HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 06-12 Maplewood OKs Radatz Avenue traffic solution REVIEW Maplewood OKs Radatz IC'7 s'— Avenue traffic solution A less expensive solution to to give residents indirect access traffic concerns on Radatz Ave- to White Bear Avenue. nue, east of White Bear Avenue, Such a street would cost was approved by the Maple- $15,500, according to City Engi- wood City Council last week. neer Bob Collier, and would RESIDENTS on R adatz peti- serve relatively few persons. tioned the council several weeks COLLIER ALSO proposed an ago to change plans for the alternative solution that he said street to provide for two-way would involve only minor cost. ,;traffic. They said they wanted Under the alternate proposal, easier access to White Bear Ave- residents on Radatz between nue and Maplewood Mall. White Bear and Chisholm Ave- Other residents, h o we v e r, nues would have access to urged the council to keep plans northbound White Bear Avenue for a one-way eastbound street, or could utilize Chisholm Ave- arguing traffic would be greatly nue, which runs south from Ra- increased if Radatz were a two- datz. way street. A barricade would be placed The council considered build- on Radatz west of Chisholm to ing a one -w a y north-south stop westbound through traffic, street, Ariel, between Radatz and the median would be closed and Beam Avenue to the north on White Bear at Radatz.