HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 07-09 City Council Meeting PacketThe Listening Forum begins at 6:30 p.m. before the second and fourth regularly scheduled City Council meetings and replaces Visitor Presentations on the City Council Agenda. AGENDA MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL 7:00 P.M. Monday, July 9, 2012 City Hall, Council Chambers Meeting No. 12-12 A. CALL TO ORDER B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. Acknowledgement of Maplewood Residents Serving the Country. C. ROLL CALL Mayor’s Address on Protocol: “Welcome to the meeting of the Maplewood City Council. It is our desire to keep all discussions civil as we work through difficult issues tonight. If you are here for a Public Hearing or to address the City Council, please familiarize yourself with the Policies and Procedures and Rules of Civility, which are located near the entrance. Before addressing the council, sign in with the City Clerk. At the podium please state your name and address clearly for the record. All comments/questions shall be posed to the Mayor and Council. The Mayor will then direct staff, as appropriate, to answer questions or respond to comments.” D. APPROVAL OF AGENDA E. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of July 25, 2012 City Council Workshop Minutes 2. Approval of July 25, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes F. APPOINTMENTS AND PRESENTATIONS G. CONSENT AGENDA – Items on the Consent Agenda are considered routine and non-controversial and are approved by one motion of the council. If a councilmember requests additional information or wants to make a comment regarding an item, the vote should be held until the questions or comments are made then the single vote should be taken. If a councilmember objects to an item it should be removed and acted upon as a separate item. 1. Approval Of Claims 2. Approval of Resolution Certifying Election Judges for the August 14, 2012 State and Federal Primary Election 3. Resolution Accepting Donation to the Police Department From Residential Mortgage Group 4. Conditional Use Permit Review for a Planned Unit Development, Gethsemane Senior Housing, South of 2410 Stillwater Road 5. Approval to Move the Tennis Court Project from Playcrest to Maplewood Heights 6. Resolution Accepting Donation from St. Paul East Parks Lions to City of Maplewood 7. Resolution Accepting Donation from Friends of Maplewood Nature to City of Maplewood 8. Approval of License Fee Reduction for Excel Pawn 9. Approve Entering Into Contract for Landscaping Services for Rainwater Gardens, Western Hills Area Street Improvements, City Project 10-14 10. Approval to Accept the Grant from Firehouse Subs and Authorization to Purchase Turnout Gear H. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Approval of Ordinance Amendment Regarding Reinforced-Turf Parking Lots – First Reading 2. Approval of Ordinance Amendment Regarding Dynamic Display Signs – First Reading I. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Approval of Charitable Gambling Policy and Application 2. Approval of Planning Fees for Police Department – City Hall Expansion Project J. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Penalties for Alcohol and Tobacco Compliance Failures 2. Approval of Purchase Agreement for City-Owned Land, Hazelwood Street and County Road D East 3. Councilmember Resignation a. Approval of Resolution Declaring a Vacancy on the City Council b. Approval of Resolution Calling for a Special Election K. AWARD OF BIDS L. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS M. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS N. ADJOURNMENT Sign language interpreters for hearing impaired persons are available for public hearings upon request. The request for this must be made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the City Clerk’s Office at 651.249.2001 to make arrangements. Assisted Listening Devices are also available. Please check with the City Clerk for availability. RULES OF CIVILITY FOR OUR COMMUNITY Following are some rules of civility the City of Maplewood expects of everyone appearing at Council Meetings – elected officials, staff and citizens. It is hoped that by following these simple rules, everyone’s opinions can be heard and understood in a reasonable manner. We appreciate the fact that when appearing at Council meetings, it is understood that everyone will follow these principles: Show respect for each other, actively listen to one another, keep emotions in check and use respectful language May 14, 2012 City Council Manager Workshop Minutes 1 Item E1 MINUTES MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL MANAGER WORKSHOP 5:15 P.M. Monday, June 25, 2012 Council Chambers, City Hall A. CALL TO ORDER A meeting of the City Council was held in the City Hall Council Chambers and was called to order at 5:18 p.m. by Mayor Rossbach. B. ROLL CALL Will Rossbach, Mayor Present Robert Cardinal, Councilmember Present Kathleen Juenemann, Councilmember Present Marvin Koppen, Councilmember Present James Llanas, Councilmember Present-Arrived at 5:22 p.m. C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Councilmember Koppen moved to approve the agenda as submitted. Seconded by Mayor Rossbach Ayes – All The motion passed. D. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Police Department/City Hall Assistant City Manager Ahl presented the staff report and answered questions of the council. Terri Heaton from Springsted, Inc. was present; addressed and answered questions of the council. Mary Ippel from Briggs and Morgan was also present; addressed and answered questions of the council. Finance Manager Bauman answered questions of the council. 2. Charitable Gambling Award Process Assistant City Manager Ahl presented the staff report and answered questions of the council. E. NEW BUSINESS None F. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Rossbach adjourned the meeting at 6:40 p.m. Packet Page Number 1 of 119 June 25, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes 1 Item E2 MINUTES MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL 7:00 p.m., Monday, June 25, 2012 Council Chambers, City Hall Meeting No. 11-12 A. CALL TO ORDER A meeting of the City Council was held in the City Hall Council Chambers and was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Mayor Rossbach. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. ROLL CALL Will Rossbach, Mayor Present Robert Cardinal, Councilmember Present Kathleen Juenemann, Councilmember Present Marvin Koppen, Councilmember Present James Llanas, Councilmember Present D. APPROVAL OF AGENDA M1. Shared Vision M2. Missing Trash Cans M3. White House Proclamation Councilmember Llanas moved to approve the agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilmember Juenemann Ayes – All The motion passed. E. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of June 4, 2012 City Council Workshop Minutes Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the June 4, 2012 City Council Workshop Minutes as submitted. Seconded by Councilmember Llanas Ayes – All The motion passed. 2. Approval of June 11, 2012 City Council Workshop Minutes Councilmember Llanas moved to approve the June 11, 2012 City Council Workshop Minutes as submitted. Seconded by Councilmember Juenemann Ayes – All The motion passed. Packet Page Number 2 of 119 June 25, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes 2 3. Approval of June 11, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes Mayor Rossbach moved to approve the June 11, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes as submitted. Seconded by Councilmember Llanas Ayes – All The motion passed. F. APPOINTMENTS AND PRESENTATIONS 1. Fire Department Swearing in Ceremony for Tony Bigelbach, Paul Eaton, Mike Hagen, Rochelle Hawthorne, Chad Jansen, Ladd Miller, Nathan Rank, Paul Rank and Tim Wessels Fire Chief Lukin presented that staff report and introduced Paul Eaton, Mike Hagen, Rochelle Hawthorne, Chad Jansen, Ladd Miller, Nathan Rank, Paul Rank and Tim Wessels. Due to prior commitments, some of the Fire Fighters were unable to attend the meeting and will be sworn in at a later council meeting. City Clerk Guilfoile administered the firefighter’s oath to Chad Jansen, Ladd Miller, Paul Rank, Nathan Rank and Rochelle Hawthorne. 2. Presentation of Fire Department Life Safety Awards Fire Chief Lukin presented the staff report. 3. Acceptance of the Minnesota Resuscitation Consortium Grant Assistant Fire Chief Mondor presented the staff report and answered questions of the council. Kim Heartkins, Program Manager from the Minnesota Resuscitation Consortium was present and addressed the council. Councilmember Juenemann moved to accept the Grant from the Minnesota Resuscitation Consortium. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All G. CONSENT AGENDA Councilmember Juenemann requested to pull agenda item G5 for questions and possible discussion; and agenda items G9, G10 and G11. Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve agenda items G1-G4 and G6-G12. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 1. Approval of Claims Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Approval of Claims. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: $ 554,745.36 Checks # 87203 thru # 87262 Packet Page Number 3 of 119 June 25, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes 3 dated 6/6/12 thru 6/12/12 $ 245,135.94 Disbursements via debits to checking account dated 6/4/12 thru 6/8/12 $ 577,944.01 Checks # 87263 thru # 87320 dated 6/12/12 thru 6/19/12 $ 444,683.56 Disbursements via debits to checking account dated 6/11/12 thru 6/15/12 $ 1,822,508.87 Total Accounts Payable PAYROLL $ 518,140.58 Payroll Checks and Direct Deposits dated 6/8/12 $ 2,200.89 Payroll Deduction check # 9986887thru # 9986890 dated 6/8/12 $ 520,341.47 Total Payroll $ 2,342,850.34 GRAND TOTAL Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 2. Conditional Use Permit Review for Auto Sales by Fleet Associates, Inc at 2495 Maplewood Drive Councilmember Juenemann moved to Approve to Review the Conditional Use Permit for Fleet Associates, Inc. at 2495 Maplewood Drive again only if a problem arises or a major change is proposed. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 3. Ordinance Amendment Regarding Variances for Metal Storage Buildings, Section 12-5 (d)—Second Reading Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Second Reading of the Ordinance Amendment regarding Variances for Metal Storage Buildings, Section 12-5 (d). ORDIANANCE 922 AN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT CONCERNING VARIANCES TO THE METAL STORAGE BUILDING ORDINANCE The Maplewood City Council approves the following revision to the Maplewood Code of Ordinances. (Additions are underlined and deletions are crossed out.) Section 1. Section 12-5 (d) of the Maplewood Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 12-5. Metal Storage Buildings. (d) The city council may hear requests for variances from the literal provisions of this section when the strict enforcement of this section would cause undue hardship because of Packet Page Number 4 of 119 June 25, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes 4 circumstances unique to the individual property under consideration and to grant such variances only when it is demonstrated that such actions will be in keeping with the spirit and intent of the section. The term “undue hardship,” as used in connection with the granting of a variance, means the property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use if used under the conditions allowed by the official controls, and the plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to his property, not created by the landowner, and variance from this section, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. (d) The city council may grant variances to the requirements of this section. All variances must follow the requirements provided in Minnesota State Statutes. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect after the approval by the city council and publishing in the official newspaper. The Maplewood City Council approved this ordinance revision on June 25, 2012. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 4. Ordinance Amendment Regarding Variances for Commercial Use Antennas and Towers, Section 44-1334—Second Reading Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Second Reading of the Ordinance Amendment Regarding Variances for Commercial Use Antennas and Towers, Section 44-1334. ORDINANCE 923 AN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT CONCERNING VARIANCES TO THE COMMERCIAL USE ANTENNAS AND TOWERS ORDINANCE The Maplewood City Council approves the following revision to the Maplewood Code of Ordinances. (Additions are underlined and deletions are crossed out.) Section 1. Section 44-1334 of the Maplewood Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 44-1334. Variances. (a) The city council may grant variances to the requirements of this article. All variances must follow the requirements provided in Minnesota State Statutes. Minn. Stats.ch 462. For variances regarding antennas and towers, the applicant must show the city the following: (1) There are unique circumstances or characteristics peculiar to the property and this article would inflict undue hardship on the property owner or applicant. (2) The property cannot be developed or put to a reasonable use by strictly conforming with this code. (3) The applicant or property owner did not create or cause the hardship. (4) The proposed variance will not alter the essential character of the area or the zoning district. Packet Page Number 5 of 119 June 25, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes 5 (5) The proposed variance is the minimum variance that will afford relief from the standards of this code. (6) The variance would be in keeping with the spirit and intent of this article. (b) The applicant for a variance for an antenna or tower-related matter shall submit, with the variance application and any other required materials, a statement showing how the proposal would meet the findings for variance approval. the findings in subsection (a) of this section. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect after the approval by the city council and publishing in the official newspaper. The Maplewood City Council approved this ordinance revision on June 25, 2012. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 5. Approval of Potentially Dangerous Dogs and Dangerous Dogs License Fees City Clerk Guilfoile presented the staff report and answered questions of the council. Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the License Fees of $150 for Dangerous Dogs and $100 for Potentially Dangerous Dogs. Seconded by Councilmember Llanas Ayes – The motion passed. 6. Resolution Approving Cooperative Agreement with DNR for Gateway Trail Connection, Gladstone Area Redevelopment Improvements – Phase 1, Project 04- 21 Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Resolution Approving the Cooperative Agreement with DNR for Gateway Trail Connection, Gladstone Area Redevelopment Improvements – Phase 1, Project 04-21 . RESOLUTION 12-6-747 AGREEMENT WITH MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES GATEWAY STATE TRAIL CONNECTION WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Natural Resources has the authority, duty and responsibility under Minnesota Statutes85.015, sub. 15, to establish, develop, maintain and operate the Willard Munger State Trail System which includes the Gateway State Trail Segment; and WHEREAS, the State and the City are authorized under Minnesota Statutes Section 471.59 to enter into agreements to jointly or cooperatively exercise common powers; and WHEREAS, the State owns land described as: Section 16, Township 29N, Range 22W, Ramsey County; and WHEREAS, the State and City have determined that providing municipal trail connection to the Gateway State Trail from the City of Maplewood’s Flicek Park is of high priority; and Packet Page Number 6 of 119 June 25, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes 6 WHEREAS, the City shall design, manage, construct and administer the municipal trail connection to the Gateway State Trail, as established hereinafter referred to as the “Trail Connection”; and WHEREAS, upon completion, the Trail Connection shall be the sole responsibility of the City; and NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefit to be derived by the public bodies hereto and for the benefit of the general public, the parties agree to the terms of the Cooperative Agreement attached hereto. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 7. Resolution Requesting Ramsey County to Restrict Parking on Edgerton Street (C.S.A.H. 58) Between Larpenteur Avenue and Highway 36 Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Resolution Requesting Ramsey County to Restrict Parking on Edgerton Street (C.S.A.H. 518) Between Larpenteur Avenue and Highway 36. RESOLUTION 12-6-748 REQUESTING RAMSEY COUNTY TO RESTRICT PARKING ON EDGERTON STREET (C.S.A.H. 58) BETWEEN LARPENTEUR AVENUE AND HIGHWAY 36 Resolution Requesting Ramsey County to Restrict Parking on Edgerton Street (C.S.A.H. 58) between Price Street and Highway 36. WHEREAS, Edgerton Street is a Ramsey County State Aid Route, and WHEREAS, the County of Ramsey is expending County State Aid Funds on the resurfacing of Edgerton Street, and WHEREAS, this improvement does not provide adequate width for parking on the street; and approval of the proposed construction as a County State Aid Street must therefore be conditioned upon certain parking restrictions. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Maplewood hereby requests Ramsey County to ban parking at all times on Edgerton Street between Larpenteur Avenue and TH 36, except for the portion on the east side between Larpenteur Avenue and Price Avenue, and except for the portion on the east side 300 feet to 380 feet north of Kingston Avenue, and except for the portion on the west side 230 feet to 300 feet north of Kingston Avenue. Adopted by the council on this 25th day of June 2012. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 8. Hills and Dales Area Street Improvements, Project 09-15 a. Resolution Directing Modification of Existing Construction Contract, Change Order No. 5 Packet Page Number 7 of 119 June 25, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes 7 b. Resolution Approving Final Payment and Acceptance of Project Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Resolution Directing Modification of Existing Construction Change Order No. 5 for the Hills and Dales Area Street Improvements, City Project 09-15. RESOLUTION 12-6-749 DIRECTING MODIFICATION OF EXISTING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT PROJECT 09-15, CHANGE ORDER NO.5 WHEREAS, the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota has heretofore ordered made Improvements Project 09-15, Hills and Dales Area Street Improvements, and has let a construction contract pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, and WHEREAS, it is now necessary and expedient that said contract be modified and designated as Improvement Project 09-15, Change Order No. 5 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA, that: 1. The mayor and city clerk are hereby authorized and directed to modify the existing contract by executing said Change Order No. 5 which is $65,231.70 The revised contract amount is $5,507,269.52 Approved this 25th day of June 2012. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Resolution Approving Final Payment and Acceptance of Project for the Hills and Dales Area Street Improvements, City Project 09-15. RESOLUTION 12-6-750 APPROVING FINAL PAYMENT AND ACCEPTANCE OF PROJECT PROJECT 09-15 WHEREAS, the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota has heretofore ordered Improvement Project 09-15, the Hills and Dales Area Street Improvements, and has let a construction contract pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, and WHEREAS, the City Engineer for the City of Maplewood has determined that the Hills and Dales Area Street Improvements, City Project 09-15, is complete and recommends acceptance of the project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA, that 1. City Project 09-15 is complete and maintenance of these improvements is accepted by the city; and the final construction cost is $5,503,412.09. Final payment to T.A. Schifsky and Sons, Inc., Incorporated, and the release of any retainage or escrow is hereby authorized. Packet Page Number 8 of 119 June 25, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes 8 Approved this 25th day of June 2012. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 9. Approval of Purchase for Construction Services for Edgerton Pond Force Main, July 16th Storm Clean-up and Investigation, City Project 11-19 City Engineer/Deputy Public Works Director Thompson presented the staff report.. Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Purchase of Construction Services from St. Paul Regional Water Services for Installation of Edgerton Pond Force Main Drainage Basin, City Project 11-19. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 10. Approval of Resolution to Adopt State Performance Measures Assistant City Manager Ahl presented the staff report. Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Resolution to Adopt State Performance Measures. RESOLUTON 12-6-751 Resolution Adopting State Performance Measures WHEREAS, the Minnesota Legislature created a Council on Local Results and Innovation; and WHEREAS, participation in the program may assist the City of Maplewood in improving service delivery and enhancing communication with residents; BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City does hereby adopt and will implement the minimum 10 performance measures developed by the Council on Local Results and Innovation; the City has implemented a local performance measurement system; the City will survey its residents by the end of the calendar year on the services included in the performance benchmarks; the City will report the results of the 10 adopted measure to its residents before the end of the calendar year through publication, posting on the entity’s website, or through a public hearing at which the budget and levy will be discussed and public input allowed. