HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 11-18 Greavu literature called misleading REVIEW Greavu literature called misleading g N4 ,s . by Scott Carlson permits and$15 surcharge. For a$40,000 Re-elected Maplewood city councilman . to $50,000 home that permit fee would John Greavu was brought under attack by increase about$40 or$50 more,he added. colleague Norman Anderson last Thur- But Greavu defended his figure of sday night for a piece of literature in $2,900. He stated that the figure was Greavu's campaign which was allegedly calculated by including eight percent "misleading." interest over 30 years and it also includes Greavu, in his literature, claimed that fees for electrical and heating permits. citizens in the city who purchase modest "You start adding up the figure and it gets homes can expect to pay$2,900 in permit pretty high," he said. fees. Councilman Burton Murdock said, "I Anderson, who said a number of can appreciate your criticism but as far citizens called him on the piece of as permits are concerned they are literature, said that checking with the necessary." He said they help to pay for owner of a $55,000 bungalow in city personnel who must inspect building Maplewood that individual had paid some to make sure they are up to code. $1,760 in permits for the home. That in- cluded: sewer availability charge, water But Greavu contended that the city availability charge,and park availability inspectors are so busy that they have no charge. time to enforce violations of the code. He Councilman Donald Wiegert, who was added that once you come back after the also recently re-elected by the voters in buildings are completed the contractors the council elections, said he had always can "laugh in your face." thought that the standard figure for Anderson, after listening to Greavu's permit fees was about $1,100. explanation, said, "You made people While none of the other councilmen think Maplewood was an exception." He contended Maplewood is low on permit pointed out that other communities like charges they indicated that the city is not Cottage Grove and Shoreview have park way out of line with other communities. charges. Anderson said that permit fees for Murdock agreed with Anderson. "You residents in White Bear Lake are about really loaded it up pal," he said of $1,000 and in Shoreview alone a person Greavu's figure. can get charged$150 for a grading permit. Mayor Robert Bruton contended that a City Manager Michael Miller said that a charge for parks,for example,is a matter basic Maplewood list of permit fees for a of "do you want parks or don't you?" $30,000 home includes $325 for the sewer Greavu said that it would be better to go availability charge, $150 for the water to the voters to determine whether money availability charge, $317 for the park should be set aside for park development availability charge, $101.50 in building and land acquisition.