HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 11-25 Reduced aid for center may free some city funds REVIEW • diS duced. . for center cv as-,.15�►s may "Tree some c:ty 1.4,ands by Scott Carlson funds would be reduced from $25,000 to A reduction in federal aid to help the $15,000. city of Maplewood acquire land for the "That would leave$10,000 (which was Michael Lane Nature Center may make budgeted for the park) up in the air," $10,000 available to the city. Blank told the park commissioners.Blank Eric Blank,director of city community said that money could go back into the services, told the Maplewood Park and general fund, remain for future land Recreation Commission, at a recent acquisition or be reallocated for other meeting, that the Office of Local and park pur-'oses. Urban Affairs states that the nature park Even though this coming year's has received a high priority for a federal resources will not be enough to finish off Land and Water Conservation Fund acquisition, once a project has been (LAWCON) grant of some $30,000. funded there is a good chance it will be But Blank pointed out that is less than refunded, he said. original federal share anticipated. The James Solem, director of the office of city council when approving the annual Local and Urban Affairs, in a letter, in- budget was expecting a $100,000 going formed Blank that his office would be toward the project, submitting the application to the Bureau Approximately $50,000 in federal aid of Outdoor Recreation (BOR) for a was expected with the city and the state of LAWCON grant Nov. 24. Minnesota each kicking in$25,000 apiece. Solem has advised that a representativ;> But with confirmation that only$30,000 of the city should be present at the in federal aid will be available the state meeting or"it could mean rejection of the and Maplewood's amount of matching application."