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. Packet Page Number 9 of 119 June 25, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes 9 11. Approval of Resolution for Grant Request on East Metro Public Safety Facility Fire Chief Lukin presented the staff report. Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Resolution Approving the Grant Request to the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development for the East Metro Public Safety Facility. RESOLUTION 12-6-752 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL PROJECTS GRANT PROGRAM WHEREAS the City of Maplewood will act as the legal sponsor for project contained in the Business Development Capital Projects Grant Program Application to be submitted on June 26, 2012 and that the City Manager and the Mayor are hereby authorized to apply to the Department of Employment and Economic Development for funding of this project on behalf of the City of Maplewood, and WHEREAS the City of Maplewood has the legal authority to apply for financial assistance, and the institutional, managerial, and financial capability to ensure adequate construction, operation, maintenance and replacement of the proposed project for its useful life, and WHEREAS the City of Maplewood has not violated any federal, state, or local laws pertaining to fraud, bribery, kickbacks, collusion, conflict of interest or other unlawful or corrupt practice, and WHEREAS upon approval of its application by the state, the City of Maplewood may enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota for the above-referenced project(s), and the City of Maplewood certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in all contract agreements, and WHEREAS all non-state funding is committed and available and meets or exceeds the requirement that the non-state match equal or exceed the state funding, and WHEREAS the City of Maplewood certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and rules of General Obligation bond funds, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Manager and the Mayor, or their successors in office, are hereby authorized to execute such agreements and amendments thereto, as are necessary to implement the project(s) on behalf of the applicant. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 12. 2012 Pay Rates for Temporary/Seasonal, Casual Part-time Employees Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Resolution for 2012 Pay Rates for Temporary/Seasonal, Casual Part-time Employees. RESOLUTION 12-6-753 WHEREAS, according to the Minnesota Public Employees Labor Relations act, part-time employees who do not work more than 14 hour per week and temporary/seasonal employees who work in positions that do not exceed 67 days in a calendar year, or 100 days for full-time Packet Page Number 10 of 119 June 25, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes 10 students, are not public employees and are therefore not eligible for membership in a public employee union. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following pay ranges and job classifications are hereby established for temporary/seasonal, casual part-time (14 hours or fewer/wk) employees effective January 1, 2012 upon Council approval. Accountant $10.00-30.00 per hour Accounting Technician $9.00-22.00 per hour Administrative Assistant $9.00-23.00 per hour Background Investigator $25.00-35.00 per hour Building Inspector $14.00-35.00 per hour Building Attendant $7.25-15.00 per hour Customer Service Assistant $7.25-15.00 per hour CSO $8.00-16.00 per hour Data Entry Operator $8.00-12.00 per hour Election Judge $7.25-12.00 per hour Election Judge - Assistant Chair $9.00-15.00 per hour Election Precinct Chair $9.00-16.00 per hour Engineering Aide $7.00-16.00 per hour Engineering Technician $10.00-16.00 per hour Fire Maintenance/Engineer ** $14.14 per hour Firefighter-in-Training (new hire) ** $10.10 per hour Firefighter/EMT ** $12.12 per hour Firefighter/Paramedic ** $13.13 per hour Firefighter/EMT Captain ** $14.14 per hour Firefighter/Paramedic Captain ** $15.15 per hour Battalion Chief ** $16.16 per hour Intern $7.25-20.00 per hour IT Technician $15.00-20.00 per hour Laborer $7.25-14.00 per hour Lifeguard $7.25-14.00 per hour Manager-on-Duty Differential $1.00 per hour Office Specialist $8.50-18.00 per hour Receptionist $8.00-16.00 per hour Recreation Instructor/Leader $7.25-32.00 per hour Recreation Official $7.25-30.00 per hour Recreation Worker $7.25-18.00 per hour Theater Technician $20.00-30.00 per hour Vehicle Technician $9.00-15.00 per hour Video Coordinator* $11.00-19.00 per hour Video Technician* $10.00-18.00 per hour Water Safety Instructor (WSP) Differential $2.00 per hour Head Lifeguard (HG) Differential $1.00 per hour Water Safety Aide (WSA) Differential $.50 per hour *Video positions shall be paid a guaranteed minimum flat fee of $50 for 4 hours or less. ** Fire Department positions shall receive a $2 per hour differential for working the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Manager shall have the authority to set the pay rate within the above ranges. Packet Page Number 11 of 119 June 25, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes 11 Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. H. PUBLIC HEARING 1. East Metro Public Safety Training Facility, City Project 09-09 a. Public Hearing 7:00 pm b. Resolution Ordering Improvement after Public Hearing (4 Votes) c. Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Advertising for Bids d. Resolution Ordering Preparation of Assessment Roll City Engineer/Deputy Public Works Director presented the staff report and answered questions of the council. Ron Leaf, Water Resources Engineer with SEH addressed and answered questions of the council. Dale Trippler, representing the Planning Commission and Environmental Natural Resource Commission addressed the council and presented the commission reports and answered questions of the council. Mayor Rossbach opened the public hearing. The following people spoke: 1. Bob Zick, North St. Paul Resident 2. Ben Frenzen, Maplewood Resident 3. Gene Tschida. Maplewood Resident Mayor Rossbach closed the public hearing. Councilmember Koppen moved to approve the Resolution Ordering Improvement after Public Hearing for the East Metro Public Safety Training Facility, City Project 09-09. RESOLUTION 12-6-754 ORDERING IMPROVEMENT WHEREAS, a resolution of the city council adopted the 14th day of May 2012, fixed a date for a council hearing on the proposed improvements for the East Metro Public Safety Training Facility Improvements, City Project 09-09. AND WHEREAS, ten days mailed notice and two weeks published notice of the hearing was given, and the hearing was duly held on June 25, 2012, and the council has heard all persons desiring to be heard on the matter and has fully considered the same; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA, as follows: 1. That it is necessary, cost-effective and feasible, as detailed in the feasibility report, that the City of Maplewood make improvements to the East Metro Public Safety Training Facility Improvements, City Project 09-09. 2. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the council resolution adopted the 25th day of June, 2012. 3. The City’s consultant engineer, SEH, Inc., is the designated engineer for this improvement and is hereby directed to prepare final plans and specifications for the making of said improvement as previously directed by the city council at the May 14, 2012 council meeting. Packet Page Number 12 of 119 June 25, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes 12 4. The finance director was authorized to make the financial transfers necessary to implement the financing plan for the project by the city council at the May 14, 2012 council meeting. A project budget of $4,335,000 was established. The approved financing plan is as follows: 1 STATE BONDING BILL GRANT $3,000,000 2 RAMSEY CO ERF GRANT $450,000 3 CITY EUF FUND $250,000 4 CITY CIP FUND $250,000 5 EAST METRO JPA – SPECIAL ASSESSMENT $175,000 6 MNDOT/MSA STREET ACCOUNT $55,000 7 ST PAUL REGIONAL WATER SERVICES $55,000 8 SANITARY SEWER FUND $50,000 9 ST PAUL WAC FUND $50,000 TOTAL PHASE 1 $4,335,000 Approved this 25th day of June 2012 Seconded by Councilmember Cardinal Ayes – All The motion passed. Councilmember Koppen moved to approve the Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Advertising for Bids for the East Metro Public Safety Training Facility, City Project 09-09. RESOLUTION 12-6-755 APPROVING PLANS ADVERTISING FOR BIDS WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution passed by the city council on May 14, 2012 plans and specifications for the East Metro Public Safety Training Center Improvements, City Project 09-09, have been prepared by (or under the direction of) the city engineer, who has presented such plans and specifications to the council for approval, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved and ordered placed on file in the office of the city engineer. 2. The city clerk or office of the city engineer shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official paper and in the Construction Bulletin an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published twice, at least twenty-one days before the date set for bid opening, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be publicly opened and considered by the council at 10:00 a.m. on the 20th day of July, 2012, at city hall and that no bids shall be considered unless sealed and filed with the clerk and accompanied by a certified check or bid bond, payable to the City of Maplewood, Minnesota for five percent of the amount of such bid. The city clerk and city engineer are hereby authorized and instructed to receive, open, and read aloud bids received at the time and place herein noted, and to tabulate the bids received. The council will consider the bids, and the award of a contract, at the regular city council meeting of July 23, 2012. Packet Page Number 13 of 119 June 25, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes 13 Seconded by Councilmember Cardinal Ayes – All The motion passed. Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Resolution Ordering Preparation of Assessment Roll for the East Metro Public Safety Training Facility, City Project 09-09. RESOLUTION 12-6-756 ORDERING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL WHEREAS, the city clerk and city engineer will receive bids for the East Metro Public Safety Training Center Improvements, City Project 09-09, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA that the city clerk and city engineer shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land abutting on the streets affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and they shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in the city office for inspection. FURTHER, the clerk shall, upon completion of such proposed assessment notify the council thereof. Seconded by Councilmember Cardinal Ayes – All The motion passed. I. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. East Metro Public Safety Training Center, Located at Century Avenue South of Holloway Avenue. Approvals Requested for: a. Comprehensive Plan Amendment to G (Government) b. Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development c. Design Review d. Wetland Map Amendment City Planner Ekstrand presented the staff report and answered questions of the council. Ron Leaf with SEH, Inc. addressed and answered questions of the council. Dale Trippler representing the Environmental Natural Resource Commission addressed the council and presented the commission report and answered questions. Councilmember Llanas moved to approve the Resolution Approving a Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment from Unguided Right-Of-Way to G (Government) for the Property Located West of the MN Highway 120 and MN Highway 5 Intersection. RESOLUTION 12-6-757 LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENT RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Fire Chief Steve Lukin of City of Maplewood has requested a change to the City of Maplewood’s land use plan from unclassified right-of-way to G (government) for consistency between the plan and actual use of the land. WHEREAS, this change applies to the property located west of Highway 120 and Highway 5. The legal description is: Packet Page Number 14 of 119 June 25, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes 14 All that part of the following described tract: The Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4 SE 1/4) of Section 13, Township 29 North, Range 22 West; which lies northeasterly of a line run parallel with and distant 100 feet southwesterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the east line of said Section 13, distant 1324.13 feet North of the southeast corner thereof; thence run westerly at an angle of 90 degrees with said east section line for 186.63 feet; thence deflect to right on a 10 degree 00 minute curve (delta angle 29 degrees 20 minutes) for 293.33 feet; thence on tangent to said curve for 100 feet and there terminating. WHEREAS, the history of this change is as follows: 1. On June 5, 2012, the planning commission held a public hearing. The city staff published a hearing notice in the Maplewood Review and sent notices to the surrounding property owners. The planning commission gave everyone at the hearing a chance to speak and present written statements. The planning commission recommended that the city council approve the land use plan change. 2. On June 25, 2012 the city council discussed the land use plan change. They considered reports and recommendations from the planning commission and city staff. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the city council approved the above described change for the following reasons: 1. The property is presently utilized by MnDOT which would be compatible with a land use classification of G. 2. The future use of this site is a public safety training center which will be utilized by multiple public jurisdictions. 3. The classification to G would guide a piece of land that currently does not have any future land use classification. This action is subject to the approval of this land use plan amendment by the Metropolitan Council. The Maplewood City Council approved this resolution on June 25, 2012. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Resolution Approving a Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development for the Proposed East Metro Public Safety Training Facility, which the Site Also Includes MnDOT’s Continued Operations and the Marshlands Rehabilitation Project; approve the Design Plans Date-Stamped May 14, 2012, for the East Metro Public Safety Training Center; and approve the Resolution Approving the Wetland Map Amendment for the Removal of Wetlands 3 through 6 from the City’s Wetland Map Based on the Opinion by the Watershed District that the Wetlands are Non-Historical and as such Incidental. Packet Page Number 15 of 119 June 25, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes 15 RESOLUTION 12-6-758 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT/PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, Fire Chief Steve Lukin of City of Maplewood has applied for a conditional use permit for a planned unit development to build a public safety training center. WHEREAS, Section 44-6 of the city ordinance provides that a PUD can be a development characterized by a unified site design with two or more principal uses or structures. WHEREAS, the site will also include MnDOT’s continued operations and the marshlands rehabilitation project. WHEREAS, Section 44-1093(b) of the city ordinance provides that the city council may consider flexibility from strict code compliance in the internal and external design requirements of the project dependent upon the following findings: 1. The proposed development and the surrounding neighborhood can be better served by relaxing the code requirements that regulate the physical development or layout of the project because of its unique nature. 2. The PUD would be consistent with the spirit, intent and purposes of this chapter. 3. The planned unit development would produce a development of equal or superior quality to that which would result from strict adherence to this chapter. 4. The deviations would not constitute a significant threat to the property values, safety, health or general welfare of the owners or occupants of nearby land or to the environment. 5. The deviations are required for the reasonable and practical physical development of the project. WHEREAS, the applicant is requesting that the city allow a building to be constructed with architectural siding. WHEREAS, this permit applies to the property located west of Highway 120 and Highway 5. The legal description is: All that part of the following described tract: The Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4 SE 1/4) of Section 13, Township 29 North, Range 22 West; which lies northeasterly of a line run parallel with and distant 100 feet southwesterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the east line of said Section 13, distant 1324.13 feet North of the southeast corner thereof; thence run westerly at an angle of 90 degrees with said east section line for 186.63 feet; thence deflect to right on a 10 degree 00 minute curve (delta angle 29 degrees 20 minutes) for 293.33 feet; thence on tangent to said curve for 100 feet and there terminating. WHEREAS, the history of this conditional use permit is as follows: Packet Page Number 16 of 119 June 25, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes 16 1. On June 5, 2012, the planning commission held a public hearing. The city staff published a hearing notice in the Maplewood Review and sent notices to the surrounding property owners. The planning commission gave everyone at the hearing a chance to speak and present written statements. The planning commission recommended that the city council approve the conditional use permit request. 2. On June 25, 2012 the city council discussed conditional use permit. They considered reports and recommendations from the planning commission and city staff. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the city council __________ the above- described conditional use permit and architectural metal siding building, because: 1. The use would be located, designed, maintained, constructed and operated to be in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan and this Code. 2. The use would not change the existing or planned character of the surrounding area. 3. The use would not depreciate property values. 4. The use would not involve any activity, process, materials, equipment or methods of operation that would be dangerous, hazardous, detrimental, disturbing or cause a nuisance to any person or property, because of excessive noise, glare, smoke, dust, odor, fumes, water or air pollution, drainage, water run-off, vibration, general unsightliness, electrical interference or other nuisances. 5. The use would not exceed the design standards of any affected street. 6. The use would be served by adequate public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, water and sewer systems, schools and parks. 7. The use would not create excessive additional costs for public facilities or services. 8. The use would maximize the preservation of and incorporate the site's natural and scenic features into the development design. 9. The use would cause no more than minimal adverse environmental effects. 10. The proposed development and the surrounding neighborhood can be better served by relaxing the code requirements that regulate the physical development or layout of the project because of its unique nature. 11. The PUD would be consistent with the spirit, intent and purposes of this chapter. 12. The PUD would produce a development of equal or superior quality to that which would result from strict adherence to this chapter. 13. The deviations would not constitute a significant threat to the property values, safety, health or general welfare of the owners or occupants of nearby land or to the environment. 14. The deviations are required for the reasonable and practical physical development of the project. Approval is subject to the following conditions: Packet Page Number 17 of 119 June 25, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes 17 1. All construction shall follow the site plan date-stamped May 14, 2012. Staff may approve minor changes. 2. The city council shall review this permit in one year. 3. The proposed construction must be substantially started within one year of council approval or the permit shall become null and void. The council may extend this deadline for one year. 4. Comply with the requirements of the city’s engineering department. 5. The applicant shall work with the building official and fire marshal to ensure compliance with applicable codes. 6. This approval does not include landscaping plans or building elevations for the classroom training building which shall be submitted for community design review board approval. 7. Hours of operation shall be limited to 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. and the site must be in compliance with the city’s noise ordinance at all times. 