HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 08-22 City Council PacketAGENDA MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL 7:00 P.M. Monday, August 22, 2011 City Hall, Council Chambers Meeting No. 17-11 A. CALL TO ORDER B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. Acknowledgement of Maplewood Residents Serving the Country. C. ROLL CALL Mayor’s Address on Protocol: “Welcome to the meeting of the Maplewood City Council. It is our desire to keep all discussions civil as we work through difficult issues tonight. If you are here for a Public Hearing or to address the City Council, please familiarize yourself with the Policies and Procedures and Rules of Civility, which are located near the entrance. Before addressing the council, sign in with the City Clerk. At the podium please state your name and address clearly for the record. All comments/questions shall be posed to the Mayor and Council. The Mayor will then direct staff, as appropriate, to answer questions or respond to comments.” D. APPROVAL OF AGENDA E. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of August 1, 2011, City Council Workshop Minutes 2. Approval of August 8, 2011, City Council Workshop Minutes 3. Approval of August 8, 2011, City Council Meeting Minutes 4. Approval of August 12, 2011 City Council Special Meeting Minutes F. APPOINTMENTS AND PRESENTATIONS G. CONSENT AGENDA – Items on the Consent Agenda are considered routine and non- controversial and are approved by one motion of the council. If a councilmember requests additional information or wants to make a comment regarding an item, the vote should be held until the questions or comments are made then the single vote should be taken. If a councilmember objects to an item it should be removed and acted upon as a separate item. 1. Approval Of Claims 2. Approval of Resolution Authorizing Submission of a Request for State Bonding Funds for the Purchase of the Fish Creek Property 3. Approval of Resolution Directing Modification of Existing Construction Contract, Change Order No. 2, Western Hills Area Street Improvements, Project 10-14 4. Approval of Resolution Directing Modification of Existing Construction Contract, Change Order No. 3, Hills and Dales Area Street Improvements, Project 09-15 5. Approval of Temporary Gambling Permit and Fee Waiver – Church of St. Jerome’s 6. Approval of Temporary Gambling Permit – Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary H. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Gladstone Area Redevelopment Improvements, Project 04-21 a. Assessment Hearing, 7:00 pm b. Approve Resolution for Adoption of Assessment Roll I. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Organized Trash Collection System Analysis – Update on Trash Collection Proposals and Approval of Budget for Next Phase of Analysis J. NEW BUSINESS 1. Approval of Resolution Canvassing the Results of the Recount for the August 9, 2011 Municipal Primary Election 2. Approval of Resolution Joining the National Moment of Remembrance of the 10th Anniversary of September 11th. K. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS L. AWARD OF BIDS M. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS N. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS O. ADJOURNMENT Sign language interpreters for hearing impaired persons are available for public hearings upon request. The request for this must be made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the City Clerk’s Office at 651.249.2001 to make arrangements. Assisted Listening Devices are also available. Please check with the City Clerk for availability. RULES OF CIVILITY FOR OUR COMMUNITY Following are some rules of civility the City of Maplewood expects of everyone appearing at Council Meetings – elected officials, staff and citizens. It is hoped that by following these simple rules, everyone’s opinions can be heard and understood in a reasonable manner. We appreciate the fact that when appearing at Council meetings, it is understood that everyone will follow these principles: Show respect for each other, actively listen to one another, keep emotions in check and use respectful language. Agenda Item E1 1 August 1, 2011 City Council Manager Workshop Minutes MINUTES MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL MANAGER WORKSHOP 5:15 P.M. Monday, August 1, 2011 Council Chambers, City Hall A. CALL TO ORDER A meeting of the City Council was held in the City Hall Council Chambers and was called to order at 5:17 p.m. by Mayor Rossbach. B. ROLL CALL Will Rossbach, Mayor Present Kathleen Juenemann, Councilmember Present Marvin Koppen, Councilmember Present James Llanas, Councilmember Present John Nephew, Councilmember Present C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Councilmember Nephew moved to approve the agenda as submitted D. UNFINISHED BUSINESS . Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 1. Review of Police Space Study Options Larry Koch, of SEH, presented the report. Assistant City Manager Ahl and Police Chief Thomalla answered questions of the council. E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Department Budget Presentations Assistant City Manager Ahl and Finance Manager Bauman presented the 2012 budget and a review of 2012 budget requests. a. Information Technology IT Director Fowlds presented the report and answered questions of the council. b. Executive Assistant City Manager Ahl presented the report and answered questions of the council. Packet Page Number 1 of 65 Agenda Item E1 2 August 1, 2011 City Council Manager Workshop Minutes c. Legislative Assistant City Manager Ahl presented the report and answered questions of the council. d. Community Development Assistant City Manager Ahl presented the report and answered questions of the council. e. Citizen Services Citizen Services Director Guilfoile presented the report and answered questions of the council. F. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Rossbach adjourned the meeting at 8:11 p.m. Packet Page Number 2 of 65 Agenda Item E2 August 8, 2011 City Council Manager Workshop Minutes 1 MINUTES MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL MANAGER WORKSHOP 5:30 p.m., Monday, August 8, 2011 Council Chambers, City Hall A. CALL TO ORDER A meeting of the City Council was held in the City Hall Council Chambers and was called to order at 5:47 p.m. by Mayor Rossbach. B. ROLL CALL Will Rossbach, Mayor Present Kathleen Juenemann, Councilmember Present Marvin Koppen, Councilmember Present James Llanas, Councilmember Present John Nephew, Councilmember Present C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Councilmember Llanas moved to approve the agenda as submitted. Seconded by Councilmember Juenemann Ayes – All The motion passed. D. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Department Budget Presentations: a. Police Police Chief Thomalla presented the report and answered questions of the council b. Fire Fire Chief Lukin presented the report and answered questions of the council c. Finance Finance Manager Bauman presented the report and answered questions of the council F. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Rossbach adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Packet Page Number 3 of 65 Agenda Item E3 August 8, 2011 1 City Council Meeting Minutes AGENDA MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL 7:00 P.M. Monday, August 8, 2011 City Hall, Council Chambers Meeting No. 15-11 A. CALL TO ORDER A meeting of the City Council was held in the City Hall Council Chambers and was called to order at 7:12 p.m. by Mayor Rossbach. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. ROLL CALL Will Rossbach, Mayor Present Kathleen Juenemann, Councilmember Present Marvin Koppen, Councilmember Present James Llanas, Councilmember Present John Nephew, Councilmember Present D. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The following items were added to the agenda by councilmembers: N1. National Night Out N2. Business Economic Development Commission Update Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilmember Llanas Ayes – All The motion passed. E. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of July 25, 2011, City Council Workshop Minutes Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the July 25, 2011, City Council Workshop Minutes as submitted. Seconded by Councilmember Nephew Ayes – All The motion passed. 2. Approval of July 25, 2011, City Council Meeting Minutes Councilmember Juenemann had a correction to packet page number 6 of the minutes. J2 correction to the spelling of the last name of Matt Ledvina. Councilmember Nephew requested that the resolution for item J3 be included in the minutes. Packet Page Number 4 of 65 Agenda Item E3 August 8, 2011 2 City Council Meeting Minutes Councilmember Juenemann had an additional correction to packet page number 7 of the minutes. J3, correction to the spelling of the last name of Dick Seppala. Councilmember Nephew moved to approve the July 25, 2011, City Council Meeting Minutes as amended. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. F. APPOINTMENTS AND PRESENTATIONS 1. Presentation by Ramsey County Sheriff Matt Bostrom Ramsey County Sheriff Matt Bostrom gave a presentation to the City Council about the progress, duties and responsibilities of the Ramsey County Sheriffs Department. 2. Jonah Hale, Boy Scout Merit Badge Mayor Rossbach asked Boy Scout Jonah Hale to address the council to talk about his assignment to attend the council meeting. G. CONSENT AGENDA Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve agenda items 1-12. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 1. Approval Of Claims Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Approval of Claims. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: $ 924,563.15 Checks # 84782 thru # 84825 dated 07/21/11 thru 07/26/11 $ 153,758.80 Disbursements via debits to checking account dated 07/15/11 thru 07/22/11 $ 509,292.43 Checks # 84826 thru # 84879 dated 07/26/11 thru 08/02/11 $ 320,519.67 Disbursements via debits to checking account dated 07/20/11 thru 07/28/11 $ 1,908,134.05 Total Accounts Payable PAYROLL: Packet Page Number 5 of 65 Agenda Item E3 August 8, 2011 3 City Council Meeting Minutes $ 516,223.43 Payroll Checks and Direct Deposits dated 07/22/11 $ 2,375.01 Payroll Deduction check # 9984600 thru # 9984602 dated 07/22/11 $ 518,598.44 Total Payroll $ 2,426,732.49 GRAND TOTAL Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 2. Approval of Agreement Between the City and Komen as Producer of the 2011 Susan G. Komen Twin Cities 3-Day for the Cure Event Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Agreement Between the City and Komen as Producer of the 2011 Susan G. Komen Twin Cities 3-Day for the Cure Event. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 3. Approval to Accept Donation to Police Reserves Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve to Accept Donation to Police Reserves. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 4. Approval of Contract with Check Diversion Program, LLC Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Contract with Check Diversion Program, LLC. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 5. Consider Approval of Award of Contract for MCC Aquatic Center Murals Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Award of Contract for MCC Aquatic Center Murals. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 6. Approval of the City’s Amended Cafeteria Plan Documents Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the City’s Amended Cafeteria Plan Documents. Packet Page Number 6 of 65 Agenda Item E3 August 8, 2011 4 City Council Meeting Minutes Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 7. Approval of the City’s HIPAA Privacy Policies and Procedures Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the City’s HIPAA Privacy Policies and Procedures. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 8. Conditional Use Permit Review—Beaver Lake Town Houses, Maryland Avenue and Lakewood Drive Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Conditional Use Permit Review—Beaver Lake Town Houses, Maryland Avenue and Lakewood Drive. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 9. Approve Entering into Contract for Implementation and Training for Civil 3D Software Update Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve Entering into a Contract for Implementation and Training for Civil 3D Software Update. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 10. Approval of Resolution Directing Modification of Existing Construction Contract, Supplemental Agreement Nos. 5, 6, 11 and 13 with Ramsey County, White Bear Avenue / County Rd D Improvements, Project 08-13 Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Resolution Directing Modification of Existing Construction Contract, Supplemental Agreement Nos. 5, 6, 11 and 13 with Ramsey County, White Bear Avenue / County Rd D Improvements, Project 08-13. RESOLUTION 11-8-603 DIRECTING MODIFICATION OF EXISTING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT PROJECT 08-13, SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NOS. 5, 6, 11, and 13 WHEREAS, the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota has heretofore ordered improvements to Project 08-13, White Bear Ave / County Rd D Improvements, and has concurred with a contract let by Ramsey County and in accordance to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, and WHEREAS, it is now necessary and expedient that said contract be modified and designated as City Project 08-13 including Supplemental Agreement Nos. 5, 6, 11, and 13. Packet Page Number 7 of 65 Agenda Item E3 August 8, 2011 5 City Council Meeting Minutes NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA, that: 1. The Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized and directed to modify the existing contract by ratifying and executing said Supplemental Agreement Nos. 5, 6, 11, and 13. Adopted by the Maplewood City Council on this 8th day of August 2011. