HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 06-24 Tie-down ordinance sent back REVIEW Tie-down ordinance sent back rimbyKris- by Scott Carlson problems. But he added, "We certainly expectations in that it only required that An ordinance which would require tie- wouldn't want to see any of our people in `after September 1, 1974 no person shall down anchoring systems for mobile home that problem." install or connect to any mobile home units has been sent back for further study Another citizen said, "I've seen these support or ground anchoring system by Maplewood City council vote last straps (for tying down mobile homes) which is in violation of any rules and Thursday night. come from the factory and they are a regulations promulgated by the com- The action came after the council had Joke. . . .We're not the elite,we buy them missioner'." already passed first reading of the or- (mobile homes) because we're trying to Miller added, "In other words, the law dinance. City Manager Michael Miller be conservative (with our money)." now requires that any support or ground urged the five-member body to finalize Only one person spoke in support of the anchoring system meet state the ordinance on grounds that the tie- ordinance and that was because he had specifications, but does not require the down requirement would afford some seen what Texas winds could do to the installation of such." protection to the mobile home owners mobile homes. "I'd be the last one to say Despite the good intent of the city's during periods of bad weather,high winds we shouldn't protect our mobile homes," proposed ordinance, Councilman John and tornadoes. he said. Greavu said that unless there was a "Winds from thunderstorms can toss But another citizen told the council that uniform tie-down provision on the type of them(the mobile homes)about and inflict the weakest part of the mobile home is the anchoring system the ordinance would be severe damage," Miller said. "Ground roof and a tie-down ordinance would be worthless. "I'm not against them," he anchoring systems do not afford the ineffective."If it was tied to the frame(of said, "but I think the state should do ultimate in protection for mobile homes, the home)it would make more sense but a something." but if the occupants were caught in a strap over the roof is useless," he said. Another council concern centered trailer during a severe storm their Bob Berglund, owner of the Beaver around whether there needed to he chances of survival would be much Lake Estates mobile home park, said he provisions allowing for frost greater and the damage to the trailer was neither for or against the ordinance. specifications, since the winter weather much less severe with a ground anchoring However,he pointed out,in times of home would cause the homes to slightly rise. system." damage "there are people who come in Councilman Wiegert also wanted to Miller pointed out that many of the new and capitalize on this and people are out know whether the city's proposed or- mobile home units already have the $200 or $300." dinance would meet state requirements. means to include straps for tying down. The quality of the tie-down systems The ordinance has been sent back to the But for people with older home units the varies, he added. city staff for further review and an- tie-down anchors would cost roughly$400, The council had considered a tie-down swering of the council's three questions he estimated. ordinance during May, 1974 but withheld (uniformity, frost, and state And several citizens, who spoke in action pending proposed state legislation. requirements). It is expected that the opposition to the proposed ordinance,said But Manager Miller said the an- council will discuss the issue again on that cost would be unbearable for some ticipated state statute fell "short of our July 10. people.They also said that it was doubtful whether the tie-down system would be effective for the most severe weather, tornadoes. "Many of us feel that Maplewood is a good (weather) location because Min- neapolis and St. Paul act as a•heat shield,"one man told the council.He said tornadoes generally travel from the south-southwest in a line along Anoka, Blaine and New Brighton. "It would take more than a wind from a thunderstorm to blow them (the mobile homes) over," he added. Councilman Donald Wiegert said he realized Maplewood has had few tornado