8. City council must approve a joint powers agreement with partnering jurisdictions that will limit the use of the burn buildings when weather conditions may cause smoke and other irritants to affect nearby residential neighborhoods. The Maplewood City Council approved this resolution on June 25, 2012. RESOLUTION 12-6-759 Changes to the Maplewood Wetland Map WHEREAS, on December 14, 2009, the Maplewood City Council adopted a wetland ordinance (Ordinance No. 895) dealing with wetland regulations. WHEREAS, as part of the ordinance the City Council adopted a wetland classification map. The map is based on wetland classifications from Minnesota Routine Assessment Method (MnRAM) wetland studies and assigned by the applicable watershed districts. WHEREAS, the ordinance states that the City Council will adopt changes to the wetland map which are based on MnRAM and other studies conducted and approved by watershed districts. WHEREAS, in 2005 and 2011 the City of Maplewood had wetlands delineated on a 20.5- acre vacant lot located west of the intersection of Century Avenue and Highway 5 (refer to wetland delineation map attached). WHEREAS, the wetland delineation found that Wetlands 3 through 6 were developed incidentally as a result of the activities associated with the grading and fill material completed by the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) in the 1970s. WHERES, in November 2011 the Local Governmental Unit (MnDOT) and Technical Evaluation Panel (Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed District) reviewed the delineation report and agreed with the assessment that Wetlands 3 through 6 are non-historical wetlands and thus incidental. As such, Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed District will be removing the wetlands from their wetland classification map. Packet Page Number 18 of 119 June 25, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes 18 WHEREAS, On May 21, 2012, the Maplewood Environmental and Natural Resources Commission reviewed the Local Governmental Unit and Technical Evaluation Panel decision that Wetlands 3 through 6 are non-historical and incidental, and recommended that the City Council remove the wetlands from the City’s wetland classification map. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the city council approves the above- described wetland map change because Wetlands 3 through 6 have been found to be non- historical and incidental and the Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed District will be removing them from their wetland classification map. The Maplewood City Council approved this resolution on June 25, 2012. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 2. Solid Waste Management Summary Publication Ordinance Environmental Planner Finwall presented the staff report. Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Solid Waste Management Summary Publication Ordinance for Publication in the City’s Official Newspaper. Ordinance No. 921 Maplewood Solid Waste Management Ordinance On June 11, 2012, the Maplewood City Council adopted an ordinance which regulates the management of solid waste within the City. A summary of the ordinance follows: 1. Solid waste is defined as set forth in Minnesota Statutes, section 116.06, subdivision 22(1)(9), but is further defined for purposes of this ordinance to include garbage, recyclables, appliances, bulky waste, yard waste, and household hazardous waste. 2. The goal of the solid waste management ordinance is to improve solid waste management and to serve the following purposes: (a) Achieve a reduction in waste generated. (b) Encourage the separation and recovery of materials and energy from waste. (c) Ensure the protection of public health and safety and promote city cleanliness and livability. (d) Promote best management practices in solid waste management to protect air quality, water quality, and natural resources. (e) Be consistent with the requirements of the State statutes, State rules and Ramsey County ordinances, and with State and Ramsey County solid waste plans. (f) Provide high quality solid waste and recycling services in the most cost-effective manner possible. (g) Coordinate solid waste management among political subdivisions. 3. Any person collecting garbage, designated recyclables, or other solid waste in the city must secure a license from the city to do so. 4. All residents and commercial properties shall separate all designated recyclables from solid waste. These source separated items shall be collected for separate recycling, processing or treatment. 5. Every person shall legally dispose of garbage that accumulates upon their property in the city at least once a week or more often as directed by the city manager unless given special permission by the city. Packet Page Number 19 of 119 June 25, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes 19 6. Only the city-contracted garbage collector may collect garbage at residential properties (1 to 4 units). 7. Every person occupying a residential property (1 to 4 units) shall utilize the city-provided garbage carts for the disposal of garbage. 8. The owner, operator, or manager of any multiple-family property with more than 4 units or commercial property must supply garbage collection at least once weekly by a garbage hauler licensed to do business in the city. 9. Only the city-contracted recyclables collector may collect and process recyclables set out for recycling collection at the curb or alley line. 10. The collection of garbage for residential and multiple-family dwellings shall be in accordance with the times outlined in the city’s contract for garbage collection, Monday through Saturday. 11. Collection of residential and multiple-family dwelling unit’s recyclables shall be in accordance with the times outlined in the city’s contract for recyclables collection, Monday through Saturday. 12. The collection of garbage and recyclables for commercial properties shall occur between the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. 13. Each residential garbage collection licensee must schedule collection pickups as established by the City of Maplewood day-certain pick up schedule. 14. The city manager or their designee shall have the authority to develop Solid Waste Management Standards concerning days of collection, type and location of waste containers and other matters as they deem necessary to provide for the safe, orderly and cost-efficient preparation, storage, collection and disposal of all waste materials covered in this ordinance. 15. Regulations regarding the collection and composting or disposal of yard waste. 16. Manufactured homes and townhomes may opt into the city-contracted garbage hauling service with city approval. Seconded by Councilmember Llanas Ayes – All The motion passed. 3. Resolution Establishing Solid Waste Collection License Fees Environmental Planner Finwall presented the staff report and answered questions of the council. RESOLUTION 12-6-760 Solid Waste Collection Licensing Fees WHEREAS, the Maplewood City Council has adopted a solid waste management ordinance (Ordinance No. 921) on June 11, 2012. WHEREAS, one of the stated goals in the solid waste management ordinance is to ensure the protection of public health and safety and promote city cleanliness and livability. WHEREAS, one way of achieving the above-mentioned goal is to ensure appropriate city controls over insurance, vehicle, and operation regulations for persons desiring to collect garbage, yard waste, recyclables, or other solid waste in the city. WHEREAS, to ensure appropriate city controls as mentioned above, the solid waste management ordinance requires all persons who wish to collect garbage, yard waste, recyclables, or other solid waste in the city to first secure a license from the city to do so. Packet Page Number 20 of 119 June 25, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes 20 WHEREAS, the solid waste management ordinance specifies that the City Council will set the fee for solid waste management collection licenses from time to time as needed. WHEREAS, the Maplewood City Council hereby sets the solid waste management collection license fee at $250 per year. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Maplewood adopts the above- mentioned collection license fee amount. Maplewood City Council authorizes this resolution on June 25, 2012. Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Resolution Establishing Solid Waste Collection License Fees Seconded by Councilmember Llanas Ayes – All The motion passed. J. NEW BUSINESS None. K. AWARD OF BIDS None. L. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS 1. Cancellation of July 2nd Council-Manager Work Session City Manager Antonen requested the July 2, 2012 Council Manager Work Session be cancelled. Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve Cancelling the July 2, 2012 Council-Manager Workshop Session. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 2. Update on Shooting Range – No Report City Manager presented the staff report and answered questions of the council. M. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS 1. Shared Vision Councilmember Cardinal brought to the attention of the council an email he received about an editorial published by ACM Publishers regarding a shared vision to combating poverty. The article can be found on www.erstarnews.com. Packet Page Number 21 of 119 June 25, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes 21 2. Missing Trash Cans Councilmember Cardinal was concerned that with the new trash hauling systems, thieves would be more aware when residents weren’t home because their trash can was not put out on collection day. Mayor Rossbach asked City Manager Antonen to check with surrounding communities that have organized trash collection if they have seen an increase in crime due to this. 3. White House Proclamation Councilmember Llanas shared a proclamation from the White House. The marriage amendment informational sessions are scheduled for September 11 and October 24. Information about the sessions will be in a press release, billboards, and Maplewood Monthly. 4. Fish Creek Councilmember Juenemann informed residents that due to the rainout, the Fish Creek event will be rescheduled for sometime in the fall. She also informed resident that Parks and Recreation Director Konewko was notified that the City will be receiving $100,000 grant from 3M for the Fish Creek acquisition. 5. Fireworks Mayor Rossbach reminded residents of the Light It Up event that will be held at Hazelwood Park on July 4th. There will be food vendors, adult beverages, live music, inflatables and fireworks to close out the evening. Mayor Rossbach encouraged everyone to come and enjoy the fun! N. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Rossbach adjourned the meeting at 9:26 p.m. Packet Page Number 22 of 119 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 6-22-12 and 6-29-12.xlsx AGENDA NO.G-1 TO:City Council FROM:Finance Manager RE:APPROVAL OF CLAIMS DATE: 398,877.19$ Checks # 87321 thru # 87369 dated 6/18/12 thru 6/26/12 268,610.64$ Disbursements via debits to checking account dated 6/18/12 thru 6/22/12 307,276.93$ Checks # 87371 thru # 87460 dated 6/26/12 thru 7/3/12 346,380.54$ Disbursements via debits to checking account dated 6/25/12 thru 6/29/12 1,321,145.30$ Total Accounts Payable 508,184.58$ Payroll Checks and Direct Deposits dated 6/22/12 1,956.39$ Payroll Deduction check # 9987285 thru # 9987288 dated 6/22/12 510,140.97$ Total Payroll 1,831,286.27$ GRAND TOTAL sb attachments Attached is a detailed listing of these claims. Please call me at 651-249-2902 if you have any questions on the attached listing. This will allow me to check the supporting documentation on file if necessary. PAYROLL AGENDA REPORT July 9, 2012 Attached is a listing of paid bills for informational purposes. The City Manager has reviewed the bills and authorized payment in accordance with City Council approved policies. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Packet Page Number 23 of 119 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 6-22-12 and 6-29-12.xlsx Check Description Amount 87321 02464 FUNDS FOR ATMS 10,000.00 87322 04206 ATTORNEY SRVS FEES/RENT - JULY 15,150.00 87323 00985 WASTEWATER - JULY 202,927.10 87324 04316 AUTO PAWN SYSTEM - MAY 746.40 87325 01409 PROJ 11-22 ENGINEERING FEES 1,192.85 87326 01574 BITUMINOUS MATERIALS NOT TO EXCEED 2,307.97 87327 04192 EMS BILLING - MAY 3,768.89 87328 01190 ELECTRIC & GAS UTILITY 2,417.10 01190 ELECTRIC & GAS UTILITY 1,619.63 01190 ELECTRIC & GAS UTILITY 239.89 01190 FIRE SIRENS 51.41 87329 04401 REGISTRATION FEE 125.00 87330 00111 BOARDING & DESTRUCTION FEES 901.75 87331 05006 GEOPHYSICAL WORK AT GLADSTONE SAVANNA 4,080.00 87332 00230 ROAD BASE 459.27 87333 00279 LYDIA SIDEWALK 650.87 87334 03658 REIMB FOR MILEAGE 4/1 - 6/6 55.78 87335 03619 PROJ 11-14 SEWER TELEVISING/CLEAN 180.00 03619 PROJ 11-14 SEWER TELEVISING/CLEAN 180.00 87336 00462 REPAIR TORNADO SIREN #4 126.72 87337 00003 ESCROW REL J KASS 2525 MAYER LN E 750.00 87338 05017 CHARITABLE GAMBLING 1,690.00 87339 05019 2 GPS TRACKING DEVICES 5,344.00 87340 04947 PROJ 11-15 MILLS/OVERLAYS PMT#1 124,621.68 87341 05018 TREE REMOVAL & TRIMMING 2,500.00 87342 04152 GYM SPACE 2011/2012 YOUTH B-BALL 3,688.00 87343 03875 REIMB FOR MILEAGE 4/10 - 6/20 21.65 87344 00846 INTERPRETIVE SRVS - MAY 7.44 87345 04900 CEILING DRAPING MCC 6/16 BRIDE PD 600.00 87346 00896 MEMBERSHIP FEE 150.00 87347 02215 REIMB FOR MEALS 6/4 - 6/5 12.26 87348 00953 WELL INSPECTION 215.00 00953 NEW WELL CAP FOR HAZELWOOD PK 180.00 87349 04310 MEMBERSHIP FEES 70.00 87350 04193 FORFEITED VEHICLE STORAGE - JUNE 2,250.00 87351 04330 MEMBERSHIP DUES 2012-2013 3,258.00 87352 01175 MONTHLY UTILITIES - JUNE 3,010.12 87353 01199 REIMB FOR UNIFORM 6/8 67.36 87354 00001 REIMB J JELINEK SOD REPAIR 471.35 87355 00001 REFUND GREV BCBS BENEFIT 380.00 87356 00001 REFUND R BARTELMY CLASS CANCEL 180.00 87357 00001 REIMB W MONETTE TREE REPLACEMENT 160.69 87358 00001 REFUND D SAMUELSON HP BENEFIT 120.00 87359 00001 REIMB CSC EXTERIORS DUP PERMIT 97.00 87360 00001 REIMB DEMARS SIGNS PERMIT 88.00 87361 00001 REFUND S WALZ HP BENEFIT 80.00 87362 00001 REFUND YANG HP BENEFIT 60.00 87363 00001 REFUND M ESPINOSA MEDICA BENEFIT 40.00 87364 00001 REIMB C MANOS PLANTS IN RAINWATER 38.51 87365 01387 ADMIN FEE FOR STRESS TEST - JUNE 100.00 87366 01836 RADIO SRVS & MAINTENANCE - MAY 562.52 01836 STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE - MAY 103.58 87367 04994 KINDERMUSIK CLASS INSTRUCTION 269.00 87368 03088 SECURITY OFFICER FOR MCC JUNE 16 280.00 87369 04131 LINE DANCE INSTRUCTION 230.40 06/26/2012 H.A. KANTRUD 06/26/2012 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 06/26/2012 CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS RECEIVABLES Check Register City of Maplewood 06/22/2012 Date Vendor 06/18/2012 US BANK 06/26/2012 XCEL ENERGY 06/26/2012 XCEL ENERGY 06/26/2012 XCEL ENERGY 06/26/2012 S.E.H. 06/26/2012 T.A. SCHIFSKY & SONS, INC 06/26/2012 TRANS-MEDIC 06/26/2012 ARCHAEO - PHYSICS, LLC 06/26/2012 BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS, INC. 06/26/2012 CEMSTONE PRODUCTS CO. 06/26/2012 XCEL ENERGY 06/26/2012 ADMIN-IPA 06/26/2012 ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES 06/26/2012 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS, INC. 06/26/2012 ESCROW REFUND 06/26/2012 FRIENDS OF RAMSEY CO LIBRARIES 06/26/2012 CHARLES DEAVER 06/26/2012 DRAIN KING INC 06/26/2012 DRAIN KING INC 06/26/2012 ISD 622 COMMUNITY EDUCATION 06/26/2012 JASON KREGER 06/26/2012 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES 06/26/2012 GPS INTELLIGENCE LLC 06/26/2012 HARDRIVES, INC. 06/26/2012 HELKE'S TREE SERVICE 06/26/2012 MCCARTHY WELL COMPANY 06/26/2012 MCCARTHY WELL COMPANY 06/26/2012 MCFOA 06/26/2012 LASTING IMPRESSIONS BY AMY LLC 06/26/2012 M C M A 06/26/2012 JASON MARINO 06/26/2012 JEROME NOVAK 06/26/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 06/26/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 06/26/2012 MIDAMERICA AUCTIONS 06/26/2012 NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES 06/26/2012 CITY OF NORTH ST PAUL 06/26/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 06/26/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 06/26/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 06/26/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 06/26/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 06/26/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 06/26/2012 DR. JAMES ROSSINI 06/26/2012 CITY OF ST PAUL 06/26/2012 CITY OF ST PAUL 06/26/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 06/26/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 06/26/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 398,877.19 49 Checks in this report. 06/26/2012 SYMPHONY OF ARTS 06/26/2012 JOSEPH TRAN 06/26/2012 TROPICAL BALLROOM Packet Page Number 24 of 119 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 6-22-12 and 6-29-12.xlsx Settlement Date Payee Description Amount 6/18/2012 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 36,539.25 6/19/2012 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 17,798.13 6/20/2012 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 26,266.67 6/20/2012 MN Dept of Revenue Sales Tax 6,589.00 6/21/2012 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 42,501.60 6/21/2012 ING - State Plan Deferred Compensation 27,502.00 6/22/2012 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 39,484.89 6/22/2012 MN Dept of Natural Resources DNR electronic licenses 1,210.00 6/22/2012 US Bank VISA One Card*Purchasing card items 66,112.59 6/22/2012 MN Dept of Revenue Fuel Tax 311.36 6/22/2012 ICMA (Vantagepointe)Deferred Compensation 4,295.15 TOTAL 268,610.64 *Detailed listing of VISA purchases is attached. CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Disbursements via Debits to Checking account Packet Page Number 25 of 119 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 6-22-12 and 6-29-12.xlsx Transaction Date Posting Date Merchant Name Transaction Amount Name 06/01/2012 06/04/2012 BROCK WHITE ST PAUL 180 $484.32 DAVE ADAMS 06/04/2012 06/05/2012 USPS 26834500133401316 $10.12 CHAD BERGO 06/04/2012 06/05/2012 MOPHIE $49.75 CHAD BERGO 06/13/2012 06/15/2012 VERIZON WRLS MYACCT VN $293.11 CHAD BERGO 06/14/2012 06/15/2012 WWW.NEWEGG.COM ($27.99)CHAD BERGO 06/01/2012 06/04/2012 RAY ALLEN WEBSITE $267.29 BRIAN BIERDEMAN 06/05/2012 06/06/2012 RAY ALLEN WEBSITE $85.90 BRIAN BIERDEMAN 06/12/2012 06/13/2012 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC.$152.63 BRIAN BIERDEMAN 06/05/2012 06/06/2012 MENARDS 3059 $37.68 OAKLEY BIESANZ 06/10/2012 06/11/2012 LAKESHORE LEARNING #41 $20.51 OAKLEY BIESANZ 06/02/2012 06/04/2012 GAL*GALLS INC $84.98 JOHN BOHL 06/01/2012 06/04/2012 BANNERS.COM $91.38 NEIL BRENEMAN 06/11/2012 06/12/2012 TARGET 00011858 $14.95 NEIL BRENEMAN 05/31/2012 06/04/2012 GRUBERS POWER EQUIPMENT $50.62 TROY BRINK 06/12/2012 06/14/2012 DIAMOND VOGEL PAINT #807 $185.96 TROY BRINK 06/12/2012 06/14/2012 NAPA STORE 3279016 $4.06 TROY BRINK 06/12/2012 06/14/2012 NAPA STORE 3279016 $48.72 TROY BRINK 06/07/2012 06/11/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $4.04 BRENT BUCKLEY 06/07/2012 06/11/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $28.39 BRENT BUCKLEY 06/01/2012 06/04/2012 PAYMENT SERVICES $43.92 SARAH BURLINGAME 06/04/2012 06/06/2012 SUBWAY 00052159 $50.35 SARAH BURLINGAME 06/06/2012 06/07/2012 USI ED GOV $18.80 SARAH BURLINGAME 06/11/2012 06/13/2012 BAMBU ASIAN CUISINE $103.24 SARAH BURLINGAME 06/13/2012 06/14/2012 FIRST SHRED $66.50 SARAH BURLINGAME 06/13/2012 06/15/2012 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $167.13 SARAH BURLINGAME 05/31/2012 06/04/2012 MCDONALD'S F371 $7.52 DAN BUSACK 06/01/2012 06/04/2012 NORTH CHINA RESTAURANT $7.77 DAN BUSACK 06/12/2012 06/14/2012 SKD TACTICAL $70.00 DAN BUSACK 06/12/2012 06/14/2012 NAPA STORE 3279016 $19.26 JOHN CAPISTRANT 06/04/2012 06/06/2012 WW GRAINGER $188.54 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 06/05/2012 06/06/2012 VIKING ELECTRIC - CREDIT $315.50 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 06/06/2012 06/07/2012 VIKING ELECTRIC - CREDIT $200.78 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 06/06/2012 06/07/2012 VIKING ELECTRIC - CREDIT $200.78 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 06/06/2012 06/07/2012 MENARDS 3022 $63.11 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 06/08/2012 06/11/2012 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $7.49 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 06/11/2012 06/12/2012 WW GRAINGER $1,382.23 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 06/12/2012 06/14/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $28.13 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 06/13/2012 06/14/2012 VIKING ELECTRIC - CREDIT ($200.78)SCOTT CHRISTENSON 06/13/2012 06/14/2012 VIKING ELECTRIC - CREDIT $83.29 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 06/13/2012 06/15/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $61.34 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 06/05/2012 06/06/2012 MENARDS 3022 $20.84 CHARLES DEAVER 06/06/2012 06/07/2012 MENARDS 3022 $8.55 CHARLES DEAVER 06/08/2012 06/11/2012 MENARDS 3022 $97.27 CHARLES DEAVER 06/09/2012 06/11/2012 G&K SERVICES 182 $87.44 CHARLES DEAVER 06/09/2012 06/11/2012 MENARDS 3022 $12.82 CHARLES DEAVER 06/12/2012 06/13/2012 MENARDS 3022 $12.50 CHARLES DEAVER 06/07/2012 06/08/2012 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC.