HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 11-25 Proposed court consolation worries Maplewood officials REVIEW 1•-..,-- `t# d v� T✓* yrs pr.-- .soy [s..!;.:....1'3.. t mm tat i • Nt)� AS ; 1q?S A � � or es - -. ei,a by Scott Carlson I . 3 ? A suggestion from Ramsey County ; 1 : , ; 1 ' Commissioner Anthony Danna that the 1 Ramsey municipal court system should ; I . , 1 ' 1 t be consolidated has some officials in i • i 1 t Maplewood worried. i 1 1 Danna's suggestion that the county F ',--•• : ,,,,,,, ' :;-.- ;'.'''l'',/-1....s dispense with its courts in North St.Paul, `' New Brighton and White Bear Lake and retain those in Maplewood and Roseville, • .i. - ' i • 1 in an effort to save costs, caught the at ; ' '; tention of Maplewood councilman Donald Wiegert. Wiegert, at last Thursday night's , _s: •• < council meeting, told his colleagues that Danna has talked of bringing the proposal �t. to the state legislature. "We should be ,. 1_ "1 I i kept aware of this proposal," he said in i ' t pointing out that it would affect l; to ' Maplewood. `` --;1 &4i t, t G,{ 1 . rk. : ,. The 10-month-old consolidated county /,1;. gr 1144711111 1 fl - fl 1municipalcourtsystemhas ahelluvalot 1 1i bigger bill. . .than they figured it would � f be,"Wiegert said. "It hasn't been a good ; ' 6.4k i -r i , venture for all parties concerned." 1 , : i1; f i.` .� trk But CityAttorneyDon Lais responded- 1 that there is no guarantee that a con- I 1 ' ', t,4 17 t tt solidated court would be any less costly. 1:.;--,.'''''-'4r-,-;' j ` 1 And, he added, "This will be a bigger iill ' - '1 1 'i 1 ili i problem for Maplewood." Maplewood Manager Michael Miller OPERATION OF A municipal court in North St.Paul,which was in recess when this said there is a feeling that only • photo was taken Friday,could become a thing of the past if Ramsey County Com- Maplewood and Roseville have ac- missioner Anthonyanna is successful in getting ceptable.court facilities. But he also Y approval for a consolidation of the municipal court system.Danna suggests that only Roseville and Maplewood retain added,"Some people would like to cen- talize the courts in St.Paul and ignore the their courts. suburbs." Dick Schaller, police chief for Maplewood, maintained that the new County Prosecutors Association, said his are looking to return the municipal court county court system has worked well group has taken no position on the idea of system to St. Paul, Summers said that although it is expensive. the court consolidation. But he added, right now the court is faced with a "From our observation there has been a "My own personal feeling is that it would shortage of space in St. Paul. need to hire additional deputies, bailiffs not save any money. I think it would be "We have no intention of taking a and court reporters,"Schaller said. "I'm more expensive." position on county court consolidation," not saying that that isn't necessary but it The idea of court consolidation has he said. is expensive." come up because the county will be The judge indicated that the county has Should the county decide to consolidate renegotiating rental rates with the cities probably asked for a study of costs .its court system and use only Maplewood for using their facilities, according to because per case expenses have-ranged ,and Roseville facilities there probably municipal judge Joseph Summers, who from $3 to $14 and in a couple locations f would be additional parking problems for has been asked by the municipal judges to there have been no jury trials. Maplewood. Schaller predicted of the provide statistical information on judges already cramped city hall. work loads and court costs.Summers said Kelly said that no cost figures have And if night juries had to continue that his more complete information will been presented to indicate a consolidation deliberations the following morning there be ready within two weeks. would save any money. He added, "It might be real scheduling problems, the One of the difficulties in breaking down seems to me that centralization will cause chief indicated. "We'd lose some use of the costs is due to the fact that "we congestion and inconvenience for the the facility." I consider ourselves one court," he said. people who are paying for the system." But Schaller said that even the Summers pointed out that the judges For example, he said, people in White have only been asked to provide in- Bear Lake will have to drive 17 miles to problems of a consolidated court system would still be much more acceptable to formation and have not taken any formal take care of a towing fine. Maplewood than if all suburban courts position on the issue of court con- But judge Summers believes that"it is were abolished. solidation. honestly too early to say that anybody is "Our officers would be remote"and we Contrary to the belief that the judges proposing anything." would lose a tot of time, Schaller said. "Here we can call them for court within a .. matter of minutes." '` ye *ow nnnald Kelly.president of the Ramsey r p�Y'ty 1