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 11. Approval of Resolution Adopting Support for Funding Applications a. Gladstone Area Improvements, City Project 04-21 STP Funding Application RESOLUTION 11-8-604 SUPPORTING FEDERAL SURFACE TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM (STP) FUNDING APPLICATION SUBMITTAL FOR GLADSTONE AREA SIDEWALK AND TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Maplewood is the official governing body; and WHEREAS, the City of Maplewood is planning to construct a bituminous trail and concrete sidewalk system along Frost Avenue from East Shore Drive to White Bear Avenue; and WHEREAS, the project is consistent with the City of Maplewood’s Comprehensive Sidewalk and Trail Master Plan and the Gladstone Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR); and WHEREAS, the proposed sidewalk and trail improvements provide connectivity within the Gladstone area to the existing Bruce Vento and Gateway Trails; and WHEREAS, the City of Maplewood accepts responsibility for an amount equal to or greater than 20 percent of the eligible project construction cost, together with the cost for design, administration, right-of-way, and peripheral project costs; and WHEREAS, the City of Maplewood is committed to the operation and maintenance of local trails and sidewalks under the City’s jurisdiction for the design life of these improvements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council adopts this Resolution in support of the request for Federal STP funds for the Gladstone Area Sidewalk and Trail Improvements, City Project 04-21. 2. That a copy of this Resolution be provided to the Metropolitan Council Transportation Advisory Board and Technical Advisory Commission as part of the Gladstone Area Sidewalk and Trail Improvements STP funding application. Packet Page Number 8 of 65 Agenda Item E3 August 8, 2011 6 City Council Meeting Minutes Approved this 8th day of August 2011 b. TH 36 and English Street Interchange Improvements, City Project 09-08 STP Funding Application RESOLUTION 11-8-605 SUPPORTING FEDERAL SURFACE TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM (STP) FUNDING APPLICATION SUBMITTAL FOR THE TRUNK HIGHWAY (TH) 36 AND ENGLISH STREET INTERCHANGE AREA TRAIL AND SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Maplewood is the official governing body; and WHEREAS, the City of Maplewood is planning to construct a bituminous trail and concrete sidewalk system in the TH 36 and English Street Interchange area; and WHEREAS, the project is consistent with the City of Maplewood’s Comprehensive Sidewalk and Trail Master Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed sidewalk and trail improvements provide pedestrian connectivity within the interchange area and to the existing Bruce Vento Trail; and WHEREAS, the City of Maplewood accepts responsibility for an amount equal to or greater than 20 percent of the eligible project construction cost, together with the cost for design, administration, right-of-way, and peripheral project costs; and WHEREAS, the City of Maplewood is committed to the operation and maintenance of local trails and sidewalks under the City’s jurisdiction for the design life of these improvements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council adopts this Resolution in support of the request for Federal STP funds for the TH 36 and English Street Interchange Area Trail and Sidewalk Improvements, City Project 09-08. 2. That a copy of this Resolution be provided to the Metropolitan Council Transportation Advisory Board and Technical Advisory Commission as part of the Bruce Vento Trail Improvements STP funding application. Approved this 8th day of August 2011 c. TH 36 and English Street Interchange Improvements, City Project 09-08 Municipal Agreement Funding Application RESOLUTION 11-8-606 SUPPORTING MNDOT MUNICIPAL AGREEMENT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL FOR THE TRUNK HIGHWAY (TH) 36 AND ENGLISH STREET INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS Packet Page Number 9 of 65 Agenda Item E3 August 8, 2011 7 City Council Meeting Minutes WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Maplewood is the official governing body; and WHEREAS, the City of Maplewood is planning for improvements to the TH 36 and English Street Interchange which include the closure of the TH 36 accesses at Hazelwood Street; and WHEREAS, the City of Maplewood is requesting financial participation for the TH 36 access closures at Hazelwood Street and associated improvements from the Minnesota Department of Transportation through the Municipal Agreement program; and WHEREAS, the City of Maplewood would be responsible for paying a portion of project costs, including any costs ineligible for funding through this program; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA: 1. The City of Maplewood is hereby authorized to apply for Municipal Agreement Funding for City Project 09-08 – TH 36 and English Street Interchange Improvements. 2. The City of Maplewood is committed to complete this project if Municipal Agreement Funding is provided. Approved this 8th day of August 2011 d. County Road D Court Improvements, City Project 10-20 Municipal Agreement Funding Application RESOLUTION 11-8-607 SUPPORTING MNDOT MUNICIPAL AGREEMENT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL FOR THE COUNTY ROAD D COURT IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Maplewood is the official governing body; and WHEREAS, the City of Maplewood is planning for improvements to County Road D Court east of Trunk Highway (TH) 61 which include the closure of the County Road D Court access to TH 61; and WHEREAS, the City of Maplewood is requesting financial participation for the TH 61 access closure at County Road D Court and associated improvements from the Minnesota Department of Transportation through the Municipal Agreement program; and WHEREAS, the City of Maplewood would be responsible for paying a portion of project costs, including any costs ineligible for funding through this program; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA: 1. The City of Maplewood is hereby authorized to apply for Municipal Agreement Funding for City Project 10-20 – County Road D Court Improvements. Packet Page Number 10 of 65 Agenda Item E3 August 8, 2011 8 City Council Meeting Minutes 2. The City of Maplewood is committed to complete this project if Municipal Agreement Funding is provided. Approved this 8th day of August 2011 Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve the Resolution Adopting Support for Funding Applications. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. 12. Approval of Snake Creek Stabilization (Sterling Street Crossing), City Project 10-13, Resolution Approving Payment, Acceptance of Project and Closure of Project Fund RESOLUTION 11-8-608 APPROVING PAYMENT, ACCEPTANCE OF PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING CLOSURE OF PROJECT FUND FOR SNAKE CREEK STABILIZATION (STERLING STREET CROSSING), CITY PROJECT 10-13 WHEREAS, the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota has heretofore authorized the Finance Director to allocate $66,000 from the Environmental Utility Fund for construction costs associated with the Snake Creek Stabilization project, and WHEREAS, the Maplewood City Council and the Board of Managers of the Ramsey- Washington Metro Watershed District have ratified and executed a Memorandum of Understanding detailing the responsibilities of the parties involved, and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has determined that the improvements associated with the Snake Creek Stabilization project, City Project 10-13, are complete and recommends acceptance of the project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA, that: 1. City Project 10-13 is complete; maintenance of these improvements is accepted by the City; and the final construction cost is $65,658.00. Payment to the Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District is hereby authorized. 2. Once all financial transactions have been completed the Finance Director is hereby authorized to close Fund 514. Adopted by the council, on this 8th day of August, 2011 Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve Snake Creek Stabilization (Sterling Street Crossing), City Project 10-13, Resolution Approving Payment, Acceptance of Project and Closure of Project Fund. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. H. PUBLIC HEARINGS Packet Page Number 11 of 65 Agenda Item E3 August 8, 2011 9 City Council Meeting Minutes None. I. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Consider Approval to Enter into a Contract with The Conservation Fund for Purchase of Fish Creek Property Park and Recreation Director, DuWayne Konewko presented the staff report. Clint Miller, representative of the Conservation Fund gave a report to the council. Councilmember Koppen moved to approve to Enter into a Contract with the Conservation Fund for Purchase of Fish Creek Property. Seconded by Councilmember Juenemann Ayes – All The motion passed. J. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request of the City Council to Call a Special Meeting to Canvass the Results of the August 9, 2011 Primary Election Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve calling for a special meeting to be held on Friday, August 12, 2011 at 12:30 p.m. in the council chambers for the purpose of canvassing the results of the Primary Municipal Election. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – All The motion passed. K. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS 1. Paul Swan 2. Diana Longrie L. AWARD OF BIDS 1. Award of Bid for Joy Park Phase II Improvements Councilmember Juenemann moved to approve Award of Bid for Joy Park Phase II Improvements. Seconded by Councilmember Koppen Ayes – Councilmembers Juenemann, Koppen, Llanas, Nephew Nays – Mayor Rossbach The motion passed. M. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS None. Packet Page Number 12 of 65 Agenda Item E3 August 8, 2011 10 City Council Meeting Minutes N. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS 1. National Night Out Councilmember Juenemann gave a wrap-up of National Night Out. 2. Business Economic Development Commission Update Councilmember Llanas gave an update on the Business Economic Development Commission. O. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Rossbach adjourned the meeting at 9:15 p.m. Sign language interpreters for hearing impaired persons are available for public hearings upon request. The request for this must be made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the City Clerk’s Office at 651.249.2001 to make arrangements. Assisted Listening Devices are also available. Please check with the City Clerk for availability. RULES OF CIVILITY FOR OUR COMMUNITY Following are some rules of civility the City of Maplewood expects of everyone appearing at Council Meetings – elected officials, staff and citizens. It is hoped that by following these simple rules, everyone’s opinions can be heard and understood in a reasonable manner. We appreciate the fact that when appearing at Council meetings, it is understood that everyone will follow these principles: Show respect for each other, actively listen to one another, keep emotions in check and use respectful language. Packet Page Number 13 of 65 April 11, 2011 City Council Meeting Minutes 1 ITEM E4 MINUTES MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL 7:00 p.m., Friday, August 12, 2011 Council Chambers, City Hall Meeting No. 16-11 A. CALL TO ORDER A meeting of the City Council was held in the City Hall Council Chambers and was called to order at 12:32 p.m. by Mayor Rossbach. B. ROLL CALL Will Rossbach, Mayor Present Kathleen Juenemann, Councilmember Present Marvin Koppen, Councilmember Present James Llanas, Councilmember Absent John Nephew, Councilmember Present C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Councilmember Juenemann M. ADJOURNMENT moved to approve the agenda as submitted. Seconded by Mayor Rossbach Ayes – all The motion passed. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Approval of Resolution Approval of the Resolution Canvassing the Results of the August 9, 2011 Municipal Primary Election Mayor Rossbach adjourned the meeting at12:37 p.m. Packet Page Number 14 of 65 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2011\AprClms 8-05-11 and 8-12-11 AGENDA NO.G-1 TO:City Council FROM:Finance Manager RE:APPROVAL OF CLAIMS DATE: 188,118.66$ Checks # 84880 thru # 84933 dated 08/03/11 thru 08/09/11 2,864,540.73$ Disbursements via debits to checking account dated 07/29/11 thru 08/05/11 1,271,968.64$ Checks # 84934 thru # 85015 dated 08/10/11 thru 08/16/11 336,155.39$ Disbursements via debits to checking account dated 08/03/11 thru 08/12/11 4,660,783.42$ Total Accounts Payable 520,542.17$ Payroll Checks and Direct Deposits dated 08/05/11 2,375.01$ Payroll Deduction check # 9984807 thru # 9984809 dated 08/05/11 522,917.18$ Total Payroll 5,183,700.60$ GRAND TOTAL kf attachments Attached is a detailed listing of these claims. Please call me at 651-249-2902 if you have any questions on the attached listing. This will allow me to check the supporting documentation on file if necessary. PAYROLL AGENDA REPORT August 22, 2011 Attached is a listing of paid bills for informational purposes. The City Manager has reviewed the bills and authorized payment in accordance with City Council approved policies. