 GLOBAL RENTAL CO., INC. 03/19/2013 HEALTHEAST 03/19/2013 HILLCREST ANIMAL HOSPITAL PA 03/19/2013 EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES 03/19/2013 FINANCE AND COMMERCE, INC. 03/19/2013 GLOBAL RENTAL CO., INC. 03/19/2013 ENERGY ALTERNATIVES SOLAR, LLC 03/19/2013 ENERGY ALTERNATIVES SOLAR, LLC 03/19/2013 MICHAEL A ERICSON 03/19/2013 DERAU CONSTRUCTION 03/19/2013 DOWNTOWNER DETAIL CENTER 03/19/2013 EGAN COMPANIES INC 03/19/2013 BOLTON & MENK, INC. 03/19/2013 BRKW APPRAISALS, INC. 03/19/2013 JAN ALICE CAMPBELL 03/19/2013 XCEL ENERGY 03/19/2013 YOCUM OIL CO. 03/19/2013 CHARLES E. BETHEL 03/19/2013 UNIQUE PAVING MATERIALS CORP 03/19/2013 UNIQUE PAVING MATERIALS CORP 03/19/2013 UNIQUE PAVING MATERIALS CORP 03/19/2013 UNIQUE PAVING MATERIALS CORP 03/19/2013 UNIQUE PAVING MATERIALS CORP 03/19/2013 UNIQUE PAVING MATERIALS CORP 03/19/2013 SPRINT 03/19/2013 TENNIS SANITATION LLC 03/19/2013 TRANS-MEDIC 03/19/2013 RAMSEY COUNTY-PROP REC & REV 03/19/2013 SISTER ROSALIND GEFRE 03/19/2013 SISTER ROSALIND GEFRE 03/19/2013 MARIA PIRELA 03/19/2013 RAMSEY COUNTY-PROP REC & REV 03/19/2013 RAMSEY COUNTY-PROP REC & REV 03/19/2013 CSI SOFTWARE 03/19/2013 ERICKSON OIL PRODUCTS INC 03/19/2013 PAETEC Check Register City of Maplewood 03/15/2013 Date Vendor 03/19/2013 ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES Packet Page Number 14 of 123 S:\Citizen Services\CITY CLERK\AGENDA REPORTS 2013\03-25-2013\G1 AprClms 2AP 2ED 1PR11.xlsx Settlement Date Payee Description Amount 3/11/2013 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 22,577.15 3/12/2013 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 38,434.38 3/13/2013 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 50,258.39 3/14/2013 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 44,164.67 3/14/2013 ING - State Plan Deferred Compensation 28,707.00 3/15/2013 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 32,774.21 3/15/2013 MN Dept of Natural Resources DNR electronic licenses 489.50 3/15/2013 US Bank VISA One Card*Purchasing card items 64,612.47 3/15/2013 VANCO Billing fee 111.00 3/15/2013 Optum Health DCRP & Flex plan payments 1,390.92 3/15/2013 ICMA (Vantagepointe)Deferred Compensation 4,064.15 TOTAL 287,583.84 *Detailed listing of VISA purchases is attached. CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Disbursements via Debits to Checking account Packet Page Number 15 of 123 S:\Citizen Services\CITY CLERK\AGENDA REPORTS 2013\03-25-2013\G1 AprClms 2AP 2ED 1PR11.xlsx Transaction Date Posting Date Merchant Name Transaction Amount Name 02/28/2013 03/01/2013 BDI*BEARING DISTRIBUTR $39.31 DAVE ADAMS 03/07/2013 03/08/2013 LA POLICE GEAR INC $195.32 MARK ALDRIDGE 03/04/2013 03/05/2013 CPS INC-DARECATALOUGE.COM $769.50 LONN BAKKE 03/04/2013 03/05/2013 CPS INC-DARECATALOUGE.COM $614.25 LONN BAKKE 03/06/2013 03/07/2013 THE UPS STORE 2171 $16.42 LONN BAKKE 03/01/2013 03/04/2013 LCI DURHAM DC $51.89 PAUL BARTZ 03/04/2013 03/06/2013 MINNESOTA GOVERNMENT F $60.00 GAYLE BAUMAN 03/04/2013 03/06/2013 MINNESOTA GOVERNMENT F $60.00 GAYLE BAUMAN 03/04/2013 03/08/2013 PAKOR, INC.$472.98 REGAN BEGGS 03/05/2013 03/07/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $163.60 REGAN BEGGS 03/05/2013 03/07/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $200.91 REGAN BEGGS 03/05/2013 03/07/2013 PITNEY BOWES INVOICE $585.45 REGAN BEGGS 03/01/2013 03/04/2013 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC.$6.40 MARKESE BENJAMIN 02/22/2013 02/25/2013 OFFICE MAX ($7.28)CHRISTINE BERNARDY 02/27/2013 02/28/2013 POST UP STAND INC $177.05 CHRISTINE BERNARDY 03/01/2013 03/04/2013 WEDDINGPAGES INC $311.16 CHRISTINE BERNARDY 03/05/2013 03/06/2013 PRESS PUBLICATIONS $1,026.00 CHRISTINE BERNARDY 03/07/2013 03/08/2013 LILLIE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPE $695.00 CHRISTINE BERNARDY 02/22/2013 02/25/2013 WALGREENS #3122 $4.60 OAKLEY BIESANZ 02/28/2013 03/04/2013 NORTHERN TOOL EQUIP-MN $36.40 RON BOURQUIN 02/25/2013 02/26/2013 DICK'S CLOTHING&SPORTING $94.17 NEIL BRENEMAN 02/26/2013 02/28/2013 LYRIC ARTS $147.40 NEIL BRENEMAN 03/05/2013 03/06/2013 PHIPPS CENTER FOR THE AR $150.00 NEIL BRENEMAN 02/25/2013 02/26/2013 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $17.88 TROY BRINK 02/25/2013 02/27/2013 SUBWAY 00052159 $56.99 SARAH BURLINGAME 02/28/2013 03/01/2013 CUB FOODS #1599 $445.00 SARAH BURLINGAME 03/06/2013 03/07/2013 CUB FOODS #1599 $26.37 SARAH BURLINGAME 02/22/2013 02/26/2013 DICKEY'S BBQ $23.84 DAN BUSACK 03/02/2013 03/04/2013 NAPA STORE 3279016 $8.55 JOHN CAPISTRANT 02/22/2013 02/25/2013 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES #525 ($3.22)SCOTT CHRISTENSON 02/26/2013 02/27/2013 VIKING ELECTRIC-CREDIT DE $175.35 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 03/01/2013 03/04/2013 WW GRAINGER $347.86 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 03/05/2013 03/06/2013 VIKING ELECTRIC-CREDIT DE $16.11 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 03/05/2013 03/06/2013 VIKING ELECTRIC-CREDIT DE $143.96 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 02/23/2013 02/25/2013 EMERALD INN $69.62 KERRY CROTTY 02/28/2013 03/01/2013 ON DISK COM $26.37 KERRY CROTTY 03/04/2013 03/06/2013 OFFICE MAX $21.40 KERRY CROTTY 03/06/2013 03/07/2013 LEEANN CHIN #016 WHITE BE $9.82 KERRY CROTTY 02/26/2013 02/28/2013 WILD BIRD STORE $27.47 CHARLES DEAVER 02/28/2013 03/04/2013 HEALTH STRATEGIES $50.00 RICHARD DOBLAR 03/06/2013 03/07/2013 LEEANN CHIN #016 WHITE BE $13.45 RICHARD DOBLAR 02/21/2013 02/25/2013 SCALE PURCHASE $173.85 TOM DOUGLASS 02/21/2013 02/25/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $953.28 TOM DOUGLASS 02/26/2013 02/27/2013 ALL POOLSIDE SERVICES ($203.54)TOM DOUGLASS 02/26/2013 02/27/2013 ALL POOLSIDE SERVICES $203.54 TOM DOUGLASS 02/26/2013 02/28/2013 WHITE BEAR LOCKSMITH $156.42 TOM DOUGLASS 02/27/2013 02/28/2013 HOLLMAN INC $248.00 TOM DOUGLASS 03/04/2013 03/06/2013 10-8 PERFORMANCE $98.50 MICHAEL DUGAS 03/04/2013 03/06/2013 BROWNELLS INC $103.80 MICHAEL DUGAS 02/25/2013 02/26/2013 OREILLY AUTO 00020743 $16.68 PAUL E EVERSON 02/25/2013 02/26/2013 WALGREENS #01751 $319.98 PAUL E EVERSON 02/22/2013 02/25/2013 MENARDS 3059 $152.14 LARRY FARR 02/22/2013 02/26/2013 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC $2,219.63 LARRY FARR 02/25/2013 02/27/2013 WM EZPAY $112.00 LARRY FARR 02/25/2013 02/27/2013 WM EZPAY $235.46 LARRY FARR 02/26/2013 02/28/2013 MOBILE RADIO ENGINEERI $64.00 LARRY FARR 02/27/2013 02/28/2013 OVERHEAD DOOR COMP $945.00 LARRY FARR 02/27/2013 03/01/2013 THE TRANE COMPANY $2,596.00 LARRY FARR Packet Page Number 16 of 123 S:\Citizen Services\CITY CLERK\AGENDA REPORTS 2013\03-25-2013\G1 AprClms 2AP 2ED 1PR11.xlsx 03/01/2013 03/04/2013 BEST BUY MHT 00000109 $1,931.44 LARRY FARR 03/01/2013 03/04/2013 WM EZPAY $498.91 LARRY FARR 03/02/2013 03/04/2013 GOODWILL $21.08 LARRY FARR 03/03/2013 03/04/2013 GOODWILL ($21.08)LARRY FARR 03/04/2013 03/05/2013 SYLVANIA LIGHTING SVC $3,810.00 LARRY FARR 03/04/2013 03/06/2013 GUITAR CENTER #394 $94.17 LARRY FARR 03/05/2013 03/06/2013 WM EZPAY $457.30 LARRY FARR 03/05/2013 03/06/2013 WM EZPAY $1,058.59 LARRY FARR 02/27/2013 02/28/2013 INT'L CODE COUNCIL $280.00 DAVID FISHER 03/05/2013 03/05/2013 INT'L CODE COUNCIL INC $420.00 DAVID FISHER 02/25/2013 02/26/2013 IAC*VIMEO PLUS $199.00 MYCHAL FOWLDS 02/27/2013 03/01/2013 OFFICE MAX $73.86 MYCHAL FOWLDS 03/06/2013 03/07/2013 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISB $590.90 MYCHAL FOWLDS 03/07/2013 03/08/2013 IDU*INSIGHT PUBLIC SEC $2,872.44 MYCHAL FOWLDS 02/22/2013 02/25/2013 IDU*INSIGHT PUBLIC SEC $1,154.34 NICK FRANZEN 03/01/2013 03/04/2013 IDU*INSIGHT PUBLIC SEC $125.40 NICK FRANZEN 03/01/2013 03/04/2013 IDU*INSIGHT PUBLIC SEC $1,296.97 NICK FRANZEN 03/01/2013 03/04/2013 IDU*INSIGHT PUBLIC SEC $2,899.25 NICK FRANZEN 03/02/2013 03/04/2013 IDU*INSIGHT PUBLIC SEC $4.83 NICK FRANZEN 03/02/2013 03/04/2013 IDU*INSIGHT PUBLIC SEC $152.07 NICK FRANZEN 03/02/2013 03/04/2013 IDU*INSIGHT PUBLIC SEC $634.67 NICK FRANZEN 03/02/2013 03/04/2013 IDU*INSIGHT PUBLIC SEC $969.59 NICK FRANZEN 03/05/2013 03/06/2013 IDU*INSIGHT PUBLIC SEC $286.02 NICK FRANZEN 03/07/2013 03/08/2013 IDU*INSIGHT PUBLIC SEC $139.94 NICK FRANZEN 03/07/2013 03/08/2013 IDU*INSIGHT PUBLIC SEC $171.96 NICK FRANZEN 02/21/2013 02/25/2013 DOLRTREE 3150 00031500 $42.85 VIRGINIA GAYNOR 02/21/2013 02/25/2013 OFFICE MAX $66.44 VIRGINIA GAYNOR 02/21/2013 02/25/2013 OFFICE MAX $86.74 VIRGINIA GAYNOR 02/26/2013 02/27/2013 U OF M CCE NONCREDIT $175.00 VIRGINIA GAYNOR 02/20/2013 02/25/2013 HOLIDAY INNS $35.00 CLARENCE GERVAIS 02/20/2013 02/25/2013 HOLIDAY INNS $250.00 CLARENCE GERVAIS 03/01/2013 03/04/2013 BECKER FIRE & SAFETY SERV $78.33 CLARENCE GERVAIS 02/28/2013 03/04/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $29.80 JEAN GLASS 03/07/2013 03/08/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $117.81 JEAN GLASS 02/26/2013 02/28/2013 MINNESOTA BOOKSTORE $49.17 KAREN GUILFOILE 02/27/2013 03/01/2013 OFFICE MAX ($32.13)KAREN GUILFOILE 02/27/2013 03/01/2013 OFFICE MAX $110.59 KAREN GUILFOILE 03/06/2013 03/07/2013 RAINBOW FOO 00088617 $58.99 KAREN GUILFOILE 03/06/2013 03/07/2013 PANERA BREAD #601305 $177.65 KAREN GUILFOILE 03/07/2013 03/08/2013 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISN $107.45 KAREN GUILFOILE 02/25/2013 02/26/2013 BATTERIES PLUS #31 $53.46 MARK HAAG 02/26/2013 02/27/2013 FASTENAL COMPANY01 $60.72 MARK HAAG 02/22/2013 02/25/2013 RED WING SHOE STORE $29.99 TIMOTHY HAWKINSON JR. 02/28/2013 03/04/2013 MILLS FLEET FARM #2,700 $15.99 TAMARA HAYS 02/25/2013 02/26/2013 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC.$19.82 PHENG HER 02/28/2013 03/01/2013 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC.$5.35 PHENG HER 02/25/2013 02/26/2013 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC.$198.22 STEVEN HIEBERT 03/06/2013 03/07/2013 CUB FOODS #1599 $8.36 RON HORWATH 02/28/2013 03/01/2013 BLUE RIBBON BAIT & TACKLE $11.22 ANN HUTCHINSON 03/04/2013 03/07/2013 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC $638.19 ANN HUTCHINSON 03/05/2013 03/06/2013 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC $348.58 ANN HUTCHINSON 03/05/2013 03/06/2013 ACT*UNIVERSITY OF MINN $60.00 ANN HUTCHINSON 03/05/2013 03/06/2013 ACT*UNIVERSITY OF MINN $30.00 ANN HUTCHINSON 02/21/2013 02/25/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $14.72 DAVID JAHN 02/22/2013 02/28/2013 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC $15.30 DAVID JAHN 02/25/2013 02/28/2013 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC $910.71 DAVID JAHN 02/25/2013 02/28/2013 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC $225.95 DAVID JAHN 02/28/2013 03/04/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $21.39 DAVID JAHN 02/22/2013 02/25/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $16.27 KEVIN JOHNSON Packet Page Number 17 of 123 S:\Citizen Services\CITY CLERK\AGENDA REPORTS 2013\03-25-2013\G1 AprClms 2AP 2ED 1PR11.xlsx 03/02/2013 03/04/2013 OREILLY AUTO 00020743 $3.31 KEVIN JOHNSON 02/21/2013 02/25/2013 SUPERAMERICA 4022 $48.51 TOM KALKA 02/27/2013 02/28/2013 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC.$74.27 TOMMY KONG 03/04/2013 03/05/2013 FASTENAL COMPANY01 $21.06 JASON KREGER 03/05/2013 03/06/2013 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $133.48 JASON KREGER 02/25/2013 02/26/2013 BEST BUY MHT 00000109 $32.12 NICHOLAS KREKELER 02/27/2013 03/01/2013 OFFICE MAX $20.87 NICHOLAS KREKELER 02/22/2013 02/25/2013 THE GRAFIX SHOPPE $101.53 DAVID KVAM 02/23/2013 02/25/2013 DON'S PAINT & COLLISION $2,568.89 DAVID KVAM 03/04/2013 03/05/2013 THE GRAFIX SHOPPE $157.11 DAVID KVAM 03/05/2013 03/05/2013 COMCAST CABLE COMM $67.45 DAVID KVAM 03/06/2013 03/08/2013 STREICHER'S MO $5.34 DAVID KVAM 03/07/2013 03/08/2013 THOMSON WEST*TCD $294.16 DAVID KVAM 03/07/2013 03/07/2013 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $153.99 SCOTT LANGNER 03/05/2013 03/07/2013 BOTACH TACTICAL $209.30 JOHNNIE LU 03/06/2013 03/08/2013 STREICHER'S MPLS $187.01 JOHNNIE LU 02/25/2013 02/27/2013 ASPEN MILLS INC.$359.20 STEVE LUKIN 02/25/2013 02/27/2013 ASPEN MILLS INC.$48.95 STEVE LUKIN 03/01/2013 03/01/2013 AIRGASS NORTH $251.45 STEVE LUKIN 03/01/2013 03/01/2013 AIRGASS NORTH $174.59 STEVE LUKIN 02/26/2013 02/27/2013 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $23.36 JASON MARINO 02/24/2013 02/25/2013 SUPERAMERICA 4022 $55.49 JERROLD MARTIN 02/25/2013 02/26/2013 SUPERAMERICA 4022 $23.52 JERROLD MARTIN 02/26/2013 02/28/2013 COLLECTIBLES & ACCESSO $27.79 JERROLD MARTIN 03/05/2013 03/06/2013 CUB FOODS #1599 $12.84 JERROLD MARTIN 02/27/2013 03/01/2013 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $674.97 MICHAEL MONDOR 02/27/2013 03/01/2013 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $1,358.52 MICHAEL MONDOR 02/28/2013 03/01/2013 MOTION COMPUTING INC $196.10 MICHAEL MONDOR 02/28/2013 03/04/2013 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $99.50 MICHAEL MONDOR 02/28/2013 03/04/2013 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $103.20 MICHAEL MONDOR 02/28/2013 03/04/2013 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $199.00 MICHAEL MONDOR 02/28/2013 03/04/2013 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $1,132.34 MICHAEL MONDOR 02/28/2013 03/04/2013 HEALTH CARE LOGISTICS $75.39 MICHAEL MONDOR 03/01/2013 03/04/2013 BANK SUPPLIES, INC.$12.19 MICHAEL MONDOR 03/06/2013 03/07/2013 NATL. REGISTRY OF EMTS $195.00 MICHAEL MONDOR 03/06/2013 03/08/2013 RED WING SHOE STORE $152.99 BRYAN NAGEL 02/28/2013 03/04/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $18.92 RICHARD NORDQUIST 02/22/2013 02/25/2013 SKD TACTICAL $155.00 MICHAEL NYE 03/04/2013 03/05/2013 DEFENSEDEVICES.COM $113.45 MICHAEL NYE 03/04/2013 03/06/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $29.72 MICHAEL NYE 03/06/2013 03/07/2013 AMAZON.COM $81.48 MICHAEL NYE 03/07/2013 03/08/2013 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC.$2.67 MICHAEL NYE 02/22/2013 02/25/2013 REI COM $64.28 MARY KAY PALANK 02/27/2013 03/01/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $87.00 MARY KAY PALANK 02/28/2013 03/01/2013 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $289.46 MARY KAY PALANK 02/28/2013 03/04/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $57.69 MARY KAY PALANK 03/01/2013 03/04/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1079 $5.95 MARY KAY PALANK 03/01/2013 03/04/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $58.16 MARY KAY PALANK 03/05/2013 03/07/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $82.68 MARY KAY PALANK 02/23/2013 02/25/2013 ULINE *SHIP SUPPLIES $343.39 PHILIP F POWELL 02/27/2013 02/28/2013 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $44.85 PHILIP F POWELL 03/01/2013 03/01/2013 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $37.45 PHILIP F POWELL 03/01/2013 03/04/2013 CHIEF SUPPLY CORP $173.99 PHILIP F POWELL 03/05/2013 03/06/2013 WWW.NCHSOFTWARE.COM $41.55 PHILIP F POWELL 03/08/2013 03/08/2013 A DAIGGER & COMPANY,$247.65 PHILIP F POWELL 03/08/2013 03/08/2013 A DAIGGER & COMPANY,$57.95 PHILIP F POWELL 02/22/2013 02/25/2013 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $16.00 STEVEN PRIEM 02/22/2013 02/25/2013 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL 392 $180.67 STEVEN PRIEM 02/22/2013 02/25/2013 TRUCK UTILITIES INC $130.17 STEVEN PRIEM Packet Page Number 18 of 123 S:\Citizen Services\CITY CLERK\AGENDA REPORTS 2013\03-25-2013\G1 AprClms 2AP 2ED 1PR11.xlsx 02/26/2013 02/27/2013 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL 392 $29.72 STEVEN PRIEM 02/26/2013 02/27/2013 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL 392 $61.99 STEVEN PRIEM 02/26/2013 02/27/2013 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL 392 $5.12 STEVEN PRIEM 02/26/2013 02/27/2013 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL 392 $253.71 STEVEN PRIEM 02/26/2013 02/27/2013 BAUER BUILT TIRE 18 $341.04 STEVEN PRIEM 02/26/2013 02/27/2013 BAUER BUILT TIRE 18 $238.01 STEVEN PRIEM 02/26/2013 02/27/2013 AMERICAN FASTENER AND SUP $51.22 STEVEN PRIEM 02/27/2013 02/28/2013 ASPEN EQUIPMENT-BLOOMIN ($59.19)STEVEN PRIEM 02/27/2013 02/28/2013 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL 392 $112.99 STEVEN PRIEM 02/27/2013 02/28/2013 PIONEER RIM & WHEEL $16.37 STEVEN PRIEM 02/27/2013 03/01/2013 CIRUS CONTROLS $232.91 STEVEN PRIEM 02/28/2013 03/01/2013 KATH FUEL OFFICE $39.93 STEVEN PRIEM 02/28/2013 03/01/2013 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL 392 $135.60 STEVEN PRIEM 02/28/2013 03/01/2013 TOUSLEY FORD $99.80 STEVEN PRIEM 03/01/2013 03/04/2013 FACTORY MTR PTS #1 $84.16 STEVEN PRIEM 03/01/2013 03/04/2013 BOYER TRUCK PARTS $646.63 STEVEN PRIEM 03/01/2013 03/04/2013 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL 392 $62.43 STEVEN PRIEM 03/04/2013 03/05/2013 KATH FUEL OFFICE $39.93 STEVEN PRIEM 03/04/2013 03/05/2013 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL 392 $23.62 STEVEN PRIEM 03/05/2013 03/06/2013 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL 392 $36.23 STEVEN PRIEM 03/05/2013 03/06/2013 TRUCK UTILITIES INC $93.43 STEVEN PRIEM 03/06/2013 03/07/2013 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL 392 $105.46 STEVEN PRIEM 03/06/2013 03/07/2013 AMERICAN FASTENER AND SUP $99.18 STEVEN PRIEM 03/08/2013 03/08/2013 MINNESOTA TRUCKING ASS $309.12 STEVEN PRIEM 02/25/2013 02/26/2013 BATTERIES PLUS #31 $113.45 KELLY PRINS 02/26/2013 02/27/2013 MUSKA ELECTRIC CO.$477.00 KELLY PRINS 02/26/2013 02/28/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $34.80 KELLY PRINS 02/28/2013 03/04/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $52.91 KELLY PRINS 03/07/2013 03/08/2013 VIKING ELECTRIC - ST PAUL $147.97 KELLY PRINS 02/26/2013 02/27/2013 ICMA INTERNET $222.75 TERRIE RAMEAUX 03/01/2013 03/04/2013 LILLIE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPE $150.00 TERRIE RAMEAUX 02/26/2013 02/27/2013 HILLYARD INC MINNEAPOLIS $15.40 MICHAEL REILLY 02/28/2013 03/01/2013 HILLYARD INC MINNEAPOLIS $1,091.71 MICHAEL REILLY 03/01/2013 03/04/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $36.00 MICHAEL REILLY 03/01/2013 03/04/2013 NASM $299.00 LORI RESENDIZ 03/04/2013 03/05/2013 MENARDS 3059 $12.23 LORI RESENDIZ 02/27/2013 02/28/2013 TARGET 00011858 $14.40 AUDRA ROBBINS 03/01/2013 03/04/2013 WWW COMMED ISD622 ORG $516.50 AUDRA ROBBINS 03/01/2013 03/04/2013 WWW COMMED ISD622 ORG $1,862.50 AUDRA ROBBINS 02/26/2013 02/27/2013 LILLIE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPE $2,028.00 DEB SCHMIDT 03/04/2013 03/04/2013 T-MOBILE.COM*PAYMENT $31.14 DEB SCHMIDT 03/07/2013 03/08/2013 LILLIE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPE $108.00 DEB SCHMIDT 02/26/2013 02/28/2013 USA MOBILITY WIRELE $26.79 SCOTT SCHULTZ 02/21/2013 02/25/2013 OFFICE MAX $7.28 CAITLIN SHERRILL 02/21/2013 02/25/2013 MICHAELS #2744 $16.25 CAITLIN SHERRILL 02/21/2013 02/25/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $28.89 CAITLIN SHERRILL 02/21/2013 02/25/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $10.25 CAITLIN SHERRILL 02/22/2013 02/25/2013 TARGET 00011858 $26.05 CAITLIN SHERRILL 02/22/2013 02/25/2013 CUB FOODS #1599 $33.35 CAITLIN SHERRILL 02/22/2013 02/25/2013 CVS PHARMACY #1751 Q03 $25.70 CAITLIN SHERRILL 02/22/2013 02/25/2013 OFFICE MAX $16.27 CAITLIN SHERRILL 03/06/2013 03/07/2013 TARGET 00011858 $25.69 CAITLIN SHERRILL 03/06/2013 03/07/2013 CUB FOODS #1599 $96.00 CAITLIN SHERRILL 03/07/2013 03/08/2013 CUB FOODS #1599 $9.64 CAITLIN SHERRILL 03/07/2013 03/08/2013 CUB FOODS #1599 $9.64 CAITLIN SHERRILL 02/22/2013 02/25/2013 HOTEL GEORGE $420.48 MICHAEL SHORTREED 02/23/2013 02/25/2013 MCDONALD'S F3117 $24.75 MICHAEL SHORTREED 02/23/2013 02/25/2013 BEAR 36 AMSTAR $4.90 MICHAEL SHORTREED 02/26/2013 02/27/2013 GOOGLE *XMT LOCOCITATO $39.00 MICHAEL SHORTREED Packet Page Number 19 of 123 S:\Citizen Services\CITY CLERK\AGENDA REPORTS 2013\03-25-2013\G1 AprClms 2AP 2ED 1PR11.xlsx 02/27/2013 02/28/2013 BATTERIES PLUS #31 $8.52 MICHAEL SHORTREED 03/06/2013 03/07/2013 BATTERIES PLUS #31 $42.84 MICHAEL SHORTREED 03/07/2013 03/08/2013 MOTHERS AGAINST DRUNK DR $75.00 MICHAEL SHORTREED 02/28/2013 03/04/2013 METRO SALES INC $484.14 JOANNE SVENDSEN 03/01/2013 03/04/2013 ST PAUL STAMP WORKS INC $32.81 JOANNE SVENDSEN 03/05/2013 03/06/2013 PAYPAL *CENTERFORSO $75.00 JOANNE SVENDSEN 03/05/2013 03/06/2013 PAYPAL *CENTERFORSO $75.00 JOANNE SVENDSEN 03/05/2013 03/06/2013 PAYPAL *CENTERFORSO $75.00 JOANNE SVENDSEN 03/06/2013 03/07/2013 PAYPAL *CENTERFORSO $75.00 JOANNE SVENDSEN 03/06/2013 03/08/2013 LIFELINE TRAINING - CA $199.00 JOANNE SVENDSEN 03/02/2013 03/04/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $18.10 RONALD SVENDSEN 02/21/2013 02/26/2013 MILLS FLEET FARM #2,700 ($200.00)WILLIAM SYPNIEWSKI 02/25/2013 02/26/2013 GANDER MOUNTAIN $49.99 BRIAN TAUZELL 02/26/2013 02/27/2013 R&R $150.00 PAUL THIENES 02/28/2013 03/04/2013 STREICHER'S MO $26.70 JAY WENZEL 03/02/2013 03/04/2013 STREICHER'S MO $116.46 JAY WENZEL 03/04/2013 03/05/2013 USPS 26834900133401647 $3.82 JAY WENZEL 03/04/2013 03/06/2013 STREICHER'S MO $85.49 JAY WENZEL 02/28/2013 03/04/2013 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $19.14 JEFF WILBER 03/05/2013 03/07/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1079 $8.88 TAMMY YOUNG 03/05/2013 03/07/2013 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $113.61 TAMMY YOUNG 02/22/2013 02/25/2013 SEARS ROEBUCK 8162 $327.28 SUSAN ZWIEG 03/06/2013 03/07/2013 PAYPAL *AMEMASSOCIA $100.00 SUSAN ZWIEG 03/07/2013 03/08/2013 NORTHLAND IRRIGATION, INC $80.00 SUSAN ZWIEG $64,612.47 Packet Page Number 20 of 123 S:\Citizen Services\CITY CLERK\AGENDA REPORTS 2013\03-25-2013\G1 AprClms 2AP 2ED 1PR11.xlsx CHECK #CHECK DATE EMPLOYEE NAME 03/15/13 ALDRIDGE, MARK 3,060.04 03/15/13 BAKKE, LONN 3,181.01 03/15/13 THOMFORDE, FAITH 1,497.35 03/15/13 ABEL, CLINT 3,064.06 03/15/13 POWELL, PHILIP 2,932.47 03/15/13 SVENDSEN, JOANNE 2,101.79 03/15/13 KVAM, DAVID 4,630.18 03/15/13 PALANK, MARY 1,905.17 03/15/13 WEAVER, KRISTINE 2,356.55 03/15/13 CORCORAN, THERESA 1,900.55 03/15/13 RICHTER, CHARLENE 1,147.69 03/15/13 SCHOENECKER, LEIGH 1,646.15 03/15/13 MOY, PAMELA 1,827.58 03/15/13 OSTER, ANDREA 1,907.49 03/15/13 LARSON, MICHELLE 1,842.47 03/15/13 MECHELKE, SHERRIE 827.40 03/15/13 SPANGLER, EDNA 1,325.77 03/15/13 CORTESI, LUANNE 1,141.78 03/15/13 GUILFOILE, KAREN 4,207.64 03/15/13 SCHMIDT, DEBORAH 2,884.82 03/15/13 SINDT, ANDREA 2,113.82 03/15/13 BEGGS, REGAN 1,497.35 03/15/13 KELSEY, CONNIE 2,594.80 03/15/13 RUEB, JOSEPH 2,773.80 03/15/13 DEBILZAN, JUDY 1,327.92 03/15/13 JACKSON, MARY 2,126.08 03/15/13 BAUMAN, GAYLE 4,186.17 03/15/13 ANDERSON, CAROLE 2,193.64 03/15/13 JAHN, DAVID 1,860.28 03/15/13 RAMEAUX, THERESE 3,061.17 03/15/13 CHRISTENSON, SCOTT 2,087.55 03/15/13 FARR, LARRY 3,215.25 03/15/13 BURLINGAME, SARAH 2,074.90 03/15/13 KANTRUD, HUGH 184.62 03/15/13 AHL, R. CHARLES 5,070.72 03/15/13 ANTONEN, JAMES 5,352.58 03/15/13 STRAUTMANIS, MARIS 64.00 03/15/13 VALLE, EDWARD 152.50 03/15/13 KOPPEN, MARVIN 435.16 03/15/13 ROSSBACH, WILLIAM 494.44 03/15/13 CAVE, REBECCA 435.16 03/15/13 JUENEMANN, KATHLEEN 435.16 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD EMPLOYEE GROSS EARNINGS REPORT FOR THE CURRENT PAY PERIOD AMOUNT 03/15/13 CARDINAL, ROBERT 435.16 Packet Page Number 21 of 123 S:\Citizen Services\CITY CLERK\AGENDA REPORTS 2013\03-25-2013\G1 AprClms 2AP 2ED 1PR11.xlsx 03/15/13 BASSETT, BRENT 454.50 03/15/13 BAUMAN, ANDREW 2,848.62 03/15/13 ANDERSON, BRIAN 296.94 03/15/13 BAHL, DAVID 615.12 03/15/13 WENZEL, JAY 3,072.59 03/15/13 XIONG, KAO 2,878.21 03/15/13 THIENES, PAUL 3,943.50 03/15/13 TRAN, JOSEPH 2,992.55 03/15/13 TAUZELL, BRIAN 3,072.08 03/15/13 THEISEN, PAUL 5,591.93 03/15/13 SYPNIEWSKI, WILLIAM 3,409.21 03/15/13 SZCZEPANSKI, THOMAS 3,377.35 03/15/13 SHORTREED, MICHAEL 