HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 04-19 Council seeks direction on Beam Avenue zoning REVIEW (council seeks direction )9 , J7(- on Beam Avenue zoning by Scott Carlson BC,since it allows for council approval of News analysis different kinds of specialty shops he said. It's being billed as a "head session"by "The difference between BC and CO is in one Maplewood city council member. the minds of the people who want to buy And it appears the label is appropriate the properties," Murdock said. since the council hopes to "get it But councilman Donald Wiegert, who together" at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 15 has favored the CO rezone twice, doubts at City Hall when it discussed possible that BC will allow the council much of any ways to resolve the controversial Beam control on development. ave. rezoning. "What is noxious or who is being har- The shirtsleeve session (what the med would be hard to prove under BC zoning," Wiegert said. "I think this is council usually calls these special working sessions where no action is where the attorneys have fun." he taken) is open to the public. suggested. There's no doubt that the council is now A suggestion from councilman Norman in the midst of a dilemma, having failed Anderson to make changes in the CO zone with a compromise solution to rezone so that the council could give the property Beam, between Southlawn and White owners just a little bit more while still Bear ayes.,from Farm-Residential (FR) keeping development controls is well to Commercial Office District (CO). intentioned but does not seem viable. On the one hand the council wants to Manager Michael Miller advised the control development and prevent strip council it may not wish to change the CO commercial from spreading up and down zoning ordinance since it can be applied to either Beam or White Bear ayes. On the other areas in the city. other hand the council recognizes the Anderson,who is against the BC zoning, plight of property owners who are asking is not convinced that the property owners for a Business Commercial (BC) zone to can recoup under any rezone. "We have offset assessments which are expected to BC on the north side (to the west of the cost at least$20,000 per acre. Maplewood Mall shopping center) and The assessments for the road and nobody's running to grab it," he says. bridge over Highway 61 have yet to be Murdock, showing his preference for levied by the council. BC, remarked, "I disregard the threats First reading of an ordinance to rezone on going to court but they (the property the Beam ave.strip to CO was approved 4- owners) might have some valid 1. But in a second reading councilman arguments." Burton Murdock joined John Greavu Mayor Robert Bruton,at the end of the against CO. council's discussion, pointed out that the The council-initiated rezone needed Metropolitan Council has the general area four-fifths support. for even less intensive zoning than spelled Murdock appeared largely influenced out in the city's master guide plan. by real estate people and the property And he warned the council that land use owners who said that CO zoning would not and road recommendations will be be attractive to developers. coming out within two or three months At last Thursday night's meeting from the Northeast Task Force,a body of Murdock said he feels that perhaps the several community representatives along city could rezone the land to BC and with the County and State Highway maintain some control over development. Department. He said there are very few BC uses which "Instead of citizens suing us we may the council would disfavor. have to sue the Met Council," Bruton At a recent meeting it was pointed out suggested if Maplewood continues to let that those uses include new and used car the problem ride. sales lots and automotive repair centers. Murdock agreed. But Murdock said, Murdock said Thursday the BC zoning "The fault lies when we built Beam would allow the council to deny any use Avenue." He said the road is so large "which is noxious or hazardous. "you could hunt deer on that road The CO zone is not really different from anytime you want."