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Packet Page Number 15 of 65 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2011\AprClms 8-05-11 and 8-12-11 Check Description Amount 84880 04911 CHAIR COVERS MCC AUG 5 64.12 84881 02464 FUNDS FOR ATMS 10,000.00 84882 04842 ZUMBA INSTRUCTION NSP - JULY 240.00 84883 04572 REPLACE FAILED ROOF DRAIN MCC 2,580.00 84884 00687 PROJ 09-15 TREE WORK 762.02 84885 03809 RED CROSS BABYSITTING INSTRUCTION 120.00 84886 00393 MONTHLY SURTAX JULY 12183123035 2,457.63 84887 00908 TEAM REGISTRATION WITH USSSA 2,709.00 84888 01202 MAPLEWOOD MONTHLY - JULY 3,497.00 84889 04265 ZUMBA INSTRUCTION - JULY 304.00 84890 01337 FLEET SUPPORT/MESB FEE - JULY 658.56 84891 01337 RECORDING FEE 46.00 84892 01409 POLICE SPACE STUDY 4,724.60 01409 JOY PARK IMPROVEMENTS PHASE 2 3,145.59 01409 CITY DUMP INVESTIGATION 1,227.87 84893 01546 SHIRTS FOR SOCCER CLINIC 182.50 84894 04845 RECYCLING - JULY 27,649.50 84895 04199 JUVENILE REFERRAL SRV 3RD QTR 6,250.00 84896 00111 ANIMAL CONTROL FEES 7/5 - 7/22 1,716.00 84897 02034 TOBACCO COMPLIANCE PROJ 1,938.00 84898 04848 MONTHLY PREMIUM - AUGUST 245.40 84899 00211 PROJ 09-04 PROF SRVS THRU 7/15 2,295.50 84900 04549 ZUMBA INSTRUCTION - JULY 187.50 84901 00272 REIMB FOR MILEAGE 7/20 - 7/22 202.02 84902 04915 ESCROW RELEASE 344 TOENJES PL E 2,007.64 84903 03658 REIMB FOR MILEAGE 5/14 - 7/23 35.19 84904 00003 ESCROW REL D MASTERMAN GRAND VIEW 1,000.00 84905 01401 DAY CAMP BUS FEE - GRAND SLAM 267.50 84906 02071 REIMB FOR MILEAGE 7/20 - 7/22 183.15 84907 04913 TRX UNITS 1,481.28 84908 04640 PROJ 0809 LIONS PARK IMP PMT#5 77,035.02 84909 00531 BLACK DIRT FOR RAIN GARDEN 168.33 84910 04064 SECURITY OFFICER FOR MCC JULY 30 227.50 84911 04866 REIMB FOR MILEAGE 3/2 - 6/29 29.36 84912 00612 REPAIR OF TREADMILL MCC 665.06 84913 04912 SECURITY OFFICER FOR MCC JULY 29 227.50 84914 04880 REIMB FOR MILEAGE 4/1 - 6/30 53.86 84915 04839 REIMB FOR MILEAGE 4/9 - 6/17 43.23 84916 02237 CITATION ENVELOPES 363.75 84917 04152 1/3 SHARE OF TARTAN ARENA 20,919.66 84918 04840 REIMB FOR MILEAGE 4/6 - 6/15 7.34 84919 04525 ETIQUETTE CLASS INSTRUCTION 334.66 84920 04914 TREE & STUMP REMOVAL 1608 DEMONT 828.28 84921 04900 BRIDE PAID FOR CEILING DRAPING MCC 400.00 84922 00001 REFUND K SAXENA INSURANCE 120.00 84923 00001 REFUND A FIELDS AMB 083550 83.00 84924 00001 REFUND A FRANS PICNIC SHELTER 50.00 84925 04897 KETTLEBELL/BOOTCAMP - NSP 6/21-7/29 277.00 84926 04829 REIMB FOR TUITION & BOOKS 6/20-7/22 910.80 04829 REIMB FOR TUITION & BOOKS 6/20-7/22 558.89 84927 01289 MOW WEEDS CO D WETLAND 500.00 84928 03446 DEER PICKUP - JULY 215.00 84929 01418 RAMSEY CO PARADE CANDY & WATER 73.1808/09/2011 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT 08/09/2011 CHRISTIE PENN 08/09/2011 PRAIRIE RESTORATIONS INC 08/09/2011 RICK JOHNSON DEER & BEAVER INC 08/09/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/09/2011 PEAK PERFORMANCE 08/09/2011 CHRISTIE PENN 08/09/2011 LASTING IMPRESSIONS BY AMY LLC 08/09/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/09/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/09/2011 BARBARA JOHNSON 08/09/2011 EVERYDAY ETIQUETTE JULIE R FRANTZ 08/09/2011 KAMCO 08/09/2011 LADONNA HOLMBERG 08/09/2011 IMPERIAL IMPRESSIONS 08/09/2011 ISD 622 COMMUNITY EDUCATION 08/09/2011 GYM WORKS INC 08/09/2011 TIM HAWKINSON 08/09/2011 SHEILA HEINRICH 08/09/2011 FRA-DOR INC. 08/09/2011 DEREK FRITZE 08/09/2011 LINDA GRUENHAGEN 08/09/2011 DAVID FISHER 08/09/2011 FITNESS DISTRIBUTING, INC. 08/09/2011 FITOL HINTZ CONSTRUCTION INC. 08/09/2011 CHARLES DEAVER 08/09/2011 ESCROW REFUND 08/09/2011 FIRST STUDENT INC 08/09/2011 JAN ALICE CAMPBELL 08/09/2011 NICHOLAS CARVER 08/09/2011 HOANG DAO 08/09/2011 ASSN FOR NONSMOKERS 08/09/2011 AVESIS 08/09/2011 BRAUN INTERTEC CORP. 08/09/2011 TENNIS SANITATION LLC 08/09/2011 YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU, INC. 08/09/2011 ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES 08/09/2011 S.E.H. 08/09/2011 S.E.H. 08/09/2011 SUBURBAN SPORTSWEAR 08/09/2011 RAMSEY COUNTY-PROP REC & REV 08/09/2011 RAMSEY COUNTY-PROP REC & REV 08/09/2011 S.E.H. 08/09/2011 M R P A 08/09/2011 NYSTROM PUBLISHING CO INC 08/09/2011 MARIA PIRELA 08/09/2011 HUGO'S TREE CARE INC 08/09/2011 CASIE JACKSON 08/09/2011 DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY 08/03/2011 US BANK 08/09/2011 MARY JOSEPHINE ANDERSON 08/09/2011 ETTEL & FRANZ Check Register City of Maplewood 08/04/2011 Date Vendor 08/03/2011 DECKCI DECOR Packet Page Number 16 of 65 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2011\AprClms 8-05-11 and 8-12-11 84930 04074 TAI CHI INSTRUCTION 6/1 - 8/3 255.00 84931 00198 WATER UTILITY 3,200.67 84932 01550 ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS - JULY 2,144.00 84933 04179 PROG DISPLAY SIGN MCC - JUNE 250.00 08/09/2011 SUMMIT INSPECTIONS 08/09/2011 VISUAL IMAGE PROMOTIONS 188,118.6654Checks in this report. 08/09/2011 ELAINE SCHRADE 08/09/2011 ST. PAUL REGIONAL WATER SRVS Packet Page Number 17 of 65 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2011\AprClms 8-05-11 and 8-12-11 Transmitted Settlement Date Date Payee Description Amount 7/29/2011 8/1/2011 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 18,368.73 7/29/2011 8/1/2011 US Bank Debt Service payments 2,634,797.54 7/29/2011 8/1/2011 US Bank Merchant Services Credit Card Billing fee 2,118.00 8/1/2011 8/2/2011 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 42,851.34 7/29/2011 8/3/2011 US Bank VISA One Card*Purchasing card items 63,108.97 8/2/2011 8/3/2011 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 28,565.50 8/3/2011 8/4/2011 ING - State Plan Deferred Compensation 27,840.00 8/3/2011 8/4/2011 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 20,117.90 8/3/2011 8/5/2011 ICMA (Vantagepointe)Deferred Compensation 4,312.76 8/4/2011 8/5/2011 MN Dept of Natural Resources DNR electronic licenses 903.00 8/4/2011 8/5/2011 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 21,556.99 TOTAL 2,864,540.73 *Detailed listing of VISA purchases is attached. CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Disbursements via Debits to Checking account Packet Page Number 18 of 65 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2011\AprClms 8-05-11 and 8-12-11 Check Description Amount 84934 00610 FIRE DEPT DINNER 2,240.00 84935 01936 REIMB FOR MILEAGE & INT 5/16 - 8/5 167.48 84936 00240 APPLICANT BACKGROUND CHECKS 60.11 84937 01973 CAR WASHES - JULY 56.00 84938 02728 PROJ 04-21 PROF SRVS THRU 6/30 50,803.88 02728 PROJ 08-13 PROF SRVS THRU 6/30 40,583.84 84939 04060 SCBA REPAIR 394.30 84940 01337 FLEET SUPPOR FEE/MESB FEE - JULY 595.84 01337 FLEET SUPPORT/MESB FEE JAN-JUNE 591.36 84941 01337 PLANTS FOR NC PLANTING 76.95 84942 01409 WETLAND MONITORING 3,021.18 84943 01574 PROJ 10-14 WESTERN HILLS PMT#4 793,062.90 84944 04252 ON-SPOT CHAINS - 4 SETS 6,061.95 84945 04192 EMS BILLING - JULY 2,790.00 84946 01190 PROJ 10-14 RELOCATE GAS SRVS PIPE 3,819.00 84947 01190 ELECTRIC UTILITY 1,602.84 84948 01798 CONTRACT GASOLINE - AUGUST 16,844.36 01798 CONTRACT DIESEL - AUGUST 8,861.10 84949 01996 EMS TRAINING 1,325.00 84950 00115 REIMB FOR MILEAGE 1/11 - 6/30 226.10 84951 02324 BEAVER CREEK RESTERATION 1,621.51 84952 04862 PROJ 09-08 APPRAISAL 3,800.00 84953 00420 POLICE VEHICLE CLEANING/DETAILING 117.50 84954 04374 AMBUTRAK LICENSE FEES 399.00 84955 00003 ESC REL M MARISTUEN 2309 MORLAND 500.00 84956 04846 MEDICAL SUPPLIES 57.20 84957 00668 REIMB FOR MEALS/PARKING/MISC 226.95 84958 02506 ELECTRICAL WORK LIFT STATION #12 184.00 02506 ELECTRICAL WORK LIFT STATION #21 92.00 84959 04152 FACILITY USE AGREEMENT CARVER 28,391.07 84960 04917 PROJ 04-21 GLADSTONE 1 PARTPMT#1 196,812.78 84961 01082 DARE RECERTIFICATION 530.00 84962 04849 TEXAS HOLD'EM INSTRUCTOR - JULY 135.00 04849 TEXAS HOLD'EM INSTRUCTOR - JUNE 108.00 84963 01199 REIMB FOR WORKOUT SHOES 7/28 131.30 84964 00001 REFUND J WAKNITZ AMB 04000760 1,032.46 84965 00001 REFUND MUELLER MEMBERSHIP/HP 421.48 84966 00001 REFUND LEDMAN BCBS BENEFIT 340.00 84967 00001 REFUND S SINGER - TREE REBATE 200.00 84968 00001 REFUND D MAAS - TREE REBATE 198.50 84969 00001 REFUND N MCCARTHY MEMBERSHIP 141.42 84970 00001 REFUND K KORUPP - TREE REBATE 139.97 84971 00001 REFUND SCHUDER HP BENEFIT 120.00 84972 00001 REFUND HAVICAN BCBS BENEFIT 120.00 84973 00001 REFUND A RILEY HP BENEFIT 120.00 84974 00001 REFUND S BUGGE HP BENEFIT 100.00 84975 00001 REFUND J BEITLER - TREE REBATE 100.00 84976 00001 REFUND R GAVIN - TREE REBATE 100.00 84977 00001 REFUND D LINDGREN - TREE REBATE 99.00 84978 00001 REFUND WS&D PERMIT SRVS BL PERMIT 97.00 84979 00001 REFUND K FESSENDEN - TREE REBATE 91.70 84980 00001 REFUND C HABERMAN HP BENEFIT 83.05 84981 00001 REFUND D KRAMER - TREE REBATE 69.0908/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 JEROME NOVAK 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 MN DARE OFFICERS ASSN 08/16/2011 RICHARD NIELSEN 08/16/2011 RICHARD NIELSEN 08/16/2011 HUNT ELECTRIC CORP 08/16/2011 ISD 622 COMMUNITY EDUCATION 08/16/2011 LUNDA CONSTRUCTION CO. 08/16/2011 HEALTHEAST 08/16/2011 STEVEN HIEBERT 08/16/2011 HUNT ELECTRIC CORP 08/16/2011 DOWNTOWNER DETAIL CENTER 08/16/2011 EMS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, LLC 08/16/2011 ESCROW REFUND 08/16/2011 MANDY ANZALDI 08/16/2011 APPLIED ECOLOGICAL SERVICES 08/16/2011 BRKW APPRAISALS, INC. 08/16/2011 YOCUM OIL CO. 08/16/2011 YOCUM OIL CO. 08/16/2011 ALLINA HEALTH SYSTEMS 08/16/2011 TRANS-MEDIC 08/16/2011 XCEL ENERGY 08/16/2011 XCEL ENERGY 08/16/2011 S.E.H. 08/16/2011 T.A. SCHIFSKY & SONS, INC 08/16/2011 TOWMASTER TRUCK EQUIP. INC. 08/16/2011 RAMSEY COUNTY-PROP REC & REV 08/16/2011 RAMSEY COUNTY-PROP REC & REV 08/16/2011 RAMSEY COUNTY-PROP REC & REV 08/16/2011 KIMLEY-HORN & ASSOCIATES INC 08/16/2011 KIMLEY-HORN & ASSOCIATES INC 08/16/2011 MES - MIDAM 08/16/2011 CHAD BERGO 08/16/2011 C.S.C. CREDIT SERVICES 08/16/2011 ERICKSON OIL PRODUCTS INC Check Register City of Maplewood 08/11/2011 Date Vendor 08/10/2011 GULDENS ROADHOUSE INC Packet Page Number 19 of 65 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2011\AprClms 8-05-11 and 8-12-11 84982 00001 REFUND T EIDE NON RESIDENT FEE 65.56 84983 00001 REFUND J WOZNIAK HP BENEFIT 60.00 84984 00001 REFUND J FISHER MEDICA BENEFIT 60.00 84985 00001 REFUND D NIELSEN EVENT CANCELLED 47.00 84986 00001 REFUND LONFELLOW EVENT CANCELLED 47.00 84987 00001 REFUND A HANSON EVENT CANCELLED 47.00 84988 00001 REFUND CLEVENGER EVENT CANCELLED 47.00 84989 00001 REFUND D ANDREW - TREE REBATE 43.72 84990 00001 REFUND VOLKMAN BCBS BENEFIT 40.00 84991 00001 REFUND TETZLAFF HP BENEFIT 40.00 84992 00001 REFUND J ZAJAC BCBS BENEFIT 20.00 84993 00001 REFUND R SOFIE UCARE BENEFIT 20.00 84994 00001 REFUND J SMITH MEDICA BENEFIT 20.00 84995 00001 REFUND W SEYUM UCARE BENEFIT 20.00 84996 00001 REFUND R LARKIN BCBS BENEFIT 20.00 84997 00001 REFUND P DIETZMANN BCBS BENEFIT 20.00 84998 00001 REFUND V LEE-HER HP BENEFIT 20.00 84999 00001 REFUND A FLOHR HP BENEFIT 20.00 85000 00001 REFUND R SMITH BC BENEFIT 20.00 85001 00001 REFUND M GRUBER FOOT CARE 10.00 85002 03151 REPLENISH PETTY CASH 224.26 85003 01261 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT 5,987.52 85004 01284 PERMIT FEE - BUSINESS REPLY MAIL 190.00 85005 02008 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINT JAN-JUNE HWY 36 499.33 02008 EVP MAINTENANCE JAN - JUNE 328.69 02008 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINT JAN-JUNE HWY 12 80.27 85006 01383 SHARED FACILITY COST OF EDGERTON 23,477.00 85007 04264 PROJ 10-13 REIMB FOR WORK PERFORME 65,658.00 85008 04547 PROJ 08-10 LANDSCAPING/MAINT 560.00 85009 00198 KENNARD IRRIGATION 73.75 85010 04339 REIMB FOR RUNNING SHOES 7/8 59.99 85011 04528 ZUMBA INSTRUCTION - JULY 83.00 85012 02359 REUPHOLSTERY OF (4) CHAIRS & (7)1,210.16 02359 REUPHOLSTERY OF (4) CHAIRS & (7)891.55 85013 01764 TENNIS INSTRUCTION SUMMER SESSION 1,046.25 85014 01190 TRANSFORMER ISTALL FOR GOODRICH LIG 519.42 85015 04381 FOOD FOR POLICE K9'S 528.00 08/16/2011 XCEL ENERGY 08/16/2011 ZEUS AND COMPANY 1,271,968.6482Checks in this report. 08/16/2011 WALLY'S UPHOLSTERY 08/16/2011 WALLY'S UPHOLSTERY 08/16/2011 TOM WESTLING 08/16/2011 ST. PAUL REGIONAL WATER SRVS 08/16/2011 MICHAEL STREFF 08/16/2011 SARA M. R. THOMPSON 08/16/2011 ROSEVILLE AREA SCHOOLS 08/16/2011 RWMWD 08/16/2011 ST. CROIX VALLEY LANDSCAPING 08/16/2011 RAMSEY COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS 08/16/2011 RAMSEY COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS 08/16/2011 RAMSEY COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS 08/16/2011 PETTY CASH 08/16/2011 PHYSIO-CONTROL, INC. 08/16/2011 POSTMASTER 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR 08/16/2011 ONE TIME VENDOR Packet Page Number 20 of 65 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2011\AprClms 8-05-11 and 8-12-11 Transmitted Settlement Date Date Payee Description Amount 8/3/2011 8/8/2011 U.S. Treasurer Federal Payroll Tax 97,893.37 8/3/2011 8/8/2011 P.E.R.A.P.E.R.A.86,561.78 8/5/2011 8/8/2011 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 19,165.60 8/3/2011 8/9/2011 MidAmerica - ING HRA Flex plan 14,871.54 8/3/2011 8/9/2011 Labor Unions Union Dues 1,843.00 8/3/2011 8/9/2011 MN State Treasurer State Payroll Tax 20,989.01 8/8/2011 8/9/2011 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 16,772.17 8/9/2011 8/10/2011 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 29,594.52 8/10/2011 8/11/2011 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 21,859.67 8/5/2011 8/12/2011 Optum Health DCRP & Flex plan payments 2,011.64 8/11/2011 8/12/2011 MN State Treasurer Drivers License/Deputy Registrar 23,376.59 8/11/2011 8/12/2011 MN Dept of Natural Resources DNR electronic licenses 1,216.50 TOTAL 336,155.39 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Disbursements via Debits to Checking account Packet Page Number 21 of 65 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2011\AprClms 8-05-11 and 8-12-11 CHECK #CHECK DATE EMPLOYEE NAME CITY OF MAPLEWOOD EMPLOYEE GROSS EARNINGS REPORT FOR THE CURRENT PAY PERIOD AMOUNT 08/05/11 HILL, DAVID 50.00 08/05/11 ROSSBACH, WILLIAM 473.15 08/05/11 STRAUTMANIS, MARIS 180.00 08/05/11 LLANAS, JAMES 416.42 08/05/11 NEPHEW, JOHN 416.42 08/05/11 JUENEMANN, KATHLEEN 416.42 08/05/11 KOPPEN, MARVIN 416.42 08/05/11 CHRISTENSON, SCOTT 2,441.65 08/05/11 FARR, LARRY 2,885.65 08/05/11 BURLINGAME, SARAH 1,966.90 08/05/11 KANTRUD, HUGH 184.62 08/05/11 AHL, R. CHARLES 5,358.72 08/05/11 ANTONEN, JAMES 5,800.00 08/05/11 FORMANEK, KAREN 604.02 08/05/11 ANDERSON, CAROLE 1,146.99 08/05/11 RAMEAUX, THERESE 3,030.67 08/05/11 BAUMAN, GAYLE 4,214.98 08/05/11 JAHN, DAVID 1,840.37 08/05/11 KARIS, DYLAN 866.25 08/05/11 ARNOLD, AJLA 1,406.12 08/05/11 CAREY, HEIDI 1,699.09 08/05/11 KELSEY, CONNIE 2,569.23 08/05/11 RUEB, JOSEPH 2,493.80 08/05/11 DEBILZAN, JUDY 1,270.60 08/05/11 JACKSON, MARY 2,154.27 08/05/11 CORTESI, LUANNE 1,183.98 08/05/11 LARSON, MICHELLE 1,758.15 