4,091.18 03/15/13 STEINER, JOSEPH 3,235.59 03/15/13 REZNY, BRADLEY 3,661.92 03/15/13 RHUDE, MATTHEW 2,936.74 03/15/13 OLSON, JULIE 2,937.06 03/15/13 PARKER, JAMES 2,453.48 03/15/13 METRY, ALESIA 6,742.29 03/15/13 NYE, MICHAEL 3,731.90 03/15/13 MARTIN, JERROLD 3,287.56 03/15/13 MCCARTY, GLEN 3,258.99 03/15/13 LYNCH, KATHERINE 2,521.18 03/15/13 MARINO, JASON 3,488.86 03/15/13 LANGNER, TODD 5,230.85 03/15/13 LU, JOHNNIE 3,010.96 03/15/13 KROLL, BRETT 2,944.76 03/15/13 LANGNER, SCOTT 3,092.20 03/15/13 KONG, TOMMY 3,212.81 03/15/13 KREKELER, NICHOLAS 876.00 03/15/13 JOHNSON, KEVIN 4,265.35 03/15/13 KALKA, THOMAS 940.28 03/15/13 HER, PHENG 2,923.56 03/15/13 HIEBERT, STEVEN 3,211.70 03/15/13 GABRIEL, ANTHONY 3,249.91 03/15/13 HAWKINSON JR, TIMOTHY 3,040.75 03/15/13 FRASER, JOHN 3,158.68 03/15/13 FRITZE, DEREK 3,433.73 03/15/13 FLOR, TIMOTHY 3,725.17 03/15/13 FORSYTHE, MARCUS 2,555.18 03/15/13 DUGAS, MICHAEL 4,144.17 03/15/13 ERICKSON, VIRGINIA 3,573.69 03/15/13 DEMULLING, JOSEPH 2,923.56 03/15/13 DOBLAR, RICHARD 4,005.46 03/15/13 CARNES, JOHN 1,936.08 03/15/13 CROTTY, KERRY 3,611.20 03/15/13 BOHL, JOHN 3,151.33 03/15/13 BUSACK, DANIEL 3,973.49 03/15/13 BENJAMIN, MARKESE 2,962.74 03/15/13 BIERDEMAN, BRIAN 3,881.11 03/15/13 BARTZ, PAUL 3,915.47 03/15/13 BELDE, STANLEY 2,990.84 Packet Page Number 22 of 123 S:\Citizen Services\CITY CLERK\AGENDA REPORTS 2013\03-25-2013\G1 AprClms 2AP 2ED 1PR11.xlsx 03/15/13 WHITE, JOEL 315.12 03/15/13 GERVAIS-JR, CLARENCE 3,985.69 03/15/13 STREFF, MICHAEL 2,674.17 03/15/13 SVENDSEN, RONALD 3,077.55 03/15/13 SCHULTZ, JEROME 502.98 03/15/13 SEDLACEK, JEFFREY 2,674.17 03/15/13 RICE, CHRISTOPHER 721.15 03/15/13 RODRIGUEZ, ROBERTO 169.68 03/15/13 RANK, PAUL 436.32 03/15/13 REYNOSO, ANGEL 236.34 03/15/13 RAINEY, JAMES 581.76 03/15/13 RANK, NATHAN 727.20 03/15/13 PETERSON, ROBERT 3,045.82 03/15/13 POWERS, KENNETH 290.88 03/15/13 PACHECO, ALPHONSE 509.04 03/15/13 PETERSON, MARK 671.66 03/15/13 OLSON, JAMES 2,778.84 03/15/13 OPHEIM, JOHN 212.11 03/15/13 NOVAK, JEROME 2,812.84 03/15/13 NOWICKI, PAUL 72.72 03/15/13 MORGAN, JEFFERY 341.39 03/15/13 NIELSEN, KENNETH 169.69 03/15/13 MONDOR, MICHAEL 3,259.74 03/15/13 MONSON, PETER 290.88 03/15/13 MILLER, LADD 353.51 03/15/13 MILLER, NICHOLAS 539.34 03/15/13 LINDER, TIMOTHY 3,109.11 03/15/13 LOCHEN, MICHAEL 872.64 03/15/13 KONDER, RONALD 96.96 03/15/13 KUBAT, ERIC 2,668.41 03/15/13 KARRAS, JAMIE 715.08 03/15/13 KERSKA, JOSEPH 581.76 03/15/13 JUREK, GREGORY 3,223.13 03/15/13 KANE, ROBERT 841.39 03/15/13 JANSEN, CHAD 169.68 03/15/13 JONES, JONATHAN 242.40 03/15/13 HUTCHINSON, JAMES 784.82 03/15/13 IMM, TRACY 157.56 03/15/13 HALWEG, JODI 3,180.08 03/15/13 HAWTHORNE, ROCHELLE 2,136.30 03/15/13 HAGEN, MICHAEL 802.95 03/15/13 HALE, JOSEPH 367.67 03/15/13 FASULO, WALTER 334.83 03/15/13 FOSSUM, ANDREW 7,545.14 03/15/13 EATON, PAUL 218.16 03/15/13 EVERSON, PAUL 3,103.29 03/15/13 CRUMMY, CHARLES 357.54 03/15/13 DAWSON, RICHARD 3,341.11 03/15/13 CAPISTRANT, JOHN 615.11 03/15/13 CRAWFORD - JR, RAYMOND 727.20 03/15/13 BOURQUIN, RON 1,066.56 03/15/13 CAPISTRANT, JACOB 290.88 Packet Page Number 23 of 123 S:\Citizen Services\CITY CLERK\AGENDA REPORTS 2013\03-25-2013\G1 AprClms 2AP 2ED 1PR11.xlsx 03/15/13 BJORK, BRANDON 327.25 03/15/13 BRENEMAN, NEIL 2,267.65 03/15/13 WELLENS, MOLLY 1,778.01 03/15/13 BERGER, STEPHANIE 603.26 03/15/13 FISHER, DAVID 3,807.86 03/15/13 SWAN, DAVID 2,766.15 03/15/13 BRASH, JASON 2,510.95 03/15/13 CARVER, NICHOLAS 3,244.09 03/15/13 FINWALL, SHANN 3,233.35 03/15/13 MARTIN, MICHAEL 2,762.95 03/15/13 YOUNG, TAMELA 2,015.75 03/15/13 EKSTRAND, THOMAS 3,829.34 03/15/13 SWANSON, CHRIS 696.00 03/15/13 THOMPSON, DEBRA 760.22 03/15/13 GAYNOR, VIRGINIA 3,244.10 03/15/13 KROLL, LISA 1,924.55 03/15/13 HUTCHINSON, ANN 2,649.17 03/15/13 WACHAL, KAREN 913.88 03/15/13 GERNES, CAROLE 149.63 03/15/13 HAYMAN, JANET 1,394.03 03/15/13 BIESANZ, OAKLEY 1,534.89 03/15/13 DEAVER, CHARLES 577.77 03/15/13 NAUGHTON, JOHN 2,590.87 03/15/13 NORDQUIST, RICHARD 2,581.66 03/15/13 HAYS, TAMARA 1,767.43 03/15/13 HINNENKAMP, GARY 2,695.50 03/15/13 KONEWKO, DUWAYNE 4,413.24 03/15/13 HAMRE, MILES 1,731.50 03/15/13 ZIEMAN, SCOTT 135.00 03/15/13 JANASZAK, MEGHAN 1,569.35 03/15/13 LOVE, STEVEN 3,584.45 03/15/13 THOMPSON, MICHAEL 4,261.36 03/15/13 KREGER, JASON 2,338.19 03/15/13 LINDBLOM, RANDAL 2,740.37 03/15/13 ENGSTROM, ANDREW 2,631.75 03/15/13 JAROSCH, JONATHAN 3,072.72 03/15/13 BURLINGAME, NATHAN 2,087.21 03/15/13 DUCHARME, JOHN 2,740.37 03/15/13 RUNNING, ROBERT 2,450.72 03/15/13 TEVLIN, TODD 2,154.15 03/15/13 OSWALD, ERICK 2,739.45 03/15/13 RUIZ, RICARDO 1,811.52 03/15/13 MEISSNER, BRENT 2,274.78 03/15/13 NAGEL, BRYAN 3,560.40 03/15/13 EDGE, DOUGLAS 2,699.51 03/15/13 JONES, DONALD 2,432.77 03/15/13 BUCKLEY, BRENT 2,385.84 03/15/13 DEBILZAN, THOMAS 2,187.64 03/15/13 KNUTSON, LOIS 2,054.95 03/15/13 BRINK, TROY 2,656.41 03/15/13 LUKIN, STEVEN 4,616.93 03/15/13 ZWIEG, SUSAN 1,682.40 Packet Page Number 24 of 123 S:\Citizen Services\CITY CLERK\AGENDA REPORTS 2013\03-25-2013\G1 AprClms 2AP 2ED 1PR11.xlsx 03/15/13 HORWATH, RONALD 2,738.98 03/15/13 JOHNSON, BARBARA 490.65 03/15/13 HEINRICH, SHEILA 237.00 03/15/13 HOLMBERG, LADONNA 520.00 03/15/13 HAGSTROM, EMILY 60.30 03/15/13 HANSEN, HANNAH 141.30 03/15/13 GIEL, NICOLE 38.00 03/15/13 GRUENHAGEN, LINDA 152.40 03/15/13 FOX, KELLY 60.00 03/15/13 FRAMPTON, SAMANTHA 244.50 03/15/13 FLORES, LUIS 72.00 03/15/13 FONTAINE, KIM 394.06 03/15/13 EHLE, DANIEL 125.28 03/15/13 ERICKSON-CLARK, CAROL 49.00 03/15/13 DRECHSEL, SARAH 29.38 03/15/13 DUNN, RYAN 1,102.03 03/15/13 CRANDALL, KRISTA 417.00 03/15/13 DEMPSEY, BETH 176.75 03/15/13 BUTLER, ANGELA 93.50 03/15/13 CLARK, PAMELA 77.20 03/15/13 BAUDE, SARAH 54.75 03/15/13 BUCKLEY, BRITTANY 266.90 03/15/13 ANDERSON, JOSHUA 661.00 03/15/13 BAETZOLD, SETH 50.75 03/15/13 VUE, LOR PAO 344.33 03/15/13 AICHELE, MEGAN 279.26 03/15/13 PELOQUIN, PENNYE 578.29 03/15/13 VANG, TIM 457.00 03/15/13 KELLEY, CAITLIN 864.40 03/15/13 KULHANEK-DIONNE, ANN 516.75 03/15/13 HOFMEISTER, MARY 1,124.44 03/15/13 HOFMEISTER, TIMOTHY 459.56 03/15/13 GLASS, JEAN 2,125.10 03/15/13 HER, PETER 148.70 03/15/13 CRAWFORD - JR, RAYMOND 376.20 03/15/13 EVANS, CHRISTINE 1,409.81 03/15/13 ANZALDI, MANDY 4,665.03 03/15/13 BERNARDY, CHRISTINE 2,448.93 03/15/13 SCHULTZ, SCOTT 3,342.97 03/15/13 WILBER, JEFFREY 1,588.78 03/15/13 HAAG, MARK 2,917.58 03/15/13 ORE, JORDAN 1,640.29 03/15/13 VUKICH, CANDACE 503.00 03/15/13 ADAMS, DAVID 1,963.90 03/15/13 SHERWOOD, CHRISTIAN 588.50 03/15/13 TAYLOR, JAMES 2,876.58 03/15/13 ROBBINS, AUDRA 3,170.75 03/15/13 ROBBINS, CAMDEN 360.00 03/15/13 LARSON, KATELYN 66.50 03/15/13 LUBKE, COLLEEN 54.00 03/15/13 FRANK, PETER 423.00 03/15/13 KLEIN, AARON 144.00 Packet Page Number 25 of 123 S:\Citizen Services\CITY CLERK\AGENDA REPORTS 2013\03-25-2013\G1 AprClms 2AP 2ED 1PR11.xlsx 9989216 9989217 9989218 9989219 9989220 9989221 9989222 03/15/13 DOTAS, ANDREW 48.00 03/15/13 DOTAS, KENT 62.00 03/15/13 AYD, GWEN 30.00 03/15/13 BONKO, JACK 29.00 03/15/13 ABRAHAMSON, TYLER 156.00 03/15/13 ANDERSON, ZACHARY 49.00 03/15/13 FRANZEN, NICHOLAS 2,623.62 03/15/13 ABRAHAMSON, AMANDA 223.50 03/15/13 BERGO, CHAD 2,628.80 03/15/13 FOWLDS, MYCHAL 3,825.01 03/15/13 PRIEM, STEVEN 2,609.33 03/15/13 WOEHRLE, MATTHEW 2,561.06 03/15/13 THOMPSON, BENJAMIN 484.50 03/15/13 AICHELE, CRAIG 2,200.55 03/15/13 PRINS, KELLY 1,913.67 03/15/13 REILLY, MICHAEL 2,252.75 03/15/13 MAIDMENT, COLIN 93.50 03/15/13 MALONEY, SHAUNA 477.50 03/15/13 CRAWFORD, SHAWN 480.00 03/15/13 DOUGLASS, TOM 1,852.76 03/15/13 LANGER, KAYLYN 110.50 03/15/13 BORCHERT, JONATHAN 242.25 03/15/13 BOSLEY, CAROL 166.50 03/15/13 HITE, ANDREA 77.00 03/15/13 WARNER, CAROLYN 105.60 03/15/13 WEINHAGEN, SHELBY 325.75 03/15/13 TUPY, MARCUS 261.25 03/15/13 VANG, XANG 123.00 03/15/13 TRUE, ANDREW 61.88 03/15/13 TUPY, HEIDE 137.40 03/15/13 SMITLEY, SHARON 440.30 03/15/13 TREPANIER, TODD 264.00 03/15/13 SMITH, ANN 223.30 03/15/13 SMITH, CASEY 161.02 03/15/13 SCHREINER, MARK 29.20 03/15/13 SCHREINER, MICHELLE 185.44 03/15/13 RICHTER, DANIEL 113.40 03/15/13 SCHREIER, ROSEMARIE 434.50 03/15/13 RANEY, COURTNEY 679.00 03/15/13 RESENDIZ, LORI 2,257.76 03/15/13 PIEPER, THEODORE 292.50 03/15/13 PROESCH, ANDY 665.48 03/15/13 NITZ, CARA 133.50 03/15/13 NORTHOUSE, KATHERINE 79.05 03/15/13 MCCOMAS, LEAH 129.50 03/15/13 NADEAU, TAYLOR 52.45 03/15/13 LAMSON, ELIANA 36.00 03/15/13 MCCANN, NATALIE 123.00 03/15/13 KOZDROJ, GABRIELLA 50.00 03/15/13 LAMEYER, BRENT 47.13 03/15/13 JOYER, ANTHONY 25.90 03/15/13 KOHLER, ROCHELLE 72.00 Packet Page Number 26 of 123 S:\Citizen Services\CITY CLERK\AGENDA REPORTS 2013\03-25-2013\G1 AprClms 2AP 2ED 1PR11.xlsx 9989223 9989224 9989225 9989226 9989227 9989228 9989229 9989230 9989231 9989232 9989233 9989234 9989235 9989236 9989237 03/15/13 STEFFEN, MICHAEL 76.50 520,768.65 03/15/13 RANGEL, SAMANTHA 28.00 03/15/13 CUSICK, JESSICA 242.25 03/15/13 WALES, ABIGAIL 208.90 03/15/13 WHITE, DANICA 21.04 03/15/13 ERICSON, RACHEL 34.88 03/15/13 SCHREIER, ABIGAIL 42.08 03/15/13 THIELMAN, RICHARD 64.00 03/15/13 BAUDE, JANE 7.80 03/15/13 LARSON, DANIEL 49.00 03/15/13 TARR-JR, GUS 105.00 03/15/13 HACKETT, ANDREW 29.00 03/15/13 KUSTERMAN, KEVIN 187.50 03/15/13 FISHER, CHANCE 98.00 03/15/13 GREENER, DOUGLAS 138.00 Packet Page Number 27 of 123 Item G2 MEMORANDUM TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Karen Guilfoile, Director Citizen Services DATE: March 19, 2013 RE: Approval of Contest to Create a New City Logo Introduction The City's current logo has served the community well since 1998. I think we can all agree that in spite of a national struggling economy over the years the City of Maplewood, for most intents and purposes, has not only “maintained” but improved as a community. With numerous new businesses coming to town, our collective efforts to be sustainable, environmental accolades for our storm water projects and rain water gardens, our wonderful parks and trails system and the positive aspects of our community are endless! We have lived “Together We Can” and would like to see a new logo that epitomizes our efforts to make this the great city that it is! Staff would like to propose that a new logo be designed that would gradually be incorporated onto our stationary, all of our literature, the City flag, etc. Since the business community and our residents are what make Maplewood a wonderful place to work, play and live; city staff proposes that the business community and the residents be given an opportunity to create and design their City logo. Entries will be judged on the artwork’s creative ideals that reflect those things that add up to the feeling that our community is a special place, distinct from anywhere else capturing the essence of Maplewood! After consultation with Finance Manager Bauman and City Attorney Kantrud, they believe there are no State Statutes or Rules that would prohibit the City from awarding $100.00 to the winner of the contest from the City General Fund. The logo contest will be advertised in the Maplewood Monthly and on the City website. Recommendation Approve the contest to create a new city logo and allocate $100.00 from the City General Fund to the winner of the City logo contest.     Packet Page Number 28 of 123 Packet Page Number 29 of 123 Packet Page Number 30 of 123 Packet Page Number 31 of 123 Packet Page Number 32 of 123 Packet Page Number 33 of 123 Packet Page Number 34 of 123 Agenda Item G5 Packet Page Number 35 of 123 Packet Page Number 36 of 123 Packet Page Number 37 of 123 Packet Page Number 38 of 123 Packet Page Number 39 of 123 Packet Page Number 40 of 123 Packet Page Number 41 of 123 Agenda Item G.6. AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Shann Finwall, AICP, Environmental Planner SUBJECT: Approval of Spring Clean Up on April 20, 2013 DATE: March 20, 2013 for the March 25 City Council Meeting INTRODUCTION The Maplewood 2013 Spring Clean Up Event is scheduled for Saturday, April 20 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Aldrich Arena, 1850 White Bear Avenue. The event allows residents to dispose of bulky items and household hazardous waste. It also offers an opportunity for the City to recycle or reuse items that might end up in the waste stream. Staff will be working with Tennis Sanitation during the event this year. DISCUSSION Items accepted at the Spring Clean Up Event include miscellaneous junk, construction debris, bulky metals, tires, appliances, electronics, furniture (including mattresses), carpet, bicycles and household hazardous waste. New this year residents can dispose of unwanted or unused medicine. The Ramsey County Sheriff’s office will be in attendance to collect items such as pills, capsules, gel packs, IVs, inhalers, creams, and other items. Reuse and recycling of materials is a big component of the City’s clean up events. During the event several nonprofit and recycling companies will be accepting materials at no or minimal cost to the City including Disabled American Veterans (furniture), The Small Engine Doctors (small engines), Re-Cycle (bicycles), Bro-Tex (carpet), and Re-Seat (car seats). Ramsey County’s Household Hazardous Waste collection program will take place during the clean up event. Ramsey County will accept oil, paint, antifreeze, fluorescent and compact fluorescent bulbs, and household chemicals free of charge. Maplewood will be sponsoring a food drive for the Second Harvest Heartland Food Bank. Residents can drop off nonperishable food and cash donations at the clean up gate. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the 2013 Spring Clean Up Event and fee schedule (attached). The event is scheduled for April 20, 2013, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Aldrich Arena. Attachment: 1. 2013 Spring Clean Up Event Fee Schedule Packet Page Number 42 of 123   Attachment 1     Maplewood Spring Clean Up Saturday, April 20, 2013 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Aldrich Arena, 1850 White Bear Avenue Items Accepted: At the Spring Clean Up Event Maplewood residents can dispose of appliances, computers, old furniture, TVs, batteries, mattresses, tires and other assorted items for free or a small fee. Payment can be made via cash or check. Household Hazardous Waste: Ramsey County will be collecting household hazardous waste (HHW) like paint, chemicals, oil, and other household items free of charge at the event. For more information on items collected and additional HHW hours and drop off sites visit www.ramseyatoz.com. Unwanted Medicine: New this year, residents can dispose of medicine for free at the event. The Ramsey County Sheriff’s office will be in attendance to collect items such as pills, capsules, gel packs, IVs, inhalers, creams, and other items. For a complete list of medicine accepted visit www.ramseyatoz.com. Used needles, syringes, or lancets will not be accepted at the event. Second Harvest Heartland Food Drive: Residents are encouraged to make a nonperishable food or cash donation at the event. These donations support Second Harvest Heartland, a local food shelf (www.2harvest.org). Items Not Accepted: Leaves, branches, and other yard waste will not be accepted at the event. Please contact Allied Waste Services, the City’s contracted trash and yard waste hauler, at 651.455.8634 to set up yard waste service, or go to www.ramseyatoz.com for disposal of yard waste at Ramsey County compost sites. Type of Load and Fee  Vehicle Loads o Pick-Up Truck $10.00 o 4’ x 8’ Trailer $20.00 o Car $10.00 o Mini Van $15.00  Bulky Items o Appliances* $15.00 o Electronics $5.00 o Car Tires $5.00 o Furniture Which $5.00 Cannot Be Reused $5.00 (couches, mattresses, chairs) *Appliances with ammonia subject to increased charge. Additional Materials Collected at No Charge  Furniture Which Can Be Reused (lightly used) – Disabled American Veterans (www.dav.org)  Bicycles (any condition) - Re-Cycle (www.re-cycle.com)  Children’s Car Seats - Re-Seat (www.recycleminnesota.org)  Carpet (dry carpet and foam padding, max. 6-foot wide roll) – Bro-Tex (www.brotex.com/carpetrecycling)  Small Engines (lawn mower, snow blower, etc. – any condition) – The Small Engine Doctors  Household Hazardous Waste – Ramsey County (www.ramseyatoz.com) Information:  Chris Swanson, Sustainability Intern, at 651.249.2305 or chris.swanson@ci.maplewood.mn.us  Maplewood Recycling Webpage, www.ci.maplewood.mn.us/recycling Packet Page Number 43 of 123 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Michael Thompson, City Engineer/Public Works Director Bryan Nagel, Street Superintendent SUBJECT: Authorize Purchase of Bituminous Materials for 2013 DATE: March 13, 2013 INTRODUCTION Each year an allocation is made in the street department’s operating budget for bituminous purchases in order to maintain roads and trails through patching, paving, and curb work. It is anticipated that the bituminous purchases will be roughly $75,000.00 during the 2013 season. This amount is budgeted and was approved as part of the 2013 budget. BUDGET IMPACT There is no impact on the budget as this expenditure was expected and approved as part of the 2013 operating budget in Public Works.  Allocated in 101-502 “Street Maintenance Materials” to provide for work listed above, estimated in the amount of $55,000.00.  Allocated in 101-602 “Park Maintenance Materials” to provide specifically for trail paving estimated in the amount of $20,000. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the council authorize the Street Superintendent and Finance Manager to purchase bituminous materials needed for street and trail maintenance projects in an amount up to $75,000.00. Agenda Item G7 Packet Page Number 44 of 123 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Michael Thompson, City Engineer/Public Works Director Bryan Nagel, Street Superintendent SUBJECT: Authorize Ramsey County to Perform 2013 Street Striping DATE: March 13, 2013 INTRODUCTION Each year the Ramsey County Public Works Department provides roadway pavement striping services to the various municipalities within the County. The council will consider authorizing Ramsey County to perform pavement striping needs for Maplewood. BACKGROUND Pavement striping is important to vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Ramsey County has sent out the yearly notification for pavement striping services for the 2013 season. Each year when the staff receives the notification it evaluates the existing conditions and any upcoming projects or maintenance operations. Currently 50% of the striping throughout the city is done each year similar to what is proposed for this season. BUDGET IMPACT There is no impact on the budget. The funds were allocated in the approved 2013 Public Works operating budget under 101-502 “Fees for service.” RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the council authorize Ramsey County to perform city pavement striping needs, in an amount not to exceed $27,000.00. Agenda Item G8 Packet Page Number 45 of 123 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Michael Thompson, Public Works Director/City Engineer Lois Knutson, Administrative Assistant SSUUBBJJEECCTT:: AApppprroovvee AAggrreeeemmeenntt ffoorr SSttrreeeett MMaaiinntteennaannccee oonn BBoorrddeerr SSttrreeeettss wwiitthh CCiittyy ooff VVaaddnnaaiiss HHeeiigghhttss DATE: March 19, 2013 INTRODUCTION The City Council will consider approving the attached agreement for the long term maintenance of the border streets between the City of Maplewood and the City of Vadnais Heights. BACKGROUND County Road D Court (located east of Highway 61 and just south of Interstate 694) and County Road D Circle (located west of Highway 61 and just south of Interstate 694) are common border streets between the cities of Maplewood and Vadnais Heights. Historically maintenance of County Road D Court has been performed by the City of Maplewood. Maintenance of County Road D Circle has had duties split between the parties relative to season. In an effort to equalize the responsibilities the cities would like to enter into a formal agreement so there is a clear understanding of ongoing duties and obligations. The agreement specifies that the City of Maplewood shall be responsible for all year round maintenance for County Road D Court and the City of Vadnais shall be responsible for all year round maintenance of County Road D Circle. In the event that more extensive work is required both cities shall enter into a cost share agreement for the work to be completed. BUDGET No cost is associated with the approval. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the council approve the attached agreement between the City of Vadnais Heights and the City of Maplewood for the long term maintenance of County Road D Court and County Road D Circle, and direct the Mayor and City Manager to sign the agreement signifying council approval. Minor changes are authorized by the City Attorney if needed. Attachments: 1. Agreement 2. Location Map Agenda Item G9 Packet Page Number 46 of 123 Agenda Item G9 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 47 of 123 Agenda Item G9 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 48 of 123 Agenda Item G9 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 49 of 123 Agenda Item G9 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 50 of 123 This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. © Ramsey County Enterprise GIS Division 705.0 THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION NAD_1983_HARN_Adj_MN_Ramsey_Feet Feet705.00352.49 Notes Enter Map Description Legend County Offices City Halls Schools Hospitals Fire Stations Police Stations Recreational Centers Parcel Points Parcels Agenda Item G9 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 51 of 123 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Michael Thompson, City Engineer/Public Works Director Steven Love, Assistant City Engineer SUBJECT: Municipal State Aid Street Designation a. Resolution Revoking Municipal State Aid Streets b. Resolution Establishing Municipal State Aid Streets DATE: March 11, 2013 INTRODUCTION Due to upcoming changes to the State Aid system it is recommended that the City revokes a portion of one of the existing Municipal State Aid (MSA) routes. It is further recommended that the City establishes new MSA route segments to ensure the correct road segments will be on the MSAS system in order to maximize needs for State Aid roadways. The City Council will consider approving resolutions for revoking and establishing Municipal State Aid Streets. BACKGROUND The Municipal State Aid Street (MSA) program was established to distribute gas tax monies to cities based upon the improvement needs of their State Aid system. The City is allowed to designate up to 20 percent of the City’s mileage as eligible to receive gas tax funding. MSA designation allows the City to use state aid as a funding source for upgrading or maintenance of the designated roadways. Revisions are being made to how ‘Needs” calculations are made. “Needs” are 50% of the City’s allocation, while the other 50% is based on population. The overall calculation for the “Needs” portion is being revised to be based on continuous needs and would correlate with Average Daily Traffic (ADT) counts. Routes with higher ADT would receive higher needs, while routes with lower ADT would decrease in needs. Staff has reviewed the City’s MSA system to ensure the existing MSA routes are located on roads that meet the requirement of the MSAS system and will maximize the benefit to the City by ensuring higher volume roadways are on the system and lower volume roadways are local non state-aid routes. Based on this review it is recommended to revoke the following MSAS segment (see attached map):  Part of MSAS 117 Southlawn Avenue - County Road C to Radatz Avenue The following road segments are recommended to be designated as MSAS routes which will then be able to receive State Aid funding for construction and maintenance (see attached map):  Extension of MSAS 154 Maplewood Drive – Gervais Avenue to Connor Avenue  MSAS 155 Connor Avenue – TH 61 to Maplewood Drive  MSAS 156 Radatz Avenue – Southlawn Drive to White Bear Avenue The total MSA mileage proposed to be removed is 0.37 miles. The total mileage to be added to the system is 0.85 miles. Based upon the 2012 Certification of Mileage, the City has 0.56 miles available to designate as MSAS routes. Agenda Item G10 Packet Page Number 52 of 123 Available Mileage 0.56 2012 Certified Mileage +Revoked Mileage 0.37 ‐Designated Mileage 0.85 Remaining Available  Mileage 0.08 MSAS  Milage  Summary RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the attached resolution revoking Municipal State Aid status for that part of Southlawn Avenue from County Road C to Radatz Avenue. It is further recommended that the City Council approve the attached resolution establishing Municipal State Aid status for the extension of Maplewood Drive from Gervais Avenue to Connor Avenue, Connor Avenue from TH 61 to Maplewood Drive, and Radatz Avenue from Southlawn Drive to White Bear Avenue. Attachments: 1. Resolution Revoking Municipal State Aid Streets 2. Resolution Establishing Municipal State Aid Streets 3. State Aid Mileage Revision Map 1 4. State Aid Mileage Revision Map 2 Agenda Item G10 Packet Page Number 53 of 123 RESOLUTION REVOKING MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREETS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Maplewood desires that the streets hereinafter described as Municipal State Aid Streets be removed from consideration as Municipal State Aid Streets under the provisions of Minnesota law, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Maplewood, that the roads describe as follows, to wit:  Part of MSAS 117 Southlawn Avenue from County Road C to Radatz Avenue be, and herby are revoked as Municipal State Aid Street of said city, subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of Minnesota. BE IT FURTHER RESLOVED, that the city clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Transportation for this consideration and that upon the Commissioner’s approval of the revocation of said street or portions thereof, that same be revocated as Municipal State Aid Streets and that upon the Commissioner’s approval of the designation of said streets or portions thereof, that the same be constructed, numbered and known a s Municipal State Aid Streets identified herein. Dated at Maplewood Minnesota, this 25th day of March 2013. Agenda Item G10 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 54 of 123 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREETS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Maplewood desires that the streets hereinafter described meet all necessary criteria and thus should be designated as Municipal State Aid Streets under the provisions of Minnesota law, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Maplewood, that the roads describe as follows, to wit:  Extension of MSAS 154 Maplewood Drive from Gervais Avenue to Connor Avenue  MSAS 155 Connor Avenue from TH 61 to Maplewood Drive  MSAS 156 Radatz Avenue from Southlawn Drive to White Bear Avenue be, and herby is established, located, and designated a Municipal State Aid Street of said city, subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of Minnesota. BE IT FURTHER RESLOVED, that the city clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Transportation for this consideration and that upon the Commissioner’s approval of the revocation of said streets or portions thereof, that same be revocated as Municipal State Aid Streets and that upon the Commissioner’s approval of the designation of said streets or portions thereof, that the same be constructed, numbered and known a s Municipal State Aid Streets identified herein. Dated at Maplewood Minnesota, this 25th day of March 2013. Agenda Item G10 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 55 of 123 Agenda Item G10 Attachment 3Packet Page Number 56 of 123 Agenda Item G10 Attachment 4Packet Page Number 57 of 123 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Michael Thompson, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Steve Love, Assistant City Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Resolution Directing Modification of Existing Construction Contract, Change Order No. 2 and Reducing Retainage, Bartelmy-Meyer Area Street Improvements, City Project 11-14 DATE: March 15, 2013 INTRODUCTION The City Council will consider approving the attached resolution directing the modification of the existing construction contract for the Bartelmy-Meyer Area Street Improvements, City Project 11-14. The modifications include roadway and utility construction, hauling earthwork material, tree planting and turf restoration. The contractor is substantially complete with the project and has requested a reduction in the contract retainage from 5% to 1%. The council will also consider the attached resolution authorizing reduction in the contract retainage. BACKGROUND On May 14, 2012, the council awarded T.A. Schifsky and Sons, Inc. a construction contract for grading, aggregate base, bituminous surfacing, concrete curb and gutter, concrete sidewalk, bituminous trail, storm sewer, and utility improvements in the amount of $2,879,389.33. There has been one previous change order in the amount of $37,268.20. The current approved construction contract total is $2,916,657.53. DISCUSSION Change Order No. 2 The contract included the removal and disposal of contaminated soil material on Bartelmy Lane as necessary for the roadway and utility construction. The contract quantity for this material was an estimate based on soil borings that were taken during the design process. During construction additional contaminated soil removal and disposal was needed resulting in over $13,000 of additional cost. This work was monitored by an on-site environmental scientist who was testing the contaminated soil as it was excavated to determine if it needed to be hauled to a disposal site. The project required the contractor to restore all disturbed areas with sod or seed and during the project roughly 3,500 additional square yards of sod replacement was required resulting in over $8,000 of cost. The contract included the replacement of the majority of the water main in the project area. Once water main construction was initiated, it was determined that the work would result in a significant quantity overrun for the residential water service replacement pay item. City staff, Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS) staff, and the consulting engineer negotiated with the contractor on a revised unit price for water service replacement based on an estimated final quantity for this work. This work will be funded by SPRWS and amounts to $33,509. Agenda Item G11 Packet Page Number 58 of 123 During excavation of the existing roadway, it was discovered that some of the sanitary sewer manholes throughout the project needed to be reconstructed instead of adjusted as planned. The work order received was for $20,703 and included all equipment, labor, and materials necessary to rebuild the manholes. During the construction of the project, replacement and repairs of sections of sanitary sewer services were needed due to excavation of watermain, installation of storm sewer, and private utility work. The work order received for this work included equipment, labor, and materials necessary to repair the sanitary sewer services. This amounted to $15,545. Modifications were made to roadway construction requiring miscellaneous additional work based on changes in field conditions during construction. These modifications resulted in some additional roadway patching, installation of yard drains, concrete step reconstruction, and fence gate replacement. The work amounted to $6,641 and included equipment, labor, and materials necessary to perform these tasks. Improvements along Minnehaha Avenue required the removal of trees to improve sight distances at intersections. To address concerns raised by residents regarding the loss of screening provided by these trees, replacement trees were planted in locations that would not impact intersection sight distances. The additional cost was $2,488. The area of disturbance increased in the Gethsemane Park area due to park improvements, rain garden construction, contractor staging area, private utility relocations, and soil stockpiling. During the restoration of Gethsemane Park, it was decided that sod at the park and along Bartelmy Lane north of 7th Street would be difficult for the City to water and maintain. The area was therefore seeded with a commercial turf mix. A low grow seed mix was utilized for the slopes at the park that would be difficult to mow. This amounted to $13,491. Change Order #2 costs are summarized below: Change Order #2 Unit Quantity Unit Price Amount 1 Haul/Dispose Contaminated Material CY 325 $ 41.20 $ 13,390.00 2 Sodding, Type Mineral SY 3,500 $ 2.37 $ 8,295.00 3 Water Service Replacement LF 530.8 $ 63.13 $ 33,509.40 4 Sanitary Sewer Manhole Repairs LS 1 $ 20,703.69 $ 20,703.69 5 Sanitary Sewer Service Repairs LS 1 $ 15,545.89 $ 15,545.89 6 Roadway Construction Modifications LS 1 $ 6,641.92 $ 6,641.92 7 Evergreen Trees LS 1 $ 2,488.20 $ 2,488.20 8 Seeding LS 1 $ 13,491.72 $ 13,491.72 Total Change Order No. 2 $114,065.82 Contract Retainage Reduction The contractor has fulfilled a majority of their obligation to punch list items and other required project contract work. A reduction in contract retainage to 1% is justified based on the amount of completed work and remaining punch list items to be completed. Agenda Item G11 Packet Page Number 59 of 123 BUDGET Approval of Change Order No. 2 will increase the project construction contract amount by $114,065.82 from $2,916,657.53 to $3,030,723.35. For Change Order No. 2 SPRWS will be funding the water service replacement costs, $33,509.40, as previously detailed. No adjustments to the approved budget are needed at this time as overall expenditures (including this change order) are expected to come in under the approved budget by roughly $200,000. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve the attached Resolution Directing Modification of Existing Construction Contract, Change Order No. 2 and the attached Resolution Directing Reduction of Retainage on the Existing Contract, for the Bartelmy-Meyer Area Street Improvements, City Project 11-14. Attachments: 1. Resolution Directing Modification of Existing Construction Contract, Change Order No. 2 2. Resolution Directing Reduction of Retainage on Existing Contract 3. Change Order Form Agenda Item G11 Packet Page Number 60 of 123 RESOLUTION DIRECTING MODIFICATION OF EXISTING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT PROJECT 11-14, CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 WHEREAS, the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota has heretofore ordered made Improvements Project 11-14, Bartelmy-Meyer Area Street Improvements, and has let a construction contract pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, and WHEREAS, it is now necessary and expedient that said contract be modified and designated as Improvement Project 11-14, Change Order No. 2. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA, that: 1. The Mayor and City Engineer are hereby authorized and directed to modify the existing contract by executing said Change Order No. 2 which is an increase of $114,065.82. The revised contract amount is $3,030,723.35. Adopted by the Maplewood City Council on this 25th day of March 2013. Agenda Item G11 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 61 of 123 RESOLUTION DIRECTING REDUCTION OF RETAINAGE ON EXISTING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT PROJECT 11-14 WHEREAS, the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota has previously ordered Improvement Project 11-14, Bartelmy-Meyer Area Street Improvements, and has let a construction contract pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, and WHEREAS, the contractor, T.A. Schifsky and Sons, Inc. has requested a reduction in contract retainage, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA, that the retainage within the construction contract is hereby authorized to be reduced at the discretion of the City Engineer, from 5% to 1%. Adopted by the Maplewood City Council on this 25th day of March 2013. Agenda Item G11 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 62 of 123 Page 1 of 2 CHANGE ORDER CITY OF MAPLEWOOD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT NAME: Bartelmy-Meyer Area Street Improvements PROJECT NO: City Project 11-14 CONTRACTOR: T.A. Schifsky and Sons, Inc. CHANGE ORDER NO.: Two (2) DATE: March 15, 2013 The following changes shall be made in the contract documents: REVISE BID SCHEDULE A – STREET IMPROVEMENTS Item Unit No. Item Description Unit Quantity Price Amount 16 Haul & Dispose of Contaminated Material CY 325 $41.20 $13,390.00 38 Sodding Type Mineral SY 3,500 $2.37 $8,295.00 TOTAL SCHEDULE A REVISION $21,685.00 ADD BID SCHEDULE CO #2 – CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 Item Unit No. Item Description Unit Quantity Price Amount 1 Sanitary Sewer Manhole Repairs LS 1 $20,703.69 $20,703.69 2 Sanitary Sewer Service Repairs LS 1 $15,545.89 $15,545.89 3 Roadway Construction Modifications LS 1 $6,641.92 $6,641.92 4 Evergreen Trees LS 1 $2,488.20 $2,488.20 5 Seeding LS 1 $13,491.72 $13,491.72 6 Water Service Replacement LF 530.8 $63.13 $33,509.40 TOTAL SCHEDULE CO #2 $92,380.82 TOTAL NET CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 $114,065.82 CONTRACT STATUS: Original Contract: $2,879,389.33 Net Change of Prior Change: $37,268.20 Change this Change Order: $114,065.82 Revised Contract: $3,030,723.35 Recommended By: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. By: Date: Agenda Item G11 Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 63 of 123 Page 2 of 2 Agreed to By: T.A. Schifsky and Sons, Inc. By: Date: Approved By: City of Maplewood By: Date: Mayor By: Date: City Engineer Agenda Item G11 Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 64 of 123 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Michael Thompson, Public Works Director /City Engineer Steven Love, Assistant City Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Budget Adjustment, July 2011 Storm Response, City Project 11-19 DATE: March 19, 2013 INTRODUCTION The City Council will consider authorizing revision to the budget for the July 16th, 2011 Storm Clean-up and Investigation, City Project 11-19. BACKGROUND / DISCUSSION On Friday evening through Saturday morning (July 15-16, 2011) the city received 4.54 inches of rain, with a majority of that total received over a 3 hour span on Saturday morning. A 100-year storm event, which has only a 1% chance of occurring in any given year, equates to 3.8 inches of rain over a 3 hour span. So clearly the 100-year storm event was eclipsed causing many problems throughout the city. The high intensity storm event taxed the overall storm sewer networks especially the ponds and lakes which could not drain fast enough to avoid flooding and backups in the storm pipe networks. Following the storm event 21 areas were identified that reported localized flooding issues. Please refer to the attached map showing the approximate general location of these areas. The City Council authorized the establishment of a budget of $100,000 for the investigation and remediation efforts of the localized flooding issues resulting from the July 16, 2011 storm event. City staff and S.E.H. have completed the majority of the site visits. Through the work of our city forces, RWMWD projects, and planned CIP projects, eleven of the flood areas have received remediation work. Currently there are five areas actively being worked on and six areas are recommended as future projects. Several of the identified areas are being reviewed together as they are part of an overall larger drainage system. Attached to the agenda reports is S.E.H.’s memorandum for the 2011 Floods – Initial Assessments and Investigations dated April 16, 2012. This memorandum outlines for each study area a description of the problems reported from the storm event, a summary of the review and analysis efforts conducted to date, a description of implementation actions and activities conducted to date, recommendations for implementation actions or additional analysis needs, and estimated cost for each recommended action. COMPLETED REMEDIATION ACTIVITIES Since the July 16, 2011 storm event the following is a list of areas and the remediation efforts that have been completed to date: Area #5a - Wakefield Lake Outlet: Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed District has included the outlet structure improvement as part of a District lead improvement project completed in 2012. Agenda Item G12 Packet Page Number 65 of 123 Area #5b - Wakefield Lake I&I: The sanitary sewer system was televised and smoke tested in the areas adjacent to the three properties along Hazelwood and Prosperity that experienced backup in the July 2011 storms. This condition assessment work did not identify any blockages or major inflow and infiltration into the system. Area #7.1 - Knucklehead – Lark Avenue: Repairs to the affected homes have been completed. Additionally revisions to the existing storm sewer system have been completed. The affected area is now isolated from Knucklehead Lake. Area #8 – Edgerton Pond: City staff has coordinated with Ramsey County, Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed District (RWMWD), Capitol Regions Watershed District (CRWD), and the City of St. Paul on a project that provides a permanent solution to the flooding issues to the Edgerton Pond area. This project also looked at the effects that the Roselawn Park Pond, Area #12, will have on the overall drainage area system. A storm sewer force main was installed during Ramsey County’s 2012 road maintenance project for Edgerton Street. Area #9 - TH 36 at Vento Trail: Detailed modeling analysis of the existing system has been completed and preliminary plans for addressing flooding is underway as part of English Street/TH 36 Interchange, City Project 09-08. Area #10 - 1398 Myrtle Street: The outlet structure consists of a wooden weir skimmer structure and a reduced pipe on the wetland outlet. The outlet was found to be free of significant debris. Public works staff shall continue regular inspection of the outlet structure during annual spring snowmelt to confirm free flowing conditions. Area #11 - 1866 & 1874 East Shore Drive: City crews replaced the existing 3” PVC outlet with a 12” RCP outlet. This improvement will significantly reduce the depth and duration of high water levels in the backyards of the residents of 1866 and 1874 East Shore Drive. Area #12 – Roselawn Park Pond: As part of City Project 11-15, 2012 Mill and Overlays, an emergency overflow pipe was installed under Roselawn Avenue for future connection into the Edgerton Pond Drainage System. Area #14 - County Road D Court: Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed District has replaced the storm sewer culvert and the section of road that washed out during the storm event. Area #16 - Truck Utilities: Detailed modeling analysis of the existing system has been completed and preliminary plans for addressing flooding are underway as part of English Street/TH 36 Interchange, City Project 09-08. Area #17a – 2260 VanDyke Street: City crews replaced the existing catch basin with a beehive inlet grate to reduce the potential for plugging of the inlet during rainfall events. City crews will continue regular maintenance of the existing catch basins located on VanDyke Street. Area #19 - 2324 Holloway Avenue: Public Works crews to cleared and graded City of Maplewood property adjacent to the back property line of 2324 Holloway Avenue to remove a subtle berm that has developed over time. This grading allows free drainage from the backyard to the storm water pond located on the City of Maplewood property. Agenda Item G12 Packet Page Number 66 of 123 RECOMMENDED 2013 REMEDIATION ACTIVITIES The continued work towards solving these drainage problems is extremely important in order to avoid future flooding events in the future and provide protection for properties throughout the City. The following is a list of current activities and recommended 2013 remediation projects, the area name, proposed remediation activity, and an estimated cost: Area #7.1 - Knucklehead – Lark Avenue: The contractor who worked on revising the existing storm sewer system will be performing restoration and final punch list items related to this work. The total cost remaining for the remediation work is estimated at $15,000.00. Area #15 - 2496 Flandrau Street: Public works staff surveyed the existing ponding area and low opening of home at 2496 Flandrau Street. Staff has developed a plan which has the support of the neighboring property. Additionally, the public works staff is currently reviewing possible grant options with the Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed District (RWMWD). The total cost of the proposed remediation work is estimated at $10,000.00. Area #18 - 2010 Co. Road B East: Staff will survey the property of 2010 County Road B East and the ditch segment along County Road B East to define options for an emergency overflow from the residential area. The total cost of the proposed remediation work is estimated at $50,000.00. The funding should be reviewed after the completion of the design to verify that construction in 2013 is feasible. Staff is recommending further coordination with Ramsey County for review of possible solutions along County Road B East. Area #20 - 2482 Adele Street: Public works staff surveyed the existing property of 2482 Adele Street and explored possible remediation efforts to improve drainage at this property. This spring staff will be working with the property owner on which plan may work best for the property. Additionally, the public works staff is currently reviewing possible grant options with the RWMWD. The total cost of the proposed remediation work is estimated at $50,000. Area #21 – 522 Marnie Street: A design concept has been prepared to help address the flooding issues related to 522 Marnie Street. SEH and city staff will develop a final design plan this spring and coordinate with Public Works maintenance crews to construct the improvements. The total cost of the proposed remediation work is estimated at $30,000. RECOMMENDED FUTURE PROJECTS AND CIP REMEDIATION PROJECTS Area #1 - City Hall Pond: Review elevation of MCC low opening relative to the emergency overflow elevation (EOF) from Wicklander’s Pond. Evaluate EOF options for the MCC parking lot. The estimated cost for the review work is $2,000.00. Area #8 – Edgerton Pond: As part of the permanent solution to the flooding issues to the Edgerton Pond area a storm sewer force main was installed during Ramsey County’s 2012 road maintenance project for Edgerton Street. A lift station will complete the permanent drainage solution. The total cost of the proposed lift station, including piling to provide necessary support for the structure due to poor soils, has a total estimated cost of $110,000 Area 17b - 2260 Van Dyke Street: Continued regular maintenance of the catch basins at the low point to remove debris/leaves is recommended. At the time Van Dyke Street is reconstructed it is recommended to review the storm sewer system’s capacity and condition and at the low point located Agenda Item G12 Packet Page Number 67 of 123 at 2260 Van Dyke Street. Cost associated with any improvements of the storm system as part of the reconstruction of Van Dyke Street will be covered as part of the associated CIP project. Area #2 - Ivy Pond System and Area #3 - Glendon Pond and Area 4d - Lakewood Drive/McKnight Road: These three areas are group together as part of an overall drainage area and recommended to be studied as part of a future Capital Improvement Project (CIP). This CIP project would look into potential diversion of flows from Glendon Pond, additional capacity near the Ivy Pond system, and impacts to drainage at the crossing on Lakewood Drive. The estimated cost for the feasibility study is $20,000.00. The total cost of the proposed remediation work will be determined as part of the feasibility study. Area #4b -Gas Station – McKnight Road and Area #4c - McKnight CBs and Area #6 - Larpenteur Avenue at Sterling Street: These areas are grouped together as part of an overall drainage area and recommended to be studied as part of a future Capital Improvement Project (CIP). This CIP project would identify improvements that will aid in protecting the area during extreme rainfall events. The estimated cost for the feasibility study is $15,000.00. The total cost of the proposed remediation work will be determined as part of the feasibility study. Area #12 - 500 Ripley: Review cost-benefit of lift station near 500 Ripley. The estimated costs associated with the lift station review are $2,000.00. BUDGET The City Council previously authorized a budget of $229,564 for the projects completed to date (not including the Lark Avenue legal settlement). Staff recommends increasing the budget by transferring $200,000 from the Environmental Utility Fund into the engineering project fund for a total budget of $429,564. This revised budget will allow for the completion of the proposed flood remediation efforts recommended to be constructed in 2013 listed above. Additionally staff will begin evaluating the remaining projects for possible improvements to be constructed in 2014 -2015 or to be included as part of future CIP projects. SUMMARY It is recommended that the City Council revise the budget of $229,564 by authorizing the transfer of $200,000 from the Environmental Utility Fund to City Project 11-19 for a total project budget of $429,564 for the investigation and remediation efforts of localized flooding issues and authorize the Finance Manager to make the necessary budget adjustments. Attachments: 1. 