HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 12-02 Winter driving tips offered by Schaller REVIEW Winter driving tips offered by Schaller n ec . , IS16 Emergencies come and emergencies go chains for maximum traction in deep — and, according to Maplewood Police snow and glare ice. Chief Dick Schaller,it's the responsibility —Keep your speed down and give of the police department to handle all yourself plenty of following distance in types of emergency situations efficiently traffic.You need lots of room to steer and and effectively. stop on winter slick roads and streets. But there's one type of emergency —Slow down well ahead of in- situation that's predictable, according to tersections.They're apt to be extra slick the chief—it's the sudden winter storm because of the polishing effect of stopping that catches drivers unprepared. He and starting traffic.' listed lack of foresight, impatience and —Watch for warming trends, they lead failure to adjust to conditions among the to trouble. Ice is twice as slippery at 30 main driver errors causing most bad- degrees as it is at 0 degrees. weather tieups and fender-bender —Even though most of the road is clear, collisions. watch ahead for icy patches in shady He offered the following tips provided spots—tree shadows and underpasses. If by the International Association of Chiefs you hit one unexpectedly, hold the wheel of Police and based on recommendations steady and roll through.Jamming on the from the National Safety Council's brakes will only send you into a skid. Committee on Winter Driving Hazards: —If you do skid,don't panic.Steer in the —Before you start, clear your wind- direction that the rear of the car is sliding. shield, side and rear windows of ice and Don't oversteer. When you feel the car snow.Free-up the wiper blades and clean straighten out, turn the wheels straight snow from the hood. Peephole driving is and keep rolling. an invitation to disaster. —If you're stuck in the snow,turn your —Clean headlights and taillights front wheels back and forth to push snow thoroughly. Keep the windshield washer away from your tires.Shift to the highest reservoir filled with the proper anti- gear; and, with a gentle foot on the gas, freeze solution for prevailing tem- try to ease out without spinning the peratures. wheels. You'll dig in deeper if you spin. —Run heater and defroster a few —If that doesn't work, try rocking by minutes before you start. Otherwise, alternately shifting between forward and sudden fogging of the glass could blind reverse. Check your owner's manual for you. advice on rocking with an automatic —On the road,steer steady on ice and transmission to avoid costly repairs. snow. Don't make abrupt changes in Recognizing in advance the limitations direction. Anticipate lane changes and that adverse weather places on driving turns. Make them gradually. and vehicle control, according to Chief —If you must drive during severe snow Schaller,is the best way you can keep an and ice conditions, use reinforced tire emergency from turning into a disaster!