08/05/11 SCHMIDT, DEBORAH 2,719.20 08/05/11 SPANGLER, EDNA 1,102.63 08/05/11 GUILFOILE, KAREN 4,376.43 08/05/11 NEPHEW, MICHELLE 1,610.35 08/05/11 WEAVER, KRISTINE 2,288.55 08/05/11 CARLE, JEANETTE 255.75 08/05/11 OSTER, ANDREA 1,886.77 08/05/11 RICHTER, CHARLENE 1,177.13 08/05/11 MECHELKE, SHERRIE 931.29 08/05/11 MOY, PAMELA 1,214.57 08/05/11 POWELL, PHILIP 2,903.66 08/05/11 SVENDSEN, JOANNE 2,081.79 08/05/11 KVAM, DAVID 4,188.29 08/05/11 PALANK, MARY 1,886.77 08/05/11 JAGOE, CAROL 138.75 08/05/11 CORCORAN, THERESA 1,882.15 08/05/11 BAKKE, LONN 2,994.94 08/05/11 BARTZ, PAUL 3,399.87 08/05/11 ABEL, CLINT 3,167.66 08/05/11 ALDRIDGE, MARK 3,186.09 08/05/11 THOMALLA, DAVID 4,936.26 08/05/11 YOUNG, TAMELA 1,882.16 08/05/11 BUSACK, DANIEL 3,313.05 08/05/11 BIERDEMAN, BRIAN 4,207.33 08/05/11 BOHL, JOHN 3,256.41 08/05/11 BELDE, STANLEY 3,063.23 08/05/11 BENJAMIN, MARKESE 2,761.93 Packet Page Number 22 of 65 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2011\AprClms 8-05-11 and 8-12-11 08/05/11 COFFEY, KEVIN 3,052.70 08/05/11 ERICKSON, VIRGINIA 2,959.99 08/05/11 FLOR, TIMOTHY 3,574.41 08/05/11 DOBLAR, RICHARD 3,886.81 08/05/11 DUGAS, MICHAEL 4,414.54 08/05/11 CROTTY, KERRY 3,575.21 08/05/11 DEMULLING, JOSEPH 2,761.93 08/05/11 HAWKINSON JR, TIMOTHY 3,285.93 08/05/11 HER, PHENG 2,860.99 08/05/11 FRITZE, DEREK 3,093.16 08/05/11 GABRIEL, ANTHONY 3,144.52 08/05/11 FORSYTHE, MARCUS 1,912.51 08/05/11 FRASER, JOHN 3,165.50 08/05/11 KREKELER, NICHOLAS 842.40 08/05/11 KROLL, BRETT 2,882.45 08/05/11 KALKA, THOMAS 913.08 08/05/11 KONG, TOMMY 2,842.94 08/05/11 HIEBERT, STEVEN 3,567.77 08/05/11 JOHNSON, KEVIN 4,727.44 08/05/11 MARINO, JASON 2,842.94 08/05/11 MARTIN, JERROLD 3,115.72 08/05/11 LU, JOHNNIE 3,105.14 08/05/11 LYNCH, KATHERINE 2,159.33 08/05/11 LANGNER, SCOTT 2,996.32 08/05/11 LANGNER, TODD 3,160.81 08/05/11 PARKER, JAMES 1,938.63 08/05/11 REZNY, BRADLEY 3,313.75 08/05/11 NYE, MICHAEL 3,125.35 08/05/11 OLSON, JULIE 2,901.07 08/05/11 MCCARTY, GLEN 3,208.58 08/05/11 METRY, ALESIA 3,001.43 08/05/11 SZCZEPANSKI, THOMAS 2,954.18 08/05/11 TAUZELL, BRIAN 2,468.06 08/05/11 STEINER, JOSEPH 3,683.80 08/05/11 SYPNIEWSKI, WILLIAM 2,785.00 08/05/11 RHUDE, MATTHEW 2,810.68 08/05/11 SHORTREED, MICHAEL 4,060.51 08/05/11 XIONG, KAO 2,987.33 08/05/11 ACOSTA, MARK 348.00 08/05/11 TRAN, JOSEPH 2,955.28 08/05/11 WENZEL, JAY 2,856.23 08/05/11 THEISEN, PAUL 3,001.43 08/05/11 THIENES, PAUL 3,762.55 08/05/11 BECK, YANCEY 492.00 08/05/11 BOURQUIN, RON 312.00 08/05/11 BASSETT, BRENT 171.00 08/05/11 BAUMAN, ANDREW 2,575.55 08/05/11 ARKSEY, CHARLES 36.00 08/05/11 BAHL, DAVID 546.00 08/05/11 CRAWFORD, RAYMOND 186.00 08/05/11 DAWSON, RICHARD 2,752.03 08/05/11 CAPISTRANT, JACOB 276.00 08/05/11 CAPISTRANT, JOHN 360.00 08/05/11 BRADBURY, RYAN 288.00 08/05/11 BRESIN, ROBERT 504.00 08/05/11 HAGEN, MICHAEL 513.00 08/05/11 HALE, JOSEPH 273.00 08/05/11 EVERSON, PAUL 2,957.23 08/05/11 FOSSUM, ANDREW 2,575.55 08/05/11 DIERICH, REBECCA 315.00 08/05/11 EATON, PAUL 510.00 08/05/11 HEFFERNAN, PATRICK 357.00 08/05/11 HALWEG, JODI 643.32 08/05/11 HAWTHORNE, ROCHELLE 222.00 Packet Page Number 23 of 65 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2011\AprClms 8-05-11 and 8-12-11 08/05/11 HERLUND, RICK 228.00 08/05/11 HUTCHINSON, JAMES 224.00 08/05/11 HENDRICKSON, NICHOLAS 2,236.38 08/05/11 KANE, ROBERT 672.00 08/05/11 KARRAS, JAMIE 432.00 08/05/11 JOHNSON, JAMES 234.00 08/05/11 JONES, JONATHAN 198.00 08/05/11 IMM, TRACY 504.00 08/05/11 JANSEN, CHAD 54.00 08/05/11 LOCHEN, MICHAEL 848.00 08/05/11 MELLEN, CHRISTOPHER 180.00 08/05/11 KUBAT, ERIC 2,277.86 08/05/11 LINDER, TIMOTHY 2,445.63 08/05/11 KERSKA, JOSEPH 468.00 08/05/11 KONDER, RONALD 480.00 08/05/11 MONSON, PETER 426.00 08/05/11 MORGAN, JEFFERY 425.75 08/05/11 MILLER, NICHOLAS 414.00 08/05/11 MONDOR, MICHAEL 3,089.18 08/05/11 MELLEN, RICHARD 240.00 08/05/11 MILLER, LADD 39.00 08/05/11 PACHECO, ALPHONSE 210.00 08/05/11 PETERSON, MARK 532.00 08/05/11 NOWICKI, PAUL 150.00 08/05/11 OLSON, JAMES 2,651.08 08/05/11 NIELSEN, KENNETH 384.00 08/05/11 NOVAK, JEROME 2,752.03 08/05/11 RANK, NATHAN 726.00 08/05/11 RANK, PAUL 678.00 08/05/11 POWERS, KENNETH 252.00 08/05/11 RAINEY, JAMES 507.00 08/05/11 PETERSON, ROBERT 2,907.38 08/05/11 PLACE, ANDREA 2,553.32 08/05/11 SEDLACEK, JEFFREY 2,648.38 08/05/11 STREFF, MICHAEL 2,802.15 08/05/11 RICE, CHRISTOPHER 321.00 08/05/11 SCHULTZ, JEROME 216.00 08/05/11 RAVENWALD, CORINNE 282.00 08/05/11 REYNOSO, ANGEL 204.00 08/05/11 LUKIN, STEVEN 4,475.33 08/05/11 ZWIEG, SUSAN 2,234.15 08/05/11 WHITE, JOEL 456.00 08/05/11 GERVAIS-JR, CLARENCE 3,867.86 08/05/11 SVENDSEN, RONALD 2,828.26 08/05/11 WESSELS, TIMOTHY 630.00 08/05/11 BUCKLEY, BRENT 2,496.41 08/05/11 DEBILZAN, THOMAS 1,432.28 08/05/11 PRIEFER, WILLIAM 2,713.17 08/05/11 BRINK, TROY 2,334.60 08/05/11 KNUTSON, LOIS 1,996.55 08/05/11 NIVEN, AMY 1,411.64 08/05/11 NAGEL, BRYAN 3,408.40 08/05/11 OSWALD, ERICK 2,337.97 08/05/11 JONES, DONALD 2,437.27 08/05/11 MEISSNER, BRENT 2,177.46 08/05/11 EDGE, DOUGLAS 2,495.81 08/05/11 HAMRE, MILES 1,440.00 08/05/11 DUCHARME, JOHN 2,713.98 08/05/11 ENGSTROM, ANDREW 2,509.59 08/05/11 TEVLIN, TODD 2,125.35 08/05/11 BURLINGAME, NATHAN 2,006.40 08/05/11 RUNNING, ROBERT 2,333.35 08/05/11 SETNES, SAMUEL 1,120.00 08/05/11 JACOBSON, SCOTT 1,718.00 Packet Page Number 24 of 65 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2011\AprClms 8-05-11 and 8-12-11 08/05/11 LINDBLOM, RANDAL 2,763.91 08/05/11 LOVE, STEVEN 3,281.24 08/05/11 KREGER, JASON 2,987.04 08/05/11 KUMMER, STEVEN 3,219.98 08/05/11 JAROSCH, JONATHAN 2,994.23 08/05/11 EDSON, DAVID 2,170.59 08/05/11 GUNDERSON, ANDREW 1,040.00 08/05/11 KONEWKO, DUWAYNE 4,590.46 08/05/11 SCHOENECKER, LEIGH 1,482.95 08/05/11 THOMPSON, MICHAEL 4,228.28 08/05/11 ZIEMAN, SCOTT 965.60 08/05/11 NAUGHTON, TYLER 880.00 08/05/11 NORDQUIST, RICHARD 2,127.66 08/05/11 MARUSKA, MARK 3,183.11 08/05/11 NAUGHTON, JOHN 2,125.35 08/05/11 HELMER, JACOB 800.00 08/05/11 HINNENKAMP, GARY 2,255.43 08/05/11 HAYMAN, JANET 1,380.59 08/05/11 HUTCHINSON, ANN 2,622.79 08/05/11 DEAVER, CHARLES 569.02 08/05/11 GERNES, CAROLE 484.34 08/05/11 SCHINDELDECKER, JAMES 310.67 08/05/11 BIESANZ, OAKLEY 1,323.55 08/05/11 SINDT, ANDREA 2,013.80 08/05/11 THOMPSON, DEBRA 752.86 08/05/11 GAYNOR, VIRGINIA 3,211.95 08/05/11 KROLL, LISA 1,882.15 08/05/11 SOUTTER, CHRISTINE 90.56 08/05/11 WACHAL, KAREN 866.88 08/05/11 CARVER, NICHOLAS 3,211.95 08/05/11 FISHER, DAVID 3,778.99 08/05/11 MARTIN, MICHAEL 2,606.15 08/05/11 BRASH, JASON 2,259.75 08/05/11 EKSTRAND, THOMAS 3,800.52 08/05/11 FINWALL, SHANN 3,202.15 08/05/11 BJORK, BRANDON 635.25 08/05/11 FISCHBACH, ALYSSA 83.38 08/05/11 BERGER, STEPHANIE 743.38 08/05/11 BETHEL III, CHARLES 95.63 08/05/11 SWAN, DAVID 2,738.95 08/05/11 WELLENS, MOLLY 1,644.36 08/05/11 ROBBINS, AUDRA 2,847.74 08/05/11 ROBBINS, CAMDEN 288.00 08/05/11 KLEIN, TIM 66.00 08/05/11 MARTIN, ARIELLE 325.50 08/05/11 GERMAIN, BRADY 272.00 08/05/11 JANASZAK, MEGHAN 1,017.94 08/05/11 ADAMS, DAVID 2,079.30 08/05/11 GERMAIN, DAVID 2,154.09 08/05/11 TAYLOR, JAMES 2,466.23 08/05/11 TURI, EMILY 236.00 08/05/11 RYCHLICKI, NICHOLE 480.25 08/05/11 SCHALLER, SCOTT 64.50 08/05/11 BRENEMAN, NEIL 1,527.70 08/05/11 CRAWFORD - JR, RAYMOND 464.54 08/05/11 SCHULTZ, SCOTT 2,914.49 08/05/11 ANZALDI, MANDY 1,332.42 08/05/11 HAAG, MARK 3,597.07 08/05/11 KLOOZ, AUSTIN 908.50 08/05/11 HER, PETER 396.60 08/05/11 GLASS, JEAN 2,103.67 08/05/11 HANSEN, LORI 3,057.86 08/05/11 EVANS, CHRISTINE 1,323.62 08/05/11 GADOW, ANNA 184.54 Packet Page Number 25 of 65 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2011\AprClms 8-05-11 and 8-12-11 08/05/11 HOFMEISTER, MARY 1,341.60 08/05/11 PENN, CHRISTINE 2,199.26 08/05/11 SHERRILL, CAITLIN 606.82 08/05/11 OLSON, SANDRA 84.00 08/05/11 PELOQUIN, PENNYE 620.37 08/05/11 HOFMEISTER, TIMOTHY 377.63 08/05/11 KULHANEK-DIONNE, ANN 525.63 08/05/11 AICHELE, MEGAN 265.25 08/05/11 ANDERSON, JOSHUA 562.70 08/05/11 VUE, LOR PAO 274.13 08/05/11 ZIELINSKI, JUDY 161.70 08/05/11 STARK, SUE 164.19 08/05/11 VANG, KAY 430.94 08/05/11 BRUSOE, CRISTINA 110.65 08/05/11 BUCKLEY, BRITTANY 511.30 08/05/11 BAETZOLD, SETH 183.06 08/05/11 BRUSOE, AMY 296.25 08/05/11 ANDERSON, JUSTIN 545.10 08/05/11 ANDERSON, MAXWELL 440.75 08/05/11 EKSTRAND, DANIEL 147.00 08/05/11 ERICKSON-CLARK, CAROL 24.50 08/05/11 DEMPSEY, BETH 88.38 08/05/11 DUNN, RYAN 1,089.63 08/05/11 BUTLER, ANGELA 17.00 08/05/11 CRANDALL, KRISTA 297.99 08/05/11 GRUENHAGEN, LINDA 305.05 08/05/11 HAGSTROM, EMILY 27.64 08/05/11 GIPPLE, TRISHA 407.66 08/05/11 GRAY, MEGAN 126.79 08/05/11 FLACKEY, MAUREEN 232.50 08/05/11 FONTAINE, KIM 590.57 08/05/11 HORWATH, RONALD 2,589.01 08/05/11 JOHNSON, BARBARA 64.95 08/05/11 HEINRICH, SHEILA 639.00 08/05/11 HOLMBERG, LADONNA 635.00 08/05/11 HANSEN, HANNAH 362.11 08/05/11 HASSAN, KIANA 109.20 08/05/11 KOLLER, NINA 572.47 08/05/11 KRONHOLM, KATHRYN 1,083.57 08/05/11 JOYER, JENNA 214.55 08/05/11 KOHLER, ROCHELLE 36.00 08/05/11 JOHNSON, JAMES 107.00 08/05/11 JOYER, ANTHONY 103.60 08/05/11 NADEAU, KELLY 424.88 08/05/11 NADEAU, TAYLOR 70.35 08/05/11 MCCANN, NATALIE 171.00 08/05/11 MCCORMACK, MELISSA 316.05 08/05/11 LAMEYER, ZACHARY 271.08 08/05/11 LAMSON, ELIANA 72.00 08/05/11 RICHTER, DANIEL 94.50 08/05/11 RONNING, ISAIAH 290.96 08/05/11 QUANT, JENNA 28.80 08/05/11 RESENDIZ, LORI 2,129.22 08/05/11 NORTHOUSE, KATHERINE 201.75 08/05/11 PROESCH, ANDY 767.46 08/05/11 SCHREINER, MICHELLE 210.60 08/05/11 SCHUNEMAN, GREGORY 525.85 08/05/11 SCHREIER, ROSEMARIE 185.00 08/05/11 SCHREINER, MARK 47.15 08/05/11 RONNING, ZACCEUS 118.63 08/05/11 SCHMIDT, EMILY 484.00 08/05/11 SKUNES, KELLY 506.60 08/05/11 SJERVEN, BRENDA 18.00 08/05/11 SKAAR, SAMANTHA 70.00 Packet Page Number 26 of 65 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2011\AprClms 8-05-11 and 8-12-11 9984782 9984795 9984796 9984797 9984798 9984799 9984800 9984801 9984802 9984803 9984804 9984805 9984806 08/05/11 SMITLEY, SHARON 310.80 08/05/11 TAYLOR, JASON 26.30 08/05/11 SMITH, ANN 162.40 08/05/11 WILLIAMS, KRISTINE 259.19 08/05/11 WOLFGRAM, MARY 92.80 08/05/11 TUPY, MARCUS 308.75 08/05/11 WARNER, CAROLYN 264.00 08/05/11 TREPANIER, TODD 560.00 08/05/11 TUPY, HEIDE 91.60 08/05/11 BEHAN, JAMES 1,988.19 08/05/11 COLEMAN, PATRICK 93.75 08/05/11 DANIEL, BREANNA 468.25 08/05/11 HITE, ANDREA 160.00 08/05/11 WOLFGRAM, TERESA 195.00 08/05/11 BOSLEY, CAROL 200.00 08/05/11 MALONEY, SHAUNA 135.00 08/05/11 PRINS, KELLY 1,255.62 08/05/11 JOHNSON, JUSTIN 90.00 08/05/11 LONETTI, JAMES 480.00 08/05/11 DOUGLASS, TOM 1,320.90 08/05/11 FULFORD, ZAHKIYA 246.50 08/05/11 XIONG, NAO 152.25 08/05/11 ZIELINSKI, JESSICA 299.06 08/05/11 THOMPSON, BENJAMIN 457.50 08/05/11 VANG, PETER 130.50 08/05/11 REILLY, MICHAEL 1,915.75 08/05/11 SCHULZE, KEVIN 480.00 08/05/11 FOWLDS, MYCHAL 3,669.86 08/05/11 FRANZEN, NICHOLAS 2,509.90 08/05/11 WOEHRLE, MATTHEW 2,494.85 08/05/11 BERGO, CHAD 2,651.63 08/05/11 AICHELE, CRAIG 2,197.85 08/05/11 PRIEM, STEVEN 2,390.15 08/05/11 MALLET, AMANDA 552.75 08/05/11 MUELLNER, CHADD 270.00 08/05/11 WYSE, ROBERT 72.00 08/05/11 DAMIANI, ROBERT 460.00 07/21/11 SETNES, SAMUEL 980.00 08/05/11 ANDERSON, BRIAN 144.00 08/05/11 STEFFEN, MICHAEL 87.00 520,542.17 08/05/11 WEINHAGEN, SHELBY 333.35 08/05/11 PENN, CAYLA 200.25 08/05/11 MCMAHON, MICHAEL 106.58 08/05/11 ROSTRON, ROBERT 153.60 08/05/11 VUKICH, CANDACE 210.00 08/05/11 DIONNE, DANIELLE 302.95 Packet Page Number 27 of 65 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2011\AprClms 8-05-11 and 8-12-11 Transaction Date Posting Date Merchant Name Transaction Amount Name 07/22/2011 07/25/2011 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS $625.00 R CHARLES AHL 07/19/2011 07/21/2011 LAKESHORE PLAYERS INC $90.00 MANDY ANZALDI 07/20/2011 07/22/2011 PLYMOUTH PLAYHOUSE $100.00 MANDY ANZALDI 07/14/2011 07/18/2011 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $41.30 JIM BEHAN 07/15/2011 07/18/2011 NUCO2 01 OF 01 $70.83 JIM BEHAN 07/15/2011 07/18/2011 NUCO2 01 OF 01 $76.39 JIM BEHAN 07/15/2011 07/18/2011 NUCO2 01 OF 01 $64.94 JIM BEHAN 07/15/2011 07/18/2011 NUCO2 01 OF 01 $70.24 JIM BEHAN 07/15/2011 07/18/2011 NUCO2 01 OF 01 $64.94 JIM BEHAN 07/15/2011 07/18/2011 NUCO2 01 OF 01 $69.76 JIM BEHAN 07/18/2011 07/19/2011 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $75.64 JIM BEHAN 07/18/2011 07/19/2011 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $17.17 JIM BEHAN 07/18/2011 07/19/2011 BDI*BEARING DISTRIBUTR $76.16 JIM BEHAN 07/20/2011 07/22/2011 ADAM'S PEST CONTROL INC $150.46 JIM BEHAN 07/21/2011 07/22/2011 KULLY COMPANIES $200.85 JIM BEHAN 07/22/2011 07/25/2011 POOLSIDE $23.46 JIM BEHAN 07/25/2011 07/27/2011 A.P.I. SUPPLY INC $342.69 JIM BEHAN 07/26/2011 07/27/2011 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $83.66 JIM BEHAN 07/26/2011 07/27/2011 MUSKA ELECTRIC CO.$558.25 JIM BEHAN 07/26/2011 07/27/2011 BDI*BEARING DISTRIBUTR $119.26 JIM BEHAN 07/27/2011 07/29/2011 ARM COM DISTRIBUTING CO $243.17 JIM BEHAN 07/28/2011 07/29/2011 TRI DIM FILTER CORP $531.87 JIM BEHAN 07/15/2011 07/18/2011 AMAZON.COM $198.23 CHAD BERGO 07/18/2011 07/20/2011 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $91.45 CHAD BERGO 07/20/2011 07/22/2011 STREICHER'S MO $122.98 BRIAN BIERDEMAN 07/19/2011 07/20/2011 FLAGHOUSE INC $40.66 NEIL BRENEMAN 07/25/2011 07/26/2011 CUB FOODS, INC.$108.72 NEIL BRENEMAN 07/15/2011 07/18/2011 MENARDS 3059 $12.79 TROY BRINK 07/15/2011 07/18/2011 MENARDS 3059 $28.68 TROY BRINK 07/19/2011 07/21/2011 NORTHERN TECHNOLOGIES INT $42.54 SARAH BURLINGAME 07/19/2011 07/21/2011 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $82.24 SARAH BURLINGAME 07/21/2011 07/25/2011 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 ($10.01)SARAH BURLINGAME 07/25/2011 07/27/2011 BWW 0118 $128.01 SARAH BURLINGAME 07/27/2011 07/29/2011 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $160.26 SARAH BURLINGAME 07/22/2011 07/25/2011 RUTTGERS SUGAR LAKE L $149.69 NICHOLAS CARVER 07/20/2011 07/22/2011 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $41.70 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 07/21/2011 07/22/2011 STATE SUPPLY $165.74 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 07/22/2011 07/25/2011 VIKING ELECTRIC - CREDIT $3.05 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 07/22/2011 07/25/2011 VIKING ELECTRIC - CREDIT $60.13 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 07/22/2011 07/25/2011 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $60.25 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 07/26/2011 07/28/2011 NAPA STORE 3279016 $27.83 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 07/26/2011 07/28/2011 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $28.45 SCOTT CHRISTENSON 07/27/2011 07/29/2011 NAPA STORE 3279016 ($27.83)SCOTT CHRISTENSON 07/27/2011 07/29/2011 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 ($22.02)SCOTT CHRISTENSON 07/25/2011 07/26/2011 CUB FOODS, INC.