HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 06-26 Greavu wants no manager, no runaround - or no raise REVIEW C l 'ac id �� %(�b� 4` tt I a �C Y/ r.CA� i9 °w c t1 w l `,...,',.,--.%Pj 1�._:7 1# Itr . wY ;3tp, , 1Ct7S r ti jr lc -Ao FFR� ' tS f P. Maplewood should return to "but yet we accomplished more Bruton said he has "used up "I don't know whether we its pre-1967 form of city govern- in a shorter period of time. We vacation time and committed my ought to be compensated for it, meat, Councilman John Greavu never had the problems we got family to no evenings." He said though,"he said. said last week. today and we only have 5-6,000 he particularly underestimated He pointed to a recent survey Greavu said that since the city more people than we did eight the amount of time the would that showed 66 per cent of those adopted a city manager form of years ago." spend on the telephone.Citizens questioned favor no change in government 'I've lost contact Greavu's comments came dur- seems to favor 7 a.m. and 10 state legislators'salaries. wihhour people." ing discussion of salary increas- p.m.phonecalls,headded. The council delayed action Greavu indicated he sides es for the mayor and council. BRUTON SAID he would op- until tonight's meeting, when with residents who. claim they pose a greater or a lesser in- Councilman Burton Murdock are getting the runaround from Maplewood crease than he has proposed. would be present. Murdock city officials and staff.In the old ....,r. "A lesser amount is just as strpn favors a raise. days, he said, "when a person Greavu said he would consider a subject to efitiE Stiff, 40t4fi•Wft (c }•1V:if,-tS�.}' . Kiln-,°,;),t:41.! At- had a rroblem, they came to us. raise only if the city returns to somebody reviews it two years bious about Greavu s desire ip They didn't have to hear all this its old form of government. or four years from now," he return to the old form of govern- rig:marole." MAYOR Robert Bruton has .said. ment. NOW, HE SAID, councilmen proposed increasing the mayor's Other councilmen b e s i d e s "I don't know as you had any must go out and seek citizens' salary from $2,400 to $3,600 and Greavu expressed doubts about less criticism at that time," Wie- opinions because sometimes cit- councilmen's s a I a r i e s from a pay increase,however. gert said. izens will riot talk to the coun- $1,800 to $2,700, effective in Norman Anderson said he, Anderson said the council cil. 1976. It would be the first raise too, is forced to take time off would have to schedule agenda "They think you've got a neg- for mayor and council in 15 from work to attend to city busi- meetings before each meeting to ative attitude toward them," he years. ness,but, "I find it very hard to take care of the increased busi- said. Bruton said last week he be- raise my salary." ness. Wiegert also pointed out In addition, Greavu said, un- Heves an increase is reasonable DONALD WIEGERT said the that "it's under the citizens' der the old form of government because his job as mayor is tak- workload has increased since he control as to what form of gov- councilmen accomplished more ing much more time than he had has been-on the council. ernment they operate under." and had more control over anticipated. "what's going on in this vil- The mayor said he had expect- lage." ed to devote 16 hours a week to 'We worked hard in those city business, but instead has days, and I was at committee•• found himself averaging 24 to 25• meetings every night," he said, hours a week.