HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 11-18 Bruton proclaims "Bible Week" REVIEW Bruton proclaims `Bible Week ' N v i f ►c1c1s— Maplewood Mayor Robert Bruton "WHEREAS,In the continuing interest issued the following "Bible Week" of all sects, the Laymen's National Bible proclamation last week: Committee, Inc. is sponsoring the 35th "WHEREAS,The Bible was the single annual commemoration of faith through most influential document in shaping the the Scriptures, ideas and principles on which our nation "NOW, THEREFORE, I, Robert T. was founded 200 years ago; and Bruton,mayor of the city of Maplewood, "WHEREAS, An understanding of the by virtue of the authority vested in me,do Biblical teachings on personal and social hereby proclaim the period of November moral responsibility has been and con- 23-30, 1975 as tinues to be essential for the well-being of our free, democratic society; and BIBLE WEEK "WHEREAS,A recovery of these moral in the City of Maplewood and urge all and spiritual values remains a high men,women and children of all faiths to priority among the people of our land; observe the week by reading the Scrip- and tures."