HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 12-09 State turns down city's levy exception request REVIEW State turns down city's levyexception request 9O5byDec. 9, (COS-- by Scott Carlson natives.Miller said he will report back at that it would save Maplewood the cost of The Minnesota Department of Revenue the Dec.18 meeting with an update on the holding a tax referendum. has turned down a request from budget. Councilman Donald Wiegert, however, Maplewood to allow budgeting of its 1976 In October the council adopted a budget expressed reservations about ap- police paramedic program as a special which exceeded its tax levy formula by proaching the legislature for special exception to exceed the state tax levy some$48,000. City Attorney Donald Lais funding."I'd rather go with a referendum limitation. and Maplewood Finance Director Donald because I don't know if our people would That somber news was presented to the Ashworth-met with Art Roemer, State want to exceed the levy limit for local council last Thursday night by Commissioner of Revenue, in seeking paramedics," he said.He added'that in Maplewood Manager Michael Miller,who approval of the special exceptions to the recent months there has been talk of is now in the process of trying to re-juggle state levy limit but found themselves in holding referendums for many things. the city budget.The situation is somewhat disagreement with Roemer's in- Councilman Norman Anderson seemed complicated since Maplewood in October terpretation of the law. partially in agreement with Wiegert.And certified a levy to include$189,000 for the "We claim that it (the paramedic he said, "I think it (a referendum for ambulance and police paramedic program) was statutorily mandated," paramedics) might pass." program. Miller said. Mayor Robert Bruton suggested that However, the complication can be But Miller credited Roemer in the city's problem was not of over- cleared up,Miller said. "Ramsey county suggesting what the city might do to whelming magnitude since"it still occurs has notified us that if you do not want to relieve its problem. "The department of to me that indeed we are providing police continue the paramedic program they revenue has told us that if we wish to services and paramedic services" will take the$189,000 off the tax levy,"he leave it (the $189,000) and go for a because of what Maplewood authorized told the councilmen. referendum that we can take the money for 1975. He mentioned that the city has But at least two of the councilmen — as it's collected and put it in escrow," gone into the program with six less people John Greavu and Norman Anderson — Miller said. than it has authorized for the 1976 budget. urged Miller to consider other alter- Another alternative would be to seek Bruton felt there was an urgency for the special funding through a bill in the council to decide what course of action to Minnesota legislature, Miller added take at the meeting since "Dick Schaller "If a referendum didn't carry or you (director of public safety)intends to have didn't get special legislation, then that offers (for the new officers) in by Dec. amount would be subtracted from the 15." taxes we could levy (the following budget But Miller responded, "I can't year), Miller continued. authorize any hiring without budget and The denial for the special tax levy at this point I don't have budget because exception has caused Maplewood to the budget goes specifically for reassess whether it can afford to buy paramedics and the paramedics' ex- some parks maintenance trucks and ception has been turned down." whether it should purchase a telemetry He concluded, "I don't intend to hire radio for the paramedic program. anybody until I have an authorized Greavu, who said he would hate to see program." the paramedic program dropped, suggested that the city investigate whether it can charge a per capita tax for police and fire protection. But Lais said, "The statute says you can levy for physical improvements."But "I can't see how in the devil they'd let you get away with that one," he added. Miller said, "I do know the law allows for assessing some basic services like street maintenance." The city manager said he would check out any other possibility for Maplewood to increase its ability to raise more monies. But he warned the council that the state levy probably prohibits"us from going on an overall assessment for the whole town." Miller personally felt that an attempt at special funding through the legislature would be the best alternative. He added