$9.08 JOSEPH DEMULLING 06/04/2012 06/06/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $13.89 TOM DOUGLASS 06/12/2012 06/13/2012 TWIN CITY HARDWARE HADLEY ($11.97)TOM DOUGLASS 06/12/2012 06/13/2012 TWIN CITY HARDWARE HADLEY $16.37 TOM DOUGLASS 06/12/2012 06/13/2012 NUCO2 01 OF 01 $143.39 TOM DOUGLASS 06/12/2012 06/14/2012 COMMERCIAL POOL & SPA SUP $158.59 TOM DOUGLASS 06/12/2012 06/14/2012 BREDEMUS HARDWARE CO INC $14.96 TOM DOUGLASS 06/04/2012 06/06/2012 STREICHER'S MPLS $40.00 MICHAEL DUGAS 06/13/2012 06/14/2012 DSM SAFETY PRODUCTS LLC $133.96 MICHAEL DUGAS 05/31/2012 06/04/2012 ADVANCE SHORING COMPANY $224.44 DOUG EDGE Packet Page Number 26 of 119 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 6-22-12 and 6-29-12.xlsx 05/31/2012 06/04/2012 ADVANCE SHORING COMPANY $32.06 DOUG EDGE 06/13/2012 06/14/2012 VIKING INDUSTRIAL CENTER $46.49 DOUG EDGE 05/31/2012 06/04/2012 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $93.00 PAUL E EVERSON 06/08/2012 06/11/2012 CVS PHARMACY #1751 Q03 $273.98 PAUL E EVERSON 06/01/2012 06/04/2012 OVERHEAD DOOR COMP $296.95 LARRY FARR 06/01/2012 06/04/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $58.02 LARRY FARR 06/01/2012 06/04/2012 WM EZPAY $471.31 LARRY FARR 06/02/2012 06/04/2012 MENARDS 3282 $64.34 LARRY FARR 06/03/2012 06/04/2012 WILLIAMS-SONOMA 0840 $9.60 LARRY FARR 06/05/2012 06/06/2012 TARGET 00024067 $9.83 LARRY FARR 06/05/2012 06/06/2012 GOOGLE *PTOUCHDIRECT $115.16 LARRY FARR 06/05/2012 06/06/2012 TRUGREEN # 5635 $1,042.08 LARRY FARR 06/05/2012 06/06/2012 WM EZPAY $1,000.92 LARRY FARR 06/05/2012 06/06/2012 WM EZPAY $444.56 LARRY FARR 06/07/2012 06/08/2012 ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR $2,859.20 LARRY FARR 06/08/2012 06/11/2012 CINTAS #470 $95.98 LARRY FARR 06/08/2012 06/11/2012 CINTAS #470 $44.11 LARRY FARR 06/08/2012 06/11/2012 CINTAS #470 $84.96 LARRY FARR 06/08/2012 06/11/2012 AQUA LOGICS INC $975.77 LARRY FARR 06/08/2012 06/11/2012 NORTHERN TOOL EQUIP-MN $44.97 LARRY FARR 06/09/2012 06/11/2012 G&K SERVICES 182 $825.67 LARRY FARR 06/09/2012 06/11/2012 G&K SERVICES 182 $392.37 LARRY FARR 06/10/2012 06/11/2012 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $111.74 LARRY FARR 06/12/2012 06/13/2012 KOHL'S #0055 $109.95 LARRY FARR 06/12/2012 06/14/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $203.96 LARRY FARR 06/12/2012 06/14/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2810 $147.21 LARRY FARR 06/13/2012 06/15/2012 TRX TRAINING $2,972.61 LARRY FARR 06/01/2012 06/04/2012 CVS PHARMACY #1751 Q03 $17.76 SHANN FINWALL 06/05/2012 06/06/2012 THE RETROFIT COMPANIES $1,265.00 SHANN FINWALL 06/07/2012 06/08/2012 LAKESHORE LEARNING #41 $0.84 SHANN FINWALL 06/04/2012 06/06/2012 WM EZPAY $811.37 DAVID FISHER 06/04/2012 06/06/2012 WM EZPAY $420.98 DAVID FISHER 06/07/2012 06/11/2012 KEEFE CO PARKING $6.50 DAVID FISHER 06/07/2012 06/08/2012 FIST $55.70 MARCUS FORSYTHE 06/01/2012 06/04/2012 BEST BUY MHT 00000109 $1,251.23 MYCHAL FOWLDS 06/06/2012 06/07/2012 TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOLUTION $135.81 MYCHAL FOWLDS 06/12/2012 06/12/2012 PAY FLOW PRO $59.95 MYCHAL FOWLDS 06/01/2012 06/04/2012 IDU*PUBLIC SECTOR $15.60 NICK FRANZEN 06/04/2012 06/05/2012 CDW GOVERNMENT $298.88 NICK FRANZEN 06/04/2012 06/05/2012 CDW GOVERNMENT $1,057.33 NICK FRANZEN 06/12/2012 06/13/2012 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $115.32 NICK FRANZEN 06/13/2012 06/14/2012 IDU*PUBLIC SECTOR $614.00 NICK FRANZEN 06/15/2012 06/15/2012 APL*APPLE ONLINE STORE $427.43 NICK FRANZEN 06/02/2012 06/04/2012 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC.$334.17 ANTHONY GABRIEL 06/01/2012 06/04/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $5.89 VIRGINIA GAYNOR 06/06/2012 06/08/2012 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $75.46 JEAN GLASS 06/08/2012 06/08/2012 HWAYSILVERSNEAKERS $100.00 JEAN GLASS 06/09/2012 06/11/2012 WINDY CITY NOVELTIES $41.60 JAN GREW HAYMAN 06/07/2012 06/08/2012 VZWRLSS*APOCC VISN $109.80 KAREN GUILFOILE 06/11/2012 06/13/2012 BANNERS.COM $266.80 KAREN GUILFOILE 06/14/2012 06/15/2012 MENARDS 3128 $14.98 TIMOTHY HAWKINSON JR. 06/01/2012 06/04/2012 LTG POWER EQUIPMENT $124.78 GARY HINNENKAMP 06/07/2012 06/08/2012 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $21.41 GARY HINNENKAMP 06/11/2012 06/12/2012 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $93.78 GARY HINNENKAMP 06/01/2012 06/04/2012 SPRINT AQUATICS $200.97 RON HORWATH 06/01/2012 06/04/2012 PRICE CHOPPER, INC $1,012.67 RON HORWATH 06/02/2012 06/04/2012 ARC*SERVICES/TRAINING $19.00 RON HORWATH Packet Page Number 27 of 119 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 6-22-12 and 6-29-12.xlsx 06/02/2012 06/04/2012 ARC*SERVICES/TRAINING $76.00 RON HORWATH 06/05/2012 06/06/2012 SWIMOUTLET.COM $371.05 RON HORWATH 06/06/2012 06/08/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $8.78 RON HORWATH 06/07/2012 06/11/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 ($6.09)RON HORWATH 06/07/2012 06/11/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $4.20 RON HORWATH 06/08/2012 06/11/2012 OFFICE MAX $44.53 RON HORWATH 06/09/2012 06/11/2012 MILLS FLEET FARM #2,700 $7.49 RON HORWATH 06/12/2012 06/13/2012 CUB FOODS, INC.$9.58 RON HORWATH 06/05/2012 06/06/2012 KNOWLAN'S MARKET #2 $56.81 ANN HUTCHINSON 06/11/2012 06/12/2012 CUB FOODS-SUN RAY $7.00 ANN HUTCHINSON 06/11/2012 06/12/2012 PETLAND $5.12 ANN HUTCHINSON 06/11/2012 06/12/2012 MENARDS 3022 $84.31 ANN HUTCHINSON 06/12/2012 06/13/2012 U OF M ACCT REC OL $375.00 ANN HUTCHINSON 06/01/2012 06/04/2012 JOES SPORTING GOODS $153.07 KEVIN JOHNSON 06/01/2012 06/06/2012 ST PAUL HARLEY DAVIDSON I $132.98 KEVIN JOHNSON 06/02/2012 06/04/2012 WALGREENS #10473 $11.77 KEVIN JOHNSON 06/04/2012 06/05/2012 WALGREENS #10473 $14.56 KEVIN JOHNSON 06/05/2012 06/07/2012 BLUE RIBBON BAIT & TACKLE $11.73 KEVIN JOHNSON 06/05/2012 06/07/2012 BLUE RIBBON BAIT & TACKLE $11.73 KEVIN JOHNSON 06/08/2012 06/11/2012 CUB FOODS, INC.$218.75 KEVIN JOHNSON 06/02/2012 06/04/2012 HP DIRECT-PUBLICSECTOR $149.98 JASON KREGER 06/06/2012 06/06/2012 HP DIRECT-PUBLICSECTOR $1,169.91 JASON KREGER 06/06/2012 06/07/2012 CUB FOODS, INC.$16.80 NICHOLAS KREKELER 06/11/2012 06/13/2012 OFFICE MAX $44.98 NICHOLAS KREKELER 06/01/2012 06/04/2012 STREICHER'S MO $1,200.00 DAVID KVAM 06/04/2012 06/05/2012 THE GRAFIX SHOPPE $335.00 DAVID KVAM 06/05/2012 06/06/2012 THOMSON WEST*TCD $280.15 DAVID KVAM 06/07/2012 06/08/2012 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC.$35.17 DAVID KVAM 06/08/2012 06/11/2012 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC.$29.88 DAVID KVAM 06/13/2012 06/13/2012 COMCAST CABLE COMM $41.00 DAVID KVAM 06/14/2012 06/15/2012 THE GRAFIX SHOPPE $267.19 DAVID KVAM 06/14/2012 06/15/2012 THE GRAFIX SHOPPE $335.00 DAVID KVAM 06/08/2012 06/11/2012 BEST BUY MHT 00000109 $96.39 STEVE LOVE 06/05/2012 06/06/2012 WM EZPAY $165.14 STEVE LUKIN 06/14/2012 06/15/2012 AIRGASS NORTH $91.08 STEVE LUKIN 06/14/2012 06/15/2012 AIRGASS NORTH $37.66 STEVE LUKIN 06/14/2012 06/15/2012 AIRGASS NORTH $157.64 STEVE LUKIN 06/04/2012 06/05/2012 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC.$200.00 KATHERINE LYNCH 06/04/2012 06/05/2012 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC.$10.18 GLEN MCCARTY 06/04/2012 06/05/2012 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC.$152.85 GLEN MCCARTY 05/31/2012 06/04/2012 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $902.93 MICHAEL MONDOR 05/31/2012 06/04/2012 LE ST GERMAIN HOTEL $90.53 MICHAEL MONDOR 06/01/2012 06/04/2012 EVEREST EMERGENCY VEHICL $223.11 MICHAEL MONDOR 06/04/2012 06/06/2012 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $24.80 MICHAEL MONDOR 06/05/2012 06/07/2012 CHANNING BETE CO AHA $22.00 MICHAEL MONDOR 06/06/2012 06/07/2012 CHESTER ELECTRONIC SUPPLY $62.50 MICHAEL MONDOR 06/06/2012 06/08/2012 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $671.09 MICHAEL MONDOR 06/07/2012 06/11/2012 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $60.25 MICHAEL MONDOR 06/08/2012 06/11/2012 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $199.00 MICHAEL MONDOR 06/09/2012 06/11/2012 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $223.20 MICHAEL MONDOR 06/11/2012 06/12/2012 USPS 26833800033400730 $5.90 MICHAEL MONDOR 06/11/2012 06/13/2012 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $41.70 MICHAEL MONDOR 06/11/2012 06/13/2012 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $355.25 MICHAEL MONDOR 06/11/2012 06/13/2012 OFFICE MAX $34.52 MICHAEL MONDOR 06/12/2012 06/15/2012 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $404.36 MICHAEL MONDOR 06/13/2012 06/14/2012 CMS MEDICARE APPLIC FEE $523.00 MICHAEL MONDOR 06/13/2012 06/15/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $4.54 MICHAEL MONDOR Packet Page Number 28 of 119 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 6-22-12 and 6-29-12.xlsx 06/06/2012 06/07/2012 CINTAS FIRST AID #431 $97.88 BRYAN NAGEL 06/06/2012 06/07/2012 CINTAS FIRST AID #431 $95.40 BRYAN NAGEL 06/09/2012 06/11/2012 G&K SERVICES 182 $1,424.33 AMY NIVEN 06/13/2012 06/15/2012 SUPERCIRCUITS INC $125.47 MICHAEL NYE 06/07/2012 06/11/2012 OAKDALE RENTAL CENTER $207.82 ERICK OSWALD 06/13/2012 06/15/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $151.69 ERICK OSWALD 06/04/2012 06/06/2012 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $100.92 MARY KAY PALANK 06/06/2012 06/08/2012 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $54.48 MARY KAY PALANK 06/07/2012 06/11/2012 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $76.54 MARY KAY PALANK 06/02/2012 06/04/2012 WEDDINGPAGES INC $300.00 CHRISTINE PENN 06/05/2012 06/06/2012 BANNERS.COM $75.03 CHRISTINE PENN 06/13/2012 06/14/2012 CUB FOODS, INC.$26.10 CHRISTINE PENN 06/11/2012 06/12/2012 PEAVEY CORP.$186.90 PHILIP F POWELL 06/14/2012 06/15/2012 PCI*MEDCO SUPPLY $246.92 PHILIP F POWELL 06/01/2012 06/04/2012 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL $12.44 STEVEN PRIEM 06/01/2012 06/05/2012 TOUSLEY FORD I27228006 $28.08 STEVEN PRIEM 06/04/2012 06/06/2012 TOUSLEY FORD I27228006 $313.58 STEVEN PRIEM 06/05/2012 06/06/2012 BOYER TRUCK PARTS $322.90 STEVEN PRIEM 06/05/2012 06/06/2012 GOODYEAR AUTO SRV CT 6920 $58.69 STEVEN PRIEM 06/05/2012 06/07/2012 WHEELCO BRAKE &SUPPLY $229.60 STEVEN PRIEM 06/07/2012 06/08/2012 FACTORY MTR PTS #1 $73.44 STEVEN PRIEM 06/07/2012 06/08/2012 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL $106.57 STEVEN PRIEM 06/07/2012 06/08/2012 GOODYEAR AUTO SRV CT 6920 $303.70 STEVEN PRIEM 06/11/2012 06/12/2012 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL $78.25 STEVEN PRIEM 06/11/2012 06/13/2012 TOUSLEY FORD I27228006 $396.49 STEVEN PRIEM 06/11/2012 06/13/2012 UNLIMITED SUPPLIES INC $76.33 STEVEN PRIEM 06/12/2012 06/13/2012 FACTORY MTR PTS #1 $448.17 STEVEN PRIEM 06/12/2012 06/13/2012 POLAR CHEVROLET MAZDA $45.53 STEVEN PRIEM 06/13/2012 06/14/2012 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL $29.83 STEVEN PRIEM 06/13/2012 06/14/2012 POLAR CHEVROLET MAZDA $187.61 STEVEN PRIEM 06/13/2012 06/15/2012 DAVIS EQUIPMENT ($130.99)STEVEN PRIEM 06/14/2012 06/15/2012 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL $51.91 STEVEN PRIEM 06/08/2012 06/11/2012 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $121.91 KELLY PRINS 06/13/2012 06/14/2012 VIKING ELECTRIC - CREDIT $333.98 KELLY PRINS 06/14/2012 06/15/2012 ADVANCE STORE/CLOSETTEC $101.50 KELLY PRINS 06/07/2012 06/08/2012 MINNESOTA OCCUPATIONAL HE $460.00 TERRIE RAMEAUX 06/12/2012 06/14/2012 PIONEER PRESS ADVERTISING $975.00 TERRIE RAMEAUX 06/06/2012 06/07/2012 HILLYARD INC MINNEAPOLIS $1,282.32 MICHAEL REILLY 06/12/2012 06/14/2012 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC $604.48 MICHAEL REILLY 06/01/2012 06/04/2012 STEPPING STONE THEATRE $2,310.00 AUDRA ROBBINS 06/06/2012 06/08/2012 PUMP IT UP - EDEN PRAIRIE $100.00 AUDRA ROBBINS 06/11/2012 06/12/2012 TARGET 00011858 $57.92 AUDRA ROBBINS 06/11/2012 06/12/2012 RAINBOW FOODS 00088617 $9.78 AUDRA ROBBINS 06/11/2012 06/12/2012 CUB FOODS, INC.$71.80 AUDRA ROBBINS 06/13/2012 06/14/2012 PUMP IT UP - EDEN PRAIRIE $187.90 AUDRA ROBBINS 06/13/2012 06/15/2012 SKY ZONE - PLYMOUTH $100.00 AUDRA ROBBINS 06/13/2012 06/15/2012 LITTLE CAESARS 1456 0006 $69.63 AUDRA ROBBINS 06/14/2012 06/15/2012 TARGET 00011858 $59.96 AUDRA ROBBINS 06/11/2012 06/13/2012 ESCH CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY $997.09 ROBERT RUNNING 06/03/2012 06/04/2012 T-MOBILE.COM*PAYMENT $31.03 DEB SCHMIDT 06/12/2012 06/13/2012 LILLIE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPE $192.00 DEB SCHMIDT 06/14/2012 06/15/2012 LILLIE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPE $165.00 DEB SCHMIDT 06/01/2012 06/04/2012 WM EZPAY $1,016.05 SCOTT SCHULTZ 06/04/2012 06/05/2012 TRUGREEN # 5635 $1,795.58 SCOTT SCHULTZ 06/04/2012 06/05/2012 TRUGREEN # 5635 $158.18 SCOTT SCHULTZ 06/04/2012 06/05/2012 TRUGREEN # 5635 $128.26 SCOTT SCHULTZ 06/04/2012 06/05/2012 TRUGREEN # 5635 $114.63 SCOTT SCHULTZ Packet Page Number 29 of 119 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 6-22-12 and 6-29-12.xlsx 06/11/2012 06/12/2012 TRUGREEN # 5635 $897.79 SCOTT SCHULTZ 06/11/2012 06/12/2012 TRUGREEN # 5635 $588.91 SCOTT SCHULTZ 06/11/2012 06/12/2012 TRUGREEN # 5635 $1,197.06 SCOTT SCHULTZ 06/11/2012 06/12/2012 TRUGREEN # 5635 $1,290.04 SCOTT SCHULTZ 06/12/2012 06/14/2012 ON SITE SANITATION INC $52.37 SCOTT SCHULTZ 06/12/2012 06/14/2012 ON SITE SANITATION INC $378.34 SCOTT SCHULTZ 06/01/2012 06/04/2012 SPECIALIZED ARMAMENT WARE $400.00 JOANNE SVENDSEN 06/05/2012 06/06/2012 CALIBRE PRESS LLC $215.00 JOANNE SVENDSEN 06/08/2012 06/11/2012 BLACK MOUNTAIN FIREARMS $400.00 WILLIAM SYPNIEWSKI 06/03/2012 06/04/2012 FOREST LAKE CYCLE &$48.20 BRIAN TAUZELL 06/01/2012 06/04/2012 STEICHEN'S 6204 $165.83 JAMES TAYLOR 06/05/2012 06/07/2012 HEDBERG LS & MASONR $4,225.92 JAMES TAYLOR 06/09/2012 06/11/2012 KOHL'S #744 $12.80 JOSEPH TRAN 06/02/2012 06/04/2012 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $214.18 KAREN WACHAL 06/12/2012 06/13/2012 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $13.22 KAREN WACHAL 06/13/2012 06/14/2012 USPS 26833800033400730 $18.00 KAREN WACHAL 05/31/2012 06/06/2012 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC $722.64 SUSAN ZWIEG 06/01/2012 06/04/2012 GREEN STUFF OUTDOOR SE $58.92 SUSAN ZWIEG 06/05/2012 06/06/2012 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS INC $105.00 SUSAN ZWIEG 06/05/2012 06/12/2012 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC $44.45 SUSAN ZWIEG $66,112.59 Packet Page Number 30 of 119 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 6-22-12 and 6-29-12.xlsx Check Description Amount 87371 02464 FUNDS FOR ATMS (MCC)10,000.00 87372 02464 FUNDS FOR ATMS (CITY HALL)10,000.00 87373 01936 REIMB FOR MILEAGE & INT 1/1 - 6/21 450.45 87374 02149 MARKETING & ADVERTISING - JUNE 4,000.00 87375 00687 TREE & STUMP REMOVALS 2,716.76 87376 02105 MEMBERSHIP DUES 750.00 87377 02696 MCC COOLING CONDENSER REPAIR 5,228.82 87378 01337 MULCH FOR SOLAR PANEL PROJ 2,650.50 87379 01463 MCC MASSAGES - 1-15 1,014.00 01463 MCC MASSAGES - MAY 16-31 752.50 87380 02274 SPRINT SRVS 05/15 -06/14 8,132.20 87381 01546 STAFF T-SHIRTS 443.00 87382 01574 BITUMINOUS MATERIALS NOT TO EXCEED 1,433.75 01574 BITUMINOUS MATERIALS NOT TO EXCEED 432.45 87383 01190 ELECTRIC & GAS UTILITY 19,306.07 01190 ELECTRIC UTILITY 13,914.15 01190 ELECTRIC & GAS UTILITY 5,093.56 01190 ELECTRIC UTILITY 103.69 87384 02880 PETROVEND CONTROLLER & SOFTWARE 4,475.00 02880 FUEL CARD ENCODER 2,100.10 87385 04848 MONTHLY PREMIUM - JULY 230.48 87386 00174 REIMB FOR MEAL 6/21 13.05 87387 00211 PROJ 04-21 PROF SRVS THRU 6/15 2,154.25 87388 04150 PROJ 10-14 RAINGARDEN EXPENSE 252.43 87389 00298 MEMBERSHIP DUES 60.00 87390 02929 LTC MONTHLY PREMIUM - JULY 440.60 87391 00460 STORM SEWER STRUCTURES-FROST 1,500.53 87392 03619 PROJ 11-14 SEWER TELEVISING/REPAIR 180.00 03619 PROJ 11-14 SEWER TELEVISING/REPAIR 180.00 87393 04371 REPLACED BAD READER/KEYPAD 959.26 87394 02567 PROJ 09-08 ACQUISITIION/APPRAISAL 2,424.98 87395 01401 DAY CAMP BUS FEE - STARS & STRIKES 192.00 01401 DAY CAMP BUS FEE - PUMP IT UP 145.00 87396 00550 REPLACEMENT SLIDE-WAKEFIELD PK 4,757.08 87397 00644 MONTHLY PREMIUM - JULY 12,489.89 87398 00671 ATHLETIC FIELD MARKING PAINT 1,977.18 87399 00791 REIMB FOR MILEAGE 6/26 9.44 87400 00857 2012 ANNUAL CONFERENCE 350.00 87401 03818 MONTHLY PREMIUM - JULY 159,180.78 87402 01085 MONTHLY PREMIUM - JULY 2,862.05 87403 01126 MONTHLY PREMIUM - JULY 480.00 87404 04849 TEXA HOLD'EM INSTRUCTOR - JUNE 81.00 87405 01175 FIBER OPTIC ASSESS CHG - JUNE 1,000.00 87406 00001 REFUND GREETHURST UCARE BENEFIT 240.00 87407 00001 REFUND M MONETTE UCARE BENEFIT 200.00 87408 00001 REFUND L SIMANSKI - TREE REBATE 200.00 87409 00001 REIMB M STREFF SPRINKLER REPAIR 166.20 87410 00001 REFUND D MAAS - TREE REBATE 145.00 87411 00001 REFUND C MAHRE HP BENEFIT 120.00 87412 00001 REFUND T MURPHY MEDICA BENEFIT 100.00 87413 00001 REFUND E GASKINS TRANS MEDIC 100.00 87414 00001 REFUND R NADEAU - TREE REBATE 100.00 87415 00001 REFUND R GAVIN - TREE REBATE 100.00 87416 00001 OLD OFFICE FURNITURE - DUP PMT 90.00 87417 00001 REFUND I MEYER-GUTHMAN - TREE REBATE 70.00 87418 00001 REFUND J ERICKSON - TREE REBATE 69.98 87419 00001 HALF PRICE BOOKS - DUP PMT 65.00 87420 00001 REIMB J EWALD YEARLY PLANTING 65.00 87421 00001 REFUND J PRACHT - TREE REBATE 63.74 87422 00001 REFUND D BAUER MEDICA BENEFIT 60.00 87423 00001 REFUND L STEELE BCBS BENEFIT 60.00 87424 00001 REFUND R MCKOSKEY HP BENEFIT 60.00 87425 00001 REFUND A RABCEVICH - TREE REBATE 56.21 87426 00001 REFUND F DISLLO CLASS CHANGE 56.00 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 NCPERS MINNESOTA 07/03/2012 RICHARD NIELSEN 07/03/2012 CITY OF NORTH ST PAUL 07/03/2012 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 07/03/2012 MEDICA 07/03/2012 MN LIFE INSURANCE 07/03/2012 HEALTHPARTNERS 07/03/2012 HIRSHFIELDS 07/03/2012 CONNIE KELSEY 07/03/2012 FIRST STUDENT INC 07/03/2012 FIRST STUDENT INC 07/03/2012 GAMETIME 07/03/2012 DRAIN KING INC 07/03/2012 ELECTRO WATCHMAN INC. 07/03/2012 EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES 07/03/2012 CNAGLAC 07/03/2012 CRETEX CONCRETE PRODUCTS NORTH 07/03/2012 DRAIN KING INC 07/03/2012 BRAUN INTERTEC CORP. 07/03/2012 CENTERLINE CHARTER CORP 07/03/2012 CITY ENGINEERS ASSOC OF MN 07/03/2012 ZAHL PETROLEUM MAINTENANCE CO 07/03/2012 AVESIS 07/03/2012 STAN BELDE 07/03/2012 XCEL ENERGY 07/03/2012 XCEL ENERGY 07/03/2012 ZAHL PETROLEUM MAINTENANCE CO 07/03/2012 T.A. SCHIFSKY & SONS, INC 07/03/2012 XCEL ENERGY 07/03/2012 XCEL ENERGY 07/03/2012 SPRINT 07/03/2012 SUBURBAN SPORTSWEAR 07/03/2012 T.A. SCHIFSKY & SONS, INC 07/03/2012 RAMSEY COUNTY-PROP REC & REV 07/03/2012 SISTER ROSALIND GEFRE 07/03/2012 SISTER ROSALIND GEFRE 07/03/2012 HUGO'S TREE CARE INC 07/03/2012 MN TRANSPORTATION ALLIANCE 07/03/2012 MUSKA ELECTRIC CO 06/29/2012 US BANK 07/03/2012 CHAD BERGO 07/03/2012 HEIDI CAREY Check Register City of Maplewood 06/29/2012 Date Vendor 06/26/2012 US BANK Packet Page Number 31 of 119 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 6-22-12 and 6-29-12.xlsx 87427 00001 REFUND A LAM PARTIAL SWIM LESSONS 55.00 87428 00001 REFUND L VIJAIKUMAR CLASS CANCEL 48.00 87429 00001 REFUND M BOWSER - TREE REBATE 42.00 87430 00001 REFUND A ANDERSON BCBS BENEFIT 40.00 87431 00001 REFUND J MCKENZIE MEDICA BENEFIT 40.00 87432 00001 REFUND M STEENSLAND MEDICA 40.00 87433 00001 REFUND E TANIMOJO MEDICA BENEFIT 40.00 87434 00001 REFUND K BOROWSKE HP BENEFIT 40.00 87435 00001 REFUND DRKULA HP BENEFIT 40.00 87436 00001 REFUND R DUSTIN HP BENEFIT 40.00 87437 00001 REFUND J LAMERS HP BENEFIT 40.00 87438 00001 REFUND N RILEY - TREE REBATE 39.99 87439 00001 REFUND J JOHNSON ENROLLMENT FEE 32.14 87440 00001 T-MOBILE PERMITS - DUP PMT 25.00 87441 00001 REFUND J FOSTER BCBS BENEFIT 20.00 87442 00001 REFUND D CHILDS SR UCARE BENEFIT 20.00 87443 00001 REFUND M SHAW HP BENEFIT 20.00 87444 04841 BASKETBALL CLINIC INSTRUCTOR 236.80 87445 04276 INSTRUCTOR FEES - 3/29-5/3 EVE PROG 240.00 04276 INSTRUCTOR FEES 3/31-5/12 SAT PROG 240.00 04276 INSTRUCTOR FEES 6/7-6/28 EVE PROG 128.00 87446 04964 ACUPUNCTURIST - JUNE 375.00 87447 04225 CHARITABLE GAMBLING 2012 2,100.00 87448 01359 CAR WASHES - MAY 121.99 87449 02001 PHONE SERVICE - JUNE 1,436.20 87450 01418 VENDING MACHINE SUPPLIES 241.54 01418 DAY CAMP SUPPLIES 179.49 01418 SENIOR PROGRAM SUPPLIES 8.36 01418 CARD CLUB SUPPLIES 8.28 87451 03879 EMS FEES - JULY 577.08 87452 01455 POLICE OFFICER FOR MCC JUNE 23 227.50 87453 04238 CHARITABLE GAMBLING 2012 91.63 87454 01836 CRIME LAB SERVICES - MAY 445.00 87455 00198 WATER UTILITY 1,679.46 00198 WATER UTILITY 307.11 87456 04965 CERAMICS INSTRUCTOR - JUNE 412.50 87457 05023 ESCROW RELEASE 2732 BRAND 3,512.82 87458 00529 LTD PLAN 4043120-2 - JULY 4,169.75 00529 STD PLAN 4043120-1 - JULY 2,370.16 87459 04179 PROGRAM DISPLAY SIGN MCC - MAY 250.00 87460 03948 BALLROOM DANCE CLASS INSTRUCTOR 192.00 07/03/2012 VISUAL IMAGE PROMOTIONS 07/03/2012 AARON WULFF 307,276.93 90 Checks in this report. 