HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 01-09 A 125-unit senior citizen complex gets approval REVIEW VOLUME 18, NUMBER 35 Publication #328680 /2.e c�j e4�i� Maplewood, 125- unit sena or ci• t • izen By MARY LEE HAGERT A planned unit development for the In addition to approving the planned be given special priority for occupancy. proposed three-story elderly housing unit development,the council also okayed The project will be suited to persons complex along Lydia Avenue got a nod of three city code variances for the senior capable of living in an independent setting approval from the Maplewood city citizen housing complex. with some supportive services, Zion council Jan. 3. The variances allow the apartments to Lutheran Church is requesting that THE COMPLEX is being planned by have 624-square-feet of floor space, have Section 8 rental assistance for 100 percent Concordia Arms Inc.,of St.Paul,and will 103 parking spaces for the 125 units, and of the units. consist of 124 one-bedroom apartments allow no garages. THE REV. RICHARD Goebel of Zion and one two-bedroom apartment for the SOME OF THE council members ex- Lutheran Church told the council that he manager. Concordia Arms is a non-profit pressed some reluctance to pass the anticipates the majority of the residents organization sponsored by Zion Lutheran variances. However, HUD is the only will be from Maplewood and North St. Church of St. Paul. source of funding available for the sub- Paul. "We have received about 95 The U.S. Department of Housing and sidized elderly housing project. HUD inquiries about the project and I would Urban Development has approved a $4.7 representatives told the city staff estimate that 90 percent have been from million low interest loan for construction members they would not accept garages residents of these two communities." of the complex on 4.38 acres just south of or a larger floor area. Construction of the elderly housing Maplewood Plaza and east of White Bear The council passed the variances on the complex is slated to start this summer,no Avenue. Concordia Arms will lease the recommendation of the city staff. The later than August. General contractor for land from Robert Tilsen. council members said their reasons for the project is McGough Construction of The only elderly housing project approval were on the basis that this is St.Paul.Persons wanting to inquire about presently in Maplewood is a 69-unit strictly elderly and not family housing. occupancy should call the Wilder building in the Archer Heights develop- According to HUD, guidelines also Foundation at 227-7691. The foundation ment in the 1800 block of Beebe Road. stipulate that no group or individuals can has been selected to manage the complex. Minnesota ,r Single Copy 20a WED., JAN. 9, 1980 complex gets approval The U-shaped building will include 13 library; craft and recreation area; Recreation Commission recommended units for the handicapped. Half this laundry rooms on each floor; resident the council have the garden plot area be number will be for the totally han- storage; and a small lounge on each dedicated to the park as part of the park dicapped and will have special kitchen residential floor. and bathroom facilities for persons She said that Concordia Arms an- projected at e. The$13,p pee for the complex is confined to wheelchairs, said Will ticipates providing many services to the Rev. Goebel told the council that in Johnson of BWBR Architects of St. Paul. residents. These will include: order to pay the$13,000 park fee,some of Councilman Norm Anderson questioned homemaker-home health services; op- the amenities of the building would have Johnson about the placement of the tional one meal per day,five days a week; to be cut."Any cuts that are made will be elevator in the center of the complex. He housekeeping services on a fee-service noticed,"he said, "because this is a very wondered if persons with health problems basis;health screening programs; social, modest building." might have trouble walking to the recreational and educational activities; The loss of the plots will be minimal elevator. and transportation to local grocery because the inner court of the U-shaped JOHNSON STATED, the elderly per- stores, nearby Maplewood Mall and building will have plenty of area for sons living in the complex will be mobile. medical appointments. Wilder Foundation will place persons with THE SOUTHERN PORTION of the flowers and arnnr. mobility problems near the elevator. proposedertCouncilman Andersonhmoved that the According to Susan Truskolaski, Maplewood Pak In the origialplansthe developmente council accordingto the city P planned unit assistant vice president of Joseph L. southeast corner of the complex property commissions'recommendations and that Easley and Associates of St. Paul, the was designated for gardenplots. the pael of land dfor garden consulting firm for the project, the However a Soil Conservation Service plots be accepted in lieu ofted park charges. building will have: a lobby area with report says the land is not good for gar- The council unanimously approved furnishings; a congregate dining area; dens. The Maplewood Park and Anderson's motion.