HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 04-29 Maplewood approves change in Beam Ave. REVIEW By 4-1 vote Maplewood a roves plan pp' change in Beam ave. area by Scott Carlson ►q 7 The Maplewood council last Thursday Bruton said that a plan change was the master plan are not precise and that night approved 4-1 an amendment to the favored because of financial con- the plan was not designed to be rigid city's master guide plan designating the siderations. document. land use on the south side of Beam ave.— Bruton's comment referred to the "There is no expertise involved in the from Southlawn dr.to Highway 61—from problem property owners claim they have creation of the original plan,"Parks said. various residential uses and open space to to face with high assessments for utility "How did they (the Planning Corn- Limited Service Commercial (LSC). improvements. Estimated assessments mission) determine the ideal uses? " he The council's action is the latest step to have been calculated at nearly$20,000 per asked. consider, it is expected, another type of acre. Councilman Donald Wiegert admitted rezone proposal. LSC land usage, under And those figures don't include that lack of expertise be challenged as one the comprehensive plan, would assessments for the construction of a of the plan's drawbacks. "If you are correspond to Business Commercial(BC) bridge over Highway 61. concerned with expertise you would hire zoning, City Planner Bob Reed and City Attorney John Bannigan informed the someone who was a superb planner," he Manager Mike Miller assured the council that it could not consider an area- said. "This approach(Maplewood's) was councilmen. wide assessments to pick up costs for the done involving people." A recent effort to rezone the land bridge. He said that approach avoided the Commercial Office (CO) District was Bruton explained that the only other criticism that the plan was created in an seen as a council compromise between BC possibility would be to consider ivory tower. and Limited Business Commercial assessments against properties abutting Parks, in new information, told the (LBC).The CO includes a provision which Beam ave. council that an option on a small corn- allows various specialty shop uses. "We're in a terrible box and in essence mercial center has run out because But that council initiated rezone at- looking for a way to get out," Bruton rezone efforts have taken too long. tempt was defeated when it failed to get a admitted. Costs for constructing Beam An L-shaped center,with about 10 small necessary four-fifths approval. Coun- ave. are estimated at$3 million. shops'and a drugstore and supermarket, cilmen Burton Murdock and John Greavu Some state aids were received for was planned for Beam ave.about one-half voted against the CO. constructing the road, from White Bear mile west of the Mall,Parks said. At last Thursday night's meeting it was ave. to Hwy. 61, but not enough, Bruton "The CO would have been okay for the Greavu, the apparent supporter of BC said. small shops but not the supermarket or zoning,who dissented on the plan change. Meanwhile the property owners say drugstore," Parks said. Mayor Robert Bruton indicated that they can't absorb the assessments with The Planning Commission and the city Greavu expressed doubts whether the anything less than BC zoning. staff had recommended against any land council will later propose BC zoning with Clayton Parks Jr., an attorney and use plan change. "The considerations overlay conditions. affected property owner, argued for the involved with the area westerly of Speaking for the council majority, plan change on grounds that the lines in Hazelwood are much the same as those to the east and the staff does not see any justification for modification as recommended for this area," Miller stated.