2011 Flooding Issues Map 2. 2011 Floods – Initial Assessments and Investigations Memo, April 16, 2012 Agenda Item G12 Packet Page Number 68 of 123 CITY OF MAPLEWOODLEGENDSTATE HIGHWAYSCOUNTY ROADSCITY STREETS1234a4c4b4d56778910111213141516EXHIBT A - 2011 FLOODING ISSUES1 - CITY HALL POND2 - IVY POND SYSTEM3 - GLENDON POND4 - McKNIGHT ROAD5 - WAKEFIELD LAKE6 - LARPENTEUR AVENUE7 - KNUCKLEHEAD LAKE8 - EDGERTON POND9 - T.H. 36 UNDERPASS FOR BRUCE VENTO TRAIL10 - 1398 MYRTLE STREET11 - 1874 & 1866 EAST SHORE DRIVE12 - 500 RIPLEY13 - SCHNEIDERS POND14 - COUNTY ROAD D COURT15 - 2496 FLANDRAU STREET16 - TRUCK UTILITES17 - 2260 VAN DYKE ST18 - 2010 COUNTY ROAD B19 - 2314 HOLLOWAY AVE20 - 2482 ADELE ST17181920Agenda Item G12 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 69 of 123 MEMORANDUM TO: Steve Love, PE, PLS Assistant City Engineer City of Maplewood FROM: Ron Leaf, PE Sr. Water Resources Engineer SEH DATE: April 16, 2012 RE: 2011 Floods - Initial Assessments and Investigations SEH No. 117558 14.00 BACKGROUND Friday evening through Saturday morning on July 15 and 16, 2011, portions of the City of Maplewood (City) received a reported 4.54 inches of rain. A majority of that total received over an approximate 3 hour time span during the early morning hours on Saturday, July 16th. As reported in the July 19, 2011, Agenda Report to Council for the July 25, 2011, Council Meeting, a 100-year storm event equates to 3.8 inches of rain over a 3 hour span. A 100-year event is defined as an event that has a 1% chance of being exceeded in any given year. Based on the reported depth and duration of rainfall for the July 2011 event, some areas of the City experienced a storm larger than the “100-year storm event.” This extreme event caused many problems throughout the City as well as throughout much of the northern metropolitan area. This high-intensity storm event taxed the overall storm sewer networks including the storm water ponds, wetland areas and lakes which could not drain fast enough to avoid flooding and backups in some localized areas. The storm sewer system throughout much of the City is designed to handle a 10-year storm event and the ponds and other detention areas are designed to handle a 100-year event. Following the storm event, Public Works Maintenance staff was involved with immediate response activities such as visiting homes and verifying the condition of vital storm sewer outfalls and reviewing localized flooding areas to determine an appropriate response. The immediate response of maintenance staff was to provide temporary pumping of Edgerton Pond, 500 Ripley, Schneider’s Pond near 443 Roselawn Ave, 1874 & 1866 East Shore Drive, and 2496 Flandrau Street. The City of Vadnais Heights shared one of their unused pumps with Maplewood. Engineering department staff met with a number of affected businesses and residents within the first week after the storm to gather relevant site specific information and to help in identifying potential future improvements. A small number of locations that experienced flooding during this event have also required pumping in the past, most notable Edgerton Pond. These specific areas were designated higher priority areas in identifying improvements along with the location of the two homes on Lark Avenue that flooded as a result of high water levels of Knuckle Head Lake. According to the one owner on Lark Avenue this area also flooded during the storms of 1987. With an apparent increase in the frequency of the “100-year storm,” the City has determined that additional measures are likely needed in selected areas. Over the past few years, the City has made Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 70 of 123 2011 Floods - Initial Assessments and Investigations April 16, 2012 Page 2 improvements to the local drainage system on private property by acquiring easements and improving overflow elevations and installing new overflow piping outlets. Identifying minor improvements such as these in addition to more substantial improvements are expected as part of this preliminary review. INITIAL REVIEWS In response to the reported areas of high water or flooding, the City initiated a review of 17 specific areas that were listed in the July 19, 2011, Agenda Report. The City requested that SEH assist in reviewing the problem areas and assessing potential solutions for each area. Since that original Agenda Report, the list of areas to review has expanded to a total of 20. An updated location map of these areas is attached as Exhibit A. For the purposes of this initial review process, several of the individual areas have been combined to better group the problem areas where the drainage system is connected and/or where the overall area was evaluated. Table 1 provides a summary of the recommendations and preliminary cost estimates for the specific areas and groupings evaluated as part of this preliminary work. Additional detail on the work completed to date for each area and grouping is provided in Exhibit B. Table 1. Summary of Recommendations and Status for 2011 Flooding Areas Area    ID Area Name Recommendations Estimated Cost   /    Status  1 City Hall Pond Review City Hall pond overflow elevation. $2,000  17a    17b  2260 Van Dyke Continue regular maintenance of CB inlets.  Installed beehive to reduce plugging.  Construct additional inlet capacity of CBs on Van  Dyke during future street recon project.  $0 annual inspections $185 Beehive (Done)  $15,000 (with future  Street Recon project).  2 Ivy Pond System Evaluate the feasibility of a potential diversion of  flows from Glendon Pond and creating  additional flow capacity near Ivy. Coordinate  with RWMWD and complete detailed modeling  to review potential benefits and costs of a  diversion(s).   $20,000 Feasibility  Study and modeling.     Implementation costs  TBD following  feasibility analysis.  3 Glendon Pond  4d Lakewood/McKnight Rd.  4a McKnight at TH 36 Continue regular inspection and maintenance of  the BL‐110A pond/wetland basin inlet and outlet  structures.   Complete hydraulic model and Feasibility Study  to define extent of problem and identify cost  effective improvement options.  $0 – Annual  Inspections program.         $15,000 Feasibility  Study.  4b Gas Station – McKnight  4c McKnight CBs  6 Larpenteur at Sterling  5a    5b  Wakefield Lake Outlet RWMWD will make improvements to outlet  structure.   Televise, smoke test and manhole inspections of  sanitary sewer to identify inflow problems.  $0 ‐ RWMWD outlet  project. (Done)  $10,000 Inspections  program.  Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 71 of 123 2011 Floods - Initial Assessments and Investigations April 16, 2012 Page 3 Table 1. Summary of Recommendations and Status for 2011 Flooding Areas (Continued) Area    ID Area Name Recommendations Estimated Cost   /    Status  9 TH 36 at Vento Trail Improvements for Areas 9 and 16 are planned as  part of TH36/English Street Interchange project  for construction in 2013‐2014.       Area 7 is currently under review.   Areas 9 and 16  included in TH36 /  English area work.  (Done / 2012)    TBD  16 Truck Utilities   7 Knucklehead Lake – Lark  Ave. residential properties  8 Edgerton Pond Install permanent lift station for Edgerton Pond  during Ramsey County reconstruction project.  MOU with St. Paul, Ramsey Co., and two  watersheds will be needed.    Review cost‐benefit of lift station at 500 Ripley.   $100,000 Lift station  and piping        $2,000  12 500 Ripley  13 Roselawn Park Pond Evaluating improvements as part of Edgerton  Pond modeling.   Anticipate that the long‐term solution will  involve and outlet to the Edgerton Pond system.  $1,000       $0 to $150,000  10 1398 Myrtle Street Continue regular inspection and maintenance of  wetland complex outlet structure.    Visit Arlington Street during a spring snowmelt  event to review potential plugging and possible  improvements.  Annual inspection of  outlet structure and  review of spring  snowmelt event.  (Done)  11 1866 & 1874 East Shore Dr Improvements completed by City crews.(Done) $10,288  14 Co. Road D Court Improvements completed by RWMWD.(Done)  15 2496 Flandrau Street Survey emergency overflow swale in easement.  Option 1 – Route line to private site storm sewer  Option 2 ‐ Grade overflow to elevation lower  than low opening of 2496 Flandrau.  $1,000 Survey.                  $5,000  $10,000‐20,000  Construction.  18 2010 Co. Road B East Survey along Co. Rd B ditch and property/home  elevations. Identify potential surface overflow  routes at elevation lower than low floor.  Grade/install outlet to downstream outlet point.   $2,000 Survey.                    $30,000‐50,000  Construction.  19 2324 Holloway Clear and grade overflow from property to storm  pond. Homeowner to investigate tile layout.  $0 ‐Clearing and  grading.  20 2482 Adele Install pipe outlet from low point in yard to the  east through the berm along back property line.  $30,000‐$45,000  Survey, design,  construction.  NEXT STEPS Of the more than twenty listed areas of concern identified during the July 2011 storm events, five of the areas (Areas 5a, 10, 11, 14 and 17a) have had improvements already completed by the City or by the Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 72 of 123 2011 Floods - Initial Assessments and Investigations April 16, 2012 Page 4 Ramsey-Washington-Metro Watershed District (RWMWD). Several other projects are currently in the design process and will be completed as part of projects that are already underway, including Areas 9 and 16, as part of the TH 36-English Improvements. Additional projects that can be completed easily by Public Works crews, such as Areas 15 and 19 are expected to be completed in 2012. At least four of the areas can be completed as part of future street reconstruction work (Area 17) or can be planned for work in 2012 (such as Areas 18 and 20). These improvements are small to medium sized improvements in the $10,000-$50,000 range each. Public Works crews will be completing several of these improvements. Cost estimates for others assume work will be completed by a private contractor following some initial surveying to confirm critical elevations in the areas. However, Public Works crews may be able to complete some of these additional improvements at costs lower than estimated. The remaining areas will need some additional analysis to identify feasible and cost-effective improvement options. Several of the areas have been combined into groups based on their location in the drainage system and their hydrologic connection to each other. Significant work has already been completed in a few of the areas such as Edgerton Pond and the 500 Ripley area, and the next step will be to revisit the previous improvement options in more detail to determine the relative cost-benefit of each option. Edgerton Pond improvements may be able to be combined or coordinated with a planned Ramsey County reconstruction project on Edgerton Street to make the improvements more cost effective. Only one of these remaining areas experienced flooding of a building or significant structure (Area 4b) during the July 2011 storms, and that area should be a higher priority as the improvement options are reviewed in more detail. Most of the remaining areas have been managed effectively in the past through the use of temporary pumping systems. While nuisance flooding conditions have occurred in these areas, we are not aware that of any reported damage to buildings or property. Therefore, the focus of the additional analysis for these areas should be to determine if the temporary pump system approach is likely to be a cost effective option in the future. Attachments: Exhibit A – 2011 Flood Areas, Location Map Exhibit B – 2011 Flood Areas; Initial Assessments and Investigations Exhibit C – Desoto Area Drainage Memorandum (December 2009) Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 73 of 123 EXHIBIT A Location Map Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 74 of 123 CITY OF MAPLEWOODLEGENDSTATE HIGHWAYSCOUNTY ROADSCITY STREETS1234a4c4b4d56778910111213141516EXHIBT A - 2011 FLOODING ISSUES1 - CITY HALL POND2 - IVY POND SYSTEM3 - GLENDON POND4 - McKNIGHT ROAD5 - WAKEFIELD LAKE6 - LARPENTEUR AVENUE7 - KNUCKLEHEAD LAKE8 - EDGERTON POND9 - T.H. 36 UNDERPASS FOR BRUCE VENTO TRAIL10 - 1398 MYRTLE STREET11 - 1874 & 1866 EAST SHORE DRIVE12 - 500 RIPLEY13 - SCHNEIDERS POND14 - COUNTY ROAD D COURT15 - 2496 FLANDRAU STREET16 - TRUCK UTILITES17 - 2260 VAN DYKE ST18 - 2010 COUNTY ROAD B19 - 2314 HOLLOWAY AVE20 - 2482 ADELE ST17181920Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 75 of 123 EXHIBIT B Initial Assessments Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 76 of 123 B-1 EXHIBIT B 2011 FLOOD AREAS – INITIAL ASSESSMENTS AND INVESTIGATIONS CITY OF MAPLEWOOD, MN JANUARY 12, 2012 A summary for each of the initial assessments completed are provided in the following pages. Area numbers correspond to the Area IDs shown in Exhibit A. Note that some of the areas have been combined where they are close in proximity and/or are part of the same storm sewer or overland flow system. Each of the summaries is formatted in the following order: A. A description of the problem area(s) and area identification number(s) as presented in the July 19, 2011 Agenda Report; B. A summary of our review and analysis efforts conducted to date; C. A description of implementation actions and activities conducted to date; D. Recommendations for implementation actions or additional analysis; E. An estimated cost for each recommended action. AREA #1 - City Hall Pond (Wicklander Pond) AREA #17 –2260 Van Dyke Vacant home on A – Description of Problem Area(s) #1. City Hall Pond – Overflowed into the Maplewood Community Center (MCC) parking lot and receded 3 to 4 hours later. No description for the Van Dyke areas was provided in the initial Agenda Report. #17. Van Dyke – Not included in original Agenda Report. The vacant home at 2260 Van Dyke experienced some flooding in the yard and along the foundation. Catch basin(s) in the street were plugged with debris. The water level reportedly dropped quickly after debris was removed. B – Summary of Review and Analysis Based on our initial review of the pond at City Hall (Wicklander Pond), the overflow into the driveway at MCC did not impact any buildings on the City Hall Campus. While no hydrologic or hydraulic modeling was completed to analyze the response of the pond system, it is reasonable to assume that the system responded generally as expect. City crews noted that a large volume of runoff from the east of the Public Works yard also enters the pond and the area resulted in significant flows during the July 2011 event which created some temporary flooding conditions with the Public Works yard. We have review the general routing of the storm sewer system in Van Dyke and it is connected to Wicklander Pond. Record drawings show a normal water level (NWL) of 898 and a 100-year High Water Level (HWL) in Wicklander Pond at about elevation 904. The storm sewer invert at 2260 Van Dyke is at about elevation 916 and the road surface elevation is at about elevation 920. Therefore, we believe the downstream conditions in Wicklander Pond are not likely to have caused or significantly contributed to issues in Van Dyke. Instead, the problem was likely caused by a combination of catch basin inlet capacity and the partially plugged storm sewer inlets found by Public Works crews. Short-term, City crews can install a beehive inlet grate to reduce the potential for plugging of the inlet during rainfall events. Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 77 of 123 B-2 Based on field observations and record plans the MCC low opening is below the elevation of the emergency overflow in the parking lot/driveway west of the pond and the elevation of White Bear Avenue. Record drawings of the storm sewer show that the 54-inch outlet pipe from Wicklander Pond has a positive slope into the pond and the functional outlet elevation is in the manhole structure just east of White Bear Avenue. The outlet elevation is at 898.08 and it outlets to the west into a 42-inch pipe then south along the west side of White Bear Avenue. Wicklander Pond area is mapped as a Zone A Flood Hazard area, with no elevation assigned to the flood hazard boundary. C – Implementation Actions to Date City staff has installed a beehive inlet grate at the low point along Van Dyke street to reduce the potential for inlet plugging. D - Recommended Actions 1. Continue routine maintenance of the Van Dyke catch basins in the low point to remove debris/leaves that could plug or partially plug the inlets. 2. Increase the inlet capacity of the Van Dyke catch basins in the low point during future street reconstruction project. At the time of street reconstruction design, review the storm system capacity and condition overall. 3. Review elevations of MCC low opening relative to the emergency overflow elevation (EOF) from Wicklander Pond. Longer term consider creating a hydraulic model to evaluate the pond outlet network that ultimately discharges to Wakefield Lake to determine if increase outlet capacity from Wicklander Pond would reduce the flooding risk at MCC and if there would be any significant downstream impacts. Evaluate options for creating a lower EOF at the time the MCC parking lot needs maintenance. Review the upstream contributing areas as part of this assessment. E – Preliminary Cost Estimate 1. Install inlet grate beehive. $185 2. Construct Van Dyke inlet capacity improvements $15,000 (with future street recon) 3. MCC parking lot improvement assessment $2,000 AREA #2 – Ivy Pond AREA #3 – Glendon Pond AREA #4d – Lakewood/McKnight Road A – Description of Problem Area(s) #2. Ivy Pond System – The area south of Ivy Avenue between Century Avenue and Ferndale Street experienced a large amount of issues as a number of yards were flooded when the Mn/DOT ditch from Century Avenue overflowed into the area and then down into the neighborhood. Additionally, pavement patching and repair work to Farrell Street was damaged and washed away. #3. Glendon Pond – The low areas around Glendon Pond were underwater and waters encroached upon yard areas. This basin drains north across Maryland Avenue and the discharge rate is controlled by the Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 78 of 123 B-3 system on the north side of Maryland Avenue. During large events the Glendon Pond area is slow to recede as it must allow the water on the north side of Maryland Avenue to move through the system first. #4. McKnight Road – Experienced areas of flooding - 1 of the 4 major areas observed: d. McKnight, south of Maryland, where it turns into Lakewood Boulevard (near Beaver Lake), the entire roadway flooded and at the time of observation had receded to allow one lane to be passable. B – Summary of Review and Analysis We have completed and initial review of the drainage system and record drawings of the storm sewer system. All three of these issue areas are part of the same overall drainage network that starts along TH 120/Century Avenue to the east and discharges to Beaver Lake just west of Lakewood Drive. Much of the wetland area north of Maryland is mapped as a Zone A Flood Hazard Area and Glendon Pond is also a mapped Zone A. Zone A area designated areas without an assigned 1% chance flood elevation. Based on the RWMWD Plan, the flood elevation is approximately 965.4 for the area north of Maryland and the area including Glendon Pond has a flood elevation of approximately 866.7. A hydrologic model of the Glendon Pond system was created by the Ramsey-Washington-Metro Watershed District (RWMWD) that shows the 100-year high water level for Glendon Pond at elevation 966.7 (for a 100-year, 1-hour storm event). The pond area was expanded slightly as part of the Ferndale- Geranium Street reconstruction project in 2007-2008 by adding a pre-treatment filtration cell at the west end of the basin. The street reconstruction project and the added filtration cell did not result in a change in the reported high water level on Glendon Pond. We have completed an initial site area visit and have contacted the RWMWD to inquire about the availability of modeling and supporting information. RWMWD has an “in-house” model of some portions of the system. The in-house model is not a widely available model such as HydroCAD or XP- SWMM, and therefore a more detailed review of the model is needed to evaluate the potential for improvements in the system. Depending on the level of detail available in the RWMWD model for the area of interest, the RWMWD may be able to run a few improvement scenarios very efficiently. Another approach, if less than the necessary detail is available in their model, is to convert the model to a more widely used modeling software such as XP-SWMM. The two dimensional modeling capabilities of XP- SWMM would likely apply well to this complex routing network. One concept discussed with City staff would be to reroute a portion of the Glendon Pond outflow directly to the west (on the south side of Maryland Ave) towards the ditch segment located west of Sterling. The challenges with this concept would be balancing the improvement in the Glendon Pond water levels with the potential downstream impacts in the channel between Sterling and south of Magnolia, as well as the crossing of Lakewood Avenue where temporary flooding also occurred. Coordination with the Watershed District would be needed before any change in the routing of flows could be implemented. The area south of Ivy Avenue and west of Century could also be evaluated as part of the modeling work described above. The main pipe system in this area collects drainage form Century and portions of the Dennis/Farrell Street neighborhood and outlets to the same wetland complex that the Glendon Pond outlet discharges to (in Drainage Area BL-120N). It is very likely that capacity of the storm system was exceeded and the overland flow resulted in the localized flooding. The more detail modeling effort recommended in this area would evaluate the potential for additional pipe capacity or for improving the overland flow conditions to reduce the potential flooding. Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 79 of 123 B-4 C – Implementation Actions to Date NA D - Recommended Actions 1. Assess the level of detail in the Ramsey-Washington-Metro Watershed District existing hydrologic model to evaluate potential improvement options. 2. Meet with RWMWD to initiate discussions on potential related issues in the area. The RWMWD Plan indicates that there are no know flooding issues in the Beaver Lake subwatershed at the time the Plan was completed. The focus of implementation actions for the WD is on water quality improvements. 3. If the WD is open to discussing potential changes in the routing of the drainage system, complete a feasibility study to identify the most feasible and cost effective approach for obtaining improvements in the overall system. Study would also assess what, if any, floodplain mapping changes would be needed for routing changes that reduce the high water levels on Glendon Pond or the wetland north of Maryland. The WD would likely partner in the improvement efforts if the rerouting work would include water quality benefits to Beaver Lake. E – Preliminary Cost Estimate 1. Drainage System Modeling and Feasibility Study $20,000 2. Implementation / construction costs TBD AREA # 4b – Gas Station at McKnight Road and Larpentuer Avenue AREA #4c – McKnight Road Catch Basins AREA #6 – Larpentuer Avenue at Sterling A – Description of Problem Area(s) #4. McKnight Road – Experienced areas of flooding - below are three of the four major areas observed: a. McKnight Road in North Saint Paul, under T.H. 36 had a number of cars stalled with water reaching window levels b. McKnight Road, approximately 300 feet south of Larpenteur Avenue, was flooded with a couple of stalled cars. c. The parking lot of the gas station along the northeast corner of McKnight Road and Larpenteur was flooded. The owner later reported that his fuel tanks had been flooded. #6. Larpenteur Avenue – East of Sterling Street water had risen up onto the west bound lane of Larpenteur Avenue near the Hill-Murray baseball field. The water was not too deep and vehicles were able to get through. B – Summary of Review and Analysis We have completed a site visit of the area and have completed a general review of the storm system routing. The Larpentuer Avenue area on the east side of Sterling is connected to the west side through a Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 80 of 123 B-5 culvert. This culvert connects the east side (BL-106) to drainage area BL-109. Area BL-110A which is located just east of the gas station and is the basin that the gas station lot drains to, also drains to BL-109 and then to BL-106. The catch basins just south of Larpentuer (Area 4c in BL-201) drain to the pond in BL-110A. During our brief site visit, we observed what appears to be limited inlet capacity in the catch basins within the parking lot. The contour information shows that the surface elevation in the lot is at about elevation 1016 and the pond to the east is at about 1012 to 1016. The downstream pond in BL-109 is at about elevation 1002-1004, so it appears that adequate grade is available. Without some level of modeling it is difficult to determine what factors contributed most to the flooding that occurred in the lot and catch basins in McKnight Road. However, we believe it was likely a combination of limited catch basin inlet capacity and high tail water elevations in pond BL-110A. We have not had a chance to discuss the storm response conditions with the Gas Station property owner to date. That discussion would likely help to understand and define what may have contributed to the high water levels at this location. C – Implementation Actions to Date City crews have completed maintenance on the ditch section at Larpentuer and Sterling. D - Recommended Actions 1. Inspect pond BL-110A inlets and outlet structure. Inspect culverts from south of Larpentuer into pond BL-110A for sediment and debris on a regular basis during the summer months and prior to implementing any improvements in the system. Completed following July 2011 storm event. 2. Complete a feasibility study on the area to identify improvements that will be protective of extreme event rainfalls. Key effort in study would be to create a detailed XP-SWMM hydraulic model of the system to evaluate potential improvement options in the overall system. E – Preliminary Cost Estimate 1. Annual inspections of system $0 - Annual inspection program. 2. Drainage System Modeling and Feasibility Study $15,000 AREA #5 – Wakefield Lake Outlet A – Description of Problem Area(s) #5. Wakefield Lake – Experienced sewer backup issues related to the storm event. At the time of this report a total of 4 homes (Hazelwood & Prosperity) were subject to basement flooding that may have been caused by lake and drainage systems overflowing into and flooding the sanitary sewer system. Cleaning services were provided to these homes. Currently the sanitary sewer main pipes are being televised to determine if there was a cross connection issue. B – Summary of Review and Analysis Related to the sanitary sewer issues along Hazelwood and Prosperity, we have obtained the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) flow data for their sanitary sewer metering stations in the area. Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 81 of 123 B-6 The flow conditions in the sanitary sewer system show a significant spike in the system the morning of July 16th. Based on input from City staff, sewer back-up conditions have occurred in this are in the past during large rainfall events. In order to better understand what the contributing factors are, the City should conduct a condition assessment of the sanitary sewer system in the contributing area. This assessment would include televising portions of the system and conducting manhole inspections to evaluate where there is inflow to the system. C – Implementation Actions to Date The Ramsey-Washington-Metro Watershed District will be looking into the outlet structure improvements as part of a District-lead improvement project. D - Recommended Actions 1. Support RWMWD Outlet Improvement Project. 2. Complete condition assessment of the sanitary sewer infrastructure in the contributing sewer system pipes and manholes. E – Preliminary Cost Estimate 1. Work to be completed by RWMWD $0 2. Sanitary Sewer Condition Assessment $5,000-$10,000 AREA #7 – Knucklehead Lake AREA #9 – TH 36 Underpass AREA #16 – Truck Utilities A – Description of Problem Area(s) #7. Knucklehead Lake – The Knucklehead Lake system had several localized flooding issues: a. The Knucklehead Lake system east of Hazelwood was nearly backed up onto Cope Avenue causing water to overflow into the parking lots of several businesses and south into the park. b. 1673 & 1665 Lark Avenue – The back yard flooded Saturday morning (July 16th, 2011) and water entered into the homes. Staff has been coordinating with both residents. The resident of 1673 Lark Avenue stated that his building has previously flooded twice in 1987. #9. T.H. 36 Underpass for the Bruce Vento Trail – This area was flooded with a stalled car. This area has had a repeated history of flooding during events in 1984, 1987, 1994, and 2000. #16. Truck Utilities – This facility is located near T.H. 36 and English Street south of Gerten Pond. The facilities backyard storage area had 30 inches of standing water. B – Summary of Review and Analysis City staff met with the residents on Lark Avenue that experienced flooding following the storm event. SEH has created a hydrologic/hydraulic model for the area to evaluate the response of the Knucklehead Lake system and look at potential improvement scenarios in the overall area contributing to Gerten Pond. We have reviewed record drawings for the overall drainage area and have built a detailed XP-SWMM Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 82 of 123 B-7 hydrologic/hydraulic model of much of the trunk storm sewer system. We have reviewed a report prepared by SEH in 1988 of the Footprint Lake Outlet and miscellaneous drainage improvements. The plans and report show that there was a flap gate in the outlet pipe from the Lark Avenue backyards prior to the drainage improvements completed by the City in the 1989-1990 timeframe. The flap gate was apparently removed during the public improvements along Cope Avenue in the late 1980’s, although the flap gate removal is not mentioned in the 1988 report as a recommendation. A note in the construction plans the plans identifies the flap gate as being removed as part of the 1989 construction project. The design engineer of record for those 1989 improvements was interviewed and stated that the back yards were regularly being flooded due to the flap gate not opening for smaller and more frequent storm events. He recalls that there was discussion of the difficulty in maintaining the flap gate. He further recalls that City staff discussions with the residents concluded that removing the gate would reduce the frequency of water ponding in the backyards but that Knucklehead Lake could bounce to a high water level that would backflow from the pipe and into the backyards on Lark Avenue. Related improvements in the overall drainage system reduced the peak depth of the 100-year design storm for Knucklehead Lake. Improvement options for the Knucklehead Lake, Lark Avenue area are currently under review. C – Implementation Actions to Date Completed detailed modeling of the TH 36 system and have a preliminary plan for addressing flooding in the Truck Utilities site and the TH 36 underpass. Preliminary design work is currently underway. The design team met with MnDOT Hydraulics staff the week of January 9th to review the overall storm water routing options before moving into the final design phase of the project. Improvement options for the Lark Avenue area are currently under review. D - Recommended Actions 1. For Area 9 (TH36 Underpass) and Area 16 (Truck Utilities), implement the planned improvements as part of the TH 36-English Street improvements. E – Preliminary Cost Estimate 1. TH 36 / Truck Utilities (Areas 9 and 16) Included in TH 36-English project 2. Lark Avenue Area. Under review. AREA #8 – Edgerton Pond AREA #12 – 500 Ripley AREA #13 – Roselawn Park Pond A – Description of Problem Area(s) #8. Edgerton Pond – A number of headstones were reported under water at the cemetery. Currently no structures have been reported as having received water damage, but a number of yards were flooded. This will mark the third time this year the Edgerton Pond has had to be pumped and in the past 5 years the pond has been pumped almost a dozen times. #12. 500 Ripley – This small no outlet pond filled and was subsequently pumped. Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 83 of 123 B-8 #13. Roselawn Park Pond/443 Roselawn - Experienced localized flooding issues with no reported structural flooding and required temporary pumping to prevent basin from overflowing and causing damage. B – Summary of Review and Analysis We have reviewed the previous hydrologic analyses completed in the area of 500 Ripley and Edgerton Pond. Several studies and reports were prepared by the City in 1988 including the Edgerton and Roselawn Trunk Storm Sewer Feasibility Report (City Project 85-08), April 1988, and the Feasibility Report on Maple Hills Storm Water Pumping Station (City Project 85-08), January 1988. This work recommended improvements consisting of three main elements: storm sewer connection of several storm ponds and land-locked basins; a storm water lift station from the Maple Hills Pond to Round Lake; and establishing easements over a number of storm water detention areas in the system. The preliminary cost estimates for these improvements in 2003 was on the order of $250,000. The recommendations of these previous studies were not implemented due, in part, to lack of public support and concerns with routing water to different watershed. In July 2003, the City initiated project 03-27, which proposed improvements to address localized flooding and to reduce pumping costs and time at two locations: Roselawn Park Pond (Area #13 in this study) and Edgerton Street south of Roselawn (i.e., Edgerton Pond – Area #8 in this study). No major storm water issues had been present since 1988 at these locations except for the need to regularly pump at these locations. The draft report prepared for these improvements recommended installing rain water gardens in Edgerton Park to reduce the volume of runoff entering Roselawn Park; and a storm sewer force main routed to the southwest along the DNR trail corridor to the storm sewer system at the intersection of Larpentuer and Desoto. These improvements were not implemented. Engineering Department staff has recently learned that Ramsey County will be completing improvements to Edgerton Street in 2012. The improvements will consist of recycling the existing bituminous pavement and repaving from Roselawn to Larpentuer. This work may create an opportunity for the City to install a more permanent (or semi-permanent) lift station for Edgerton Pond. City crews currently lay a temporary pipe and hose system from the south end of Edgerton Pond to Larpentuer Avenue when pumping is needed in the area. Combining this work with the Ramsey County street reconstruction would result in substantial savings in the costs of implementing improvements. Staff is currently working with Ramsey County, the City of St. Paul, the Capitol Region Watershed District and the Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed District to develop a Memorandum of Understanding for installation and operation of a lift station to serve as an outlet for Edgerton Pond. For the 500 Ripley area, SEH previously completed a study of the pond located just west of Bradley Street and Ripley Avenue as described in a memorandum dated December 28, 2009 and titled Desoto Area Drainage System Evaluation. The study was intended, in part, to evaluate the response of the pond following street construction work and identify potential improvement options that would reduce the depth and/or duration of high water levels following larger rainfall events. The memorandum presents ten options which range in costs from $500 to more than $50,000, excluding costs of obtaining easements. Based on the previous analyses completed in 2009 in the Desoto/Ripley area, the risk of damage to the adjacent homes from surface flooding is low. The emergency overflow elevation from this basin is the road low point at 862.82 and the low opening of the home is at 864.5. Therefore, there appears to be no significant risk of surface flooding to the home, provided that the current practice of pumping excess water from the pond continues. Current practice is to pump the pond when the water surface elevation approaches the elevation of the sump pump outlet 855.85. The effect of the runoff on the surrounding soil conditions surrounding the home foundation is not known. However, from discussions with City staff, we understand that there have not been any basement flooding conditions at the adjacent home. If this is in Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 84 of 123 B-9 fact the case, it is likely that continued pumping on an as-needed basis could continue to be an effective management approach for this basin. As discussed in the summary for 500 Ripley (Area #12) and Edgerton Pond (Area #8), the City initiated project 03-27 in July 2003, which proposed improvements to address localized flooding and reduce pumping costs and time at two locations: Roselawn Park Pond (Area #13) and Edgerton Street south of Roselawn (i.e., Edgerton Pond – Area #8). No major storm water issues had been present since 1988 at these locations except for the need to regularly pump at these locations. Flooding and pumping creates nuisance conditions for residents due to the traffic changes the temporary piping and hose systems create. The flooding also creates difficult conditions for the public works crews as the pumps need to be manned continuously during operation. The draft report prepared for these improvements recommended installing rain water gardens in Edgerton Park to reduce the volume of runoff entering Roselawn Park; and a storm sewer force main routed to the southwest along the DNR trail corridor to the storm sewer system at the intersection of Larpentuer and Desoto. The report describes both a gravity outlet system to the south east and a force main to the southeast. The force main option was the recommended approach in 2003 at an estimated cost of roughly $92,000. These improvements were not implemented. The opportunity to create a gravity outlet from the basin is being evaluated as part of the modeling work on the Edgerton Pond system. The outlet would ultimately drain to Edgerton Pond during extreme rainfall events. The basin in Roselawn Park is classified as a wetland. Excavation of the areas surrounding the wetland could be completed and established as buffer to provide additional flood storage. The steep slopes on the north side of the park limit the extent of storage that could be completed, although it appears that sufficient area would be available adjacent to the existing pond/wetland. If the improvements include some level of excavation and the soils are acceptable as fill, the City could consider use of the excavated soils at the Maplewood Dump site, for example, if this area needs additional fill. C – Implementation Actions to Date Public works has continued temporary pumping during periods of high water levels in Edgerton Pond and the pond at 500 Ripley. Staff is currently modeling the drainage system to assist in design of an outlet and is working with Ramsey County, the City of St. Paul, the Capitol Region Watershed District (CRWD) and the Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed District (RWMWD) to develop a Memorandum of Understanding for installation and operation of a lift station to serve as an outlet for Edgerton Pond. D - Recommended Actions 1. For both areas, prepare a detailed cost estimate of staff time and equipment operation and maintenance costs for the current temporary pumping approach based on the past 20 years. Answer the question - can a sump/storage chamber improve the efficiency of the temporary pumping approach. 2. For Edgerton Pond, coordinate potential lift station and piping system installation as part of Ramsey County reconstruction work on Edgerton Street. The estimated cost of a permanent lift station system in 2003 was $158,000. The costs would be somewhat less is combined with the Ramsey County work, estimated at roughly $80,000 to $110,000. Initial discussions with both Watershed Districts yielded overall support of the improvement concept. Early stages of design work would need to produce a hydrologic assessment of the relative frequency of operation and high water level relative to adjacent structures and homes. If this approach is not viable, revisit the options presented in the draft Feasibility Report prepared by the City in 2003. Compare the Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 85 of 123 B-10 cost-benefit of potential improvements compared to the current costs of the temporary pumping approach. 3. Complete modeling analysis of Edgerton Pond and Roselawn Park Pond systems to evaluate the design and operational parameters for a lift station form Edgerton Pond. Coordinate lift station operational parameters with project partners and downstream entities (St. Paul and CRWD). 4. For 500 Ripley, review the options presented in the December 28, 2009, Desoto Area Drainage Memorandum (attached Exhibit C). Compare cost-benefit to current temporary costs. E – Preliminary Cost Estimate 1. Edgerton Pond – Modeling and Coordination $20,000 2. Edgerton Pond / Lift Station/Piping along Edgerton $80,000 3. Review cost-benefit of lift station near 500 Ripley $2,000 4. Roselawn Park Pond Outlet Improvements TBD AREA #10 – 1398 Myrtle - DONE A – Description of Problem Area(s) #10. 1398 Myrtle Street – The wetland behind the property rose 3-5 feet according to reports from the resident and they were worried about possibly losing their oak trees and how the outlet from the wetland was working. Later reports from the resident indicated the level of the wetland had started to recede. B – Summary of Review and Analysis Steve Love and Ron Leaf met with the homeowner on September 12, 2011, to review the site conditions and interview the homeowner for information relating to the July 16th storm event. Homeowner has been in the home for 6 years. In that time he has seen some smaller rainfall event s partially fill the wetland area adjacent to his backyard. The July 16, 2011, event resulted in the highest water level he has seen in the wetland basin. He has observed some higher water levels in spring snowmelt events, including the spring of 2011. The water level reached the base of several oak trees in his backyard. The resident indicated that the high water level was reached at about 12:30-1:00 PM on July 16, 4-5 hours after the rainfall has stopped. The water level stayed high for 2-3 hours then dropped about a foot in the first 24 hours after the storm. The homeowner’s main concerns are for the function of the outlet structure on the large wetland basin and some of the local drainage that overflows from a pond onto Arlington Avenue just west of his home. The overflow during spring snow melts is a concern due to icy road conditions. C – Implementation Actions to Date Based on our initial review of the as-built plans and reported high water levels, the wetland system appears to have responded as expected for a storm of this magnitude. The outlet structure was visited in the field after meeting with the resident and determined to be free of any significant debris. The outlet structure has a wooden weir skimmer structure and a reduced on the wetland outlet pipe. The outlet structure is consistent with the record drawing available for the area. Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 86 of 123 B-11 The record drawings from 1993 show some slight variations on the upstream pond system on the north side or Arlington Avenue (the area that overflows onto the road) compared to what is in place today. However, the record plans show that the overflow from the pond would overflow into the road and be directed to the east towards Myrtle Street and ultimately into the wetland system to the south and east of 1398 Myrtle. D - Recommended Actions: 1. Public works staff should inspect the outlet structure during or immediately following the annual spring snowmelt to confirm free flowing conditions and to remove any debris or blockage that may be present. 