HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 04-16 Maplewood council adopts affirmative action program REVIEW Maplewood council ado is p a. -�- .Q tL q�t� affirmative actionro ram p � by Scott Carlson Commission members Paul Lowery and But Malley assured the council as long An affirmative action policy and Harvey Humes who last year noted that as "you can prove the qualifications are program, which sets guidelines for the the city had no minorities as fulltime staff required for the job" everything is all recruitment of minorities and other on the city payroll. right. people defined as`protected classes',has Under plans of the program City A major portion of the council's been adopted by the Maplewood city Manager Michael Miller will be ac- discussion of the affirmative action plan council. countable for acting as the equal op- centered around requirements which the The plan, among other things, will portunity employer, city staff and Human Relations Com- require: Without formulation of an affirmative mission had drawn up regarding awar- -An appraisal of Maplewood's action plan civil suits which allege dis- ding contracts to bidders who do not meet situation in employment of protected crimination in employment can lead to affirmative action requirements. classes (minorities and physically and the loss of certain federal funds or court- One controversial section read, "If a mentally handicapped peoples). imposed affirmative action programs, contractor,sub-contractor or vendor does —Reviewal of all job qualifications said Human Relations Commissioner Jim not comply with the intent of the city's which could be discriminatory. Malley. affirmative action requirements, as —Setting of specific,realistic goals and "The basic idea of affirmative action is listed,the contract may be awarded to the timetables for the employment of to allow employment and promotion of next lowest bidder, with the same protected class members. protected classes," Malley said. He ad- procedure applying." Members of the Maplewood Human ded,"I don't think it's as threatening as it Both Mayor Robert Bruton and Relations Commission urged the council sounds." Councilman Wiegert raised objections to to adopt the affirmative action plan.The Commission Chairman Janet Kampf,in the language. impetus for the program came from response to council queries, said the city "I see that(the requirement which had is not obligated to hire persons from the word may) as pretty defective," protected classes if they are unqualified Wiegert said. "Either you do or do not HRAto meet for a city position. In some cases a have an affirmative action program." reviewal of job qualifications may lead to There will be a meeting of the an upgrading rather than downgrading of Wiegert added, "That's where you get Maplewood Housing and the requirements for particular jobs, she into the problem of being arbitrary and Redevelopment Authority Tuesday, said. capricious because you're going to pick April 22, at 7:30 p.m. at the Councilman Donald Wiegert admitted, out one guy and say 'you didn't do it Maplewood City Hall lunchroom. "I think most people are afraid of reverse (provide the affirmative action discrimination." statements) and therefore you're out and then say to another guy`we're not going to apply it (the rule) to you because we like your low bid.' " Bruton said the city could get into trouble should contractors interpret the policy different than the city. And he added that the policy as written places the D burden on the council to find out who would or would not legally qualify for the low bid. Part of the council's objections were met when Manager Miller suggested that part of the language could be worded to say "all formal bids, specifications, proposals and contracts shall require all formal bidders to submit the following." The idea would be to require the bidder to police his own people rather than throw an administrative burden on the city. The council also resolved its concerns by including language which states that the section regarding contracts and bids will not be enforced until April, 1976. Aside from the discussions on the language of the affirmative action policy and program,Wiegert had hoped the plan could have been better presented to the public before its adoption. "Just because we approve it doesn't make it the greatest thing in the world in the minds of many people,"Wiegert said.