HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 12-16 Human Relations Commission considering sexism issue REVIEW Human Be lat ions Commission • ' Dee. 16, 1'116— considering 6, t 16 consldering sexism • ssue by Scott Carlson model program which other school grad is achievementconted. drops once they Sexism inarea schools the districts can usethat brains "are the me under investigationanRlnbyCom- identify saidsthe problemsnwas through too that women age risk,"Peek continued. Maplewood Human Relationswe mission. questionnaire on sexism in textbooks. "I thiPeek said abut that do sn to have sexual t mean iden- Although it is too early to know exactly "It startled the teachers,"Peek said. I tities," what the commissioners will do, there think it made them look at things that that I can't do something(a job) because already has been movement to question they hadn't considered before. Some of bmause youfemale or e ayoumacan't do something the North St. Paul-Maplewood school the books were very sexist." district about its commitment to af- Last year Peek attacked nhe to problem blem instance,saids not trying school forceysystem, inthis his but firmative action hiring. from the bottom up by helping understandothe change And in recent weeks members of the curriculum with the teachers. Materials only help people commission have been reading materials have been added to the social studies that has already taken place in thhew world. on sk,as consultant onsexismin complishm nts ofnow woment inout the labor educate ac- ion has to catch already up,"she said. Peek,a part-time as well as in the the Mahtomedi herob. public schools, to speak course movementnthe home economics depart- tra ining ning on sexism for adminisk is trators and about her job. One commissioner was curious about ment at the high school leveltitled working h in- what kind response Peek has received Marriage: fromromance magazine to volemntdoesn'tcome from both ends from the scofhool staff. Another, chairman reality." (teachers and administrators) there may Janet ion , wndredwhron- Ngradersaboutprogram for the fade sideration of sexism schools would the civil rights of minoritiesbut once funding has ceased, Peek said. public hostility. also women. Physical education classes Peek is encouraged by the progress and The commissionuiDistrictd 622at it had are assistant and co-recreationalthe industrial arts wherever instructorssiare everything is rosy,"has happened." said. Peek said Donald Gauvin, superintendent for personnel,as a recent trying to plan courses which would appeal that cede tiontof staff rear tion to the progller's ram guest and he indicated that affirmative to both boys and girls. in p actionhiring was not a high district Peek trying to said eliminatethe sex sexism, is tnot'at- ha"He said that o one third of the people ry accurate. priority. Peek, in her comments to the com- tempting to destroy sexual identities of would be interested, one-third wouldn't mission,said that the school district may boys and girls.Instead"the main thing is give a damn and one third would be become the center of unwanted publicity to see if we can get girls treated with the rePeek stent," she concludes that the "most im if North high Asst. Principal JoAnne same dignity," she said. Shekleton's discrimination grievance is For example girls often lose their portant thing we're doing is trying to taken on the U.S. Department of Justice. positive self-identities because they have figure out what can be done because if we She alsthat s after once models to pattern their lives can elementary d strc tot then we can help other school to want get a copy of rules and regulation regarding Title Nine funding and sexism. Peek, who taught for one semester several years ago in the North St. Paul- Maplewood schools, said the school district should already be dealing with directives on racism and sexism. "You could go to the school board and ask what is being done," she said. The Mahtomedi school district is doing something very comprehensive because there was a push from three women school board members to examine the issue, Peek said. A proposal to reduce sexism in grades kindergarten through 12 was written by Mahtomedi and funding authorized by the Council on Quality Education. The Mahtomedi program, Peek said, was designed to accomplish three goals. One, raise the community and school awareness about the problems. Two, develop a curriculum and three,develop a