HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 06-12 Maplewood planning unit eyes "overlay" ordinance REVEIW Maplewoodplanningunit eyes ov erla Y ®ri na nce rds e ✓ T h e Maplewood Planning even higher sttdaof design are attracted to the area becauseCommission Monday will exam- and amenities" as the Mall it- of traffic generated by the mall, ine a proposed "overlay" ordi- self, City Planner Bob Reed he said, and often those periph- nance regulating development said. eral developments include less around the Maplewood Mall. Maplewood hopes to avoid attractive buildings and parking IF ADOPTED, the ordinance some of the problems of "strip" problems, detracting from the would be Maplewood's first un- and "parasitic" development rest of the center. der the "overlay" zoning legis- that have plagued other regional The staff proposal provides lation adopted by the city coun- centers, such as Southdale, he additional controls in specific cil in January. said. areas such as building height, AN "OVERLAY" gives the REED EXPLAINED "parasi- area coverage, setbacks and ac- city additional controls and tic" development as "the usual cess. It also provides the possi- powers of review over areawide thing that happens with a diver- problems that cannot be solved • sified center." Other businesses See Overlay,Page 2 with the "base" zoning of the property in the area. The proposed or din a n c e, drafted by city staff members, `provides a special set of controls available to the city in dealing with Mall-related development. It would not, however, pro- hibit any of the uses permitted under the "base" zonings with- in the overlay district, which would extend roughly from Hwy. 61 on the west to White Bear Avenue on the east, and from I-694 on the north to Beam Avenue on the south. THE PROPOSED ordinance is maimed at keeping development around the Mall at "the same or Overlay Continued from Page 1 bility of waiving some require- ments as an incentive to develo- pers to come up with attractive and well-planned designs, Reed indicated. The ordinance would require a special exception for any use permitted under the base zon- ing. IT WOULD require a special use permit for drive-in busi- nesses such as automobile ser- vice stations, car washes and fast food restaurants. The city may decide to require a special use permit for other types of busi- nesses as well,Reed noted.