HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 08-27 City Council Meeting PacketThe Listening Forum begins at 6:30 p.m. before the second and fourth regularly scheduled City Council meetings and replaces Visitor Presentations on the City Council Agenda. AGENDA MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL 7:00 P.M. Monday, August 27, 2012 City Hall, Council Chambers Meeting No. 15-12 A. CALL TO ORDER B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. Acknowledgement of Maplewood Residents Serving the Country. C. ROLL CALL Mayor’s Address on Protocol: “Welcome to the meeting of the Maplewood City Council. It is our desire to keep all discussions civil as we work through difficult issues tonight. If you are here for a Public Hearing or to address the City Council, please familiarize yourself with the Policies and Procedures and Rules of Civility, which are located near the entrance. Before addressing the council, sign in with the City Clerk. At the podium please state your name and address clearly for the record. All comments/questions shall be posed to the Mayor and Council. The Mayor will then direct staff, as appropriate, to answer questions or respond to comments.” D. APPROVAL OF AGENDA E. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of August 13, 2012 City Council Workshop Minutes 2. Approval of August 13, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes F. APPOINTMENTS AND PRESENTATIONS 1. Retirement Plaque for Retirees Mark Acosta, Patrick Heffernan, Rick Herlund and Rich Mellen – No Report 2. Resolution of Appreciation for Dave Germain (38 Years of Service) 3. Presentation by Ramsey County Sheriff Matt Bostrom G. CONSENT AGENDA – Items on the Consent Agenda are considered routine and non-controversial and are approved by one motion of the council. If a councilmember requests additional information or wants to make a comment regarding an item, the vote should be held until the questions or comments are made then the single vote should be taken. If a councilmember objects to an item it should be removed and acted upon as a separate item. 1. Approval Of Claims 2. Acceptance of Certified Local Government Grant to Attend the 32nd Annual Statewide Historic Preservation Conference 3. Approve Purchase of Jacobsen R311T Park Maintenance Machines H. PUBLIC HEARINGS None I. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None J. NEW BUSINESS 1. Wetland Buffer Variance for Michael and Kathleen Bryan, 1978 Kennard Street 2. Conditional Use Permit Revision for RSI Recycling, 1255 Cope Avenue K. AWARD OF BIDS None L. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS M. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS N. ADJOURNMENT Sign language interpreters for hearing impaired persons are available for public hearings upon request. The request for this must be made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the City Clerk’s Office at 651.249.2001 to make arrangements. Assisted Listening Devices are also available. Please check with the City Clerk for availability. RULES OF CIVILITY FOR OUR COMMUNITY Following are some rules of civility the City of Maplewood expects of everyone appearing at Council Meetings – elected officials, staff and citizens. It is hoped that by following these simple rules, everyone’s opinions can be heard and understood in a reasonable manner. We appreciate the fact that when appearing at Council meetings, it is understood that everyone will follow these principles: Show respect for each other, actively listen to one another, keep emotions in check and use respectful language August 13, 2012 City Council Workshop Minutes 1 Item E1 MINUTES MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL MANAGER WORKSHOP 5:15 P.M. Monday, August 13, 2012 Council Chambers, City Hall A. CALL TO ORDER A meeting of the City Council was held in the City Hall Council Chambers and was called to order at 5:17 p.m. by Mayor Rossbach. B. ROLL CALL Will Rossbach, Mayor Present Robert Cardinal, Councilmember Absent Kathleen Juenemann, Councilmember Present Marvin Koppen, Councilmember Present James Llanas, Councilmember Absent C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the agenda as submitted. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. D. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. 2013 Department Budget Presentations a. Fire Department i. Presentation on 2013 Fire Department Operating Budget Fire Chief Lukin presented the staff report and answered questions of the council. Larry Koch from SEH, Inc. addressed the council and presented additional information regarding the plan for the 3M Fire Station. ii. Discuss Temporary Bonding Plan for 3M Fire Station Assistant City Manager Ahl presented the staff report and answered questions of the council. b. Public Works Public Works Director/City Engineer presented the staff report and answered questions of the council. 2. Review of General Fund Revenues Finance Manager Bauman presented the staff report and answered questions of the council. E. NEW BUSINESS None. F. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Rossbach adjourned the meeting at 6:42 p.m. Packet Page Number 1 of 108 August 13, 2012 1 City Council Meeting Minutes MINUTES Item E2 MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL 7:00 p.m., Monday, August 13, 2012 Council Chambers, City Hall Meeting No. 14-12 A. CALL TO ORDER A meeting of the City Council was held in the City Hall Council Chambers and was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Mayor Rossbach. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. ROLL CALL Will Rossbach, Mayor Present Robert Cardinal, Councilmember Absent Kathleen Juenemann, Councilmember Present Marvin Koppen, Councilmember Present James Llanas, Councilmember Absent D. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The following items were added to the agenda: M1 National Night Out M2 Campaign Signs Councilmember Koppen moved to approve the agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilmember Juenemann Ayes – All The motion passed. E. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of July 23, 2012 City Council Workshop Minutes Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the July 23, 2012 City Council Workshop Minutes as submitted. Seconded by Mayor Rossbach Ayes – All The motion passed. 2. Approval of July 23, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the July 23, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes as submitted. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. Packet Page Number 2 of 108 August 13, 2012 2 City Council Meeting Minutes 3. Approval of August 9, 2012 City Council Workshop Minutes Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the August 9, 2012 City Council Workshop Minutes as submitted. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. F. APPOINTMENTS AND PRESENTATIONS 1. Commissioner Appointments a. Housing Redevelopment Authority Councilmember Koppen moved to approve the Resolution to Reappoint Dennis Unger to the Housing Redevelopment Authority with a term to expire September 30, 2015. RESOLUTION 12-8-774 RESOLUTION OF APPOINTMENT BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA: Hereby appoints the following individuals, who have interviewed with the Maplewood City Council, to serve on the following commissions: Housing Redevelopment Authority - Dennis Unger, term expires September 30th, 2015 Seconded by Councilmember Juenemann Ayes – All The motion passed. G. CONSENT AGENDA Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve agenda items G1 – G9. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 1. Approval of Claims Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Approval of Claims. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: $ 737,197.23 Checks # 87527 thru # 87562 dated 7/17 thru 7/24/12 $ 273,513.03 Disbursements via debits to checking account dated 7/16/12 thru 7/20/12 $ 614,414.76 Checks # 87563 thru # 87609 Packet Page Number 3 of 108 August 13, 2012 3 City Council Meeting Minutes dated 7/24/12 thru 7/31/12 $ 395,096.05 Disbursements via debits to checking account dated 7/23/12 thru 7/27/12 $ 1,041,374.06 Checks # 87610 thru # 87662 dated 8/7/12 $ 2,940,696.41 Disbursements via debits to checking account dated 7/30/12 thru 8/3/12 $ 6,002,291.54 Total Accounts Payable PAYROLL $ 527,586.65 Payroll Checks and Direct Deposits dated 7/20/12 $ 1,806.39 Payroll Deduction check # 9987335 thru # 9987337 dated 7/20/12 $ 522,860.21 Payroll Checks and Direct Deposits dated 8/3/12 $ 1,806.39 Payroll Deduction check # 9987365 thru #9987367 dated 8/3/12 $ 1,054,059.64 Total Payroll $ 7,056,351.18 GRAND TOTAL Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 2. Approval of Resolution for a Temporary Gambling Permit for St. Jerome Catholic Church Councilmember Juenemann moved to Approve the Resolution for a Temporary Gambling Permit for St. Jerome Catholic Church. RESOLUTION 12-8-775 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota, that the temporary premises permit for lawful gambling on September 16th, 2012 is approved for the Church of Saint Jerome, 380 East Roselawn Ave, Maplewood. FURTHERMORE, that the Maplewood City Council waives any objection to the timeliness of application for said permit as governed by Minnesota Statute §349.213. FURTHERMORE, that the Maplewood City Council requests that the Gambling Control Division of the Minnesota Department of Gaming approve said permit application as being in compliance with Minnesota Statute §349.213. Packet Page Number 4 of 108 August 13, 2012 4 City Council Meeting Minutes NOW, THEREFORE, be it further resolved that this Resolution by the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota, be forwarded to the Gambling Control Division for their approval. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 3. Request for Approval to Accept Donation to Police Reserves Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Resolution Accepting the Donation in the Amount of $400 to the Police Reserves from the Ramsey County Agricultural Society. RESOLUTION 12-8-776 AUTHORIZING GIFT TO CITY WHEREAS, Maplewood is AUTHORIZED to receive and accept grants, gifts and devices of real and personal property and maintain the same for the benefit of the citizens and pursuant to the donor’s terms if so-prescribed, and; WHEREAS, the Ramsey County Agricultural Society wishes to grant the City of Maplewood the following: $400, and; WHEREAS, the Ramsey County Agricultural Society has instructed that the City will be required to use the aforementioned for: the benefit of the Maplewood Police Reserves, and; WHEREAS, the City of Maplewood has agreed to use the subject of this resolution for the purposes and under the terms prescribed, and; WHEREAS, the City agrees that it will accept the gift by a super majority of its governing body’s membership pursuant to Minnesota Statute §465.03; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, pursuant to Minnesota Statute §465.03, that the Maplewood City Council approves, receives and accepts the gift aforementioned and under such terms and conditions as may be requested or required. The Maplewood City Council passed this resolution by a super majority vote of its membership on August 13, 2012. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 4. Conditional Use Permit Review – 3M Leadership Development Institute, 2350 Minnehaha Avenue Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve to review of the Conditional Use Permit for the 3M Leadership Development Institute at 2350 Minnehaha Avenue again only if a problem arises or a major change is proposed. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. Packet Page Number 5 of 108 August 13, 2012 5 City Council Meeting Minutes 5. Conditional Use Permit Review—Beaver Lake Town Houses, Maryland Avenue and Lakewood Drive Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve to review the Conditional Use Permit for the Beaver Lake town Houses at Maryland Avenue and Lakewood Drive again in one year or sooner if the owner proposes a major change to the site or to the project palns. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 6. Approval of Request for Park Development Funds for Open Space Improvements Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve $15,000 of Park Development funds for open space improvements at Fish Creek to be used to match the Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage grant received by Great River Greening; approved $34,000 Park Development funds for improvements at Priory Neighborhood Preserve ($15,000 from CIP Plan and $19,000 from Beaver Creek project) and authorize the Finance Manager to make the appropriate budget adjustments; and authorizes the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Great River Greening for that organization to conduct the work outlined in the Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage grant. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 7. Approval of Agreement with DeSoto Associates for Property Taxes Paid for City Purchased Parcel Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Agreement between DeSoto Associates, LLC and the City Maplewood for the repayment of property taxes for a parcel acquired and used for right of way purposes on County Road D in the amount of $44,769.35 and authorize the Assistant City Manager to process the agreement. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 8. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding: Watershed District Boundary Change, July 16th Storm Clean-up and Investigation, City Project 11-19 Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the memorandum of understanding and authorize the Mayor and City Manager to sign the Memorandum of Understanding with Capitol Region Watershed District and Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed District. Minor modifications as approved by the city attorney are authorized as needed. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. Packet Page Number 6 of 108 August 13, 2012 6 City Council Meeting Minutes 9. Approval of Trail Maintenance Agreement with Ramsey County, TH 36/English Street Interchange Improvements, City Project 09-08 Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the agreement between Ramsey County and the City of Maplewood for the construction and long term maintenance of the subject trail along County Rd B from TH 61 to Day Road, and direct the Mayor and City Manager to sign the agreement signifying council approval. Minor changes are authorized by the City Attorney if needed. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. H. PUBLIC HEARING None I. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Approval of Extension to Solid Waste Collection License Period and 2012 Pro-Rated License Rate Mayor Rossbach moved to approve the Resolution extending single-family residential (one to four units) solid waste hauler’s licenses (trash haulers only) from August 31 to September 30 with no additional licensing requirements or fees. The resolution also authorizes a pro-rated rate for a four-month (September through December 2012) solid waste collection license (all solid waste haulers) at $125 (one-half the required yearly rate). RESOLUTION 12-8-777 Solid Waste Collection 2012 License Extension and Rate Resolution WHEREAS, the Maplewood City Council has adopted a solid waste management ordinance (Ordinance No. 921) on June 11, 2012. WHEREAS, one of the stated goals in the solid waste management ordinance is to ensure the protection of public health and safety and promote city cleanliness and livability. WHEREAS, one way of achieving the above-mentioned goal is to ensure appropriate city controls over insurance, vehicle, and operation regulations for persons desiring to collect garbage, yard waste, recyclables, or other solid waste in the city. WHEREAS, to ensure appropriate city controls as mentioned above, the solid waste management ordinance requires all persons who wish to collect garbage, yard waste, recyclables, or other solid waste in the city to first secure a license from the city to do so. WHEREAS, the solid waste management ordinance specifies that a collection license be issued for no more than one year, expiring on December 31 of each year. WHEREAS, the solid waste management ordinance specifies that the City Council will set the fee for collection licenses from time to time as needed. WHEREAS, on June 25, 2012, the Maplewood City Council set the solid waste collection license fee at $250 per year. Packet Page Number 7 of 108 August 13, 2012 7 City Council Meeting Minutes WHEREAS, on October 1, 2012, the City-wide residential garbage collection system is scheduled to begin (Maplewood Trash Plan). The plan involves the City contracting with one hauler for the collection of garbage from all single-family residential properties (properties with one to four units). WHEREAS, the City’s previous solid waste collection licenses, previously referred to as refuse hauler licenses, will expire on August 31, 2012. WHEREAS, in order to cover the one-month transitional period between the expiration of solid waste hauler’s current license (expiring August 31, 2012) and the beginning of the Maplewood Trash Plan (October 1, 2012), the City must extend the solid waste collection licenses for all single-family residential garbage haulers from September 1 through September 30, 2012. WHEREAS, to cover the four-month transitional period between the expiration of solid waste hauler’s current license (expiring August 31, 2012) and the beginning of the new solid waste collection licensing period (January 1, 2013), the City must extend the solid waste collection licenses for all solid waste haulers (City-contracted garbage and recycling haulers, multiple-family and commercial haulers, roll off and dumpster haulers, and transfer stations) from September 1 through December 31, 2012. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Maplewood extends single-family (one to four units) solid waste hauler’s licenses (garbage haulers only) from August 31 to September 30 with no additional licensing requirements or fees and authorizes a pro-rated rate for a four-month (September through December 2012) solid waste collection license (all solid waste haulers) at $125 (one-half the required yearly rate). Maplewood City Council authorizes this resolution on August 13, 2012. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. J. NEW BUSINESS 1. Review of Petition Requesting 24-Hour Parking Adjacent to Cottages of Legacy Village (Hazelwood Street and Legacy Parkway) Suzanne Fry, President of the Cottages of Legacy Village Board was present and addressed the council. Mayor Rossbach moved to table until a later date. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – Mayor Rossbach Councilmember Koppen Nays – Councilmember Juenemann The motion passed. 2. Approval of Penalties for Alcohol Compliance Failures Mayor Rossbach moved to approve the $2,000 fine for Gulden’s Roadhouse having to do with the alcohol violation on May 23, 2012. Packet Page Number 8 of 108 August 13, 2012 8 City Council Meeting Minutes Seconded by Councilmember Juenemann Ayes – All The motion passed. 3. Approval of a Conditional Use Permit Amendment, Design Review and Wetland Map Amendment for Keller Golf Course, 2166 Maplewood Drive Senior Planner Ekstrand presented the staff report and answered questions of the council. Planning Commissioner Arbuckel was present and addressed the council. Scott Yonke, Director of Planning and Development with Ramsey County Parks addressed the council and answered questions of the council. Kevin Finley, Director of Golf with Ramsey County Parks and Recreation addressed the council and answered questions of the council. Mayor Rossbach moved to approve the Resolution approving the conditional use permit amendment for Keller Golf Course located at 2166 Maplewood Drive with changes to item #4 which would indicate that the use of 9 foot parking spaces is approved for employee parking and 9.5 foot shall be used for all patron parking. RESOLUTION 12-8-778 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Ramsey County applied for a conditional use permit amendment to renovate and reconstruct its Keller Golf Course. WHEREAS, Section 44-1092(1) of the city code requires a conditional use permit for any public service or public building use. WHEREAS, this permit applies to the property located at 2166 Maplewood Drive. The legal description is: SUBJ TO HWY 61 & FROST AVE & EX STATE OF MINNESOTA R/W; W ½ OF NW ¼ OF NE ¼ & TRIANGULAR PART IN SW COR OF E ½ OF NW ¼ OF NE ¼ MEAS 208.71 FT ON WL & 297.26 FT ON SL THEREOF ALSO PART OF SW ¼ OF NE ¼ LYING NLY OF STATE OF MINNESOTA R/W ALSO PART OF NE ¼ OF NW ¼ LYING ELY OF HWY 61 & ELY OF AL DESC AS COM AT PT ON NL OF & 1830.5 FT E OF NW COR OF NW ¼ TH S 40 DEG 15 MIN W FOR 790 FT TO WL OF NE ¼ OF NW ¼ TH S ON SD WL FOR 310 FT TH S 43 DEG 15 MIN E FOR 160 FT TO PT OF BEG TH S 10 DEG E FOR 300 FT TO SL OF NE ¼ OF NW ¼ & THERE TERM ALSO PART OF SE ¼ OF NW ¼ LYING NLY OF STATE OF MINNESOTA R/W ALSO PART OF SW ¼ OF NW ¼ LYING ELY & SLY OF AL BEG ON EL OF & 366 FT S FROM NE COR OF SW ¼ OF NW ¼ TH N 72 DEG 18 MIN W FOR 119 FT TH WLY ALONG CURVE TO LEFT RAD 215 FT FOR 185 FT TH S 66 DEG 34 MIN W FOR 195 FT TH S 48 DEG 40 MIN W FOR 320 FT TH S 440 FT TH S 46 DEG 45 MIN E FOR 400 FT TO SL OF SW ¼ OF NW ¼ & THERE TERM ALSO PART OF NW ¼ OF SW ¼ LYING ELY & NLY OF PART OWNED BY CITY OF ST PAUL ALSO W 330 FT OF GOVT. LOT 2 IN NE ¼ OF SW ¼ LYING ELY & NLY OF PART OWNED BY CITY OF ST PAUL ALSO PART OF E 10 ACRES OF W 20 ACRES OF SD GOVT. LOT 2 LYING NLY OF STATE OF MINNESOTA R/W; ALL IN SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 29, RANGE 22. WHEREAS, the history of this conditional use permit is as follows: 1. On July 27, 2012, the planning commission held a public hearing. The city staff published a notice in the paper and sent notices to the surrounding property owners. The Packet Page Number 9 of 108 August 13, 2012 9 City Council Meeting Minutes planning commission gave everyone at the hearing a chance to speak and present written statements. The planning commission recommended that the city council approve this permit. 2. On August 13, 2012, the city council considered this application. The council also considered reports and recommendations of the city staff and planning commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the city council approved the above- described conditional use permit amendment, because: 1. All construction shall follow the site plan approved by the city. Staff may approve minor changes. 2. The use would be located, designed, maintained, constructed and operated to be in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan and this Code. 3. The use would not change the existing or planned character of the surrounding area. 4. The use would not depreciate property values. 5. The use would not involve any activity, process, materials, equipment or methods of operation that would be dangerous, hazardous, detrimental, disturbing or cause a nuisance to any person or property, because of excessive noise, glare, smoke, dust, odor, fumes, water or air pollution, drainage, water run-off, vibration, general unsightliness, electrical interference or other nuisances. 6. The use would not exceed the design standards of any affected street. 7. The use would be served by adequate public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, water and sewer systems, schools and parks. 8. The use would not create excessive additional costs for public facilities or services. 9. The use would maximize the preservation of and incorporate the site's natural and scenic features into the development design. 10. The use would cause no more than minimal adverse environmental effects. Approval is subject to the following conditions (additions are underlined and deletions are crossed out: 1. All construction shall follow the approved site plan. The director of community development may approve minor changes. 2. The applicant must begin construction within one year after the council approves this permit or the permit shall end. The city council may extend this deadline for one year. 3. The city council shall review this permit in one year. 4. The use of 9 foot parking spaces is approved for employee parking and 9.5 foot shall be used for all patron parking is approved as an expansion of a legal, non-conforming use. 5. Applicant must provide six foot tall, 80 percent opaque screening between the new parking lot near County Road B East and the single family dwellings to the east. Current vegetation meets this requirement but if existing trees are ever removed or die new screening must be installed. Packet Page Number 10 of 108 August 13, 2012 10 City Council Meeting Minutes The Maplewood City Council approved this resolution on August 13, 2012. Seconded by Councilmember Juenemann Ayes – All The motion passed. Mayor Rossbach moved to approve the plans date-stamped June 22, 2012 for the proposed renovations of the Keller Golf Course located at 2166 Maplewood Drive, based on the findings required by the code. Seconded by Councilmember Juenemann Ayes – All The motion passed. Mayor Rossbach moved to approve the Amended Resolution for the Wetland Map. RESOLUTION 12-8-779 Changes to the Maplewood Wetland Map WHEREAS, on December 14, 2009, the Maplewood City Council adopted a wetland ordinance (Ordinance No. 895) dealing with wetland regulations. WHEREAS, as part of the ordinance the City Council adopted a wetland classification map. The map is based on wetland classifications from Minnesota Routine Assessment Method (MnRAM) wetland studies and assigned by the applicable watershed districts. WHEREAS, the ordinance states that the City Council will adopt changes to the wetland map which are based on MnRAM and other studies conducted and approved by watershed districts. WHEREAS, in 2012 Ramsey County had wetlands delineated on Keller Golf Course (refer to May 22, 2012, wetland delineation report). WHEREAS, the wetland delineation report found that Wetlands 1 through 3 were manmade ponds developed for the management of stormwater and Wetlands 7 and 10 were developed incidentally (nonhistoric wetlands). WHERES, in May 2012 the Local Governmental Unit (Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District) reviewed the delineation report and agreed with the above-mentioned wetland assessment and authorized the following changes to their wetland classification map: a. Wetlands 1 and 2 were added to the wetland map and classified as stormwater ponds. b. Wetland 3 was downgraded from a Manage B wetland to a stormwater pond. c. Wetlands 7 and 10 were removed from the wetland map as they have been shown to be incidental wetlands. WHEREAS, On July 16, 2012, the Maplewood Environmental and Natural Resources Commission reviewed the Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District’s decision to make the above-mentioned wetland classification map changes. The Commission recommended approval of the changes to the wetland classification map. Packet Page Number 11 of 108 August 13, 2012 11 City Council Meeting Minutes NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council approves the above- described wetland map change because Wetlands 1 through 3 were manmade ponds developed for the management of stormwater and Wetlands 7 and 10 were developed incidentally (nonhistoric wetlands) and the Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District will be making changes to the wetlands on their wetland classification map. The Maplewood City Council approved this resolution on August 13, 2012. Seconded by Councilmember Juenemann Ayes – All The motion passed. 4. Review of Gun Range Acoustical Study City Manager Antonen presented the staff report and answered questions of the council. The following people spoke: 1. Mark Bradley, Maplewood Resident Mayor Rossbach moved to approve the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Erich Thalheimer for acoustical engineering services as determined not to exceed $12,000 with the City of Maplewood’s share not to exceed $4,000. The City Council further authorizes the city share to be appropriated out of the contractual services portion of the City Council program budget. Seconded by Councilmember Juenemann Ayes – All The motion passed. 5. Approval of an Off-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License for Maddie’s Liquor, 1690 McKnight Road City Clerk Guilfoile presented the staff report and answered questions of the council. Owner Roger Samarani was present and addressed the council. Councilmember Koppen moved to approve the Off-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License for Maddie’s Liquor located at 1690 McKnight Road. Seconded by Mayor Rossbach Ayes – All The motion passed. 6. Approval of Wetland Buffer Waiver for Restoration at the Former Maplewood Dump West of Rolling Hills Manufactured Home Park Environmental Planner Finwall presented the staff report and answered questions of the council. The following people spoke: 1. Bob Zick, North St. Paul Resident Councilmember Koppen moved to approve the wetland buffer waiver with the conditions outlined in the staff report. Seconded by Mayor Rossbach Ayes – All Packet Page Number 12 of 108 August 13, 2012 12 City Council Meeting Minutes The motion passed. Mayor Rossbach called for 10 minutes recess. 7. Approval of Settlement Agreement of Litigation for Flooding at Properties at 1665 and 1673 Lark Avenue a. Declaration of Intent to Close Meeting – Attorney-Client Privilege (Minn. Stat 13D.05, Subd. 3(b) City Attorney Kantrud explained the necessity for closing the meeting. Mayor Rossbach closed the meeting. Mayor Rossbach reopened the meeting. Mayor Rossbach noted for the public that the litigation information would become public once the case is closed. Councilmember Koppen moved to approve the Settlement Agreement of Litigation for Flooding at Properties at 1665 and 1673 Lark Avenue. Seconded by Councilmember Juenemann Ayes – All The motion passed. K. AWARD OF BIDS 1. East Metro Public Safety Training Center Bid Package 1, City Project 09-09, Resolution Receiving Bids and Awarding Construction Contract Public Works Director/City Engineer Thompson presented the staff report and answered questions of the council. Councilmember Juenemann moved to the Resolution Receiving Bids and Awarding Construction Contract for the East Metro Safety Training Center Bid Package 1, City Project 09-09, to Park Construction Company. RESOLUTION 12-8-780 RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA, that the bid of Park Construction Company in the amount of $413,945.50, is the lowest responsible bid for the construction of the East Metro Public Safety Training Center: Bid Package 1 – City Project 09-09, and the mayor and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for and on behalf of the city. The finance director is hereby authorized to make the financial transfers necessary to implement the financing plan for the project as previously approved by council and detailed below. Funding Source Amount STATE BONDING BILL GRANT $3,000,000 RAMSEY CO ERF GRANT $ 450,000 CITY EUF FUND $ 250,000 Packet Page Number 13 of 108 August 13, 2012 13 City Council Meeting Minutes CITY CIP FUND $ 250,000 EAST METRO JPA – SPECIAL ASSESSMENT $ 175,000 MNDOT/MSA STREET ACCOUNT $ 55,000 SPRWS (WATER MAIN LOOP) $ 55,000 SANITARY SEWER FUND $ 50,000 ST PAUL WAC FUND $ 50,000 Total Phase 1 $4,335,000 Adopted by the council on this 13th day of August, 2012. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. L. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS 1. Cancellation of September 3, 2012 Council-Manager Workshop City Manager Antonen presented the staff report. Councilmember Juenemann moved to cancel the September 3, 2012 Council-Manager Workshop due to the conflict with Labor Day. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 2. Rescheduling of November 12, 2012 Council Meeting to November 15, 2012 City Manger Antonen presented the staff report. Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve rescheduling the Council-Manager Workshop and Regular Meeting from November 12, 2012 to November 15, 2012 at 5:15pm for the Work Session and 7:00 pm for the Regular Meeting due to the conflict with Veteran’s Day. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. M. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS 1. National Night Out Councilmember Juenemann thanked everyone that participated in National Night Out. 2. Campaign Signs Councilmember Juenemann wanted to remind candidates and volunteers who are working on campaigns to follow the local and State Statutes that govern where campaign signs can be placed. 3. Primary Election Day Packet Page Number 14 of 108 August 13, 2012 14 City Council Meeting Minutes Mayor Rossbach reminded residents that Tuesday, August 14th is Primary Election Day and to go and vote. N. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Rossbach adjourned the meeting at 9:44 p.m. Packet Page Number 15 of 108 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Michael Thompson, Director of Public Works Scott Schultz, Utility/Fleet/Park Maintenance Superintendent SUBJECT: Resolution of Appreciation for Dave Germain DATE: August 8, 2012 INTRODUCTION Dave Germain is retiring at the end of August. The council will consider adopting a resolution of appreciation for the 38 years of service Dave has provided to the City of Maplewood. DISCUSSION Dave has spent a number of years serving the City of Maplewood in a number of capacities. He currently is on the sanitary sewer maintenance crew within Public Works, helping ensure the system functions properly through routine and consistent maintenance. It is rare to see an employee serve in such a dedicated capacity over a 38 year career. The City appreciates the contributions Dave has made to the City and its citizens over his career and would like to officially recognize his service through the attached resolution. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the council adopt the attached Resolution of Appreciation for Dave Germain. Attachment: Resolution of Appreciation Agenda Item F2 Packet Page Number 16 of 108 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION WHEREAS, Dave Germain has been an employee of the City of Maplewood for thirty eight years, from January 1974 to August 2012 and has served faithfully in that capacity; and WHEREAS, the City of Maplewood has appreciated his loyalty, insights, and hard work within the Public Works Department; and WHEREAS, Mr. Germain has contributed his skills and abilities for the betterment of the City of Maplewood over a period of 38 years; and WHEREAS, Mr. Germain has shown dedication to his duties and has consistently contributed his skills and effort for the benefit of the City and its Citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED for and on behalf of the City of Maplewood, Minnesota, that Dave Germain is hereby extended our gratitude and appreciation for his 38 years of dedicated service to the City. Passed by the Maplewood City Council on August 27, 2012. ____________________________________ Will Rossbach, Mayor Attest: ________________________________ Karen Guilfoile, City Clerk Agenda Item F2 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 17 of 108 AGENDA ITEM F3 AGENDA REPORT TO: City Council FROM: James Antonen, City Manager SUBJECT: Presentation by Ramsey County Sheriff Matt Bostrom DATE: August 22, 2012 INTRODUCTION/SUMMARY Ramsey County Sheriff Matt Bostrom will give a presentation to the City Council. No action is needed. Packet Page Number 18 of 108 AGENDA NO.G-1 TO:City Council FROM:Finance Manager RE:APPROVAL OF CLAIMS DATE: 369,248.61$ Checks # 87663 thru # 87712 dated 87/12 thru 8/14/12 406,646.35$ Disbursements via debits to checking account dated 8/6/12 thru 8/10/12 536,207.81$ Checks # 87713 thru # 87755 8/15/12 thru 8/21/12 207,432.83$ Disbursements via debits to checking account dated 8/13/12 thru 8/17/12 1,519,535.60$ Total Accounts Payable 526,964.83$ Payroll Checks and Direct Deposits dated 8/17/12 1,806.39$ Payroll Deduction check # 9987391 thru # 9987393 dated 8/17/12 528,771.22$ Total Payroll 2,048,306.82$ GRAND TOTAL sb attachments Attached is a detailed listing of these claims. Please call me at 651-249-2902 if you have any questions on the attached listing. This will allow me to check the supporting documentation on file if necessary. PAYROLL AGENDA REPORT August 27, 2012 Attached is a listing of paid bills for informational purposes. The City Manager has reviewed the bills and authorized payment in accordance with City Council approved policies. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 8-10-12 and 8-17-12.xlsx Packet Page Number 19 of 108 Check Description Amount 87663 02464 FUNDS FOR ATMS 10,000.00 87664 01424 REIMB FOR PROPERTY TAXES 44,769.35 87665 02347 10,000 LAKES EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE 85.00 87666 04842 ZUMBA INSTRUCTION NSP JULY 120.00 87667 00240 APPLICANT BACKGROUND CHECKS 50.00 87668 01973 CAR WASHES - JULY 32.00 87669 01819 LOCAL PHONE SERVICE 06/15 - 07/14 778.22 01819 LOCAL PHONE SERVICE 05/15 - 06/14 772.17 87670 04265 ZUMBA INSTRUCTION - JULY 177.00 87671 01337 911 DISPATCH SERVICES - JULY 27,409.41 01337 FLEET SUPPORT FEE - JULY 455.52 87672 01409 PROJ 09-08 CONSULTANT SERVICES 161,123.75 01409 PROJ 09-09 CONSULTANT SERVICES 20,271.41 01409 PROJ 04-21 CONSULTANT SERVICES 9,479.86 01409 CONSULTANT SERVICES 3,542.39 01409 PROJ 11-19 CONSULTANT SERVICES 3,185.02 01409 PROJ 11-22 CONSULTANT SERVICES 1,125.63 87673 01463 MCC MASSAGES - JULY 1-15 825.50 87674 01574 BITUMINOUS MATERIALS NOT TO EXCEED 468.79 87675 01190 ELECTRIC UTILITY 14,233.48 01190 ELECTRIC & GAS UTILITY 1,086.98 01190 ELECTRIC UTILITY 114.39 87676 03860 REPLACE CARD READER-CITY HALL ATM 96.18 87677 05026 TENNIS INSTRUCTOR SESSION II 962.50 87678 02074 REIMB FOR PARKING & MEETING 26.00 87679 04047 WEDDING SOUND SETUP MCC 7/21 50.00 87680 03738 ATTORNEY SRVS FEES/RENT - SEPT 6,775.00 87681 01974 REFUND CREDIT FOR JUNE 20.00 87682 00211 PROJ 11-15 PROF SRVS THRU 7/13 7,211.25 87683 00230 ROAD BASE 481.30 87684 04549 ZUMBA INSTRUCTION JUNE & JULY 245.50 87685 03619 PROJ 11-14 SEWER TELEVISING/CLEAN 250.00 87686 04834 PVC FOR EDGERTON FORCE MAIN 11,282.79 04834 SUPPLIES FOR EDGERTON FORCE MAIN 3,433.24 87687 04640 PROJ 08-09 LIONS PARK IMP PMT#9 11,554.81 87688 03516 SECURITY OFFICER FOR MCC AUG 4 227.50 87689 02134 REIMB FOR MILEAGE 11/18/11-6/1/12 170.00 87690 05036 ESCROW RELEASE 2587 FLANDRAU 3,842.40 87691 05034 REIMB FOR SUPPLIES & MILEAGE 7/1-8/1 40.70 87692 05035 CORRECTION DRIVEWAY 2119 DULUTH 2,620.00 87693 00983 LEASE PMT 7/18/12 TO 7/18/13 1,085.32 87694 02617 REIMB FOR MN/SCIA MEETING 19.95 87695 01126 MONTHLY PREMIUM - AUGUST 480.00 87696 02175 REIMB FOR MILEAGE - JULY 19.98 87697 00001 REFUND M SPIELVOGEL - TREE REBATE 187.50 87698 00001 REFUND SCHACHT HP BENEFIT 171.54 87699 00001 REFUND E TESFA - TREE REBATE 133.40 87700 00001 REFUND T PUGACZEWSKI MEMBERSHIP 132.57 87701 00001 REIMB B JOHNSON RAIN GARDEN PLANS 130.34 87702 00001 REFUND J WOZNIAK HP BENEFIT 100.00 87703 00001 REFUND C DOMINIAK BCBS BENEFIT 80.00 87704 00001 REFUND N MEISINGER CLASS CANCEL 10.00 87705 04581 SUBSCRIPTION FOR LETS - AUG 150.00 87706 04778 EQUIP RENTAL BANQUET ROOM 4/21 267.19 87707 01836 SRVS (RMS) PROVIDED TO PD - AUG 5,196.09 01836 STREET LIGHT MAINT JUNE-JULY 662.19 87708 01836 REGISTRATION FEE 365.00 87709 01573 SECURTIY OFFICER FOR MCC JULY 28 192.50 87710 02464 PAYING AGENT FEES 425.00 87711 04179 PROGRAM DISPLAY SIGN MCC - JULY 250.00 87712 01763 CAULKING OF PW & CITY HALL BLDG 9,795.00 369,248.61 50 Checks in this report. 08/14/2012 US BANK 08/14/2012 VISUAL IMAGE PROMOTIONS 08/14/2012 WESTERN WATERPROOFING CO., INC 08/14/2012 CITY OF ST PAUL 08/14/2012 CITY OF ST PAUL 08/14/2012 TOM SZCZEPANSKI 08/14/2012 ORION SYSTEMS/NETWORKS 08/14/2012 DANIEL WILLIAM SCHLUETER 08/14/2012 CITY OF ST PAUL 08/14/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/14/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/14/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/14/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/14/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/14/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/14/2012 AMY NIVEN 08/14/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/14/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/14/2012 METRO SALES INC 08/14/2012 ALESIA METRY 08/14/2012 NCPERS MINNESOTA 08/14/2012 CHRISTOPHER M HETLAND 08/14/2012 MATT KRATTENMAKER 08/14/2012 LINWOOD CONTRACTING, INC. 08/14/2012 FITOL HINTZ CONSTRUCTION INC. 08/14/2012 ANTHONY GABRIEL 08/14/2012 CAROLE GERNES 08/14/2012 DRAIN KING INC 08/14/2012 FERGUSON WATERWORKS 08/14/2012 FERGUSON WATERWORKS 08/14/2012 BRAUN INTERTEC CORP. 08/14/2012 BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS, INC. 08/14/2012 JAN ALICE CAMPBELL 08/14/2012 ASHLAND PRODUCTIONS 08/14/2012 CHARLES E. BETHEL 08/14/2012 BLUE CROSS REFUNDS 08/14/2012 ABSOLUTE ATM 08/14/2012 ADVANTAGE SPORTS LLC 08/14/2012 CHARLES R AHL 08/14/2012 XCEL ENERGY 08/14/2012 XCEL ENERGY 08/14/2012 XCEL ENERGY 08/14/2012 S.E.H. 08/14/2012 SISTER ROSALIND GEFRE 08/14/2012 T.A. SCHIFSKY & SONS, INC 08/14/2012 S.E.H. 08/14/2012 S.E.H. 08/14/2012 S.E.H. 08/14/2012 RAMSEY COUNTY-PROP REC & REV 08/14/2012 S.E.H. 08/14/2012 S.E.H. 08/14/2012 PAETEC 08/14/2012 MARIA PIRELA 08/14/2012 RAMSEY COUNTY-PROP REC & REV 08/14/2012 C.S.C. CREDIT SERVICES 08/14/2012 ERICKSON OIL PRODUCTS INC 08/14/2012 PAETEC 08/07/2012 DESOTO ASSOCIATES, LLC 08/08/2012 10,000 LAKES CHAPTER 08/14/2012 MARY JOSEPHINE ANDERSON Check Register City of Maplewood 08/13/2012 Date Vendor 08/07/2012 US BANK S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 8-10-12 and 8-17-12.xlsx Packet Page Number 20 of 108 Settlement Date Payee Description Amount 8/6/2012 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 33,111.01 8/6/2012 U.S. Treasurer Federal Payroll Tax 97,405.78 8/6/2012 P.E.R.A.P.E.R.A.89,377.47 8/7/2012 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 32,089.99 8/7/2012 MidAmerica - ING HRA Flex plan 15,333.10 8/7/2012 Labor Unions Union Dues 2,114.90 8/8/2012 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 39,608.31 8/8/2012 MN State Treasurer State Payroll Tax 21,019.26 8/9/2012 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 39,630.71 8/10/2012 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 34,813.92 8/10/2012 MN Dept of Natural Resources DNR electronic licenses 511.50 8/10/2012 Optum Health DCRP & Flex plan payments 1,630.40 TOTAL 406,646.35 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Disbursements via Debits to Checking account S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 8-10-12 and 8-17-12.xlsx Packet Page Number 21 of 108 Check Description Amount 87713 00415 REPAIRS TO SQUAD 950. CN:12013871 7,982.15 87714 05037 LANDSCAPING SRVS FOR RAINGARDENS 27,636.00 87715 04374 AMBUTRAK LICENSE FEE 399.00 87716 02407 REPLACE BASKET WINCH MCC 1,893.25 87717 00687 REMOVE TREES - STORM DAMAGE 3,856.25 00687 STORM DAMAGE HANGER TRIMMING 1,536.50 00687 TREE TRIMMING OF HANGERS 1,175.63 00687 TREE TRIMMING 213.75 87718 03809 RED CROSS CLASS INSTRUCTION 112.00 87719 01941 SUMMER SPORTS AWARDS 1,138.50 87720 04829 REIMB FOR TUITION & BOOKS 6/19-7/30 1,695.00 87721 01337 PROJ 09-15 PLANTS 622.01 87722 01337 PROJ 11-29 FILING FEES 46.00 01337 PROJ 08-13 FILING FEES 46.00 87723 02930 REIMB FOR MILEAGE & SUPPLIES 111.44 87724 01463 MCC MASSAGES JULY 16-31 909.50 87725 01546 MCC LIFEGUARDS 354.00 87726 01574 PROJ 11-14 BARTELMY-MEYER PMT#4 352,004.02 01574 BITUMINOUS MATERIALS NOT TO EXCEED 1,480.72 87727 04192 EMS BILLING - JULY 4,102.42 87728 00111 BOARDING/DESTRUCTION JUNE/JULY 2,934.73 00111 PATROL HOURS 7/23 - 8/12 1,947.00 87729 02034 TOBACCO COMPLIANCE-RELATED EXP 1,872.00 87730 01974 REFUND FOR TRANS MEDIC XZ9598211 2,006.15 87731 00258 ESCROW RELEASE 976 FARRELL 2,500.34 00258 ESCROW RELEASE 1008 FARRELL 2,500.34 00258 ESCROW RELEASE 1009 FARRELL 1,500.00 87732 03921 GYM SPACE FOR BASKETBALL 2,069.00 87733 04342 ANNUAL DUES 150.00 87734 05028 MCC SOLAR SYSTEM LEASE - AUG 369.00 87735 02567 PROJ 09-08 ACQUISITION & APPRAISALS 2,759.95 87736 01401 DAY CAMP BUS FEES - WILD MOUNTAIN 309.50 01401 DAY CAMP BUS FEES - SCIENCE MUSEUM 239.00 01401 DAY CAMP BUS FEES - SUN RAY BOWL &239.00 01401 DAY CAMP BUS FEES - GRAND SLAM 215.50 87737 04846 MEDICAL SUPPLIES 613.55 87738 03597 REIMB FOR MILEAGE 7/3 - 8/9 13.60 87739 02995 PUBLIC WORKS SAFETY TRAINING 380.00 87740 00827 INSURANCE QTR PREMIUM JULY-SEPT 44,757.75 87741 00857 REGISTRATION FEE 15.00 87742 04584 ONLINE POLICY MANUAL MAINT/UPDATE 3,550.00 87743 04244 2013 FORD POLICE INTERCEPTOR UTILITY 23,913.61 87744 00001 REFUND K GILLETTE FOR TRANS MEDIC 199.00 87745 00001 REFUND C PETERSON - TREE REBATE 51.00 87746 01863 UMPIRE YOUTH SOFTBALL 7/28 63.00 87747 04272 AXIS CAMERA & MILESTONE LICENSE 1,314.22 87748 01267 ELECTION LEGAL NOTICE 429.64 87749 02663 UMPIRE YOUTH SOFTBALL 7/28 84.00 87750 01455 SECURITY OFFICER FOR MCC 8/11 245.00 87751 05038 CHARITABLE GAMBLING REIMB 53.56 87752 04055 REIMB FOR MILEAGE 5/29 - 8/7 127.15 87753 01669 FORFEITED VEHICLE/OTHER TOWING 1,009.95 87754 05039 TRAINING FEE 1,195.00 87755 03606 PROJ 11-09 MW MALL SIDEWALK PMT#1 29,267.13 Check Register City of Maplewood 08/17/2012 Date Vendor 08/15/2012 DON'S PAINT & COLLISION CENTER 08/21/2012 HUGO'S TREE CARE INC 08/21/2012 HUGO'S TREE CARE INC 08/21/2012 HUGO'S TREE CARE INC 08/16/2012 NOBLE LANDSCAPING AND 08/21/2012 EMS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, LLC 08/21/2012 H & B SPECIALIZED PRODUCTS 08/21/2012 CHRISTIE PENN 08/21/2012 RAMSEY COUNTY-PROP REC & REV 08/21/2012 RAMSEY COUNTY-PROP REC & REV 08/21/2012 HUGO'S TREE CARE INC 08/21/2012 CASIE JACKSON 08/21/2012 PATRICK TROPHIES 08/21/2012 SUBURBAN SPORTSWEAR 08/21/2012 T.A. SCHIFSKY & SONS, INC 08/21/2012 T.A. SCHIFSKY & SONS, INC 08/21/2012 RAMSEY COUNTY-PROP REC & REV 08/21/2012 DEB SCHMIDT 08/21/2012 SISTER ROSALIND GEFRE 08/21/2012 ASSN FOR NONSMOKERS 08/21/2012 BLUE CROSS REFUNDS 08/21/2012 CARDINAL HOMEBUILDERS INC 08/21/2012 TRANS-MEDIC 08/21/2012 ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES 08/21/2012 ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES 08/21/2012 CRIME STOPPERS OF MINNESOTA 08/21/2012 ENERGY ALTERNATIVES SOLAR, LLC 08/21/2012 EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES 08/21/2012 CARDINAL HOMEBUILDERS INC 08/21/2012 CARDINAL HOMEBUILDERS INC 08/21/2012 COTTAGE GROVE ATHLETIC ASSOC. 08/21/2012 FIRST STUDENT INC 08/21/2012 HEALTHEAST 08/21/2012 MARY JO HOFMEISTER 08/21/2012 FIRST STUDENT INC 08/21/2012 FIRST STUDENT INC 08/21/2012 FIRST STUDENT INC 08/21/2012 LEXIPOL LLC 08/21/2012 NELSON AUTO CENTER 08/21/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/21/2012 INTEGRATED LOSS CONTROL INC 08/21/2012 L M C I T 08/21/2012 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 08/21/2012 PIONEER PRESS 08/21/2012 CARL SAARION 08/21/2012 MICHAEL SHORTREED 08/21/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/21/2012 ROGER PACKER 08/21/2012 PARAGON SOLUTIONS GROUP, INC. 08/21/2012 UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE 08/21/2012 URBAN COMPANIES 536,207.81 43 Checks in this report. 08/21/2012 SIMON YOUTH FOUNDATION 08/21/2012 JAMES TAYLOR 08/21/2012 TWIN CITIES TRANSPORT & S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 8-10-12 and 8-17-12.xlsx Packet Page Number 22 of 108 Settlement Date Payee Description Amount 8/13/2012 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 30,539.51 8/14/2012 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 37,732.42 8/15/2012 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 23,352.99 8/15/2012 VANCO Billing fee 130.75 8/16/2012 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 17,434.62 8/17/2012 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 9,289.15 8/17/2012 MN Dept of Natural Resources DNR electronic licenses 729.00 8/17/2012 US Bank VISA One Card*Purchasing card items 55,168.56 8/17/2012 Optum Health DCRP & Flex plan payments 1,173.68 8/17/2012 ING - State Plan Deferred Compensation 27,388.00 8/17/2012 ICMA (Vantagepointe)Deferred Compensation 4,494.15 TOTAL 207,432.83 *Detailed listing of VISA purchases is attached. CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Disbursements via Debits to Checking account S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 8-10-12 and 8-17-12.xlsx Packet Page Number 23 of 108 Transaction Date Posting Date Merchant Name Transaction Amount Name 07/31/2012 08/02/2012 HUDSON HOUSE GRAND HOTEL $390.00 MANDY ANZALDI 08/07/2012 08/08/2012 CUB FOODS, INC.$49.34 MANDY ANZALDI 08/07/2012 08/08/2012 HANCOCK FABRICS 6104 $19.29 MANDY ANZALDI 08/07/2012 08/09/2012 HOLIDAY STNSTORE 3836 $8.97 MANDY ANZALDI 08/08/2012 08/09/2012 TARGET 00011858 $11.06 MANDY ANZALDI 08/01/2012 08/02/2012 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFIC $580.00 GAYLE BAUMAN 08/06/2012 08/08/2012 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $61.49 REGAN BEGGS 08/07/2012 08/09/2012 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $60.96 REGAN BEGGS 07/30/2012 08/01/2012 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $68.50 CHAD BERGO 08/02/2012 08/03/2012 ESRI INC $1,470.00 CHAD BERGO 08/06/2012 08/07/2012 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISN $293.11 CHAD BERGO 07/27/2012 07/30/2012 BLUE RIBBON BAIT & TACKLE $7.06 OAKLEY BIESANZ 07/27/2012 07/30/2012 JOES SPORTING GOODS $6.41 OAKLEY BIESANZ 07/31/2012 08/02/2012 FOOT LOCKER 25032 $88.00 JOHN BOHL 08/08/2012 08/10/2012 GRUBERS POWER EQUIPMENT $29.63 TROY BRINK 07/28/2012 07/30/2012 CURTIS 1000 INC.