$1,858.40 KERRY CROTTY 07/20/2011 07/21/2011 KNOWLAN'S MARKET #2 $11.76 CHARLES DEAVER 07/15/2011 07/18/2011 CUB FOODS, INC.$11.88 RICHARD DOBLAR 07/26/2011 07/28/2011 ZIEBART MAPLEWOOD MN 47 $224.44 MICHAEL DUGAS 07/14/2011 07/18/2011 TRUCK UTILITIES $187.28 DOUG EDGE 07/14/2011 07/18/2011 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $12.82 DOUG EDGE 07/14/2011 07/18/2011 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $5.33 DOUG EDGE 07/26/2011 07/28/2011 GRUBERS POWER EQUIPMENT $20.93 DOUG EDGE 07/19/2011 07/20/2011 BEAR 36 AMSTAR $16.97 PAUL E EVERSON 07/15/2011 07/18/2011 NEEDELS SUPPLY INC.$3,495.61 LARRY FARR 07/17/2011 07/19/2011 OFFICE MAX $49.66 LARRY FARR 07/20/2011 07/21/2011 RSC EQUIPMENT RENTAL 322 $665.55 LARRY FARR 07/25/2011 07/26/2011 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES $1,148.22 LARRY FARR 07/25/2011 07/27/2011 THE HOME DEPOT 2810 ($9.17)LARRY FARR Packet Page Number 28 of 65 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2011\AprClms 8-05-11 and 8-12-11 07/25/2011 07/27/2011 THE HOME DEPOT 2810 $12.52 LARRY FARR 07/26/2011 07/27/2011 AV NOW, INC $134.97 LARRY FARR 07/26/2011 07/27/2011 AQUA LOGICS INC $1,456.73 LARRY FARR 07/26/2011 07/27/2011 AQUA LOGICS INC $1,079.65 LARRY FARR 07/26/2011 07/28/2011 KEEFE CO PARKING $4.00 LARRY FARR 07/15/2011 07/18/2011 PIONEER PRESS ADVERTISING $320.20 SHANN FINWALL 07/22/2011 07/25/2011 RUTTGERS SUGAR LAKE L $161.39 DAVID FISHER 07/27/2011 07/28/2011 CURTIS 1000 INC.$50.41 KAREN FORMANEK 07/19/2011 07/20/2011 LASERFICHE $100.00 MYCHAL FOWLDS 07/22/2011 07/22/2011 COMCAST CABLE COMM $54.00 MYCHAL FOWLDS 07/22/2011 07/25/2011 SAGE SPECIALTY PRODUCTS $1,458.38 MYCHAL FOWLDS 07/22/2011 07/25/2011 IMAGING PATH $4,737.53 MYCHAL FOWLDS 07/25/2011 07/26/2011 TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOLUTION $272.22 MYCHAL FOWLDS 07/25/2011 07/26/2011 TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOLUTION $361.01 MYCHAL FOWLDS 07/25/2011 07/26/2011 TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOLUTION $357.36 MYCHAL FOWLDS 07/26/2011 07/27/2011 CDW GOVERNMENT $206.05 MYCHAL FOWLDS 07/26/2011 07/27/2011 CDW GOVERNMENT $93.73 MYCHAL FOWLDS 07/15/2011 07/18/2011 IDU*PUBLIC SECTOR $339.74 NICK FRANZEN 07/25/2011 07/26/2011 B & H PHOTO-VIDEO-MO/TO $166.35 NICK FRANZEN 07/26/2011 07/27/2011 CDW GOVERNMENT $403.20 NICK FRANZEN 07/26/2011 07/28/2011 XP SOLUTIONS $105.00 NICK FRANZEN 07/26/2011 07/28/2011 BRODERBUND $37.48 NICK FRANZEN 07/28/2011 07/29/2011 HYDROCAD SOFTWARE $208.00 NICK FRANZEN 07/15/2011 07/18/2011 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC $91.98 DEREK FRITZE 07/19/2011 07/21/2011 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC $13.88 DEREK FRITZE 07/21/2011 07/22/2011 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS $42.39 DEREK FRITZE 07/21/2011 07/21/2011 AMAZON.COM $46.05 VIRGINIA GAYNOR 07/21/2011 07/22/2011 KNOWLAN'S MARKET #2 $9.58 CAROLE GERNES 07/27/2011 07/28/2011 USPS 26833800033400730 $1.28 CAROLE GERNES 07/15/2011 07/18/2011 RADIOSHACK COR00161141 $26.77 CLARENCE GERVAIS 07/19/2011 07/21/2011 SPRINT STORE #226 $32.12 CLARENCE GERVAIS 07/23/2011 07/25/2011 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $164.97 CLARENCE GERVAIS 07/14/2011 07/18/2011 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $62.96 JEAN GLASS 07/16/2011 07/18/2011 FIRST SHRED $13.00 JEAN GLASS 07/20/2011 07/22/2011 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $82.61 JEAN GLASS 07/23/2011 07/25/2011 FIRST SHRED $15.00 JEAN GLASS 07/22/2011 07/25/2011 LANDSCAPE ALTERNATIVES $16.66 JANET M GREW HAYMAN 07/14/2011 07/18/2011 GRUBERS POWER EQUIPMENT $65.81 MARK HAAG 07/14/2011 07/18/2011 GANDER MOUNTAIN $46.03 MARK HAAG 07/14/2011 07/18/2011 MILLS FLEET FARM #2,700 $9.08 MARK HAAG 07/26/2011 07/28/2011 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 ($2.15)MARK HAAG 07/26/2011 07/28/2011 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $2.15 MARK HAAG 07/26/2011 07/28/2011 THE HOME DEPOT 2801 $1.57 MARK HAAG 07/27/2011 07/28/2011 GARELICK STEEL CO $40.61 MARK HAAG 07/15/2011 07/19/2011 FORESTRY SUPPLIERS $110.13 MILES HAMRE 07/22/2011 07/25/2011 CUB FOODS, INC.$3.95 MILES HAMRE 07/15/2011 07/18/2011 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $74.02 GARY HINNENKAMP 07/22/2011 07/25/2011 SCIENCE KIT $17.23 ANN E HUTCHINSON 07/22/2011 07/25/2011 GTC UNITED WAY $140.00 MARY JACKSON 07/21/2011 07/27/2011 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC $421.18 DAVID JAHN 07/20/2011 07/22/2011 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL $14.08 DON JONES 07/18/2011 07/19/2011 THE UPS STORE 2171 $17.78 NICHOLAS KREKELER 07/18/2011 07/20/2011 OFFICE MAX $15.85 NICHOLAS KREKELER 07/19/2011 07/20/2011 FEDEX OFFICE #0617 $79.17 NICHOLAS KREKELER 07/19/2011 07/20/2011 NAT ASSO OF TOWN WATCH $257.00 NICHOLAS KREKELER 07/25/2011 07/27/2011 ORIENTAL TRADING CO $64.99 NICHOLAS KREKELER 07/27/2011 07/28/2011 WAL-MART $3.71 NICHOLAS KREKELER 07/15/2011 07/18/2011 CLASSIC COLLISION CTR $489.89 DAVID KVAM 07/19/2011 07/19/2011 COMCAST CABLE COMM $128.32 DAVID KVAM Packet Page Number 29 of 65 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2011\AprClms 8-05-11 and 8-12-11 07/19/2011 07/21/2011 SHRED IT $49.00 DAVID KVAM 07/20/2011 07/21/2011 BOEHM'S CYCLING, FITNE $15.99 DAVID KVAM 07/20/2011 07/22/2011 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC $240.42 DAVID KVAM 07/20/2011 07/22/2011 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC $10.69 DAVID KVAM 07/25/2011 07/26/2011 THE GRAFIX SHOPPE $69.47 DAVID KVAM 07/25/2011 07/27/2011 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC $31.00 DAVID KVAM 07/25/2011 07/27/2011 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC $32.00 DAVID KVAM 07/27/2011 07/28/2011 DRI*VMWARE $202.47 DAVID KVAM 07/27/2011 07/29/2011 STREICHER'S MO $200.00 DAVID KVAM 07/14/2011 07/18/2011 ASPEN MILLS INC.$1,023.11 STEVE LUKIN 07/18/2011 07/19/2011 EVEREST EMERGENCY VEHICL $340.31 STEVE LUKIN 07/19/2011 07/20/2011 METRO FIRE $268.83 STEVE LUKIN 07/20/2011 07/22/2011 ASPEN MILLS INC.$54.63 STEVE LUKIN 07/20/2011 07/22/2011 ASPEN MILLS INC.$485.60 STEVE LUKIN 07/20/2011 07/22/2011 ASPEN MILLS INC.$109.95 STEVE LUKIN 07/21/2011 07/22/2011 ATTM*878423931 NBI $115.84 STEVE LUKIN 07/21/2011 07/22/2011 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINT $2,991.98 STEVE LUKIN 07/21/2011 07/22/2011 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINT $2,931.57 STEVE LUKIN 07/21/2011 07/22/2011 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINT $2,758.55 STEVE LUKIN 07/21/2011 07/22/2011 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINT $2,140.84 STEVE LUKIN 07/25/2011 07/26/2011 EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE $66.00 STEVE LUKIN 07/19/2011 07/21/2011 LTG POWER EQUIPMENT $117.08 MARK MARUSKA 07/20/2011 07/21/2011 HUGO'S TREE CARE $916.99 MARK MARUSKA 07/20/2011 07/21/2011 HUGO'S TREE CARE $2,297.81 MARK MARUSKA 07/26/2011 07/27/2011 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES530 $612.66 MARK MARUSKA 07/27/2011 07/28/2011 HIRSHFIELDS ST PAUL CSC $2,311.33 MARK MARUSKA 07/28/2011 07/29/2011 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $7.48 BRENT MEISSNER 07/22/2011 07/25/2011 THE SALVATION ARMY 11 $28.95 ALESIA METRY 07/15/2011 07/18/2011 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $21.24 MICHAEL MONDOR 07/20/2011 07/21/2011 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $48.30 MICHAEL MONDOR 07/24/2011 07/25/2011 FEDEX 468839915033304 $20.42 MICHAEL MONDOR 07/27/2011 07/28/2011 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $67.80 MICHAEL MONDOR 07/27/2011 07/29/2011 PAPER PLUS-ROS00108803 $187.17 SHELLY NEPHEW 07/27/2011 07/29/2011 PAPER PLUS-ROS00108803 $467.92 SHELLY NEPHEW 07/27/2011 07/29/2011 PAPER PLUS-ROS00108803 $561.51 SHELLY NEPHEW 07/27/2011 07/29/2011 PAPER PLUS-ROS00108803 $897.53 SHELLY NEPHEW 07/21/2011 07/22/2011 G&K SERVICES 182 $1,314.07 AMY NIVEN 07/21/2011 07/22/2011 G&K SERVICES 182 $405.50 AMY NIVEN 07/21/2011 07/22/2011 G&K SERVICES 182 $318.40 AMY NIVEN 07/17/2011 07/18/2011 RADIOSHACK COR00161455 $36.93 MICHAEL NYE 07/19/2011 07/20/2011 WWW.NEWEGG.COM $63.85 MICHAEL NYE 07/20/2011 07/21/2011 RADIOSHACK COR00161455 $31.43 MICHAEL NYE 07/25/2011 07/26/2011 RADIOSHACK COR00161265 $14.22 MICHAEL NYE 07/27/2011 07/29/2011 SUPERCIRCUITS INC $51.38 MICHAEL NYE 07/26/2011 07/28/2011 OAKDALE RENTAL CENTER $207.82 ERICK OSWALD 07/20/2011 07/22/2011 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $88.70 MARY KAY PALANK 07/21/2011 07/25/2011 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $66.51 MARY KAY PALANK 07/21/2011 07/22/2011 CUB FOODS, INC.$29.55 CHRISTINE PENN 07/26/2011 07/28/2011 JOANN ETC #1970 $36.35 CHRISTINE PENN 07/27/2011 07/28/2011 IKEA BLOOMINGTON $33.99 CHRISTINE PENN 07/21/2011 07/22/2011 HENRIKSEN ACE HARDWARE $5.33 ROBERT PETERSON 07/21/2011 07/22/2011 EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE $12.15 ROBERT PETERSON 07/17/2011 07/18/2011 FEDEX 875831921184 $37.84 PHILIP F POWELL 07/21/2011 07/22/2011 BEST BUY UNIFORMS $63.94 PHILIP F POWELL 07/22/2011 07/25/2011 HOMEDEPOT.COM $289.24 PHILIP F POWELL 07/22/2011 07/25/2011 SYX*TIGERDIRECT.COM $84.92 PHILIP F POWELL 07/14/2011 07/18/2011 TOUSLEY FORD I27228006 $154.85 STEVEN PRIEM 07/14/2011 07/18/2011 BARNETT CHRYJEEPKIA $90.84 STEVEN PRIEM 07/15/2011 07/19/2011 EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE $11.97 STEVEN PRIEM Packet Page Number 30 of 65 S:\FINANCE\APPROVAL OF CLAIMS\2011\AprClms 8-05-11 and 8-12-11 07/18/2011 07/21/2011 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL $156.79 STEVEN PRIEM 07/19/2011 07/20/2011 BOYER TRUCK PARTS $269.45 STEVEN PRIEM 07/19/2011 07/20/2011 ZIEGLER INC - RETAIL $19.06 STEVEN PRIEM 07/19/2011 07/21/2011 GOODYEAR AUTO SRV CT 6920 $216.26 STEVEN PRIEM 07/20/2011 07/21/2011 PERFORMANCE TRANSMI $125.70 STEVEN PRIEM 07/20/2011 07/22/2011 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL ($45.15)STEVEN PRIEM 07/20/2011 07/22/2011 TOUSLEY FORD I27228006 $57.53 STEVEN PRIEM 07/20/2011 07/22/2011 CARPENTERS SMALL ENGINE $38.56 STEVEN PRIEM 07/20/2011 07/22/2011 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL $122.00 STEVEN PRIEM 07/20/2011 07/22/2011 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL $60.31 STEVEN PRIEM 07/21/2011 07/22/2011 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL ($25.00)STEVEN PRIEM 07/21/2011 07/22/2011 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL $231.03 STEVEN PRIEM 07/21/2011 07/22/2011 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL $9.36 STEVEN PRIEM 07/21/2011 07/22/2011 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL $10.27 STEVEN PRIEM 07/21/2011 07/22/2011 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL $25.00 STEVEN PRIEM 07/21/2011 07/22/2011 ZIEGLER INC COLUMBUS $19.06 STEVEN PRIEM 07/21/2011 07/25/2011 TOUSLEY FORD I27228006 $156.28 STEVEN PRIEM 07/21/2011 07/26/2011 ZIEGLER INC COLUMBUS ($19.06)STEVEN PRIEM 07/22/2011 07/25/2011 TOUSLEY FORD I27228006 $52.80 STEVEN PRIEM 07/22/2011 07/25/2011 BAUER BUILT TIRE 18 $869.64 STEVEN PRIEM 07/25/2011 07/27/2011 GOODYEAR AUTO SRV CT 6920 $80.05 STEVEN PRIEM 07/26/2011 07/27/2011 FACTORY MTR PTS #1 $432.84 STEVEN PRIEM 07/26/2011 07/27/2011 EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE $15.71 STEVEN PRIEM 07/26/2011 07/27/2011 ZIEGLER INC CREDIT DEPT $865.05 STEVEN PRIEM 07/26/2011 07/27/2011 BAUER BUILT TIRE 18 $239.64 STEVEN PRIEM 07/26/2011 07/28/2011 TOUSLEY FORD I27228006 $59.99 STEVEN PRIEM 07/26/2011 07/28/2011 TOUSLEY FORD I27228006 $77.95 STEVEN PRIEM 07/26/2011 07/28/2011 TRI-STATE BOBCAT INC.$56.61 STEVEN PRIEM 07/28/2011 07/29/2011 AUTO PLUS NO ST PAUL $172.24 STEVEN PRIEM 07/28/2011 07/29/2011 BDI*BEARING DISTRIBUTR $13.67 STEVEN PRIEM 07/28/2011 07/29/2011 POLAR CHEVROLET MAZDA PAR $56.01 STEVEN PRIEM 07/22/2011 07/25/2011 HILLYARD INC MINNEAPOLIS $1,377.24 MICHAEL REILLY 07/15/2011 07/18/2011 JOANN ETC #1970 $18.09 AUDRA ROBBINS 07/15/2011 07/18/2011 MICHAELS #2744 $49.22 AUDRA ROBBINS 07/20/2011 07/21/2011 WILD MOUNTAIN $710.99 AUDRA ROBBINS 07/21/2011 07/25/2011 WAL-MART $6.36 AUDRA ROBBINS 07/22/2011 07/25/2011 WONDER HOSTESS # 50080 $9.69 AUDRA ROBBINS 07/27/2011 07/28/2011 GRAND SLAM SPORTS $487.50 AUDRA ROBBINS 07/28/2011 07/29/2011 CITY OF EAGAN $225.00 AUDRA ROBBINS 07/27/2011 07/28/2011 UNITED RENTALS $34.87 ROBERT RUNNING 07/27/2011 07/29/2011 OAKDALE RENTAL CENTER $175.69 ROBERT RUNNING 07/28/2011 07/29/2011 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES530 $101.77 ROBERT RUNNING 07/18/2011 07/19/2011 LILLIE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPE $187.00 DEB SCHMIDT 07/18/2011 07/19/2011 LILLIE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPE $170.38 DEB SCHMIDT 07/18/2011 07/20/2011 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $55.45 DEB SCHMIDT 07/20/2011 07/22/2011 OFFICE DEPOT #1090 $63.56 DEB SCHMIDT 07/28/2011 07/29/2011 BANK SUPPLIES, INC.