07/03/2012 TIER 2 FUNDING 07/03/2012 UNION SECURITY INSURANCE CO 07/03/2012 UNION SECURITY INSURANCE CO 07/03/2012 ST. PAUL REGIONAL WATER SRVS 07/03/2012 ST. PAUL REGIONAL WATER SRVS 07/03/2012 SANDRA JEAN STAUNER 07/03/2012 MICHAEL SHORTREED 07/03/2012 SIMON PROPERTY GROUP 07/03/2012 CITY OF ST PAUL 07/03/2012 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT 07/03/2012 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT 07/03/2012 SANSIO 07/03/2012 CITY OF ROSEVILLE 07/03/2012 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT 07/03/2012 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT 07/03/2012 POINTS TO HEALTH LLC 07/03/2012 RAMSEY COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOC 07/03/2012 REGAL AUTO WASH BILLING 07/03/2012 PARTNERS IN EDUCATION INC 07/03/2012 PARTNERS IN EDUCATION INC 07/03/2012 PARTNERS IN EDUCATION INC 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ALI OZYIGIT 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR 07/03/2012 ONE TIME VENDOR Packet Page Number 32 of 119 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 6-22-12 and 6-29-12.xlsx Settlement Date Payee Description Amount 6/25/2012 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 21,570.58 6/25/2012 U.S. Treasurer Federal Payroll Tax 92,782.35 6/25/2012 P.E.R.A.P.E.R.A.88,040.86 6/26/2012 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 37,539.87 6/26/2012 MidAmerica - ING HRA Flex plan 14,202.38 6/26/2012 Labor Unions Union Dues 3,609.52 6/27/2012 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 23,339.12 6/27/2012 MN State Treasurer State Payroll Tax 19,965.28 6/28/2012 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 15,260.75 6/28/2012 Pitney Bowes Postage 2,985.00 6/28/2012 US Bank Bank fees 106.35 6/29/2012 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 23,771.53 6/29/2012 MN Dept of Natural Resources DNR electronic licenses 1,724.75 6/29/2012 Optum Health DCRP & Flex plan payments 1,482.20 TOTAL 346,380.54 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Disbursements via Debits to Checking account Packet Page Number 33 of 119 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 6-22-12 and 6-29-12.xlsx CHECK #CHECK DATE EMPLOYE E NAME 06/22/12 JUENEMANN, KATHLEEN 435.16 06/22/12 KOPPEN, MARVIN 435.16 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD EMPLOYEE GROSS EARNINGS REPORT FOR THE CURRENT PAY PERIOD AMOUNT 06/22/12 CARDINAL, ROBERT 435.16 06/22/12 AHL, R. CHARLES 5,008.64 06/22/12 ANTONEN, JAMES 5,352.58 06/22/12 STRAUTMANIS, MARIS 222.00 06/22/12 VALLE, EDWARD 50.00 06/22/12 LLANAS, JAMES 435.16 06/22/12 ROSSBACH, WILLIAM 494.44 06/22/12 JAHN, DAVID 2,492.89 06/22/12 RAMEAUX, THERESE 3,061.17 06/22/12 CHRISTENSON, SCOTT 2,040.35 06/22/12 FARR, LARRY 3,061.16 06/22/12 BURLINGAME, SARAH 2,074.91 06/22/12 KANTRUD, HUGH 184.62 06/22/12 KELSEY, CONNIE 2,594.79 06/22/12 RUEB, JOSEPH 2,642.60 06/22/12 DEBILZAN, JUDY 1,327.92 06/22/12 JACKSON, MARY 2,126.07 06/22/12 BAUMAN, GAYLE 4,186.17 06/22/12 ANDERSON, CAROLE 1,220.14 06/22/12 THOMALLA, ASHLEY 663.00 06/22/12 CORTESI, LUANNE 1,092.31 06/22/12 SCHMIDT, DEBORAH 2,884.82 06/22/12 SPANGLER, EDNA 936.89 06/22/12 SINDT, ANDREA 2,113.80 06/22/12 GUILFOILE, KAREN 4,207.64 06/22/12 RICHTER, CHARLENE 1,246.25 06/22/12 SCHOENECKER, LEIGH 1,569.35 06/22/12 MOY, PAMELA 1,520.44 06/22/12 OSTER, ANDREA 1,907.48 06/22/12 LARSON, MICHELLE 1,827.75 06/22/12 MECHELKE, SHERRIE 1,140.33 06/22/12 POWELL, PHILIP 2,932.46 06/22/12 SVENDSEN, JOANNE 2,111.38 06/22/12 KVAM, DAVID 4,209.55 06/22/12 PALANK, MARY 1,905.17 06/22/12 WEAVER, KRISTINE 2,356.55 06/22/12 CORCORAN, THERESA 1,900.56 06/22/12 ABEL, CLINT 2,878.21 06/22/12 ALDRIDGE, MARK 2,990.84 06/22/12 THOMALLA, DAVID 4,961.38 06/22/12 THOMFORDE, FAITH 1,497.35 Packet Page Number 34 of 119 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 6-22-12 and 6-29-12.xlsx 06/22/12 BAKKE, LONN 3,140.53 06/22/12 BARTZ, PAUL 3,325.70 06/22/12 BUSACK, DANIEL 3,717.35 06/22/12 CARNES, JOHN 1,918.52 06/22/12 BIERDEMAN, BRIAN 3,852.84 06/22/12 BOHL, JOHN 3,151.33 06/22/12 BELDE, STANLEY 2,990.84 06/22/12 BENJAMIN, MARKESE 2,884.73 06/22/12 DUGAS, MICHAEL 3,609.69 06/22/12 ERICKSON, VIRGINIA 2,616.64 06/22/12 DEMULLING, JOSEPH 2,906.23 06/22/12 DOBLAR, RICHARD 4,005.46 06/22/12 COFFEY, KEVIN 2,944.76 06/22/12 CROTTY, KERRY 3,611.20 06/22/12 GABRIEL, ANTHONY 3,183.59 06/22/12 HAWKINSON JR, TIMOTHY 2,819.55 06/22/12 FRASER, JOHN 3,264.05 06/22/12 FRITZE, DEREK 3,027.57 06/22/12 FLOR, TIMOTHY 3,725.17 06/22/12 FORSYTHE, MARCUS 2,186.00 06/22/12 KONG, TOMMY 2,991.27 06/22/12 KREKELER, NICHOLAS 876.00 06/22/12 JOHNSON, KEVIN 4,124.92 06/22/12 KALKA, THOMAS 940.28 06/22/12 HER, PHENG 2,720.96 06/22/12 HIEBERT, STEVEN 2,990.84 06/22/12 LYNCH, KATHERINE 2,440.98 06/22/12 MARINO, JASON 3,263.36 06/22/12 LANGNER, TODD 2,980.04 06/22/12 LU, JOHNNIE 3,303.01 06/22/12 KROLL, BRETT 3,010.96 06/22/12 LANGNER, SCOTT 3,092.20 06/22/12 OLSON, JULIE 2,937.06 06/22/12 PARKER, JAMES 2,186.00 06/22/12 METRY, ALESIA 3,038.70 06/22/12 NYE, MICHAEL 3,701.86 06/22/12 MARTIN, JERROLD 3,061.61 06/22/12 MCCARTY, GLEN 3,092.20 06/22/12 SYPNIEWSKI, WILLIAM 2,923.56 06/22/12 SZCZEPANSKI, THOMAS 3,101.27 06/22/12 SHORTREED, MICHAEL 4,091.18 06/22/12 STEINER, JOSEPH 3,183.59 06/22/12 REZNY, BRADLEY 3,677.09 06/22/12 RHUDE, MATTHEW 2,975.57 06/22/12 WENZEL, JAY 2,977.90 06/22/12 XIONG, KAO 2,878.21 06/22/12 THIENES, PAUL 4,229.46 06/22/12 TRAN, JOSEPH 3,038.70 06/22/12 TAUZELL, BRIAN 2,783.83 06/22/12 THEISEN, PAUL 3,038.70 06/22/12 ANDERSON, BRIAN 288.00 06/22/12 ARKSEY, CHARLES 252.00 Packet Page Number 35 of 119 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 6-22-12 and 6-29-12.xlsx 06/22/12 BAUMAN, ANDREW 2,600.61 06/22/12 BIGELBACH, ANTHONY 282.00 06/22/12 BAHL, DAVID 374.50 06/22/12 BASSETT, BRENT 144.00 06/22/12 CRAWFORD, RAYMOND 291.00 06/22/12 CRUMMY, CHARLES 162.00 06/22/12 CAPISTRANT, JACOB 384.00 06/22/12 CAPISTRANT, JOHN 542.50 06/22/12 BOURQUIN, RON 212.00 06/22/12 BRESIN, ROBERT 324.00 06/22/12 FOSSUM, ANDREW 2,600.61 06/22/12 HAGEN, MICHAEL 450.00 06/22/12 EVERSON, PAUL 2,986.11 06/22/12 FASULO, WALTER 152.75 06/22/12 DAWSON, RICHARD 2,743.95 06/22/12 EATON, PAUL 384.00 06/22/12 HUTCHINSON, JAMES 458.50 06/22/12 IMM, TRACY 288.00 06/22/12 HAWTHORNE, ROCHELLE 2,136.30 06/22/12 HENDRICKSON, NICHOLAS 2,412.68 06/22/12 HALE, JOSEPH 206.50 06/22/12 HALWEG, JODI 2,674.17 06/22/12 KERSKA, JOSEPH 498.00 06/22/12 KONDER, RONALD 288.00 06/22/12 KANE, ROBERT 801.50 06/22/12 KARRAS, JAMIE 234.00 06/22/12 JANSEN, CHAD 288.00 06/22/12 JONES, JONATHAN 144.00 06/22/12 MILLER, NICHOLAS 354.00 06/22/12 MONDOR, MICHAEL 3,504.54 06/22/12 LOCHEN, MICHAEL 424.00 06/22/12 MILLER, LADD 300.00 06/22/12 KUBAT, ERIC 2,391.18 06/22/12 LINDER, TIMOTHY 3,414.21 06/22/12 NOWICKI, PAUL 240.00 06/22/12 OLSON, JAMES 2,674.17 06/22/12 NIELSEN, KENNETH 144.00 06/22/12 NOVAK, JEROME 2,674.17 06/22/12 MONSON, PETER 408.00 06/22/12 MORGAN, JEFFERY 403.00 06/22/12 POWERS, KENNETH 162.00 06/22/12 RAINEY, JAMES 498.00 06/22/12 PETERSON, MARK 17.50 06/22/12 PETERSON, ROBERT 2,824.12 06/22/12 OPHEIM, JOHN 353.50 06/22/12 PACHECO, ALPHONSE 432.00 06/22/12 RICE, CHRISTOPHER 616.00 06/22/12 SCHULTZ, JEROME 66.00 06/22/12 RAVENWALD, CORINNE 402.00 06/22/12 REYNOSO, ANGEL 90.00 06/22/12 RANK, NATHAN 786.00 06/22/12 RANK, PAUL 243.00 Packet Page Number 36 of 119 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 6-22-12 and 6-29-12.xlsx 06/22/12 WHITE, JOEL 306.00 06/22/12 GERVAIS-JR, CLARENCE 3,985.69 06/22/12 SVENDSEN, RONALD 2,930.49 06/22/12 WESSELS, TIMOTHY 216.00 06/22/12 SEDLACEK, JEFFREY 2,775.09 06/22/12 STREFF, MICHAEL 2,600.61 06/22/12 AHL, GREGORY 1,008.00 06/22/12 BRINK, TROY 2,356.55 06/22/12 KNUTSON, LOIS 2,054.95 06/22/12 NIVEN, AMY 1,425.42 06/22/12 LUKIN, STEVEN 4,891.49 06/22/12 ZWIEG, SUSAN 1,706.92 06/22/12 MEISSNER, BRENT 1,977.75 06/22/12 NAGEL, BRYAN 3,560.40 06/22/12 EDGE, DOUGLAS 2,799.91 06/22/12 JONES, DONALD 2,166.15 06/22/12 BUCKLEY, BRENT 2,065.35 06/22/12 DEBILZAN, THOMAS 2,146.17 06/22/12 BURLINGAME, NATHAN 2,087.22 06/22/12 DUCHARME, JOHN 2,740.37 06/22/12 RUNNING, ROBERT 2,356.55 06/22/12 TEVLIN, TODD 2,146.15 06/22/12 OSWALD, ERICK 2,357.98 06/22/12 RUIZ, RICARDO 1,539.75 06/22/12 LINDBLOM, RANDAL 3,295.12 06/22/12 LOVE, STEVEN 3,446.90 06/22/12 JAROSCH, JONATHAN 3,092.50 06/22/12 KUMMER, STEVEN 3,216.57 06/22/12 ENGSTROM, ANDREW 2,555.77 06/22/12 JACOBSON, SCOTT 2,509.60 06/22/12 BUTTWEILER, TYLER 840.00 06/22/12 EDSON, DAVID 2,191.39 06/22/12 JANASZAK, MEGHAN 1,497.35 06/22/12 KONEWKO, DUWAYNE 4,413.24 06/22/12 THOMPSON, MICHAEL 4,058.96 06/22/12 ZIEMAN, SCOTT 1,114.70 06/22/12 HINNENKAMP, GARY 2,268.46 06/22/12 NAUGHTON, JOHN 2,146.15 06/22/12 HAMRE, MILES 1,513.60 06/22/12 HAYS, TAMARA 1,539.75 06/22/12 GUNDERSON, ANDREW 1,080.00 06/22/12 GUNDERSON, THOMAS 840.00 06/22/12 HAYMAN, JANET 1,394.03 06/22/12 HUTCHINSON, ANN 2,649.16 06/22/12 DEAVER, CHARLES 735.09 06/22/12 GERNES, CAROLE 350.46 06/22/12 NORDQUIST, RICHARD 2,148.46 06/22/12 BIESANZ, OAKLEY 1,549.06 06/22/12 GAYNOR, VIRGINIA 3,244.09 06/22/12 ERICSON, MICHAEL 800.00 06/22/12 SOUTTER, CHRISTINE 271.69 06/22/12 WACHAL, KAREN 887.48 Packet Page Number 37 of 119 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 6-22-12 and 6-29-12.xlsx 06/22/12 KROLL, LISA 1,900.55 06/22/12 SWANSON, CHRIS 480.00 06/22/12 MARTIN, MICHAEL 2,709.35 06/22/12 BRASH, JASON 2,393.35 06/22/12 EKSTRAND, THOMAS 3,829.34 06/22/12 FINWALL, SHANN 3,233.35 06/22/12 THOMPSON, DEBRA 760.22 06/22/12 YOUNG, TAMELA 2,015.75 06/22/12 BERGER, STEPHANIE 515.38 06/22/12 BETHEL III, CHARLES 70.13 06/22/12 SWAN, DAVID 2,766.15 06/22/12 WELLENS, MOLLY 1,776.97 06/22/12 CARVER, NICHOLAS 3,244.09 06/22/12 FISHER, DAVID 3,807.86 06/22/12 KOHLMAN, JENNIFER 142.50 06/22/12 LARSON, KATELYN 105.00 06/22/12 GERMAIN, BRADY 26.00 06/22/12 KHOURY, SARAH 639.50 06/22/12 BJORK, BRANDON 756.25 06/22/12 BRENEMAN, NEIL 2,159.70 06/22/12 TAYLOR, JAMES 2,738.98 06/22/12 VUKICH, CANDACE 108.50 06/22/12 ROBBINS, CAMDEN 187.00 06/22/12 SCHALLER, SCOTT 91.38 06/22/12 MARTIN, ARIELLE 220.00 06/22/12 ROBBINS, AUDRA 3,019.96 06/22/12 SCHULTZ, SCOTT 3,090.82 06/22/12 ANZALDI, MANDY 1,467.38 06/22/12 HAAG, MARK 2,356.55 06/22/12 ORE, JORDAN 1,539.75 06/22/12 ADAMS, DAVID 2,132.72 06/22/12 GERMAIN, DAVID 2,155.39 06/22/12 HOFMEISTER, MARY 1,142.37 06/22/12 HOFMEISTER, TIMOTHY 441.88 06/22/12 GLASS, JEAN 2,125.10 06/22/12 HER, PETER 359.30 06/22/12 CRAWFORD - JR, RAYMOND 367.41 06/22/12 EVANS, CHRISTINE 1,363.63 06/22/12 VUE, LOR PAO 278.38 06/22/12 AICHELE, MEGAN 183.20 06/22/12 PENN, CHRISTINE 2,332.74 06/22/12 SHERRILL, CAITLIN 583.96 06/22/12 KULHANEK-DIONNE, ANN 436.00 06/22/12 PELOQUIN, PENNYE 515.64 06/22/12 BRUSOE, AMY 162.68 06/22/12 BUCKLEY, BRITTANY 110.50 06/22/12 BAETZOLD, SETH 36.25 06/22/12 BAUDE, SARAH 36.50 06/22/12 ANDERSON, JOSHUA 159.10 06/22/12 ANDERSON, MAXWELL 333.24 06/22/12 BUTLER, ANGELA 80.75 06/22/12 COSTA, JOSEPH 445.50 Packet Page Number 38 of 119 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 6-22-12 and 6-29-12.xlsx 06/22/12 DIONNE, DANIELLE 62.05 06/22/12 DUNN, RYAN 897.09 06/22/12 CRANDALL, KRISTA 136.63 06/22/12 DEMPSEY, BETH 290.38 06/22/12 FRAMPTON, SAMANTHA 270.00 06/22/12 GIEL, NICOLE 95.00 06/22/12 FONTAINE, KIM 658.25 06/22/12 FOX, KELLY 150.00 06/22/12 ERICKSON-CLARK, CAROL 49.00 06/22/12 FIERRO WESTBERG, MELIND 387.75 06/22/12 HEINRICH, SHEILA 520.00 06/22/12 HOLMBERG, LADONNA 650.00 06/22/12 GRUENHAGEN, LINDA 393.70 06/22/12 HANSEN, HANNAH 319.90 06/22/12 GIPPLE, TRISHA 122.58 06/22/12 GRAY, MEGAN 212.55 06/22/12 JOYER, JENNA 14.79 06/22/12 KOHLER, ROCHELLE 54.00 06/22/12 JOHNSON, BARBARA 184.03 06/22/12 JOYER, ANTHONY 22.20 06/22/12 HORWATH, RONALD 2,614.55 06/22/12 JANSON, ANGELA 93.50 06/22/12 MCCORMACK, MELISSA 176.40 06/22/12 NADEAU, KELLY 14.18 06/22/12 LAMSON, ELIANA 63.00 06/22/12 MCCANN, NATALIE 361.00 06/22/12 KRONHOLM, KATHRYN 735.19 06/22/12 LAMEYER, ZACHARY 275.64 06/22/12 RESENDIZ, LORI 636.84 06/22/12 RICHTER, DANIEL 236.25 06/22/12 PROESCH, ANDY 605.96 06/22/12 RANEY, COURTNEY 550.00 06/22/12 NORTHOUSE, KATHERINE 68.88 06/22/12 POVLITZKI, MARINA 66.50 06/22/12 SCHREINER, MICHELLE 110.19 06/22/12 SCHUNEMAN, GREGORY 179.00 06/22/12 SCHREIER, ROSEMARIE 328.38 06/22/12 SCHREINER, MARK 21.90 06/22/12 RONNING, ISAIAH 123.20 06/22/12 RUIZ, MARIA 46.00 06/22/12 TAYLOR, JASON 22.28 06/22/12 THORWICK, MEGAN 36.75 06/22/12 SMITH, CASEY 44.10 06/22/12 SMITLEY, SHARON 181.30 06/22/12 SKUNES, KELLY 337.08 06/22/12 SMITH, ANN 203.00 06/22/12 WARNER, CAROLYN 224.40 06/22/12 WOLFGRAM, MARY 608.40 06/22/12 TUPY, HEIDE 125.95 06/22/12 TUPY, MARCUS 320.63 06/22/12 TREPANIER, TODD 220.00 06/22/12 TRUE, ANDREW 191.58 Packet Page Number 39 of 119 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2012\AprClms - 6-22-12 and 6-29-12.xlsx 9987264 9987275 9987276 9987277 9987278 9987279 9987280 9987281 9987282 9987283 9987284 06/22/12 BORCHERT, JONATHAN 152.25 06/22/12 DOUGLASS, TOM 1,884.83 06/22/12 KENN, MADELINE 21.00 06/22/12 PENN, CAYLA 75.00 06/22/12 BOSLEY, CAROL 80.00 06/22/12 DANIEL, BREANNA 158.50 06/22/12 THOMPSON, BENJAMIN 416.75 06/22/12 VANG, GEORGE 94.25 06/22/12 REILLY, MICHAEL 2,031.50 06/22/12 SCHULZE, KEVIN 540.00 06/22/12 MALONEY, SHAUNA 202.50 06/22/12 PRINS, KELLY 1,690.16 06/22/12 BERGO, CHAD 2,707.66 06/22/12 FOWLDS, MYCHAL 3,791.22 06/22/12 PRIEM, STEVEN 2,415.66 06/22/12 WOEHRLE, MATTHEW 2,200.55 06/22/12 COUNTRYMAN, BRENDA 1,155.00 06/22/12 AICHELE, CRAIG 2,322.83 06/22/12 SHERWOOD, CHRISTIAN 462.00 06/22/12 VANG, TIM 491.00 06/12/12 BRADBURY, RYAN 456.00 06/22/12 DHARAMPAUL, BRIANNA 48.00 06/22/12 FRANZEN, NICHOLAS 2,623.62 06/22/12 KREGER, JASON 2,099.70 06/22/12 STEFFEN, MICHAEL 87.00 508,184.58 06/22/12 WEINHAGEN, SHELBY 207.02 06/22/12 MORGAN, LINDSEY 210.25 06/22/12 SCOTT, HALEY 33.08 06/22/12 WALES, ABIGAIL 21.75 06/22/12 MCLAURIN, CHRISTOPHER 44.00 06/22/12 MCMAHON, MICHAEL 72.30 Packet Page Number 40 of 119 Page 1 of 3    ITEM G2 AGENDA REPORT TO: Jim Antonen, City Manager FROM: Karen Guilfoile, City Clerk DATE: June 29, 2012 SUBJECT: Approval of Resolution Certifying Election Judges for the August 14, 2012 State and Federal Primary Election RESOLUTION ACCEPTING ELECTION JUDGES RESOLVED, that the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota, accepts the following list of Election Judges for the 2012 Primary Election to be held on Tuesday, August 14, 2012. Abeyratne, Pria Achmeier, Kevin Ahl, Chuck Ahrens, Fran Aikens, Meridith Allen, Jim Allen, Mark R. Anderson, Beverly Anderson, Elsie Anderson, Mary Sue Anderson, Nancy Anderson, Suzanne Ansari, Ahsan Arnold, Ajla Aurandt, Robert Bartelt, Joan Bedor, David Beggs, Regan Behr, Jeanette Behrens, Margaret Belland, Jaime Berry, Robert Bieniek, Robert Bjorklund, Diane Bolden, Donita Bond, Sandra Booher, Michele Bortz, Albert Bortz, Jeanne Bruner, Deborah Bunkowske, Bernice Carle, Jeanette Carson, Fannie Carson, Helen Cathleen, Cotter Chromey, Donna Chromey, Terrance Cleland, Ann Combe, Edward Connelly, Thomas Connolly, Colleen Coyle, Jim Coyle, Rose D'Arcio, India Deeg, Edward Delveaux, Jay Demko, Fred Desai, Kalpana DeZelar, Phil Dickerson, Glenndell Dickson, Helen Jean Droeger, Diane Duellman, Audrey Dunham, Bob Eickhoff, Carolyn Ek, John Ek, Susan Elliott, Michael Erickson, Elizabeth Erickson, Eric Erickson, Sue Evans, Carol Fastner, Vicki Fernholz, Jean Finch, Michael Finch, Roberta Fischer, Peter Fitzgerald, Delores Fosburgh, Anne Fowler, Cynthia Franzen, James Franzen, Nick Freer, Mary Jo Friedlein, Charlene Friedlein, Richard Frost, James Fuller, Mary Katherine Galligher, Patricia Garrison, Carolyn Ann Garvey, Terrence Gebauer, Victor Gerlach, Barbara Gerten, John Gerten, Judy Gipple, Kristine Glissendorf, Sue Golaski, Diane Gordon, Suzanne Granse, Barbara Gravink, Barb Gudknecht, Jamie Gustafson, Dianne Guthrie, Rosie Hafner, Michael Hahn , Vonna Hanson, Joan Hart, Barbara Heininger, Gordon Herber, Darlene Hervig, Cindy Hill, Jan Hines, Constance Hinnenkamp, Gary Hitzman, Harold Hogan, Anna Horgan, Gerald Horgan, Sharon Horner, Jan Horwath, Ivori Hulet, Jeanette Hulet, Robert Packet Page Number 41 of 119 Page 2 of 3    Huth, Patricia Huth, Raymond Inhofer, Mary Claire Jaafaru, Timothy Jagoe, Carole Jahn, David Janaszak, Meghan Jefferson, Gwendolyn Jensen, Robert Johannessen, Judith Johansen, Kathleen Johnson, Warren Jones, Shirley Jurmu, Joyce Kapfer, Deb Karner, Ann Kaul, Shirley Kearn, Barbara Kirchoff, Harold Kliethermes, Jami Knauss, Carol Knutson, Lois Koch, Rosemary Kramer, Dennis Krause, Bruce Krebsbach, Jean Kreger, Jason Kude, Carol Kuehnel, Edward Kwapick, Jackie Labossiere, Donna Lackner, Marvella Lampe, Charlotte Larson, Michelle Lauren, Lorraine LaValle, Faylene Lawrence, Donna Layer, Stephanie Layer, Tom Leiter, Barbara Leo , Pati Letourneau, Sandra Lincowski, Steve Lincowski, Vi Lindskog, Phyllis Liptak, Marianne Lockwood, Jackie Loipersbeck, Darlene Loipersbeck, Jules Lowery, Paul Lucas, Lydia Lynne, Carole Mahowald, Valerie Mahre, Jeri Mammenga II, Donald Manthey, John Maskrey, Thomas Mauston, Shelia McCabe, Bonnie McCann, John McCarthy, Peggy McCarthy, Ryan McCauley, Judy Mealey, Georgia Mechelke, Geraldine Mechelke, Mary Lou Meehan, James Meister-Westermann, Jean Mersereau, Connie Meyer, Kayleen Mielke, Karen Moen, Bill Moenck, Mary Ann Mollica, Arthur Moran, Joyce E. Moreno, Marlene Mudek, Dolores Mudek, Leo Mudgett, Sandy Muenchow, Mike Muraski, Gerry Myster, Thomas Nazarian, Frederick Nelson, Percy Nettleton, Janet Newcomb, Mary Nichols, Miranda Nieters, Louise Nissen, Helen Norberg, Ann Noyes, Douglas Oberg, Caleb O'Brien, D. William Olson, Anita Olson, Lois Olson, Norman Olson, Stacy Oslund, Kathryn Osman, Jamal Otto, Eric Paddock, Ken Parent, Dian Pavel, Margaret Pedersen, Bernard Peitzman, Lloyd Peper, Marilyn Pickett, William Plaster, Rae Pogalz, Linda Priefer, Bill Reeve, Claudia Renslow, Rita Rieper, Allan Robinson, Emily Rodriguez, Vincent Rohrbach, Charles Rohrbach, Elaine Roller, Carolyn Rubbert, Shirley Rudeen, Elaine Sagert, Chris Saltz, Rosalie Sandberg, Janet Satriano, Pauline Sauer, Elmer Sauer, Kathleen Sauro, Janet Sawyer, Sharon Scharnott, Thomas Scheuble, RoJean Scheunemann, Marjorie Schiff, Marge Schluender, Cynthia Schneider, Mary Ann Schramel, Betty Schramel, Jim Schultz, Louise Seidel, Dave Seidel, Gloria Shankar, Ananth Shores, Teresa Simmer, Kathleen Simmer, Richard Skaar, Delaney Skaar, Susan Spangler, Bob Spies, Louis Stafki, Tim Steenberg, Judith Steenberg, Richard Stenson, Karen Stevens, Sandra Storm, Mary Strack, Joan Sweningeon, Rudolph Taylor, Lori Taylor, Rita Thomas, Jeff Thomforde, Faith Thompson, Jerrilyn Thompson, Julie Tietel, Lynn Tourville, Michael Trippler, Dale Tschida, Micki Urbanski, Holly Urbanski, William VanBlaricom, Beulah Volkman, Phyllis Wasmundt, Gayle Webb, Paulette Packet Page Number 42 of 119 Page 3 of 3    Weiland, Connie Weinberg, Vicki Wessel, Warren Westergard, Joanne Whitcomb, Larry White, Greg Witschen, Delores Wold, Hans Wolff, Patricia Wolfgram, Dorothy Wood, Susan Yang, Cana Yorkovich, Cindy Young, Linda Zacho, Karen Zager, Scott Zawacki, James Zian, Helen Zipko, Leroy Recommendation of the approved list of election judges is requested. Approval of this Resolution does not qualify individuals to serve as election judges. Appointments will be made from this list to fill the needed positions. Individuals that have not completed the required election judge training and necessary paperwork will be permitted to work. Packet Page Number 43 of 119 Item G3 AGENDA REPORT To: City Manager James Antonen From: Chief of Police David J. Thomalla Subject: Resolution Accepting Donation to the Police Department From Residential Mortgage Group Date: June 28, 2012 Introduction The Police Department has received a donation from RMG (Residential Mortgage Group), a division of Alerus Financial, and City Council approval is required before this donation can be accepted. Background RMG sent the Police Department a $100 check as part of their charitable donation program called “Refer a friend. Build your community.” In the letter accompanying the donation, it was explained that when a mortgage is closed with RMG, a donation will be made to a school, fire department or police department on behalf of the client; and it is the client’s choice who will be the beneficiary of the donation. RMG instituted this program because it lets their clients directly improve the communities of their choice. The client who designated the Maplewood Police Department for their $100 donation in conjunction with their loan closing was Paul Tran from Meadow Street in Cologne, Minnesota. Recommendation It is recommended that City Council approval be given to accept this $100 donation and that the necessary budget adjustments be made so the funds can be expended by the Police Department as needed. Action Required Submit to the City Council for review and action. DJT:js Packet Page Number 44 of 119 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING GIFT TO CITY WHEREAS, Maplewood is AUTHORIZED to receive and accept grants, gifts and devices of real and personal property and maintain the same for the benefit of the citizens and pursuant to the donor’s terms if so-prescribed, and; WHEREAS, Residential Mortgage Group (RMG) wishes to grant the City of Maplewood the following: $100, and; WHEREAS, Residential Mortgage Group has instructed that the City will be required to use the aforementioned for: use by the Police Department to directly improve the community, and; WHEREAS, the City of Maplewood has agreed to use the subject of this resolution for the purposes and under the terms prescribed, and; WHEREAS, the City agrees that it will accept the gift by a super majority of its governing body’s membership pursuant to Minnesota Statute §465.03; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, pursuant to Minnesota Statute §465.03, that the Maplewood City Council approves, receives and accepts the gift aforementioned and under such terms and conditions as may be requested or required. The Maplewood City Council passed this resolution by a super majority vote of its membership on _________________________, 20_____. Signed: Signed: Witnessed: ___________________ ____________________ ___________________ (Signature) (Signature) (Signature) Mayor______________ Chief of Police_________ City Clerk____________ (Title) (Title) (Title) ___________________ _____________________ ____________________ (Date) (Date) (Date) Packet Page Number 45 of 119 MEMORANDUM TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Michael Martin, AICP, Planner Charles Ahl, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit Termination for a Planned Unit Development, Gethsemane Senior Housing LOCATION: South of 2410 Stillwater Road DATE: June 29, 2012 INTRODUCTION The conditional use permit (CUP) for the Gethsemane Senior Housing planned unit development (PUD) is due for review. This PUD is for a 111-unit senior housing facility on property owned by Gethsemane Lutheran Church south of the church. Refer to the attachments. BACKGROUND July 14, 2008: The city council approved a temporary lease agreement for the use of Gethsemane Park for 2008, the Gethsemane Senior Housing PUD, a land use plan amendment, a parking waiver, preliminary and final plat, and site and architectural plans. August 25, 2008: The city council approved tax increment financing for the Gethsemane Senior Housing project. July 7, 2009: The city council reviewed the conditional use permit (CUP) for the Gethsemane Senior Housing planned unit development (PUD). July 26, 2010: The city council reviewed the conditional use permit (CUP) for the Gethsemane Senior Housing planned unit development (PUD) and approved it for two years. DISCUSSION City code requires periodic review of PUDs to check on project status. Code also requires substantial construction to be started within one year of the original PUD approval otherwise the PUD becomes null and void. Code allows the council to extend the PUD approval for one year before construction starts. The