HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 03-26 Don Wiegert will oppose Jerome Hughes in state senate race REVIEW Don Wiegert wiII oppose Jerom� IkY Political pep talks, cheering delegates, unopposed. incumbent challenges, heated debates . Lester's primary challenger, Bruce ,� and rousing speeches have been a part of Campbell of Grant Township,received 37 the state Senate district conventions 17" delegate votes. Sixty percent, or 122, being conducted this month. votes are necessary for DFL party en- The Independent Republican (IR) and NI dorsement in 50A. Democratic Farmer Labor(DFL)parties '` 'IN' Lester, whose school board term ex- are in the process of endorsing candidates ,�,� pires in July, will face Connie Levi (IR- for the November election and choosing Dellwood), who is the incumbent state Qdelegates for the congressional district , representative from Dist. 50A. conventions. 4. Among the delegates from 50B are Judy Don Wiegert, 2119 Duluth Place, Fletcher,Tim Sawing,Jim Hankes,Mike Maplewood,was endorsed by the District Wasiluk, Gary Strauch and Dennis 50 IR convention delegates as the 1 ...,A. Newsinski, all of Maplewood. theato senatorial candidate. an idasta state Sen.challenge DON WIEGERT of Maplewood accepts Twohuman life am ndm nttns in pto thet of aU U.S.so-called Con- the District 50 IR endorsement for the Hughes, 1978 Payne Ave., Maplewood, state Senate race. stitution were defeated by the delegates, C4 who was endorsed by the District 50 DFL while four resolutions regarding housing delegates. Donald Wiegert, Maplewood Precinct 4. were approved. Wiegert, a former Maplewood coun- Resolutions receiving the strongest Although no straw poll was taken,some cilman, has been active in numerous support by the District 50 Independent delegates were chosen indicating civic, school and political activities. Republicans were a motion to rescind preferences for presidential candidates or Wiegert won the IR endorsement by voter registration on election day, to various stances on issues. acclamation. encourage the production of alcohol Half of the 18 delegates were listed in Three IR candidates vied for the 50B products from farm products, to en- support of the Carter-Mondale ticket, but endorsement to challenge incumbent courage senior citizen tax relief and to among those, smaller groups were listed State Rep.Richard Kostohryz,a North St. oppose gun control. in support of pro-life, pro-ERA, or pro- Paul DFLer. About 350 DFLers in state Senate choice, the first and last referring to the Sam Henriksen, 1407 Kingston Ave., District 50 gathered Saturday at Tartan abortion issue. Maplewood, received over 60 percent of High School in Oakdale to select delegates The remainder were listed as un the IR delegate vote on the first ballot. for the congressional and state district committed,although there was a similar Also seeking the endorsement were Rusty conventions and endorse candidates for breakdown into sub-groups. Gunvaldson of North St. Paul and Rich state offices. The DFLers in District 66B conducted Batie, 2349 Beam Ave., Maplewood. William Lester, an Oakdale resident their convention on March 22 at Hazel A straw ballot of both the District 50A currently on the North St. Paul- Park Junior High School. The delegates and 50B delegates at the IR convention Maplewood-Oakdale District 622 school endorsed Gene Waldorf, 1176 E. Orange revealed that Ronald Reagan was the board, easily won the District 50A DFL Ave., St. Paul, as their state senatorial preferred presidential candidate with 88 endorsement for state representative candidate. Waldorf currently is the state delegates. Others on the ballot were Saturday,receiving 143 of a total 202 votes representative from District 66A. George Bush,72; John Anderson. 44, and cast. Incumbent Randy Kelly, 1901 E. Philip Crane, 3. Receiving write-in votes Eighteen delegates and as many Hyacinth, St. Paul, was selected as the were Gerald Ford, 2; Howard Baker, 1; alternates were chosen,half from 50A and candidate for representative from John Connally, 1. Five delegates were half from 50B. The former consists of the District 66B. undecided. west central portion of Washington The District 66B IR convention was Thirteen delegates were elected to County, including the communities of March 15.The group elected delegates but represent 50B at the IR Fourth District Oakdale,Lake Elmo,and one precinct(3) did not endorse candidates.An endorsing Congressional Convention. The in North St. Paul. The northern part of convention will be conducted in April or Maplewood delegates are: Rich Batie, Maplewood and the remainder of North early May. Maplewood Precinct 6; Sam Henriksen, St. Paul comprise SOB. Delegates at the District 67B IR con- Maplewood Precinct 1; Evie Axdahl, Incumbents Sen. Jerome Hughes vention endorsed Phil Krinkie, St. Paul, Doug Haddock, Les Axdahl and Guy (Maplewood) and Richard Kostohryz as their candidate for the state House of Glover, all of Maplewood Precinct 2, and (50B, North St. Paul), were endorsed Representatives. The district did not Hughes in state senate race ,i4 , if r , ,,, Y ti il ' - z liltv -, • 0 0 X: 0 ) , • Si q ,yp 4 1 ' 1111111. ,Fq 4 � e1 S:-:-0;;;,,:t, " moi �g THREE AREA legislators and one hopeful posed for a photo for the Dist. 50A House seat; state Sen. Jerome Hughes, March 22 during the Dist.50 DFL convention at Tartan High Maplewood;and state Rep. (50B)Richard Kostohryz,North School.From left: U.S.Rep. Bruce Vento; William Lester, St. Paul. Oakdale,who was endorsed Saturday as the DFL candidate endorse a state senatorial candidate at Incumbent John D. Tomlinson, 799 Senate candidate. He received the en- this gathering. Winthrop, St. Paul, was endorsed by dorsement on the first ballot over former The District 67B IR delegates had a acclamation on the first ballot as the White Bear Lake Mayor Rob Hanson. special endorsing convention March 25 to District 67B DFL candidate for the state Joel Holstad of White Bear Lake was select a state senate candidate.The name House of Representatives. selected as the District 49B DFL House of of the person receiving the endorsement The Independent Republicans in Representatives candidate. was not available at press time. Districts 49A and 49B will have their The DFL delegates in District 49A Marilyn M. Lantry, 2169 Beech, St. candidate endorsing convention on March named Howard Niesen of Mounds View as Paul,won the endorsement of the District 27. their representative candidate. Niesen 678 DFLers at their convention March 22 The DFLers in District 49 chose Greg has previously served in the House of at Battle Creek Junior High School. Dahl of White Bear Lake as their state Representatives.