$64.87 SARAH BURLINGAME 08/01/2012 08/02/2012 PAYMENT SERVICES $43.92 SARAH BURLINGAME 08/03/2012 08/06/2012 FIRST SHRED $30.00 SARAH BURLINGAME 08/06/2012 08/08/2012 SUBWAY 00052159 $66.42 SARAH BURLINGAME 07/03/2012 08/07/2012 APL*APPLE ITUNES STORE ($53.55)DAN BUSACK 07/03/2012 08/07/2012 APL*APPLE ITUNES STORE ($53.55)DAN BUSACK 07/05/2012 08/07/2012 APL*APPLE ITUNES STORE ($53.55)DAN BUSACK 07/05/2012 08/07/2012 APL*APPLE ITUNES STORE ($53.55)DAN BUSACK 07/07/2012 08/07/2012 BLIZZARD ENT*ONL STORE ($59.99)DAN BUSACK 07/13/2012 08/07/2012 APL*APPLE ITUNES STORE ($61.04)DAN BUSACK 07/19/2012 08/06/2012 APL*APPLE ITUNES STORE ($53.55)DAN BUSACK 07/19/2012 08/06/2012 APL*APPLE ITUNES STORE ($53.55)DAN BUSACK 07/23/2012 08/06/2012 APL*APPLE ITUNES STORE ($107.11)DAN BUSACK 07/23/2012 08/06/2012 APL*APPLE ITUNES STORE ($107.11)DAN BUSACK 07/24/2012 08/06/2012 APL*APPLE ITUNES STORE ($107.11)DAN BUSACK 07/26/2012 07/30/2012 FEEDING AMERICA $1.00 DAN BUSACK 07/26/2012 08/06/2012 APL*APPLE ITUNES STORE ($32.13)DAN BUSACK 07/26/2012 08/06/2012 APL*APPLE ITUNES STORE ($53.55)DAN BUSACK 07/26/2012 08/06/2012 FEEDING AMERICA ($1.00)DAN BUSACK 07/27/2012 07/30/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $103.33 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 07/27/2012 07/30/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $52.61 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 08/02/2012 08/06/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $12.76 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 08/08/2012 08/09/2012 WW GRAINGER $300.93 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 07/30/2012 07/31/2012 CUB FOODS, INC.$1,666.00 KERRY CROTTY 08/01/2012 08/02/2012 MINNESOTACO $88.26 KERRY CROTTY 08/09/2012 08/10/2012 MINNESOTACO $30.14 KERRY CROTTY 08/07/2012 08/09/2012 SUPERAMERICA 4848 $1.69 CHARLES DEAVER 07/30/2012 08/01/2012 STAR TRAC $123.21 TOM DOUGLASS 07/30/2012 08/01/2012 COMMERCIAL POOL & SPA SUP $247.55 TOM DOUGLASS 07/30/2012 08/02/2012 GENERAL PARTS, LLC $138.40 TOM DOUGLASS 07/31/2012 08/02/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $248.20 TOM DOUGLASS 08/03/2012 08/06/2012 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $1.29 TOM DOUGLASS 07/31/2012 08/02/2012 SEARS ROEBUCK 1122 $150.00 MICHAEL DUGAS 08/01/2012 08/03/2012 SEARS COM INTERNET ($246.38)MICHAEL DUGAS 08/06/2012 08/09/2012 FIST INC.$55.70 MICHAEL DUGAS 08/06/2012 08/08/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $5.65 DOUG EDGE 08/03/2012 08/06/2012 NW LASERS AND INSTRUMENT $73.13 ANDREW ENGSTROM 07/26/2012 07/30/2012 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $2.60 PAUL E EVERSON 07/28/2012 07/30/2012 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $1,446.76 PAUL E EVERSON 07/30/2012 07/31/2012 TARGET 00011858 $21.43 PAUL E EVERSON 07/30/2012 08/01/2012 VIDACARE CORPORATION $887.84 PAUL E EVERSON 08/01/2012 08/02/2012 BATTERIES PLUS #31 $26.67 PAUL E EVERSON 08/02/2012 08/06/2012 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $35.08 PAUL E EVERSON 08/02/2012 08/06/2012 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $186.36 PAUL E EVERSON S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 8-10-12 and 8-17-12.xlsx Packet Page Number 24 of 108 08/03/2012 08/06/2012 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $33.30 PAUL E EVERSON 08/07/2012 08/08/2012 WALGREENS #7388 $307.46 PAUL E EVERSON 07/26/2012 07/30/2012 NORTHERN TOOL EQUIP-MN $207.74 LARRY FARR 07/27/2012 07/30/2012 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND I $20.00 LARRY FARR 07/31/2012 08/01/2012 MENARDS 3059 $740.83 LARRY FARR 08/01/2012 08/02/2012 TWIN CITY HARDWARE HADLEY $91.56 LARRY FARR 08/01/2012 08/02/2012 BATTERIES PLUS #31 $93.09 LARRY FARR 08/01/2012 08/02/2012 WM EZPAY $475.33 LARRY FARR 08/03/2012 08/06/2012 CINTAS #470 $44.11 LARRY FARR 08/03/2012 08/06/2012 CINTAS #470 $84.96 LARRY FARR 08/03/2012 08/06/2012 CINTAS #470 $95.98 LARRY FARR 08/03/2012 08/06/2012 KOHL'S #0055 $32.09 LARRY FARR 08/03/2012 08/06/2012 MUSKA ELECTRIC CO.$869.27 LARRY FARR 08/03/2012 08/06/2012 MILLS FLEET FARM #2,700 $52.36 LARRY FARR 08/05/2012 08/06/2012 WM EZPAY $1,009.34 LARRY FARR 08/05/2012 08/06/2012 WM EZPAY $448.32 LARRY FARR 08/06/2012 08/07/2012 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORP $617.73 LARRY FARR 08/06/2012 08/08/2012 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES $234.00 LARRY FARR 08/04/2012 08/06/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 ($32.33)TIM FLOR 08/04/2012 08/06/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $266.09 TIM FLOR 08/04/2012 08/06/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $6.86 TIM FLOR 08/04/2012 08/06/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $1.18 TIM FLOR 08/04/2012 08/06/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $16.45 TIM FLOR 08/01/2012 08/02/2012 ESRI INC $4,996.41 MYCHAL FOWLDS 08/01/2012 08/03/2012 OFFICE MAX $90.17 MYCHAL FOWLDS 08/01/2012 08/03/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $28.22 MYCHAL FOWLDS 08/01/2012 08/03/2012 IMAGING PATH $4,542.94 MYCHAL FOWLDS 08/02/2012 08/03/2012 IDU*PUBLIC SECTOR $3,028.86 MYCHAL FOWLDS 08/02/2012 08/03/2012 IDU*PUBLIC SECTOR $287.00 MYCHAL FOWLDS 08/03/2012 08/06/2012 IDU*PUBLIC SECTOR $458.16 MYCHAL FOWLDS 08/06/2012 08/07/2012 CABLING SERVICES $663.00 MYCHAL FOWLDS 08/06/2012 08/08/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $15.70 MYCHAL FOWLDS 08/08/2012 08/10/2012 OFFICE MAX ($67.47)MYCHAL FOWLDS 07/27/2012 07/30/2012 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $86.84 NICK FRANZEN 07/27/2012 07/30/2012 OFFICE DEPOT #1127 $1.34 NICK FRANZEN 07/28/2012 07/30/2012 IDU*PUBLIC SECTOR $21.43 NICK FRANZEN 08/01/2012 08/02/2012 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $71.51 NICK FRANZEN 08/02/2012 08/03/2012 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $17.97 NICK FRANZEN 08/02/2012 08/03/2012 IDU*PUBLIC SECTOR $130.61 NICK FRANZEN 08/03/2012 08/06/2012 TECHFORLESS.COM $169.47 NICK FRANZEN 08/03/2012 08/06/2012 IDU*PUBLIC SECTOR $95.32 NICK FRANZEN 08/03/2012 08/06/2012 IDU*PUBLIC SECTOR $3,028.86 NICK FRANZEN 08/03/2012 08/06/2012 SYX*TIGERDIRECT.COM $82.47 NICK FRANZEN 08/07/2012 08/08/2012 IDU*PUBLIC SECTOR $30.17 NICK FRANZEN 08/07/2012 08/09/2012 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $56.92 NICK FRANZEN 08/09/2012 08/10/2012 UPS*2927H0G8R3R $6.42 NICK FRANZEN 08/09/2012 08/10/2012 UPS*1Z13T4250390361985 $16.41 NICK FRANZEN 08/09/2012 08/10/2012 IDU*PUBLIC SECTOR $164.89 NICK FRANZEN 08/01/2012 08/02/2012 FEDEXOFFICE 00006171 $56.97 VIRGINIA GAYNOR 07/31/2012 08/01/2012 USPS 26833800033400730 $0.65 CAROLE GERNES 08/01/2012 08/03/2012 OFFICE MAX $25.65 CLARENCE GERVAIS 08/09/2012 08/10/2012 BECKER FIRE & SAFETY SERV $38.16 CLARENCE GERVAIS 08/08/2012 08/10/2012 CSI SOFTWARE POS $300.00 JEAN GLASS 08/09/2012 08/10/2012 USPS 26834500133401316 $18.95 JEAN GLASS 08/07/2012 08/08/2012 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISN $107.24 KAREN GUILFOILE 07/30/2012 08/01/2012 CONTINENTAL SAFETY EQUIPM $141.96 MARK HAAG 08/06/2012 08/07/2012 MENARDS 3059 $1.12 MARK HAAG 08/06/2012 08/07/2012 MENARDS 3059 $8.56 MARK HAAG 07/30/2012 08/01/2012 KEEPRS INC 2 $400.00 PHENG HER 08/01/2012 08/02/2012 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES530 $282.75 GARY HINNENKAMP S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 8-10-12 and 8-17-12.xlsx Packet Page Number 25 of 108 08/01/2012 08/03/2012 GRUBERS POWER EQUIPMENT $96.40 GARY HINNENKAMP 08/03/2012 08/06/2012 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES530 $79.25 GARY HINNENKAMP 08/03/2012 08/06/2012 LTG POWER EQUIPMENT $20.09 GARY HINNENKAMP 08/03/2012 08/06/2012 HEJNY RENTAL INC $185.38 GARY HINNENKAMP 08/06/2012 08/07/2012 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $9.63 GARY HINNENKAMP 08/07/2012 08/08/2012 LTG POWER EQUIPMENT $632.59 GARY HINNENKAMP 08/08/2012 08/10/2012 MILLS FLEET FARM #2,700 $17.10 GARY HINNENKAMP 08/08/2012 08/09/2012 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $10.69 RON HORWATH 08/08/2012 08/10/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $6.36 RON HORWATH 08/06/2012 08/07/2012 CUB FOODS-SUN RAY $38.00 ANN HUTCHINSON 07/27/2012 07/31/2012 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC $619.53 DAVID JAHN 08/06/2012 08/08/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $59.69 DAVID JAHN 08/07/2012 08/09/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $36.67 DAVID JAHN 07/31/2012 08/01/2012 FEDEXOFFICE 00006171 $90.98 NICHOLAS KREKELER 07/31/2012 08/01/2012 BATTERIES PLUS #31 $10.67 NICHOLAS KREKELER 07/30/2012 07/31/2012 ERIKS BIKE SHOP $67.49 BRETT KROLL 07/27/2012 07/30/2012 STREICHER'S MO $1,285.49 DAVID KVAM 08/02/2012 08/03/2012 COMCAST CABLE COMM $67.45 DAVID KVAM 08/02/2012 08/03/2012 NAI*BIKE NASHBAR $94.95 DAVID KVAM 08/06/2012 08/07/2012 THOMSON WEST*TCD $280.15 DAVID KVAM 08/06/2012 08/08/2012 STILLWATER VETERINARY $70.00 DAVID KVAM 08/05/2012 08/06/2012 KOHL'S #0408 $108.99 TODD LANGNER 08/05/2012 08/07/2012 JCPENNEY 2825 $17.00 TODD LANGNER 08/09/2012 08/10/2012 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC.$124.51 JOHNNIE LU 07/30/2012 07/31/2012 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINT $1,416.47 STEVE LUKIN 07/30/2012 07/31/2012 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINT $1,685.75 STEVE LUKIN 07/30/2012 08/01/2012 ASPEN MILLS INC.$48.95 STEVE LUKIN 07/30/2012 08/01/2012 ASPEN MILLS INC.$114.95 STEVE LUKIN 07/30/2012 08/01/2012 ASPEN MILLS INC.$39.95 STEVE LUKIN 07/30/2012 08/01/2012 ASPEN MILLS INC.$184.80 STEVE LUKIN 08/03/2012 08/06/2012 ASPEN MILLS INC.$69.90 STEVE LUKIN 08/03/2012 08/06/2012 AIRGASS NORTH $95.91 STEVE LUKIN 08/03/2012 08/06/2012 AIRGASS NORTH $120.48 STEVE LUKIN 08/03/2012 08/06/2012 AIRGASS NORTH $126.84 STEVE LUKIN 08/05/2012 08/07/2012 WM EZPAY $166.53 STEVE LUKIN 07/31/2012 08/02/2012 RED WING SHOE STORE $165.74 BRENT MEISSNER 08/01/2012 08/03/2012 RED WING SHOE STORE ($25.50)BRENT MEISSNER 07/26/2012 07/30/2012 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $12.90 MICHAEL MONDOR 07/31/2012 08/02/2012 PRIMARY PRODUCTS COMPANY $348.00 MICHAEL MONDOR 08/01/2012 08/02/2012 CINTAS FIRST AID #431 $80.01 BRYAN NAGEL 08/01/2012 08/02/2012 CINTAS FIRST AID #431 $121.85 BRYAN NAGEL 08/02/2012 08/06/2012 HP HOME STORE $68.55 AMY NIVEN 08/08/2012 08/10/2012 CVS PHARMACY #1751 Q03 $14.98 AMY NIVEN 08/01/2012 08/02/2012 RACCOON RIVER BREWING $52.00 MICHAEL NYE 08/01/2012 08/02/2012 BANDIT BURRITO $18.80 MICHAEL NYE 08/01/2012 08/03/2012 MCDONALD'S F478 $11.82 MICHAEL NYE 08/02/2012 08/02/2012 TEXAS ROADHOUSE 2228 $50.83 MICHAEL NYE 08/02/2012 08/03/2012 BURGER KING #18340 $11.32 MICHAEL NYE 08/02/2012 08/03/2012 GRANITE CITY - CLIVE $52.00 MICHAEL NYE 08/02/2012 08/06/2012 EL MARIACHI MEXICAN RESTA $23.85 MICHAEL NYE 08/02/2012 08/06/2012 GIT N GO 6 $58.74 MICHAEL NYE 08/03/2012 08/06/2012 MCDONALD'S F478 $13.20 MICHAEL NYE 08/03/2012 08/06/2012 ALBERT LEA PIZZA RANCH 02 $17.16 MICHAEL NYE 08/02/2012 08/06/2012 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $80.29 MARY KAY PALANK 07/01/2012 07/31/2012 WEDDINGPAGES INC ($300.00)CHRISTINE PENN 07/01/2012 08/10/2012 WEDDINGPAGES INC -REBILL $300.00 CHRISTINE PENN 07/02/2012 07/31/2012 PIONEER PRESS ADVERTISING ($500.00)CHRISTINE PENN 07/02/2012 08/10/2012 PIONEER PRESS ADVE-REBILL $500.00 CHRISTINE PENN 07/13/2012 07/31/2012 VACATIONRENTALS.COM ($99.00)CHRISTINE PENN 07/13/2012 07/31/2012 CCBILL.COM *GND MEDIA ($27.95)CHRISTINE PENN S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 8-10-12 and 8-17-12.xlsx Packet Page Number 26 of 108 07/14/2012 07/31/2012 CCBILL.COM *KINGDOM WWW ($29.99)CHRISTINE PENN 08/01/2012 08/03/2012 CUB FOODS, INC.$25.95 CHRISTINE PENN 08/08/2012 08/09/2012 KARE $1,666.00 CHRISTINE PENN 07/27/2012 07/30/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $47.07 ROBERT PETERSON 07/27/2012 07/30/2012 MTI $153.54 STEVEN PRIEM 07/30/2012 07/31/2012 SOL*SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL $70.86 STEVEN PRIEM 07/30/2012 08/01/2012 KATH FUEL OFFICE $230.85 STEVEN PRIEM 07/30/2012 08/01/2012 FLEETPRIDE 570 $13.88 STEVEN PRIEM 07/31/2012 08/01/2012 EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE $28.22 STEVEN PRIEM 07/31/2012 08/02/2012 TRI-STATE BOBCAT $271.61 STEVEN PRIEM 08/01/2012 08/02/2012 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL $96.33 STEVEN PRIEM 08/01/2012 08/02/2012 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL $3.30 STEVEN PRIEM 08/01/2012 08/02/2012 GOODYEAR AUTO SRV CT 6920 $52.00 STEVEN PRIEM 08/01/2012 08/02/2012 BAUER BUILT TIRE 18 $123.69 STEVEN PRIEM 08/01/2012 08/02/2012 BAUER BUILT TIRE 18 $970.19 STEVEN PRIEM 08/01/2012 08/02/2012 TRUCK UTILITIES INC $209.61 STEVEN PRIEM 08/02/2012 08/03/2012 OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY,$425.47 STEVEN PRIEM 08/02/2012 08/03/2012 ZIEGLER INC - RETAIL $83.46 STEVEN PRIEM 08/02/2012 08/06/2012 BOYER TRUCK PARTS $430.65 STEVEN PRIEM 08/03/2012 08/06/2012 CONTINENTAL RESEARCH $183.52 STEVEN PRIEM 08/03/2012 08/06/2012 MTI $414.33 STEVEN PRIEM 08/06/2012 08/07/2012 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT INC $36.48 STEVEN PRIEM 08/07/2012 08/08/2012 FACTORY MTR PTS #1 $97.33 STEVEN PRIEM 08/07/2012 08/08/2012 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL $30.30 STEVEN PRIEM 08/07/2012 08/08/2012 EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE $64.13 STEVEN PRIEM 08/07/2012 08/09/2012 UNLIMITED SUPPLIES INC ($42.57)STEVEN PRIEM 08/07/2012 08/09/2012 DAVIS EQUIPMENT $312.12 STEVEN PRIEM 08/07/2012 08/09/2012 KATH FUEL OFFICE $226.49 STEVEN PRIEM 08/08/2012 08/09/2012 DAVIS EQUIPMENT ($75.58)STEVEN PRIEM 08/08/2012 08/09/2012 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL $11.96 STEVEN PRIEM 08/08/2012 08/09/2012 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL $10.83 STEVEN PRIEM 08/08/2012 08/09/2012 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL $96.13 STEVEN PRIEM 08/09/2012 08/10/2012 FACTORY MTR PTS #1 $279.29 STEVEN PRIEM 08/09/2012 08/10/2012 GOODYEAR AUTO SRV CT 6920 $48.69 STEVEN PRIEM 07/26/2012 07/30/2012 CONTINENTAL RESEARCH $204.52 KELLY PRINS 07/27/2012 07/30/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $38.44 KELLY PRINS 07/31/2012 08/01/2012 HILLYARD INC MINNEAPOLIS $791.64 MICHAEL REILLY 08/06/2012 08/10/2012 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC $537.46 MICHAEL REILLY 08/03/2012 08/06/2012 POLAR ELECTRO $279.00 LORI RESENDIZ 08/03/2012 08/06/2012 POLAR ELECTRO $9.05 LORI RESENDIZ 07/27/2012 07/30/2012 TARGET 00011858 $37.92 AUDRA ROBBINS 07/27/2012 07/30/2012 MICHAELS #2744 $33.58 AUDRA ROBBINS 07/31/2012 08/01/2012 TARGET 00011858 $91.82 AUDRA ROBBINS 07/31/2012 08/01/2012 SCIENCE MUSEUM OF MN $516.00 AUDRA ROBBINS 08/06/2012 08/07/2012 CITY OF EAGAN $225.00 AUDRA ROBBINS 08/08/2012 08/09/2012 UNITED RENTALS $63.45 ROBERT RUNNING 07/30/2012 08/01/2012 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $162.59 DEB SCHMIDT 07/31/2012 08/02/2012 LILLIE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPE $522.00 DEB SCHMIDT 08/03/2012 08/06/2012 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $68.09 DEB SCHMIDT 08/03/2012 08/06/2012 T-MOBILE.COM*PAYMENT $31.14 DEB SCHMIDT 07/27/2012 07/30/2012 FLEXIBLE PIPE TOOL COMPAN $489.09 SCOTT SCHULTZ 07/31/2012 08/02/2012 USA MOBILITY WIRELE $16.09 SCOTT SCHULTZ 08/01/2012 08/03/2012 WM EZPAY $1,023.76 SCOTT SCHULTZ 07/30/2012 07/31/2012 ECC*DSS-DISC SCH SUPPL $129.91 CAITLIN SHERRILL 07/31/2012 08/02/2012 A1 LAUNDRY $56.24 CAITLIN SHERRILL 08/01/2012 08/01/2012 PLO*MAGIC CABIN DOLLS $88.94 CAITLIN SHERRILL 08/07/2012 08/08/2012 GOODWILL $57.36 CAITLIN SHERRILL 08/07/2012 08/08/2012 WAL-MART#2643 $347.19 CAITLIN SHERRILL 08/07/2012 08/09/2012 BUY BUY BABY #3065 $13.92 CAITLIN SHERRILL 08/09/2012 08/10/2012 GOODWILL $19.13 CAITLIN SHERRILL S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 8-10-12 and 8-17-12.xlsx Packet Page Number 27 of 108 08/07/2012 08/08/2012 ATOM $125.00 JOANNE SVENDSEN 08/07/2012 08/08/2012 GOODYEAR AUTO SRV CT 6920 $48.69 DAVID THOMALLA 07/26/2012 07/30/2012 STRAUSS SKATES AND BIC $4.29 JOE TRAN 07/26/2012 07/30/2012 QUILL CORPORATION $84.05 SUSAN ZWIEG 07/31/2012 08/01/2012 RELIABLE $57.63 SUSAN ZWIEG $55,168.56 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 8-10-12 and 8-17-12.xlsx Packet Page Number 28 of 108 CHECK #CHECK DATE EMPLOYEE NAME 08/17/12 LLANAS, JAMES 435.16 08/17/12 ROSSBACH, WILLIAM 494.44 08/17/12 JUENEMANN, KATHLEEN 435.16 08/17/12 KOPPEN, MARVIN 435.16 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD EMPLOYEE GROSS EARNINGS REPORT FOR THE CURRENT PAY PERIOD AMOUNT 08/17/12 CARDINAL, ROBERT 435.16 08/17/12 BURLINGAME, SARAH 2,074.90 08/17/12 KANTRUD, HUGH 184.62 08/17/12 AHL, R. CHARLES 5,008.64 08/17/12 ANTONEN, JAMES 5,352.58 08/17/12 STRAUTMANIS, MARIS 50.00 08/17/12 VALLE, EDWARD 100.00 08/17/12 RAMEAUX, THERESE 3,061.17 08/17/12 BAUMAN, GAYLE 4,186.17 08/17/12 JAHN, DAVID 2,278.25 08/17/12 KONEWKO, SOPHIA 225.00 08/17/12 CHRISTENSON, SCOTT 1,934.15 08/17/12 FARR, LARRY 3,110.53 08/17/12 RUEB, JOSEPH 2,642.60 08/17/12 SINDT, ANDREA 2,113.80 08/17/12 JACKSON, MARY 2,126.09 08/17/12 KELSEY, CONNIE 2,594.78 08/17/12 ANDERSON, CAROLE 1,450.24 08/17/12 DEBILZAN, JUDY 1,327.92 08/17/12 SPANGLER, EDNA 1,118.73 08/17/12 THOMALLA, ASHLEY 639.00 08/17/12 GUILFOILE, KAREN 4,207.64 08/17/12 SCHMIDT, DEBORAH 2,884.82 08/17/12 ARNOLD, AJLA 1,550.89 08/17/12 BEGGS, REGAN 1,497.36 08/17/12 OSTER, ANDREA 1,907.49 