HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 03-11 Citizens tell Maplewood city council that golf course is "dead duck" DISPATCH lJta'zens -4--D.--9.tell B Linda Owen i t city Staff 99 7Scouncil Writer �ed over the proposal that the commission reported tabled furthere The Maplewood Citycil said the course is a was told by to the council last week the purchase, which was e "pushedp duck thathwill it could not reach a con- recommended byCitybe on the tax- Councildents last week that the sensus. payers," and Dick Pear- Hills golf course, Manager Michael Miller, son, 1959 White Bear Av- Maplewhich the city has been MOTIONS to refer the until the March 20 meet- advised to buy, is a purchase to the voters, to ing. enue, who termed the "dead duck," a "dog" acquire the golf course SEVERAL residents golf course a "dog" and and a"pig in a poke." and to deny the proposal in opposition a pig inth a Poke." appeared ON THE other hand, because a lack of facts to the purchase, includ- • Another resident, Jack Councilman Donald all failed on split votes, ing Tony Wicklander, Desai, 1855 E. Kenwood Wiegert said his doubts a commission spokes 737 N. Oak Drive, who Drive, said the city could a b o u t purchasing the man said. make a more informed n i n e-h o I e, par-three In discussion that fol - - - course have been allayed lowed, Councilman John by an interview with the Greavu said the proposal owner of another nine- should be referred to the hole golf course. voters, and Mayor Rob- The city p l a n n i n g ert Bruton said the price commission is so id- of the land is too high. that g olf course is `dead duck' . , • decision if it can deter- sent owners of Maple programs,he noted. "We aren't going to mine the cost of alterna- Hills, are valid and the The golf course, how- give them anything ex tives to the golf course purchase would be a ever, "has every chance tra," he said. "That's the purchase, such as possi- "good buy." of being self-supporting bargain they asked for." ble high-density residen- Besides, Wiegert said, and possibly making us Responding to Grea- tial development on that the golf course would be a buck,"he said. vu's argument that the property. "not in the nature of an If the course did not v o t e r s should decide, WIEGERT said that he out-and-out business; support itself, Wiegert Wiegert said the voters had talked with a private it's a recreational facili- said, the deficit would "could vote on every golf course owner who ty." The city "doesn't be made up from the doggone thing we de- told him figures present- make a dime" from its parks and recreation de- cide. That's why they ed by Ban-Con,Inc.,pre- hockey and swimming partment budget. elected us."