HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 12-16 Police call pact signed REVIEW Police c pact signed ,. 1m1s By a unanimous vote Monday night the North St. Paul agrees to indemnify and North St. Paul city council approved an hold forever harmless the city of agreement with the Maplewood police Maplewood from any and all claims, department for after hour dispatching. demands and actions in law that may For the past years North St. Paul has hereafter arise on account of this contracted with White Bear Lake for dispatching agreement and the services police and fire dispatching after hours, to be rendered. weekends and holidays.But this year the 4. The city of North St. Paul agrees to city staff investigated the possibility of pay the city of Maplewood the sum of having Maplewood do the job instead,and $7,000 per year commencing Jan. 1, 1976. the result was a recommendation to 5. The city of Maplewood will begin to switch to the neighboring municipality. provide this dispatching service Jan. 1, "White Bear Lake did a good job over 1976 at 12:01 a.m. the years," said Mayor Jack Whisler, 6. All costs to install and maintain "but once in a while they'd get a call from whatever additional facilities are down here and didn't know whether it was necessary so that the city of Maplewood North St. Paul or Maplewood. can handle this dispatching will be paid "Maplewood surrounds us on three by the city of North St. Paul. sides," the mayor added. "We feel its 7. This contract shall remain in force proximity to us makes it much easier to and effect until terminated by 30 days dispatch our after hour police calls." written notice by either party. For the service North St.Paul will pay Maplewood$7,000 per year starting Jan. 1, 1976. THE AGREEMENT reads in part as follows: 1.The city of Maplewood,by utilizing its present personnel and facilities, will handle the receiving and dispatching of all calls for police, ambulance service, fire service and emergency utility calls for the city of North St. Paul. 2. The city of Maplewood will be responsible for the dispatching during the hours of 4:30 p.m. to 8 a.m. Monday through Friday and during the hours of 4:30 p.m. Friday to 8 a.m. Monday each week, and in addition, from 4:30 p.m. on the day preceding all legal holidays, according to Minnesota law,to the hour of 8 a.m. on the day after the holiday. 3. The city of Maplewood will not be liable in any way to the city of North St. Paul, now to any inhabitant or property owner in North St.Paul for claims arising out of this dispatching service.The city of