HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 01-10 Pay raises heat up City Council meeting DISPATCH st p d' h _ FAST ___,,,,\5„,ThZ___________ ___ . ......„) pay raises City By BETSY BECKER EVANS TOLD the mayor: Staff Writer "We don't have it in the budget. I Ma plewood have been in mediation with Maplewood Mayor John those employees.I feel they Greavu got into a heated discus- don't think they have to negoti the end of the meeting without sion with the city manager and ate with me.What's happened prior notice to the public.I'd like sdme council members last week here is a perfect example." to table Mr. Greavu's motion." over pay raises. GIi,EAVU RESPONDED hot- Asked Greavu: "What's he Greavu stood alone against the mean?" ly: "You didn't say anything rest of the City Council on an 8 about the manager's salary.You percent pay raise for City Mana Councilman Norman Anderson voted right away on that." ger Barry Evans. told him: "He means you're mak Bastian apologized and said lie ing them an offer." hadn't meant to single out the THE INCREASE takes the At one point,Greavu bluntly mayor in his criticism.He ind year to$39,960's salary from$37,000 thea asked Evans: "Do you think cated he would try later to have year to on Feb. 26, anniversary of his employment. you,re worth twice as much as council procedures changed. But it was a 4 to 1 vote. the rest of the employees and you've only been here 10 (Individual council members "I'm going to oppose it(Evans' months?" traditionally bring up items at raise),"said Greavu. "I just can't the end of a meeting under coun- go along with that percentage Rookie Councilman Gary Bas- cil presentations.Both the mana- increase." tian interjected: "I've watched ger's salary and Greavu's raise the council do this for several proposal came up under those Later,Greavu proposed a months.You bring things up at presentations.) $175-a-month across-the-board ------ __.-----_---- pay raise for members of the American Federation of State 1 County and Municipal Employ- ees Union. His suggestion never came to a vote but it provoked the heated discussion. i Evans intimated ttiat Gnaw was undermining his position as necall aindtma`tenance workers- Thursday Ja n t,i.a r y 10, 1980 COLInCli meetin -„. New council member Fran Greavu stated: "But I want to The union is se€king adminis- Juker took the discussion back to know what's the holdup." r7 trative authority,"added Evans. the pay issue. She asked whatEvans said: "The union won't The union wants appointment of Evans offered in mediations. negotiate with me." employees a joint effort,based Greavu said he didn't thinkon seniority. that should be discussed in l>ub "I WANT TO know what the detailsare," tic. insisted Greavu. Finally, Nelson told Greavu: "I gave it to you,"answered "John,you've made your point. THEN liE ASKED Mrs. Evans. Apparently no one agrees.' Juker: "Wasn't it a minority re- -- port port by Fran Juker that people . be paid across the board?" Mrs. Juker said it's"different" now. She was a member of a wage study committee for the city in , ,the past year. N etetan Councilman Earl Ne1- son satdhe w anted to wait wait Evan;was're reNealthe to cletdis to'Ilea"about negotia-