HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 06-26 Maplewood rejects plan for even-year elections REVIEW • Maplewood rejects plan. Jerre fib, )975- for 975for even-year elections The Maplewood City Council Murdock said he doesn't recently rejected 3 to 2 a propos- think voters "give a damn" al to go to even-year municipal about local government when elections. ' voting in national and state elec- COUNCILMAN Norman An- tions. derson proposed the change, Councilman Donald Wiegert arguing that odd-year elections also speculated that the state are "costing an exorbitant legislature next year will pass a amount of money" at a time measure requiring all local elec- when the city budget "could use tions to be held at the same a boost." time. Anderson also noted that the Only Anderson and Greavu Ramsey County League of Local • voted for the even-year propos- Governments is working to have al. all elections scheduled the same year. Councilman John Greavu also argued that even-year elections would result in a bigger turnout, but Councilman. Burton Mur- dock disagreed.