HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 02-26 Council discusses ways to run smoother meetings DISPATCH Council discusses , .e .::... ,.,.. . s , to Y By BETSY BECKER ;ni �� Maplewood City Councilman Norman Anderson wanted to , meet with the staff to get some a things off his chest. { COUNCILMAN Gary Bastian A.. O said he'd like to talk with the ' council about how their meetings a '� are going to run and when they will end. • s,k: v ilk, 1 ,4And Fran Juker, the only woman on the council, called Greavu Bastian Anderson Juker Mayor John Greavu for allowing THE UPSHOT of it all is that i a visitor to speak 20 minutes the council will meet with the half cents a square foot for my longer than the five minutes al- staff at a special meeting at 5 storm sewers and it really hurt lowed in the council rules. me. p.m. March 11 before they meet Greavu told her that if she with the Housing and Redevelop- "Now, we're looking at proj- CLment Authority. ects with four-and-a-half cent wants to take the heat from citi- area assessments. That is oin zens who get cut off while Anderson said he especially g g Qthey're speaking their minds, he wants to talk about storm to bury some people. will cut them off after five min- sewers: "It bothers me about the "If we're going to do some- utes. storm sewers. I paid two-and-a- thing with storm sewers,let's re- run smoother meetings uview it now p any more,before the costs go Ma pie wood mayor t suggested a procedure be estab- lished for the to summar- ize the council's actions. But Bastian wanted to talk to his council mates about getting "slavishl " to afive-minute lim- "SOMETIMES after we vote, their own act together. yI look out there and see 50 faces it. Anderson agreed but said he with a look of, 'What did you just HE SAID:"I'd like to establish didn't want to listen endlessly to do to me?'"said Bastian. council procedures. It came up someone who was repetitive. tonight with the talk about the The council has a set of proce- -five He called the council's prac- and 10 minutes for speak- dures by which the mayor, as Lice of meeting past 11:30 ridicu- ers." lows and offered a 10:30 adjourn- chairman, is supposed to run the ment limit. Mrs. Juker and Anderson had meetings. tried to get Greavu to cut offNelson said he wasn't sure he Greavu asked if he would show John Kavanagh, a Maplewood wants the mayor to hold fast to up the next morning at 8 a.m. to landowner, who persisted in dis- y finish business. Roberts Rules of Order. He cussing a land acquisition that is stated: "People who really know Bastian said he would. Council on its way into condemnation the rules can control a meeting. members expressed a willing- proceedings. I m not sure I'd like to see that. ness to meet extra Thursdays be- The council members remind- sides their regular first and third ed Greavu the matter is out of However, Bastian complained Thursdays of the month regular their hands. that at times when the mayor meetings. recognizes him to speak, he Councilman Earl Nelson said doesn't get to speak because They adjourned before 11 p.m. he wouldn't want to have to hold other people break in. He also last week.