council has extended this PUD approval twice for a total of three years. Since the original 2008 approval no construction has taken place. In addition, the TIF agreement that was approved in 2008 required the project to start within three years. Because of the lack of construction progress, the original 2008 TIF approval is null and void. Agenda Item G4 Packet Page Number 46 of 119 2 With the lack of construction progress and the TIF agreement being expired, staff is recommending this PUD be terminated. Code also states the original design approvals from 2008 are null and void because of the lack of construction. The land use plan amendment the church sought and received in 2008 will stay in effect as there are no sunset dates so this type of approval. For the church to continue this project it would be required to reapply for PUD, design plans and TIF approval. RECOMMENDATION Terminate the conditional use permit for the Gethsemane Senior Housing planned unit development. p:sec25\Gethsemane PUDTerminate_070912 Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Preliminary/Final Plat 3. July 14, 2008 City Council Minutes 4. CUP Termination Resolution Packet Page Number 47 of 119 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 48 of 119 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 49 of 119 Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 50 of 119 Packet Page Number 51 of 119 Packet Page Number 52 of 119 Packet Page Number 53 of 119 Packet Page Number 54 of 119 Packet Page Number 55 of 119 Packet Page Number 56 of 119 Packet Page Number 57 of 119 Packet Page Number 58 of 119 Attachment 4 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TERMINATION RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Gethsemane Lutheran Church and Presbyterian Homes of Minnesota, received approval from the Maplewood City Council on July 14, 2008, for a conditional use permit for a planned unit development to build a 111-unit senior-housing development. WHEREAS, in the subsequent four years no construction progress has been made and therefore city code states the permit is null and void. WHEREAS, this permit applies to the property located south of Gethsemane Lutheran Church, 2410 Stillwater Road. The legal description is: Lot 1, Block 1, Gethsemane Addition WHEREAS, the history of this conditional use permit termination is as follows: 1. On ___________, the city council terminated this conditional use permit since the applicants, Gethsemane Lutheran Church and Presbyterian Homes of Minnesota, have made no substantial construction progress on this project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the city council terminates the above-described conditional use permit because Gethsemane Lutheran Church and Presbyterian Homes of Minnesota have made no construction progress and city code requires the permit to end. The Maplewood City Council ___________ this resolution of termination on July 9, 2012. Packet Page Number 59 of 119 Agenda Item G5 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: DuWayne Konewko, Parks and Recreation Director Jim Taylor, Parks Manager SUBJECT: Approval to Move the Tennis Court Project from Playcrest to Maplewood Heights. DATE: June 27, 2012 INTRODUCTION At their June 11th meeting, the City Council approved the resurfacing of two sets of tennis courts at Harvest and Playcrest Parks. Harvest has been finished and looks great. However, some significant issues arose when the contractor was mobilizing to begin work at Playcrest. Over the early summer the court has separated and heaved in some spots and staff no longer feels that resurfacing this court is a cost effective approach to fixing it. Staff looked into an entire rebuild and that would carry a cost of $70,350. Staff is proposing to shift the work from Playcrest to Maplewood Heights Park, as well as resurfacing the basketball court at Playcrest BACKGROUND As the contractor went to begin work at Playcrest Park they noticed some significant issues on the tennis courts that were not there when they bid the job. Upon receiving a call from the contractor, City staff inspected the court and came to the same conclusion. Some shifting and heaving had occurred due to the heavy clay soils and all of the spring/summer moisture and resurfacing these courts at this time would not be a cost effective approach to fixing them. The only sure way to guarantee this would not happen again would be an entire rebuild and some replacement of the current soils. Staff is proposing to close the tennis courts at Playcrest and use this summer and fall to come up with a new plan for that area. However, the basketball court is in good condition and well used, so staff feels it is important to resurface this amenity at the park as planned. In addition, staff would like to shift the tennis court resurfacing to Maplewood Heights Park. This is a battery of two courts along with a basketball court similar to Playcrest and Harvest. The courts at Maplewood Heights are some of the most used courts in the City. DISCUSSION Maplewood Heights Tennis and Basketball Courts By moving the project to Maplewood Heights there is a cost saving of $1,914 down to $21,750 from the $23,664 that was approved for Playcrest. This decrease is cost is due to the courts at Maplewood Heights not needing as much patching and crack filling. The courts at this park are very highly used and also have lights for evening play. Basketball Court at Playcrest Park Staff recognizes that the basketball court at Playcrest Park is heavily used and would like to maintain this amenity at the Park. The cost to resurface this court would be $7,888. FUNDING Packet Page Number 60 of 119 Agenda Item G5 The total sum of these projects equals $29,668. This project would be funded with the remaining $23,664 approved to be spent out of the Parks $100,000 allocation of the CIP Fund. Then the remaining $5,974 would come from the Parks Maintenance Budget 101-602-000- 4720. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that we move the money for the project approved for Playcrest Park to the tennis and basketball courts at Maplewood Heights. In addition, staff also recommends moving forward with resurfacing the basketball court at Playcrest Park. Packet Page Number 61 of 119 Agenda Item G6 MEMORANDUM TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: DuWayne Konewko, Parks and Recreation Director Ginny Gaynor, Natural Resources Coordinator DATE: July 2, 2012 for July 9, 2012 Council Meeting RE: Resolution Accepting Donation from St. Paul East Parks Lions to City of Maplewood Introduction A donation of $300 was donated by St. Paul East Parks Lions Club to the City of Maplewood’s Parks and Recreation Department to purchase trees for Lions Park and to purchase refreshments for the City’s Arbor Day celebration on May 12, 2012. Council previously approved a similar donation from Maplewood Oakdale Lions for this project. Minnesota State Statute 465.03 states that gifts to municipalities shall be accepted by the governing body in the form of a resolution by a two-thirds vote. Consideration Approve the following resolution accepting the donation of $300 for trees for Lions Park and for refreshments for Maplewood’s 2012 Arbor Day Celebration. RESOLUTION ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION WHEREAS the City of Maplewood’s Parks and Recreation Department has received a donation of $300 for trees for Lions Park and for refreshments for Maplewood’s 2012 Arbor Day Celebration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Maplewood City Council authorizes the City of Maplewood, Parks and Recreation Department to accept this donation. Packet Page Number 62 of 119 Agenda Item G7 MEMORANDUM TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: DuWayne Konewko, Parks and Recreation Director Ann Hutchinson, Lead Naturalist DATE: July 2, 2012 for July 9, 2012 Council Meeting RE: Resolution Accepting Donation from Friends of Maplewood Nature to City of Maplewood Introduction In June 2012, The Friends of Maplewood Nature donated $1522.73 to the Maplewood Nature Center for the printing of the June 2012 Seasons environmental insert. This issue focused on acquisition of the Fish Creek parcel. Minnesota State Statute 465.03 states that gifts to municipalities shall be accepted by the governing body in the form of a resolution by a two-thirds vote. Consideration Approve the following resolution accepting the donation of $1522.73 for the June 2012 Seasons environmental insert. RESOLUTION ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION WHEREAS the City of Maplewood and the Parks and Recreation Department has received a donation of $1522.73 for printing of the June 2012 Seasons environmental insert. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Maplewood City Council authorizes the City of Maplewood, Parks and Recreation Department to accept this donation. Packet Page Number 63 of 119 ITEM G8 AGENDA REPORT TO: Jim Antonen, City Manager FROM: Karen Guilfoile, City Clerk DATE: July 2, 2012 SUBJECT: Approval of License Fee Reduction for Excel Pawn Background In November of 2001, the city council passed a resolution governing pawn shops that allows for only one such license to be issued by the city at any one time. Excel Pawn, Inc. located at 1700 Rice Street North has been licensed with the city since the early nineties. In August of 2004, the city council adopted Ordinance 851 that implements and mandates the use of the Automated Pawn System (APS). The purpose of the APS is to assist public safety officials in preventing pawn businesses from being used as facilities for the commission of crimes, and to assure that such businesses comply with basic consumer protection standards, in turn protecting the public health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of the city. Introduction The City of Minneapolis administers APS locally. For their service, the City of Maplewood and other municipalities that utilize APS in turn pay the City of Minneapolis an administration fee to run the system. To cover this cost participating municipalities charge their licensed pawn shops a per transaction fee that typically runs from $1.00 to $4.00. The City of Maplewood charges our existing pawn shop (Excel Pawn, Inc.) $2.50 per transaction. Excel Pawn Inc. has been in compliance with this reporting system since it was implemented in 2004. Their current software however, is no longer compatible with the reporting requirements as dictated by Ordinance 851. The cost to replace their software is approximately $15,000. While this is the cost of doing business staff realizes that this expense is dictated by city ordinance and Excel Pawn has been a business in good standing in our community. The annual fee for the Pawn Shop License is $10,218 which is paid in 6 month installments. The management from Excel Pawn has requested a reduction in their fee to lessen the burden of the cost of the new software. Staff has met with representatives from Excel Pawn and believes that their request has merit and would propose that the second half of the 2012 license fee be reduced by $5,000 and that their annual license fee for 2013 be reduced to $5,000. Their 2014 fee would then return to the annual fee established by the city council. Recommendation Direct staff to implement an annual license fee of $5,000 for 2012 and 2013 with the 2014 fee returning to the annual fee established by the city council. Packet Page Number 64 of 119 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Michael Thompson, City Engineer/Public Works Director Steve Love, Assistant City Engineer Jon Jarosch, Civil Engineer I SUBJECT: Approve Entering Into Contract for Landscaping Services for Rainwater Gardens, Western Hills Area Street Improvements, City Project 10-14 DATE: June 27, 2012 INTRODUCTION The City Council will consider authorizing the City Engineer to enter into a contract for landscape services for the rainwater gardens constructed as part of the Western Hills Area Street Improvements, City Project 10-14. In order to obtain a contractor that is specialized in rain garden planting and since this purchase will exceed $20,000, written quotations were obtained and City Council authorization to proceed is requested. DISCUSSION As part of the Western Hills Area Street Improvement Project, 44 residential boulevard rain gardens were designed by Barr Engineering, Co. and constructed by T.A. Schifsky and Sons, Inc. The construction included the excavation of the gardens and the installation of rock sumps, rock retaining walls (where necessary), plastic edging, plant bedding materials, and shredded wood mulch. The proposed work includes the planting of the 44 residential rain gardens, one larger City garden at Western Hills Park, and a one year watering and maintenance contract. The project is scheduled to start on July 11, 2012 and be completed by August 10, 2012. Staff solicited proposals from five landscaping companies that have done similar types of work in the City or were recommended by others. The City received quotes from the following three (3) landscaping companies: Company Total Cost Noble Landscaping $28,636.00 Outdoor Lab Landscape Design LLC $29,578.15 St. Croix Valley Landscaping $61,390.04 As outlined in the request for proposal the evaluation and selection process is based on the following criteria:  Understanding of the work to be completed  Experience of the contractor and/or subcontractor(s) that will be assigned to this work  Proposed cost  The ability to perform the work within the specified time  Reputation  Past work experience Agenda Item G9 Packet Page Number 65 of 119 Based on the this criteria staff is recommending awarding the contract for landscaping services for the Western Hills Area rain gardens to Noble Landscaping. Noble Landscaping has verified that their quote includes prevailing wages. Noble Landscaping successfully planted rain gardens in the City in the past as part of the Hills and Dales Area Street Improvement Project, City Project 09-15. BUDGET Landscaping service will be charged to the Western Hills Area Street Improvements, Project 10-14. Costs for these services have been planned for and are built into the overall indirect cost for this public improvement project. No budget adjustments are required. RECOMMENDATION Based on the request for proposal evaluation and selection process staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Engineer to enter into a contract for services with Noble Landscaping for landscaping services for rainwater gardens installed as part of the Western Hills Area Street Improvements, City Project 10-14. Attachments 1. Proposal from Noble Landscaping 2. Proposal from Outdoor Lab Landscape Design LLC 3. Proposal from St. Croix Valley Landscaping 4. Project Location Map Agenda Item G9 Packet Page Number 66 of 119 Agenda Item G9 Attachment 1Packet Page Number 67 of 119 Request for Proposal Landscaping Services for: Western Hills Area Neighborhood Residential Rain Water Gardens for: City Project No. 10-14 City of Maplewood June 4, 2012 Agenda Item G9 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 68 of 119 DescriptionUnitEst Quantity Unit Price ExtendedMOBILIZATIONLS 11-INCH SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH - PLANTING BEDS SY 1772APPLY DEER REPELLENT TO ALL PLANTED MATERIAL LS 1PURPLE DOME ASTER PERENNIAL, #1 CONT EA 47FEATHER REED GRASS 'KARL FOERSTER' PERENNIAL, #1 CONT EA 176LITTLE JOE JOE PYE WEED PERENNIAL, #1 CONT EA 35SIBERIAN IRIS PERENNIAL, #1 CONT EA 58SWITCHGRASS 'SHENENDOAH' PERENNIAL, #1 CONT EA 116SWITCHGRASS 'HEAVY METAL' PERENNIAL, #1 CONT EA 77RUSSIAN SAGE PERENNIAL, #1 CONT EA 53BLACK-EYED SUSAN 'GOLDSTURM' PERENNIAL, #1 CONT EA 92AUTUMN JOY SEDUM PERENNIAL, #1 CONT EA 108BUTTERFLY WEED PERENNIAL, #1 CONT EA 20BLACK CHOKEBERRY SHRUB, #2 CONT EA 153ANNABELLE HYDRANGEA SHRUB, #2 CONT EA 86RED SPRITE WINTERBERRY SHRUB, #2 CONT EA 74BUTTONBUSH SHRUB, #2 CONT EA 40RED TWIG DOGWOOD SHRUB, #2 CONT EA 58HAZELNUT SHRUB, #2 CONT EA 22SPIREA 'ANTHONY WATERER' SHRUB, #2 CONT EA 28 Agenda Item G9 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 69 of 119 HIGHBUSH AMERCIAN CRANBERRYSHRUB, #2 CONT EA 27JIM DANDY WINTERBERRYSHRUB, #2 CONT EA 31NEARLY WILD ROSESHRUB, #2 CONT EA 23HETZ MIDGET ARBORVITAESHRUB, #2 CONT EA 24ONE-YEAR MAINTENANCE CONTRACT/EXTENDED WARRANTYLS1TOTAL COST:Agenda Item G9 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 70 of 119 CREW COPY Date 6/26/2012 Estimate # 420 Name / Address City of Maplewood Jon Jarosch Western Hills Neighborhood, MN St. Croix Valley Landscaping 389 280th Street Osceola, WI. 54020 Project Total Subtotal Sales Tax (6.875%) Item Description Qty U/MRate Total Mobilization Mobilization and Deliveries.10 ea263.50 2,635.00 Mulching CU YD Mulching-(estimated based on sq footage of 44 rain gardens @ 2.5 ") 60 CU YD98.75 5,925.00 Deer repellant application DEER REPELLANT APPLICATION 2 ea204.00 408.00 Plant install of all the plants as specified -see subs noted: Plant install Purple dome aster 47 ea18.75 881.25 Plant install 'Karl Foerster'176 ea20.63 3,630.88 Plant install Little Joe Pye Weed 35 ea26.25 918.75 Plant install Siberian iris 58 ea18.75 1,087.50 Plant install Switchgrass "Shenandoah'116 ea18.75 2,175.00 Plant install Switchgrass 'Heavy Metal'77 ea20.63 1,588.51 Plant install Russian Sage 53 ea18.75 993.75 Plant install Black-Eyed-Susie 'Goldstrum'92 ea18.75 1,725.00 Plant install Sedum 'Autumn Joy'108 ea18.75 2,025.00 Plant install Butterfly weed 20 ea20.63 412.60 Shrub planting Black Chokeberry 153 ea31.88 4,877.64 Shrub planting Annabelle hydrangea 86 ea33.75 2,902.50 Shrub planting Red Sprite Winterberry 74 ea56.25 4,162.50 Shrub planting Butttonbush sub to #5 40 ea43.13 1,725.20 Shrub planting Red Twig dogwood sub to #5 58 ea33.75 1,957.50 Shrub planting Hazelnut 22 ea48.75 1,072.50 Shrub planting Spirea 'Anthony Waterer'28 ea38.32 1,072.96 Shrub planting Highbush American Cranberry 27 ea31.50 850.50 Shrub planting Jim Dandy Winterberry 31 ea56.25 1,743.75 Shrub planting Shrub Rose'Nearly Wild'23 ea41.25 948.75 Page 1 Agenda Item G9 Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 71 of 119 CREW COPY Date 6/26/2012 Estimate # 420 Name / Address City of Maplewood Jon Jarosch Western Hills Neighborhood, MN St. Croix Valley Landscaping 389 280th Street Osceola, WI. 54020 Project Total Subtotal Sales Tax (6.875%) Item Description Qty U/MRate Total Shrub planting Hetz Midget Arborvitae 24 ea56.25 1,350.00 Maintenance Agreement MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT-Provide maintenance for one year per specs @ 2 sessions. Includes haul away of debris. If more sessions needed, priced accordingly @ $60/hr per 1 person crew plus haul away, mobilization and supplies. 2 ea4,760.00 9,520.00 Watering Watering per specs 4 ea1,200.00 4,800.00 If water not accessable/available additional charges need to be applied. If additional watering sessions needed, charges at rate applied. Page 2 $61,390.04 $61,390.04 $0.00 Agenda Item G9 Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 72 of 119 Agenda Item G9 Attachment 4 Packet Page Number 73 of 119 Agenda Item G10 AGENDA REPORT TO: Jim Antonen, City Manager FROM: Steve Lukin, Fire Chief SUBJECT: Approval to Accept the Grant from Firehouse Subs Foundation to Purchase Turnout Gear and Authorization to Purchase Turnout Gear DATE: July 3, 2012 INTRODUCTION As you are aware, there are only two Firehouse Subs Restaurants located in Minnesota with one of them being located in the strip mall at the corner of Cope and White Bear Avenues in Maplewood. It was brought to our attention by the manager of Maplewood’s Firehouse Subs that Firehouse Subs offers a Public Safety Foundation Grant. After reviewing the requirements, we applied for a Grant in the amount of $20,004 to purchase 12 sets of turnout gear. On June 28, 2012, we received an email awarding us the $20,004 grant for the purchase of 12 sets of turnout gear. Rather than Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation submitting us a check, they will have us pick our vendor, pick our gear and then they will purchase it and have it shipped to us. We are very excited and very thankful to Firehouse Subs and to Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation for this grant. RECOMMENDATION I recommend that the city council accept the grant from Firehouse Subs Foundation in the amount of $20,004 and authorize the purchase of turnout gear through Firehouse Subs Foundation in the amount of $20,004. Packet Page Number 74 of 119 MEMORANDUM TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Tom Ekstrand, Senior Planner Chuck Ahl, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Ordinance Amendment Regarding Reinforced-Turf Parking Lots— Section 44-17 (first reading) VOTE: Simple Majority Required to Approve DATE: June 25, 2012 INTRODUCTION Bob Jenson, Vice President of the Maplewood Area Historical Society, has requested that the city council amend the parking ordinance. Mr. Jenson is requesting that the city council amend the ordinance to allow non-paved, reinforced-turf parking for an overflow parking lot at the Bruentrup Heritage Farm. Please refer to Mr. Jenson’s letter. Because the need for overflow parking is infrequent at the Farm (anticipated to be six to seven days a year and four to eight hours per time), the Historical Society is requesting approval to use a reinforcing mesh material on top of the grass in lieu of a hard paved surface. Mr. Jensen explains that a turf parking lot with a reinforced mesh would be affordable, would be environmentally friendly and would allow rainwater permeability. Mr. Jenson is working on this concept with Jason Lamers, a member of the Maplewood Community Design Review Board, who is familiar with turf parking applications. In 2011, the Farm had events that ranged from 75 to 290 in attendance. Harbor Pointe, to the west on County Road D, provided overflow parking for those events. Mr. Jenson feels that the more parking stalls they have available on site, the less off-site parking spaces they would need. Mr. Jenson’s proposed layout would add 27 more turf-parking spaces. Refer to the site plan and aerial photo. Request Amendment of the city’s parking ordinance to allow reinforced-turf parking lots. DISCUSSION Paved parking lots provide:  Long lasting durability  The ability to paint stripes to designate parking spaces and direct traffic flow  Rain runoff control and channeling (curbing is also a component of runoff control)  Continued site aesthetics by being long lasting  A flat, uniform surface for snow removal Agenda Item H1 Packet Page Number 75 of 119 Turf parking, on the other hand, would:  Reduce storm water impact  Preserve the “natural” aesthetics of the site  Be affordable Under the right circumstances, reinforced-turf parking lots may be a reasonable alternative to traditional hard-surfaced paving. Staff feels that this is when:  The parking need is for overflow parking.  