HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 12-16 Proposed residential estates zoning plan attacked DISPATCH w. ,' cnna. 0.2, wrty c)aj 5H::° : p 0040 0 nO� ,W,,‘Cc'4 O Nnfl O 2.m . 2 c, � n> 0 0. •� OO � O • ell n Qo w .. o '^m r~o z 0 n0 O TCDD rte'' O ` rrl r H nn 0L.C rD w cn (IDrt 0 Cr ti• vi R,Q . a R-r+-y„ o 0� C 'F.•,....,. fp 3`< C'-7ten-' A' ro L tL a .r r, 1 1 Z fly CD C ro -,• rDC'� :!H'.3O ~.-" .n r'DD 2 :< rD v, d O'•r<D ao '�, • -+ ,cnO w ,�wao 0ro ., p_( n e w o NI r--• 31 o O_5 'O -• Cr� `t.'" _a. q) - h w •00 � _rp to rD rD ,-'. tD (p rD _0O ro m o 31, a a.ao n0° - r T o 0 n Iftilettm < a5a� rD � �� roC) CD. rro 2 'rD+ w w '0 ? o o C7'd�.o �- '• rD :;'38Zn"'cs o'wx• vi 3] K ' ( < N ro tri rDrpm �oO - ® 1 .r lD ate, 'CD .97:10 ,,_ `;`,) Z: . Disareftlimi • CD a/...., C <• �'O � .. _w � O 0860 O w Uo 0- a rD Chrtwz 7 0 (Dti � 0 �_ Ow •rte _ ororI oV ,n, n:rDaoo ° I cr o •-O'73 O w vn rD �- C 'y H� o o .-.0 re w •-•(-). n),-- .- ...'.S o rD p ch,rD rD 'O rt ' < ,m ti O' 1. , � O < .1 < v < f• b C -� Z -rD fp y eD n � ‘< rt.0 rD ,h rD .e -P,-t '5 C �f o o• rD0ro •w ro rD C r• w w n -9-9: n pro 0 sr n 0o cn 5 ro o'fp �e O 4 `g (2) n• 4 o y tD 0 -..,O `C— rtyn n v'iaj ". O — ft, - � O 0., CD t < n • '11'11+. rD CD Qw0 ...,t4 Ch R wa 1 p/anattacked public hearing on the amend- Grant said a 10,000-square- ment to Jan. 15 after numerous foot lot now accounts for about persons connected with the $10,200 of the price of a new housing industry stood up to house in Maplewood, but a 20,- oppose it. 000-square-foot lot would cost MARLIN GRANT, president $16,609 and a 40,000-square-foot of Mary Anderson Construction lot$29,547. Co., which has proposed a de- velopment in the "leg" area, That would bring the price of said the large minimum lot sizes the houses that would have to be built on such lots to $190,000, would price new houses out of the reach of most buyers and he said. force them to go to other com- EVEN IF the builder reduced munities to obtain housing. See Estates,Page 12 The Dispatch Tuesday, Dec. 16, 1975 12(E) .Sf.Paul Dispatch Tues.,Dec, 16,175 Disc)c6 Estates D Q., i iC, )9 7,s Continued from Page 1 words,you have to do it through the size and quality of the house condemnation." to devote more dollars to the lot, He asserted that a few proper- Grant said, "In Maplewood, ty owners in the "leg" area there wouldn't be any homes want the land kept open and are built for less than$90,000." trying to impose their will on "There'd be practically no other land owners. single-family houses built on DEVELOPER Robert Tilsen that property," he said. "This told the council that people who would leave the property on the built on standard-size lots will tax rolls as undeveloped land." end up subsidizing the larger lot BUT, Councilman N o r m a n sizes, through fixed water, sewer Anderson pointed out, the zon- and park charges. I ing would pertain to hilly, Planned unit developments w o o d e d areas where "it and smaller lots would do more wouldn't be feasible for you to to preserve the environment, come in and put a smaller lot said Hans Hagen of Ban-Can, size, because it would destroy Inc. . what you really came in there Jay Carpenter, president of the { for." Minnesota Housing Institute, i Grant replied that Mary An- said the decision on the location derson's Royal Oaks subdivi- of large-lot areas should be left 4 sion in Woodbury retains many to the owner and buyer of the A trees and hills on lots averaging property. 11,000 square feet. He said the income of the av- > "There's more trees that died erage Maplewood resident is in- of Dutch elm disease than what adequate to buy even an "aver- 1 we as a developer took out of age" new house, which sells for 4 the area,"he said. $40,000. Dave Gurrola, business repre- John D. Peterson, director of 1 sentative for the Twin City Car- energy conservation and plan li - penters District Council, con- ping for the Minnesota Energy curred with Grant. Agency, asked to come back to 0 "We're concerned with jobs," the city council with figures on he said, pointing to a 20 to 30 the "life costs" that would go per cent unemployment rate in with the larger lot sizes. the construction industry. "This THOSE costs, he said, would is rather restrictive, in one of the include additional energy re- most depressed industries in the quired to build streets, piping country." and "all the other facets of an Gurrola added that the ordi- increased frontage," besides ad • - nance could be "discrimina- ditional maintenance on the tory" in that someone would building and streets. have to decide whether and Also objecting to the code w h e r e the 20,000-or 40,000- amendment were officials of t'iel� square-foot minimum lot size St. Paul Area Builders Associa- would apply. tion and other realtors and R O B E R T J. TANSEY of builders. Muske-Tansey Realty said that Maplewood Councilman Don- assessments on 39 acres of land ald Wiegert said the measure's his company owns on Londin opponents seem to be under the Lane, east of McKnight Road, illusion that the city wants to would cost $7,700 on a 20000- "throw out all our residential square-foot lot and $9,075 on a ordinances in favor of this one." 40,000-square-foot lot. " It's not the case,"he said. That would bring the selling "THERE are people who want price of a lot up to $20,000 to this sort of thing," Mayor Rob- $25,000, "which is totally un- ert Bruton said. realistic for this area and most The Metropolitan Council it- other areas as well," he said. self, he added, "wants to make "It would more than likely be these amenities available to peo- ,t confiscatory of its present own- ple in first-ring suburbs so they ership," he said. don't always have to go 15 or 20 St. Paul attorney John Daub- miles from the city to find that ney, representing owners of big lot that they really want." property on Maaland Road who The measure was opposed by, have sued the city over a plat Councilmen John Greavu and denial, said the proposed zoning Burton Murdock, who said the will amount to a legal "taking" council would be "holding a of land. club" over property owners, "You have to compensate the forcing them to develop with owner," lie said. "In other large lot sizes. 111