08/17/12 RICHTER, CHARLENE 941.61 08/17/12 MECHELKE, SHERRIE 1,140.33 08/17/12 MOY, PAMELA 1,520.44 08/17/12 CORTESI, LUANNE 1,092.31 08/17/12 LARSON, MICHELLE 1,827.75 08/17/12 CORCORAN, THERESA 1,900.55 08/17/12 KVAM, DAVID 4,209.55 08/17/12 CARLE, JEANETTE 132.00 08/17/12 JAGOE, CAROL 101.75 08/17/12 SCHOENECKER, LEIGH 1,569.35 08/17/12 WEAVER, KRISTINE 2,356.55 08/17/12 PALANK, MARY 1,905.17 08/17/12 POWELL, PHILIP 2,932.46 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 8-10-12 and 8-17-12.xlsx Packet Page Number 29 of 108 08/17/12 THOMFORDE, FAITH 1,497.35 08/17/12 ABEL, CLINT 2,878.21 08/17/12 SVENDSEN, JOANNE 2,101.79 08/17/12 THOMALLA, DAVID 4,961.38 08/17/12 BENJAMIN, MARKESE 3,079.58 08/17/12 BIERDEMAN, BRIAN 3,937.64 08/17/12 BARTZ, PAUL 4,198.92 08/17/12 BELDE, STANLEY 3,083.23 08/17/12 ALDRIDGE, MARK 3,211.70 08/17/12 BAKKE, LONN 2,937.06 08/17/12 CROTTY, KERRY 3,611.20 08/17/12 DEMULLING, JOSEPH 2,832.73 08/17/12 CARNES, JOHN 1,918.52 08/17/12 COFFEY, KEVIN 3,356.11 08/17/12 BOHL, JOHN 3,151.33 08/17/12 BUSACK, DANIEL 3,461.21 08/17/12 FORSYTHE, MARCUS 2,343.29 08/17/12 FRASER, JOHN 3,293.66 08/17/12 ERICKSON, VIRGINIA 3,326.02 08/17/12 FLOR, TIMOTHY 3,725.17 08/17/12 DOBLAR, RICHARD 4,005.46 08/17/12 DUGAS, MICHAEL 4,210.98 08/17/12 HIEBERT, STEVEN 3,266.92 08/17/12 JOHNSON, KEVIN 4,423.10 08/17/12 HAWKINSON JR, TIMOTHY 2,832.73 08/17/12 HER, PHENG 3,053.57 08/17/12 FRITZE, DEREK 3,417.61 08/17/12 GABRIEL, ANTHONY 3,488.86 08/17/12 LANGNER, SCOTT 3,092.20 08/17/12 LANGNER, TODD 2,980.04 08/17/12 KREKELER, NICHOLAS 983.00 08/17/12 KROLL, BRETT 3,303.01 08/17/12 KALKA, THOMAS 940.28 08/17/12 KONG, TOMMY 3,208.11 08/17/12 MCCARTY, GLEN 3,177.88 08/17/12 METRY, ALESIA 3,263.16 08/17/12 MARINO, JASON 3,303.01 08/17/12 MARTIN, JERROLD 3,885.15 08/17/12 LU, JOHNNIE 3,595.06 08/17/12 LYNCH, KATHERINE 2,645.45 08/17/12 RHUDE, MATTHEW 2,949.56 08/17/12 SHORTREED, MICHAEL 4,091.18 08/17/12 PARKER, JAMES 2,186.00 08/17/12 REZNY, BRADLEY 3,266.90 08/17/12 NYE, MICHAEL 3,626.94 08/17/12 OLSON, JULIE 2,937.06 08/17/12 THEISEN, PAUL 3,838.53 08/17/12 THIENES, PAUL 4,261.98 08/17/12 SZCZEPANSKI, THOMAS 3,198.08 08/17/12 TAUZELL, BRIAN 2,896.52 08/17/12 STEINER, JOSEPH 2,897.56 08/17/12 SYPNIEWSKI, WILLIAM 2,819.55 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 8-10-12 and 8-17-12.xlsx Packet Page Number 30 of 108 08/17/12 ARKSEY, CHARLES 361.95 08/17/12 BAHL, DAVID 328.64 08/17/12 XIONG, KAO 2,878.21 08/17/12 ANDERSON, BRIAN 566.61 08/17/12 TRAN, JOSEPH 3,038.70 08/17/12 WENZEL, JAY 3,086.32 08/17/12 CAPISTRANT, JACOB 980.46 08/17/12 CAPISTRANT, JOHN 652.83 08/17/12 BOURQUIN, RON 721.76 08/17/12 BRESIN, ROBERT 129.27 08/17/12 BASSETT, BRENT 506.97 08/17/12 BAUMAN, ANDREW 2,727.74 08/17/12 EVERSON, PAUL 3,220.47 08/17/12 FASULO, WALTER 386.56 08/17/12 DAWSON, RICHARD 2,848.62 08/17/12 EATON, PAUL 451.29 08/17/12 CRAWFORD - JR, RAYMOND 370.47 08/17/12 CRUMMY, CHARLES 274.95 08/17/12 HAWTHORNE, ROCHELLE 2,219.37 08/17/12 HENDRICKSON, NICHOLAS 2,366.68 08/17/12 HALE, JOSEPH 629.05 08/17/12 HALWEG, JODI 2,778.84 08/17/12 FOSSUM, ANDREW 2,720.69 08/17/12 HAGEN, MICHAEL 280.05 08/17/12 KANE, ROBERT 817.79 08/17/12 KARRAS, JAMIE 588.81 08/17/12 JANSEN, CHAD 160.74 08/17/12 JONES, JONATHAN 219.33 08/17/12 HUTCHINSON, JAMES 864.45 08/17/12 IMM, TRACY 222.39 08/17/12 LOCHEN, MICHAEL 300.08 08/17/12 MILLER, LADD 35.46 08/17/12 KUBAT, ERIC 2,391.18 08/17/12 LINDER, TIMOTHY 2,668.41 08/17/12 KERSKA, JOSEPH 695.31 08/17/12 KONDER, RONALD 514.59 08/17/12 NIELSEN, KENNETH 39.99 08/17/12 NOVAK, JEROME 2,848.62 08/17/12 MONSON, PETER 140.97 08/17/12 MORGAN, JEFFERY 520.40 08/17/12 MILLER, NICHOLAS 482.97 08/17/12 MONDOR, MICHAEL 3,259.74 08/17/12 PETERSON, MARK 170.00 08/17/12 PETERSON, ROBERT 3,010.72 08/17/12 OPHEIM, JOHN 607.15 08/17/12 PACHECO, ALPHONSE 243.45 08/17/12 NOWICKI, PAUL 311.67 08/17/12 OLSON, JAMES 2,848.62 08/17/12 RANK, NATHAN 712.77 08/17/12 RANK, PAUL 53.31 08/17/12 POWERS, KENNETH 66.06 08/17/12 RAINEY, JAMES 759.09 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 8-10-12 and 8-17-12.xlsx Packet Page Number 31 of 108 08/17/12 RAVENWALD, CORINNE 73.26 08/17/12 REYNOSO, ANGEL 447.54 08/17/12 STREFF, MICHAEL 2,905.71 08/17/12 SVENDSEN, RONALD 2,967.81 08/17/12 SCHULTZ, JEROME 757.08 08/17/12 SEDLACEK, JEFFREY 2,674.17 08/17/12 RICE, CHRISTOPHER 922.44 08/17/12 RODRIGUEZ, ROBERTO 58.23 08/17/12 ZWIEG, SUSAN 1,706.92 08/17/12 KNUTSON, LOIS 2,054.97 08/17/12 GERVAIS-JR, CLARENCE 3,985.69 08/17/12 LUKIN, STEVEN 4,616.93 08/17/12 WESSELS, TIMOTHY 28.29 08/17/12 WHITE, JOEL 349.53 08/17/12 EDGE, DOUGLAS 2,125.00 08/17/12 JONES, DONALD 2,224.91 08/17/12 BUCKLEY, BRENT 2,141.07 08/17/12 DEBILZAN, THOMAS 2,264.29 08/17/12 NIVEN, AMY 1,425.42 08/17/12 BRINK, TROY 2,399.87 08/17/12 RUNNING, ROBERT 3,266.27 08/17/12 TEVLIN, TODD 2,599.02 08/17/12 OSWALD, ERICK 2,773.18 08/17/12 RUIZ, RICARDO 1,903.88 08/17/12 MEISSNER, BRENT 2,318.53 08/17/12 NAGEL, BRYAN 3,560.40 08/17/12 KREGER, JASON 2,283.54 08/17/12 LINDBLOM, RANDAL 2,740.37 08/17/12 ENGSTROM, ANDREW 2,631.75 08/17/12 JAROSCH, JONATHAN 3,057.18 08/17/12 BURLINGAME, NATHAN 2,087.22 08/17/12 DUCHARME, JOHN 2,740.37 08/17/12 KONEWKO, DUWAYNE 4,413.24 08/17/12 BUTTWEILER, TYLER 840.00 08/17/12 ZIEMAN, SCOTT 589.30 08/17/12 JANASZAK, MEGHAN 1,497.35 08/17/12 LOVE, STEVEN 3,446.87 08/17/12 THOMPSON, MICHAEL 4,261.34 08/17/12 HAYS, TAMARA 1,539.75 08/17/12 HINNENKAMP, GARY 2,268.46 08/17/12 GUNDERSON, THOMAS 840.00 08/17/12 HAMRE, MILES 1,513.61 08/17/12 EDSON, DAVID 2,191.39 08/17/12 GUNDERSON, ANDREW 1,080.00 08/17/12 GERNES, CAROLE 574.90 08/17/12 HAYMAN, JANET 1,450.73 08/17/12 BIESANZ, OAKLEY 1,534.89 08/17/12 DEAVER, CHARLES 488.09 08/17/12 NAUGHTON, JOHN 2,264.29 08/17/12 NORDQUIST, RICHARD 2,148.46 08/17/12 HUTCHINSON, ANN 2,649.17 08/17/12 SOUTTER, CHRISTINE 771.76 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 8-10-12 and 8-17-12.xlsx Packet Page Number 32 of 108 08/17/12 ERICSON, MICHAEL 800.00 08/17/12 KROLL, LISA 1,940.55 08/17/12 WACHAL, KAREN 936.15 08/17/12 GAYNOR, VIRGINIA 3,244.09 08/17/12 FINWALL, SHANN 3,233.35 08/17/12 MARTIN, MICHAEL 2,709.35 08/17/12 YOUNG, TAMELA 2,015.75 08/17/12 EKSTRAND, THOMAS 3,829.34 08/17/12 SWANSON, CHRIS 636.00 08/17/12 THOMPSON, DEBRA 760.22 08/17/12 WELLENS, MOLLY 1,790.61 08/17/12 BERGER, STEPHANIE 760.00 08/17/12 FISHER, DAVID 3,807.86 08/17/12 SWAN, DAVID 2,766.15 08/17/12 BRASH, JASON 2,393.35 08/17/12 CARVER, NICHOLAS 3,244.09 08/17/12 KHOURY, SARAH 694.50 08/17/12 MALLET, AMANDA 704.25 08/17/12 BRENEMAN, NEIL 2,159.70 08/17/12 GERMAIN, BRADY 46.00 08/17/12 BETHEL III, CHARLES 48.88 08/17/12 BJORK, BRANDON 896.00 08/17/12 RYCHLICKI, NICHOLE 362.25 08/17/12 SCHALLER, SCOTT 163.94 08/17/12 ROBBINS, AUDRA 3,019.96 08/17/12 ROBBINS, CAMDEN 204.00 08/17/12 MARTIN, ARIELLE 230.00 08/17/12 MOUA, XENG 367.50 08/17/12 GERMAIN, DAVID 2,155.39 08/17/12 HAAG, MARK 2,905.25 08/17/12 VUKICH, CANDACE 127.88 08/17/12 ADAMS, DAVID 2,303.26 08/17/12 SHERWOOD, CHRISTIAN 880.00 08/17/12 TAYLOR, JAMES 2,738.98 08/17/12 EVANS, CHRISTINE 1,379.83 08/17/12 GLASS, JEAN 2,125.10 08/17/12 ANZALDI, MANDY 1,467.38 08/17/12 CRAWFORD - JR, RAYMOND 576.54 08/17/12 ORE, JORDAN 1,539.75 08/17/12 SCHULTZ, SCOTT 3,090.84 08/17/12 PELOQUIN, PENNYE 334.83 08/17/12 PENN, CHRISTINE 2,332.74 08/17/12 HOFMEISTER, TIMOTHY 151.50 08/17/12 KULHANEK-DIONNE, ANN 597.50 08/17/12 HER, PETER 515.10 08/17/12 HOFMEISTER, MARY 1,075.07 08/17/12 ANDERSON, JOSHUA 532.80 08/17/12 ANDERSON, MAXWELL 161.95 08/17/12 ZIELINSKI, JUDY 77.00 08/17/12 AICHELE, MEGAN 449.70 08/17/12 SHERRILL, CAITLIN 659.20 08/17/12 VUE, LOR PAO 291.13 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 8-10-12 and 8-17-12.xlsx Packet Page Number 33 of 108 08/17/12 BUTLER, ANGELA 119.00 08/17/12 COSTA, JOSEPH 266.00 08/17/12 BRUSOE, AMY 267.41 08/17/12 BUCKLEY, BRITTANY 361.40 08/17/12 BAETZOLD, SETH 79.75 08/17/12 BAUDE, SARAH 88.00 08/17/12 ERICKSON-CLARK, CAROL 61.25 08/17/12 FONTAINE, KIM 560.94 08/17/12 DIONNE, DANIELLE 224.10 08/17/12 DUNN, RYAN 1,139.49 08/17/12 CRANDALL, KRISTA 374.69 08/17/12 DEMPSEY, BETH 88.38 08/17/12 GIEL, NICOLE 76.00 08/17/12 GIPPLE, TRISHA 416.17 08/17/12 GADOW, ANNA 267.83 08/17/12 GADOW, VERONIKA 121.55 08/17/12 FOX, KELLY 60.00 08/17/12 FRAMPTON, SAMANTHA 479.50 08/17/12 HASSAN, KIANA 91.33 08/17/12 HEINRICH, SHEILA 386.00 08/17/12 HAGSTROM, EMILY 32.66 08/17/12 HANSEN, HANNAH 54.60 08/17/12 GRAY, MEGAN 397.99 08/17/12 GRUENHAGEN, LINDA 184.20 08/17/12 KRONHOLM, KATHRYN 557.82 08/17/12 LAMEYER, BRENT 179.69 08/17/12 JOHNSON, BARBARA 172.55 08/17/12 JOYER, ANTHONY 37.00 08/17/12 HOLMBERG, LADONNA 529.00 08/17/12 HORWATH, RONALD 2,859.78 08/17/12 NADEAU, KELLY 488.10 08/17/12 NADEAU, TAYLOR 131.93 08/17/12 MCCANN, NATALIE 76.00 08/17/12 MCCORMACK, MELISSA 69.83 08/17/12 LAMEYER, ZACHARY 459.56 08/17/12 LAMSON, ELIANA 84.00 08/17/12 QUANT, JENNA 14.40 08/17/12 RANEY, COURTNEY 521.00 08/17/12 POVLITZKI, MARINA 19.00 08/17/12 PROESCH, ANDY 851.23 08/17/12 NELSON, ELEONOR 75.00 08/17/12 NORTHOUSE, KATHERINE 106.51 08/17/12 SCHREINER, MARK 58.40 08/17/12 SCHREINER, MICHELLE 185.44 08/17/12 RONNING, ISAIAH 204.05 08/17/12 SCHREIER, ROSEMARIE 370.00 08/17/12 RESENDIZ, LORI 2,257.76 08/17/12 RICHTER, DANIEL 132.30 08/17/12 SMITH, CASEY 232.66 08/17/12 SMITLEY, SHARON 257.10 08/17/12 SCHUNEMAN, GREGORY 189.53 08/17/12 SMITH, ANN 162.40 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 8-10-12 and 8-17-12.xlsx Packet Page Number 34 of 108 9987379 9987380 9987381 9987382 9987383 9987384 9987385 9987386 9987387 9987388 9987389 9987390 08/17/12 SYME, LAUREN 152.18 08/17/12 THORWICK, MEGAN 95.55 08/17/12 WARNER, CAROLYN 132.00 08/17/12 WOLFGRAM, MARY 549.90 08/17/12 TUPY, HEIDE 91.60 08/17/12 TUPY, MARCUS 332.50 08/17/12 TREPANIER, TODD 358.00 08/17/12 TRUE, ANDREW 191.16 08/17/12 DOUGLASS, TOM 1,948.97 08/17/12 MALONEY, SHAUNA 247.50 08/17/12 HITE, ANDREA 165.00 08/17/12 BORCHERT, JONATHAN 206.63 08/17/12 BOSLEY, CAROL 152.50 08/17/12 DANIEL, BREANNA 24.75 08/17/12 VANG, GEORGE 275.50 08/17/12 COUNTRYMAN, BRENDA 1,200.00 08/17/12 SCHULZE, KEVIN 360.00 08/17/12 THOMPSON, BENJAMIN 397.75 08/17/12 PRINS, KELLY 1,921.38 08/17/12 REILLY, MICHAEL 2,004.95 08/17/12 FOWLDS, MYCHAL 3,791.22 08/17/12 FRANZEN, NICHOLAS 2,623.62 08/17/12 WOEHRLE, MATTHEW 2,594.33 08/17/12 BERGO, CHAD 2,707.66 08/17/12 AICHELE, CRAIG 2,221.07 08/17/12 PRIEM, STEVEN 2,415.66 08/17/12 BAETZOLD, CLAIRE 227.68 08/17/12 ERICSON, RACHEL 65.10 08/17/12 DIAZ, SARITA 28.00 08/17/12 VANG, TIM 492.00 08/17/12 KRATTENMAKER, MATTHEW 1,050.00 08/17/12 CHRISTOPHER, KYLE 172.50 08/17/12 STEFFEN, MICHAEL 87.00 526,964.83 08/17/12 WALES, ABIGAIL 201.13 08/17/12 WEINHAGEN, SHELBY 471.46 08/17/12 SCHREIER, ABIGAIL 77.18 08/17/12 SCOTT, HALEY 22.05 08/17/12 MCMAHON, MICHAEL 192.50 08/17/12 O'BRIEN, ELIZABETH 25.19 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 8-10-12 and 8-17-12.xlsx Packet Page Number 35 of 108 MEMORANDUM TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: David Fisher, Building Official Chuck Ahl, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Acceptance of Certified Local Government Grant to attend the 32nd Annual Statewide Historic Preservation Conference DATE: August 15, 2012, for the August 27, 2012 City Council Meeting INTRODUCTION The Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office, in conjunction with the Preservation Alliance of Minnesota, the City of Fergus Falls, the Fergus Falls Heritage Preservation Commission, the Fergus Falls Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Otter Tail County Historical Society, is sponsoring the 32nd Annual Statewide Historic Preservation Conference, September 13-14, 2012, at the Center for the Arts in Fergus Falls, Minnesota. The City of Maplewood being a Certified Local Government (CLG), has qualified to apply for a pass-through CLG grant for a scholarship to help cover the cost of attending the conference. The City of Maplewood, as a CLG, is required to have at least one Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) member participate in the Annual Statewide Historic Preservation Conference. This is to help educate our HPC members. As with all CLG grants, the scholarship grants are reimbursable. The expenses must be incurred and travel completed before reimbursement can be made. The grants must be matched and the time attending the conference can be used to match. The staff’s time and the HPC Member’s time will exceed the match requirement, so there will be no out of budget cost. Staff is seeking an award of $1,608.00 to send one staff member and three HPC members. BUDGET IMPACT None RECOMMENDATION Recommend acceptance of awarded grants and authorize the Finance Manager to make any necessary budget adjustments. Agenda Item G2 Packet Page Number 36 of 108 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Michael Thompson, Public Works Director/City Engineer Scott Schultz, Fleet Superintendent SUBJECT: Approve Purchase of Jacobsen R311T Park Maintenance Machines DATE: August 17, 2012 INTRODUCTION The 2013 capital outlay budget includes funding for the replacement of two Jacobsen park maintenance machines with attachments. These pieces of equipment perform essential maintenance throughout the parks system. Council approval is requested to move forward with this purchase. BACKGROUND The 2002 models are in need of replacement because of age and high engine hours, resulting in increased maintenance costs. Keeping this type of high wear equipment longer than eight to ten years is not cost effective for the city. The two Jacobsen machines maintain turf five days a week throughout the parks system from April through September. Currently they are used for summer turf maintenance only and stored in the winter months. The new versatile Jacobsen machines will now be utilized for year round maintenance operations. In addition to the turf maintenance in summer, the machines will be used for winter ice rink maintenance and snow removal operations in parks, on city campus, and recreational trails throughout the city. BUDGET The 2013 capital improvement plan has $139,000.00 budgeted under project number PW08.020 for the replacement of two Jacobsen park maintenance machines. Staff is requesting that a purchase order be placed by September 14, 2012 to allow for a January 1, 2013 delivery, and avoid upcoming price increases. The city will not be invoiced before January 1, 2013. Following are the costs for the replacements including trade in of old units ($12,000.00), sales tax, training and delivery: Two Jacobsen park maint. machines w/ attachments $142,727.75 Trade in value ($12,000.00) Sales Tax (6.875%) $8,987.53 Total cost $139,715.28 This is $715.28 above the estimated expenditure identified in the Fleet Management Fund. The account has sufficient funds to cover this small increase. Agenda Item G3 Packet Page Number 37 of 108 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the city council approve the purchase of the two Jacobsen park maintenance machines with attachments from TurfWerks under MN State Contract #16800. The total cost including trade-in, tax, delivery and training is $139,715.28. Attachment: TurfWerks Quote Agenda Item G3 Packet Page Number 38 of 108 Eagan, MN - Johnston, IA - Sioux Falls, SD - Omaha, NE - St Louis, MO Equipment Quote Customer Name City of Maplewood Date 6-Aug-12 Account Number Ship Address 1902 Co. Rd. B East Contact Person Scott Schultz City Maplewood Phone Number 651-249-2430 State MN Mobile Number Zip Code 55109 Fax Number 651-249-2459 Email Address ott.schultz@ci.maplewood.mn.us PO Number X Salesman X Troy von Holdt Deliver Date X Dec-12 Special Terms X Purchase MN State Contract MODEL #QTY PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL 69171 2 Jacobsen R311T $51,171.75 102,343.50$ 60 hp Kubota Turbo 4 cylinder diesel engine,-$ 2/4wd, deluxe air suspension seat, ROPS, -$ 11' cut, 2 year or 2,000 hour factory warranty.-$ 2 Spare set of blades, spare set of front/rear $1,178.25 2,356.50$ tires and rims and spare set of filters. Slow -$ moving vehicle reflector.