HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 11-25 Stop signs called dangerous REVIEW Stop signs called dangerous , Nov as- i is by Scott Carlson them, Strauch said at the meeting last heavy. "It causes more problems than it In what was a turnabout from what city Thursday night. helps," he said. councils have normally come to expect "There is a lack of effectiveness in cars City Manager Michael Miller informed from citizens, Gary Strauch, 2252 E. stopping," Strauch told the councilmen. the council that both roads come under County Rd. D, told the Maplewood city And he advocated that the city remove the the jurisdiction of Ramsey county and council that it should take action to stop signs on McKnight road but leave that county administrators say that the remove some stop signs at the in- them in on County Rd. D. request is being measured against tersection of McKnight road and County "People have run the stop sign because standards adopted by the county to Rd. D. of the small amount of traffic on County determine whether or not to retain the The stop signs,in essence,are a danger Rd. D, which has become a habit," stop signs on McKnight. to motorists, Strauch said. The reason? . Strauch maintained. "There is a noise Miller suggested that the council could No one seems to pay any attention to problem of cars stopping and starting out ask the county to study whether it would from the stop sign.The sign doesn't serve be desirable to reduce that speed limit to any real function." 30 miles per hour. Part of the problem, he and city of- The city council,in its resolution to the ficials agreed, is that motorists coming county, indicated that it would support from the north on McKnight can travel 40 removal of the stop signs subject to a miles per hour and when coming over the reduction in traffic speed for motorists bridge, which spans Interstate 694, they coming south on McKnight road over the are unaware and unprepared for the stop. freeway bridge. The council added that Strauch said the problem is worse at the removal of the stop signs should be rush hours when traffic from the conditional on conformance with national Maplewood Mall and the 3M Company is safety standards. 4.,,,-,',,-11',4tr'*. k*Ms*"."'1.-4',.'"' ° ' -°-4-4,''.*' o \'4i*it,'''',:!*'''r,: 4:9"Oki/4:',41-1!','‘ ',1r,:-. =- ' := %I: $:.]iiipoo_ ¢ --,,,,,,:,,,-,4t1;,„‘„,,,,,<.,..,:,-,,, '' ' '� „a c"f S . -4°2 ?' 4> �a r + l''lijil 1'Y Zil' ' ' ' „Si i '''t, Aa; '`x i w . 0 ;- �- • A ask w a max. . ....k F ten. `7 C )t LSM.. THE SIGN says"STOP"at McKnight and County Rd.D but a lot of motorists aren't and reducing noise,the stop signs should betaken down,Gary Stt paying attention to it, according to a Maplewood resident. In the interest of safety council last Thursday night. See story below.