The need is infrequent or limited to occasional parking events.  There is already hard-surfaced parking that provides for handicap-accessible parking needs. In consideration of the above, staff could support reinforced-turf parking when it would meet the following criteria:  When the need for overflow parking is infrequent or limited to occasional parking events.  Where there is already hard-surfaced parking that provides for handicap-accessible parking needs.  Where the turf parking lot would meet setback and screening requirements.  Where the parking need is seasonal (non winter) so snow plowing is not needed.  Where there would be an environmental benefit due to storm water management or meeting shoreland/wetland/flood plain ordinance impact needs.  When the proposed parking lot is approved by city council by a conditional use permit or other review process.  Where the turf parking plan meets the approval of the city engineer from the standpoint of using proven construction materials engineered for durability, aesthetics and that are made of a recyclable material. This proposed ordinance should also state that it would not pertain to parking on single or double dwelling residential properties, which is governed separately by ordinance. COMMISSION ACTIONS June 5, 2012: The planning commission recommended approval of the proposed ordinance revision. Packet Page Number 76 of 119 BUDGET IMPACT None. RECOMMENDATION Adopt the resolution amending Section 44-17 as it relates to the permitted surface materials for parking lots p:\ ORD\Parking\Turf Parking Code Amendment CC Report 6 12 te Attachments: 1. Letter from Bob Jensen if the Maplewood Historical Society 2. Letter from Jason Lamers of Fiberweb Geosynthetics 3. Bruentrup Farm Parking Lot Layout 4. Arial Photos 5. Ordinance Amendment to Section 44-17 Packet Page Number 77 of 119 Packet Page Number 78 of 119 Packet Page Number 79 of 119 Packet Page Number 80 of 119 Packet Page Number 81 of 119 Packet Page Number 82 of 119 Packet Page Number 83 of 119 Attachment 5 ORDINANCE NO. ___ AN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT TO ALLOW REINFORCED-TURF PARKING LOTS The Maplewood City Council approves the following revision to the Maplewood Code of Ordinances. (Additions are underlined.) Section 1. Section 44-17 (e) of the Maplewood Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 44-17. Off-Street Parking. (e) All parking lots and associated driveways shall have a surface of bituminous material or concrete and single-striped spaces. The city council may permit the alternative parking method of reinforced-turf parking when it would meet the following criteria:  When the need for overflow parking is infrequent or limited to occasional parking events.  Where there is already hard-surfaced parking that provides for handicap-accessible parking needs.  Where the turf parking lot would meet setback and screening requirements.  Where the parking need is seasonal (non winter) so snow plowing is not needed.  Where there would be an environmental benefit due to storm water management or meeting shoreland/wetland/flood plain ordinance impact needs.  Where the turf parking plan meets the approval of the city engineer from the standpoint of using proven construction materials engineered for durability, aesthetics and that are preferably made of a recyclable material.  This parking surface alternative shall not apply to single and double dwelling residential properties which are governed under Section 44-17 (j), the residential parking ordinance apply. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect after the approval by the city council and publishing in the official newspaper. The Maplewood City Council approved this ordinance revision on ___________. _________________ Mayor Attest: ______________________ City Clerk Packet Page Number 84 of 119 Packet Page Number 85 of 119 MEMORANDUM TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Tom Ekstrand, Senior Planner Chuck Ahl, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Dynamic Displays—Sign Ordinance Amendment (first reading) VOTE: Simple Majority Required to Approve DATE: June 25, 2012 INTRODUCTION On May 14, 2012, the city council approved sign variances for two dynamic display message panels proposed on the pylon signs at the Holiday Stationstore, 280 McKnight Road South. These sign variances allowed the proposed four-foot x eight-foot sign panels to be closer than code allows to the residential district to the south and to the county regional park/open space land to the north. Code Requirements The sign spacing requirements in the sign ordinance require that on-site dynamic display signs have the following minimum separations:  200 feet from a park or open space  200 feet from a residential lot line  100 feet from a side property line City Council’s Action The city council approved the following variances: Northerly Freestanding Sign  Reduction of the spacing requirement from the Ramsey County Regional Park from 200 to 90 feet (110 foot variance).  Reduction of the spacing requirement from the townhome property to the south from 200 to 180 feet (20 foot variance). Southerly Freestanding Sign  Reduction of the spacing from the townhome property to the south from 200 to 25 feet (175 foot variance).  Reduction of the side yard spacing requirement from 100 feet to 25 feet (75 foot variance). Agenda Item H2 Packet Page Number 86 of 119 Council’s Direction As requested by the planning commission, the city council directed staff to review the dynamic display ordinance. The council requested wording changes to better address unique circumstances that could occur when evaluating signage requests and specifically, the application of sign spacing requirements. The council was not looking for an “overhaul” of the ordinance, but wanted to “be better prepared for less than standard” circumstances that could occur. DISCUSSION The planning commission’s concern with the Holiday sign variances was that, since the variances were so large, might the dynamic display sign spacing requirements be too stringent and perhaps unrealistic. Intent of the Ordinance The intent of the dynamic display ordinance is to:  Minimize driver distraction and, therefore, keep roadways safer, and  Preserve the residential character of neighborhoods by requiring substantial setbacks from residential property. The ordinance gives no reason for the required 200-foot spacing from a park or open space land. Presumably, it is to limit the commercial impact on recreational property. Proposed Ordinance Revision Staff considered reducing the required spacing requirements, but felt that adding language on flexibility may be a better approach. Therefore, staff recommends adding ordinance language to allow flexibility to the sign spacing or setback requirements for dynamic display signs. Staff suggests that the city council could vary the spacing requirements if they determine that:  There would not be an adverse impact on drivers’ safety due to the limited use of adjacent or nearby dynamic display signs.  There would not be an adverse impact on the residential character of a neighborhood due to suitable screening or buffering of the proposed sign from residential properties.  There would not be an adverse impact of such sign panels on nearby park or open space lands. Packet Page Number 87 of 119 COMMISSION ACTION June 19, 2012: The planning commission recommended approval to the proposed amendment with the addition to paragraph “k” to state that, the city council may vary the spacing requirements for dynamic display signs if they agree with the staff determination that the findings for approval have been met. The planning commissions motion was meant to stress that staff must first determine that the suggested findings for flexibility in sign spacing have been met. Staff felt that staff review is a given and did not make that suggested change in the proposed ordinance amendment. BUDGET IMPACT None. RECOMMENDATION Adopt the resolution for the attached revisions to the dynamic display sign ordinance. p:\ ORD\Dynamic Displays Sign Code Amendment CC Report 7 12 te Attachment: 1. Ordinance Amendment to the Dynamic Display Sign Ordinance. Packet Page Number 88 of 119 Attachment 1 ORDINANCE NO. ___ AN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT CONCERNING THE SPACING REQUIREMENTS FOR DYNAMIC DISPLAY SIGNS The Maplewood City Council approves the following revision to the Maplewood Code of Ordinances. (Additions are underlined) Section 1. Section 44-743 (k) of the Maplewood Code of Ordinances is hereby added as follows: (k) Flexibility. The city council may vary the spacing requirements for dynamic display signs if they determine that: (1) There would not be an adverse impact on drivers’ safety due to the limited use of adjacent or nearby dynamic display signs. (2) There would not be an adverse impact on the residential character of a neighborhood due to suitable screening or buffering of the proposed sign from residential properties. (3) There would not be an adverse impact of such sign panels on nearby park or open space lands. The Maplewood City Council approved this ordinance revision on ___________. _________________ Mayor Attest: ______________________ City Clerk Packet Page Number 89 of 119 Packet Page Number 90 of 119 Agenda Item I1 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Charles Ahl, Assistant City Manager Sarah Burlingame, Senior Administrative Assistant SUBJECT: Discussion on Charitable Gambling DATE: July 2, 2012 INTRODUCTION During the June 11 and 25th Council Workshop, the City Council discussed the current process for Charitable Gambling and gave direction to Staff to make revisions to the Charitable Gambling policies, process and application. Staff has made the revisions and has brought this back to the Council for approval. SUMMARY Attached is the revised Charitable Gambling Policy. Staff combined some of the existing policies, as well as inserted new verbiage, to reflect the changes requested by the Council. The main revisions are: 1. Section 3 specifically states the Council’s intention of giving first priority to Maplewood based organizations and then to outside organizations that benefit Maplewood Residents. 2. Section 5 clarifies the Council’s policy on the number of votes (3) to be awarded funds. 3. Section 6 has added language to clarify the time frame and method for receiving payment of awarded funds. Funds cannot be paid out until after January 1 of the award year and must be expended within one year of the award letter. Also attached is the revised application. Staff enhanced the application to give space for applicants to better clarify the intentions of the project and how it will impact Maplewood Residents. The revised application also asks for an explanation of the use of funds awarded if the project is not fully funded through Maplewood Charitable Gambling Tax funds. Also attached is a copy of a letter sent out to previous applicants to announce the beginning of the application process. This includes, at the request of the Council, a paragraph explaining to the applicant how much funding is expected to be available to award for the upcoming year as well as the average award amount in previous years to guide them in the their request process. Along with this letter, an application and a copy of the Charitable Gambling Policy is included for their use and reference. ACTION It is recommended that the City Council approve the attached revised policy and application. Once approved, Staff will begin the posting process for Charitable Gambling funds and will bring it back later this fall for a presentation of applications. Attachments 1. Charitable Gambling Policies – Revised July 2, 2012 2. Charitable Gambling Application – Revised July 2, 2012 3. Charitable Gambling Previous Applicant Letter – Revised July 2, 2012 Packet Page Number 91 of 119 Attachment 1 Updated 07.02.12 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL POLICIES ON AWARDS OF CHARITABLE GAMBLING TAX FUNDS 1. All licensed charitable gambling organizations within the City are required to contribute 10 percent (10%) of net profits derived from lawful gambling activity in the City to the Charitable Gambling Tax Fund. These funds are dispersed by the City Council for lawful expenditures. 2. All applications must be complete and submitted by the application deadline established by the City Manager. 3. The City of Maplewood grants funds from the Charitable Gambling Tax Fund to support activities and services that benefit Maplewood residents. The first priority in the granting of funds will be given to the City of Maplewood domiciled organizations. The second priority or consideration will be given to funding requests from other organizations which are used primarily for the benefit of Maplewood residents. Funds shall be distributed for projects, equipment, or activities that are based in the community and which primarily benefit Maplewood residents and will be looked upon more favorably than requests for salaries or general operating costs. 4. In general, requests from organized athletic groups will not be funded. Funding for these programs should be from participating families or community auxiliary groups. There are so many athletic organizations within the community that the City of Maplewood is not capable of funding their financial requests or fairly determining appropriate recipients. 5. The amount of Charitable Gambling Tax Funds awarded to any request is determined by a City Council vote. A request must receive 3 or more votes for funding in order to receive Charitable Gambling Tax Funds. 6. All funds granted are required to be expended for the requested project within one year of the date of the award letter. However, payment will not be made until after January 1 of the award year. Grant recipients shall submit a letter to the City Manager requesting payment of the grant award as well as provide specific information on how the funds were used (receipts or other proof of expenditure) for the proposed purpose. 7. No employee or department of the City of Maplewood shall solicit a donation from a licensed charitable organization without City Manager approval. If there is a financial need for a specific program that was not funded in the City budget, staff may submit a request to the City Manager for the use of Charitable Gambling Tax Funds. 8. The allocation of Charitable Gambling Tax Funds is an annual award. The receipt of funds does not in any way guarantee or commit the City of Maplewood to funding in any subsequent year. Each year’s funding requires a new, separate application. Packet Page Number 92 of 119 Attachment 2 Updated 07.02.12 City of Maplewood Application for Charitable Gambling Tax Funds (Please type or print neatly) Applicant Information Name of organization requesting funds: Contact Person: Contact Phone: ( ) Email Address: Mailing Address: Type of organization making request (please select one) City County School District #______ Non-Profit (Attach proof of IRS 501c3 status) Other (Specify) How does your organization serve/impact the citizens of Maplewood? How many residents of Maplewood does your organization serve/impact?(Give an estimated #) Request Information Amount of Request: $ In detail, explain how the funds requested will be utilized (be specific & attach additional pages if necessary): Often, applicants are not awarded the full amount requested; can your organization utilize a partial award? ___ Yes ___ No How would a partial award be utilized? By completing and signing this form, the organization confirms that the requested Charitable Gambling Tax Funds will be spent for a lawful purpose. This request is a one-time request for funds to be awarded in the next fiscal year and the applicant understands requests for future funding will require a new separate application. Signature Title Date Print Name Packet Page Number 93 of 119 Attachment 3 July 3, 2012 «AddressBlock» «GreetingLine» Please find enclosed an application for the 2013 Charitable Gambling Tax Funds Program and a copy of the Maplewood City Council’s Charitable Gambling Tax Fund Award Policies. The policies and application were reviewed and updated by the City Council in June so it is recommended that you read them carefully. The City Council has stressed the need for applicants to have very detailed applications that indicate specifically how funds will be used, as well as how a partial award would be utilized if your request is not fully funded. For 2013, the Charitable Gambling Tax fund is anticipated to have $30,000 available for distribution. Please keep in mind that with many well deserving applicants during this process, full funding is not always achieved. In the past, average award amounts range from $1,200- $1,600. Should you wish to apply for funding of a project in 2013, please submit your completed application by September 21, 2012 to: James W. Antonen, City Manager Maplewood City Hall 1830 East County Road B Maplewood, MN 55109 Thank you for your participation in this program in the past. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 651.249.2050. Sincerely, James W. Antonen City Manager enclosures Packet Page Number 94 of 119 Agenda Item I2 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Charles Ahl, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Approval of Planning Fees: Police Department / City Hall Expansion Project DATE: June 19, 2012 INTRODUCTION On March 2, 2012, the City Council adopted as their Number One Goal for 2012 – 2013: PUBLIC SAFETY Develop and commit to a plan for meeting the space needs of the police department. At the June 25th Work Session discussion on this item, the Council directed staff to begin planning for implementation of this goal beginning later in 2012, including the possibility of a sale of CIP Bonds in 2013. Initial planning and architectural drawings for the Police Expansion and relocation of departments at City Hall are the necessary first steps in the process. Approval of funds for Architectural Services with SEH, Inc. is recommended. BACKGROUND During 2011, the City Council authorized preparation of a study of space needs within the Police Department. The architect performing the study, Larry Koch, of SEH, Inc. provided a summary of the findings and options for expanding the Police Department. That report was finalized and approved by the Council. On February 6, 2012, the City Council reviewed the various options for expansion, including a full project expansion that was the preferred plan of the Police Department and Chief Thomalla, but was estimated to cost in excess of $8.5 million. After much discussion, the Council directed staff to proceed with a plan for using existing City Hall space and relocating some of the City departments to other City Campus facilities that reduced the project cost to approximately $4.3 million. On March 2, 2012, the City Council continued the discussion of the City facility needs and directed staff to proceed with implementation by making Public Safety facilities one of their top goals for staff to implement during 2012 – 2014. A CIP Bond for both the 3M Fire Station and the Police Department Expansion was proposed, but not approved for final sale of the bonds. As noted, on June 25, 2012, the Council gave direction to staff to proceed with a CIP Bond proposal that would include $4.3 million for the Police Department Expansion. A Public Hearing on the Capital Improvement Plan revision and the CIP Bond sale will be held later in 2012. Prior to that hearing, the City should authorize preliminary design and the improvements to relocate the Community Development staff from City Hall to Public Works. Those preliminary estimates for architectural services, as well as planning for a construction management firm are estimated at $65,000. Funding for this expense is available in the Public Safety Expansion Fund, which was established in 2011 and has a balance due to funding dedicated in 2011 and 2012. This expense will not be included in the bond sale in 2013. Packet Page Number 95 of 119 POLICE DEPARTMENT EXPANSION FINANCING PAGE TWO FINANCING OPTIONS In reviewing the options for the Police Department Expansion Project, that includes the February 2012 direction from the Council to use existing space and relocate Departments to facilities within the City Hall Campus, the following estimates on timing and costs have been developed: Date TASK COST Oct 12 – Jan 13 Relocate Comm Dev to Pub Works $ 250,000 Feb 13 – May 13 Relocate Police Inspections to Comm Dev area $ 250,000 May 13 – Jun 13 Relocate IT equipment and services to City Hall $ 100,000 Jun 13 – Oct 13 Complete Citizen Services area build-out $ 300,000 Oct 13 – Jun 14 Parks Building build-out and staff relocation $1,000,000 Oct 13 – Nov 14 Police Services Area Expansion Project $2,200,000 Nov 14 – Dec 14 Police Move into new spaces $ 200,000 TOTAL PROJECT COST $4,300,000 Funding Discussion As we continue our evaluation of the Council’s goal to look at facility needs, this type of expense is being incorporated into the long-range financial planning for the City. If the