HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 04-23 Master water system defeated by council REVIEW li/laster water stem defeated by Scott Carlson Some$10 million in water improvement dicated that the council had taken paying for a service," he replied. projects, which would have begun the alternative number one of the con- But Murdock said delays only mean development of a master meter wholesale sultants' reports— "do nothing." that Maplewood and other municipalities system for Maplewood,were turned down Anderson first moved and Greavu are eventually asking the Metropolitan 3-2 by the city council last Thursday night. seconded a motion to deny construction of Council to intervene in their problems. The council's vote left the future of the water improvements. "That's why that Council is getting so water system improvements unresolved "The least attention has been given to large," he said. despite roughly three years of consulting water for fire fighting purposes,"Wiegert Murdock said, "The minute you get reports, which according to one coun said when it appeared that a vote might pressure from the outside you want to Gilman are so voluminous "I could sit on be taken without any council discussion. back off from the responsibility." them instead of my chair at my dining That is uppermost in my mind." Bruton listed several reasons why he table." I think literally we're playing with fire opposed the water improvements. Councilmen Burton Murdock and when we fool around with this water First, he pointed out that the Planning Donald Wiegert were bitterly disap supply and water pressure," Wiegert Commission supported the water im- pointed that another delay in directing the continued. "This council and previous provements apparently only because it city's water improvements program has councils have studied this matter up and was the council's intent to proceed with a occurred. The two indicated concerns of down, in and out for at least three years wholesale water system. cost and city fire protection due to and I have a stack of reports that I could Second, Maplewood's boundaries may inadequate water pressure in some areas sit on instead of my chair at my dining change over time. "If boundary changes of Maplewood. table. are made within a 20 year time period the But Mayor Robert Bruton and coun "We'd better damn well do something citizens of Maplewood will lose,"he said. cilmen Norman Anderson and John about our water system,"he implored his "We've never talked about the system colleagues. paying for itself in less than 20 years,"he that gain doubt that the taxpayers would Murdock agreed."The minute we get a said, while on the other hand noting gain long-range benefits with a wholesale of the .nater system approach.And they pointedpercentagepeople which put "we see a movement toward bigger out that the system may have technical pressure against the council—and I can't government." defect blame them, that's their privilege — I Third, several factors, including land As a result of the action to deny the think we have a responsibility that we and easement costs, are missing in the water improvements, four subsequent virtually have to take the bit in our teeth cost analysis,Bruton maintained.And he council actions were taken, including: and decide what's going to happen to this pointed out that a firm contract for a —Declaration of a moratorium on city," he said. wholesale system with the St.Paul Board construction of water improvement "All we're doing is putting it off," of Water Commissioners has not been projects in areas of the city which have Murdock said.Responding to some citizen reached. been determined to have critical needs. objections of a poor economy and in- Fourth, parts of the system design are —Reconsideration of a well system, as Ration, Murdock added, "It's all technically undesirable, the Mayor outlined in consultant reports, for relative." charged. "It makes no sense to run water Maplewood. But Greavu disagreed. "I just don't up north and back south," he said. —A directive to the city staff to think this is the time to spend this kind of Bruton was critical of the Water determine the feasibility of legislation to money when the economy is down," he Board's tentative offer to provide only the state legislature which would force said. two points from which Maplewood would the St. Paul Water Board to remain a Greavu pointed out that a 1974 law now draw its water. separate entity from the city of St. Paul gives citizens 65 and over the legal right to Fifth,the project is no longer phased as and to exist as an independent agency request a deferment of assessments for was proposed in earlier consultant serving the total area "which it was city improvements. "Who is going to reports, he said. designed for." make up the difference?" he asked. Bruton concluded,"If we stay retail St. The council also wants the staff to "You're going to put it on the taxpayer." Paul would have to make the im- consider the feasibility of pursuing legal "I think in those areas where we need it provements.Now we want to throw those action to question the constitutionality of (the improvements) we should take care on the citizens of Maplewood." ^3e enabling legislation for the Water of it for the pressure,"Greavu continued, But Murdock responded, "You Board as being discriminatory to the "but to stick in a$10 million—no way." (Bruton) made the statement that any water customers it serves. Murdock responded, "How are we improvement would be tacked on as a Currently Maplewood users of St. Paul going to pay for the tanks (and other surcharge.This is going to encourage the water have 35 percent higher rates than improvements)? If improvements are people on wells to stay on wells the rest of St. Paul users. needed who's going to pay for it?" their time in Maplewood." —A directive to the staff requesting it to Greavu suggested that the Water Board He facetiously added, "That's good inform the Water Board that should be forced to provide adequate planning." Murdock's retort to Bruton Maplewood's move towards a wholesale water pressure for Maplewood. "We're was met with applause from the audience. water system has failed and that it may consider entering negotiations again concerning a retail water contract. All but the last action came at the suggestion of Wiegert. He offered the resolutions as a means of getting the city to do something. Wiegert, apparently disgusted, in-