HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 11-04 Maplewood establishes south area fire station REVIEW Maplewood establishes south area fire station by Scott Carlson order "because we have short and long Although city manager Michael Miller term problems." does not consider it an ideal site, the But Mayor Robert Bruton said that he Maplewood city council,at its last regular would be willing to go along with an meeting (Oct. 16), voted to establish an "interim" fire station. "I think to spend "interim" fire station on Upper Afton twice as much as we are now is the wrong road for the south end of the city. way to go,"Bruton said. "I can't see two While Miller pointed out that a site at fire stations." Linwood avenue would be more ideal and The city planning commission would probably save the city money in the recommended that an amendment to the long run the problem is that the Linwood master guide plan be denied and that the avenue site does not have sufficient city consider sharing fire facilities with development for recruiting a large Woodbury at its station, which is about enough fire-fighting force. one-third mile east of the intersection of Bob Bade,chief of the East County Line Century avenue and Upper Afton road. Fire Department, told the council that "It does appear that that station does "our concern is that if we put a station on have capabilities of housing additional Linwood avenue we may not get enough equipment,"Miller said. He said that the fire-fighters depending upon what kind of Woodbury station might be used tern- housing comes in." porarily while the city proceeds with building a permanent station. Miller, in a memorandum to the But Wiegert said that he would be council, said that only two people in the "pretty nervous about utilizing Wood- Linwood avenue area said they would be bury."He pointed out that the fire trucks interested in serving as volunteer fire could possibly have a difficult time fighters. A similar survey along Upper crossing Century avenue. Afton road indicated there would be about After further discussion the council 20 interested citizens, Miller added. directed the staff to investigate acquiring The issue has come up because East the property for possible fire stations at County Line Fire Department maintains Linwood and Upper Afton road and that that it can't serve the south end of the the Upper Afton site be considered an town fast enough. Should a permanent "interim" solution. station be built on Upper Afton road there A more permanent site should be would be an amendment to the city's considered to the south the council master guide plan, Miller said. suggested. Councilman Burton Murdock admitted The Upper Afton road fire station, that the city should not proceed with a fire which is under consideration, would be station at Linwood avenue at this time. located west of Century avenue and the "It would be foolish to put a fire station in Carver elementary school. The Linwood if you don't have enough volunteers," he avenue site which would be a suggested said. two miles away from East County Line Councilman Donald Wiegert thought fire department, would be located at the investigating both fire stations were in intersection of Century avenue.