2. Public works crews will review the pond overflow along Arlington during a winter or spring snowmelt condition to assess the severity of the problem. The pipe is shallow and crews have experience some freezing that has resulted in the pipe being plugged in the past due to the shallow pipe condition. If it is determined to be a safety hazard, potential could be evaluated at that time. E – Preliminary Cost Estimate 1. Wetland Basin outlet inspections $0 2. Review conditions on Arlington during spring snowmelt event. $500 AREA #11 – East Shore Drive – DONE A – Description of Problem Area(s) #11. 1874 & 1866 East Shore Drive – The wetland area behind the homes rose to a high level and pumping ensued. This area has been a recurring nuisance for the homeowners due to standing water in the backyard for several hours to days following moderate to heavy rainfall events. B – Summary of Review and Analysis SEH analyzed the system with a hydrologic/hydraulic model of the area and recommended increasing the outlet pipe size from a 3-inch PVC to a 12-inch RCP. The memorandum prepared by SEH describes some additional improvements that could be considered in the area as future street reconstruction work is completed. C – Implementation Actions to Date Improvements were installed by City crews in late August 2011. The results of this improvement will significantly reduce the depth and duration of high water levels in the backyard of the resident on East Shore Drive. However, due to the location of the home in a relatively low area without a surface overflow, the potential for extreme rainfall events that would exceed the capacity of the system, maintain a risk of high waters at this property. Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 87 of 123 B-12 D - Recommended Actions 1. Continue to observe response of system and inspect new pipe for debris. E – Preliminary Cost Estimate The cost of the completed work was $10,287.78. Total costs included: pipe; concrete, asphalt and base material for the road reconstruction; topsoil; equipment rental; and labor. AREA #14 – County Road D Court - DONE A – Description of Problem Area(s) #14. County Road D Court – East of Highway 61 a storm sewer culvert and a section of the road were washed out during the storm event. Emergency repairs were required for this area in order to provide access to the Xcel sub-station and dental business. C – Implementation Actions 1. RWMWD has completed improvements. $0 AREA #15 – 2496 Flandrau Street A – Description of Problem Area(s) #15. 2496 Flandrau Street – The resident called in concerned about the level of water behind his house. Public Works Maintenance staff responded by sending out a pump to reduce the water level. B – Summary of Review and Analysis Steve Love and Ron Leaf met with the homeowner on August 30, 2011, to review the site conditions and interview the homeowner for information relating to the July 16th storm event. Homeowner has been in the home for 3 years. In that time he has seen some smaller rainfall event s partially fill the wetland as well as snowmelt creating some higher water levels in the basin. The townhome property on the far side of the wetland stores snow from plowing operations on the wetland area. During the July 16, 2011, storm event the homeowner observed water to the top of his timber wall and past several trees between the home and the wetland. No damage to the home occurred, but the water level reached an elevation within about a foot below the low floor elevation. The homeowner indicated that the peak water level occurred after the rainfall had stopped. Public works staff pumped the basin for an estimated 5 hours on Monday and 10 hours on Tuesday. We reviewed the grading plan for the adjacent townhome development and it shows an overflow swale between some garages in the townhome development and the backyard at 2496 Bittersweet. Three properties along the swale have a relatively new wooden fence along the swale. It was difficult to determine if the swale is the overflow point for the wetland basin or if the road in the townhome development serves as the overflow. Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 88 of 123 B-13 C – Implementation Actions to Date None to date. D - Recommended Actions 1. Survey overflow points and low opening of the home at 2496 Flandrau to determine where overflow is and what the risk of flooding in the home is. 2. Option 1 - Consider lowering of the swale, or returning it to the planned elevation shown in the record drawings if current elevations are higher than show on the grading plan. Recommend lowering it 0.25-0.5 feet lower than the plan to allow for some natural change/increase in elevation over time. The difficulty with this option is the need to remove and possible reinstall the fence along the lot line. 3. Option 2 - Review pipe elevations in private storm sewer in the townhome development for possible lower outlet pipe. Staff will need to obtain an easement from the private development. E – Preliminary Cost Estimate 1. Survey - completed by City staff $1,000 2. Implement improvements a. Option 1 – route basin overflow to catch basin in private development. $5,000 b. Option 2 - Grade overflow swale to lower $10,000-20,000 elevation. Along residential fencline. AREA #18 – 2010 County Road B East A – Description of Problem Area(s) This area was not included in the July 19, 2011, Agenda Report. The property experience severe flooding in the yard, garage and in the home. Homeowners had damage to the lower level of the home and a vehicle that parked in the driveway. B – Summary of Review and Analysis Steve Love and Ron Leaf met with the homeowner on September 6, 2011, to review the site conditions and interview the homeowner for information relating to the July 16th storm event. The homeowner was home during the storm event and noticed several inches of water in the lower level. The homeowner indicated that the when she opened the service door into the garage, a rush of water entered the home. She observed the water level in the garage to be two to three feet in depth (see photo of approximate water level). The homeowner called several friends and relative who came to help pump the water surrounding the front of the home and garage area to the backyard where it abuts the regional trail corridor. It reportedly took two days to pump the water level down to where it no longer was ponding in the garage or home. We walked the perimeter of the home and both east and west along County Road B to review the condition of the drainage system and attempt to determine where the runoff came from during the rainfall Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 89 of 123 B-14 event. The overflow from the low area where the garage and front of the house sit appears to be to the east into North St. Paul across the gravel yard of the automotive repair shop next door. Based on our observations the water level appears to have been about two feet deep at the garage door. Several of the upstream culverts along County Road B East were observed to be partially plugged. No scour or erosion was observed along the drainage course. The downstream culverts also had sediment accumulation that likely reduced the flow capacity in the south ditch. We also walked down Stanich Street and spoke to the homeowners at 1996 Stanich. They described flooding within the street and backyards, but reported that they were not aware of any damage to homes. The backyard of 1996 Stanich shares the same low area adjacent to the regional trail as the home at 2010 County Road B East. The house clearly sits in a low point in the drainage system. What’s not clear without additional survey or reviewing County Road B East as-built drawings, is where the runoff from extreme events was intended to route. It appears that the routing was intended to be along the south ditch of County Road B East, although as stated previously, several of the upstream culverts were found to be at least partially plugged. The routing at the west driveway entrance to 2010 County Road B East appears to route to the south towards the regional trail. It is possible at this west driveway entrance that the runoff may have skipped over the subtle berm and entered the driveway area and into the low point. The surface elevation of the residential property is at about 950 base don’t he Ramsey County contour data. TH backyard low area along the regional trail is at about 946, or roughly four feet lower. Much of the south ditch of County Road B is at an elevation between 946 and 950 so there is little opportunity for lowering the overflow elevation significantly. However, there is the potential to provide an outlet lower than the low floor elevation that might consist of a ditch/pipe combination. The primary challenge appears to be how much room is available in the existing right-of-way to provide a surface route with adequate capacity for extreme event runoff conditions. On the north side of Co. Rd. B near 5th Street in North St. Paul, the surface elevations drop to around 936 to 940, which is where the current Co. Road B ditch system outlets. The area is also designated a Flood Hazard Zone AE with a Base Flood Elevation of 939 on the east side of the trail and 938 on the west side of the trail. Bryan Nagle informed Steve that he understood that North St. Paul also had some flooding during the storm event at the County Road B East/7th Street intersection several blocks to the east. Ron Leaf contacted Scott Duddeck, North St. Paul’s Public Works Director, to discuss what they experienced during the event. Scott indicated that they had some flooding at that location due to a completely plugged culvert. Scott indicated that it had been a recurring issue for some time. Scott had already been in contact with Charlie Markham at Ramsey County. Ron Leaf followed up with a separate call to Charlie on September 7, 2011. Mr. Markham returned the call and left a voice message that they had programmed some inspection and maintenance of the area into their schedule. As of late November 2011, the County has completed some ditch clean out and restoration work on portions of the County Road B ditch in North St. Paul. While this will improve the drainage in the immediate areas, it is uncertain if this will have any significant impact on the property at 2010 County Road B. C – Implementation Actions Ramsey County has recently completed some ditch cleanout and maintenance work on the ditch sections closer to 7th Street in North St. Paul. Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 90 of 123 B-15 D - Recommended Actions: 1. Review County Road B East record drawings. 2. Meet with Ramsey County to review their plans for additional culvert improvements and/or maintenance work along County Road B East. 3. Recommend that Ramsey County complete some survey of grades along the ditch system from the top of the hill west of 2010 County Road B East to the wetland system in North St. Paul east of 7th Street and north of County Road B East. Obtain the survey data if/when available. As an alternate approach, the City could complete some survey of the immediate area upstream of 2010 County Road B East. The goal of the survey work would be to better assess if and where the ditch capacity was exceeded during the July 16, 2011 storm resulting in overflow into the residential property. Survey would also help to define options for an emergency overflow for the residential area or if creating a berm to limit the ditch flow from entering the residential property would be feasible. 4. Note that Met Council Environmental Services has plans for lift station improves in the auto repair shop lot that is adjacent to the flooded property and these improvements should be considered during review of ditch modifications in the immediate area. 5. Even with improved culvert conditions along CR B East, the potential for flooding at this property would likely remain due to the potential for culverts to become plugged with debris during large storm events. A complete solution will likely require a secondary overflow at an elevation below the low floor elevation at 2010 County Road B East. E – Preliminary Cost Estimate 1. Survey of the property and ditch segment along Co. Rd. B East $2,000 2. Meeting with Ramsey County and Met Council City Staff time 3. Ditch maintenance County 4. Install emergency overflow path from resident to downstream location $30,000-50,000 AREA #19 – 2324 Holloway A – Description of Problem Area(s) This area was not included in the July 19, 2011, Agenda Report. B – Summary of Review and Analysis Steve Love and Ron Leaf met with the homeowner on August 30, 2011, to review the site conditions and interview the homeowner for information relating to the July 16th storm event. Homeowner has been in the home for more than 10 years and has had water in the furnace room in the past but did not experience water in the furnace room during the July 16 event. No water was coming in from the floor drain. There is also a remnant of a conduit that originated in the back garage that currently runs through the concrete floor slab. The homeowner has filled this where possible, although it was the source of some water in the home on the morning of July 16, 2011. The home was built in 1954. Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 91 of 123 B-16 There are several small drain inlet areas in the back entry step and in the lower garage in the back yard. A small drain outlet is located near the back property line, although where this system originates is not currently known. Ponding occurs near the outlet due to an area of trees and brush that have apparently resulted in the ground being raised a few inches over the years in the surrounding areas. Some simple clearing and grading would provide a free outlet to a larger pond system in City property just downstream. Homeowner indicated that he has completed some mud jacking and void filling in the driveway area in the past to help reduce the amount of water that seeps through the ground in to the lower garage. There has also been a drain filed and septic system in the back yard in the past. The system is no longer connected to the house, and the homeowner does not know where or if the drain field is still in place in the back yard. The steps leading down to the backyard appear to be sloped towards the foundation wall. We suggested that the homeowner look into this and see if he can get the water here to drain away form the foundation. This could be a source of the water getting into the remnant of conduit in the floor slab. Homeowner asked if he could redirect some of the roof drain downspouts to discharge further way from the foundation. He was advised that that would be a good option, but that he could not route them directly to the property line and into the neighboring property. C – Implementation Actions to Date We suggested that the homeowner do some experiments with the drain tile systems using a garden hose at the expected upstream locations. The intent would be to better understand what inlets are connected to the outlet at the back property line. If they are connected, the homeowner could work with the City to complete some clearing and grading to provide a free outlet for the system. The homeowner tried this approach following our visit and indicated that these initial tests were inconclusive. D - Recommended Actions 1. Homeowner should continue to investigate the drain tile connections within his property to better understand what outside piping might connected to the inside of his house or foundation. 2. Public works staff should clear and grade the back lot line where a very subtle berm has developed over time with the vegetation growth. This grading would provide a free draining outlet form the backyard into the storm water pond beyond the back lot line. E – Preliminary Cost Estimate 1. Clearing, grading and restoration by City crews $3,000. AREA #20 – 2482 Adele A – Description of Problem Area(s) This area was not included in the July 19, 2011, Agenda Report. Homeowner experience standing water in his backyard during the rainfall event and was able to use a neighbor’s pump to keep the water level form entering his lower level. Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 92 of 123 B-17 B – Summary of Review and Analysis Steve Love and Ron Leaf met with the homeowner on September 6, 2011, to review the site conditions and interview the homeowner (Nick Scanlon) for information relating to the July 16th storm event. Homeowner has been in the home for 3 months. During the July 16th event, he observed standing water in his back yard that he ultimately pumped out using a neighbor’s portable pump. He has not had any water in the home, but it was within inches of the low opening of the patio door. His neighbor to the south (Gretchen and Mike Trenda) has an in-ground swimming pool and they also indicated some standing water conditions during the July 16th event. After meeting with Nick Scanlon, we proceeded downstream to the south and east and spoke to resident (Gene __) located four houses south of Mr. Scanlon’s. Gene offered some very helpful information on the drainage system that runs through his yard and the wetland located to the east of the berm that runs through is back yard. What we understand form our observations, review of the development grading plans and discussions with the residents is that there are several shallow ponding areas in the back yards that should have been drained by a swale planned for the back drainage easement. It appears that the grading plan was modified to avoid removal of a large cottonwood tree. In doing so, the original drainage pattern was modified. The drainage from the Scanlon and Trenda properties that were intended to route to the wetland, are instead routed through Gene’s yard into a storm water pond. Again, there are no apparent capacity issues in this system. We have discussed three primary improvement options that could improve the drainage conditions: 1. Install an outlet pipe through the backyard berm at 2482 Adele to the pond east of the residential site. Problems with this option include the difficulty of getting through the estimated 10 to 15 foot high berm, determining if the pond normal and high water levels would allow the routing, and getting approval/cooperation of the business owner. The most feasible approach may be to complete horizontal direction drilling of a 14 inch diameter drill hole to pull a 12-inch HDPE pipe through. The length of the pipe would be on the order of 120 to 200 LF depending on where the elevation would allow the outlet. 2. Install a 12-inch diameter outlet pipe from the Scanlon yard to the wetland where it was originally intended to route to. This option would include and outlet in the Trenda yard and possibly the next yard to the south. Challenges with this option include getting all of the residents on board and obtaining new drainage easements through the properties to install the public drainage system. The pool has gas and electric service which would also be a consideration during installation of the pipe. A variation on this option would be to route the pipe along the back drainage easement, although there is limited room between the pool and the base of the berm to work within and it would require additional length of pipe to get outlet in the two low points. . City staff reviewed Options2 in the field and raised concerns with the proximity of the outlet pipe to the existing swimming pool. 3. Install a swale along the same alignment as suggested above for the pipe outlet. This would require a culvert or footbridge at the patio connection between the house and pool. Similar concerns with proximity to the pool. C – Implementation Actions to Date None to date. Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 93 of 123 B-18 D - Recommended Actions 1. We recommend implementing improvements consistent with Option 1 above. The City should meet with the business owners on the east side of the berm that would be impacted by construction and that may need to provide an easement through a portion of their property. E – Preliminary Cost Estimate 1. Pre-Design Survey $2,000 2. HDD Pipe layout design $8,000 3. Construction Administration $5,000 4. Construction Cost $15,000 - 30,000 5. Total Estimated Improvement Costs $30,000 - $45,000 Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 94 of 123 EXHIBIT C Desoto Area Drainage Memo (SEH 110412, Dec. 2009) Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 95 of 123 Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc., 3535 Vadnais Center Drive, St. Paul, MN 55110-5196 SEH is an equal opportunity employer | www.sehinc.com | 651.490.2000 | 800.325.2055 | 651.490.2150 fax TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM TO: Michael Thompson, PE City Engineer / Deputy Public Works Director City of Maplewood FROM: Ron Leaf, PE, Sr. Water Resources Engineer Justin Klabo, EI, Water Resources Engineer DATE: December 28, 2009 RE: Desoto Area Drainage System Evaluation SEH No. MAPLE 110412 The City of Maplewood requested that SEH review the engineering design and general drainage system conditions within the Desoto-Skillman Street Reconstruction Area for conformance to industry design standards. The key hydrologic feature that is the subject of this review is a landlocked basin referred to as the Edgerton South Pond. This memorandum summarizes our analysis and findings relating to our review of maps and hydrologic modeling provided by Kimley-Horn and Associates (KHA), the Owners and Encumbrances Report prepared by Basiago Law Office and drainage system design information provided by the City. The primary scope of work for our review was to understand the general drainage system features and routing, understand the basis for the selected design, review design computations and plan sheets and assess the design process relative to industry standards. Our scope of work also includes an evaluation of possible alternatives to the current design to reduce the volume of runoff routed to the Edgerton South Pond and/or to reduce the depth and/or duration of high water levels in the pond. This memorandum provides a brief background of the project, and overview of pre and post project hydrologic conditions, a summary of potential modifications to the drainage system and a discussion of easement conditions. Background In 2007 the City of Maplewood completed a street reconstruction project for the Desoto-Skillman area. As part of this project, KHA completed the design work for modifications to the drainage and storm water management system to support the street improvement project. Following the construction project, KHA completed additional study of the system to determine the relative effects of drainage system changes on Edgerton South Pond. The drainage system within the Desoto Area street reconstruction area includes several natural water collection areas. Some of these natural collection areas are wetlands as defined in the City’s Wetland Protection Ordinance and are also identified in Figure 11 of the City’s Surface Water Management Plan. As part of the street reconstruction project, newly constructed storm sewer was routed to an existing utility class wetland named Edgerton South Pond located immediately west of Bradley Street. Much of this area previously routed to Edgerton South Pond prior to the installation of the new storm sewer. Utility class wetlands, by definition, are those that have had the highest impact and therefore are the lowest quality wetlands. These wetlands have generally served as part of the storm water Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 96 of 123 Desoto Area Evaluation December 28, 2009 Page 2 management system providing both water quality treatment functions and large storm runoff storage capacity. None of these basins are mapped as flood hazard zone on the most recent updates to the Ramsey County Flood Insurance Rate Maps. During the design stages for the street reconstruction project, the City assumed that Edgerton South Pond was covered by a drainage easement. At the time of the design work, The Ramsey County on-line GIS mapping identified this area as City-owned, and the County GIS database still shows this parcel to be City owned as of December 2009. After the design process, Richard and Gloria LeFebvre suggested to the City that they (LeFebvres) were the real property owners. The LeFebvres informed the City that the property had an easement from the 1986’s, which dedicated a “no-building” area. The City subsequently retained the Basiago Law Office to prepare an Owners and Encumbrances (O&E) Report for the Property. The O&E Report indicates that the City of Maplewood is the taxpayer of record for the parcel on which the pond (Edgerton South Pond) is located, including Lots 1-4. The Report also references the Quit Claim Deed recorded on July 28, 1986. The Quit Claim Deed states that LeFebvres grant to the City “the right to build a dwelling or structure on any of the below captioned lots:” Lots 1-4 are listed. The deed further states that “It is understood and agreed the City will not build on the above-mentioned.” The City informed us in a December 22, 2009, email that the underlying property (of Lots 1-4) is owned by LeFebvres and that the City has secured an assurance that LeFebvres can not build on the lot. Pre-Construction Conditions SEH staff conducted a site visit on November 30, 2009, to better understand the drainage patterns throughout the project area and observe the overall characteristics of the drainage system. The KHA design process separated the project area drainage system into four separate drainage areas; Desoto, Sanitary Sewer Lift Station, Bradley West and Bradley East (see Exhibit A). Three of these four drainage areas ultimately drain to Edgerton South Pond: Desoto; Sanitary Sewer Lift Station; and Bradley West. Edgerton Pond South does not have a piped outlet. The natural overflow is to the east with the overflow point being the center of Bradley Street at elevation 862.62. See attached Exhibit A which illustrates these drainage area boundaries and routing between the drainage areas/basins. The fourth drainage area, Bradley East, discharges into Bradley East, a land-locked basin located on the east side of Bradley Street. Infiltration is the primary outlet for this basin. This basin area is wooded and heavily vegetated with no readily identified signs indicating significant ponding occurs or remains for extended periods of time after rainfall events. Based on the design information form KHA, Edgerton South Pond maintains a permanent pool of water with a normal water level (NWL) of approximately 855.10 feet. As discussed further below, this elevation likely corresponds to the elevation of a constructed pond liner or lower permeability soil layer. The Ramsey County Soil Survey Manual shows soil conditions to be a silt loam, having a hydrologic soil group of B/D. This dual hydrologic soil group designation (B/D) is typically given for wet soils that could be adequately drained. The first letter applies to the drained condition and the second to the undrained condition. Soils are assigned to dual groups if the depth to a permanent water table is the sole criteria for assigning a soil to hydrologic group D. Based on this designation, the soils in the area would have a high infiltration capacity (Group B) but the depth to the water table is shallow, which limits the infiltration capacity at some elevation. Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 97 of 123 Desoto Area Evaluation December 28, 2009 Page 3 During discussions with City staff, it was noted that Edgerton South Pond may have been modified by the property owner by the installation of an impermeable liner. The existence of a constructed liner should be confirmed with the LeFebvres. A liner would allow the basin to maintain a permanent pool of water even though the underlying soils have a relatively high infiltration capacity. Prior to the basin being lined, it likely functioned as a natural infiltration basin without a permanent pool, somewhat like the area immediately to the east of Bradley Street. As stated previously, Bradley South Pond does not have a piped outlet and the primary outlet for the basin is by means of infiltration above the NWL. The overflow point is on Bradley Street at elevation 862.62, below the First Floor elevation of the LeFebvre home of 864.50 as noted on Exhibit C. Based on our site visit we observed one difference in the contributing drainage area to Edgerton South Pond relative to what was identified in the KHA design information. Sunrise Court, the cul-de-sac extending to the north off of Ripley Avenue was found to have a catch basin that discharges to the north and into a Class C wetland basin. As a result, this area was excluded from the SEH modeling runs under pre-construction and post-construction conditions. Based on the recollection of City staff, the Edgerton South Pond had been pumped down roughly 1 or 2 times in the late summer of 2009 and was not likely pumped down in 2008. A detailed search or review of the work orders for pumping activities was not completed. However, the daily rainfall data (for station 217377 located nearby in St. Paul) we have reviewed indicate that the pumping events described by City staff correspond well to four rainfall events between August 8 and August 25, 2009. All four of these storm events exceeded a total depth of 1.1 inches with the largest event totaling 2.46 inches. In 2008, the largest recorded storm was 1.52 inches in August 2008. There were no other significant events in 2008 within a few weeks of the 1.52 inch event. Post-Construction Conditions The street reconstruction project replaced the rural roadway section with an urban section having curb and gutter, storm sewer and catch basins to collect and convey storm water runoff. Runoff originally routed along the edge of the road is now captured and conveyed by storm sewer directly into Edgerton South Pond. The addition of curb and gutter and storm sewer to the street section created a more efficient flow condition for runoff from the road getting into the pond. While this change increases the speed at which runoff gets to the pond, the volume of water entering the pond is essentially unchanged as the project did not create any new impervious surface. Based on our site observations, the area southeast of Kingston Avenue and Bradley Street was found to flow onto the street and into the storm sewer system (See Exhibit B). For our evaluation, this area was included within the Bradley West drainage area and was removed from the Bradley East drainage area as originally shown by KHA as shown in Exhibit B. As part of the street reconstruction project, the curb and gutter and profile along Ripley Avenue resulted in the far east end of Ripley and a portion of Edgerton Street to be included within the Bradley West drainage area. As shown in Table 1, the Bradley West drainage area increased by about 2 acres and the Bradley East area decreased by about 2 acres from the pre-construction conditions to post-construction conditions. While our review identified some differences in the drainage system boundaries, the contributing areas under pre and post-project conditions are essentially the same as what KHA assumed in their analysis. There are also some small differences in assumed hydrologic characteristics, but these differences do not result in any significant differences in the results. Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 98 of 123 Desoto Area Evaluation December 28, 2009 Page 4 Table 1. Drainage Areas Drainage Area Pre-Construction Conditions (ac) Post-Construction Conditions (ac) Bradley West 17.2 19.4 Bradley East 5.1 3.2 Total 22.3 22.5 Hydrologic Analysis The HydroCAD model developed by KHA was reviewed for consistency with generally accepted engineering practices for drainage networks similar to this system. Overall the modeling approach and contents of the KHA models appear to be consistent with accepted practices. SEH used these models as the basis of our review, making some minor changes to several of the input parameters to further assess the response to a range of rainfall depths. In the KHA models, exfiltration (infiltration) was assumed above the elevation of the pond liner. The following changes were made to the KHA model: Pre-Construction Conditions Time Span start/end times were modified from 5 - 48 hrs to 0 -120 hrs Edgerton South Pond (P-19) exfiltration rate was modified from 0.8 to 0.6 in/hr Bradley East Basin (1P) outlet “culvert” was removed from the model Drainage Area Bradley East total area was changed from 5.03 to 5.09 ac Post-Construction Conditions Time Span start/end time were modified from 5 – 48 hrs to 0 - 120 hrs Edgerton South Pond (P-19) exfiltration rate was modified from 0.8 to 0.6 in/hr Drainage Area Bradley West total area changed from 8.58 to 8.51 ac Drainage Area Bradley East total area changed from 3.78 to 3.17 ac Drainage Area Additional Area, time of concentration was reduced from 21.2 to 12.9 minutes Three separate models were executed for the project, each with slightly different hydrologic characteristics. The first model, listed in Table 2 as KHA, is the original KHA model used during the design of the project. The second model (SEH) incorporates the changes as noted above into the original KHA model. The third model (SEH Modified) separates out the pervious and impervious areas of roads within the curb and gutter within the Bradley West drainage area to form two separate contributing drainage areas. This SEH Modified model was created to further evaluate the significance of changing the drainage system from a rural section to urban, with curb/gutter and storm sewer. Based on the SEH model the 100-year HWL for the Edgerton South Pond increased from pre to post construction by an estimated 0.63 feet. Table 2 below compares the pre and post conditions for the various model runs. One of the key elevations in this analysis is the elevation of the sump pump discharge pipe located on the west side of the Edgerton South Pond. The LeFebvre sump pump outlet into the Edgerton South Pond is set an elevation of 855.85 feet (see Exhibit C). City staff indicated that they had pumped the Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 99 of 123 Desoto Area Evaluation December 28, 2009 Page 5 pond down at the request of LeFebvres, and generally when the pond water level reached the level of the sump pump discharge pipe. Based on the SEH Model, the minimum rainfall total to exceed the sump pump elevation is about a 2.5 inch rainfall, which equates to approximately a 1-year rainfall event. This 2.5-inch event corresponds well to the input from City staff on when the pond had been pumped in 2009. As part of our modeling analysis, we executed the model at a range of rainfall depths to identify the depth of storm event that would cause an overflow in each of the contributing drainage areas. Our modeling indicates that the Desoto Basin (Area 5P) would overflow into the Area 2P (labeled as the Sanitary Sewer Lift Station basin) under back-to-back 100 year storms; Area 2P would overflow into Bradley West (4P) under about a 5.6 inch event; Bradley East (3P) does not overflow for storms up to and including the back-to-back 100-year event; and Bradley West (4P), or the basin with Edgerton South Pond, would overtop the road and overflow into Bradley East (3P) during a back-to-back 100-year event. Table 2. Edgerton South Pond Storm Response Characteristics High Water Level (HWL) Storm Event Condition KHA SEH SEH Modified 1 inch Pre-Project 855.15 855.15 855.22 Post-Project 855.15 855.15 855.4 Difference 0 0 0.18 2-Yr Pre-Project 855.89 855.93 856.01 (2.75 inch) Post-Project 856.12 856.18 856.79 Difference 0.23 0.25 0.78 10-Yr Pre-Project 857.43 857.52 857.59 (4.15 inch) Post-Project 858.08 858.15 858.69 Difference 0.65 0.63 1.10 100-Yr Pre-Project 859.33 859.49 859.51 (5.9 inch) Post-Project 859.97 860.12 860.44 Difference 0.64 0.63 0.93 Edgerton South Pond NWL - 855.10 LeFebvre Home FFE (First Floor Elevation) - 864.50 LeFebvre Home Basement Floor Elevation - 856.17 (based on 8-foot, 4-inches below FFE) Sump Pump Discharge Elevation (into Edgerton South Pond) – 855.85 As part of the street reconstruction project, a bioretention basin (or rain water garden) was created to collect and treat storm water runoff. The basin serves as an off-line feature collecting a small volume of storm water during rainfall events, typically sized to treat the volume of runoff from a one-inch storm for the contributing area. Since this specific feature appears to collect runoff form a relatively small area, a relatively small volume of runoff is likely captured. Therefore, because the model created is being analyzed for larger rainfall events with a significant volume of runoff, the effects of this feature were not quantified in the model. KHA also did not include this rain water garden in their model. The modeling confirms what KHA identified as part of their design work. The additional area creates higher water elevations in Edgerton South Pond in the post construction conditions than were present Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 100 of 123 Desoto Area Evaluation December 28, 2009 Page 6 prior to the street reconstruction project. The modeling further shows that the effects of these hydrologic changes to Edgerton South Pond are most evident for storms between about 2.5 inches and 4.2 inches, those which would extend the depth and duration of water levels exceeding the elevation of the sump pump outlet from the LeFebvre home. As shown in Table 2 for the SEH Modified model, the change in peak elevation for storms above about the 2-year storm event, is on the order of a one foot increase relative to pre-project conditions. Even with this modeled increase, the 100-year peak elevation remains several feet below the first floor elevation of the home (864.50). The emergency overflow elevation from this basin is the road low point at 862.82. Therefore, there appears to be no significant change in the risk of surface flooding to the home, provided that the current practice of pumping excess water from the pond continues (when the water surface elevation approaches the elevation of the sump pump outlet). The effect of the increased depth, duration and volume of runoff on the surrounding soil conditions is not fully known. However, from discussions with City staff, we understand that there have not been any basement flooding conditions at the adjacent home. If this is in fact the case, it is likely that continued pumping on an as-needed basis could continue to be an effective management approach for this basin. For landlocked basins such as Edgerton South Pond, it is typical to assess the high water level conditions by modeling a 100-yr, 10-day snowmelt event. The basic model under this scope of work does not have sufficient detail to fully evaluate these conditions, however, this system was modeled to get obtain a general understanding of volume of water entering the ponding area. The area was modeled assuming that the contributing drainage areas had a curve number of 100 (to represent frozen soil conditions and), and using a total runoff depth of 7.2 inches. These generalized results for both pre and post project conditions show that the high water level would likely exceed an elevation of 862.82 and enter the road to the east. System Modification Alternatives Several alternatives for reducing the volume of storm water routed to the Edgerton South Pond or for reducing the depth and/or duration of the high water levels in the pond during certain rainfall events are presented in Table 3. The approximate location of each alternative is identified on Exhibit C. Table 3. Pond Response Modification Alternatives Alternative Description / Easement Needs / Construction Cost 1. Remove the Pond Liner The pond would be excavated, removing the liner from the bottom of the pond. Depending on the depth to the water table, the pond would then function as a true infiltration basin without a permanent pool. We believe the water table is low enough to see some improvement by this action as the basin to the east appears to remain dry and Edgerton South Pond does infiltrate the excess runoff volume for smaller storms. This option would effectively increase the available storage capacity and increase the infiltration (discharge) capacity. Monitoring of the new infiltration rate/capacity following future storm events could be conducted to quantify the effects of this alternative. Acres Diverted from Edgerton South Pond: NA Easement Needed: City to secure a drainage easement on Edgerton South Pond. (1) Construction Cost(2): $13,000 Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 101 of 123 Desoto Area Evaluation December 28, 2009 Page 7 Table 3. Pond Response Modification Alternatives (Continued) Alternative Description / Easement Needs / Construction Cost 2. Install a Curb Cut on the south side of Ripley Avenue A curb cut would be installed on Ripley Avenue, south of the cul-de-sac. The curb cut would divert storm water to the infiltration basin located within the Bradley East drainage area. There is some potential for increased erosion along this concentrated flow path and the storm water would be routed within close proximity of existing homes. This approach would intend to route a portion of the surface area to the Bradley East basin as was routed there prior to the street reconstruction project. Based on Ramsey County on-line property information, the western portions of this low area is currently owned by LeFebvre. Acres Diverted from Edgerton South Pond: 0.95 acres Easement Needed: Appears to be ROW to the south in this area. City to secure a drainage easement Edgerton South Pond and to the east/south basin area. (1) Construction Cost(2): $10,000 3-A. Install a Curb Cut on the east side of Bradley Street – North of Catch Basin A curb cut would be installed upstream of the catch basin along the east curb of Bradley Street to reroute the storm water coming from the north and east portions of Bradley and Ripley and route it to the east and into the Bradley East basin. This basin previously had more surface area routed to it, so the concept would be to return it closer to pre-project conditions. Additional grading work would need to be completed on private property to allow the flow to enter the existing low area. Based on Ramsey County on-line property information, this property is currently owned by LeFebvre. Acres Diverted from Edgerton South Pond: 1.02 acres Easement Needed: City to secure a drainage easement to the east. (1) Construction Cost(2): $7,500 3-B. Install a Curb Cut on the east side of Bradley Street - South of Catch Basin A curb cut would be installed upstream of the catch basin along the east curb of Bradley Street to reroute the storm water coming from the south portion of Bradley and route it to the east and into the Bradley East basin. This basin previously had more surface area routed to it, so the concept would be to return it closer to pre-project conditions. Additional grading work would need to be completed on private property to allow the flow to enter the existing low area. Based on Ramsey County on-line property information, this property is currently owned by LeFebvre. Acres Diverted from Edgerton South Pond: 0.65 acres Easement Needed: City to secure a drainage easement to the east. (1) Construction Cost(2): $7,500 4. Install new Catch Basins on Ripley Avenue The catch basins would be located on Ripley Avenue just west of the cul-de-sac. A storm line would be installed from the proposed CB’s to the existing CB located within the cul- de-sac. This area would then be routed to the existing basin to the north. The intent of this option is to reduce the area contributing to Edgerton South Pond to a level at or lower than pre-project conditions. The cul-de-sac was not included in the street recon project, so the City may choose to complete a mil-overlay on the cul-de-sac as part of this work. Acres Diverted from Edgerton South Pond: 1.63 acres Easement Needed: Within existing ROW. Confirm easements on pond to the north. (1) Construction Cost(2): $30,000 * Not including cul-de-sac mil and overlay costs Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 102 of 123 Desoto Area Evaluation December 28, 2009 Page 8 Table 3. Pond Response Modification Alternatives (Continued) Alternative Description / Easement Needs / Construction Cost 5. Install Pump Station A pump station would be installed at the Edgerton South Pond. The pump would discharge storm water to the north into an adjacent pond. This approach is similar to what City staff is currently doing as the Edgerton South Pond water level rises to the elevation of the sump pump outlet pipe, but a permanent lift station would be installed. The station could be manually operated or automated with a water level monitoring system. A revised approach could be to install just the sump and outlet pipe system that would allow use of a portable pump on an as-needed basis. City may need to secure a drainage easement on a portion of Lot 1, as well as the parcels to the north crossing the LeFebvre driveway and extending to the adjacent pond to the north. The lift station or sump MH could be located on Lot 1 or in the ROW of Bradley Street. Acres Diverted from Edgerton South Pond: NA Easement Needed: City to secure easement on pond and parcels along pipe system. (1) Construction Cost(2): $50,000 ($20,000 for sump manhole and outlet pipe only) 6. Install Catch Basins near 575 Ripley Avenue The catch basins would be located on Ripley Avenue between properties 563 and 575. The catch basins would tie into a new storm sewer pipe extending to the north, generally in the location where there previously existed a 12-inch storm sewer to Edgerton Pond. The intent of this option is to reduce the area contributing to Edgerton South Pond. Additional areas of diversion would be needed to reduce the overall contributing area to a level at or lower than pre-project conditions. Acres Diverted from Edgerton South Pond: 0.54 acres Easement Needed: Within existing ROW. Confirm easement between properties. Construction Cost(2): $30,000 7. Do Nothing This alternative would involve making no physical changes in the drainage system. The current approach to pumping down the pond following a call or notification by the adjacent property owners of concerns for the water level, could be continued. Acres Diverted from Edgerton South Pond: NA Easement Needed: City to secure drainage easement on Edgerton South Pond. (1) Construction Cost(2):$0 8. More Active Inspection / Pumping Approach This alternative is a slight variation on the do nothing alternative, as there would be no physical changes made in the drainage system. One minor change would be installation of a staff gauge in the pond area to better monitor water levels following rainfall events. The approach would be for City staff to visit the pond after a pre-determined rainfall amount (e.g., 1.5 inches or greater) and record the water level for several days following the rainfall event. Pumping would be conducted if the water level reached a pre- determined depth. This would give the City a better understanding of the infiltration capacity of the basin and what rainfall depths bring the pond to an elevation close to the sump pump discharge pipe. Acres Diverted from Edgerton South Pond: NA Easement Needed: City to secure drainage easement on Edgerton South Pond. (1) Construction Cost(2):$500 Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 103 of 123 Desoto Area Evaluation December 28, 2009 Page 9 Table 3. Pond Response Modification Alternatives (Continued) Alternative Description / Easement Needs / Construction Cost 9. Combo of options 3-A and 3-B Combination of Options 3-A and 3-B to divert all of the water on the east side of Bradley Street to the east. This option approaches the pre-street reconstruction conditions relative to the surface drainage area that routes to the east basin and to Edgerton South Pond. Acres Diverted from Edgerton South Pond: 1.67 acres Easement Needed: Same as 3-A, 3-B Construction Cost(2):$10,000 10. Combination of options 4 and 3B This combination results in over 2 acres of surface area diverted away from Edgerton South Pond, with most of the diverted area routed directly to the north into the larger pond system. Acres Diverted from Edgerton South Pond: 2.28 acres Easement Needed: See 4 and 3-B Construction Cost(2):$35,000 *Not including cul-de-sac mil and overlay costs Notes: 1. Extent of drainage easement will vary depending on the specific changes made to the drainage system. 