HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 11-11 Greavu, Wiegert win, return to city coundil REVIEW Greavu, Wiegert win, return to citycouncil Nov I( , 1'7c by Scott Carlson office may have made him slightly better John Greavu and Donald Wiegert were known in the community. But he added, returned to the Maplewood city council by "I felt it(the race)was going to be closer. city voters in last week's election. I was surprised in getting a 200 vote Greavu, who won nine out of 12 margin." precincts, finished first with 1,085 votes, Wiegert,who has been on the council for ' 4 " ,' some 200 ahead of Wiegert,who had 863 or seven years, was not surprised with the — _ 4 33 more than challenger Russ Pirrung. outcome, however. Despite pleasant weather, only 1,518 voters went to the polls out of an eligible "I FIGURED it was going to be dif- 4 12,370 people. That accounted for only 12 ficult," Wiegert said. He indicated ,, percent of the eligible voters. displeasure that there was not more open The only precincts that Greavu did not campaigning. 6.: • win were precinct two (Edgerton school) "We had eight weeks to meet them and �" g which Wiegert took, precinct seven I didn't hear from them,"Wiegert said in (Ramsey County Home) which was won response to question about Mike John Greavu by Pirrung and precinct five (Hazelwood Wasiluk's comment that "if we (Pirrung school) which Wiegert P ert ca tured. committee) had another week I think we �� `, " 0 �� Wiegert's slim margin to victory ap- could have pulled it out." Wasiluk was peared possible by the significant number Pirrung's campaign chairman. of votes that he received in precinct 11 Pirrung said that he has learned some (Carver elementary school) with his 116 things from this first campaign."I got my votes to Pirrung's 67 votes along with feet wet," he said. ;E precinct five (Hazelwood school) where The unsuccessful challenger said he he outpolled Pirrung 83 to 48. will be running again."I would like to get " "It was such a darn light turnout that it in there (the council)," Pirrung said. was really hard to hang my hat on ,...1_411 � anything,"Greavu said,in attempting to PIRRUNG SAID that he was satisfied r 0 l g1 i assess why he came in first place."There with his strong challenge against Wiegert �f1. °} ; just weren't any issues." but blamed the Review for the way it ' Greavu pointed out that citizen interest handled his letter to the editor in response � : . ` .7" '„k`' in the election was so lacking that he and to the newspaper's candidate question- Donald Wiegert Wiegert even got locked out of one of their naire. He accused the newspaper of not own candidate meetings at Carver school cooperating with him. where nobody showed up. "It would have Pirrung was also critical of a Review been nice if more voters would have come editorial column that favored Greavu and out," he said. Wiegert."It didn't help me any,"he said. . ': Greavu,who has served on the council A precinct by precinct rundown of the 4' r fv for 11 years,felt that his long service in election results is as follows: - gym " PRECINCT 1 2 3 4 5 6 6A 7 8 9 10 11 12 TOTALS ; , John C.Greavu 83 75 117 115 59 132 0 121 47 77 58 160 41 1,085 Herbert R.Pirrung 51 55 119 104 48 96 0 127 30 62 48 67 23 830 Donald J.Wiegert 74 78 84 78 83 99 0 85 42 71 25 116 28 863 No.of Votes 112 116 175 164 101 176 0 187 71 113 73 180 50 1,518 Registered Voters 957 1,445 1,163 1,046 952 1,318 12 1,183 876 1,041 692 1,029 656 12,370 Percent Voted 11 08 15 15 10 13 0 15 08 10 10 17 07 12 Herb "Russ'+ Pirrung