HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 11-11 Citizens would be "disruptive" on commission, chairman says REVIEW (2) ` • 'Citizens would be disruptive tlei on commission i . � chairman says by Scott Carlson •iVov -i-- Brisson, chairman of the Ramsey A Maplewood citizen would be an CountyTaxpayers Part said, "I'm not opposition to theHtuneok many stands in l." unacceptable member to the city's human destructive. I an upright citizen and opBut1Fennersaid he could recall of no relations commission, according to its was born and raised in this country." time when he thought Brisson was chairman. He did admit that while serving on the disruptive. "Disruptive is a matter of "It is the opinion of the commissioners White Bear Lake Human Rights Corn- interpretation," he said. that Mr. (Albert) Brisson would be a mission he opposed creation of a housing "By my definition he wasn't," Fenner disruptive person to have on the corn- authority and was against a legislative added. mission," Mrs. Janet Kampf told the proposal for migrant workers, stating, Neil Franey, former chairman of the Maplewood city council through letter "Minnesota should take care of its own White Bear Lake Human Rights Corn- last week. The commission therefore people." recommended that the council refuse to Asked whether he opposes the concept mission, agreed. "I wouldn't call him appoint Brisson to the 15 member body. of human rights and human rights (Brisson)Asked diswhetherruptive," FraneyBrisaid. The city council tabled action on the commissions, Brisson responded, gWe "irresponsible" le" Brisson was ac- issue since Brisson was not present when favor too many groups. There should be wires , ey in his responded, "N .communitydon't the item was considered at last Thursday human rights for all people. . . . I think think that Franey titu `No. I don't night's agenda.The councilmen indicated we should have all the same justice." think statement is true." they have no intent to resurrect the issue. As for the question of whether he wentAsked opposition towhether conceptBrpof humanhto rightsbe in Mayor Robert Bruton said he has heard to the state legislature to abolish human commissions,the Franey said, think he that when Brisson served on the White rights commissions, Brisson admitted, teinterests f the p "I he Bear Lake Human Rights Commission it "We do have a civil rights law already. had"He was a faithful attendera(of t ecom- "was unable to conduct any business." We should have human rights corn- mission meetings)," he said. The matter came before the council missions for everybody or else they But Franey said that an appointment when Brisson wrote a letter asking"why I should be abolished." was denied my rights to serve on the and make up of the commission probably was Human Rightsoron on, White Bear Lake Mayor Dean Fenner, does not depend on any specific criteria who was asked about Brisson,said, "Al is other than "personal chemistry" of the which I applied to by application last certainly an outspoken person and very group. October, 1974." Brisson was at last Thursday night's meeting but left before his item was considered. "I left at 20 minutes to eleven because I didn't see my name on the agenda," Brisson said. Contacted by the Review Sunday, Mrs. Kampf was asked to explain what she meant in her letter in stating "he (Brisson) has had a history of being irresponsible in his other community activities." Mrs. Kampf responded by first asking why the item was news. After being in- formed that a story would run in the Review she refused to comment on the matter beyond what was written in the letter. Mrs.Kampf in the letter continued,"As you know, the Human Relations Com- mission has functioned effectively because each member has been a productive and cooperative person.We do not recommend Mr. Brisson for ap- pointment and hope that you will abide by this decision." Contacted Monday morning by the Review, Brisson said it is a "lie" that he has been "disruptive" or has been "irresponsible in his other community activities."