HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 12-16 Bruton calls for Ramsey government study group REVIEW Bruton calls firernes Dec. 16 , )(re' ygovernment study gro by Scott Carlson League of Women Voters,approached the approached which says that theywill Maplewood Mayor Robert Bruton,at a council about the issue.The countyboardY has been offered by commissionerutxpdiHal recent council meeting,said he's in favor itself went on record last week fvoring probably boad haveeachinggreeeemet" ton and recognize the fact that the board has of setting up an independent studythe court-appointedgreatdifficulty g purports to cut expenditures commission to review what form of investigate ich formofgovernment tocomnUssion is tohave a study."...I commisuess sion thatt the bcan go The study commission, in its st Y very limited policy-making powers. in- government there should be for Ramsey should have under the Optional Act the Ramsey County League, the League vestigation, could conclude that there county. passed by the state legislature. of Women Voters and so forth for input." should be no change or only modified "Three (county) commissioners have Sykes told the council that petitioning change,Mayor Bruton said at the council Bruton made his remarks Dec.4 when three very different proposals on how it for a study commission would force the meeting. Virginia Sykes,a member of the Roseville (the government structure) should be issue to a vote of the citizens.She said that Sykes said,"If the county is to remain county government,in general,is"pretty strong it has to adapt to its structure to much a hidden layer of government not take care of all the responsibilities being visible or accountable." thrust upon it by the legislature. She Ramsey county spends $64 million, added, "Although the league supported twice as much as St. Paul, and yet is the concept of the metropolitan council to administered by a parttime board of be a planning and review agency it is our commissioners, Sykes said. "These feeling that the county should remain commissioners sit on six committees and strong so that those responsibilities aren't make administrative decisions. absorbed by the Metropolitan Council by "We feel this undermines the executive default." secretary (county administrator), the Councilman John Greavu,in comments plan under which the County now about the push for governmental change, operates,"she continued. said,"The problem I see is I'd like to vote Sykes said that the League has taken no for who goes on (that commission)." formal position on which of the various The senior judge in Ramsey county can alternatives would be best for govern- appoint 10 to 15 people to the study mental reorganization. But she added, commission. • "We feel that separation of powers bet- ween the administration and the policy- making is a step in the right direction." That thinking would be more in line with commissioner Diane Arhen's proposal to remove the county board from administration in an attempt to establish clear lines of accountability and authority. Another proposal,however,would have the county board assume full ad- ministrative duties and abolish the county administrator's office. The plan, which