$37.12 DEB SCHMIDT 07/20/2011 07/21/2011 FLEXIBLE PIPE TOOL CO $923.99 SCOTT SCHULTZ 07/26/2011 07/28/2011 USA MOBILITY WIRELE $26.76 SCOTT SCHULTZ 07/22/2011 07/25/2011 MICHAELS #2744 $25.67 JAMES TAYLOR 07/22/2011 07/25/2011 USPS 26833800033400730 $21.12 KAREN WACHAL 07/25/2011 07/26/2011 AE SIGN SYSTEMS $69.52 SUSAN ZWIEG 07/27/2011 07/28/2011 MEDICBATTERIES COM $131.28 SUSAN ZWIEG $63,108.97 Packet Page Number 31 of 65 Agenda Item G2 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: DuWayne Konewko, Community Development and Parks Director SUBJ: Adopt a Resolution Authorizing Submission of a Request for State Bonding Funds for the Purchase of the Fish Creek Property. DATE: August 8, 2011 INTRODUCTION One of our funding sources for the purchase of the Fish Creek Property is state bonding funds. A requirement needed for the application is a resolution authorizing the request for state bonding funds. Staff will be requesting $600,000 to help offset the purchase of this property. Moving forward, staff will be asking for assistance from our legislators for their support in obtaining state bonding funds. RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending that the City Council approve the attached Resolution #1 “Authorizing Submission of Request for State Bonding Funds for the Purchase of Fish Creek property”. Attachment: 1. Resolution #1 – Authorizing Submission of Request for State Bonding funds for the Purchase of Fish Creek Property. Packet Page Number 32 of 65 Agenda Item G2 Attachment 1 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD RESOLUTION #1 AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF REQUEST FOR STATE BONDING FUNDS FOR THE FISH CREEK ACQUISITION PROJECT WHERAS, the Minnesota State Legislature is accepting allocation for Capital Bonding Requests, for the 2012 Legislative Session; and WHEREAS, the City of Maplewood has deemed the purchase of Fish Creek property a high priority project; and WHEREAS, the City of Maplewood is in need of Capital Bond funding to provide gap financing to supplement local and other funding for the purchase of Fish Creek Property; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Maplewood City Council authorizes the submission of a request to the Minnesota State Legislature for 2012 bonding funds for the purchase of Fish Creek Property for $600,000. Date Adopted: August 22, 2011 Maplewood City Council __________________________ Will Rossbach, Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________________ Karen Guilfoile, City Clerk Packet Page Number 33 of 65 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Michael Thompson, City Engineer / Dep. Public Works Director Steven Love, Assistant City Engineer Jon Jarosch, Civil Engineer 1 SUBJECT: Approval of Resolution Directing Modification of Existing Construction Contract, Change Order No. 2, Western Hills Area Street Improvements, Project 10-14, DATE: August 12, 2011 INTRODUCTION The city council will consider approving the attached resolution directing the modification of the existing construction contract for the Western Hills Area Street Improvements, City Project 10-14. These modifications result in a decrease to the overall construction contract. BACKGROUND On May 9, 2011, the council awarded T.A. Schifsky and Sons, Inc. a construction contract for utility and roadway improvements in the amount of $ 5,406,359.31. This contract included a base bid and 8 bid alternates. The utility improvements include the construction of an underground storm water detention system under Fenton Street to help regulate runoff flow rates discharging onto Saint Paul Regional Water Service property. On July 11, 2011 the council directed the modification of the existing construction contract to include Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $29,307.90. This change order revised the construction contract to $5,435,667.21 DISCUSSION The design for the Western Hills Area Street Improvement project included the installation of seven (7) Storm Water Quality Structures to reduce the amount of sediment and debris reaching neighborhood area ponds and wetlands in lieu of the standard sump structures installed on past projects. After receiving shop drawings for these structures it was discovered that two of these Water Quality Structures would each require an additional manhole to function properly, as well as the structure itself being extremely large. Due to the space constraints caused by other utilities and boulevard objects, it was decided that it would be best to utilize a different method to remove the sediment and debris from the storm water. After discussions with Capitol Regions Watershed District it was decided that standard sump manholes, with a baffle to reduce turbulence, would accomplish that goal in lieu of the two Water Quality Structures. This Change Order includes the addition of 2-60” sump manholes and 2 SAFL Baffles. It also includes the removal of 2 Storm Water Quality Structures from the contract. Agenda Item G3 Packet Page Number 34 of 65 The costs are summarized as follows: 2-60” Sump Manholes $4,161.20 2-SAFL Baffles $10,626.00 Remove 2-Water Quality Structures ($69,422.00) Net Project Cost Decrease ($54,634.80) BUDGET Approval of Change Order No. 2 will decrease the project construction contract amount by $54,634.80 from $5,435,667.21 to $5,381,032.41. No adjustments to the approved budget are needed at this time. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the council approve the attached Resolution Directing Modification of Existing Construction Contract, Change Order No. 2, for the Western Hills Area Street Improvements, City Project 10-14. Attachments: 1. Resolution Directing Modification of Existing Construction Contract, Change Order No. 1 2. Change Order Form 3. Location Map Agenda Item G3 Packet Page Number 35 of 65 RESOLUTION DIRECTING MODIFICATION OF EXISTING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT PROJECT 10-14, CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 WHEREAS, the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota has heretofore ordered made Improvements Project 10-14, Western Hills Area Street Improvements, and has let a construction contract pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, and WHEREAS, it is now necessary and expedient that said contract be modified and designated as Improvement Project 10-14, Change Order No. 2. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA, that: 1. The mayor and city clerk are hereby authorized and directed to modify the existing contract by executing said Change Order No. 2 which is a decrease of $54,634.80. The revised contract amount is $5,381,032.41 Adopted by the Maplewood City Council on this 22nd day of August 2011. Agenda Item G3 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 36 of 65 CHANGE ORDER #2 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA Project Name: Western Hills Street Improvements Change Order No.: #2 Project No.: 10-14 Date: 8/15/2011 Contractor: T.A. Schifsky and Sons, Inc. The following changes shall be made to the contract documents: Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total Base Bid: 1. 60-Inch Manhole EACH 2 $2080.60 $4,161.20 2. SAFL Baffle EACH 2 $5,313.00 $10,626.00 3. Storm Water Quality Structure EACH (2) $34,711.00 ($69,422.00) TOTAL: ($54,634.80) Purpose of Change Order: Amend Contract to account for the following:  Includes the replacement of 2 Storm Water Quality Structures with 60-inch diameter sump manholes fitted with SAFL Baffles. Basis of Cost: Actual Estimated Original Contract: $ 5,406,359.31 Previous Change Orders: $29,307.90 Change This Change Order: ($54,634.80) Revised Contract: $5,381,032.41 Approved Mayor Recommended Engineer Agreed to by Contractor by Its Title Agenda Item G3 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 37 of 65 Agenda Item G3 Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 38 of 65 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Michael Thompson, City Engineer / Dep. Public Works Director Steven Love, Assistant City Engineer Steve Kummer, Civil Engineer II SUBJECT: Approval of Resolution Directing Modification of Existing Construction Contract, Change Order No. 3, Hills and Dales Area Street Improvements, Project 09-15 DATE: August 11, 2011 INTRODUCTION The city council will consider approving the attached resolution directing the modification of the existing construction contract for the Hills and Dales Area Street Improvements, City Project 09-15. The modifications to the contract include additional storm sewer. These modifications result in an increase to the overall construction contract. BACKGROUND On May 10, 2010, the council awarded T.A. Schifsky and Sons, Inc. a construction contract for utility and roadway improvements in the amount of $ 5,371,115.06 along with Bid Alternate #1 Duluth Street alternate design, Bid Alternate #2 sanitary sewer main lining (outside of project area) and Bid Alternate # 4 County Road B infiltration area. There have been two change orders to the contract to date. Change Order No. 1, a decrease in the overall contract of $29,923.02, was approved on June 14, 2010. Change Order No. 2, an increase in the overall contract of $48,637.45 was approved on October 25, 2010. As a result, the overall contract amount was revised to $5,389,829.49. DISCUSSION The main area of additional storm sewer work is associated with the drainage along Furness Street (reconstructed as part of Area 2 of the overall project). An existing 18-inch trunk storm sewer near the parking lot of the Greengate Apartments (1829 Furness Street) which takes runoff from Furness Street has heaved, and is in need of repair along with the two drainage structures on both ends of the pipe. The proposed work consists of replacing the pipe, the two structures, and restoring bituminous surface. Additional areas of storm sewer work consist of the modifications to the large infiltration basin west of Day Road and several large residential rain gardens. The modifications to the Day Road basin included installation of a rock trench to better facilitate drainage along with additional trail mulching work requested by Ramsey County Parks to facilitate pedestrian access to the area. The large residential rain gardens modifications include plant material changes/additions and basin shaping. Agenda Item G4 Packet Page Number 39 of 65 The additional costs are summarized as follows: 18” Storm Sewer Work and Restoration $23,057.01 Residential Rain Garden Modifications $4,940.00 Rock Trench in Day Road Pond $4,348.96 Reshaping Mulch Trail (requested by County) $2,060.00 Net Contract Increase $34,405.97 Original Contract Amount $5,371,115.06 Change Order No. 1 (approved 6/14/10) ($29,923.02) Change Order No. 2 (approved 10/25/10) $48,637.45 Proposed Net Change Order No. 3 $34,405.97 Revised Contract Amount Proposed $5,424,235.46 BUDGET Approval of Change Order No. 3 will increase the project construction contract amount by $34,405.97 from $5,389,829.49 to $5,424,235.46. No adjustments to the approved budget are needed. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the council approve the attached Resolution Directing Modification of Existing Construction Contract, Change Order No. 3, for the Hills and Dales Area Street Improvements, City Project 09-15. Attachments: 1. Resolution Directing Modification of Existing Construction Contract, Change Order No. 3 2. Change Order Form 3. Location Map Agenda Item G4 Packet Page Number 40 of 65 RESOLUTION DIRECTING MODIFICATION OF EXISTING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT PROJECT 09-15, CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 WHEREAS, the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota has heretofore ordered made Improvements Project 09-15, Hills and Dales Area Street Improvements, and has let a construction contract pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, and WHEREAS, it is now necessary and expedient that said contract be modified and designated as Improvement Project 09-15, Change Order No. 3. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA, that: 1. The mayor and city clerk are hereby authorized and directed to modify the existing contract by executing said Change Order No. 3 which is an increase of $34,405.97. The revised contract amount is $5,424,235.46 Adopted by the Maplewood City Council on this 22nd day of August 2011. Agenda Item G4 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 41 of 65 Project Name: Hills and Dales Area Street Improvements Project No: 09-15 Contractor: T.A. Schfsky and Sons, Inc. Change Order No.: 3 Date:8/22/2011 The following revisions shall be made to the contract documents: Unit Quantity Price Total 1 LS 1 4,348.96$ 4,348.96$ 2 LS 1 4,940.00$ 4,940.00$ 3 LS 1 2,060.00$ 2,060.00$ 4 LS 1 23,057.01$ 23,057.01$ TOTAL NET CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 3 34,405.97$ CONTRACT STATUS Original Contract Net Change of Prior Changes Change this Change Order Revised Contract: - Greengate apartments storm sewer work (WOR #20) - Residential Rain Garden Modifications (WOR#18). - Day Road Pond Work (WOR #16). - Reshaping and Mulching of Golf Course Trails (WOR #19). CHANGE ORDER CITY OF MAPLEWOOD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 5,371,115.06$ 18,714.43$ ADDITIONS WORK ORDER REQUEST #20 Description WORK ORDER REQUEST #16 WORK ORDER REQUEST #18 WORK ORDER REQUEST #19 34,405.97$ 5,424,235.46$ City of Maplewood Department of Public Works Change Order No. 2 T.A. Schifsky and Sons Page 1 of 2 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Agenda Item G4 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 42 of 65 CHANGE ORDER CITY OF MAPLEWOOD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS City of Maplewood Public Works Dept. Steven L. Kummer, P.E. -- Reg No. 44296 Agreed to by: T.A. Schifsky and Sons, Inc. Print Name: Approved by: City of Maplewood Mayor Will Rossbach Michael W. Thompson, P.E. -- City Engineer Recommended by: City of Maplewood Department of Public Works Change Order No. 2 T.A. Schifsky and Sons Page 2 of 2 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Agenda Item G4 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 43 of 65 Agenda Item G4 Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 44 of 65 Agenda Item G4 Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 45 of 65 Agenda Item G5 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Karen Guilfoile, City Clerk DATE: August 16, 2011 RE: Approval of St Jerome Temporary Gambling Resolution and Fee Waiver Introduction Margaret Ahles representing Church of St. Jerome’s has submitted applications for a tent permit, temporary on-sale intoxicating liquor permit, temporary food permits and is requesting that the fees of $366 be waived. This is St. Jerome’s annual fall festival, all school reunion and booya that will be held on the school and church grounds located at 380 E. Roselawn Avenue. The all school reunion will be held on September 18 2011 from 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. and the booya will be September 18 from 7:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. They have also submitted an application for a temporary gambling permit for the fall festival on September 18, 2011 from 10:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. In order for the State of Minnesota to issue a temporary gambling permit, approval of the following resolution from the City is required: RESOLUTION BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota, that the temporary gambling permit for lawful gambling is approved for the Church of St. Jerome’s, 380 E. Roselawn Avenue, to be used on September 18, 2011. FURTHERMORE, that the Maplewood City Council waives any objection to the timeliness of application for said permit as governed by Minnesota Statute §349.213. FURTHERMORE, that the Maplewood City Council requests that the Gambling Control Division of the Minnesota Department of Gaming approve said permit application as being in compliance with Minnesota Statute §349.213. NOW, THEREFORE, be it further resolved that this Resolution by the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota, be forwarded to the Gambling Control Division for their approval. As required, a certificate of coverage for liquor liability insurance from Catholic Mutual with an endorsement protecting the City was required and received. Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council approve the above resolution for a temporary gambling permit and waive required fees. Packet Page Number 46 of 65 Agenda Item G6 AGENDA REPORT TO: Jim Antonen, City Manager FROM: Karen Guilfoile, Citizen Services Director DATE: August 17, 2011 SUBJECT: Church of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Temporary Gambling Permit Resolution Introduction An application has been submitted for temporary gambling by Stephen Blessing on behalf of the Church of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 1725 Kennard Street. This is for their Mini- Cad Dinner. The event will be held on October 3, 2011 from 6:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. at Gulden’s 61 Restaurant & Bar, 2999 North Highway 61, and Maplewood, MN 55109. Funds raised will be used to support Presentation Men’s Club. In order for the State of Minnesota to issue a temporary license, approval of the following resolution from the City is required: RESOLUTION BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota, that the temporary premises permit for lawful gambling on October 3, 2011 is approved for the Church of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (BVM), 1725 Kennard Street, Maplewood. FURTHERMORE, that the Maplewood City Council waives any objection to the timeliness of application for said permit as governed by Minnesota Statute §349.213. FURTHERMORE, that the Maplewood City Council requests that the Gambling Control Division of the Minnesota Department of Gaming approve said permit application as being in compliance with Minnesota Statute §349.213. NOW, THEREFORE, be it further resolved that this Resolution by the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota, be forwarded to the Gambling Control Division for their approval. Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council approve the above resolution for a temporary gambling for the Church of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Packet Page Number 47 of 65 THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Packet Page Number 48 of 65 AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: R. Charles Ahl, Assistant City Manager Michael Thompson, City Engineer/ Dep. Public Works Director SUBJECT: Gladstone Area Redevelopment Improvements, Project 04-21 a. Assessment Hearing, 7:00 p.m. b. Approve Resolution for Adoption of Assessment Roll DATE: August 17, 2011 INTRODUCTION The land owner (Rand Corporation) and developer (Maplewood Senior Living, LLC) of the only parcel that is proposed for assessment on the project were mailed a notice of the exact amount of the assessment in May 2011, as well as notice that they must submit a written objection either at, or prior to, the hearing if they disagree with the assessment amount. This is a developer driven project with only the developer property being assessed. An objection was filed by the current landowner (Rand Corporation) at the hearing on July 25, 2011 because the developer (Maplewood Senior Living, LLC) has not completed the final closing on the project. It is a violation of the development agreement for the developer to object to the assessment, but because the closing is not complete the City cannot pursue a legal remedy on the development agreement until the final closing, at which point, Rand Corp’s objection will not be valid. We have received a $400,000 letter of credit from the developer (Maplewood Senior Living, LLC); but the City goal would still be to sustain the assessment against the parcel. A closing to transfer the property from Rand Corporation to Maplewood Senior Living, LLC is pending as all issues appear to be resolved. The final closing is anticipated prior to September 1st. The property owner and developer representatives were present at the Assessment Hearing on July 25, 2011 to provide an update on their progress and continued intent to develop the property. Because the land has not transferred due to the final details of financing and platting, they are requesting additional time to complete their transaction, at which time they would waive their right to object to the assessment amount. Final plans and specifications for the above referenced project were approved and advertisement for bids was authorized at the April 25, 2011 council meeting. The bid opening was held at 10:00 am on June 3, 2011 and a construction contract was awarded on June 27, 2011 to Lunda Construction Company in the amount of $3,529,950.25. The council accepted the assessment roll and ordered the assessment hearing for the project at the April 25, 2011 meeting. The assessment hearing was originally scheduled for May 23, 2011; was continued until June 27, 2011 and again continued to July 11, 2011, and again to July 25, 2011 due to delays in closing on the property. An assessment notice was sent to both the land owner (Rand Corporation) and developer (Maplewood Senior Living, LLC) of the only parcel that is proposed for assessment. The public improvements (installation of the public road and utilities) began the week of July 4, 2011 and the developer has signed all necessary developer agreements. The issue of formalizing the assessment amount, the TIF agreement and the payment of various costs as part of the project remain stalled until the land is transferred. That process has taken an extensive amount of extra time due partially to the complexity of the previous developer issues. The developer has engaged architects and engineers and is prepared and anxious [as is the City] for this project to begin; however the final approvals continue to languish in various agency and financing groups. We continue to anticipate that closing and thus the project start date are within weeks. Agenda Item H1 Packet Page Number 49 of 65 BUDGET IMPACT The assessment amount is not directly dependent on the actual amount of the bid, but rather on a pre- determined assessment amount as outlined in the developer agreement. The method of assessment is the same as was outlined in the feasibility study. The proposed assessment amount of $2,200,000 remains consistent with the original financing plan, approved in March 28, 2011. The developer property will be fully assessed the amount of $2,200,000.00 over a 20 calendar year period at a 5.0% interest rate. Therefore there is no impact on the original financing plan. The proposed assessment will be for costs relating to the street and utility improvements. The actual levy of the assessment amount does not need to be finalized for a couple more months, so further delay is not a problem. Within the assessment is a payment to the developer of $1,000,000 which will not occur until the closing; as well as various site improvements and savanna improvements which have not begun. Additionally, the developer has deposited a non-refundable $400,000 letter of credit with the City, so the risk for City costs is minimal, if not zero. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the city council again agree to delay the approval of the attached Resolution for the Adoption of the Assessment Roll for Gladstone Area Redevelopment Improvements, Project 04-21. The staff recommends that the City Council again open the Assessment Hearing and then immediately move to continue the hearing for any additional testimony [we would recommend that the Council not close the hearing but continue the hearing] until Monday, September 12, 2011 at 7:00 pm at which point any additional parties could testify and the landowner’s objection would be considered at that hearing. This process would assure that the landowner understands that the Council intends to levy the assessment at that time. Attachments: 1. Resolution: Adoption of the Assessment Roll 2. Assessment Roll 3. Location Map Agenda Item H1 Packet Page Number 50 of 65 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution adopted by the City Council on April 25, 2011, calling for a Public Hearing on May 23, 2011, the assessment roll for the Gladstone Area Redevelopment Improvements, City Project 04-21, was presented in a Public Hearing format, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, and WHEREAS, the City Council opened and continued said Public Hearing from May 23, 2011 to June 27, 2011, and WHEREAS, the City Council opened and continued said Public Hearing from June 27, 2011 to July 11, 2011, and WHEREAS, the City Council opened and continued said Public Hearing from July 11, 2011 to July 25, 2011, and WHEREAS, no property owners have filed objections to their assessments according to the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named herein, and each tract of land therein is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. The assessment roll for the Gladstone Area Redevelopment Improvements, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby adopted. Said assessment roll shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 3. Such assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of 20 years, the first installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January 2012 and shall bear interest at the rate of 5.0 percent per annum for the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31, 2011. To each subsequent installment when due shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. 4. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, but no later than November 15, 2011, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of the payment, to the city clerk, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution; and they may, at any time after November 15, 2011, pay to the county auditor the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the next succeeding year. 5. The City Engineer and City Clerk shall forthwith after November 15, 2011, but no later than Agenda Item H1 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 51 of 65 November 16, 2011, transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment to the county auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the county. Such assessments shall be collected and paid over the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the Council on this 25th day of July 2011. Agenda Item H1 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 52 of 65 Gladstone Area Redevelopment City Project 04‐21 Final Assessment Roll Parcel ID Street Number Street City ZIP Deeded Acres TOTAL ASSESSMENT 162922310025 940 FROST AVE E MAPLEWOOD 55109-4258 6 2,200,000.00$ Agenda Item H1 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 53 of 65 Agenda Item H1 Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 54 of 65 Agenda Item I.1 MEMORANDUM TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Shann Finwall, AICP, Environmental Planner SUBJECT: Organized Trash Collection System Analysis – Update on Trash Collection Proposals and Approval of Budget for Next Phase of Analysis DATE: August 16, 2011 for the August 22 City Council Meeting INTRODUCTION Minnesota Statutes, Section 115A.94 (Organized Collection) sets forth the process by which a city may organize trash collection. The process requires a city to adopt a resolution of intent to organize. Once adopted, the city is required to undertake planning to develop, or supervise the development of plans for an organized collection system. The minimum timeframe for the planning process is 90 days. The City of Maplewood adopted a resolution of intent to organize trash collection on March 28, 2011. Over the last four months the City has developed plans for a collection system which involved the drafting and release of a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Residential Trash Collection. Proposals are due by August 19, 2011, at 4 p.m., which will represent the end of the required planning process. After the planning process, the statute requires a city undertake negotiations to discuss collection arrangements with all licensed trash collectors who have expressed interest in participating. The minimum timeframe for the negotiation process is 90 days. The City is now entering the required negotiation period which represents the next phase of the trash collection system analysis. BACKGROUND On March, 28, 2011, the City Council adopted a Resolution of Intent to Organize Trash Collection. The adoption of this resolution is required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 115A.94, Subdivision 4 to begin the planning process