HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 01-08 Music shop will drop drug paraphernalia sales DISPATCH 2 (E) St. Paul Dispatch Music shop drop drug By BETSY BECKER "OUR WISH is to not alienate nate these products as an answer Staff Writer any of the people in the commu- to the drug abuse problem in the nity,"Swenson explained."It's community.If this action will The Third Stone Music Shop, just that there's so much nation- prevent only one young person 3035 White Bear Ave.,Maple- al publicity that it tends to dam- from abusing drugs,our efforts wood,has announced that after age our good reputation that we will have been worth it." Feb. 1 it will not sell what is have as a very well run,commu- commonly described as drug nity oriented and community in- HOWEVER,the 32-year-old paraphernalia. terested business." businessman maintains that his The store says it carried vari- stand against drug parapher- In a letter to Maplewood May- nalia ordinances has not ous pipes and other smoking or John Greavu,Swenson wrote: changed: "We still support indi- accessories. "We never intended to offend vidual free choice and non-gov- Community pressure and na- anyone and if we had,we are ernmental interference in mat- tional public opinion have sorry. ters such as this." swayed the firm,the store's president,Tim Swenson,said - "We hope that the people will As a matter of fact,he said,he during an interview last week. not interpret our move to elimi- is still part of a Minnesota group (Tues.,Ant 8,'80 paraphernalia sales that is supporting an appeal of made up 30 percent of the profit. said,the smoking accessories Eagan's anti-drug paraphernalia He said the smoking equipment will be taken out of the other ordinance before the U.S.Court was not sold to anyone under 18 stores as well. of Appeals in St.Louis. years of age. Economics and public rela- ,I HE PLANS to begin selling tions admittedly caused Swenson Our wish is not musical instruments,sheet mu- to change his merchandising pro- sic and any sic and music books instead of gram. Of the people of the smoking accessories.He de- The store owner said: "No P Pscribed the store as primarily a business makes a move without the community. record and tape shop. economics involved.We hope to — Tim Swenson �� Tmay fiebe even more profitable by in thehe metropolitan has areave andstorwas changing our products.Equally started in 1971.The smoking ac- important,is the fact that we re He said the sales of the smok cessories are being phased out at trying to accommodate the wish- ing equipment amounted to,ates of some of the people of the most,15 to 20 percent of the the Maplewood location. communities that we not sell sales of the Maplewood store but If the new image works,he these products."