HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 12-02 Minor development plan adopted REVIEW Minor development plan adopted by Scott Carlson c _C`. _-, 1Y15- 15 A 50 acre parcel of land south of High- Once one falls they'll all fall.If you allow stated. At most perhaps six more homes way 36 and west of Highway 61 and Keller homes to come in by the dozens that would could be developed in the area,the report Lake has been designated for "minor only encourage further development." indicated. development" by the Maplewood city The citizens, Grant said, need the "We'll see more and more of this council. council to"protect us from unreasonable because of increasing taxes,"councilman The council's action.which came at its development." John Greavu predicted, referring to Nov. 20 meeting, preceded a subsequent And some other people, including City Pelitech's apparent desire to subdivide decision to deny Voya Pelitech's request Manager Michael Miller, agreed with his property. "The county assessor to subdivide his property. A plan was Grant's concerns. doesn't care about open space. He just submitted outlining divisions for 10 lots. Miller,in his staff report to the council, wants to soak it to you." Presently there are 31 separate parcels said "Considering the effect of Greavu speculated that Pelitech might within the area studied by the city staff development on the nature and character not be able to afford owning all his land. and the planning commission and all but of the area in question, the previously However councilman Donald Wiegert 12 have frontage on both Arcade and expressed wishes of the property owners agreed with staff that a division of 10 lots Keller Lake. Lot depths of the double for retention of that character and the would not be in conformance with density frontage parcels range from 300 to 350 feet existing low density it is recommended patterns in the area. And in response to at the extreme north and south ends to 800 that alternative number one be adopted Greavu's concern that the city could be feet at the center with the average more as the preferred method for direction of hauled into court for not allowing a man than 600 feet. future land use and development." the right to develop his property,Wiegert The city council was urged to adopt the The minor development plan would said, "I think we could go to court to say minor development plan and leave the 50 restrict new construction to using only that it isn't consistent with neighborhood acre area approximately in the same existing streets and requiring full corn- practice and uphold it." condition.Gordon Grant,2134 Arcade st., pliance with existing city codes as to lot Pelitech's actual request to divide one contended that to establish a precedent width,area,frontage on improved streets parcel of land into a lot 100 by 140 feet with for allowing "unwieldy" subdivisions and similar requirements. the remaining lot maintaining an would wreck the character of the neigh- "Considering the way in which irregular shape over 5.6 acres was denied borhood. properties are presently developed and by the council. However the council in- "If houses and roads go in for 10 lots the existing ownership patterns this dicated that it would perhaps be many trees would have to go," Grant alternative would mean a preservation of agreeableoto grant a subdivision for a added.He said,"It's like a house of cards. the present condition," the staff report larger