HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 12-23 Maplewood woman to receive police promotion REVIEW MaplewOod woman. receive • otlO icerom� the newest member of the police officers Q e L .3for unit. promote Mrs.Ferrazzo the duties short of a paramedics frees$18,000 a In to p by Scott Carlson Maplewood sergeant for p promotion for o willf the the city to make the p cityn orderwill to have t hire a secretary to A woman employeeFerrazzo. police department Ma gr i offered ac- and Civil Service full "patrol officer," Miller, Miller said that he has the u ies. who in October Ra zo's news take over her clerical Before promotion aMsMichael in Jul reports contended Mrs.Fer trot,dutieseHumansaidhhehisscontactedo cording do complainty clerical and not pa anRelations people "I would The woman,Mrs.enPat Ferrazzo,in July were mainly he had apparently changedCommissionpromotion regarding d out with the Minnesota no reason why the had filed a Rightstecer "Miller State against because e i ndinoti receive his umind dind sa , "1 always indicated to have to have siti fromothe at- "equal payt she had beoBut erhe a Y position(of patrol torney saying her(Ferrazzo that if a Po. "Pat may say she doesn't want the because work."not receive officer)opened up I'd consider her for the said. speculated," and if she thqual promotion." or ay spa is."h Miller made his announcement before to " Miller l alsoprobably sp ul lits Department she council last Thursday nightIt has been Mrs.Ferrazzo's contention ] an Rig the city tart'situation inproblems e that she has performed all the dutiesdoesThestate oba tin the where shet.The clarify police municipality'scingpolice officer. "I'm com- has been investigating Hug g, Board has to andof a leen in Police Civil Service m l Com- allow case amidst other budgetary , pared to receive all fringe benefits of Map departmentpleo expexcept salary," she the v Limit Board has e police officers p Maplewood Police in during Whilew expansion State Levy request toI must missionssremovedn actions during gfication past o turned down rom paramedic Civil in a letter Commission.the eligibilityes patrolm cla•s ation azzan anect hf the oble p Cwith allterequirements andlips backedrrMrs.allow exp the promotion of Mrs.Ferrazzo complybwith all the req rsonnel." essentially program, problem, Miller in- lice pe complaint. hpWever, in an will not affect that p obligations of all sworn po The commission, ssion Mrs. Ferrazzo, who has served i eche presentation to the council, said budget will be mahe police department more than 10 y OctoberTo change might n Ferrazzo's promotion the alsopolice officer. possible by eliminating says she is a certified its action on legal dispute. Commission e a com a community po a police sergeantMiller andsubject to g ancivil service thathtcipated losingMiller, irk ad that Mrs.Ferrazzo,if f he sutto l g changed a nam idable servicesinchalfof officer.aperson's said Thursday,ccerules members had ch females gedpolice and minorities dant was accepts the lob, will receive But shfualify for the P° s the ldh of me sets he hat o more epeily 9 with her seniority• lice officer." evusd now choices will go out the window, salary would have come out of the$lpropriate Teter, since Mrs• Ferrazzo will be P° previouslyof obudgeted,pand now rejected, interp for 1976 in police paramedics. The eliminationwhofthe community would assume all services officer,