HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 12-16 Commission to offer Beam rezone alternates REVIEW Commission to o er Oett, 16, ITIS Beam rezone alternates mercial (LBC) and Commercial Office cannot go in the area should be spelled by Scott Carlson out. Maplewood Planning Commission District (CO). Greavu, speaking in his behalf, said chairman Les Axdahl declared,"We need The latest attempt,made last month,to that the Beame gin situation is aid consensus to begin work on a working rezone the land with an overlay district that t eothers avenuein she city because f- document." was passed by the council on first reading the four from lane all dividedtr road was "imposed But at a special meeting of the corn- but failed to get the necessary four votes upon the people." mission and the city council last week to the second time around. discuss what should be done to rezone the Still with all these failures in achieving "I quarrel if controversial south side of Beam avenue, a zone,which gives the city some control area,"wouldn'tnsaid. l if it the wasany otherer between White Bear avenue and over development and at the same time is a rto holler like. hell with peopleokinds Hazelwood, no consensus was in sight. a fair break to property owners with of asoessmrnts."Those proposed Instead the public officials merely re- excessive assessments, the planning assessments, at one were $101opd raised issues discussed many, many commission last week said it will attempt sots streetsatnand time, we re$per pera t times already during the last year and a to present some alternatives for the sanitaryfront sewer improvement.a half. council when the issue is considered Any effort to rezone that strip of Beam again. Greavu added,"If we told the people on avenue, which is across from the At times the meeting became very Beam avenue what these assessments Maplewood Mall, will take at least four heated. Mayor Robert Bruton, who ap- would be we wouldn't have a Beam votes of the council. But on previous peared somewhat exasperated at the avenue." occasions the council has split 3-2 on continuing deadlock,accused councilman proposals to rezone to Business Corn- Burton Murdock and John Greavu, who Bruton, Wiegert and Anderson, on the mercial (BC), Limited Business Corn- have favored the BC zoning,of not trying other hand, have been concerned that to reach any compromise settlement. approval of BC zoning may lead the way "We've come a helluva long way but you for such land uses as those for used car haven't given an inch," Bruton said. lots or drive-in restaurants. The mayor maintained that he and Wiegert said, "I wouldn't have any councilmen Norman Anderson and g Donald Wiegert were dead opposed to the hangups with BC with deletions and also BC zoning but are now willing to accept if we had some provisions for green space BC zoning with some deletions. too." Murdock,in defending himself, said he Murdock suggested that the council be is not against a buffer zone and wants reasonable in dealing with the rezeni Ig. good development in the area.But he said And then he added,"I hope we`+.vc:` >ec a restrictions concerning what can and situation like this again."