HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 04-23 BC zoning dnagers minimal: attorney REVIEW B-C zoningdangers Qa3 X97 by Scott Carlson A Business Commercial (BC) zone for the city has received criticism for ap- land on the south side of Beam ave., proving a mini-shopping center, the between White Bear and Southlawn ayes., Maplewood Plaza, east of the Mall. would present few dangers for Underscoring a majority concern of the Maplewood, an attorney told the city council, Wiegert said, "BC tends to council. spread." Wiegert, along with Mayor Clayton Parks Jr., who is representing Robert Bruton and councilman Norman property owners affected by recent Anderson, supported CO zoning and its rezone proposals for the area, made his provisions for specialty shops. comments at a shirtsleeve session of the Parks admitted that BC zoning tends to council last week. spread. But he added that BC zoning is Any commercial development would necessary to allow for enough flexibility have natural boundaries and so-called in the development of the rezone area. undesirable land uses under BC, such as "Unless you get BC in there you won't get used car sales lots, probably couldn't the CO," Parks warned. "We can't have afford the high land costs "even in good all retail sales there." times," Parks suggested. "The whole ghost that we'll have a lot of Parks'pitch for the BC zoning has been junky things side by side is really a goblin prompted by claims from the affected that doesn't exist," Parks said. property owners that nothing but BC Wiegert said that BC wouldn't allow the zoning would allow for recouping of high city as much control over the kinds of assessments from the construction of businesses that move in. Beam ave.Some citizens are expecting to Citizens at the meeting, who favor BC pay nearly $20,000 per acre in zoning, indicated they expect the zoning assessments. because they were only reimbursed seven Two council attempts to rezone the area cents a square foot for their property. have failed, the most recent a proposal Manager Mike Miller said that the which would have established a Com- citizens had an opportunity to appeal the mercial Office (CO) district. payment if they felt it was unfair. But votes from councilmen Burton The property owners responded that Murdock and John Greavu killed the CO they had received assurances from some zoning. That proposal needed four-fifths city staff that the BC zoning was bound to support since it was a council-initiated be approved and in that way they could rezone. recoup from high assessments for road Parks lauded the council for proposing and utility improvements. CO as a compromise.But he feels the land Jack DeSai, 1855 Kenwood dr., said, will ultimately have to be zoned BC. "It's nice for other people to say they're "If Beam ave. doesn't develop the against us but they don't have to pay Maplewood Mall will die," Parks $20,000 in assessments." reasoned. "That would be a rotten To date only water and sewer situation for Maplewood and the whole assessments have been levied. north area." Assessments for the road have to be Councilman Donald Wiegert admitted levied. that business areas do tend to become Council direction on the state of the interdependent. But he pointed out that rezone areas at this time is in limbo.