-$ JAR311-16 2 Tektite R311 Cab-Front Wiper $6,566.25 13,132.50$ JAR311-22 2 Defrost Fan Kits $93.50 187.00$ JAR311-20 2 Heater Kits $510.00 1,020.00$ JAR311-06-07 2 Front work lights/rear work lamp $161.50 323.00$ JAR311-13 2 Amber Strobe Beacon $161.50 323.00$ SHL-CT 1 MB Broom-72"x25" poly brush w/deflector $6,591.75 6,591.75$ castor wheels and hose kit -$ MB-60 BLWR 2 MB 60" Snow Blowers w/hose kit $7,522.50 15,045.00$ 68127 2 Canopy/Sunshade Kits $702.75 1,405.50$ -$ Trade-In Equip.2 2002 Jacobsen HR5111's-Around 3,000 hours -$6,000.00 (12,000.00)$ -$ -$ Subtotal 130,727.75$ Sales Tax -$ Notes TOTAL 130,727.75$ Applicable tax is not included. Thanks, Troy von Holdt Turfwerks Agenda Item G3 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 39 of 108 THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Packet Page Number 40 of 108 MEMORANDUM TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Michael Martin, AICP, Planner Charles Ahl, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Approval of a Wetland Buffer Variance for Michael and Kathleen Bryan LOCATION: 1978 Kennard Street VOTE REQUIRED: Simple Council Majority Required for Approval of a Variance DATE: August 22, 2012 INTRODUCTION Michael and Kathleen Bryan are proposing to install an in-ground swimming pool within the backyard of their home at 1978 Kennard Street. Their entire backyard is within the wetland buffer area meaning a variance would be needed to build a swimming pool in any location. Request The applicant is requesting the following: • A 51-foot wetland buffer variance from the Manage B wetland on the east side of the Brya n’s property. The code requires a 75-foot buffer from the Manage B wetland. The proposed pool would be located 24 feet from the water’s edge. DISCUSSION Wetland Buffer Variance There is a Manage B wetland located on the east side of the property. The city’s wetland ordinance requires a 75-foot buffer adjacent a Manage B. The entire backyard of the Bryan’s home is within this 75-foot buffer area meaning any placement of the pool would require a variance to be approved by the city council. The current status of the backyard is mowed turf grass – which is allowed by the city’s wetland ordinance. It should be noted that none of the Bryan’s neighbor’s have native or naturalized buffer areas. All the nearby homes maintain mowed turf grass backyards. If the variance is approved the applicant would be required to follow all other city ordinances applicable to installing an in-ground swimming pool. A fence is required around the pool. The applicant is proposing to connect two sections of fence already existing on the north and south property lines. The new fence sections would run near the edge of the existing wetland. Staff’s opinion is an in-ground swimming pool at this location will not be any more detrimental to the adjacent wetland than a mowed backyard. Staff is supportive of the proposed wetland buffer variance for the following reasons: 1. Strict enforcement of the ordinance would cause the applicant practical difficulties because complying with the wetland buffer requirement stipulated by the ordinance would prohibit the building of any permanent structures, substantially diminishing the potential of this lot. Agenda Item J1 Packet Page Number 41 of 108 2. Approval of the requested wetland buffer variance would benefit the adjacent wetland because the site will be planted with additional buffer plantings. 3. Approval would meet the spirit and intent of the ordinance since the proposed swimming pool would be built in an area that is already maintained as lawn, which is also allowed by ordinance. 4. The Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed District has reviewed the applicant’s plans. They have no concerns and do not require a permit. Engineering Comments Refer to the report by Randy Lindblom of the Maplewood Engineering Department dated July 26, 2012. Mr. Lindblom’s conditions noted in his report should be made conditions of this project. Building Official’s Comments Dave Fisher, the Maplewood Building Official, commented that the city’s swimming pool ordinance must be complied with. Environmental Planner’s Comments Shann Finwall, the environmental planner, had the following comments: • Rip rap along the pond edge should not be used. The pond edge should be planted instead with plantings suitable for a wetland buffer. The applicants should work with staff on this. • The back yard is relatively small, but, the applicant should work with staff to see if the proposed fence could be located closer to the pool. COMMITTEE ACTION Environmental and Natural Resources Commission On August 21, 2012, the environmental and natural resources commission reviewed the proposed variance at the planning commission meeting and recommended approval. Planning Commission On August 21, 2012, the planning commission held a public hearing and recommended approval of the proposed wetland buffer variance for a backyard swimming pool. RECOMMENDATIONS Adopt the resolution approving a wetland buffer variance from the Manage B wetland on the east side of the site. Approval is based on the following reasons: 1. Strict enforcement of the ordinance would cause the applicant practical difficulties because complying with the wetland buffer requirement stipulated by the ordinance Packet Page Number 42 of 108 would prohibit the building of any permanent structures, substantially diminishing the potential of this lot. 2. Approval of the requested wetland buffer variance would benefit the adjacent wetland because the site will be planted with additional buffer plantings. 3. Approval would meet the spirit and intent of the ordinance since the proposed swimming pool would be built in an area that is already maintained as lawn, which is also allowed by ordinance. 4. The Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed District has reviewed the applicant’s plans. They have no concerns and do not require a permit. Approval of the wetland buffer variance shall be subject to the following conditions: 1. Comply with the requirements of the swimming pool ordinance. 2. The use of rip rap is not allowed. The applicant shall work with the environmental planner and natural resources coordinator on a planting plan appropriate for a wetland buffer. 3. The applicant shall work with the environmental planner to see if the proposed fence can be located closer to the proposed pool and the applicant’s home. 4. Comply with the requirements of the engineering report dated July 26, 2012. Packet Page Number 43 of 108 REFERENCE INFORMATION SITE DESCRIPTION Site size: 0.28 acres Existing Use: Single family home SURROUNDING LAND USES North: Single family homes South: Single family homes East: Wetland and single family home West: Kennard Street and single family homes PLANNING Land Use Plan: LDR (low density residential) Zoning: R1 (single dwelling) Findings for Wetland Buffer Variance Approval Section 12-310 of the city code allows the city council to grant variances to wetland buffers. All variances must follow the requirements provided in Minnesota State Statutes. The council may grant a wetland buffer variance according to the language below: (1) Procedures. Procedures for granting variances from this section are as follows: a. The city council may approve variances to the requirements in this section. b. Before the city council acts on a variance, the environmental and natural resources commission will make a recommendation to the planning commission, who will in turn make a recommendation to the city council. The planning commission shall hold a public hearing for the variance. The city shall notify property owners within 500 feet of the property for which the variance is being requested at least ten days before the hearing. c. The city may require the applicant to mitigate any wetland, stream, or buffer alteration impacts with the approval of a variance, including, but not limited to, implementing one or more of the strategies listed in subsection 12-310(e)(4) (mitigation). d. To approve a variance, the council must make the following findings as depicted in Minn. Stats. § 44-13: 1. In harmony with the general purposes and intent of the official control; 2. Consistent with the comprehensive plan; Packet Page Number 44 of 108 3. When there are practical difficulties in complying with the official control. “Practical difficulties” means that the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by an official control. The plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner and the variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. APPLICATION/DECISION DEADLINE City staff received the complete application and plans for this proposal on July 13, 2012. State law requires that the city take action within 60 days of receiving complete applications. The deadline for city action on this proposal is September 11, 2012. If needed, the city is able to extend this review deadline by an additional 60 days. p:sec15\1978 Kennard Street\1978 Kennard Pool Wetland Buffer Variance_CC_082712 Attachments 1. Location Map 2. Future Land Use Map 3. Zoning Map 4. Wetland Map 5. Site Plan 6. Applicant’s Letter of Request dated July 9, 2012 7. Engineering Plan Review dated July 26, 2012 8. Variance Resolution Packet Page Number 45 of 108 1978 Kennard Street Location Map Attachment 1 1978 Kennard Packet Page Number 46 of 108 1978 Kennard Street Future Land Use Map LDR - Low Density Residential Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 47 of 108 1978 Kennard Street Zoning Map R1 - Single Dwelling Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 48 of 108 1978 Kennard Street Wetland Location Map Attachment 4 Manage B Wetland Packet Page Number 49 of 108 Attachment 5 Packet Page Number 50 of 108 Attachment 6 Packet Page Number 51 of 108 Engineering Plan Review PROJECT: 1978 Kennard backyard swimming pool OWNER: Michael E. Bryan & Kathy M. Bryan COMMENTS BY: Randy Lindblom, Senior Engineering Technician DATE: 7-26-2012 PLAN SET: Sketch by Atlantis Pool/Ecowater REPORTS: Home Owner Narrative to Michael Martin A single family homeowner is requesting to building a backyard swimming pool. There is a Manage B Wetland just east of the property which requires a 75 foot setback. The house currently sits around 67 feet from the wetland edge. It is not possible for the property owner to build a pool anywhere on site without a variance. A 51-foot variance is being requested to site the pool. The closest the pool would be to the wetland is 24 feet, the farthest 28 feet. The applicant needs city approval for wetland buffer variance. The following are engineering review comments and act as conditions prior to issuing demolition, grading, sewer, and building permits: Drainage and Stormwater Management 1) It appears that there are no easements for storm sewer on the property. The pond and wetland drain to the south across Frost Ave. An agreement between the homeowner and City shall be agreed to detailing that the City is not liable for any damage to the pool in the case of fluctuating ground water, or if the pond ever backed up enough to have encroachment into the pool or any appurtenances to the pool. 2) It is advised that a boring or test holes be dug and investigated prior to the pool being constructed. If there is evidence of ground water an engineer shall be hired to advise on the construction of the pool. Grading and Erosion Control 3) All disturbed areas shall be graded to slopes of 3H:1V or less. This may require the use of retaining walls. Should retaining walls be necessary, they shall be placed as close to the pool area as possible. 4) Erosion control shall be provided at the edge of the wetland being either bio-roll or silt fence. Permanent restoration of all disturbed areas shall be restored within 10 days of completion of grading activities. Attachment 7 Packet Page Number 52 of 108 Other 5) The Owner shall satisfy all requirements of all permitting and reviewing agencies. 6) All dewatering operations shall direct water to the street in front of the property. Dewatering into the wetland is not allowed. All waters shall be de-chlorinated prior to discharge. Attachment 7 Packet Page Number 53 of 108 VARIANCE RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Michael and Kathleen Bryan applied for a variance from the wetland protection ordinance. WHEREAS, this variance applies to property located at 1978 Kennard Street. The property identification number for this property is: 15-29-22-14-0026 WHEREAS, Ordinance Section 12-310, the Environmental Protection and Critical Area Ordinance dealing with Wetlands, requires a wetland protection buffer of 75 feet in width adjacent to Manage B wetlands. WHEREAS, the applicant is proposing wetland protection buffers of 24 feet, requiring a variance of 51 feet, from the Manage B wetland. WHEREAS, the history of this variance is as follows: 1. On August 21, 2012, the planning commission held a public hearing to review this proposal. City staff published a notice in the paper and sent notices to the surrounding property owners as required by law. The planning commission gave everyone at the hearing a chance to speak and present written statements. Members of the environmental and natural resources commission were present for the discussion and gave their comments and recommendation to the planning commission. The planning commission also considered the report and recommendation of the city staff. The planning commission recommended that the city council approve the variance request. 2. The city council held a public meeting on August 27, 2012 to review this proposal. The council considered the report and recommendations of the city staff and planning commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the city council __________ the above- described variances based on the following reasons: 1. Strict enforcement of the ordinance would cause the applicant practical difficulties because complying with the wetland buffer requirement stipulated by the ordinance would prohibit the building of any permanent structures, substantially diminishing the potential of this lot. 2. Approval of the requested wetland buffer variance would benefit the adjacent wetland because the site will be planted with additional buffer plantings. 3. Approval would meet the spirit and intent of the ordinance since the proposed swimming pool would be built in an area that is already maintained as lawn, which is also allowed by ordinance. 4. The Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed District has reviewed the applicant’s plans. They have no concerns and do not require a permit. Attachment 8 Packet Page Number 54 of 108 Conditions of Approval 1. Comply with the requirements of the swimming pool ordinance. 2. The use of rip rap is not allowed. The applicant shall work with the environmental planner and natural resources coordinator on a planting plan appropriate for a wetland buffer. 3. The applicant shall work with the environmental planner to see if the proposed fence can be located closer to the proposed pool and the applicant’s home. 4. Comply with the requirements of the engineering report dated July 26, 2012. The Maplewood City Council _________ this resolution on August 27, 2012. Attachment 8 Packet Page Number 55 of 108 MEMORANDUM TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Tom Ekstrand, Senior Planner Chuck Ahl, Assistant City Manger SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit and Design Review for RSI Recycling Services LOCATION: 1255 Cope Avenue VOTE: A simple majority vote is required to approve DATE: August 22, 2012 INTRODUCTION Project Description Troy Halverson, of RSI Recycling Service, is requesting approval to remodel the former Wipers Recycling property at 1255 Cope Avenue as a metals recycling business. This use will require a conditional use permit (CUP) for a materials recycling business. Mr. Halverson’s proposal includes the following: • Place three roll-off dumpsters in the westerly parking lot for material processing and storage. This area would have equipment for placing scrap metal in these bins. • Provide an eight-foot-tall poured-in-place, pattern-embossed concrete screening wall around the outdoor dumpster area. • Place a can-storage trailer in the existing dock area. • Provide landscaping on the north and south sides of the proposed screening wall. • Install three garage doors on the south elevation and three corresponding garage doors on the north elevation to allow customers to enter the building on the south side and exit on the north. This would facilitate dropping off materials inside the building with a drive-thru exit. • Install a service door on the front (south side) along with the three overhead garage doors. • Remove the existing canopy on the south side of the building • Install a driveway on the north side of the building for customers’ to exit after dropping off materials inside the building. • Install a new curb cut on Cope Avenue at the easterly side of the site for a direct access into the building. • Remove eight parking spaces on the south side of the building for the proposed driveway and garage door access. Agenda Item J2 Packet Page Number 56 of 108 Requests Mr. Halverson is requesting the following approvals for this proposal: • A CUP for a material recycling facility and for exterior materials storage and recycling activities. City code requires a CUP for outdoor activities that are within 350 feet of residential property, other than parking. Any outdoor vehicle activity or transport of materials that goes beyond simple parking would require a CUP. Since the site already has a CUP for