2. Construction costs assume a contractor would be hired to complete the work. S:\KO\M\Maple\110412\Word\Desoto Drainage System Memo 12-28-2009.doc Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 104 of 123 Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 105 of 123 Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 106 of 123 Agenda Item G12 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 107 of 123 MEMORANDUM TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: DuWayne Konewko, Parks and Recreation Director Ginny Gaynor, Natural Resources Coordinator SUBJECT: Consider Approval of Arbor Day Proclamation DATE: March 20, 2013 for March 25, 2013 Council Meeting INTRODUCTION Arbor Day is observed throughout the United States and the world as a day to celebrate trees. Maplewood has scheduled an Arbor Day celebration for Saturday, May 4, 2013. Staff requests that council consider proclaiming May 4, 2013 as Arbor Day in Maplewood. DISCUSSION National Arbor Day is the last Friday of April, but the date varies by state to coincide with planting times. In Minnesota, Governor Dayton has proclaimed Arbor Day as Friday, April 26 this year, and the month of May as Arbor Month. Minnesota communities observing Arbor Day typically schedule celebrations in late April or early May. Maplewood has scheduled an Arbor Day celebration on Saturday, May 4, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon. On that day, the community is invited to the Maplewood Nature Center to try the Tree Quest – a tree adventure hike. It can be done with or without GPS units (units provided). After the hike, naturalists will be on hand to answer questions about trees, including questions on tree identification, planting and care, Emerald Ash Borer and the city’s tree purchase rebate. Trees provide numerous benefits to individuals and to the community. They reduce erosion, provide shade, cut heating and cooling costs, moderate temperature, clean the air, produce oxygen, provide habitat for wildlife, and provide wood and paper products. Trees increase property values and enhance the beauty of our community. An Arbor Day proclamation supports the city’s sustainability initiatives and encourages residents to value, plant, and care for trees. A proclamation is also one of the requirements for being designated a Tree City USA. Maplewood was designated a Tree City in 2008, 2011, and 2012 and staff would like to continue to renew this designation annually. RECOMMENDATION Staff requests that the City Council proclaims May 4, 2013 Arbor Day in Maplewood. Attachments: 1. Arbor Day Proclamation Item G13 Packet Page Number 108 of 123 2 ARBOR DAY PROCLAMATION Whereas, in 1872, J. Sterling Morton proposed to the Nebraska Board of Agriculture that a special day be set aside for the planting of trees, and Whereas, this holiday, called Arbor Day, was first observed with the planting of more than a million trees in Nebraska, and Whereas, Arbor Day is now observed throughout the nation and the world, and Whereas, trees can reduce the erosion of topsoil by wind and water, cut heating and cooling costs, moderate temperatures, clean the air, produce oxygen and provide habitat for wildlife, and Whereas, trees are a renewable resource giving us paper, wood for homes, fuel for fires, and countless other wood products, and Whereas, trees in our city increase property values, enhance the economic vitality of business areas, and beautify our community, and Whereas, trees are a source of joy and beauty, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, May 4, 2013, is hereby designated Arbor Day in the City of Maplewood. Further, all citizens are encouraged to celebrate Arbor Day and support efforts to protect our trees and woodlands. Adopted this 25th day of March 2013. SIGNED: WITNESSED: ______________________________ _____________________________ Will Rossbach, Mayor Karen Guilfoile, City Clerk ______________________________ ______________________________ Date Date Item G13 Packet Page Number 109 of 123 THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Packet Page Number 110 of 123 Agenda Item I1 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Charles Ahl, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Approval of 2013-2014 Collective Bargaining Agreements: a) Law Enforcement Labor Services, Inc. (Local 153) – Police Officers DATE: March 20, 2013 INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND On March 11, 2013, the City Council approved the contracts for six of the seven bargaining groups of City employees. The remaining contract not approved was for the Police Officers. That contract is complete and ready for approval. Cost of Living Adjustment [COLA] and benefits for all employees are consistent. The Police Officer contract is similar in that it contains a 1% COLA on January 1, 2103, a 1% COLA on July 1, 2013 and a 2% COLA on January 1, 2014. The Police Officers was not ready for approval on March 11th, as the officers were debating issues regarding pay for paramedic service. The final wording of that paramedic pay language is being prepared. A copy of the final contract will be provided to the City Council at the March 25th meeting. As noted above, all COLA and Health Care proposals are consistent with the six bargaining group contracts previously approved. No revisions are part of this contract. The issue of paramedic pay revolves around a premium that is provided to the few officers who remain trained as paramedics. The City no longer relies upon these officers for regular calls, although relies upon their service for initial response and as back-up for our current service. The approved contract calls for continued premium pay for these officers as well as a recognition of pay for those officers assisting with paramedic services. It is that issue that language is being finalized. Final meetings are being arranged and approval at the regular Council meeting is recommended. Recommended Action It is recommended that the City Council adopt a motion to approve the 2013 and 2014 contracts with Law Enforcement Labor Services, Inc. (Local 153) – Police Officers, and authorize the Mayor and City Manager to execute said contracts on behalf of the City. Attachments: 1. Law Enforcement Labor Services, Inc. (Local 153) – Police Officers[to be supplied at meeting] Packet Page Number 111 of 123 THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Packet Page Number 112 of 123 Item J1 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Karen Guilfoile, Citizen Services Director DATE: March 20, 2013 SUBJECT: Approval of an On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License for McCarron’s Pub and Grill Introduction Paul Mateyka, Patricia Mateyka and Steven Mateyka owners of McCarron’s Pub and Grill (formerly Dean’s Tavern) located at 1986 Rice Street have submitted an application for an on-sale intoxicating liquor license. Background A background check has been conducted on all three owners and nothing has been identified in the background check that would prohibit them from holding this license. Acting Chief Kvam has met with Paul Mateyka to discuss measures to eliminate the sale of alcoholic beverages to underage persons, general security and retail crime issues, and the Maplewood Liquor Ordinances. Consideration It is recommended that the City Council approve an on-sale intoxicating liquor license for McCarron’s Pub and Grill at 1986 Rice Street. Packet Page Number 113 of 123 Item J2 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Karen Guilfoile, City Clerk DATE: March 19, 2013 RE: Approval of Temporary Moratorium on New Off-Sale Intoxicating Liquor Licenses Introduction In 2006 the city council approved major changes to Chapter 6 of the City Code that relates to Alcoholic Beverages. One of the changes was that intoxicating liquor off-sale premises must be 1,000 feet from an existing off-sale premise. See following actual language: Sec. 6-169. - Ineligibility of certain premises. No off-sale license shall be issued under this division for premises located 1,000 feet from an existing off-sale premise. Licensed premises that fall within 1,000 feet of each other before November 1, 2006, shall be exempt from the 1,000-foot requirement until that time that the licensed establishment is sold for a purpose other than an off-sale liquor store. (Ord. No. 875, 10-23-2006) This issue was discussed at the January 14, 2013 Council Manager Workshop for clarification on the interpretation of measuring the 1,000 feet from premise to premise or from property line to property line. The general consensus at that meeting was that the distance should be measured from premise to premise. During the January 14, 2013 Council Manager Workshop, I indicated to the city council that other changes to the Intoxicating Liquor License would be brought forth at a later date for council consideration along with a clearer interpretation of the 1,000 feet requirement. It is anticipated that recommended changes to Chapter 6 will be presented to the council for consideration within the next six months. In the meantime, staff is requesting that a moratorium be placed on new establishments requesting an off-sale intoxicating liquor license. Consideration Staff requests that the city council approve a temporary moratorium of six month on new establishments requesting an off-sale intoxicating liquor license. Packet Page Number 114 of 123 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Michael Thompson, City Engineer / Public Works Director Steve Lukin, Fire Chief SUBJECT: East Metro Public Safety Training Center, City Project 09-09 aa.. Approve Plans and Authorize Ad for Bid (Bid Package 3) bb.. Approve Plans and Authorize Ad for Bid (Bid Package 5) cc.. Authorize Ad for Bid for Burn Equipment Supplier dd.. Accept Private Donation of Translucent Panels ee.. Receive Quotes and Award Contract for Signal Mast Arms and Poles DATE: March 19, 2013 INTRODUCTION The council approved final plans and specifications and authorized advertising for bids for Bid Package 4 (Simulation and Training Building) on February 25, 2013. Plans for Bid Package 3 (Site Improvements) are substantially complete and plans for Bid Package 5 (Burn House/Building and Training Tower Alternate) are complete. The remaining work related to Bid Package 5 is integration of the burn equipment which requires selection of an equipment supplier as each supplier has unique requirements that impact the final layout and mechanical/electric system design. Therefore, on March 25, 2013, council will consider authorizing advertising for bids for the burn equipment that will be incorporated into Bid Package 5 (Burn House/Building) and Bid Packages 3 and 5. The bid opening for the Burn Equipment Supplier is proposed for 10:00 a.m. April 16, 2013. The award of bid would be considered by the council at the April 29, 2013, regular meeting. The advertising and bid opening dates for Bid Package 3 and 5 will be selected following completion of the plan. Staff sent out a request for quotes for traffic signal related items at the intersection of Hwy 5 and Century Avenue and new entrance to the Facility, and received quotes on March 13, 2013, from two signal mast arm and pole suppliers and two signal material and electrical equipment suppliers for the new intersection signal work that will be completed as part of Bid Package 3. The long lead time requires advance purchase of these items to have them delivered by the desired installation date with the Bid Package 3 site work. Council will consider receiving these quotes and awarding a contract to the lowest bidders as identified in the attached resolutions. Council will also consider accepting a donation of translucent panels from W.L. Hall Company estimated in the amount of $15,000 as detailed in the resolution. BACKGROUND The project has been in the planning stages for several years and in 2012 was presented to and discussed with the City Council, Environmental and Natural Resources Commission, Community Design Review Board and Planning Commission. The project is located at 1880 Century Avenue North at the intersection of Trunk Highway 120 and 34th Street North (TH 5) as shown in Exhibit A. Agenda Item J3 Packet Page Number 115 of 123 PROJECT SCHEDULE The overall project is currently on schedule. At this March 25, 2013, council meeting all of the necessary approvals are being requested to facilitate advertising for bids for the remaining Bid Package 3 and 5 work, and accepting the private donation of translucent panels for installation with Bid Package 4. Awarding contracts for Bid Packages 3, 4 and 5 are anticipated in late April to May 2013. Construction is anticipated to be completed in the fall of 2013 with installation of the burn equipment in the burn house planned for late fall. DISCUSSION The feasibility study anticipated three bid packages to complete the facility construction as outlined in the June 25, 2012, Council Agenda Report: 1. Bid Package 1 - Public Utility Improvements (2012) 2. Bid Package 2 - Soils and Environmental Clean-up Actions and MnDOT Site Improvements/Mass Grading (2012) 3. Bid Package 3 - Training Center Improvements, Intersection Improvements, Marshlands Site Improvements (2013) As design work progressed it became apparent that savings in costs and schedule could be realized by dividing the planned Bid Package 3 work into three separate bid packages listed below and illustrated in Exhibit B:  Bid Package 3 Site Civil, Utilities, Traffic Signal, Marshlands  Bid Package 4 Simulation and Training Building  Bid Package 5 Burn House (and bid alternate Training Tower) Each of these three bid pages will be completed in 2013, with Bid Package 4 the first to be let, followed by Bid Packages 3 and 5. Delivering the project through these separate bid packages is also intended to focus each contract on a more specific type of construction and thus yield more competitive bids for each package. Preliminary discussions with several Class A propane gas burn equipment suppliers has occurred in February and early March to finalize a selection of the type of burn equipment desired by the Steering Committee. Because each equipment supplier has unique requirements for the building layout and mechanical/electrical system design, the project will benefit from pre-selecting the burn equipment supplier so that their design team can provide input into the final building details. The project will also benefit by allowing the supplier to begin manufacturing the equipment while the final design work is progressing, saving an estimated 4-6 weeks on the lead time for delivery of the equipment. BUDGET The improvements are proposed to be financed through a combination of grant funds, City of Maplewood funds, funds paid by St. Paul Regional Water Services and MnDOT, and special assessments to the benefiting property. For the special assessment, the city desires to have the opportunity to assess the property and the JPA would pay this off over time. The City has a total estimated budget of $4,335,000 for the Phase 1 work including a $3,000,000 grant from the State of Minnesota to design and construct a significant portion of the proposed improvements Agenda Item J3 Packet Page Number 116 of 123 and $450,000 grant from the Ramsey County Environmental Response. The following is a summary of the proposed financing plan: FUNDING ITEM FUNDING SOURCE AMOUNT 1 STATE BONDING BILL GRANT $3,000,000 2 RAMSEY CO ERF GRANT $450,000 3 CITY EUF FUND $250,000 4 CITY CIP FUND $250,000 5 EAST METRO JPA – SPECIAL ASSESSMENT $175,000 6 MNDOT/MSA STREET ACCOUNT $55,000 7 ST PAUL REGIONAL WATER SERVICES (WATER MAIN LOOP) $55,000 8 SANITARY SEWER FUND $50,000 9 ST PAUL WAC FUND $50,000 TOTAL PHASE 1 $4,335,000 The preliminary cost estimate for the Class A burn equipment is dependent on the specific model and number of burn props to be installed in this Phase 1 work. Budget estimates for furnishing and installing the first prop ranges from $125,000 to more than $200,000 and for each additional prop ranges from $105,000 to $200,000. The Steering Committee will request bids on five specific props and intends to select the extent of these to be installed with Bid Package 5, depending on the anticipated available budget. The selected supplier will work with SEH to finalize the plans for the Burn House/Building to accommodate all five burn props. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the city council make the following approvals for the East Metro Public Safety Training Center, City Project 09-09: aa.. Approve Plans and Authorize Ad for Bid (Bid Package 3) bb.. Approve Plans and Authorize Ad for Bid (Bid Package 5) cc.. Authorize Ad for Bid for Burn Equipment Supplier (Bid Package 5) dd.. Accept Private Donation of Translucent Panels ee.. Receive Quotes and Award Contract for Signal Mast Arms and Poles (part of Bid Package 3) Attachments: 1. Resolution Approving Plans and Advertising for Bid 2. Resolution Accepting Private Donation 3. Resolution Awarding Contract for Traffic Signal Mast Arms and Poles 4. Resolution Awarding Contract for Traffic Signal Materials and Electrical Equipment 5. Exhibit A - Project Location Map 6. Exhibit B - Site Layout and Bid Packages Agenda Item J3 Packet Page Number 117 of 123 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS (BID PACKAGE 3 – SITE IMPROVEMENTS, BID PACKAGE 5 – BURN EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER AND BID PACKAGE 5 - BURN HOUSE AND TRAINING TOWER) WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution passed by the city council on May 14, 2012 plans and June 25, 2012, plans and specifications for the East Metro Public Safety Training Center Improvements, City Project 09-09, have been prepared by (or under the direction of) the city engineer, who has presented such plans and specifications to the council for approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA: 1. Such preliminary plans for Bid Packages 3 (Site Improvements) and 5 (Burn House and Training Tower/Alternate), a copy of which are available upon request, are hereby approved and ordered placed on file in the office of the city engineer. 2. The city clerk or office of the city engineer shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official paper and in the Construction Bulletin an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvement under such preliminary. The advertisement shall be published at least twice, and in conformance with State Statutes prior to the date set for bid opening, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be publicly opened and considered by the council at 10:00 a.m. on a date to be determined, at city hall and that no bids shall be considered unless sealed and filed with the clerk and accompanied by a certified check or bid bond, payable to the City of Maplewood, Minnesota for five percent of the amount of such bid. 3. The city clerk and city engineer are hereby authorized and instructed to receive, open, and read aloud bids received at the time and place herein noted, and to tabulate the bids received. The council will consider the bids, and the award of a contract, at a regular city council meeting for each project bid set. Adopted by the council on this 25th day of March, 2013. Agenda Item J3 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 118 of 123 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PRIVATE DONATION FOR COMPLETION OF THE EAST METRO PUBLIC SAFETY TRAINING CENTER WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution passed by the city council on May 14, 2012 plans and June 25, 2012, plans and specifications for the East Metro Public Safety Training Center Improvements, City Project 09-09, have been prepared by (or under the direction of) the city engineer, who has presented such plans and specifications to the council for approval. WHEREAS, the City of Maplewood is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions of MN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY DESCRIPTION Translucent Panels for Installation with Bid Package 4 W.L. Hall Company 503 15th Avenue South Hopkins, Minnesota 55343 Estimated donation amount = $15,000.00 WHEREAS, said contribution is intended to aid the City in establishing the East Metro Public Safety Training Center within the city’s jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA: 1. The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Maplewood. 2. The contributions described above will be used in completion of Bid Package 4 and as designated by the donor. Adopted by the council on this 25th day of March, 2013. Agenda Item J3 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 119 of 123 RESOLUTION RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA, that the bid of Millerbrand Manufacturing Company in the amount of $26,848.00, is the lowest responsible bid for supplying and delivering traffic signal mast arms and poles for the East Metro Public Safety Training Center: Bid Package 3 – City Project 09-09, and the mayor and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for and on behalf of the city. The finance director is hereby authorized to make the financial transfers necessary to implement the financing plan for the project as previously approved by council. Adopted by the council on this 25th day of March, 2013. Agenda Item J3 Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 120 of 123 RESOLUTION RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA, that the bid of Brown Traffic Products Inc. in the amount of $11,744.00, is the lowest responsible bid for supplying and delivering traffic signal materials and electrical equipment for the East Metro Public Safety Training Center: Bid Package 3 – City Project 09-09, and the mayor and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for and on behalf of the city. The finance director is hereby authorized to make the financial transfers necessary to implement the financing plan for the project as previously approved by council. Adopted by the council on this 25th day of March, 2013. Agenda Item J3 Attachment 4 Packet Page Number 121 of 123 Agenda Item J3 Attachment 5Packet Page Number 122 of 123 Agenda Item J3 Attachment 6Packet Page Number 123 of 123