HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 06-26 Design restrictions criticized for denying "basic freedoms" REVIEW i> m Ii 0 0 6 9 r • e r 1R o • ► ei. rot f _,1 c /7 .> s� RRi.A y� �/�x` _-%,,s,,, ti 70 c cr, a�4� �c?�1 s* Y �� r>tzs t 3 i t fI L'art; ,C 'ems.✓ m: ± .',.,0 �-. p t2 _t' &5 J 16 t.,,,;) IT) - . . . The Maplewood Community money businessmen were re- Wiegert said later the chamber ument the problems and pre- Design Review Board is taking quired to spend to meet require-• is going about its investigation senting them to the Community away businessmen's"basic free- ments for signs,to requirements "the right way," seeking to doc- DesignReviewBoard. dorns of imagination, color taste for "matching garbage contain- •. . and architectural design,"a Ma- ers." piewood• resident told the city MANY OF those ' require- council last week. ments, he said,are in the realm Richard Wiens, a public sere- ofersonal taste and "some- ant pastor of Trinity Baptist times have nothing to do with Church in Maplewood, said a the codes." two-hour investigation he made The restrictions strike particu- uncovered a list of people dis- larly hard at the small business- turbed about"the extreme petti- man who would like to start ness of trying to do something with "basically nothing," Wiens • business-seise on a small scale" said. in Maplewood. WIENS said he had had diffi- One businessman, he said, is culties with the city in applying so fed up with harassment" for a variance to build a garage. from city officials that all he He said he began his investiga- wants are the jobs of City Plan- tion after a city staff member ner Robert Reed and City Man- told him, "If I thought I was ager Michael Miller. having problems, I should talk Wiens said he had contacted to some of these businessmen." newspapers and state officials After contacting several bust- about possible investigation of nessmen, most of them in the local restrictions on small busi- nesses:are a of County Road C and 1 %Viiite Bear Avenue, Wiens said "WE'RE getting dictated to in he is convinced that the problem so tremendously many areas that is severe enough that he is «'ill- there's no freedom at all left," ing to "organize the community_ he said. 1 for action." , However, Councilman Donald Wiegert said that the council is aware of the complaints and that the Northeast Arca Chamber of Commerce has established a committee to meet .pith the Community D e s i g n Review Board on those concerns. WII:GERT said Maplewood is "interested in a nice-looking community. 'mat's what that board is trying to do." but, he said, the council is telling; businessmen, "If we've exceeded where we ought to be, then you arc the people who should let us know." • Wiens said the complaints he gathered ranged from the extra