a previous use, this request would also be a revision of that previous permit. (Note: Staff originally felt that this proposal would also require a variance from a code requirement that materials recycling facilities must be 350 feet from residentially planned properties. Staff later determined that the proposed recycling activities—the building and exterior bin area—would be further than 350 feet from the residential properties to the south. The proposed outside recycling activities will still require a CUP, so the exterior activities that could impact the homeowners will still be covered by the CUP process.) • Site and building remodeling plan approvals. BACKGROUND July 5, 1979: The city council approved plans for the building on this site as a racquetball club. The building was later remodeled for Northern Hydraulics in 1991 and most recently as Wipers Recycling in 2007. DISCUSSION Conditional Use Permit Neighbors’ Concerns Staff surveyed the surrounding property owners and received nine replies. Six neighbors were opposed to this proposal. The following is a summary of their concerns: (Refer to the Citizens’ Comments section and the attached replies for complete response.) • Noise impacts • Traffic increase • Odors • Industrial use is not compatible with commercial and residential • Visual impacts Packet Page Number 57 of 108 The applicant has addressed these impacts and would be handling these concerns as follows: Noise: the majority of the recycling drop-off activity would take place inside the building. This is the reason for the installation of the three new garage doors, to enable customers to pull into the building to drop off materials. Drop offs that are too large for the indoor bins would be dropped off at the westerly dumpster area by the crane apparatus. Staff expects that this may be the noisiest activity at the site. The applicant estimates that 20 percent of their business would entail drop offs at these outdoor bins. Refer to the picture of the type of crane which would be used to drop metals into the bins. The actual one would have a claw end rather than a bucket scoop. The applicant stated that noise from inside the building should not be significant, even though they would keep overhead doors open for ventilation on hot days. Staff is concerned about noise as well, but cannot state that noise will be a definite problem. Traffic: The applicant stated that they anticipate 85 to 135 vehicle trips-per-day to the site. On a per hour basis, this would amount to 15 vehicle trips-per-hour in a nine-hour day. (The applicant proposes to be open 8 to 5 Monday through Friday and 8 to noon on Saturday.) As stated, 20 percent would be by vehicles going to the outdoor bins to be unloaded. The majority, 80 percent, of these vehicles would unload inside the building. The full bins would be replaced with empties generating about five truck trips per day to the site. If vehicle stacking into the street becomes a problem, the applicant should revise their internal traffic flow or make other suitable changes to prevent this from happening. This may not be easily done, however, due to the constraints of the parking lot. Odors: The nearby homeowners commented that odors are also a concern from the salvaged materials. One neighbor noted how even metal cans produce a sour smell. The applicant commented that the can processing operation will all be inside the building so there would not be odors outside. Zoning of Property: Some neighbors commented that this use is not appropriate in this area. They see this neighborhood as retail and residential, certainly not industrial. This lot, in fact, has been zoned M1 (light manufacturing) since the adoption of the zoning ordinance in 1965. Recycling uses are listed as “conditional uses” meaning that they are appropriate in an M1 district, provided the city council approves a CUP for the proposed business. Visual Impacts: Staff is also concerned that there be proper landscaping and screening. The applicant has submitted a proposal for an eight-foot-tall screening wall around the outside bin area and additional landscaping in front of this wall and along Cope Avenue for enhanced screening. Refer to the plans. Staff feels that the proposed landscaping/screening plan should utilize primarily evergreen trees for year-around screening along the Cope Avenue frontage. A variety of landscaping in front of the proposed wall is a good idea for aesthetics and to break up the appearance of the massive wall. Packet Page Number 58 of 108 Potential for Nuisances The concerns expressed by the neighboring property owners are the same as staff’s concerns. Most of the activities will be indoors with 20 percent conducted outdoors. If everything goes as proposed, the activities will be controlled and regulated. The city council should be aware, though, of the potential for these nuisances: • As discussed at the planning commission meeting, parking could become a problem since there is very little on the site. • Vehicle stacking onto Cope Avenue is a possibility and reconfiguring the site for a different vehicle approach may not be achieved. • One’s own can recycling bin in the garage gets smelly. There is potential for this proposal to have an odor as well. Staff visited the recycling/scrap yard in Hugo on Highway 61. The odor of that scrap yard is very noticeable, however, that scrap yard is a much larger operation than the one proposed. Staff admits that this is not a fair comparison due to that size of the Hugo operation, but the city council should be aware of the potential for odors. • Visually, the outdoor bins and can storage trailer would not be attractive, though the bins would be partially screened by the proposed screening wall. • The noise of the tracker/claw has been demonstrated to be very quiet, but the placing of metals in the outdoor bins could be loud. Staff would expect that even the most careful tractor operator could not place metals in the bin quietly all the time. Even a release from inches above the top level of materials in a bin would make noise. • How would problems be enforced? This was a concern of the planning commission and neighbors that felt that the city did nothing to control the violations by Wipers Recycling at this location. Enforcement of problems would be by 1) staff working with the applicant to correct nuisance-causing situations, 2) if the applicant failed to comply, the CUP would be brought before the city council for reevaluation, 3) if the applicant would not comply the city would take legal steps for correction. CUP Findings for Approval The zoning ordinance requires that the city council determine that all nine “standards” for approval be met to approve a CUP. In short, these findings state that the use would (refer to the resolution for the complete wording): • Comply with the city’s comprehensive plan and zoning code. • Maintain the existing or planned character of the neighborhood. • Not depreciate property values. • Not cause any disturbance or nuisance. • Not cause excessive traffic. • Be served by adequate public facilities and police/fire protection. • Not create excessive additional costs for public services. Packet Page Number 59 of 108 • Maximize and preserve the site’s natural and scenic features. • Not cause adverse environmental effects. To address these criteria: • The plan would comply with the comprehensive plan and zoning. • It would maintain the neighborhood character since it would be a light industrial use. • Staff does not see that there would be any impact on property values since there seems to be a sufficient distance from the residential district to the south. I have contacted the Ramsey County Assessor’s office for their opinion and am awaiting a reply. • If operated as proposed, it would not cause any disturbance or nuisance. • There would not be excessive traffic—the anticipated 15 vehicle trips-per-hour is not excessive. • It would be served by public facilities and police and fire. • It would not create excessive additional costs for public services. • It would preserve the majority of the existing trees and provide additional ones. • It would not cause adverse environmental effects. Architectural Staff has no design concerns about the addition of the proposed garage doors, service door or the removal of the building awning. The building needs paint in areas. The applicant should touch up peeling areas of building paint as needed and repaint beneath the awning after its removal. Site Considerations Screening Wall Location The proposed screening wall would wrap around the north, west and south sides of the outdoor material handling area. The westerly section is shown as an area “to be determined” since the applicant may request the purchase of the Atlantic Street right-of- way if it is vacated for the Highway 36 improvements. If that occurs, the applicant would extend his screening wall and materials handling area into the Atlantic Street alignment. This makes sense should that opportunity become available. The applicant’s screening plan looks to be a good start. Staff would recommend the plan be revised to incorporate heavy use of evergreens along the Cope Avenue frontage. This would mean removal of the existing deciduous trees which provide no effective screening. Evergreens should be planted reasonably close together to form a tight screen. A variety of plantings on the west and south side of the proposed wall is a good idea for more of a varied appearance and to break up the appearance of the large wall. There seems to be no benefit from providing additional plantings on the north side of the proposed wall since the existing trees provide foliage. Should the wall be extended into the Atlantic Street right-of-way after its vacation, landscaping should be provided on the north side of this extension. Packet Page Number 60 of 108 Trash Enclosure Screening The applicant indicated that he would be agreeable to extend the southerly part of the screening wall around the south and east sides of the trash dumpster area. Staff feels this is a good idea for screening the outdoor bin area and to screen the businesses trash and cardboard recycling dumpsters. Parking The applicant would provide 15 parking spaces. There are 12 spaces proposed on the south side of the building and three on the west side. There are four parking spaces shown on the site plan west of the building, however, this area only has room for two regular parking spaces, one handicap space and the striped handicap-accessible loading aisle. The applicant has stated that they would have a maximum of ten employees at a given time. Customers would not park since they would drive into the building, drop off materials and then drive away. Discussion at the planning commission meeting, however, indicated that there is some potential for customers to park. This is based on other recycling or scrap yard operations. There is no code requirement for parking for a recycling facility such as this one. If there is a need for additional parking spaces in the future, the applicant would need to look at site plan alterations to provide additional stalls. A change over in use in the future could prove to be detrimental for parking needs since parking stalls are short in supply on this site. Staff, however, does not feel the applicant should be penalized since there would be enough spaces to suit his purposes. Pavement The parking lot is worn and weedy. A condition of approval should be to repave and restripe the parking lot. The CDRB required the full repaving of the parking lot. The applicant has agreed to do this. Department Comments Police There are no real issues regarding the design other than the possibility of noise being generated when dealing with scrap metal. It appears they have addressed this with a noise barrier. There is some concern with a possibility of the turn-in of stolen metals. The applicant should work with the police department regarding this concern. Assistant Fire Chief • The applicant will be required to have the fire protection system serviced and certified for the proper coverage, this needs to be done by a licensed contractor. Packet Page Number 61 of 108 • They will need to have the alarm system monitored by a UL list company and shall be tested by a licensed contractor prior to operating. • They will need to pull permits for this work and any changes would require plans. There is currently a fire department lock box on the building that will require a master key put inside so when/if we need to enter after hours. Engineering Please refer to the Engineering Plan Review by Jon Jarosch, staff engineer. Condition 6 requires that the applicant dedicate a five-foot-wide sidewalk easement to the city for the extension of the sidewalk from the neighboring property. The city will build this sidewalk as part of the upcoming Highway 36 and English Street area improvements. Building Official • I would require a complete building code analysis from a design professional. • There may be a requirement for a floor drain with a flammable waste if they are bringing vehicles into the building. • Noise could be an issue with this type of operation. • Installing a tall fence around this property I have some concern about the exiting to the public way and the Fire Department access. • Verification of the fire sprinklers system for this use of the building will be required. • Accessibility issues will be addressed once it is known how much of the building would be remodeled. • The plumbing will need to be reviewed by the MN State Department of Labor and Industry. • All the doors out of this building should be looked at for code compliance. (Accessibility, landing, door hardware, etc.) It would be a good idea to have a meeting with design professional. Environmental Planner They are cutting down trees with the expansion of the drive aisle toward the freeway. They should show us a more detailed tree removal and tree replacement plan. Packet Page Number 62 of 108 Conclusion As stated above, there are legitimate concerns with a recycling business at this location. The applicant has addressed these concerns and staff feels that Mr. Halverson is sincere about operating a business the city could be proud of. The fact remains, though, that there is a potential for problems stemming from vehicle stacking into the street, parking, noise, visual impact and odor. Staff feels the greatest potential for nuisances relate to noise and visual impacts. The applicant mentioned that if business is good, they would like to have the building open for a second shift. This, however, would not entail being open to the public but only for their staff to process materials. Should the applicant propose to extend their hours of operation, this should be reviewed by the city council. COMMISSION ACTIONS July 24, 2012: The CDRB recommended approval of the site and building remodeling plans with the following additions: • The repair of the parking lot shall constitute the removal of paving, the installation of new paving and striping. • The revised screening plan shall include the addition of landscaping in keeping with the existing westerly curb cut location. August 21, 2012: The planning commission recommended approval by a split vote. Those voting nay felt this is a good proposal, and the city should support recycling, but this use seems to be to potentially disturbing in this location. BUDGET IMPACTS None. RECOMMENDATION a. Adopt the resolution approving a conditional use permit revision for 1255 Cope Avenue to allow a materials recycling facility. Approval is based on the findings required by ordinance and subject to the following conditions (additions are underlined and deletions are crossed out): 1. All construction must comply with the site plan, received by the city on September 24, 1990. The director of community development may approve minor changes. The city council must review major changes. Packet Page Number 63 of 108 2. The city council shall review this permit one year from the date of approval, based on the procedures in the city code. 3. There shall be no outside storage of good, materials or trash. 4. The owner shall have the roof-top equipment screened as required by code. 5. The owner shall keep the pole light, at the northwest corner of the site off or reorient it so it will not glare onto streets or other properties. 6. The canopy shall not be illuminated. 7. The hours of operation shall be from 7:00 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday-Friday; 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturdays and 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Sundays. 8. There shall be no overnight parking of trucks. 9. Grade and sod the weedy strip next to Englewood Shops by July 1, 1991. Sod the entire lawn by September 15 if the owner cannot control the weeds by then. 10. Irrigation shall be made operational if present. 