HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 10-30 Council: Zoning, streets are biggest headaches DISPATCH 2 • (E) ' Sf.Paul bis; I Council: z fling, streets Continued from Pagel *11 accomplish most of the neces- struction," Miller said. The lack bly can be summed-up in two sary planning and improve- of county participation, he said, words:streets and zoning. ments for the mall area on its "resulted in Maplewood feeding The mall, and particularly the own• in more state aid money(for the expected development around "We were the first city that road)' that should have been the m a 11, have necessitated had not already made a commit- spread more equally around the roughly $11 million in street and ment to a regional center when city." utility improvements to date. it was designated for a regional Another problem for the city, The proximity of residential center," he said. "We had one that was not foreseeable at areas has generated controversy hoped for more support and in- the over the streets themselves. And put f r o m the Metropolitanthe the mals was spaoved, the high assessments for the irn- Council than we got." state Fiscal Disparities provements, particularly on the Law. south side of the mall, have' 'M A P L E W O O D also had UNDER. THAT law, 40 per been the center of a continuing counted on the widening of I- cent of the increase in a city's 694 and Hwy. 36 to six lanes and commercial-industrial property debate over the most suitable use for surrounding lands. upgrading of•H g wy. 61, he said, Valuation goes into a "pot" to THE DESIRES of residents sateutnHighway thev erDepartmentdict romthe on munit esberlintethemmet metropolitan who want to sell their land have those projects is "probably nev- area. not always coincided with the ' er." val- wishes of city officials, who sayerHence, part of the mall's for tax they want to avoid the problemalso Cityoted hat the Michdo tely had Purposes,iller uation is landost , Bruton o the city d, the of areas such as South Robert hoped for county participation cost of providing services to the Street and Southdale shopping on Beam Avenue, south of the mall area is "much higher" than center,/including traffic conges- mall, one of the most expensive fora residential area. tion and conflicting land uses., streets in Maplewood. The Hazelwood fire station, "If we could just say, 'Make a A stretch of Beam less than he noted, "wouldn't be there nice shopping center' and cut it one mile long cost about $3.3 now if we hadn't built Homart." off from there . . . " Bruton million to build, including utili- And, city officials said, there said wistfully. ties. Part ofst idly. ood's problem, have been many fire calls at the he said, was that the cithad to ty money should in its had coccon- heun- lalam system.due to "bugs" in The city hired three additional policemen partly in anticipation of the mall, which Police Chief •Richard Schaller estimated ac- counts for 10 per cent of all the city's police calls. Schaller counted 500 calls from the mall from this January througgh most of September. That does not include calls from the restaurants and movie thea- ters surrounding the mall, nor accidents on public streets in the area,he said. NJ On the plus side for the mall are the taxes that go to North St.1' Paul-Maplewood School District 622, city officials pointed out. Though the district also does not receive the full benefit of the valuation increase because of fiscal disparities, they said, at least it does not have to pay for services. The mall contributed $265,573 in school taxes for 1975, or 2.7 per cent of the district's tax collections, according to district business manager Owen Engen. The fact that the mall opened during bad economic times is "p r o b a b I y unfortunate for them," Reed said, "but for us it's been real good because we could prepare some of the con- ' trols that are necessary without a rush of day to day development requests." In Bruton's opinion, however, the city council "blew" its op- portunity to get ahead in its 1 planning. _ Thurs., Oct.30, '75 pre biggestheadaches „:„ri -"WE'VE made zero progress Bruton estimated that since he He noted that another devel- in the last year in zoning," he took office, the council has opment company proposed a said, blaming the situation on spent an average of four hours a shopping mall in 1964, prior to the city's inability to provide month discussing zoning,streets the Homart proposal for Maple- adequate staff support to the and peripheral development. wood Mall. planning commission. Greavu said the time spent - At least, Miller said, this mall The mall, North St. Paul City d i s c u s s i n g such problems is called Maplewood Mall. Manager Jerry Splinter pointed doesn't bother him. "That has had a tendency to out, was the c a t a 1 y s t that "That's what we're there for," make us more seen by the pub- brought several suburban corn- he said. lic," he said, referring to Maple- munities together to form the He added, "Something was wood's woes over its low pro- Northeast Area Task Force. going to go in there. There still file. , "The traffic that was expected would have had to be streets. "Whether you like it or not, created a need for the communi- You never know what the im- Maplewood Mall provides a ma- ties to get together and do some pact of something else would jor regional shopping facility for planning," he said. have been." people in this area."