HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 11-25 Maplewood receives "A" on municipal bond sale REVIEW Maplewood receives 'A' on municipal bond sale The city of Maplewood last Thursday dale.All of the projects have been ordered night authorized sale of $1.36 million by previous actions of the city council. worth of bonds to the American National In other action the city council: Bank and Trust Company of St. Paul. —Approved completion of a street vacation on Bob Sander, of Juran and Moody, told Ferndale treeGeranium avenue,west of t. the city council that 15 banks competed in —Waived an ambulance service billing the bond sale and Maplewood was able to to Laura Marklie,193 Mount Vernon ave., receive an- "A" rating and an interest on grounds that to force her to pay the bill rate, to repay the bonds at 6.1 percent. would constitute a financial hardship. The bond sale, which covers a 15-year Maplewood officials report that this is period, will include financing of the the second ambulance billing which has following city improvements: storm been waived and the first one for a sewer for Lydia-McKnight, sanitary Maplewood resident. sewer and water for County rd. B, water Mayor Bruton said, "We'd encourage for North Central,water for Clarence and people to do this(ask for a waiving of the Elm,sidewalk for White Bear avenue and ambulance fee) if they really have a various utility improvements for Fern- billing problem."