for organized trash collection. April 25, 2011: The City Council authorized a scope of work and budget for the planning phase of the trash collection system analysis process. DISCUSSION Scope of Work Staff is proposing a scope of work for the next phase of the trash collection system analysis to include the review of the proposals received for Residential Trash Collection. The Trash Hauling Working Group and the City’s solid waste management consultant, Dan Krivit with Foth Infrastructure and Environment, will participate in up to two closed meetings to evaluate and score proposals. Summaries of the proposals and recommendations from the Trash Hauling Packet Page Number 55 of 65 2 Working Group will then be presented to the City Council, which is tentatively scheduled for September 26, 2011. Prior to review of the proposals, the City Council will receive a report from the Trash Hauling Working Group on improvements that could be made to the current open system of trash collection. This report will be presented during a City Council workshop on August 29, 2011. After completion of the planning and negotiation periods, the statute requires that a city adopt findings for a collection method that achieves the trash collection goals of the city. The City of Maplewood’s negotiation period begins after August 19, 2011. After which time the City Council will adopt findings and determine which system best meets the City’s trash collection goals. Both the contracted and improved open system of trash collection will be analyzed in a final report from the Trash Hauling Working Group to the City Council in late November. Budget The original budget for the planning phase of the trash collection system analysis was not to exceed $40,000. City Staff, the consultant, and the Trash Hauling Working group spent a considerable amount of time and effort participating in public meetings to draft the RFP for Residential Trash Collection. A majority of the budget was used for this purpose. To ensure the City has the expert technical assistance needed for the next phase of the analysis, staff is recommending the City Council authorize an additional $20,000 for the project. Funding for this work will come from the City’s recycling fund and is consistent with the City’s goal of reducing solid waste and increasing recycling. To help supplement these efforts, staff is also submitting a request to Ramsey County for assistance through their Public Entities Recycling/Solid Waste Technical Assistance Program. If approved by the County, the proposed County technical assistance could help with program implementation, including planning for integration of recycling improvements into the overall solid waste system. RECOMMENDATIONS Adopt the resolution approving a budget for consultant assistance for the next phase in the trash collection system analysis (Attachment 1). Attachment: 1. Resolution Approving a Budget for Consultant Assistance Packet Page Number 56 of 65 Attachment 1 RESOLUTION NO. ____ CITY OF MAPLEWOOD COUNTY OF RAMSEY STATE OF MINNESOTA Resolution Approving a Budget for Consultant Assistance WHEREAS, Maplewood City Council adopted a Resolution of Intent to Organize Trash Collection on March 28, 2011. WHEREAS, the adoption of a Resolution of Intent to Organize Trash Collection by the Maplewood City Council was the beginning of a planning process to initiate public participation and evaluate all trash collection system options, including evaluating the city’s current open trash collection system for potential improvements. WHEREAS, Maplewood City Council authorized a general consultant contract with Foth Infrastructure & Environment, LLC, for technical assistance with the Trash Collection System Analysis on April 25, 2011. WHEREAS, after August 19, 2011, Maplewood will begin the required negotiation process, which represents the next phase of the Trash Collection System Analysis. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Maplewood City Council hereby approves a budget for consultant assistance from Foth Infrastructure & Environment, LLC for the next phase of the Trash Collection System Analysis. The budget is not to exceed $20,000, to be funded by the City’s Recycling Fund. Adopted this 22nd day of August, 2011. Signed: Attest: __________________________________ __________________________________ Mayor City Clerk Packet Page Number 57 of 65 THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Packet Page Number 58 of 65 Agenda Item J1 MEMORANDUM TO: Jim Antonen, City Manager FROM: Karen Guilfoile, Manager Citizen Services DATE: August 11, 2011 RE: Approval of Resolution Canvassing the Results of the Recount for the August 9, 2011 Municipal Primary Election Backgound The Municipal Primary Election was held on August 9, 2011. There were five candidates on the ballot with the top four vote getters moving on to the General Election that will be held in November. There were seven votes separating candidate Rebecca Cave who had 470 votes and candidate Elizabeth Sletten who had 463 votes. Ms. Sletten requested a recount of the election which was conducted on August 17, 2011 in council chambers. After the recount, and as the top vote getters at the August 9, 2011, Municipal Primary Election, Robert Cardinal, Rebecca Cave, Marvin Koppen and John Nephew will move on to the General Election ballot. It is requested that the city council acting as the canvassing board approve the following resolution: RESOLUTION CANVASS OF ELECTION RESOLVED, that the City Council of Maplewood, Ramsey County, Minnesota, acting as a canvassing board on August 22, 2011, hereby declares the following results from the August 17, 2011, Municipal Primary Election recount. COUNCIL MEMBER: Rebecca Cave 472 Elizabeth Sletten 463 Recommendation Approval of the above resolution is requested. Packet Page Number 59 of 65 Item J2 MEMORANDUM TO: City Manager Antonen FROM: Karen Guilfoile, Director Citizen Services DATE: May 17, 2011 SUBJECT: Approval of Resolution Joining the National Moment of Remembrance of the 10th Anniversary of September 11th Background The United States Senate is requesting that all governing bodies across the nation come together as a Nation to express their support and cease all work or other activity for a moment of remembrance beginning at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time on September 11, 2011, in honor of the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks committed against the United States on September 11, 2001. Request It is requested that the city council approve the attached resolution joining the national moment of remembrance on the 10th anniversary of September 11th. Packet Page Number 60 of 65 RESOLUTION The City of Maplewood Joining the National Moment of Remembrance of the 10th Anniversary of September 11th WHEREAS, the governing body of the City of Maplewood expresses their support of the United State's Senate regarding coming together as a Nation and ceasing all work or other activity for a moment of remembrance beginning at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time on September 11, 2011, in honor of the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks committed against the United States on September 11, 2001; and WHEREAS, at 8:46 a.m., on September 11, 2001, hijacked American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the upper portion of the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City, New York; and WHEREAS, 17 minutes later, at 9:03 a.m., hijacked United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center; and WHEREAS, at 9:37 a.m., the west wall of the Pentagon was hit by hijacked American Airlines Flight 77, the impact of which caused immediate and catastrophic damage to the headquarters of the Department of Defense; and WHEREAS, at approximately 10:00 a.m., the passengers and crew of hijacked United Airlines Flight 93 acted heroically to retake control of the airplane and thwart the taking of additional American lives by crashing the airliner in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, and, in doing so, gave their lives to save countless others; and WHEREAS, nearly 3,000 innocent civilians were killed in the heinous attacks of September 11, 2001; and WHEREAS, tens of thousands of individuals narrowly escaped the attacks at the Pentagon and World Trade Center and, as witnesses to this tragedy, are forever changed; and WHEREAS, countless fire departments, police departments, first responders, governmental officials, workers, emergency medical personnel, and volunteers responded immediately and heroically to those horrific events; and WHEREAS, the Fire Department of New York suffered 343 fatalities on September 11, 2001, the largest loss of life of any emergency response agency in United States history; and WHEREAS, the Port Authority Police Department suffered 37 fatalities in the attacks, the largest loss of life of any police force in United States history in a single day; and WHEREAS, the New York Police Department suffered 23 fatalities as a result of the terrorist attacks; and Packet Page Number 61 of 65 WHEREAS, the impact of that day on public health continues through 2011, as nearly 90,000 people are at risk of or suffering from negative health effects as a result of the events of September 11, 2001, including 14,000 workers and 2,400 community residents who are sick, and tens of thousands of others whose health is being monitored; and WHEREAS, 10 years later, the people of the United States and people around the world continue to mourn the tremendous loss of innocent life on that fateful day; and WHEREAS, 10 years later, thousands of men and women in the United States Armed Forces remain in harm’s way defending the United States against those who seek to threaten the United States; and WHEREAS, on the 10th anniversary of this tragic day, the thoughts of the people of the United States are with all of the victims of the events of September 11, 2001 and their families; and WHEREAS, the lives of Americans were changed forever on September 11, 2001, when events threatened the American way of life; and WHEREAS, in 2009, Congress and the President joined together to designate September 11 as a National Day of Service and Remembrance under the Serve America Act (Public Law 111– 13; 123 Stat. 1460); and WHEREAS, in September 2009 and 2010, President Obama issued Proclamation 8413 (74 Fed. Reg. 47045) and Proclamation 8559 (75 Fed. Reg. 56463) proclaiming September 11, 2009, and September 11, 2010, respectively, as Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance; and WHEREAS, September 11 will never, and should never, be just another day in the hearts and minds of all people of the United States; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the governing body of the City of Maplewood: (1) recognizes September 11, 2011, as a day of solemn commemoration of the events of September 11, 2001, and a day to come together as a Nation; and (2) offers its deepest and most sincere condolences to the families, friends, and loved ones of the innocent victims of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks; and (3) honors the heroic service, actions, and sacrifices of first responders, law enforcement personnel, State and local officials, volunteers, and countless others who aided the innocent victims of those attacks and, in doing so, bravely risked and often gave their own lives; and (4) recognizes the valiant service, actions, and sacrifices of United States personnel, including members of the United States Armed Forces, the United States intelligence agencies, the United States diplomatic service, homeland security and law enforcement personnel, and their families, who have given so much, including their lives and well-being, to support the cause of freedom and defend the security of the United States; and Packet Page Number 62 of 65 (5) reaffirms that the people of the United States will never forget the challenges our country endured on and since September 11, 2001, and will work tirelessly to defeat those who attacked the United States; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that on the 10th anniversary of this tragic day in United States history the governing body of the City of Maplewood calls upon all of the people and institutions of the United States to observe a moment of remembrance on September 11, 2011, including (i) media outlets; (ii) houses of worship; (iii) military organizations; (iv) veterans organizations; (v) airlines; (vi) airports; (vii) railroads; (viii) sports teams; (ix) the Federal Government; (x) State and local governments; (xi) police, fire, and other public institutions; (xii) educational institutions; (xiii) businesses; and (xiv) other public and private institutions; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the governing body of City of Maplewood encourages the observance of the moment of remembrance to last for 1 minute beginning at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time by, to the maximum extent practicable ceasing all work or other activity; and marking the moment in an appropriate manner, including by ringing bells, blowing whistles, or sounding sirens. Packet Page Number 63 of 65 Packet Page Number 64 of 65 9/11 NATIONAL MOMENT OF REMEMBRANCE STOP REMEMBER STOP REMEMBER Oce of Senator Frank R. Lautenberg www.lautenberg.senate.gov | Tel: 202-224-3224 | Toll Free: 888-398-7642 SEPTEMBER 11, 2011 • 1:00 PM EDTSEPTEMBER 11, 2011 • 1:00 PM EDT e U.S. Senate has unanimously passed a resolution (S. Res. 237) calling on all Americans to participate in a Moment of Remembrance on September 11, 2011. For one minute, first responders, houses of worship, towns, and others throughout the country will sound sirens and bells in a signal to each of us to STOP AND REMEMBER the 10th anniversary of the tragedies of September 11, 2001. On September 11, 2011, will you join us in committing to STOP AND REMEMBER? 1:00 PM EDT 12:00 PM CDT 11:00 AM MDT 10:00 AM PDT Spread the word: www.lautenberg.senate.gov/stopandremember For more information please contact: stopandremember@lautenberg.senate.gov Packet Page Number 65 of 65