Council were to approve the $4.3 million bonding expense in 2013 to help address these needs, the impact on City expenditures will be limited. During 2011 and 2012, the City staff began reductions to set aside $200,000 in annual expenses by keeping two Police officer positions vacant. The cost of this type of bonding or lease would be approximately $325,000 annually, so this current plan could be implement for an additional $125,000 per year for 15 years to pay that type of debt. We believe that the above approach is consistent with the financial sustainability goals and will address a majority of the Police Department needs moving forward. It should be noted that the debt impact could require up to a 1.0% levy increase. RECOMMENDED ACTION It is recommended that the City Council approve a motion to authorize the Assistant City Manager to enter into an agreement and approve expenses with SEH, Inc. for up to $65,000 for the preliminary planning and architectural design work for the Police Department Expansion – City Hall Improvement Project. Packet Page Number 96 of 119 Item J1 AGENDA REPORT TO: Jim Antonen, City Manager FROM: Karen Guilfoile, Director Citizen Services RE: Consideration of Penalties for Alcohol and Tobacco Compliance Failures DATE: July 3, 2012 The City of Maplewood conducts compliance checks on all alcohol and tobacco license holders at least twice a year. In November of 2011 and March of 2012, the attached businesses failed the compliance check by selling alcohol or tobacco to an underage buyer and were issued a criminal complaint for that offense which has been prosecuted. Introduction Also included is a report from City Attorney Kantrud on three tobacco compliance failures from Maplewood BP located at 1987 County Road D E. These failures have yet to be resolved as City Attorney Kantrud has been working with legal representation from Maplewood BP. When the city council began performing tobacco and alcohol compliance checks in 2000, they opted not to have a strict guideline for penalties because some compliance failures are more egregious and warrant stricter penalties. Background While the city does not have specified fines for cigarette and tobacco compliance failures, past practice has been to adhere to the following guidelines for imposing penalties for tobacco: first offense $250, second offense $500 and the third offense $750. For a third violation at the same location within 24 months after the initial violation, the licensee's authority to sell tobacco at that location must be suspended for not less than seven days per Minn. Stat. § 461.12, subd. 2. For alcohol compliance failures, past practice has been to follow State guidelines of imposing a penalty of $500 for the first offense, $1,000 for the second offense, $2,000 if there is a third offense and then suspension or possible revocation of the license. In January of 2005 the city council implemented an incentive program that includes a one-time 5% discount on the annual intoxicating liquor license fee after remaining violation free for five consecutive years. If after receiving a penalty and remaining violation free for five consecutive years the violation would be removed from their compliance failure record. Attached is a statistical history of compliance failures for those establishments that have failed tobacco and alcohol compliance checks that have yet to come before council for an administrative penalty. Following past practice in imposing fines, I have listed what staff is proposing for fines for the current failures. All establishments have been notified of the proposed civil penalty against them and were requested to attend the July 9, 2012 council meeting. Council consideration for the attached penalties is requested. Consideration Packet Page Number 97 of 119 AGENDA ITEM J1 MEMORANDUM TO: City Council FROM: H. Alan Kantrud, General Counsel SUBJECT: Agenda Item DATE: June 27, 2012 INTRODUCTION Maplewood regularly holds civil penalty hearings when license holders (alcohol and tobacco) or more-typically one of their employees violate purchasing restrictions. The BP station located on County Road D and White Bear Avenue is one of those license holders who have not passed (repeated) compliance checks. BACKGROUND Maplewood held a hearing regarding several violations occasioning at the BP station indicated above. At the hearing in April/May of 2010 the owner of the BP, Mike Fuhr, had his attorney made a presentation on his behalf. Mr. Fuhr’s attorney cited various deficiencies in the City’s process regarding compliance violations and cited notice and due process concerns. Council directed staff to work directly with the attorney and work out any problems with the City’s process and return with a recommendation to the full Council for a decision on the fines and suspension period for the license. DISCUSSION Staff began shortly after the City Council meeting referenced above and engaged with the owner’s attorney, Mr. Thompson. It was then-explained that each of the perpetrators who sold the products to the ineligible patrons plead guilty to the charge in court and thus the sales did occur. On that basis, and prior to being ordered to do so, the BP suspended tobacco sales for the period of time called for by State law (7 days). Mr. Thompson agreed that that would be required. That left the fines. In order to ensure that these types of sales didn’t occur in the future, the owner installed a special ‘reader’ at the computer purchase-register that confirms DOB of the purchaser. This was done at the recommendation of the owner’s attorney. This equipment, while not a requirement that would be made of the owner by the Council, was installed at some expense to/of the owner. It is his attorney’s request that the monies spent in this way ablate the total slate of fines adopted. The recommended penalties are thus: 10/15/2009 $1,000 FINE AND 7-DAY SUSPENSION OF LICENSE AS DICTATED BY STATE LAW 08/13/2009 PROPOSED $750 FINE 12/26/2008 PROPOSED $500 FINE Packet Page Number 98 of 119 2 The Owner is anticipating a fine and is asking for this 1-time accommodation given his proactive actions. The cost of the machinery was $400.00. Should you elect to give the owner ‘credit’ for this expenditure, it would simply be an offset of the total recommended fine in this case. As counsel to your body I can only tell you that the owner has approached this problem with a fair amount of business acumen. He has invested in the operation to give you, as the licensing authority, some modicum of comfort that this problem will not repeat itself. Indeed, given that the violations occurred in a small window of time and have not been repeated in nearly 2 years, it is plausible that the investment has served your ultimate goal as the regulatory body. RECOMMENDATION As counsel to you, without litigation pending, I cannot suggest a settlement with this owner, but prospectively considering the cost of litigating the claims that could be made combined with the fact that the owner in this case is merely asking for a ‘credit’ against his fine, it makes sense to credit the monies spent, to wit: $400.00, against the full fines that you would otherwise assign the owner for the violations (which are not being contested). To that end, I recommend that you fine the BP Amoco license holder the sum of $2250.00 and credit them the $400.00 spent for the countermeasures taken and impose a 7-day suspension of their license to sell tobacco. They will be given credit for the suspension of sales as has been detailed above. They will owe and pay the balance of the full penalty, to wit: $1850.00. Packet Page Number 99 of 119 Packet Page Number 100 of 119 Packet Page Number 101 of 119 BUSINESS NAME - OWNER - ADDRESS - CHANGE OF MANAGER OR OWNER DATE COMPLIANCE FAILURE COMPLIANCE DATE STATUS COURT DATE STAFF RECOMMENDATION COUNCIL ACTION BIG DISCOUNT LIQUOR - 2515 WHITE BEAR AVE TOBACCO 03/15/2012 PENDING - COUNCIL ACTION 05/04/2012 PROPOSED $500 FINE ALCOHOL 10/10/2006 COMPLETED 12/11/2007 PROPOSED $500 FINE 11/10/2008 - APPROVED $500 FINE TOBACCO 08/02/2006 COMPLETED 10/16/2006 PROPOSED $250 FINE 08/28/2006 - APPROVED $250 FINE DOWNTOWN LAV 52 KM - 3030 SOUTHLAWN DRIVE ALCOHOL 12/03/2011 PENDING - COUNCIL ACTION 02/06/2012 PROPOSED $1,000 FINE ALCOHOL 12/20/2010 COMPLETED 02/14/2011 PROPOSED $500 FINE 04/25/2011 - APPROVED $500 FINE HILLSIDE LIQUORS - 1690 MCKNIGHT ALCOHOL 11/29/2011 PENDING - COUNCIL ACTION 02/06/2012 PROPOSED $1,000 FINE ALCOHOL 12/20/2010 COMPLETED 02/14/2011 PROPOSED $500 FINE 04/25/2011 - APPROVED $500 FINE MAPLEWOOD BP - 1987 COUNTY ROAD D E TOBACCO 10/15/2009 PENDING - COUNCIL ACTION 11/16/2009 $1,000 FINE AND 7-DAY SUSPENSION OF LICENSE AS DICTATED BY STATE STATUTETOBACCO 08/13/2009 PENDING - COUNCIL ACTION 10/26/2009 PROPOSED $750 FINE TOBACCO 12/26/2008 PENDING - COUNCIL ACTION 08/31/2009 PROPOSED $500 FINE TOBACCO 08/03/2006 COMPLETED 08/26/2007 PROPOSED $250 FINE 08/29/2006 - APPROVED $250 FINE MAPLEWOOD KWIK MART (AKA HILLTOP FOODS) - 2150 MCMENEMY TOBACCO 03/15/2012 PENDING - COUNCIL ACTION 04/09/2012 PROPOSED $500 FINE TOBACCO 10/19/2007 COMPLETED 12/21/2007 PROPOSED $250 FINE 04/12/2010 - APPROVED $250 FINE MGM LIQUOR WAREHOUSE - 2950 WHITE BEAR AVE - OPENED 01/22/2007 ALCOHOL 11/29/2011 PENDING - COUNCIL ACTION 02/27/2012 PROPOSED $2,000 FINE ALCOHOL 06/01/2010 COMPLETED 07/19/2010 PROPOSED $1,000 FINE 01/10/2011 - APPROVED $1,000 FINE ALCOHOL 12/14/2009 COMPLETED 03/15/2010 PROPOSED $500 FINE 04/12/2010 - APPROVED $500 FINE TOBACCO 11/26/2008 COMPLETED 08/31/2009 PROPOSED $250 FINE 04/12/2010 - APPROVED $250 FINE MYTH - 3090 SOUTHLAWN ALCOHOL 11/27/2011 PENDING - COUNCIL ACTION 03/05/2012 PROPOSED $500 FINE OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE - 1770 BEAM AVE ALCOHOL 03/05/2011 PENDING - COUNCIL ACTION 04/09/2012 PROPOSED $1,000 FINE ALCOHOL 11/29/2008 COMPLETED 10/12/2009 PROPOSED $500 FINE 04/12/2010 - APPROVED $500 FINE STARGATE DANCE CLUB - 1700 RICE ST N ALCOHOL 12/04/2011 PENDING - COUNCIL ACTION 02/06/2012 PROPOSED $500 FINE DATE PRINTED: 7/3/2012 PAGE 1 OF 1Packet Page Number 102 of 119 MEMORANDUM TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Michael Martin, AICP Planner Charles Ahl, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Approval of Purchase Agreement for City-Owned Land LOCATION: Hazelwood Street and County Road D East DATE: June 28, 2012 INTRODUCTION On November 22, 2010, the city council approved the purchase of property located at the intersection of Hazelwood Street and County Road D East. This land purchase was necessitated because of a land condemnation case that resulted from the realignment of Hazelwood Street and County Road D East. A portion of this land is needed for right-of-way but the rest of the parcel is developable. Background November 22, 2010; the city council approved the purchase of 2.2 acres from Azure Properties. April 22, 2011; the city council approved the vacation of unused right-of-way due the realignment of Hazelwood Street and County Road D. This unused right-of-way was attached to the developable portion of the parcel. December 12, 2011; the city council made several approvals regarding utility easements and quitclaim deeds that were necessary to move the developable portion of land towards being marketed for sale. DISCUSSION In 2010, the city purchased a 2.2 acre site from Azure Properties, of which 0.88 acres are needed for right-of-way purposes. The remaining 1.32 acres are developable and will be put on the market to sell for private development. While it is appropriate for the city to maintain ownership of the land needed for right-of-way, the developable land should be sold to the Maplewood Area Economic Development Authority (Authority) while it is being marketed for economic development purposes. The 2.2 acre site was purchased for $980,634 or $10.233 a square foot. Alan Kantrud, city attorney, drafted a purchase agreement, attached to this report, in which the city would sell the 1.32 acre developable acres to the Authority for $585,000. The purchase agreement states the transaction would be in the form of a promissory note where upon sale of the property the city would collect up to $585,000. Any sale exceeding the sale price would result in the Authority keeping additional monies above the $585,000 price. If a sale resulted in a purchased price of less than $585,000 than the city would accept whatever monies generated and forgive the balance of the promissory note. Agenda Item J2 Packet Page Number 103 of 119 Budget Impact The city council already approved the purchase price of $980,634. Any monies, up to $585,000, resulting from the Authority’s selling of the land would go to the project fund to recoup dollars spent. RECOMMENDATION Approve the attached purchase agreement to allow the City of Maplewood to sell 1.32 acres of land, located at the intersection of Hazelwood Street and County Road D East, to the Maplewood Area Economic Development Authority for the purpose of economic development. P:\EDA\Agenda Reports\2012\070912\SellingHazelwoodProperty_070912 1. Site Survey 2. Area Map 3. Draft Purchase Agreement Packet Page Number 104 of 119 Attachment 1Packet Page Number 105 of 119 COUNTY ROAD D EHAZELWOOD STCOTTAGE LN N Hazelwood Street Vacation of Excess Right-of-Way Current City-Owned Parcel Approximate Proposed Parcel Attachment 4 Packet Page Number 106 of 119 Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 107 of 119 Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 108 of 119 Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 109 of 119 Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 110 of 119 Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 111 of 119 Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 112 of 119 Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 113 of 119 Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 114 of 119 Item J3 MEMORANDUM TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Karen Guilfoile, Citizen Services Director DATE: July 2, 2012 RE: Councilmember Resignation Approval of Resolution Declaring a Vacancy on the City Council Approval of Resolution Calling for a Special Election Introduction On June 29, 2012, Mayor Rossbach and City Manager Antonen received a letter of resignation from Councilmember Llanas indicating that his last day of office would be effective on October 31, 2012. State Statute 351.01 Subd.3 States: Subd. 3. Contingent resignations prohibited; exception. (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b), no resignation may be made to take effect upon the occurrence of a future contingency. Statements explaining the reasons for a resignation must not be considered to be contingencies unless expressly stated as contingencies. (b) A resignation may be made expressly to take effect at a stated future date. Unless it is withdrawn as provided under subdivision 4, a resignation is effective at 12:01 a.m. on the stated date. After the effective resignation date of October 31, 2012, the city council would be required to pass a resolution appointing a qualified person to fill the remaining vacancy from the effective resignation date to the date that the individual elected at the November 6, 2012 Special Election is sworn into office. This date is anticipated to November 20, 2012. Background In October of 2005 the city council enacted Ordinance 866 Filling a Council Vacancy (See below). Since there are more than six months remaining in Councilmember Llanas’s council seat a Special Election is required to be held to fill the remainder of the term. ORDINANCE 866 Filling a Council Vacancy A. The council shall appoint an eligible person to fill a vacancy on the city council as soon as is practicable after the vacancy occurs. The person appointed shall serve for the unexpired portion of the term unless a special election is required hereunder or by state law. B. Special Election – In the event a vacancy is declared pursuant to state law, the city council shall by resolution declare such a vacancy to exist. If the unexpired term is for a period of six months or less, the council shall appoint an eligible person to serve for the Packet Page Number 115 of 119 remainder of the unexpired term. In the event the unexpired term is greater than six months, the council shall hold a special election to fill the unexpired term. The special election shall be held as soon as the vacancy is declared as is practical under state law, no special primary election shall occur in cases of special elections held pursuant to this section. As stated in the ordinance the special election shall be held as soon as the vacancy is declared as is practical under state law. And, State Statue 412.02 Subd. 2a Vacancy states in part: … If the vacancy occurs before the first day to file affidavits of candidacy for the next regular city election and more than two years remain in the unexpired term, a special election shall be held at or before the next regular city election and the appointed person shall serve until the qualification of a successor elected at a special election to fill the unexpired portion of the term. State Statute 351.055 authorizes staff to begin preparation for a special election as soon as a resignation letter is in hand. 351.055 PREPARATIONS FOR SPECIAL ELECTIONS If a future vacancy becomes certain to occur and the vacancy must be filled by a special election, the appropriate authorities may begin procedures leading to the special election so that a successor may be elected at the earliest possible time. For prospective vacancies that will occur as a result of a resignation, preparations for the special election may begin immediately after the written resignation is received by the official provided in section 351.01, subdivision 1. The filing period for cities without a primary conducting their city election this year with the November 6, 2012 General Election begins on July 31, 2012 so there is ample time to publish the notice for the filing period and other related duties so that a Special Election could be held in conjunction with the November 6, 2012 General Election. See below for pertinent dates and related duties. July 9th Council Meeting - Council passes resolution declaring a vacancy - Council passes a resolution calling for a Special Election to be held in conjunction with the November 6, 2012 general election § 412.02 Subd. 2a July 17th - Publish notice for filing period for special election. § 205.13 Subd. 2 July 31st - First day of filing period § 205.13 Subd. 1a August 14th - Last day of filing period – Office open until 5:00 p.m. August 16 - Last day to withdraw – Office open until 5:00 p.m. August 24 - Last day to notify county auditor of Special Election § 205.16 Subd. 4 October 23rd & 30th Publish notice of Special Election § 205.16 Subd. 1 November 6th Special Election held in conjunction with General Election November 12th Canvass the results of the election at city council meeting § 204C33. Subd.1 November 19th Contest period is over § 209.021 Subd. 1 November 20th Individual elected is sworn in providing there is not an election contest Packet Page Number 116 of 119 In order to proceed the city council is required by § 412.02 Subd. 2a to pass two resolutions: Resolution Accepting Resignation and Declaring a Vacancy, (See Attachment 1) and a Resolution Calling for a Special Election (See Attachment 2). Recommendation It is requested that the city council approve the Resolution Accepting Resignation and Declaring a Vacancy and the Resolution Calling for a Special Election and direct staff to proceed with the statutory duties related to conducting the Special Election to be held in conjunction with the Federal General Election on November 6, 2012. Packet Page Number 117 of 119 Attachment 1 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD RESOLUTION ACCEPTING RESIGNATION AND DECLARING A VACANCY WHEREAS, the Maplewood City Council has received the written resignation of Councilmember James Llanas, effective on October 31, 2012. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA, AS FOLLOWS: The council accepts Councilmember James Llanas’s resignation as described above. The council declares that a vacancy exists on council effective on October 31, 2012. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Maplewood on July 9, 2012. Approved: __________________________ Will Rossbach, Mayor Attest: ______________________________ Karen Guilfoile, City Clerk Packet Page Number 118 of 119 Attachment 2 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION WHEREAS, a vacancy exists on the Maplewood City Council. WHEREAS, the vacancy occurred before the first day to file affidavits of candidacy for the next regular General Election. WHEREAS, Maplewood City Ordinance 866 dictates a Special Election is to be held when a vacancy exists as follows: In the event a vacancy is declared pursuant to state law, the city council shall by resolution declare such a vacancy to exist. If the unexpired term is for a period of six months or less, the council shall appoint an eligible person to serve for the remainder of the unexpired term. In the event the unexpired term is greater than six months, the council shall hold a special election to fill the unexpired term. The special election shall be held as soon as the vacancy is declared as is practical under state law, no special primary election shall occur in cases of special elections held pursuant to this section. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA, AS FOLLOWS: A Special Election is ordered to fill a vacancy on the Maplewood City Council. The Special Election will be held in conjunction with the November 6, 2012 General Election. The person elected shall fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term vacated by Councilmember Llanas to January 6, 2014. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Maplewood on July 9, 2012. Approved: _____________________________ Will Rossbach, Mayor Attest: ______________________________ Karen Guilfoile, City Clerk Packet Page Number 119 of 119