1. All construction shall follow the site plan date-stamped August 15, 2012. Staff may approve minor changes. 2. The city council shall review this permit in one year. 3. The proposed construction must be substantially started within one year after council approval or the permit shall end. The council may extend this deadline for one year. 4. The permitted hours of operation shall be 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8 to noon on Saturday. Extended hours may be considered by the city council should the applicant wish to add a second shift. 5. If vehicle stacking into the street becomes a problem, the applicant should revise their internal traffic flow or make other suitable changes to prevent this from happening. 6. Roof-top mechanical equipment shall be screened if required by code. 7. Site lighting shall comply with city lighting requirements. Pole height is exempt if they exceed 25 feet in height. 8. The applicant shall work with the police department to monitor and guard against the potential for stolen materials being sold at the proposed facility. Packet Page Number 64 of 108 9. The applicant shall install an eight-foot-tall concrete screening wall on the north, west and south sides of the outdoor dumpster bin area as shown on the plan. The following variations shall be required as well: • The southerly wall shall be extended around the south and east sides of the trash and cardboard recycling area to provide screening for those dumpsters and to help conceal the activity at the roll-off dumpsters. • The construction of the westerly section of screening wall may be postponed until the city has vacated the Atlantic Street right-of-way since the applicant proposes to acquire this for his site. This would avoid the costs of construction of the wall just to demolish it for later expansion. The deadline for this land acquisition and completion of the screening wall shall be two years from the date of this CUP approval. The city may require the installation of a temporary fence in the interim based on disturbances, unsightliness and complaints. 10. The landscaping plan shall be resubmitted for design board approval providing for: • Adding numerous evergreen trees along Cope Avenue. These trees should be at least eight feet tall. • Matching landscaping on the west side of the screening wall to match the landscaping proposed on the south side. • Except for these items, the landscaping plan is approved with the other landscaping details proposed. 11. The conditional use permit shall allow the recycling and handling of metals, appliances and batteries. The permit shall not allow the accepting or handling of automobiles, fluids, household hazardous waste, tires, hazardous waste, radioactive materials, hospital x-ray equipment, PCB transformers/ballasts, smoke detectors, glass, paper, cardboard, non-leaded acid batteries or chemicals. 12. All recycled materials on site shall be kept in a neat and orderly fashion. b. Approve the plans date-stamped July 9, 2012 for the proposed building and site improvements to 1255 Cope Avenue East. Approval is based on the findings required by ordinance and subject to the applicant doing the following: 1. Comply with the requirements of the building official and the assistant fire chief listed in the memorandum and those in the city’s engineering report prepared by Jon Jarosch, staff engineer. The applicant should work with Mr. Jarosch in the city’s engineering department regarding the dedication of the sidewalk easement. 2. Repair and restripe the parking lot. With the exception that there shall only be two regular spaces, one handicap space and a handicap-accessible loading aisle on the west side of the building. All regular spaces shall be 9½ feet wide as code requires. The applicant shall comply with handicap-accessible parking Packet Page Number 65 of 108 requirements. Repair of the parking lot shall constitute removal of paving the installation of new paving and striping. 3. Revise the screening wall plan for approval by the community design review board. This would include the addition of landscaping in keeping with the existing westerly curb cut location. The screening wall shall be extended to this new curb cut. 4. Paint the front elevation of the building after removal of the awning. Any peeling paint shall be touched up. 5. The existing trash enclosure shall be cleaned up, repaired and repainted. 6. The applicant shall provide cash escrow or an irrevocable letter of credit in the amount of 150 percent of the cost of the landscaping and other site improvements that may not be installed by occupancy. An irrevocable letter of credit shall include the following provisions: • The letter of credit must clearly indicate that it is an irrevocable letter of credit in the name of the City of Maplewood, payable on demand. • The letter of credit shall have a stipulation indicating automatic renewal, with notification to the city by certified mail a minimum of 60 days prior to its expiration. 7. The 15 parking spaces are approved for this use, however, the applicant shall provide additional parking spaces should the need arise. 8. The applicant shall comply with city sign requirements. Packet Page Number 66 of 108 CITIZENS' COMMENTS City Staff surveyed the owner of the 31 properties within 500 feet of the site for their comments about the proposal. Of the nine replies, one was in favor and six objected and two expressed concerns but did not state for or against. In Favor • The seller, Premier Bank fully supports the proposal. The protected boundaries will mitigate neighborhood impacts. The jobs the new East Metro location will provide are an important aspect as well. The speed of approval is also of utmost importance due to the upcoming English and 36 construction impacts ahead. Thank you for your consideration and swift processing. (Sean O. Regan, Premier Bank, property owner) Opposed • First of all our home will drop in value. The place is too damn small. Traffic will be unbearable and the noise we do not need here. It’s a nice neighborhood don’t screw it up. (Frank Wegleitner, 1252 Cope Avenue) • Refer to the email response from Gary Flasch, 1268 Cope Court. • Refer to the letter from Tom Shock, and Mary Jane Shock, 1276 Cope Court. • Refer to the letter from Mary Jo Cocchiarella, owner of Baby Zone child day care next door to the east. • We at the dental office directly across the street are most impacted. We protest this proposal. We feel our area to be residential/retail, not industrial. (Paul Wallin DDS, 1270 Cope Avenue) • This is exchanging one junk yard for another. A larger lot and building is available at the Minnesota Marble site east of here on Cope Avenue. (Roger Franz, 1282 Cope Court) Concerns Expressed • Noise is a concern from the outdoor activity during our business hours for our clinic. The grounds need to be kept neat, not like the last facility. (Dr. Lille, Keller Lake Animal Hospital) • Refer to the email response from Tracy. Packet Page Number 67 of 108 REFERENCE INFORMATION SITE DESCRIPTION Site size: 1.44 acres Existing land use: The former Wipers Recycling (now vacant) SURROUNDING LAND USES North: Highway 36 South: Cope Avenue, Keller Lake Animal Hospital and Dental Health of Maplewood East: Multi-tenant commercial center West: Atlantic Street PLANNING Land Use Plan designation: C (commercial) Zoning: M1 (light manufacturing) CODE REQUIREMENTS Section 44-637(a)(4) of the city ordinances requires a CUP for material recycling facilities, provided it is located at least 350 feet from any property the city is planning for residential use. Section 44-637(b) states that no building or exterior use, except parking, may be erected, altered or conducted within 350 feet of a residential district without a CUP. APPLICATION DATE The application for this request was complete on July 9, 2012. State law requires that the city decide on land use applications within 60 days. The deadline for council action, therefore, is September 7, 2012. Packet Page Number 68 of 108 P:Sec9/RSI Recycling CC Report 8 12 te Attachments: 1. Land Use Plan Map 2. Zoning/Location Map 3. Site Plan 4. Floor Plan 5. Building Elevations 6. Applicant’s Narrative 7. Brochure of the type of crane to be used on site 8. Engineering Plan Review by Jon Jarosch dated July 16, 2012 9. Email response from Gary Flasch 10. Letter from Tom and Mary Jane Shock 11. Letter from Baby Zone, Mary Jo Cocchiarella 12. Email response from Tracy 13. Resolution 14. Plans date-stamped August 15, 2012 (separate attachment) Packet Page Number 69 of 108 Packet Page Number 70 of 108 Packet Page Number 71 of 108 Packet Page Number 72 of 108 Packet Page Number 73 of 108 Packet Page Number 74 of 108 Packet Page Number 75 of 108 Packet Page Number 76 of 108 Packet Page Number 77 of 108 Packet Page Number 78 of 108 Packet Page Number 79 of 108 Packet Page Number 80 of 108 Packet Page Number 81 of 108 Packet Page Number 82 of 108 Packet Page Number 83 of 108 Packet Page Number 84 of 108 Packet Page Number 85 of 108 Packet Page Number 86 of 108 Packet Page Number 87 of 108 Packet Page Number 88 of 108 Packet Page Number 89 of 108 Packet Page Number 90 of 108 Packet Page Number 91 of 108 Packet Page Number 92 of 108 Packet Page Number 93 of 108 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REVISION RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Troy Halverson, of RSI Recycling Services, requested a revision to the conditional use permit for the property located at 1255 Cope Avenue to operate a materials recycling business. WHEREAS, Section 44-637(a)(4) of the city ordinances requires a conditional use permit for material recycling facilities. WHEREAS, Section 44-637(b) of the city ordinances requires a conditional use permit for exterior activities in a M1 (light manufacturing) zoning district that are conducted within 350 feet of a residential district. WHEREAS, this permit applies to the property at 1255Cope Avenue, legally described by property identification number as: 09-29-22-41-0008 WHEREAS, the history of this conditional use permit revision is as follows: 1. On August 21, 2012, the planning commission held a public hearing. The city staff published a notice in the paper and sent notices to the surrounding property owners. The planning commission gave persons at the hearing a chance to speak and present written statements. The commission also considered reports and recommendations of the city staff. The planning commission recommended that the city council approve the conditional use permit revision. 2. On __________, 2012 the city council discussed the proposed conditional use permit revision. They considered reports and recommendations from the planning commission and city staff. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the city council ____________ the above- described conditional use permit revision for the following reasons: 1. The use would be located, designed, maintained, constructed and operated to be in conformity with the City’s Comprehensive Plan and Code of Ordinances. 2. The use would not change the existing or planned character of the surrounding area. 3. The use would not depreciate property values. 4. The use would not involve any activity, process, materials, equipment or methods of operation that would be dangerous, hazardous, detrimental, disturbing or cause a nuisance to any person or property, because of excessive noise, glare, smoke, dust, odor, fumes, water or air pollution, Attachment 13 Packet Page Number 94 of 108 drainage, water run-off, vibration, general unsightliness, electrical interference or other nuisances. 5. The use would not exceed the design standards of any affected street. 6. The use would be served by adequate public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, water and sewer systems, schools and parks. 7. The use would not create excessive additional costs for public facilities or services. 8. The use would maximize the preservation of and incorporate the site’s natural and scenic features into the development design. 9. The use would cause no more than minimal adverse environmental effects. Approval is subject to the following conditions (additions are underlined and deletions are crossed out): 1. All construction must comply with the site plan, received by the city on September 24, 1990. The director of community development may approve minor changes. The city council must review major changes. 2. The city council shall review this permit one year from the date of approval, based on the procedures in the city code. 3. There shall be no outside storage of good, materials or trash. 4. The owner shall have the roof-top equipment screened as required by code. 5. The owner shall keep the pole light, at the northwest corner of the site off or reorient it so it will not glare onto streets or other properties. 6. The canopy shall not be illuminated. 7. The hours of operation shall be from 7:00 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday-Friday; 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturdays and 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Sundays. 8. There shall be no overnight parking of trucks. 9. Grade and sod the weedy strip next to Englewood Shops by July 1, 1991. Sod the entire lawn by September 15 if the owner cannot control the weeds by then. 10. Irrigation shall be made operational if present. Packet Page Number 95 of 108 1. All construction shall follow the site plan date-stamped August 15, 2012. Staff may approve minor changes. 2. The city council shall review this permit in one year. 3. The proposed construction must be substantially started within one year after council approval or the permit shall end. The council may extend this deadline for one year. 4. The permitted hours of operation shall be 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8 to noon on Saturday. Extended hours may be considered by the city council should the applicant wish to add a second shift. 5. If vehicle stacking into the street becomes a problem, the applicant should revise their internal traffic flow or make other suitable changes to prevent this from happening. 6. Roof-top mechanical equipment shall be screened if required by code. 7. Site lighting shall comply with city lighting requirements. Pole height is exempt if they exceed 25 feet in height. 8. The applicant shall work with the police department to monitor and guard against the potential for stolen materials being sold at the proposed facility. 9. The applicant shall install an eight-foot-tall concrete screening wall on the north, west and south sides of the outdoor dumpster bin area as shown on the plan. The following variations shall be required as well: • The southerly wall shall be extended around the south and east sides of the trash and cardboard recycling area to provide screening for those dumpsters and to help conceal the activity at the roll-off dumpsters. • The construction of the westerly section of screening wall may be postponed until the city has vacated the Atlantic Street right-of-way since the applicant proposes to acquire this for his site. This would avoid the costs of construction of the wall just to demolish it for later expansion. The deadline for this land acquisition and completion of the screening wall shall be two years from the date of this CUP approval. The city may require the installation of a temporary fence in the interim based on disturbances, unsightliness and complaints. 10. The landscaping plan shall be resubmitted for design board approval providing for: • Adding numerous evergreen trees along Cope Avenue. These trees shall be at least eight feet tall. • Matching landscaping on the west side of the screening wall to match the landscaping proposed on the south side. Packet Page Number 96 of 108 • Except for these items, the landscaping plan is approved with the other landscaping details proposed. 11. The conditional use permit shall allow the recycling and handling of metals, appliances and batteries. The permit shall not allow the accepting or handling of automobiles, fluids, household hazardous waste, tires, hazardous waste, radioactive materials, hospital x-ray equipment, PCB transformers/ballasts, smoke detectors, glass, paper, cardboard, non-leaded acid batteries or chemicals. 12. All recycled materials on site shall be kept in a neat and orderly fashion. The Maplewood City Council adopted this resolution on ___________, 2012. Packet Page Number 97 of 108 Packet Page Number 98 of 108 Packet Page Number 99 of 108 Packet Page Number 100 of 108 Packet Page Number 101 of 108 Packet Page Number 102 of 108 Packet Page Number 103 of 108 Packet Page Number 104 of 108 Packet Page Number 105 of 108 Packet Page Number 106 of 108 Packet Page Number 107 of 108 Packet Page Number 108 of 108